crrr and county bhief .11 i:iio.m. tbt I- X. L. Store new "ad." The Eugene bridge will be tiuuhed by to day. gtrw hits for Simmer wsar for sale at II en drkkV. . . v n C.i&rv viuilil Allianv nna rf.iv ne " .v-v ' j thi wk. . Mr H C Humphrey visited Harrisborg thia week. There will be uo service t t!ie Episcopaliau church to day. Xbe Sportsman club of thi oity meets thif evening. U you wish to buy good cheap call at 6 H Friendly . Call and ace that lar'o dock of goods fur wle at Friendly. See the notice of final settlement of the estate of Beujamiu Cox. The Eugene City Brass Bund will give an open air concei t this evening. For good dentistry at reasonable figure go to Dr. Davi, over Orange tore. Something new la.-e kid glovot at S. H. Friendly'. Cal! and examiue them. 6ilver Plated Ware A com; leta assort aieut; ALL Nsw style, at Craiu Bros. 8 II Friendly sells cheap fur cash Imots, shoes clothin?, Iiats, caps fancy goods, etc J A Winter is still making life like Cud aud Cabinet Photographs. Go and sco them. The cloning eu'eitai i..iitnt givei by t!.e public school last evening was a pe.fcct suc cess. Frank Rankiu execntcs all photographic work with neatness. Call and examine samples of hi work. The Eugene Band received a letter from Portland, asking what they would change to play thee the Fourth. Cbas Witter and A K Pattorson liuvo re ripened the butcher shop ou the corner of Wil lamette and Ninth streets. There will be a special meeting of Eiigmo Chapter of It. A. M , o.i' Tuesday, May 10. Work iu the M. E. M. dejrte. Honey to loan, any quantity, on Ion? time, and reasonable terms. Impure of Judja Wal ton, room No, 4, over Grange f tore. Mr S II Friendly will pay the highest cash market price for wheat. Give him a call befer selling your grain ehewlicre. Elder 8. Monroe Hubhad will preici in the Christian Ciu ridi of this city, i txt Sun day, morning and eve iing. All invited. Mr W II Odell, of Salem, Stato Printer and proprietor of the Statesman, is in town visiting frieud aud relatives. Mr. CKUll accompanies Mm. The Chine fiddle is a true indicator of the weather. Their doors' opan with the sp i g, and sweet (?j strairs issue forth fro.n tha den to greet the returning birds. Mr. James Sh'.ler, f Li Grande, who has been i.ttfm'',ig the Uiiii'cHty hero the ptst year le t fo.1 his hoire hit Thursday, lie will return here to school iicxt year. Go and see that large stock of goods just received at eudrick's before purchasing else where. The best stock of incus c'othing and urniahing goods at prices to suit the times. The change of service last Lord's day.from 7:30 to 5 P. M., nj the Pantist Church, teemed to suit the convenience of a large number of people. The sa::ie change will be observed until further notice. Subject of sermon to-morrow, "Dh-.eut and Dissent ers." John and Capt. Cox are preparing to fish ou the StsIiw this They in tend to tali; there wiV probably bo no can nery thisscaaou. A caniitvy conldgetali the fish they wanted for from 13 to 23 cents piece, while liho l'sh br'nn f.inii CO to 73 cents on the Cn'mnti;'. Why is there no cannery on the Sioslaw. Cmwi Bay News. CoNTEMrTtc'.E Fink. dim McFnrland, who was taken to Portland by De uty U S Marshal Undirwool one day Jast we;k. was fined by Judo Deady, the contemptible sum of $2o or CO days in the county jail. This was McFarland' third oFci'so for giving Ii qnor to Iudiaus here, and we are surprised that be should be fiued such a small sum. Tim McIlKN?.m Jvoad. T'.io b.idge acrosi the MeKe.i .:e !i,-.s beeo completed by M N. L Pumey, the cou'ractnr. We ui.dcrtid that the .oau is now in the bett of coiidit'on for travel. Ahxn'y a e scve;nl tt-ains at Camp Polk, awauiug the new of the com. yleti.mof tlie b'jJgj, wlieu t.iey will start over. Cf.lebratjox. The citizen of Cotta-e Grove and vicinity will celebi-a'e the F urt!i of Jul,"iu a jtCMiMg uiiMie. All whoa' tended ..he celebration there last year had an enjoy.Vde t!.ne, winch insures a large a' ihis'ca'. Further pa.'ticu'.ars in due :'. ic. Swamp La.i.. Mr. Cha.les Wbitcakcr ud CVjiL Ankiiiy, h.'t tlo week for S. uth ern O.i.ii, ,e.. (!,y ro to kelett SWUU.p lad. M.-. Anl-.e, iy is the agent for the United Svates aud Mr. Whitcakcr for the State. 4 EeACTiFrL Rain. The rain that has fal len this week ha eeo a Lluasiuj to tlie country, as the top of the gnund bal com menced drying out. A lare crop of eve.y thing, is promised at present. Diei. At P.,"ey, Like ounty, Oregon March 23,h, Mil. Catharine Duncan; aod Ti years. M.-s. Dnucau was well known in this county, and was the mother of Mrs. JohnStea.-rt. Mabbied. At the M. K. Parsonage, in Eugene City, by Rev. L D. Driver. April 2d, 1881, Mr. Albert Johnson to Mis. Sarah Laf ferty; all of Jnnetion City, Oregon. Pcbcha.k. Mr. . lin Su-wart lias pur chased bf Mr. 8. D Coats, bis tracks, bones, ., and will continue the business. SUICIDE KEA!? CDTTACE CR3VE. Miss Mollie Thrift, aged 16, Commits Suicide by taking Poison. I am Suffering Intolerable Pain " - Once again we are called upon to chronicle the death, by suicide, of another pcrsou ro- ultngiu Lane couuty. The following are th particulars; as fu'iiishcd us by a Cottage Grove correspondent: "Miss Mollis Thrift, daughter of retcr Thrift, who lives three mile south of Cot- 'Jrovc, committed sujeid by tak!i.gsu phate of btrychniue, at about 3 P M, Suud.iy, May 1st. Sliu died at 4:41) P. iL Ou Sunday mornia: her pareuts refused to li t I or one of tnu neighbors, whieh s!ie i.Tercd ss au excuse for c initling the rash act. Luily in the afleruoou her pirents iu com- leinV Uirl. '.kiklllA a... I tin .... tor went to tho garden, situated about a ; quarter of a mile from the b-jue. After they : hail ralnlileil uliiinl. fur ttniiintniiH Iiud Al.,1. lie bur. iid to the house iu udcuee Oi' her ""rl paronts, and going li thu seed box, where .ii i . , , . . ,, ! the bo..lj coir.auriii the stryehniue hadbeeu I luil, poured out about yieins iu a turn bier of and drank it. Only a short time elapsed till bur parents resumed to tlie houte, and limling her biding t.t the table cryiug, a.ked what was tlie inutljr, to which she rip ied, "I AM Kl.'FKM.NO IKToLUrtABl.E PAIS." N'i sooner had she spukcu the werd tliunshe wont i.ilo a spasm. As soon as she rec.v ered Iroiu the hi jt t'pusiu she told lur parents she had taken st.yeliniue untl wanted to die. A f doctor was scut for at once, but before medical aid could rea :h her, she hud passed to "dark ness aud tlie worm." IShe attempted su'eids last Full, but was un successful, bhe was only 10 ye i.-j of ae. Her remiiuson wo-e laid away at 3 o'clock P. M., Monday, May 2d" COUNTY COURT. I'UoDATE rrrcii, j. Met Monday, May 2, 1SSI. Iu the matte.' of the gna.dianship of L A Mausiield, minor Hiram Smith npointed guardian. In the matter of the estato of S. Cox Or dere I that the 5th day of July be appointed for dual settlement. In tho matter of tho estato of W L Lemon Final settlement made, and administrator discharged. Iu tin matter of the estate of D D String Sarah E String appointed admiuistrutrix. COMMLSSIONKBS COURT FITCH, J. SFCP.ES AND ilCMAIIDN, COM1. Met Wednesday, May 4, IS31. It was onle:ed that $l!)0 be appropriated for Bouili.ig pauper Welier home. Hubert Cochran, supervisor of Koad Dis trict No 02, being absent frwu the cjuuty, it is therefore ordered thit he be removed, ami that J II Mc Fai land bo appointed su pervisor until tho 1st Mouday of Jauuary, lSSi In the matter of the application of O B Vanscho;ak for cl.anjo of county r. a l; or dered estubliohed and old Mad ordir-'d va cated. The folhwing was the list of applicants for tho free scholarsh'p iu State Uuivirsity J II liean, Ida Patterson, W D McUeo, S E McClure, Oeo Aorris, Otis Jucksim, J M Widuior and Walter McCluro. S E Mc Clure being the successful applicant, it is or dered that be be entitled to tho free Schol arship. At this time ShoiiTJ M Shelley filed de linquent tax list of 18S0. At this time it is ordered by the court that J It Hean bo appointed agent for the purpose of disposing of all tho irou and luin bjr formerly iu tint Spiinglie'd bridge. Springfield CriJgo. J'r John Kelly and Picsl-y Come;ys pre sented to the county court 'ibursebiy signed by 3;vi taxpayers, a petition praying thut the Springfield biid'.-e be rebuilt, pMiple of that seo tion ajijeiiijt-ippy interest on all the money the couuty would hawe to borrow, Alter due consid.n t.ontliebiidjowas on'cred built, and Air A D liiirieii vas appointed Sujieriiitcndeut. Y-.ottid.iy, sixteen cit hs of this county pre seLtda bold fo. tlO.OwO to ius.ire the county the ii terest on money borrowed, p ovlded that the money be raised by the tax levy of IbbQ. The county court went to f-piiif.ihlhu,t eveain tosel-.ct the lncaii n for the b.idye. week we will (jive ull i-ardeuU s. N it Married. May 5th, at the home of the bride, in Eu gene City, by ltev Dr Geary, Hon Jacob Cornier, of Mai ion county, to Elizabeth Hum phrey. Tim happy couple started tu Portland, ou ii . - I.. IV'.lnaj.ljif ninrn tneir weuuing s..u., 11115. wneie iiiey i" "-j-i when they i!i return bee, intend, ng to . . - .t. - r VA i,, mi.. m f-iinrr.iL- We ni.:Ke ineir iuii.iu - s- . . .i ,! mv ihe rest of their life b.rone of ls:i pioe-'J and blis. rcci-ivcd. C.)Uipllii.eut SPIC0 REWARD. The s'Jin of i JO i hereby odered to' any pcr- . or person. en uncover .... c. ..... i i II. .lu-Jkius. wno wassuoixwed Ol Ul to havo been list in tbe mountains neanhe Mc Keuzie river, some to months sincj. Tue fiuJer musi show uumi.-.tvk-lU eti itnee by which the I oily can b identified, au.l ii ceiired, disclose tlie pUce of fiudin0' the bndr. E. D. JiIjKixs. A SMcnT EL.F--Tbe house occupic I ly Mrs Copliu, near the public school bouse, caught tire one day this we It fioin a defec tive fine, aud burut quite a hole in the roof of the building Kew Sidlwalk. A new sidewalk will be tailt from LuAiu corner to Horn", gno tmith shop. A much needed improvement Handiome Legacy. L L Williams, of Il.cburg, who recently dud in Sun Francisco, remembered those ...I... ... .. l.l l.:... i.... ..1...1 :.. il. j IIU ailCUueU MINI, m iivii wwummi .us Southern Oregon Indian war. Among the number are the following Lane county people, ami we hciewj.h publish that portion of the will that relates to them: To Daniel Tent ami Marv A Test, his wife. 1 Junction city, Uue county, Oregon, (for kind care aud attendance while suffering trout i WOUud received from Indians) I give ami - bequeath the sum of one thousand dollar La,. to be paid to them 'scpnutcly, or to their order, as they may liieet. To my friend, Mary Emily Test, d lighter j of Daniel and Mury A Test, of Junction City, Orego-i, in cmiide.-ation of the frioinlbip ,,ave '"r cacU "tlll'r 1 Kiv8 Bl"1 ,KMluwt, i ih fcmaiu.lcr, and rosi.Iue of my j rr"Krty and e.tato, bulb real and Krsoin I. l,,uh I may die cize.l, H be pai.l ami He livered In her, or her order, as shu may di rect, hereby charging my e:.ecutors to n'' J and ex end toher such advice inregtidto the same as uny appear to tliem proper, and " ll,e' lecl" il f,'r l,cr 1,041 '"tcrtst that the """" P'" innainueni., or .... I it 1 'I? ! i II..... a.. -. .1. laud. Oitgeii, for l.t r bcni lit, they should bo i w it. il.t,. I.... i',, .T" " . ,, nneat bed to tlie Saul Wa'J' J' unly ie-.t sliall 1 . . , , ,, .........I ...... ..f l..iiiai..l .l.elnm rliM .e ivu vim .U'li i "iio ..i"u - ii;d Mary Ihnily Test is hereby speeially re quested (aud my executors shall so inform her) to pay to her sister, Mrs. Shannon Marshal, and her sister, Mis May Test, tho sum of one thousand dollars cacli. The estate is said to be worth about $30.. COO. MhsMniyK Tckt, of Junction City, mid at pre-ent a ieaciier in the Portland pub- iu kc;1,)l ,Mirii..n wiil amount to about s-3- fQ Dexter Items. May 3, 1SS1. Strawberries will soon be ready to dig. Johi'iiy Howard js the champion trapper. W. R. Po.-kei steps very high since the a.--ri.-ul of thai Ki pound buy. Nex.! Albert McIYrlAnd start.d on .Monday for Mis-tei ii O.-egon, irtiere he cxpe;ts to speud the Sumirtr. H. O. Morgan bns taken lii-nrclf a stock ranch on " Perry," and will oon move his family their. Messrs Clnyton'i liendiaw are teaching a second term of wriling school here, nod give general satisfaction. About two dozen young people had a pic nic dinner on Mount Zn n hst Sunday, and enjoyed themselves greatly. The fine horse Inttdy pvrchased here by Dan McCall, for service iu Wahingtoii Ter ritory, is' dead. He died of the prevailing horse disease. Low, fc7"0. Fourtli of July Celebra'.ion.' Pursuant to previous u ti e, a meeting was hold at the Couit House, Ma 3d, to de le.ioii.e vhethcr to cekLrute the coining Foil. -th of July or nut. On motion Gov. Wl iteaker was chosen Chairman find J. W. Jackson Secretary. Moved that we celobrate; carried. Moved that tln'e be nn Executive com iiiittee of three nppo'nttd to lol'cite funds a:id select other cuiiimitleis; ci:.ied. The choir appointed Mo.iisis F. W. Osburn, J. K. Campbell aud A. S. Patterson as said com mittee. On motion adjourned to meet Tuesday evening, May 10, ISSI, to hear report from said coiinuitiee, an t to attend to all otbc bus'uess that may cmne before sai l meeting. J. W. Jackon, Secretary. Nevada & Oregon. Gen. A. King, who uas cue of the first pwi.KKtr i f the Nevada & Oregon narrow gni'e rad o-d which to connect llcno and Eugene City, Oregon, returned to the Coin stock on Vcdiimdny. Jir. King is now vice-FYcduent of the co.npauy which has the construction of dio road in hail I. Ho tells the Vi-ginia Chronicle that everything is in readiness to rush the unrk alopg, and that nothing hereafter will be allowed to inter fere. This iia.vou'-gnueo road will (onnect with the 0. & C. K. II. , at Eugene City, thus forming a direct hue of communication jth Portland, O-cgOii, and afford'iig iu ere ed- faeilitiis for icachiiO 1'uget Sound in Wos'iio;toii Territory Iteiio Gazette. Fire Me ting. At the the 1 ist ii' e. ti ig of E. II. t L Co. the follow iui i),(ueeui.,es were transacted. The following persons wc-e elected as mcmliersj Geo A Dorria, Georgo Croner, Joel MoCriPck, S W Con Ion, Wm Alexander, J W Ha-i.-on and S E Goodm in. The fi Towing wero reportod as resigned Leo Lu.-h and J C Wlnle ikcr. On motion a coi.nn' tee oi t'-re, ensi -ing of Mi-s.trs F V 0liurn, J I! Campbell and S M WallU, were rppoioted to present lLe Coanc;Ii at their next meeting, a re rueat to i ur chase au engine. Ad journed. , . . ...,,, ... , i.:lii,.l,.Ilr. witb Mr. O. R. LVao, of Eugene City, who came Dp f i m thut place to attend the funer al of Gen. Lane Mr. L'eau hud not b.-en iu P,.B..I. If.-.l .n.l il.ii, L- i-i'.v hm j d , -j . IoVtnit.talll we think o ; too. He received Li ra Mr. liaincy, who was the original setth r ( f ti e J 'emit site of this city, for hau'irig a load of logs from the ..... u:,,,l,(.. which wt'e used iu build ng the first boose, or l-'g cabin, eve built iu this ci y. He also ! brought to this county the first load of oier. chaodiae ever sold iu tlie couuty. Te Thbki Sls-ters. The TeVgram. of one day this week, gives a description of a fine picture paiuted by Ed Epy, formerly of this city. Tin subject of this last produc tion is The Three fiisteis. Ed is naturally an artist, and will some day be keard from. JHE SI US LAW REGION. The Resources, Vacant Land, Etc. The Sittslaw river, rays the Coos Psy Mail, is formed from thu junetiou of several large j cret-ki rtowiug out of the Coast Kange of. mountains, runs in a southwesterly direc.ioii, ! emptying into the Pacific Ocean about twenty miles north of the mouth of the Uuipqua. The river bat a good entrance for vessels of -100 to 600 to'is capacity, aud 'is navigable without shoal" or obi. ructions of any kind for about twenty miles. bmu live or six miles f.'.im the nnmlli a branch known as the North Fork puts in, this stream be'ng n.iall erandof less depth 'tlian .the muiu r.ver. Along both of llieie streams are bottoms varying iu width, which, along tide water, arc niidiily oeeiipied by settlers. T1IK IMIAIIITAN'rii. There aro alfut 150 inlisbi jin'.s on tho lower SiUalaw, all of whom seem iu a fair way to make for tlie.nselves co.i'.torublu and pleasant homes. The Indians, of whom fieie are quite a numb I, have imuie more pri'givss in civilii aiiou than auy o.her penile l-elonging to that ra-o ii t!i.i prt of tho country. '1'liey have coi.'foi tab, e liousis and gardens that I . .... ... ""'"" '"B " 1 ",,,u,lrV ' 1 "MT ov"'- VI,,.,, J M liih and alio raio imtatojs I 1 ' u r,l-,l"- ... . ..... c . .. . . . . ,... u Mi,, i l.y IIISIMISe OI 10 the wlii.e. They a.e ixceedi gly pcaceablo a..d res;ectful iu tiicir behavior to tho si t tiers. rioltEM'K I t ence is the name of the post office and 'itt.e loW.i on the uorth side of tho river i h,i t tl'.ee miles froi-i the beach. The situ David .Vise, formerly of this count 'ihu post I'llicu and store is kept by A J Moouy, formerly sheiitf of this vou.ity, while the hotel is Kept by Tlio.nai h'-.'j, also Irom this part of tho country. The ca.i.itr for.ncrly owned by Emerson, Co. I & Co., is t this pl-ce, and as the coa it y io iL.ehiped we ex.-ect it to become qui c a th i.irg vi'l.-go. L. Zi. er has a plaeo at the to' minus of the bev.'1' road on this side of the river, whee eve one must make at least a tem po ny s'.t'p, and many a tired explorer is in. (Lme I to the In s,iia'ole owner for subsuin. liifu.o.s. nsol'liCFS. We havo htaul it frequently asseitcd that I c e is vciy lit le I'mber oj die Lit'slaw, in fact not ein i gh ,o justify the cstali'dshmcnt of bu.ii e-s id mi'iiul'i etn.iin, lumber; but this is aVo-t ii'isti'ko. There is no other rateable ttieam on tho coast of Oregon into which (irst class fir timber can be o cheaply delivered a in the Siuslaw, pod there is euoi'gh ii' s'ght o.i tide water to last a luro establisbine t twenty years, while further up the river tho amouut of timber of the first qui'nv is al .iut uulhiiitcd. The.ti is no co liar nor myrtle. This stream bos one splen did mil of sJ.u'on each year, and there is no reaeou why vlie business of catching and put ti.ig up Kh ci iiuot be successively carried ou there v. Inn the dcin iiid will justify it iu , , , any s!'u on the toast. VACAST LAND. On t'.io t'ppcr waters of tho North Folk of the .h.ra ii repor.vd to Lo good lo cal is for a co'i-iderablo nui.ibcr of homes. It is a iu t'u'cd U on the best of authority, thut on Lult, Dead wood and Indian otceks, eiiip'; : 'g j-i'o tie main river, are vicunt lands of liit qua'i y, sullicleut for over one fuil cluii .. 'J'hese aro rep resented t i be easy tu clear, and can fiud a coiivuiient on Lt to the lira I of uavigaliou on the river. Tl o surveys are bei ig ex Uuded to'- rrd the locality of these Streams and will douLtlcss soon tako them iu. UoW TO 1.KT TlllCflK. There is uo dial julty in reaching tho Sius law .U' it with any freight that a party may wish to carry . Cornwall Heed's stage lino rJi s f-o.n Ci js Lay to tho mouth of the Ui. pqua Jmo times week, aud H II Bar ruU car "i.s the mail, passengers and fiohjht l i rfukly.'rom Unipoua to Siuslaw. The w'ole distance from Coos Lay is a pleasant beach road, and due regard is paid to the comfori of passengers over the whole route, rr.i; vecis of tue countiiy. We do not wish to overdraw the picture of the j-lobable future of the Siuslaw coun try, bet cjndo. compels us to say that it ap pears destined at uo very d, slant day to sup po.ta Lrgu aud prospeions community. A county road has been surveyed and locatid from Eugene City .o navigation oa the river. Tho dis.rnte u only '0 miles ail no groat elevaVou to cross. Hon.ei have already be-.u b"-ou,h. lo within six miles of tide wa ter. T..e eutiBiieo to river is undoubt ed !v, i'iiou, and vhe ehfs of vrssels and " ' ..... 1. I. ,1.A I!.... Iv.,1. run mere w.vii leguiam mi uici.j. on river is the lincot for navigation ti at it ha ever been oir lor.une to see. Int, then, is to stand in the way of the development of its varied resources T Let the history of the next decule answer. Pay 1 oar Taxes. A warrant against the property both ml aud personaf of all dchmpjeia taxpayers has been placed in my liandi, which i loisi.ti n-M tXU TO MtfcCl'TE, I'NI.EHS PAVMKNT Is il.vUE FoKTltwiTil. This i. my lost notice. J. M. HiiKLLEr, SlivrilTaud Tax a Collector for liue Couuty, Oregon. P.iiuiiipka nn-n m! l i . ii lil not forget that :.i k D()le. bilMmads. statements, Ltter- 1 beiwls, aud every iles i ijitiou of coimn -rend j printing aro neatly and promptly executed at the Oi'iBD oiiice. Mii.k ron Hale. P.y goini; for it you ran ;et milk tf John Lenger for 15 cents per gal on. To MiLLMit. Old type fi r babbit metal for sale at this otlice. ' For Sai.k. ity mi i oats for Kile che.ip. Apply to Dr. T. V. fheiion. Pictcbs Fbausa An imu.ejsu tU ck a id cheap at Craia I r . Citato Transactions for April. A W Patterson to L L Henry, lots Iu u- L'1 CStllHtilttrist li .11 ftlfsll A K VaIUiU0II , AlrX SUtlluwii tC0 acre; (l( g- A W PutUrsou to J II Stevens, loU Euene; chui, A W Patterson to 8 II fpneer, 70 acres; con. SloWI. A W Putt es n toll C Humphrey, lots in Kiurue; con, $SM. J Ferg jk n to J A Pitney, S'.'O acres; con, ei.v-jt Thomas Xunu to J A Pitney, 20 acres; con, t:,o. 8 II Spciici-r to 9 W Spenctr et al, 79 acres; 70 acres; eou S II . j enctr to ElUa L ;;K'iieer et al, i0 aeiva; ctn, bl. S II S; encer to May Spencer et id, 70 acres; cell I. 8 11 qnccr to J I) Sp'U(HTct al, 2.'oanc; eon it H II Spencer to May Spencer et al, 1 acre; con il. 8 M Shell. y t A V fdnlley, PJ Mnt con J Perkins to Whipple finis. loU iu CotUfce Grove; con CLK). M M Davis to C L Davis, 17 acres; cou (WX J 1'erYns to 8 u uel Dillard, 1 acre ; con VO. U 8 to J II S'.e a ns, H7 acres. U 8 to Ji in') h oiinir, SJO ao.ts. J I. l'-.-umley to N (.la.k, 2'.KIati-es; con il V Smith tu L Solomon, 319 acres; con 6!0J0. U S to J K Iloyd, 139 satis. U 8 to i. II l'.o) d, 1 .0 acres. .1 HuIbmttoJ WMahon, 314 acres; deed of correction. J P F lend'.y to R D Uwis, 1C0 acres; oon am W W Pliier to A Mcolai, K.0 acres; cop, $;.ooo. Co.v'tbact Lr.r.-The contract f ' r building the breakwater near the Eiyene bridge, was h't yestenlay, to Mr. 8. A. Odjjcn for J15C5. Sol.D. We understand that Se'lers & Falk, of llarrisburg, havo sold their ware house near Junction to Win. Lawrence 1000 Hihis Was rKit.-Kratii Washbnrne. of Ju:icou City, desire to purchoso 1,000 head of hogs, such as w ill do to butcher this coming winter, Cash paid down on all pur chases, Impure I 1 lion. D ' l I Symptoms: Sluggish circu lation, D pepsia, Liver and Kidney com- lil.iiot. llilii usncs. Constipation. Piles, I Jin guor, weakness, "the bines," skin disunion, Piniples, Swellings, ic., Ac. Purify with Kiuj of the lilmid. See advirtiscinuut. Coots, Shoes, Etc. T O Hendricks lias just reciivod a li.rgo lot of boots, shoos, slippers, overshoes, cto., etc., which ho oilers for sale. This is the largest bill of this kind of Hoods that has been brought here this season, the cost amounting to oyer ? 1,000. Ho lias every stylo and variety ou hand, and can suit all Btistomors. Ladies wear a speciality. Lumber! l.iniiborl J. P., rdiinihart has been appointed Agent tho Spriiigl'udd Mill t o. Ho can oiler battor I'murus for Lninbor now than ever bo fore. All kinds of building lumber delivered on short notice and at very low figures. Don't fail to seo llliinchart before- ordering eU'wheio. We propose to sell lumber, and don't forget it. IIuvp WNStir'a Kalfsnm ofWlM '!ltrry always at bar il. It eures Coughs, Colds, liroiieliitis, Vhnnpint( Coti'jh, Inlluenra, (;oiisnmition, and all Throat and Couipliilnts. 50 cents und ill a bottle. Tlie Peruvian Njrup has cured thous ftmU wlio were siitrcriiiii from D.vietsia, Do- bility, Liver Coiuplaiiit, lloils, llimiorH, Fe nial i Complaints, etc. Pamphlets fif to any addres. rieth W owls ami hons, iiostou. Ji'Hr ItrKKlvmi- -Tlie largest stock of jew elry ever brougl t to Eujcuv at Crnin Lros- mi 00008, m cooos! I liavo received and liavo on hand a full line of CROCKERY GLASSWARE, GROCERIES and rR0VIS10.YSan:l Cigars and Tobaccco Which 1 will will sell for tho lowest rriwu. Call and exainino my goods U'foro purcliaHing eiKewliPrr. A. GOLDS 1TIL rw'nMCPno to I WILL STAND MY :2Iiorsp, Young UO.i- aueror, Jr.. during the sea son of 1881, as follows: my Residence MON DAYS. .'It Chur$ or vicinity Wednesdays cnl Thurs days. . At Cooper's Stable, Eugene City Friday 1 ai.d Satur days. ZZ3 For furtliT particulars hPC, or r- r'- HAPLEY. 1111811 Ms Money is Not PlenU. Goods Must be Sold. Kememucr the I X L STORE Is tho only place M hcre you will surely get the most for a little money. Wo keep anything you want. Dry and Fancy Goods. We carry the largest as sortment of every Line in Eu gene City. EC1AL PRICES For Curtain Nets, 15 cts upward- Lace Curtains, al ready made, $2 a pr, worth $3- GREAT BARGAINS Mens & Boys Clothing' Good Mens Tweed uitsat$10. Genuine Fn$lish Tweed all wool from $lGup Boys Suits from $4 uiward OUR HOOTS a SHOES Aro especially made for our Trride and guaranteed to be the best in the market, and nre put down ,...,, , . ,, , , , . ... . p 1 1, . ri.;,' .' iLJ ii? PEfl CENT ;3 PER CENT Lower thai eltewhere. Mens anl Boys HATS From 50 cts- upward- Be sure and give us a call as our Prices will convince you to call again I U. Chas. M. Horn, FRA CTICAL GUNSMITH. . -DEALER I.V CUM. P.IFLE3, vSiV ''''"hlnn Tackles ti Materials. lleI"','n;; dime In the neatmt style ISin'' warranted, Scwint; machines, Safes, Locks, eta, repaired. Guns loaned and amnrjniion furnished, Shop on Willamette st, opposite Astor IIous FAR1H3 FOR SALE. VFAr. f of XiG acrw, 3C0 of which is prairie and 230 in enbivation, ic offered fur sale. It is situated on Ini e west of Sprin-'fii-ld, and ') miles east of Jvi'Up. (iood nniUlm-s and onthouMS, - i sll fr ier fence. Krr trms ap ply to KOHKKT CAMPEELL, At the premL-i.-