The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 07, 1881, Image 2

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KUUKNE 'l ' V. ORKiiO X.
teejjd to o:iorA
Stop a Morer.t anJ Read This-
I .-..I . - . I . JF mJj tut! nreJ at
. i . c.-..-l -- a
Axoruioj 10 tJtra "l,n o.-a.i- .v.iWeraaal WbaaiaCUIOai Stara.
aa Hoar ami Iawe the l.epa' w fra J4 u j
are Llorkia lejilatioi and att saj-tir.- wti uc;u ur fi.X :ta f 12 50
to corunmite barrxia with ilahcnejAafir.
in the interest c f "a free U1U and aa
hones count." It old K'iu that tb
Republican mTt in Jtrrj City
are adly in need of discipline a this
point. Here was a local election litre
tbe other day, and a iVmoa-atJC canJi
data for F.! Commissioner took it
Into li head t rlae early ar.d i&jM
the Ulkit boie in hi ward. Tie Hvan
ia chary? of llif m aa a! ' be
cpmed the liJ without rofst, and
found injuJe a r-s&ca of fifty -oae. tkk
-eU of the atraight Republican kiiiJ, ar
ranged in inch a way that tie o2ker
in charge could easily scatter them by
Inserting hi hands in the oprning. Re
alizing that fraud of a bolca!e char
acter were contemplated, the Ifc-mo-ccatic
candiJate tent for the Chief of
Police, and they eamml several oth
er loir, and found the ra result of
fraudulent arranyment of 1 allots. The
discovery created grAt ejEc:truent and
resulted in a Detuocnitw tit'ory. Re
tort lecturing other roj1e, th Repuh
lican chief should throw their aliafu
of condcmnafioa at thir own f-arty
worker, who are adrpU in the boiu-s
of "atufling." But, then, the chiefs
tbemaelres stole tie rote of South
Carolina, Louisiana and Florida in ls"6
and they therefore, not likely to
b harsh on the sin of thir party co
worker, although they are exceedingly
PeckwiSiaa in their denunciator. cf
tb peeead illoe of their op ponenU I f
these Jersey City men were tried ur
der United State Uwa,they would ioon
be pardooed oat of jail T Repatlic
So r ff-k 1 nit. K 11350
Trjkc ui to-.i. Jut tl
liar? IlUiltr rersU.
SctmJ tew tie f ewsocls. rtrtriiVt
IVfir tLirt, lfl!v asJ t- &ett Lm of
.New tiU and c;, voJ ecarfi aad
10 J.?crrtit rj aaicrvrr, all (rvl
Tlx U t tVk U C iJ Lca kaaJlfr-
eikJ. tiy. fc Lv'j-t, ia Use
Lit tiyU 4 Uu CI to tia Ci
fnxa (I to I 1 E jtliUicir-
Tlx beat Lm cl fvitit fattnu anI fiiu
ia tb city. Cihnr, I:f-il, So?t
uhl AnMricta tlul-v faiu mad to erJcr
fron 3 ('
U as.! to rr fre f S JO t?t Park
jray lrr euLnxr. aU, A3 wocj
HoU 4 U) (4 73, $. fo M, f i rr.t 1 "
Of the Prices of
kinds of Goods
the purpose of
dticing my sIoca.
H. Frimdly.
01 w
for v
Si? I
. 1 LfM ia Cot. fc'taoiit'r'.i'r et t-.e
c S:.fc' Cot. Wrl. tu 1.1
Notice to Creditors.
trmfF nr n;tii rmi r?':rr
nUUoL Uf riilKL Cl IU....1.J.I.I . t!.tn-'r.i.-3.dLifUBH'jTrt;iit-rl
l'l-!t:i i f SS- wtitf of J. H. Pocll.
WMJl, Vr tir (V:i.TrC.:rt i.r'' fti'.e vl Or
f. r t'.e coratr of Ini AU pin br-
r.o;to City. Clutftioj e f.r Jr. j tee--? f t full Umrt l t-vl to rrwwLS th uiae t- 0 e n !Jrrvn'i t
All JU Bvkct is -ia nrr-, al i tit. 1 ttVLwat, tr JT. ISjI. J brr nr:-.'no ia ln e.rj:trt Oir, aitLin
kj Uta r. bj or r tr oct 1 T tm m . ci nttt4 Imm ;r.jte.
G. a D r. 15, AU nT.
u-xt rJi wioe fi all.
"itrj ft VIrr.i rotr.
JL J. GCAilAVI. !iu;er.
Klejr tbe Eijl m a- a "nr.1." l-e'
Administrator's Notice.
MAKTHA Pn'VEI.L. Exutrix
JO-Hl'A J. AtToN. Av.irrtr.
TVitb nearly oo tan Jrrd ar. 1 ae
tty te i&uliou cf jld ia tLe Fra'
Treary, wili lull a. v cf tnJe
SIULOH CU;1 JFTIO VX. 1.1- Uvil.f .j r-
1iitten'l )-s'- tI BWt 7Til t IVHtt X ti M in t t . - I
l'J( ;'3 M-:r t vf !f t rtsrx. 1 s. l Virt. ia Js?- j
tw a et Ciri; BnntK'r ti ef j ti (if, a t-1 i-.tT aJ ."'JV, i
Crw. xt-J .! it im- :eir t."xin.rU cats- r-m j
ji-ei? aCr?T. .. Ln:OU-r.?:-3, l 'vcr. -rcmccn.
:c t:jcr:'c3, end
j 14 trr it. !'.-: !) c-, -U
If y t- L- ! r. ar , Ct. l.xi Listf
-v v. i J'.r I'rtf Its re-U.
ty O-i'JS t IV. iTti-i.
till LaTi!y o-,.r faw asJ &sy (Saf -i r
- . - .v . . . t V--. ? si n-t 3,l j ; !?if f si. tV, ly fjwn
by Bjillij weifklr, akil at ti ait i'r.-,;. I: ii-t ir
ret oc't. aaJ l-jt to aa t f r :; I : . 5 S h
at that, ar; at par, it woa.J , na I N.iily Uisn a C J
i that erea ih di'V-4 ia'.ell'rt ia
TTrVTf 0 V
' end i.'.-
m';cr5, ij tl.-iyc: out e th3
zyz'.z-., cii tz'J'.cz'i'.? cured
by xr.o js? cf t!v3 Lie" frtA
l.A:A Arin L1VI.1 P .3 sr.d
ti. i1. vl. L. I r 1 .
r o 5 7 ? l a vr : n 3 , t :. 2 z h - 2 z
Are EELIIIIG their entire stoi of Goods at
"Ti .- J
r 1-...
r. h i Ih -i Alisorpticn pr:n
t&at ti d-fj'iU cf ti tlrp-'r-ort.t I : Skh K! r.r.
, . , ' T'l'T. i it-- Kuj. Ci. wt. CevrUvM.- j'4.1 tLr?;a te rto Uvi.?ii,ufnin rtu-
fraa Jalest IVraUect, at tie i:i!.-ik ; " - f;-"'1 J J'1 ;- r "7 j
l th Nu-1 asJ tie :ic:'.a- 'm t W -1 "t, tir Iri.-,-i.t, E.i.ttii AV.t. )
tcfCflrlGar trf; :
MntLr i:,l(.l.;,!,tVi rmU. KV-'I. ,! A 7 .it !- ; lul'wO.
, . -, . i i - . A nJ It: . f.-r .ii i. i"tr.
p d c UJ to J r$;. ue , i K,3.
party which Hayi aaj Gr-U rejre.f ivii ry t vu-a i l. lr
And Door Frames
: cip:?. Tr.9 .-s-sisrs -c::r :n
cor'yjnzV,o v('.:lii'.-.z f-Z'J up
crt the r.rr.o ccr.ltrs en ! r3-
: i-.:;cp:r::c:t:!:b t: ', ir.
ccrilr.r; s.i t hzrzvy r.
. riiAupci;-:;.
j Th v:3! 5':r F P,
Cents on the Dolliir.
aeet, aad odr wW farori:Lat tl- j axswle THIS (.l TIOX.
"aiiJ U J.L. hare coxe to I auri -Td.WT,rAf , w.
pwer ia tl land, la ' rtl j
ciJIart a mo, pov Atred it uar4J, A;-:l:. t - .p r it Ari-
, .,.. ! fcf-s f c 71 cck, U u- ja
!MCO-.;rT wu Kia iare - its kk t;ir. rn-.VM v w tai.
fiYi nrw . r ityi f ;o nv--s K-av a ii-K.-iu.
r 1(3,010 a day, Sativ ir. ;lfxL
That ia the rrioe the couctry ia xoTir.;
J witk ti xcnjcut.i jaia il C3tu Wti If
tiooal Kant in aid of the conropHoa ! u toi t . of Ml-x
Arrjrt at ti,-t J i(4a
fond that carried New York al Ir.di-
ajta for GirfUr'.JL
Is ti;ur,
wixsuavs s.x)Tiiix-i fcvsrp. it
iji-a v.: hn it m Sct,
TW i b 4 a rbT imk k er
om-J it. s4 s.l "4 tU r at rao Vi
w.U ivjriU'. ti- r.t! at. I fit rtt V tl
a4Vt. ul r?'- fall fctaha t trf rVIL to
The apeevhrt cf Rpal'lloaa as wclIJ(rniL'M&.-ie'. I: i irf-0r Mft t m
n Democrat Sn tor Utt-!y hive j,,,, :i . ,j m . Ut M t
thrown a good of li -lit oa the rkl mo- 'r lT;' M ,,,r" "
For Sale at greatly re-, coni rs:
cr3J, .--J n pc5.i:rj euro j
j gucrcr.'.c-od if crn rcccrc!
' ir.rr to dl.-cct.r.s. ncrr.rrr."
; ber, PcJ, L o-7 P.'sstcr end
Foct tl:o wlcla,
i SI .CO. Cold t; v c: t rfu--s!3,
crmllod&.i receipt ci p.".C3
A Good Ihirg
J-j A Srnp t t ;f.-Lil eT-j ym ft
t A. I" -.V, a '.. 1-:.J rrsa I"ir4-
rim, al a.-.iviVi'l.t-l t' I d it- 4
l.ur; tnti. c4
a nJ 1''"t t- i u-.o. It i tvo aa
citxT.attatil nwi:a:'. Act hz fl'vi t-1
Jul yrars jivia ai:.fvi ia TTy ,
tiro It ri4iy lr':::j oJrt-y ww'k
r-,Sirss l'wn tr.iij.o l t.' J aiiB"!'.
l'.re ci nwl.ii.wi of rtir niarv Ll-!r
ijtf .i.iotj IV't (,t-rujia ."r: a uu
ia the l"n;:i-t Suv ia Iva, aa i m jv-
hI ia y Ua an I i thrnnaJ
rti.L Ti'tv !' wi'l rtl aty oriiuarr
CKJh. lnsi 7i onu. a ('. U-tilr, I)
And Waon Haterial,! R- g. callison
cw n- : S. IL TritillT. a& gtt yocr
To Close Estate of John
- kirucy, deceased. j CLniLS
Erin your SEES AI.D FURS
ito the
177 ?re the HIGHEST MARKET
tim and policy of the RepaMican
prty, and tha ehilition is anything
bat edifying. Th'? motive and this
policy tod been a ell puvd at Wfore, j ivrtr in M
twttsrr aronow outside t!.e line of j n ""' 1
jnjectura and are r!l druird and -kaowledgeA
The Predont took the
imtialitre attd d vlarvl the Republican
policy to be auch as laying a.sile all
principle or patriotism, would Wt
conduce to the of thi psrty.
lie declared that rt klould h a 1 the
Republicans in the Sout!.Tn Su!-s to
combine ia acooimon car wun ait tte t onin i j or Sore- Th
disaffected eleiuenta of the iXniocratic f VuM t-w L NeJ-t frn- -..'y r Jt
ny, n mauir .mi uir vju-wj ii : ....... ...... ...... !
;..? r o . ;Hta. niIOJt Ultoc III IL ;
man followed hiui with the announce
ment that it wa the policy of the party
to entr into any coul.t.on or t ike any
mean that oiT-Ted U leat down the
raiocratic party ia th Jvnate; and
Eenatora Hoar and lXtwcs, AnyiiL
amls the patriotic pir from the Ray
Sti'.. avcreivd th'ai-lvcs at rtaily
to ej&-ae with repaJLtljaH: or
rea.ijacm attyh"r. or with any
Wher factioaa aplit o.f from the De-m-xratli
party, to dtf.-at that prty.
There is otly the diCTfnc of one
letter between Windota and wivlom;
but aljtt a great dilTorrncw tliat ci'.e
le'.ter KiAlfV "Tlie jHin--cliickrn of
tLa Cal irxt, ! th tarn? ti'n to hr.u
lu-r. Cl.y, April i
- . f , i
ALL ai&ii
A! ti Isril-i a ,iE so tia d. intra
a c::3 c::, cr tcoa::o
Tjti Lo c tL? nirci'ttic plant
! G--w! orjnrti! In aaT t-t f t'-.aritT fr
rtJ-V- li li. CA 1.1.1 SUN.
n'v-'rm'T-p'Q one
vonn h i:z r:,x ;ivev that
j.-'r ail I t -. tf alee!-,-. .f tL
( ...fT
1. - P
. a. c ;t
'" '" -' ' " ' ar f J '. ; -r-i. lv,
.- -'. i i.- :--.-. r f v. ... i;.. c.'
' J'.. -1. .--s- o . r ai. i.i p.b
! "'-'-'-;,!.' 1 I ' I icr, t; tie t'dnt
j ij- i , l A':,t, Lt C.-Ttr,
I . . "-i
j t . ...... e t. 1 u.-l.: ti.-
1 rerlala Kite reltefla
Aalkana Uraarhtll, f aaxba, alarrh,
raiaaawaxlt Throat Dtaaa.
i.o rrai. a ikkw fce ta w " . . 5 i I i . I. i i. . J Mja- o,.
raD.lrJly ibrxk-iin, aal alay pv pr i r 8TOTJA.CXZ r ; ri-. 2 - . t. , . ;x-4c:i: l'.:tx
fet nUfa-ti.a. Tc a a-'aw r an- Kf. tiI-T r5 i " J V S ' " , " : 1 " ta- -'- cUas
UirJ but tiauuWa 1 lr !r vJ na- Lr'i 1 ti ti i'j t i. ( v .x'i.iiri .ti. K.-4 lcvi.
aunt cat (rafiar'vaaatiiKrantta. t-T h M H I U ' ' . " : i - st :S :) c: u t.. i U
ban a(U:a l :i -ru J rbk anvMb f La I " j " ' '-1 ': A I ar J I ;a t'w. i'v ac '.
ut'Wrratnliwi'fthea-.'A. I'nblie anek ttiiv-ct--i-.-s vrrr.T.'T IJ! 1 .i - -ji'sTir. SIM WV-t. ia Ijm
rw aiKl lsrrw ttaj t cWar aaj 1 l-l-i J e . i -rtv , r
.unl.ratt,icc. .-v-UtlAMiUttui vVerai"..i-.Tr---'
eivtra J m aai ar a i.:-ja rvua . ft j . t .i r . . - P, , j-.-r.l
. jf'.'rt a uBiHa TiiVr.. a--.. v I a '. if '". I K i.S, A.:-i.i t--..T.
rVrrrMT iviillvttiMV'M uvf i rnl csnli't laanrvii -rrr, . r. i-v . -i .
TT VZ paid for all kinds of
rjcb'.nson & Churcfy
jf IAVK YVK aal
I 1st tie LOWEST
n.uv, steel,
nails, rope,
tall Cbaiias
ard IVkrt
y i miiox
!'-'..v.:ir IVikUcr,
r;:!.it "'Jai-V't
lit-., Etc.
. t iuv:: aa vn
flMtii'J) of CV.T (Vfxl
ciin.i'.ut tlat oa
mvK tuit th
. . i l m X' . I .
i r r-r- niaaiiK. i -1- - - - - : .-..a..-. . . . . -
liita-H aphtha .tma p. TicvaU to j tu. tt t-v tw.-fcaM alu-ai;ir brwr- ...I.l.w i uAI W.i' i l.jiiji.
frr yuuTKlf f rrrrr aTDi.xn vl thw lu-1 atijiaii'. rlrf. 1 -r w '..i. ri"i, a- ,
swi "HufUmtp. it n It.iB at our ; tats, rl ia -?tMrai itii.yal na r- "V't'TJCS I Ilf.r.EI'.V GIVEX THAT !
hjit iwi gri i ir h ;.,.ia i i lut.vr. ar- ' ra
New Departure ,! ;
CASH AM) C2S302:,l2?,f
St 1KmI, 1K1 ;-ES. who interot ar your iuWrvta I At iMiin.ii.iit1 UntrJ anal
H-nJ wtir ptxiEta at L tae. Take aot ;r lliat.
Yrj U jToda fcr CASH at irreatiy re!i!vJ price, aa lw a any t tlicr CASH STOEK.
r. rrr:t 1S an.l S yar! $1 CO! Fin Ckevir-t SLirta. J 75 cU aa,t f L
r.-r Tv.a-a ad r.!..Iil Mt:Jin, 7, an,) XawAwriRK-nt Ir. Cast (XaTrmsIi) 13,
Ctar'-a an i T-rcis arwl v'ttrt 7 ct r IV
. aau S3 rta.
Men' ra.Wrwear, Shirt aa.l IVaarni, A eta.
"7 '.j ua aifiauM fiuraiiKeoa it. ia- . . y a., ,aTs.-,-.i aa s iv.-r se-. . t. rj - - ; j Knit. K.E-.T i!e- !
.imjf anj U it l w-a ya bo i.l it ill c-t
y.ii BviUn;. SiJ by t.tii A Co.
j r-.---. - t i .- rt I.- e e-
. ,TJTea Bvliavw lU
i Pa-ltu--if at 'fa rrrr itr Li ln.a an II '
ia Wall utrvet, aril fr.-at t!ie frojaticy j ea.; a.ri!.: ir la-iitm, I (.,. j JL1
x. .A.;:- a.abraf-e.ict. ai.1 a.-U..aa , 13 CX"J--. Ai-a-n-.a I - I .,,,,.'., ,VVj
.01i r "EN A 'I f A T 'AT IV 1 1. J -. i .; v. i m :.i i to- i-ra.
T. it lii.M'. i' i i e; - . .lite -4 ili,
1-.-: t-- '
n aai-lMuiftl rirane!srs 5.s ti aJ M
e s
ft eer.ta.
i:t. TJcts as.l fl.
: And all Other Coeds at Proportionate Rates.
Men Orrralirta, 75 rts. aaj f L
Ntena tW-U. M, V 7J eta aaj f L
Eabpi'eries ar.d in. at FabttVtmt la
1 N ' f '' - ' a?:. aa4 ;ara U'l. At grnt'.r M-!ueel rate
Tb.t -! A a-s lav, aJ,.J W id 4-j. I U ji-iaie f. aril ca aa:
r a a. trrt-v. Urf. Kl if at ay Uio tWy vita to iai. CAH rr-a. I r
i a, aa U a-1 xiiees tba f -II crc-l:t at wy ttdort 'y rklEl.S