E V' 1 .-'i ESTiCLISEED FOB THE DISSEXHITIOI OF DE3I0CK1TIC PRINCIPLES, WD TO EiM 11 DOXEST L1VI.C BT TOE SWEAT OF OCR BBOW WHOLE NO. 703. EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1881. $2.50 per year IN ADVANCE nn ARB. GENE CITY G Of &nwt City iiard. I L. f AMfBELU i. . CAMPDEI.L. CAMPBELL BROS., 'ublliWr. and Proprietors. OFFICE la th building formerly occupied br J. W. Cleaver, as a store, corner Wil- - ' . . I U ' V. tJ - lamella sua oereuvu ohwi OUB ONLY HA.TK9 OF ADVKKTIS1NG, Adv ertisements Inserted m follows t a.. anuare. 10 line, or less, an Insertion 3 ach subsequent insertion IL Cash required in advance. Tim advertisers will be charged at the ful One square three months W 00 " six month. 8 00 " " eue year 12 00 Transient hoticee in local column, 20 cent per In. for eecninseruun. Advertisin g bills will be rendered quarterly. All (OB worK mUW M rAlD 0 ,E1'IVEHr' POSTOFF1CE. Onto. Hour. -From T a. m. to I p.m. Bundays 'i:. .j from th. south ami leaves rolni north 1 a. n. Arrm from the north and leave, join ith it 1 JS P. 'or Biui.law. Franklin and Long tMdot at t a., on Welneadar. For Crawfords Camp Creek and Brownsville at I Letters will be ready for delivery half an hour after ( , nal ef trains. Letter, should be left at the oflloe 0" PATTERSON. P.M. SOCIETIES. ....,. irina'a No 11. A. F. and A. M. Meets 4rt and third Welneeday. In each auath. grexrcs Bum Txjdom No. I. O, i n. V. Meetaeverr Tueeiav evening. S W1M4WHALA exoamhiiht no. o, eeU M the Hand 4th Wednelay in eaen monvn. fccoES Lome. No. 15. A. 0. U. W. MeetsS Masonio Hall the second and fourth Mondays In eecn montn. ' V. W. Orbubs. M. W. F. CAUTHORN, A. M..M.D., Gra duate of the Medical Deparln er.t of tlie Missouri State University, and of Jef ferson Medical Colle, Phila. S. Special attention given to Surgery and diseases ot the Eye. Cottage Grove, lane Co., Or. Dee. 18, 1884 dl8ni3 DENTIST, J, C.GRAY, Vtas opened dental booms in Xl Eugene City, over F. B. Dunn's store, and respectfully solicits imtruiiogo of those Wishing first-class work at moderate prices. J ' ' "bR. JOHN NICKLIN, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. (Formerly of Yamhill County.) TT AS PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN .JJL Eu?ene City. ,OlIice in Underwoods Bricc, 21 )r, evar Well. Farjo & Co.'s Ex press office. Residence, two blocks wc-it and sue n.rth of Puulio School, in tUa Killing worth property. au:-tf A. m PATTERSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGIiON, .Uee on Ninth Street, opposite the St. Chnrlee Hotel, and at Uehldcnce, KJOKNK CITY OltKGUN. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL CAN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res idence when not professionally engaged; Office at the POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Residence on Eighth street, opposite Presb riao Church. JEWELRY ESTABLISH EXT. i ? LUGKEY, DEALER IS Clocks, Wacnes, Chains, Je.ve!ry,'Etc. Hepmring Promptly Executed. 0"AMWork Warranted. J.S. LU'JKKY, EllsT..rth t Co.'s brlcV, WillametU street GRAIN BROS. VTatchrtanJ, Musical Instruments, Toys, Notions, etc . Watches, flocks, and Jeweiry repairwJ "" warranted. Northwest corner of Willamette And Eighth streets. NOTICE. 6r Descriptive Illustrated Prtea tl.t, Mo.9, of Dry Goods, eUui will be lasaed aboat March 1st. ISSU Prleee 4notod la Mo. 8 will remain food aatU that dat. Bend as Foarnasae earlr Sep ef No. 9. rree te aar addre MONTOOMEKT WABD CO, m Wabash Ae Chicago. 111. FINAL SETTLEMENT. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 1 i : i ..ln.;n..trtir nf to 9 C- t tU of A hett has filed hU final account, and that the tint Monday in March. ISol, n" Set ftiT fin&l k.rinr nf th ftadfi. f. A. Htrr, Administrat 0'HCA J. WALTON, Attorney. . DEALERS The largest stock ot goods' in Lane Co Is now on Sale at I. B. DUM'S; AndthCso aro afsw.of'tlio Ear gain 3 of fered for CASH : Nicj WTiite Blankets for S4 per pair. I Ladies under Vests at from 50 eta up. Brocade Dress Goods for 15 cts per yd. Oood Cashmere, full width, 50 cts per yard. Brocade Silks from $1 25 up THE Best Assortment in the City of . BOOTS AMD SHOES ! Ladies Kid Button Ladies Kid Fox Ladies California Calf Childrens California Calf.V. Men's California Boots Men's Good Heavy Boots Men' Calf Boots Ladies Pulled Buttoned Shoes CI C tiling Cheaper than any other House. UcwlcV at cmai M Give me a call and F. ill WILKINS, Successor to Shzltox k Wii.kinS. Tactical Druggist & Chemist, UNDERWOOD'S BUILDING. Next door to tlxs (limine Store, Willamette street, Ks.?eie t iry llregTO. ITuve just opened full line of fresh Drugs, Medicines & Chemicals. Also a fine assortment of ALL EINDH OK Mixed Paints, Lead, Oil, Varnish, Brushes, WINDOW CLASS and PUTH Which they will always sell on reasonable terms. Careful ntlciilion givrn to Physician' Pre xcription. 0. F. OQRRIS, DEALER IN Stoves, Kiuiscs. i'uur.is, Plien, Metnis, Tinware. AND House Furnishing Goods generally Wells Driven Promptly AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. U'illauiotte Slreet, Eugene Cltv. Oregon. Will k ataOW ran t ftll pplicaa, d U rmoan wHbni .1 . a atJ fall ilaatTiWtrK-. plutl lU v""-u ' ... I1M lw.it. . mtM4 . W ppljlS &imKMTC0,Detrolt.Wc; nOR UECBL fllEUCILISDISE E T. G. HEHDRICK. s AN JUAN LlilB it sal. by 1. U. IIL.A L1.J V-Ii-O. . . "VTKW STOCK OF II AT! The beet JM an 1 Unrt ever ltrJ?r 5? A Large assortment of Triniing Silks, 75 cts to 51 25 per yard. A fine line of Hoosicry, all prices Overalls from 50 cts up. .at from $2 up ...from $1 25 up ,n from $1 60 up trom $1 up $4 50 worth $6 $3 50 to $5 ..$4 worth $6 $2 up can Save Yourselves Children TOP. Kothoro Lie and riyslclans rocomocsd it. IT 13 fiCT iiarcoti:. 3 CEXTAUi: LINI3IEXTS; tlio World's prcat lIn-Ec-Iicvins remedies. TLeyheal, hootiio nud curd Burns, Vounls, Vt'ealt Back and niicumatism upou Elan, and Strains, Calls and Lameness .tpou Eoaats. Cheap, quick ar.d reliable. CPURT'j cf riscut.ti3 lUuons, EnoZos. CrticlIlBj Pains la tlie) KcaJ, TeUil Uroatli, CoaTnoss, or.d tny Catarrhal Complaint, can lo extorminatod by Wei Ce Uoyor'e Catarrh Cnre, a Consti tutional Antidote, by Absorp tion . Tho most Important Diaa oovery aiuoe Vaccination. EDQT AND. SHOE STC3RE. A. HUNT, Proprietor. Shop on Willamette street, 2nd door north of hardware store, Engcne City, Or. will hereaft er keep a jcomplete stock of L.iOIi:.S .MIMSS' -AND- . ciflLDREN'S SHOES Gaitem, Cloth and Kid, Ilottoa ItooU. Slip pes, white and black, Nan da In, Fenh UlilShife. MENS BOYS ri.1I ASO HEAVY BOOTS & SHOES And in fact evervtuinz in the BOOT and SHOE line, to which I intend to devote ra erpevial attention. MY GOODS Were manufactured td erdtr, ARE FIRST CLASS And guaranteed as represented, and will be sold lur the lowest prtr-. that a g"od article oan be afforded. ajr:7 78tf A. lll'Vl'. LOICi:ia! l.UHIii:ia I HAVE ESTABLISHED A LBER YARD On the corner cf Eleventh and Willamette streetJ.and ke"p constantly on baud lumber of all kin'ls. rieasoned flixuing and ri"ti-, fenc ing and fenoe pe.ti F. B. DUNN. ' C ft If KUQKNK CITV BUSINESS 3DIEECT0RY. ALEXANDFK. J. B. Justice of the Peace South Ku'ne IVecInct; ollice at Court Home. ABRAMS, W. H. k imO.-Planlmr mill, snah. door, blind and nioulitinir uinnuf t.r Eighth street, east of mill race. Everything ia our line furnished on short notice end reasonable ternis. BOOK STORE One door south of the Astor House. A full stock of assorted boi pajH-rt piaiu anu lancy.f CHAIN BROS. -Dealer In J.welrr. Wak-h. e, (locks and MuA-al InitrumenU-Wib lametU atrMt. LrtwMn Maim.Ii .m.I V:..i..i. CALLISON. R. G.-Dealer In crocrtea. tiny ...n."n W.T1NHI Mm JUIIl.U. visions, oountry produce, canneit ironda. books. -brtionenr, etc., southwest corner Willamette and mh KU. DOltRIS, GEO. B.-Attorney and Counsellor at U. Ulliii on illanietU street, Eu Irene City. D0RRI3. B. F.-Dealer In Stove, and Tin ware Willamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. ELLSWOltTn k CO.-Dru(nH.U and dealers inpanvw, oils, etc. UlainetU street, ha tween Eighth and Ninth. . FRIENDLY, a II. -Denier in dry foods, cJctbtrqr and general ruerchandi illam- ette slrei-t, between fciirlith and Ninth. GUARD OFFICE-Newspaper, book and Job . Timing onice, corner UlauielteaiiUSeveutli streets. GRANGE STORE-Dealert in reneral mer cnsmiue and produce, comer hitjhtn and vt uianiette streets. GILL, J. P. l'hynlclan. Surgeon and Drtlg dst, Postoftice, Willamette reet, between seventn and r.igbtb. HAYS, ROBT.-Wlnes, Liquors, and Ci gars of the best nimlity kept constantly ou hand. The best billiard table in town. HENDRICKS, T. O.-Dealei in general mer chandise northwest corner WlllaiuetU and Ninth streets. HODES, C, Keeps on hand fine wines, liq oors, c!gai and a pool and billiard table: Willamette street, between Eighth and Ninth. HORN, CHAS. M. -Gunsmith. Iliflee ar.j shot-guns, breech and muzzle loeders, for saie. ltejiairing done in the neatest style and war ranted. Shop on IHh street, KINSEY, J. D.-8ash, blin.ls and door fao- A I . .1 . ... vry, winuow ana aoor iraraes, mnuiulngs, eta ,.giazing and glass cutting done to order. LYNCH, A. -Groceries, provisions, fruits, veg-it-Mi : "... n . i vutuii;., rvu, .i uiiuiirtw sipci, Drst uoor south of Postoffice. ttCKEY, J. Watchmaker and Jeweler; keeps a fine stuck of goods in his line, Willam ette street, in Ellsworth's drug store. McCLAREN. JAMES -Choice, wines, li.i uors, and eiifars Willamette street, between Eighth and i nun. MELLER, M. Brewery Lager lwer on tap ana by tlie keg or barrel, corner of Ninth and Olive streets. OSHURN k CO.-Dealers in dniei., medicines. chemicals, oils, paints, eta Willamette st, (ipKito S. tliarles Hotel PA'ITEUSON, A. &-A fine stock of plain I . I M 1 ana inucy vuiung earns. PRESTON. WM. -Dealer in Sl.llory, Har ness, larrlago Irimmlngs, etc. Willamette street between Seventh and Eighth. POST OFFICE -A new stock of standard school books just received at the poet oilice. REAM, J. . Undertaker and building con- tractor, norucr Willamette and Keventh street. ROSENBLATT ft CO.-Dry gio.ls, clothing, groceries and general UvrchantllKe, southwest corner Willamette and Eighth street, ST. CHARLES HOTEL - Charlns Pa- ker, Proprietress. .The best Hote In the ; ilty. Corner Willamette and Ninth streets. I SCHOOL SUPPLIES-A large and varied assortment of slates nf all sires, anil quantities nf slates and slate-books. Three doors north of the express oilice. THOMPSON ft BEAN-Attorneys-at-Law- W Ultimo tie street, between eeventh and Eighth. WALTON, J. J.-Attorney-at-Uw. Ofliee- w lllamette street, between Deventh and Eighth. ELLSWORTH & CO., D UU G GIST, LL CONTINUE THE BUSINESS in all its branches at the old stand, efferinir increased inducements to customers, old and new. As heretofore, the most Careful attention given to Prescripions. NEW MEAT MARKET On tlie west side of Willamette Street, between Eighth and Ninth. Having just opened a new and neat Meat Mxket, we are prepdied to furnish he best Beef, Veul, Mutton, Pork, etc., To eur customers, at the lbwest market rates Th custom of the public It respect fully solicited: Meats delivered to any part of the city free of charge. McCOKXACK ft ItKNSHAW. OPPOSITION IS THE LIFE OF TRADE SLOAN BROTHERS' WLL DO WORK CHEAFEH than any other shop in towrl. HORSES SHOD TCR 2'CASH. With new material, all round. Resetti'ig old Slots 1. )A11 warranted to give satLfj'-tiim. Shop cu the Corner cf 8th and OUre Street!. Fatal Affnj. Alicrnt four o'clock Monday afternoon t)'putjr IVoiiecuting Attorney J. W. RoU, a prominent attorney living at Astoria, was hhot and instuntly killed ly J. O. Roborteoa Mr Roll's office was upstairs nearly opposite) the Occi- itimfc brl m ail va t4 nm lilm Vau.-i..- an nnuftual noise, went up and found him lying on the floor, with a bullet hole in Lis breast Investigation soon revealed tho fact that a man was seen to come hurrsdly down the stairs and ruiih away Sud that person was J. O. RoU'itson, employed as a. detective about dm canneries. Robertson was immediately arrested, but had no pintol, but it was proven that ho had borrowed a piNtol but a short time liefore the shooting, and had been heard to remark that "he would make somebody w in his checks." An examination ot the pistol which ho had borrowed rovealed tho fact that one chamtar had been re cently discharged, and afterwards re loaded. The coroner was notified of the mur der and the jury summoned roturned tho verdict that J. W. Robl was shot and killed, and that it was their belief that tho dned .was committed by J. Q. RoliertMon. The deceased came to Oregon from the East over five years ago. He was a resident of Portland for alxut two yeaVs, and during that time was assoc. ated in the practice of law with 0. W. Yocum under the firm name of Yocuni ii RolU About threo years .ago de ceased dissolved partnership and soon after moved to Astoria, where he has since, rrstided. lib leaves a wife and ono child. Standard of April 26th. George Eliot. The British and Colonial Printer for March 16th, reproduces a portrait of George Eliot, and also a fot trait of Thomas Carlyle, Introducing that of Geoigrt Eliot, the Printer says: "Who has not longed to' see tlie face ot the author of Adam Pfxlo and the Mill on the Floss. Yet, George Eliot shrank from gratifying this most laudublo curi- osty. Into her reasons we may not pry, but we hold it to be akin to a duty thut gifted and famous persons should let their physiognomies be no less fa miliar than their books and names. Only one portrait of George Eliot was ever painted, and that was years ago, and it has never been engraved; thence it comes that a fugitive pen and ink sketch, taken seven years since, is all that the multitude of her disciples and admirers possess in tho way of portraits, The reproduction we now give conveys a correct impression of tho striking phys iognomy of the first of English writers of solid fiction. Those massive features fitly typify the powerful intellect that animated them. Iu the superficial plain tli-cidedly plain. Hut to those who guuge face-beauty by a higher standard than itirtt of doll-prettincss George Eliot's was a countenance serenely grand in its rugged contour. Power was the chief quality it indicat ed, yet in society few even among wo men were so subdued in tone and sweet spoken, Bho'hadtho simplicity that betokens supreme strength. Blight though it is, this graphic little sketch of the immortal George Eliot is ono of tho most precious of our souvenirs.' Fatal Accidaxt. James" W. Mack ey of Baker City and Louis Bollon started out through Alturas county, Idaho, on the way to Montana. One night while preparing to camp, Ballon at Mkckey's request passed his gun out of the wagon and in laying it down among somo sagebrush it was accident ally discharged, the ball entering Mack ey's left side near the last rib, and just under the spirie two or threce inches from the backbone! He was taken to the nearest ranch some eight miles dis tant from Malad brlilge where he died alwut two o'clock the following after noon. Mr'.' and Mrs. Bliss, at whose ranch he died, did everything in their power to alleviate his' sufferings, and extended every hospitality to those who brought him there. ' A Republican paper, explaining the lack' of experience on their side of tlie House, says' the Republicans could wi ll aflor to elect Randall Speaker in order to kep him off the floor. 1 Ri)ii!iil Execution. All the nihilists except the women Hessy Holfmann, condemned to death for connection with the Czar'a assassi nation, were hanged on the morning of the 15th. The condemned were escort ed by Cossacks and infantry, with rums beating and fifes playing. A de tachmonin( all the regimental guards in St. Potf n''Urg surrounded the aeafi fold. All the prinoi.i r received the Biinistration of priest, and kiWd the 1 . cross and each other. They were very firm except Russakoff, who tainted at th. hut moment MichaelofTs rope broke twice. Order was not disturbed; there was an immense concourse of peo ple. The woman (Helfmann) is encein te, and her execution is delayed nfitl) after her confinement The appeals ot RuimakofT and Miuhaeloff were submit ted to the Czar, but he replied that tho sentence of the Court must be carried' 0Ut . ...J ... Many thousand people ptuned the night at the place of execution, in order ' to obtain a good view. The execution-: cr was a reprieved convict The prisoj ncra were conveyed from the fortress in two carts, with their backs to. the horses and their hands tiod to boards on their breasts, bearing the word "Regicide" in large lotters. When the prisoners moantcd th scaffold the head of each was covered with a sack. They were then placed upon stools, which wore drawn away, snd they were loft to strangle, After hanging twenty minutes, tho bodiea. were cut down and taken to the ceme tery, outside the city. Chronicle. flow the lew Czar Looki. Alexander III., the new Czar of . Russia, is about six feet in height lie is remarkably deep-chested and broad- shouldered, with all the appearance of great strength. Ilia light-gray eyesjre scmblo those ot his mother' relatives' at HesHO Darmstadt more , than his father's who had dark-bluo eyes. Tho shapo of his head, which is above the. average sizo as with most of his family is rathsr peculiar; one of those only fitted by a large hat, which, when worn, appears out of proportion to the com-, paratively small face below. His fore head is high; but tho organs of vener ation, firmness and self-esteem are most largely developed. A small mouth, with good teeth, which ho shows only when ho laughs, is his best feature; his hair is auburn, and his complexion very fair. In St Petersburg he usually' ap- pears correctly attired in uniform; but when enjoying a holiday among his wife's relatives ho may be soen in a very loose suit of shepherd's plaid, a. Hack tie, a white hat, and with neither, gloves, ring nor watch. That he has been no carpet soldier is evident from tho marks of frost bites on the third. and fourth fingers of his left hand, and a slight scar on his temple where a bul let grazed his head in one of the bat tles in the Turkish war. Do not Tubivb on Sawdust. It is. said, says the Seattle Intelligencer, that . the rock cod are disappearing from our bay. Two or three years ago eight or ten boats could bo seen at one time en gaged in catching these fine fish, the haul of which ranged from a dozen to twenty or thirty fish, and more if more was wanted. Now a single fish or two is all that can bo obtained from an afternoon's sport: It is thought thai tho cause of the present scarcity is to be found in tho great quantity of saw dust dumped into tlie bay, and that un til the cause is removed the effect must remain.' Fih of 'nearly all kinds are driven off by the sawdust, and that this is the case with the rock cou rieie aneiua probable and reasonable.' The mills elsewhere burn their sawdust and the mills here should do'the same.' ' . ' ' ORR00X WllfAT STEAUEH8.' ThJ Astorian understands thr.t the Central Pacific Railway Company have closed. charter for two large steamers to carry Oregon wheat from Astoria direct to. Wilmington after harvest. The same authority, which is reliable,' says they are negotiating for a Western Oregon narrow guag railway,' w hich they will posh through to Astoria, Dallas is without any kind of a fire apparatus. i i .