On Stung CU. L.t tnahlnnalilfl nulla f fin one ue, uj ,, .l.ioct bai been worn well nigh Kfi A. the double of Dr. r" !.,.!. in rnrnurk "No mnoh. nwa wdl wid tut i fflSinthe andionoe further Id linHHVCI BUWVltvt au fht le hasbecn nid. Unfahhionable Hi Uoonu, uu - llB i. tl.nm a nlaaunrA tint ft Itf to muo mom - , - ' Mininnt. is an art which J fiTto-a. - fwomen Vftcn -j: "Ob, 1 Late nd" The remark is evidontly dour the hearts of the spoolers. They are nd of it. In thoir view it indicates an molml nature, too cere tor. -um. """ 0jj( luio --a cj 'm children of nature to their bamii js Unfortunately, it is not all. Car j'bcyonil a certain point, tho "going ... ntiiom" becomes a nuisance. gnd tills wero ""hjui Jin practice, the phrase stands for a call 1 Uhionable as to be made at any ,e and of any length. The pleasure of . caller is the only law observed. At mer time, at tea time; when we ore -hAn we have -meats: when we aro It e'oing out, when we have in hand JlDortant matters at home; regardless or t.na .r,mna nil r informal COuVUUiouv-,., - n,iwhen does he go? Such calls are of two kinds, with and tliout a purpose, in a sense, ui course, is nnrnoseiess: yoi ma u-im is fur wroncr when applied to calls ,a onlv purpose is to spend time uewhero, or simply to be in the com- 1 ' J .1 A Anil MtllADA T 1 1 L 1,:il 4,"..,rt .,'ll nnn.otn lOTt IB UUluiy VJ UU umu, mil vvuiw w . t ... f. : :.. i :n i t end wuen lue givcu uuiu n tLerefore, more endurablo than ono ich is made simply because the caller els like seeing" such or such a per i In this case the Burden of enter- nmpnt lies wholly with the receiver. Iittorincr though it may seem at first svAut to receive a call for such a reason, t li when time has passed in the effort to agreeable enough to j ustify tlie mo n, when topio after topic has been ex isted, and one's resources are nearly 4 Lined, elation gives way to depression hot to real lii-tempor. a can oi una id is, of all, most wearisome, because mnv bo all but endless. There are tllios when no remedy avails bnt to say, " . . A. 1.1. 1.1 Iteiousiy ll you can, yen utiwisutK-uiy, ov, please, go away. JHie informal call made with a purposo err different. It is capable of giving cere pleasure Should the caller pos- s the faculty oi saying cieany wnai Las come "to say, and saying it but e, she may be sure of a welcome. For h a caller one willingly endures a lit , even considerable inconvenience, t even among grown persons that ulty is rare; in the young it is seldom over found. When a young girl :iestoan older friend for a special Dose, as for comfort or advice, it be lies often momentarily harder for her introduce mo suoci oi wuicii bub cs to speak. She liesitatos.Rits silont. ki of the weather, of books, of home, school, of anything bnt what she nts to suy. It may be an hour or two ore the real object of the call is made jwn; after this comes tne business, of ' day. ow, if the older friend be ono whoso ndship is of value, she is not likely to e two hours to throw away upon pre inaries. She finds herself, therefore, a dilemma. On the one hand hor e is precious, the wasting of it is a rifice. On the other, sho knows that rl's confidence is easily checked; that lght rebuff may seal both lips and rt, and that then this chauce for in nce may have fled forever. The lat seems the graver evil, and so the ritico of time is made. Vhere there is an evil, there must be a ledy. What is the remedy for this? ofly stated, it is two-fold. On the t of the woman, tact must be used to w out quickly tho real purpose of the t. Tact, I say, for while abrupt stions are worse than useless, sympa ring suggestions may greatly help the tter. Snch tact will crow, with wilful thought and practice. It is th cultivating. 'n the part of the girl, when she once seen that a friend's time ranst not be lervalued.an application of tho golden o is needod. It would take tho form. J; laps, of such a warning as Edward rett Hale received from his wise isr: "Xow that von becin to make lis, let me give you one piece of ad- it '. JuaKe them snort. The people who jou may be very glad to see you; but lis certain thnv '1 wething when you came, and it is cer- 1 Wti. tllRrpfnra flint i." J 1 1 DVlse Wonlst TllB rrirl tno O 1 - " man even a man may need such a ning who adopts this as a settled seiple of action, must be direct in er to be brief, and can never wear out elcorae. About the rresldents. 'Vashinirtiir. e less than three years, which were 111! ri r . it ' V . . "v . iuuucs v ernou. lie attended to plantation, carried on a large corres iilence, and received many visitors, yet this was the only leisure his T life afforded. John Adams sur his office twenty-six years which ' spent at Quincy, his native place, retirement, lie improved the are to publish his political .letters, u eiguty-sixtu year sat at the -sacnusetts constitutional convention, ma Jefferson, on the close of hia sidential eareer, retired to his resi- ''e St Monticolln lin n o a ci'iilQ.l liv '01 VuT.a VoTTfiftrt u. ujvLiv. xaio rcaiuuuuo la . object of great interest to the r-"', uu is remarxabie for the grand as is weu-known, he and a Adams died on the same day the afJlllv IRo; ' I dison was poor when he left tho I menus! office, and on returning to r"i o uecame president oi an nltural society. To ai-1 him at this I privation, Congress purchased jwary, Monroe al.-o retired poor, y . - hio Atroiucuia? my XJtUL Xllil, fmU' 7hera ts becm justice of the -, .u nierwara moved to Sew lork with his son-in-law, at whose died in 1831. ' ? 9ninc7 Adms was Uie most ac wm the retired Presidents. He was returned to Congress in 1831, two years after leaving the Presidonoy, and this service he continued nntil his death seventeen years afterward. Uis services to the cause of liberty at this time were of the most valuable and sublime char acter, and he died at his post, in the Cupitol, being then in his eighty-first year. Jackson survived Lis retirement from the Presidency nine years, which were peacef ully passed at the Hermitage. His favorite pursuit was farming and raising of fine horses. Van Buren, after the close of his ofllce, appearod as a free soil candidate. On the close of that can vas he became a close resident at Kinder hook.where he died in his eightieth year. Picroe sank into obscurity uftcr the close of his ofllce, and died iu IblW. The youngest of our Presidents at the time of inauguration was Orant who was forty-six. Tho oldest was Harrison, who was sixty-seven. Our military heroes were chiefly advanced in years, Jackson being sixty-two, and Taylor sixty five. Tho avorage of those to whom reference has been made is fifty-seven, which is the best period for ripe judgment a time when experience unfolds its les sons unimpaired by the weakness of age. Then and Sow. Thero are those who, like a class in Solomon's day, affirm, with mournful emphasis, "that tho former days were better than theso." It is a foolish affir mation, sincerely, but ignorantly mode by persons unacquainted with "the for mer days." No Christian church would now listen to a minister who preached on Snnday and ran a distillery during the secular days. Yota Hartford church, toward the close of the last century, had for its pastor a distiller of gin. Tho distillery wss carried on undor the name of Strong & Smith. Tho firm failed, and the minister to avoid the sheriff, shut himself up in his houso. Ho wont forth on Sundays, as no writ could be served on that day,nnd preached to his congregation. Ho was esteemed an cloquont and devout preacher, and his peoplo loved bim. A fow, however, would occasion ally venture to say that he ought never to leave the pulpit, while, here and there, one could be found bold enough to intimate that he ought never to enter it. This minister once issued a pros pectus for a volume of sermons, and just after met Trumbull, the poet, who was an irregular attendant at church. "When will your sermons be out?" askod the poet. "I cannot exactly toll," replied the doctor. "I am waiting to find a text to suit a man who never comes to church, except when ho has a child to bo bap tized." Tho celebrated pulpit orator, John M. Mason, of New York, once called on this divine. As ho was leaving, ho stumbled on a defective door-step and al most foil. "Why don't you mend your ways?" said the orator. "I was waiting for a Mason," replied the clerical wit. Lot those who deny that society, or even the church, has made progress, re flect that no distiller of gin, even if ho combined the oratorical gifts of White fiold and Hall could now be tho pastor of the humblest church in New Eng land. lid Stopped the Fight Yesterday forenoon two dogs got into a dispute on Fourth street, near Michi gan avenuo, and from growls they came to bites. They were pretty evenly matchod, and the contest continued until a crowd of fifty people had formed a cir cle. Pretty soon a ministerial-looking person halted, watched the fight for half a minute, and then hurried out on tho avenue and said to a milk dealer: "My good man, a dog fight is a brutal spoctacle, and it lies in your power to end this one." "How?" "Drive right through the crowd and over the animals. I'll warrant they'll stop their bloody work before they will be trodden under foot." "I guess I'll try it," mused tho milk man, and he gathered up the reins, yelled at the crowd and drove for the dogs. It waB a bad drive on him. Tho two fighters kept right on at it, rolled under the horse, and the next minute sixteen gallons of milk were being absorbed by the snow, the driver was in a drift and the horse was shooting up Fourth street with the sad remains of the old sleigh. Where where in where in Texas is that chap who put me up to this ? gasped the milkman, as they pulled him out of the snow; but the sole answer was made by a boy who pointed at the figure of a man under a plug hat traveling toward the City Hall at the rate of twenty miles an hour. Detroit Free Press. TTho aro Wanted! A gentleman in a responsible Govern ment office, when complimented on his long and well-appreciated sorvice, re plied: "There is nothing bke making yourself so useful that your employers can not do without you.' Tho other day a gentleman was mak ing inquiry for the purpose of finding a man to fill a responsible position in a InrrTft mprenntiln iionse. lie Came to a person whom he thought would give him accurate and honest information concern ing several men whose names he had. One was discussed, then another and another. Then the name of Mr. was mentioned. "The very man for the place; compe ini and worthy in everv resnoct: but he cannot possibly be spared from the posi tion he now holds." "Sir," said the gentleman, "we do not want a man who can be spored!" There was a big voir me in that re mark. "We do not want a man who can be spared!" What a multitude of men who can be spared, cumber every avenue to promotion. The barnacles, the sharks, the make shifts, somebody's nephews, somebody's proteges, somebody's good-for-nothings. Young man, please remember that these are not the ones who are called for when responsible positions are to be filled. An impatient fop made fun of a farm er's large nose, mouth and chin, but the old farmer silenced him br saying: "Your nose, mouth and chin Lad all to be made small so that there would be material left for your cheek. Londoa Furple. A new insecticide has been introduced which is likely, from iU oheapfalnest, to inperrede the Paris green for potatoes and other plants. It is highly recom mended by Prof. C. V. Kiley, of the United SUtcs Entomological Commis sion, Dr. P. Collier, of the Department of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C, Prof. C. E. Bossy, of tho Iowa Agricul tural College, A. It. Whitney, of Frank lin Grove, 111., and other prominent scientists and orchard is ts who have tested its value. Its destructive power is vory groat, whilo at the same time, it is very cheap. Among its advantages are its extreme fineness, adhesiveness, its color and its cheapness. In color it is, as its name implies purple, it prosenco be ing readily dotocted whorever used, thus being a safeguard against accidents. The experience with it last year was eminently satisfactory. It proved effect ual on potato vines in destroying the potato boetlo. For this puqoie it is mixed with water into a smooth paste, water then being added in the propor tions of three gallons to each ounce, or forty-eight gallons to one pound. It is ap plied to tho plants in fine spray by moans of a watering-pot. Or it may be used dry in the proportion of one pound of purplo to Bix pounds of planter, the two mate rials being thoroughly mixed by passing them through a flno sieve. When nsod on trees to destroy tho ennker-worm, it is appliod with water as for tho potato vino, except that a force pump is em ployed if tho worm has got into tho tree. A band of tow, well saturated with Lon don purplo, and bound aronnd the trunk of tho tee bofore tho female insect (which cannot fly) has ascended, has been recommended, as the insect would be killod by crawling aver a portion of the poisoned tow. How Cak Wheels aiie Kept On. Car wheels are now kept in their place with out being keyed on. In former times thoy were almost suro to precipitate an accident; besides, keys would drop out by the constant jar and bo weakened by the axles and wheels. Axles are turned to fit the wheel snugly and are driven in place by hydraulic pressure. Previous to being driven tho axles are covered with a thin coat of white lead and oil, which hardens in a short time and holds the wheel so firmly in place that a pressure of from 100 to 110 tons is required to re move a brokon axlo from the wheel in which it is placed. APPOIXTKD ATTOKXEIT. Mr. Benjimlu I. Ouhrn htt removed hli Uw offlrs lo Ilia ault of roomi numbered 'JOlu Uulon lllin-k, l'ortlilicl. Or. Mr. Colicu hu been ppolnteu' Ken drnt Attorney of fba KqulUble Mvrt'Mitile Conipuir of New York. nd the North American Attorney'! and Tradesmen ' Protective Union Company of Con. nrctlcut. Three are two of the Urgent aud luoit re. aponaible collection agenclea In the country, and clalma placed In Mr. Cohen' hand will receive careful attention and be vlorouly premed by the bent legal talent of the United tttatee and Canada. He hu alao eliKet a competent aaalttaut to aid hllu In the enforcement of local clalma. Handy Hint. Cotton wool wet with aweet oil and laudanum relieve the earache very aoon. To obtain a glowy ikln, pour upon a pint of bran mitl'.clent boiling water to cover ll. Let It aland un til oo. d aud Uicu bath the race with ll. only pat Urn the eklo with a raft towel to dry It. You on net a bottle or a ben el of oil off any carpet or woolen tuff ky applying dry buckwheat plentifully and ralihfully. Never put water or liquid of any kind to luch a grease ipoL To take iron atalue out of marble An equal quantity of freah rplrlt of vitriol and lemon Juice being mixed In a bottle, anake well, wet the ipota and lu a few mluulei rub with soft linen till ihey dimppeHr. If your tongue I coaled and you are differing from bilioutneM. liver trouble, or any dlllicully of the kidneya bladder or urinary orgaua. take Waruer'a Safe Kidney and Liver cure without de lay. All trouble of the klduey or liver, however alight, are dangorouii, but thu remedy la s certain protection agaluat them ail. Poptoffice Candy Store is manufactur ing all its candies. None but fresh goods sent to wholesale buyers, at San FrHnclsco lowest figures. Opp. Postollico, 5th and Morrison tts. Make friends with your creditors if you can, but nover make a creditor of your friond. It only gives him another excuso for boing disagreeable Strawberries, vanilla, Cocoanut, choco late creams, opera caramels ten kinds, plum pudding, at p-jstollico candy store opp.P. 0. 5th and Morrison, Portland. The Connocticut House defeated a pro posed Constitutional amendment pro hibiting the manufacture and sale of in toxicating liquors. To prevent malarial fevers use Oregon Blood Puriuer. It is the great climatic fur this coast. The best place in Orepon to get a hat is of Woods, the Hatter, 143 First et., Odd Fellows' Temple. Spring styles are just out. Send your orders along. The lutest styles, finest goods sold cheaper than any. A Bloated Body rioeinotalway belong to an Inebriate. Kidney trouble will caure bloat, but Werner i Sate Kid ney and Liver Cure baa never failed to remove It. All orders from the country promptly attended to at Postofiice candy store opp. postollice Portland. The brt Hud moat arilatle pkotocrnphle work In Orea-oa Is being done dully Mt Abell'e artillery la Portlitad, 167 mni 16k) Flrt tt-rrt. He kiu m lnre mn of etltm from thl cimly. 0. N. P. Co. (New Seriee), No (13. M'ttAW YVOKK.N. POKTI.A r fcTHAW WOKKH-Vi.Miun.it., funuei Mjnmolm, i'pip. Htrew and fell lint cleaned, dyed m i1 prea-M-d In Ihe littt wtyl.nttt whort notW-e. l-OM.ls.SIOV MKIM'ilAST. "JI. 1. MTT No. til Prom street. WTiolrwile dealer In I'allfomut and Alexl. -ii trull aud pruduve. China Kiev ami Nut III! at low rate. AKT oooim, MtBJtVmlF.TX(irtieZ HTTThen(e"alliig bonne fur picture frame and limiliillUK. wliolewle and retail. I'micy good and artlnoi' niaierlalna Ke Ittltv. IKI KirM ereel I'urtllinil. ('. C Jlume A i'o. J F.HIXK Yj SF.W YORK JKWKI.KV tlM irrt lreel. niaiiufarlurerH, wtiulenale anil reUiil Jeweler. Holled (old Bracelet. Meek Cluuiia eu... and Pamuui IXamonrt. Aluminum Hold Watcbea lor fit tteud S-veut auunp for calm lugue. A1TOIXIIS At l.aW. tl KOIIl: at UKAt llKooui 14, aecoud door, Cnhm Hlock. All Ii-kuI tulne attended to hi Ore gon and the Terrttorlea. Coilecuuu made and pen ion procured. L DAXZIGEK.R00DM II and 15, Tnlon Block Pantrol r attention to (Ikclkjoa, Coaimkloiu and Koimtj BuauL HOC- TVUSMUIKQ COOP. T. H. miIDLr-a Front itreei Importer and Jotiber In Wuodenware, Wlllowvarr, Uruabna. Broom and Hon fiirnuhii f Good, Blacking ana few oocry. lb trad eupfue HOTEL-. rK-TOV RoriB-RiM Man Proa.. 1 Tl.lrd and f aireeta. Board and lodging $ i per day. W-vnger and baggag lo aud from boa and train Mr Mrtaits' AgntT. rrrk-)0MlM OreVre, ell Fred-eee- rulMml, Make a1v-M Ce-Ma-awat. km w ast kajr. WlllneT a- CMlalM (ckarae Ugkl) Ml)'. Oral-, rta-r,WMl,P4ale,ele.,apelHlly. Ageal far ike f 'erclal flair 11 Ilia. f Areata for Ike SprtM-rld FW-r Mill Areata ftM-Ik IirM)Muri-r Mill.' , Have Orala Bag alMrajr aa kaa d la lot la all. J. II. FAHINII, A rent. Partlaad, Or. A 6k la af Bmaly a Jay Farever. DR. T. FELIX dOUll DI Oriental Cream, or Magical Beaut Mer Remove Tan, llnilil.-, Freell. leeNtnthralebe and every Mem Kb on beauty. It tiaa atood the Iml of thirty 'ear, and w no iMte ll lo be aiire the prennr. atlon I properly made. Aeeept no counterfeit ol luiilnr name, 1 he ilWInnulut). rd lir. I. A. Hnrre mid lo a lailynf the haul ton I put lentu -Aavnll Imi1I. riniaa we I1I n them, I rfenmmead Oonrand cream aa li e leant harmful of ail theskln preiwraikm." Al 1 o i Ire Wil.tlle reniove iU)erlluou balr without Injury lo "'Mme.'-:. B. T. 00UBAVD, 8olerrop.,tS nond t.. Kknr'lebyalldmlt and Fancy 0md IValeri hrmigbout the fulled Wat.m fi,!i,n1'l,f: AIM. found b) New Y0.I1 tlty. at K. Mcy Mernltm.. Khrk-h Vo., I. Worn- lro.n . I. it: h r Fanpy tmoA. mler. -llewre of bm Iniliatton. which are abroad. We oner l . Heward lor the af rattaod proof of any one eellMig the aaui. Plants, Trees, Etc. ILLl'ETRATED CATALOOCE r"BK. ' I K J. TKl'MBL'LI. 4 CO., 419 and 4111 danmoie itreei. Han Prtnclaoo, It I multu'trom a pimple TroplcHl Iat of nre Value, and if al'twri'lVK Rraw-yforall the ill. raethatcaiiRPialiilnthe lower part of Die hndy fnr Torpid I.lver lleailachea-Jaiindlce DUrlneiia (Iravel, 3d itlarlR, and all IhedUliculileaof the Kidney IJver and I'rlnary Organ, r'or I'emule IMaeiur Monthly Menstruation, and during iiregiuuii'y. It ha noeqiiul. It ntoretlieorKimthu(KKtheblond and hence i the henl IIIimkI I'urlrter. It I the only known remedy that conn llrlgbi'a Dleae. For Dl bete, ne Wnrner' Hal lHHhete'ar. Vm Sale bv Dnigglut and all Oealer l till pel bottle. Largest bottle hi the market. Try It. II II. WARWICK lCO.. Korhetr. 1. W THE STAnAEI) SO.il1 CU.'S if boap mm VliVAV . & iForBbnnn WiahVl J ' 'iJ la tho Best and Cheapest, Try it and bc Convincko, NTANDARD ft OA V CO., 204 Racrajnenio itreet. -..Han Pnuiclsco. CaJ, mar31 2m BVf la iNORDIH. ar, n. AivoRDi Occidental Hotel, (KEPT ON THB EUROPEAN PLAN). Cor, First and Morrison Streets, Borden t indros, Proprietors. Portland, ............m .Ore;oa Free Coach to and from tbe House. Janl7 lm JOHN . CHILD, rkarataclat, Jteatrr la Ilraga, t'bemleal aa4 Mrdlrlaea, Cor. Morrison and Hecond Street, Portland, Or Wholesale and Retail Agent fur Forest Flower Cologne Mme. Hachel'a ENAMEL BLOOM for the Conipiv-loBj. SHAW'S Factorial Syrup HHAWH Glyi cerine Lotion for the Fare. The prepnrtlon are eonal let anything of the Kind ever orA-riil In Ihl market, and all are Invited lo rail and ee for tbemaelves. Order hy mall promptly attended In. JOHN A. C Htl.li. HniKirlt. feh'is for. Morrinon anil ond wt.. I'ortlmiil.Dr J. W. BAILEY, No. 83 and 85 YamhiU Street. Portland. Or. The Only Cash Grocery Store ORTH OP HAN FRANCIhCO. Will ell for Cah for leu money than any hinine In Portland. Order from the Country aollclted and filled al wholesale rate. an Italian Sheep Wash. Kb tract af Tabarea, Free fraa ralaaa. imP1" "-rnmnan. Curea tborougbly the PmmmD fca tha Tl a 11. m AiwMiiM.nl SCAB OF THE SHEEP, And Ii an excellent Sheep Dip. Tbe beat and Cheapeat remedy known lor curing tbe tlcab, Buo ceatful la CTery call For peril ennui apply to CHU DCUtllLBO V CO., Soli Agent, 114 laerkmento rtreet, 8. . Cal. la ip )1 A 1 ' LtMi.lias; fl J coas AKD U SEE ME. IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT oxj: riucE to all. -WHAT Farmers and Mechanics' Store JHJZl -DOI1TG-. A SpIciitllJ Xcw Store Ik'lntr Tulfn l'twsrsnlon Of-Tho Mimi Who Work to Doeiop tho Itt'xourcfM of Slate. It baa been (aid that the meu who iirreed In life are tbe uin who eiierl to urceed; and tbe men who fall are tbe men to whom uct-e would bav been a aiiriirl. It I rarliin tint oui men carry about with them the true and uuniialkeabl ludlrr of lucce. In aTerythlug they do a flu binuuea ene I a manlfeit aa th nmrnlng. Tbey bow wl foreeut and utidiutiteil couraK; tudy urHw anil pluck; per talent InilmtrT aud native endowment; nntlllii'hlng Integrity mil tril(t!tdllt). Hucb men are predee tilled toauccerd Id whatever Ihey undertake. With them to reaolve le to do. The world beloug to the en ergetic mau. It le a pleaaant atudy to wak'b tbe progre and inovemriit of the leader and orgaulaerl among meu; theae pioneer In uew pith of art, Industry and rnmuirri'Jal enterprise. It la a fortunate thing for any romiuouweallb when large nieana fill Into the html of large-brained. Irg.hrrud men, who feel an honest Interest In the upbuilding ami carrying forward of tbe enliatanllal Industrial and com. men ial prosperity of tbe community lu whlcb they live; men who have come to understand that th sur est wy to rise to command I to sloop lo serve; men who seek to lessen the burden of Ufa smoug th toll, era and atrugglera, by giving thetn remunerative riuploruirnt, ami by reducing the necewane of life to 1 minimum of value. Tbe forsgolug tboughla have bad their Inspiration by a visit to th uew FAEMEE8 VSTX) T ECU A. -ST ICS STORE At ! rirst Hirrrl, I'oHlaud, Oregoa. And a abort history In connection therewith will be of Interest to our reader. Rome fonr yer ago an . enterprising gentlemau rime to tbe rlly of Portland and opened a I'lolbltig Nlnre, 111, W lie appropriately called the Ksriner and Mecbmlca. Uiiil Prtger wss th nme of the geulleMisn. and to.day no nrai In Oregon tnd higher ill the rallmitlon of Hie public than dor th Fariurra and Mrchaulca Hlore. Tbe motto of "Ou Prli-e to All," wwulopted by the proprietor, anil III un Instance ba he deviated from II, He bae enjoyed a large city trails, but by far the lrgsl part of hi ptronge hu cuius from the Interior. Frnirra who com to Portland and trded ouce with the Farmers and Mechanic Hlore, from that time on become regultr patron of that store, fr they alwaya knew Hut th goods tliey bounht wet well worth th money paid. Ho large baa been the palming of this bouse for the past tear that Mr. Prager ba been compelled to seek new quarter, and to meet their requirement hs h leased the large store at IM First treet. and after thoroughly reAtttng It he baa taken Mweslnn, The new store hss froutsge of 33 feet, a depth of 10U feet, and le three stories htgh. Heretolore the Farmers aud Mechanics ttlor baa carried; ouly geutleuieu'a furnishing good ami clothing, but with the Increased facllllirs be determined lo enlarge aud Increase the Hues of goods In which be dealt. The luwer floor of the uew store hss been elegaully ar ranged and shrived, and a full Una of ladlce' goods, silks, aatlus, velvets, dress good.ctc., baa been placed In one aide of the store, while an Inrreased uuslitlly of grills' furnishing gotsls occuplea the other. Ev iry thing thit Is possible to make the More attractive baa been dons, and lis arraimemeiit show that tnsSUr bauds bsve It In charge. A cashiers' desk aud book keetier'a oilier baa been placed In tbe rear of the "store. The force will be lucreaaed to sixteen clerks, and the whole store will be eyslematlcally divid ed up Into departments, which will be kept full of standard goods and novelties. The eecoml floor le de. voted lo groceries. Here a large quantity of fresh groceries hss been plsced aud tbe tirm will make a spe cialty of Jobbing aa well aa selling goods at retail. Farmer from Ihecoiintry rau purchase a barrel of augar or goods In that Hue, at wholessle rstea, and as Ihe Farmer aud Mechanics purchased their gooda for rash In Han Francisco and the eastern marketa, be rau w 11 at a low figures as any bouse north of Has Francisco. Mr. Prager baa alwaya believed In selling goods rapidly, at a small margtu. aud giving bi cu. turner the benrftt of bi advantage lu purchasing, ami In Ihrlr new uuarlera, with their eulirgeil feci It. tie for rarryiug full ativka lu every line be will be more tlisn ever able to please his customers and offer them Inducement which will bold this trade, lly the steamer Columbia, which arrived tin week, th Farmer and klechanica Htore received &0U nun of goods, which Is one of the Isrgest shliment received by any one bouse In Portland this spring. Mr. Lout l'rsger has Just returned from Nsn Franclaro, where he ha been Htronlly engaged for Ihe paat few week III laying lu a new atock of goods for the enlarged stores and by every steamer that comes to Portland for the present will arrive Isrgl ac cessions of every kind of goods In which tine bouse dcsls. The ladles' department I especially large, embracing everything thai can be found In a flrst-rlaa ewtablahmenl. from calicoes lu the bluhest priced alike aud satins. Th lady readers of this paper should unl fail to call and inspect the goods ottered for sals by this bouse, when they neit visit Portland, for nn establishment 111 tills city carries better stock or sell t more reonbl rate. Tbe Farmer ud Mechanic Htore Is conducted ou the ON'K 1'ltlCK principle, ud the poorest msn rau purchase goods aa cheap as a millionaire, and an order from the country I alway filled at the earn rate aa le given to tbe customer who purchases lu person. aa---aa-i..a------a--- J. I. CASE T. M. CO.'S Short Apron Separator. :4. . - ... - HAS LESS BELTS. Largo belt drives tho fan also, and has a TIGHTENER. Gear is substituted for the troublesome Cross Belts. Fan has moro capacity. Sieves aro larger. Steel Laid Cylinder Teeth, Cracks less Grain than any other, and saves tho Grain into half-bushel, not in straw and chaff pilo. Greatly Improved For 1881. STAVER c VAI-.T:EK, Managers for Oregon and Washington. DR. SPINNEY, Na. It Kearajr street, , f,, Treat aU Chronic aad IpeelaJ 1)1 YOUNG MEN WHO MAY BK HtlKFEHINd FltOM THR Ef fect nf youthful follies or Indiscretion, will do welltouvall themselves of this, the areateat dimis ever laid the altar of augerlng humanity, UK. HI'INNKY will guaraulne to forfeit shno for every case of rtcmlual Vieaknea or private dlseaaeaof any kind ix character whlcb b undertake aud falla U. cute, MIDDLE-AGED MEN. There are many at Ihe age of thirty t i sixty who are truuliled with too frequent evacuatloua of th bladder, often accomunnleil by a aliahi smMrtlng or bu ruing sensslion nd a weakening of the ayalem in a manner the patient cannot aminnt for. On exam ining the urinary deposlta a nipy aeiilmetit will often be found, and sometimes small narllclca of albumen will appear, or the color will be of a thin milk lh hue, mtaln changing to a dark and torpid aprlcaranre. There are many men who die of this dilnVuliy, Igno rant of th cause, which lathe second stage of Hend nal Weak nesa. lr, H. will guarantee a perfect cure In all such case, and a bealtby reatoratlon of tb gealUr arlnary orgna Office Hours-10 to I and t to I. Monday from 10 to II A, M. Oonaultatlon free. Thorough examination aud advice, IA Call or adilres DE ftPINWKT A CO,, No. II Kearnv street, hen Francisco. -I. sELEOTRIO BELT8, a- -Jala, ax, aa, aiiw ais.u net"-- Ifg- " SuprrlOT 10 ALL IrtH-ft. rlHHTi PUreM Im, 704 -cravcato Sl Un Prt-aadyvto, Ul- T, 43 Front St., Portland. EP.GSEGOI&Ce Keep a Complete Stock of Wood Worsting Machinery saw jrlllla and eawa, Marhlnlsls' Tools, Htram K.nglnea and Bollera, lean. Hand and rone Purap. tram KnglaeliuTemora, l.nbrlratlugOlls. Blower and Kthauat Pan, Kmrryr Wbielsand Maeblnery, Hrltlng a kpeclallyr, Packing, lloee, Valve, )prina;a. Etc. Ordera from the country lllled with promptne it Piano from $100; Organ! from iSO. i if Rav your monev br rmrrhlng al PlTtfV ti bsadqaarter. gPENCEH'B -atrblea '( 1 II Planus end SMITH American Organ sold on InstsllmenU. Bend for circular. 7. W. gpKNt'EIt ft CO., a and Fifth trert, 8a Fran. ,-tsco, Cal. piano and Organ rented, tuned and re paired, lavaiart ' ' " F il urn uu cm uisUmiu ' . IK THE ART GOODS TRADE TIIIJ i - J. ""rilsajimf IJ?' The Great English Remedy. f a never-fulling f tire for Nervous Ihhlllt.v,KxttHUHV vd Vliiilliyieniinal Weak nes,HierniaUirrtiiea 1hi Manhood, linio m y l'aralvsls, and all tlieierrl III ellii't of Hlf-Abusa Youthful Kol lies, aud ex cesses In niaiurer year such aa Iaim of Memory, 1shIIuiIc, Nocturnal Kml slolis, Aversion lo Moclety lMuineH of Vision, Noise III Ihe HeiMl; Ihe vllal tlilkl nussln uuots-rved In the uiuie.anil muny oilier diseases imu icau vo miHuiay anildeuth. II K. M lTIE will agree to forfeit Five Hundred Itolliirs for a case of this kind the VITA1. KK. ts'lllKATIVKiunderhlssiieciHl ailvlce and treat menu will not cure; nr for anything iiiipitre or Injuri ous found In It. II K. MIMTlK treats all private diseases successfully without mercury. t'onsnHuiloa free. Thorough examlnntlnn and ailvlce, lin liellog Kunlysls nf urine, M 00. Price of Vital Hesloratlva :i UUa liotlle, or four times Ihe auautlty, IIU 00; sent to any edilrcs upon reelpt of price, or ( . O. !., Micur from observation; aud in private name If desired, by A. K. MI.vriK, M. ., 1 1 Kearny street, aaa Eraaclseo, I ul. nit. MITIE'a KIIIVEY REMFTIT, k. Pllltlrl H I'M, cure nil kinds of Kidney and Itlwliler Complaluls, tlonnrrhie, tlleet, Irf-iiiiirrlnea r'or sale by all drugglata; sl a bottle, all bottle for aa DR. MITTE-l DAK DEI IOW PII.M sr. the best auilcheliMesI Itl MPKI'MIA and HIUUU cure In the market, r'or sale by all druggists. HiHKlK, 1'AV'IH A t'O., I'orlbuul, Or,. Wblleaal Airents ATTENTION! Ucrclian's, Farmers and Me chanics. W e aie the lole owner and patenteet of the Irojiclixl, Riveted BOOTS and SHOES Oiiaranteed to ni by Patent March , 1881. for the I' nlted ttaie nf America. Tbeae are the only orlg. trial and reliable Klveted Boou and Hboea made, bclDg entirely water and break proof, aud we warn ail manufacturer and dealer that any Infringe ment on our right are liable to ault for damage. Aak for these good and buy no oibera. Porter, Oppenheimer, Slesslnger & Co., Ho. 1 17 Battery at.,R, F., C el. royl lm Thorouehbred -POULTRY. Dlab faced Brrkahtre and Vag! Polaud. China Pisa: alao Jeieey Cat- 4 ile. Write, encloslug stamp, forclr sl i cular and brio list to WILLI A at !.. Issi rgel. CaJ. tnarl -a miii Jltjt III 1H lilt Y, I'KH K II 01); AT-OMPIIKHI'O J InftUftlauira. nrice ftiic. llrv Cure and IiimuiH-- tors mailed on re.eipt of price, with full direction for osej-lc. H. l. hKII'MUKK A i'o., lriiglta I.I llrH street, Portland, ur. rniie Agents lor men. r ino Ceaat . , niar-ti mm tyn 4