The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 04, 1881, Image 3

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Hurrah for th rain.
Go to Goldsmith' fur groceries,
Goldsmith keep the best cigar.
Stiaw hU fur Summer wear for sole at Hen
tWek'. . .
Judge Humphrey now iporU a fiu new
Dr. Lockbart medical and surgical diseases
of womeu.
If you wish to lay good cheap call at
S II Friendly 'a.
Call and ee that large itock of jowls fur
alt at Friendly'.
Goldimith keep the Lot line of groceries,
and aella them cheip.
Regular meeting of F.ugene Hook & Ltd
der Co next Monday evening.
For good dentistry at reasonable figures go
to Dr. Davis, over Grange store.
Something new Ia:e kid gloves at 5. II,
Friendly'. Cul! and examine them.
Silver Plated Ware A complete assort
ment; all new style.), at Crain Bros.
8 H Frieudly sell cheap for cash boots,
hoc clothing, hat, cap fancy goods, etc
IJarshal Orin Moore presented this ofiice
with a basket of fine ohorrie this week
Next week is examination week at the
State University. Visitor are iuvited to
A. Goldsmith wants 50,000 pounds of
wool, for which he will pay tho highest mar
ket cash paice.
Mr. Geo. V. Klnaey has several new hacks
and busies, which he will sell very cheap. See
The old street sprinkler has been repaired
and l agaii on duty keeping the dust down
on Willamette street.
Frank Rankin executes all photographic
work with neatness. Call and examine
ample of hi work.
J A Winter is giving special attention to
photographing family groups. Go and get
your mezzotint taken.
Money to loan, any quantity, on long tima'
and reasonable terms. Inquire of Judge Wal
ton, room No. 4, over Grange ttore.
The Marshal bos given written notice to
many pioperty owners to clean the at.-e:ts
and alleys adjjiniuj their property.
Mr 3 II Friendly will pay the highest
cash market price for wheat Give him a
vail before selling your grain elsewhere.
The paster announcing the coining cel
ebration of the-I'ourth of July at this place
have boen received and proper ly distributed.
F.ldcr 8. Monroe Hubbard will preach at
Christian Church, next Sunday, morning and
evening. Sunday School at 3 P M. All are
wolcome. j
"Schoul days over: What Next!" i3 an
nounced as the subject of McLnflorty's scr
mou to young people, at the Baptist Church,
at 5 p m tomorrow.
Dr. L. D.iuforth, who once lived in Eu
gene, but for tho past twenty yours a resi
dent of Jacksonville, has removed with bis
family to Boiso City, Idaho.
Go and see that large stock of goods just
received at Mcudrick'a befure purchasing else
where. The best stock of mens clothing and
nruishing goods at prices to suit the times.
T G Hendricks has just received a fine lot
of tobaccos, including the Corksurew, Captain
Jock and Corncob brands. Melrose cigarette
tobacco of fine quality. Cull and examine his
Impkihoned and Fi.nkd. On Friday even
ing of last week considerable disturbance
Was" caused on our streets by John F.ubei-ts
and Robert Baber, They got too much of
the ardent, which caused Huberts to strike
negro Cole in the face r.ud otherwise abuse
him. They were arrested by the city of
ficer and confined until UeeordorHumphrey
returned from Portland Saturday afternoon,
wheu a trial was held resulting in each of
them being sentenced to 8 days confinement
and a fine of ? 15, which sentence they art
are now serving out These person have
heretofore caused trouble, aud it is to le
hoped that hereafter they w ill conduct them
elve in a quiet and orderly manner.
Another Railroad. Work ha began in
earnest on the Oregon extension of the Union
Pacific. The starting point is Granger, just
west of Green river, An Ogden Taper re
port that a train of twenty-five cars left
that place a few dnya aince, carrying 173
korses, 100 men and forty wagons, to work
cn the Oregon extension from Granger. The
line, it says, now presents a very lively ap
pearance, with the hundreds of men and
team which are now working on the giade.
Hails and material are being piled up at
Granger, ready for nse as soou as the grai'e
i in condition for track laying. The track
layer will soon begin their work.
Basd Coscert. The concert given f r
the benefit of the Eugene Brrs Band, Tues
day evenrtiij, wo listened to W a fair !m1
audience Several participant rendered the
part in the programme assigned them credi
tably, I'm music by the band, the olo by
Mis Mary Don-is, and the piano solo of Mr
A L Frazier, being worthy of epecial men'
Retired. Our old friend, Charlie Christie,
who recently took charge of the East Ore
gnnian, at Pendleton, has been compelled to
relinquish control of it on aiconnt of ill
heal tli. We are sorry to hear of bis indis
position, and may be oon recover hi wonted
health whe he return to the land of Web
foot, is our earnest wish.
New Bciluiso. Mr J R Ellison contem
plate building on the corner lot north of tie
Gcard office, which when finished, will be
ccopied by hie grocery store.
To MiLLMt.f. Old type for babbit mcta
fcr aal at this office.
Another Fire.
Chas. Goodchild's Wool
en Mill Burned Loss
about $5,500.
The clanging of the (ire bell Sunday night
about 2 o'clock, announced to our people
that the fiory element Ww reaping a harvest
m our midst. The scene of the lire was the
wooleu mill near the river, owned by Mr
Cha Cowdchild. Nudit Wat-h McK
wa the lint to discover the fire, and by the
time he could ouud the alarm almost the
entire buihlutg was in flume. A small
duelling house adjoining the mill building
was also burned. It was occupied by Mr
llaiuey.w lio had a nar.-nw escape- from being
caught in the flame. Th lirt rrivalsat
the scene found his house on fire, and him
sitting by the bed iu a bewildered coudition,
essaying to dres. The woolen mill was
furnished with all the machinery necessary
to the manufacture of yarn and aockt, which
were its principal production. The machin
ery was insured for $2,200anil the stock in
hand for fSOO, divided equally between the
Commercial and Hamburg Bremen Insurance
Companion. The buildings, valued at about
$1,000, were owncd'by the Eugene Mill Co.,
aud were not insured. The cause of the fire
remains a mystery, there having been nn tire
in the building siuce the Friday evening pre
vious. It has stroug appearances of having
been the work of an incendiary. Mr Good-
child's loss i about (1,500 in excess of insur
ance. The Hook aud Ladder Co. turned out
premptly, but did nut take the trucks to the
sxpe nn account of the distance, and the
fact that they could render no service.
Junction City Items.
' " . Junction, June 2, 1881
W II Babcr is building a new sidewalk in
front of his block.
The new county bridge, tooth of the pub
lic school buiMinj Is passable.
Town very quiet and weather very warm;
farmer and merchants anxiously looking fur
The Junction publie school closes next
week. I am not informed whether the trus
tee! intend continuing the school further
i'lto the Summer, or closing till the Full
Mr John Gjorge, who has been in the
Coast Range of mouuntains for iome days
post, has returned, bringing with him a spec
imen of a vein of coal ha found out there.
The specimen is of tho very best quality of
anthracite coal, and the vein he says is 25
feet thick, putting out of the mountain side
ke a great mass of rock. The heavy rains
of the past Winter caused a largo land slide,
and so uncovered the vein. He says there
can be a good wagon road made from here to
it at a very trifling cost, the distance not ex
ceeding 34 miles.
Dexiir Items.
June 1, 13S1.
J. Frost made sad work with our gardens.
Work is progressing finely at the logging
camp; over 700,000 feek "banked."
Mr A Uouey has gone to assist iiibuilding
bridge across Cow Creek, iu Douglas
Our sohool, nnder the .nanagement of
Mr B F Mulkey, is doing well, and Frauk is
the "right man iu the right place.
A protracted meeting was held in this
vicinity last week, and 10 young people
joined the Christian Church.
A MoFarland has returned from east of
the mountains, and says Wubfoot is good
enough fur him.
A horse raco was run on Fall Creek on
Sunday last, when the mare owned and rode
by Jay Randall, fell and broke both of her
fore legs, caused by stepping on a rail.
Persona .
'Dr L M Davis has returned, from the
J J Comstock, of Latham, w as iu town
a few days tl.e first of the week.
Mr Matthews, of Pleasant Hill, returned
one day this week from a visit to the East
ern States.
Captain Charles Eendire, First Cavalry,
U S A, is in tho city on business connected
with the department.
J M Thompson returned Weducsday from
Salem, where he had been taking evidence in
the case of the State v Watkind.
George Noland has returned from the
Ochoco country. He will start with a band
of cattle for the Big Meadows, via the mili-
Lirv road Monday to be cone a couple of
China Wkdmso. Ou Saturday eveuing
last, 'Mr and Mrs Joel Wa- celebrated, at
their residence, the 20th anniversary of their
married life. A number of their friends, mar
ried folks, were present, and as a niark of
J j their otecni ami a fitting tribute to the oc
casion, presented them with a bvidiome set
nf cli:ia.
For DaLLK.-T1io Band boy started
Wednesday afternoon i'ur D-dlas to take part
in the band tournament which commenced
Friday. The Kugeiie band is worthy of sac
cess, aud we trust they will bring home the
first pric Four other bands will compete
with them.
QritK. Upon the day of the funeral of J
W Robb, a lawyer, who was recently killed
in Astoria, the lodge of A 0 U W, of which
he was a member, presented his wife with a
certificate of deposit for f 2,000
New Resicesce. Mr Wm Otborn will
boild a new residence, on the aite of his
present one, this Summer. The contract
has been let to W T Campbell.
For Sale. Hv ami eat for Kale cheap
ypply to Dr. T. V. bhelton.
Siuslaw Road Association.
At a publio meeting held on the 31st of
May, at the Court House, iu Eugene City,
pursuant to publio notice, to consider the
practicability oi opening a wagon road trom
FJk Trairie, in Chesher precinct, to tide wa
ter on the Siuslaw river on the route hereto
fore located by the county.
M Wilkins was chosen Chairman, and AC
Jennings, Secretary. The object and prac
ticability of the road wen fully discussed,
aud it importance roocedod by all present
On motion the house proceeded to make a
a permanent organization, to be known as
the "Siuslaw Road Association," aud the
following officer were duly elected: M Wil
kin. President: A C Jcniiuur,. Secretary: A
G Ilovey, Treasurer. They were authorized
as a board to appoint canvassing committees,
&e., to carry out the objects of this enter
prise. Meeting adjourned to meet again in Eu
gene, ou June II th, 1S8I, at which time all
canvassors, and all friend of the enterprise
are requested o be present. '
The Board met aud appointed the follow
ing committees to canvass for subscriptions,
with the request that they at once canvass
their respective precinct and report the re
sult of of their efforts at the adjourned meet
ing, June 11th; no subscription to become
payable unless $1,000 shall be subscr'bed.
Eugene City-T G Hendricks, F B Dunn,
C W Fitch and C O Croner
Gcdien-J W Matlock.
Springfield John Kelly and C C Croner.
Junction C W Washburue, T A AliUiorn
and F W Folsom.
FVanklin George Gibson.
Chesher George Hule.
Cartwright-Win Russcl.
Cottage Grove-E W Whipple and Lurch
Cresswell-R Knox, J T Gilfrey and N AW
Pleasant Hill-Morgan & Parks.
Latham -Marion Martin and J J Corn
stock. Mohawk J M Spores.
Willamette Forks-F J Vaughn and M Wil
kin. Irving J C Jnniitgs and J M Kitchen.
Canvassers are instructed to receive subscrip
tions of grain, provisions or any article of
value, as well as money and labor.
A. C. Jesmnos, Secretary.
Closing Exercises.
The following is the programme for exam
inatiou week at the State Uuiversity, be
ginning Mouday, June 6th, aud closing Fri
day, June lOtli; also for Commencement
8-9 A m.
Analytical Geometry Prof Bailey,
9-10 AM.
Homer Prof Johnson,
El. Algebra Prof Bailey.
German Prof Straub.
Elocntiou and Spelling, (advauocd)--Prof
10H AM.
Sallust (2d class) Prof Johnson,
Arithinotio Prof Bailey.
Botany Prof Condon.
Latin Prof Straub.
Arithmetic Prof Spiiler.
11-12 AM.
Livy Pruf Johnson.
Algobra (advanced) Prof Bailey.
General History Pruf Condon.
Latin and Arithmetic Prof Straab.
Elocutiou Rud Spelliug (2d class) Prof
Spill cr.
12 1 M.
Surveying-Prof Bailey.
Greek Prof Straub.
Grammar (advanced)--Prof Spiiler.
1-2 p M.
Gra nmar (2d class) Prof Spiiler.
Commencement Week.
SuKdat, Junk 12th.
Baccalaureate Sermon by B Wistar Morris.
Tuesday, June 14th.
3 30 f m Address by the Rev T L Eliot.
7:30 P H Reunion of the Societies.
Wednesday, Junk 15th.
10.30 a m Address before the Societies by
Rev J 11 Acton.
3 p m Planting of the Class Tree,.
4 r M Meeting of the Alumni.
Thursday, June 16th.
10 A M Commencement Exercise.
Success With Millet.
Lost year, say the Washington county In
dependent, Isaao Meyers, of Forest Grove,
had about five pounds of millet seed sown
on the Reed place, near Dilley, on about
one-sixth of an acre of ground and it pro
duced 19 bushels or at the rate of 114 bush
els to the acre, Some of the seed from this
crop was soldjn Portland for four cents per
pound, aud t it probably weigh 50 pouuds
to the bushel, would make a valuable crop.
It grows well in this climate and is (aid to
usually produce from 100 to 125 bushels to
the acre ou good laud. In some parts of the
world flour is made of it, and it is laid to
make a very nutritious flour. It makes good
fodder or bay also, and would serve, in this
climate, where it will cure and corn won't,
in place of corn fodder. Several persons in
the neighborhood of Dilley intended to try
tnis crop this year. Mr. Meyer purposes to
iow all the seed he has and give it a square
trial. He will do a service to thi com
munity if it should be found a valuable pro
duct for this country.
Alumni Meeting.
Th members of the Alumni Association
ef the University of Oregon are requested to
meet at the office of Ilovey' A Humphrey, in
Eugene City, on Tuesday June 7, 1881, at 3
o'clock P X.
Geo. 8. Wamibcrse, President.
E. P. Geary, Secretary.
SpRixcnKLD BRiWit The contract for
the buiUinz of the Springfield bridge
will b let by the Superintendent, Mr A D
Burton, at public outcry.'at th Court House
door, Thursday,' June 16th.
Kfal Estate Trantacllooi for Jin 7.
US to David McNutt; patent.
Th mi-won t Bean to Jaa Sanford, 100 acres
considers tin, $00
Sarah A Sktygs to T G Hendricks, Eugene
lorry property; con, JlioO.
J W Skaw to T G IlendriuU, interest in
above, con t5- .
T G Hendricks to Lane county, land near
the Eugene Bridge; con fc'iOO.
U S to H Buoy and wife; patent
J C and John Buoy and wives to M Allison,
240 acres; con $2,000.
11 B Oat man to Van B D Lashmutt, ono
half interest in 100 acres.
U 8 to I L Marshfield; patent
J B Underwood to Eugene City, right of
way for ditch in Eugene City.
M M Crow to Geo II Crow, 2t0 acres; oon
Thomas II Elder to Khoda Cathcart, road
way; con $00.
Wm Driskill etal to J T McClain, 320cres;
con !00.
J J Adkln et al to J F Kirk, 3i0 acres; con
UStoJW Cole; patent
I K Peters to W W Haines, property near
Eugone; con J'Jj'AV
Jas G Mitchell lo II G Campbell, 100 acres;
conSSOO. ,
U Benjamin to 8 H Friendly, 403 acres; con,
S If Friendly to Elmira Benjatnlu, 1016
J K Parker to Henrietta D Parker, lot in
Junction; con $i&.
C W Washburn to W C Hembree, 2i
acres; con $2410,
T O Thompson to Lizzie Queencr, lot In
J unction, con $375.
A O Stevens to A B Stevens, 1C9 acres; con
Hove A Humphrey to C A McMuhan, 100
acres; con $1025.
L D Gilbert and wife to Robt Patterson, 100
acres; con $3000,
J T Witter to J A Ebbert, loU In Eugene;
con $2050.
Milton Scott to C A Howard, ICO acres; con
-W D Innian to J E Richardson, 180 acres;
con $1000.
J B Underwood to Sarah M Underwood, lot
in Eugene; con $i'00.
Henry Worthley to D S Jordon, 4 aeref; con
H II ITazleton to Geo McGowan.lot in Cot
tage Grove; con $125.
C C Hnzleton to II II Hazlcton, interest in
donation claim of Martha Hazlcton; con $100.
Robt Cary to II II Hazleton, lot In Cotta
F B Masgn to 3 Baughman, 1 J acres; con,
Thompson k Bean to Bluford and Jasper
Deadman, lot in Eugene: con $75.
John A Stowell to A W Stowell, interest in
320 acres; con $3200.
R H Hazleton to W S Chrisman, lot in
Cottage Grove; eon $90.
B II Roach to Sarah Williams, lot iii Junc
tion; con $775.
R II Hazleton to Thos Elder, lots In Cottage
Grove; con $109.
J F Spray to Martha J Thornton, lots in
Crcsswell; con $1.
J T McClain to J J Evans, 320 acres; con
W F Kirk to J T Kirk, lot in Junction; con
Wm Shaltlee to Winafred Shuklce, 32 acres;
con S350.
W W Ilkincs to Wm Clarke, land; con,
C W Washbnrne to A C Nichols, loU iu
Junction; con $1000.
Daiuun Smith to Mary A Smith, 179 acres;
cm $3000.
Agricultural Implements.
The season is toon at hand when tho far
mer must secure machinery to harvest his
crop. It will pay all such to visit the ware
house of T G Hendricks, and examine the
machinery there kept fur sale. The latest
improved Hay Rakes, The celebrated
Woods Mowing Machine, durable and sim
ple. Ho is also solo ageut for the Woods
Twine Binder, a machiue which is destined
to prove a destroyer to the army of headers.
The wire binder it was claimed lowered the
value of wheat cut by it, by reosou of pioees
of the wire getting amongst thu grain. To
obviate this the arrangement wai made to
use twine for the bimliiiK at a less cost, and
with no danger. With this machine every
farmer can cut his own train without uenw
overrun by an army ot men aud horses, and
also cut it at the proper time. Mr Hendricks
is also agent tor tne celebrated l-a liciio wa
gon, ot which ne nas jni received a car
oad. .
Rain. The welcome . rain commenced
coming duwn Thursday eveuing in quantity
sufficient to save the crop frum the threat
ened drought. At present writing, Friday,
it i (till raining.
Died. Al Cottage Grove May 28th, 1881,
Beusie, infant daughter of P D and S D
Know! ton.
A mother and son killed by King of the
Bloodl The mother was Dyspepsia, the son
General Unhappincss. See advertisement.
Are you disturbed at night and broken of
your rest by a sick child suffirinj and crying
with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If
so, go at once anil get a bottle of MRS.
will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately
ilenvnd uima it: there is no mistake about.
There is not a mother on earth who han ever
used it, who will not tell you at once tliat It
will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the
mother, and relief n1 health t) the child, op
erating like maic, It is erfectly safe to use
in all canes, nd pleasant to the taste, and I
the prescript! m of one of the oldest and lst
female physicians and nurse in th United
States, bole everywhere. i cents a Doitie.
A Good I rune.
Ivrs fSynip is the stwcial preseriptlnn of
l)i A. J' tehee, a celebrated Uennan j'liysi
cian, and is acknowledged to be one of the moxt
(irtuia e discoveries in Mfdicine. It quickly
curat "-ooifhs. Cold sand all Lunz trouble ot
the itnemxt nature, removing, as it does, th
cause of the affection and leaving the part in
a strcrg and healthy condition. It Is not an
experimental medicine, I t ha stood th test
of years, giving satisfac 'on in every case,
which its rapidly in rem-iit, ule evury season
confirms. Two million ln.t.'es told annually.
Beware oi medicine! of similar names, UU-ly
introduced ISoschee's German Hvnip wa intro
duced in the United Stab in 1MH, and is now
, told in every town and village in the civihW
world. Three dose will relinv any Or linary
conh. Price 7i cents. Stroiii bottle. 10
Between the Baptist Chnreh and the Uni
ersity, a culT pin with "Baby" in black
marked ou it. Howard will be given to any
one leaving it at th Guaiid office.
Butter Wanted.
Rosenblatt & Co, want 10,000 pounds of
good butter, for which they will pay the
highest market price.
Home Knit Socks Wanted.
100 dozen home knit socks wanted b
P.oscnblatt A Co., for which tin highest price
wilt be paid.
The annual meeting of the stockholders ot
the Lane County Mercantile Association,
will take place Juno tho 8th, 1SS1, at 10
o'clock A. M., at the Court House.
A full attendance is desired.
J. F. Smith, Secretary.
Eugcno, May 20, 1881.
For Rent or Salo.
The building adjoining Rankin's Baxar,
lately occupied by the Guard. Fur particu
lars, inquire at thi office.
Pay Vour Tuxes.
A warrant (gainst th property both real
and personal of all dcliuquout taxpayer
ha been placed iu my hands, wuiuit t hiiai.L
made forthwith. Thi is my last notice.
J. M. Siieixev, Sheriff ami Tax
Collcctur for Lane Cuuuty, Oregon.
Stop a Moment and Read This-
Look at thi list of good just received at
the Farmer and Mechanic Clothing: Store.
Sacque Suit from $10 to $17.
Scutch sacque or frock suit from f 12 50
to $17.
Saeque or frock diagonal suits from $1350
to $25.
Broadcloth coat aud vest, diagonal,
Prince Albert coats and vests. Just the
thing for Holiday presents.
Several now lines of overcoats, reversible
and ulsters, all grade and prices, from $7 CO
to $2,
Derby shirt, Leekties aud the finest liuo of
neckwear iu tho city.
New hat and caps, wool scarf nd
10 different styles of undorwear, all grade
aud prices.
The be it stock of (ilk and linen handker
chiefs, hosiery, Sc., fur the holidays, in the
Utost style of hate 51 to f:l 00. tup
from $1 to $1 25. Boy hat and cap.
The best hue of pants pattoins and tnit
in tne city, uasnmors, I'ingpnni, ocoien
and Amoricsii cloths, Suit made to order
from 30 up.
Pant made to ordor from $8 50 npl Dark
gray Oregon cashmore pants, $5. All wool
pantt4 50 $4 75, $."i, $5 AO, $l. Pantsjl 75,
fi 50, $3 50. Overalls 50 cmts, 75 cunts,
$1, $1 25. Diagonal pants from $5 to ?H.
Tho only Gents r uruisliing good store in
Eugene City. Clothing cut for anybody.
All good marked in plain ligures, aud
strictly ono cash price for all.
Call and examine our goods lielure buying
elsewhcro. v
Farmers & Mechanics Stoke,
11 J. Git A HAM, Mauagor.
New Goods.
T. G. Hendricks has just received a large
lot of ladies' aud gents' scarfs, neckwear, &o
Also clothing, dry goods, lints for Summer
wear, which ho offers at teasonable price,
which he offer at rewonablo price. Foster
kid glove a speciality, ft $1,000 worth of
them just arrived. Cull and examius hi
Boots, Shoes, Etc.
T O Hendricks ha just received a large
lot of hoots, shoes, slipper, overshoe, etc.,
eta, which he offers for sale, this is th
largest bill of this kind of goods that ha,
beeu brought here this season, the coaj
amounting to oyer $,000. Ho ha eyory
style and variety ou hand, ami oan suit aj
lustumora. Ladies wear a speciality.
Lumber! Lumber!
J. B. Bhinchart has been appointed agent
of the Springlield Mill Co. He can oiler
batter figures fur I.umbor now than ever be
fure. All kinds of building lumber delivered
ou short notice and at very low figure.
Don't fail to see lthinehart before ordering
elsewheie. W propese to sell lumber, nutt
duu't forget it
W have a speedy and posi tive Curs for Ca
arrh. Diphtheria. Canker mouth and Head
A nasal Injector free with each bottle. Use it
It you desire health and tweet breath. Price
50 cts. Sold by Unburn & Co, 1 rtiggit.
Clf vcu are suffering with a severe Coughs
oold Asthm-i, Bronchitis, Consumption, los
f voice, tickling in the throat, or any aneciion
of the throat or lungs, w K!ow that LIB.
U'lu.iWvur IiiTovr.nv will in vou imme
diate relief. We know of hundred of cases it
has completely cnreil, ami that where an other
medicine has failed. fo other remedy can
show one-half as many PEKM.iKNT ct'BEHNow
to give you satisfactory (iroof that Da. Kino
Ni-iv iiouiiVKkr will cure vou oi Asuium, ni
Fever, lironcliiti, Consumption, severe Coughs
tn.l Colli. Hoarseness, or any inrnn r noon
! i i... it vrm will call at V ilUins'. The Eu
gene City Druggist, you can get a trial bottle
CUKE or cost, o a regular ie m
Mulhollaud. Junction City. Hodge. Davis &
Co, Wholesale Agents, Portland.
A ' Cold or More Throat
should be itopped. Neglect frequently result
In an Incurable LiniDlsestt or Cou
inplloa. llltOWN'fl BItOMCMI.lL
TIIOi'IllCMare rertalu to aire relief In
A till ma IlroneliUU, Cough, Catarrh,
Consumptive and Throat IMteasee.
For 30 pear th Troche Lave been recom
mended by physicians, and always give per-f-t
tifetlon. Thev art not new or un
tried but having been tested by wide and con
stant us for nearly an entire generation, they
have attained well merited mnk amongthe few
staple remedies of th age. P ublte peall
rn and lngrn use them to clear and
ttrenhen the V Ice. Sold at Vt cent a bos
TJie IVruflan Njrup hat cured thon-
an'lt who were sullenng imra uyxpepsia, jh'
l.ilit. Over C'omr.Uint. lioils. Humors, tc-
mal CorapUinU. etc Pamphh-ta free to any
address, beta W Fowl 1 bona, Bwn.
Dull ih.1 in th limb, nausea, biliousness, aiw
tvmpionis til approaching fever and ague -Use
without delay llontetter Stonucb Bitters
which tuhatrtule for tn chilly (ensatioo a ge
nial warmth, regulate the stomach Ad im
part tons to the livef. Th bowels, th stom
ach and th biliary gland being rtstortd to a
healthy condition, the dUeas ia conquered a
th outset
1 it not worth the (moll price of 75 cent to
free yourself of every symptom of thee dis
tressing complaints, it you think so call at our
stare and get a bottle of Shiloh's Vital ixer, ev
ery bottle list a printed guarantee on it, use ac
cordingly and if it doe you no good It will eott
you nothing. Sold by Osburn Co.
Do Tom Boiler It.
That in this town there are scores of pertohl
passing our store every day whose Uvea are
mad iniwrablo by Indigestion, Dyspepsia,
4..,.. ...,l ,i;ot.u I Ml. ,...) I .iva. r'..irifilnliift
Constitation, when for 75 eta! we will tell tl.tra,
Sbilou s Vitalisvr, guaranteed to cure them
Why do to many people we tee around uj
teem to prefer to suffer and be mad miserable
by Indigestion, Constipation. IHzzinene, Lost)
of ApH'tite, Coming up of the Food, Yellow
Skin, when f or 75 cte. , w will sell them Shi
lull's Vitalizer, guaranteed to cure them.
tvild hv (Mm tV, lniinrlt. ;
( . 1 . -.JL- 1
Money is
Goods Must bo
Remember the
la the only place where you will
surely get the most for a little
money. We keep anything
you want.
Dry and Fancy Goods,
We carry the largest as
sortment of every
Line in Eu
gene City
. For Curtain Nets, 15
cts upward'
Lace Curtains, al'
ready made, $2 a pr,
worth S3-
Mens Boys Clothinff
Good Mens Tweed
Suits at $10. .
Genuine Fnglish Tweed
all wool from $16 up
Boys Suits from $4
Are especially made for
our Trade and guaranteed to
be the best in the market and
are put down
Lower than elsewhere."!
Mens and Boys HATS
From 50 cts- upward
Be sure and give us
call as our Prices will
convince you to calf
111 HIS!
I, I. SH