The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 12, 1881, Image 5

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Common Coencil meet Mouday main,.
It yo wish to buy good ebtap call at
' 8 II Friendly'.
Hers bill priuteJ kt th Guard office at
reasonable rates.
Call and km that burp stock uf goods for
at Friudly's.
ft H 0 Iladlsy ' advertisement 0 bU hort
Yang Conquer, Jr. ,
Fur good duntiitry at reasonable figure go
U Dr. Davie, over Grange (tore,
8ilver Platd Ware A complete auort'
at; ALL mw Itvlim, at Craiu Bros.
S II Friudly will cbeap (or cash boots,
she clothing, bate, cap faucy goods, els,
Eld. 8. Monro Uubbard will preach in
tht Christian Church next Sunday, morning
and evening.
Changeable weather the first of the week,
fluushiu in tke moruing, aud rain aud iturm
in the afternoon.
J K Atteberry and Orrin Moore announce
themselves a candidate! for Marshal in the
eoiuiugcity election.
Mr 8 H. Friendly will pay the highest
cash market price for wheat. 'Jive him a
call before aelliug your gram elsewhere.
Go and see that large itock of good just
received at Uendrick'i before purchasing else,
where. ' The belt stock of mens clothing and
rniahing goods at prices to suit the tunc.
Don't you forget that all who have tried
the Durkee Woven Wire Mattroti accord it
the highest praise, P etfectly cleau, nose
less, and durable. E J-Mcl'lanahan ik the
sole agent for Lane county.
Clerk's Report.
At the meeting of School District No.
4, Kugeue City, held March 7tb, the Clerk
made the fol lowing report;
Co. aud State apportionment 518S9 OS
Taxes 8J7 30
Katsbill 154 2.5
I'revions Clerk 4100
Faid teachers, and incidentals.
..J2951 fit
.. 2702 59
Balance 49 04
Indebtedness of district ab iut 970 00
including order due at eud of
present nmoth.
Due n Taxes that are col loctahle.. 4S9 36
Taxable property in district $678,330
Legal voters. 30.1
Children subject to apportionment,, .. . ,516
H ico 1 dim Court. The spriug ffghta com
meaeed Iut Suaday, Zacb Moore and Irv
ine; Ilemmeaway being the participants. - 7 he
latter put in an appearance before Judge
Humphrey, and contributed ?5 towards replen
ishing the city exchequer. Zach discovered sud
denly that the country wis preferable to the
city, aid acted accordingly. The Judge had
another ease before him, but the defendant
akipped, and left the court in doubt as to his
Military 1oad. We are informed by a re
liable gentleman, that steps have been taken to
insure the opening of the military wagon road
between Eugene City and Southeastern Ore
gon, by the 1st of June, aud probably by the
15th of May. The county court will wisely
render some avistanc towards rebnil ling the
principal bridge on the route, and the residents
long the road will repair and place it in a con
dition for travel
Litiuation. A cue. came before Judge
Fftch Monday in the County Court that ex
cited t nsiderable interest. A 11 t-paro I
brought suit against J H Short rulge, both of
Cottage Grove, to recover money due on a
' note. Quite a number of the citizens
of 'Cottage Grove, Lane Co., were present
m witnesses. The jury returned a verdict
(or the plaintiff for $85. The cost 1 of the
suit will amount to about $150.
ItRTPRNEn Home. Miss Kittie Chamber
lainwho lias been visiting Mr, Geo Hum
phrey and fnmily for several months past
started for her home in Santa Rosa, Califor
nia, Tuesday. On Friday evening previous
to her departure a pleasant surprise party
was giveu her at the residence of Mrs Norris
Humphrey. Miss Augusta Osburti accoin
' panied Miss Chamberlain, and will be Absent
several weeks.
Grange Address. Judge R P Boise, the
Master of the Oregon State Grnuge, will do
liver a public address at the Court Home,
Eugene City, Saturday, March 19, 1SS1, at
10 o'clock a. H., taking as his subject, "The
object and aims of tho Grange at
viewed and proclaimed by the list National
Brume Broken. While workmen were en
iraged, the other day, repairing the bridge
across the first slough beyond the Eugene
bri.lgs, the stringers broke in the middle. This
will necessitate a new bridge. A subscription
p&r was circulated on tne streets one day
thi week to secure nisans, with which to re
build it, wit'i w!ut sviccias we did not learn.
t HiiAVt M-)RT3.voe. -There was recorded in
the Clerk's office of this county, this week, a
mnrtgaV on all the property of the 0 C R R
Co., foe I2.000.0U This roort,-age had to be
recorded in every county through which the
line f the railroal runs. In ttiis county it
required Jl pages of the county record to con
tain the mortgage.
Bop no Over. The trial of John Roberts
and John Belshaw for assaulting a Chinaman,
resulted in the release of the latter, and the
binding over of the former to appear at the
next session nf the Circuit Court for this
county. The bond was flied- at $20,
which waa given, aud the prisoner released.
Drummers, Eugene has been over-run
the put week by commercial travelers, bet
ter known as drummers. A bitch of twelve
cam ap Satarriay and remained over Mon
day. Ab-'Ut as as many more put in an ap
pearance after tbat time.
B 1 i 7 . Teachers, do all you can to kep th school the
School Misting. At the school meeting of tha ,, child. The highest
.Menda-, F B Denn waa re-elected Director force is the interest you kindle in the child be
aoslKU CaUison was elected Clerk. The fore you. The interest you inspire in th child
attendance was small ia the measun fj"r success.
Adjourned till to-morrow morning.
Kchawat. A-four bone team ran a ay
1 1 At . . 1 t.-1 - - J A
te.-. b Wing tu Mr- BeAa also took I ,
isinrt.fU,7rek. t
A District Bute Teachers Institute con
vened at the District school bouse, Eugene
City, Wednesday, Maich 9, 1SS1.
Tb preliminary cxeiciset were held in the
E Church the previous evening, as fol
T J Gill, County Superintendent of Lane
couuty, inade an address of welcome, which
was filled with good thoughts sod wise aug
gestious a to the work of the Institute.
Prof L J Powell responded on behalf of
the Institute.
Miss V lUbb read an essay on "Our Girls
what are they aud what sluli they be." The
effort waa heartily applauded for frankness,
truthfuluess, aud it evidence of faithful
Wednesday, March 8th.
murninq session 9:3J a. m.
Institute called to order by State Superin-
teudeut L J Powell
Mr J F Hill wai electel Secretary, and
Miss Hatlie Collier, Assistant Secretary,
Piano duet by Misses Smith aud Uuder
"Hi ill on Vocal Sounds." This topio was
spiritedly discussed by Prof C 1'owclL II
took a class and illustrated hii method; alio
by blackboard exorcises.
".Method of Teaching Primary Reading"
Miss Nellie iteveiu introduced the thime by
reading a carefully prepared paper. Where
possible she advised using blocks with words
printed on them, or as substitute the
teacher should place the words on the blacx
board; also to use the word system first, and
follow with the Fhonio system. A lively
discussion followed.
Miss Burns said teach script letter st the
same time you teach printed. Teach words
as well as letters: the youug pupil will be
interested all tiie time,
"Mctlnxl of Teaching Advanced Read
ing" - Prof Itighter, Principal of the Kugeue
City public school called up his class in Cth
reader, aud Kave his usual method of recita
tion; first asking the-subject of the lesson,
followed by the definitions of tho important
words, ideas, and principles of the lesson.
Prof Powell appioved the plan, but
thought it did not touch the point fully; he
said the class must read with life euergy an 1
Prof Lighter explained that he thouglit
his drill necessary to a kuowledge of how to
read undurstandiiigly.
Mutic by Miss Mae Stevens.
afternoon 1 30 r. at.
Music, piano solo, 00 Awbrey,
"Primary Geography" Henry Bristow
opeued the subj'tct by aaying; teach geogra
phy to the youug, but don't confuse them
with books. Teach by object lessons; fix
the poiuts of tho compass first; afterwards
the book may be introduced.
"Methods of Recitation" Prof Gill gave
several methods.
Prof Powell said the manner uf calling and
dismissing the class was of prime importance.
A quiet orderly mnnder should be sought.
He alio favored topical recitations, the pu
pil rising; concert exerciser wore as much
a beuetit as au injury. The discussiou was
"School Room Management" Misj Nettio
McCoruack presented an interesting paper
on this subject, showing deep thought. She
did not favor corporal punishment; would
try to find the good side,
"How to Prevent Whispering in School"--A
irviieneral discussion. Ou a vote as to
how many had absolutely suppressod whis
pering only two voted in the allirnmtivo.
A S Burmason said: do not allow it; watch
your pupils; give frequent intermissious till
the pupils get used to the new order.
Miss Bradley uever permitted the pupils
to move the lips iu studying; had no dilficul
ty in suppressing whispering.
Prof Powell knew of two teschcrs iu Linn
county who had succeeded. The plan was
to have order or make it by the use of the
rod. He also said in regard to scliool man
agement; have order, the pupil will like it.
do not. be extreme; when the teacher is or
derly the school will be so.
Music by Miss Ella Uisdon.
"Legal rights of Teachers in rcspeet to
corporal punishment" Robert S Bean, Esq,
proceeded to instruct the members, both as
to "law and fuct," by outlining their legal
rights, and leaving them to make the appli
cation. Parental authority, he said, must
be delegated to the teacher, otherwise our
public school system is failure. He gave
as a deliuitiou of a reasonable punishment:
such as a kind and intelligent parent would
give under the same circumstances.
An interesting discussion ou "When does
the teacher's authority begin !" followed.
The uiajmity "'' i" favor of authority be'
ginning hIk-ii toe pupil leaves borne. and
continuing until ho mUrus.
AiljnU.nod to 7 I'. M.
kvc.;:.o-7 p. u.
Two meeting were puhlishe 1 for this even
ingt mi J a compromise wus anaiijj.'d, the Blue
Ribbon Club fumiiiiinj part, auJ the Iustitute
Prof Thos Condon I-.ttured'on "Education."
he; The tendency to become somothin f
else i indnillr mitten, by the hand of God,
on everything in nawe. Bud life is bursting
forth in ail the fields of the land. Life is ever
unfoliiim;. He drew aflieautiful parallel be
tween the unfohling of bud life, and the growth
in our boys and girls now unfolding into man
hood and womanhood. Toe spirit t make
Wehsters, Gulelios and lighU t sMne in every
vocation are shut up in the bud life of child
hood. There is a duality, an 1 nimal and a soul,
completely joined together in every chil;L
Aet the suniignt so some in upon oy"
that they will come fo-tn soul tint 1 tie trail
and tender snoulrt oe prnteciea so as no w urn
out by the rude, rough and vulvar.
rVsn'. of space preclude th publication of
tha mtire rrooeedines of the Institute this
writ They -.,11 be conclude in next week s
iue. -Ea GcasdJ. ,
Commissioner- Court.
At a regular term of the Commissioners
Court of Lane county, held in Ktigtu City,
commencing March 9th.
IWut-C W Fitch, County Jud.'e; J M
Spors and J A McMahon, Commissioner. J
M Shelly, Sheriff, and Joel Ware, Clerk.
The following pruceJings Were had:
At this time the court appointed th folio1
Ing named Suiwrvisor for the year 1881:
District No. 21-Jai P Shields.
2G-A K Patterson.
37 -W V Miller.
8-Th os Donaldson.
67-T II McCIane.
65- Hainan Carter.
2-S II Thomas.
J W Gordon was appointed constable for
8pringfield precinct to serve until the next gen
eral election.
Jt was ordered, In the matter of the applica
siun of Sarah A Skaggs for a license to run
ferry at Eugene City, that the license be
grantej to continue in force until the Eugene
britlge is ready for travel, and no longer. Th
following rate of toll were fixed: One wagon
and two horses, 25 cts; four horse wagon, 50
cts; horse and buggy, 25 cts; horseman, 12 1-2
cts: footman, 10 cts; pack animal, 10 cts; loose
cattle and horses, C cts; sheep and hogs, 3 cts.
A licenio to run a ferry at Springfield, for
year, was issued to Levi Linder with th same
rates as above.
The application of J W Masterson for 1
change of county road in Cottage Grove pre
cinct was granted.
1 be cou tract of the county with John Brown
to keep the paupers of the county at (5 50 each
per week, was snnulled and decl .r.-d void.
At this time it was ordered that the Deputy
County Clerk of Lane county be allowed pay
at the rata of t ji J p -r year, and the Deputy
Sheriff at the rate of I'JOO per year, until fur
ther ordered by the court
Total allowances of term, $2,832 29. '
Whereujion the Court adjourned until March
25, 1881, at 10 o'clock A. 11.
Blue Ribbon Club.
An nnusally large concourse of our citizen
assembled at tho M E Church last Wedi rs
day evening, to hear the rendering of the
programme selected for the occasion. The
songs by the choir showed good judgment in
the leader iu his selections and were well
sung. The address by Prof Condon was
more of au educational nature than of temper
ance. He held the audience in wrapt atten
tion for more than three-quarters of an hour.
The qnartette nf the four gcut'.emen was
"teetotal" failure.
We consider the recess a very important
feature, in the entertainment, ss it gives those
who are "tired" a chance to go home.
The recitation of "Bessie' Three Lovers,"
by Miss Elina Locliwonk, was immense; and
"The driuking houe over the Way," by lit
tle Miss Foley, was exceptiouably good for
oue of her year.
There is a good programme in preparation
for next Wednesday evening. Strangers and
their wives are invited to attend these
meeting of the club. Con.
Mr J C Church visited Portend this
Mrs II M Crnpper and family are residing
at Webster City, Iowa. B S McLnirerty lectured before the
college societies at Salmn, Friday evening.
We learn that Gov. Whiteaker is expected
home from Washington about the 21th iust.
The Independence Riverside says that Geo
M Miller has beeu appointed deputy prose
cuting attorney of Polk county.
Mr. "Tip" Mason, of Mohawk precinct, re
turned the other day from a visit to Missouri.
He brought back a newly made Mrs Mason
with him.
Henry McGinn, nf Multnomah county,
formerly a student at the State University,
is of the number to be examined before the
Supreme Court of Oregon, upon their appli
cations to be admitted to the bar.
Dexter Items.
March 8, 1881. .
Mr John Tauter say it's a boy.
The ferry at the old crossing of the Mid
dle l'ork is running again.
On Sunday last J M Parker and family
were out visiting, ami 111 crossing a mien
their hack was upset, throwing the occupants
in the mud, severely hurting Mrs. Parker.
Charlin and Willie William have secured
the contract for furnishing the Springfield
Mill Co. with from one to two million feet of
saw log. They are rushers to work (the
tioya, not the logs) and will make things
lively around camp. They begin work at
0. la . A. a.
Ci:y Walks.
We have been funrshed by Mar that J. E.
Attebery with the following statistical state
ment of th extent and cot of the walk of
this city.
6 ft walk. 30,450 ft (S 21 cts pr ft. .gG394 50
" 5,800 .. l(,24 00
10 " 2.0U0 " 33 " .. (iGOOO
Street Crossings, C2G4 ft at a cost
of 11 03-100 each 1340 (Jo
Alley crossings, 1 134 ft at a cost of
3 73-100 eacli oU! 13
Whole Amt of walk 45,048 feet or
8 miles.
Total cost 210,319 71
Total cost of bridges, sewers, etc. . 050 00
Total $10000 71
The closing lecture of the course by Prof.
Johuson will be giveu to-night at Lane'
Hall. Subject, "l ue Social aud Heligiou
Couditiou of the Chiuese. " Ticket at
Craiu Bros. M usiu Store,
For Marshal.
caniiidate (or City Marshal at the at tie
city election. April 4, ISal.
For Marshal.
' -t-wtri?Fiiv Awavscr. MiPEt.F AS
X a candidate for Cit. Marsh J to be voted ,
tor at th. city election Aprd L
J. . Al lt.i5t.BX.
Mr. B. C. Va Hoi-ten ha been ap
appoiuted ageut of the "New Zealand" Fiie
Iuanrauce Company an English C'olouUl
Coinpauyof excelleut standing and ample
There are many of our citiixens who
have Iusurauce iu this Company, aud will
without doubt k fairly dealt with in case of
loss. We desire to driw attention" to the
following article from the New York "Dry
Good Lulletin:"
PANY. Extract from the New York "Dry Good
Bullctiu of Nov. 4, 1S70 J
The Colony of New Zealand i almost an
tipodal to us of New York. It cousista of
thru islands North, SoutS aud Stewart's
all lying far to the east of Australia. The
populaliou scarcely exceed half a million.
though some til'ty thousand Maori, or native
Iudiuus, ire still found ujkiii the island. It
seem but yesterday thai we heard of New
Zealand, aud yet it alrealy has a history.
Iu round im.ubers, tho Colony ha more
than 13,000,0l0 hecp, aud in 1877 raise.)
nearly o'J.OuO.OOO pouudt of wool, that told
These dislaut aud thinly populated islands
may appear a singular location for an in-
suianco company; but let us examine a few
more tacts, rrom 1802 to Ibba, the Colony
raised 15I,271,2'.iS of gold. Iu 1870 they
raised a loan of s20.000.000 for public work
roads, bridges, telegraph lines, etc. Her
central port, Auckland, is one of the lluest
harbors; out ot the way, and yet direct. y in
the wy. Her people are wiul.hy, us is
showu by the fact that tho Bunk ot New
Zealand has asset of o8,000,U0U, tlic New
Zealand Iwu aud Meicautilu Company as
sets of $IO,000,OUO, ami the liuaucial stock
holder uf these institution have orgauizisl
New Zealand Insi-rance Cumi-any liie
aud mariuo-willi a capital uf $5,000,000; head
ulbce at Auckland.
This Company was organized ia 1859, and
(trungo as M limy seem, 1:1 view of the im
mense wealth which they represent, with
unlimited liability of stockholders. In
their statement lust year the showing was
most excellent. Assets, $1,085,054; surplus
lor poncy-iioiiicrs, $1,4.10,1141; premiums re
ceived to May 31, lt78, $7,4!t5,l77; losses
paid to date, 4,5(19,002. 1 liu Coiuiiuny mi
derwrite through their agents agaius all lire
aud marine losses. Claims are settled and
paid utauy of the agcucies, which are Incut
ed at various port throughout the whole
civilized world, 1 tie muuagirs of the Com
pany for the Pacilio Coast are, Ul'Ull Craiu.
at No. 207 Caliloruia Street, San Fraucisco.
and W. f. dkown, Ao. 7 irt Street, Port-
laud, Oregon.
Such is this antipodal iusurauce company.
Their showing is excellent, their means am
ple, their high and responsible .oter uii-
questionable, the feature uf the .-harter
such as to render each stockholder person
ally liarjle lor eacli aud every loss. They
oiler their abundant means to the Vt holu out
side world, and kave already met tho most
exteiidtd encouragement It is creditable to
hud known wcaltn thus stepping forward 111
the iusurauce I nc. Thero is no quibbling
about payment. Every loss is hoiiorublv
aud quickly adjusted, aud the dauiucc
prompiy paid.
AiS(.ht.U. fire and Marine. Unlim
ited liability uf Stockholders. $..0,000
iu U. S. Bouds deposited in the State
Treasury. Capital, 5,000,0U0.
Oflico, No. 7 First Street,
Poktlank, Oregon, Jan. 1, 1878.
To F. W. Kkowx. Agent New Zealand In
surance Company- The billowing letter in
regard to the standing ot the New Zealand
Insurance Company, will euablo you to es
tablish it reputation as a lirst-class English
Portland. Ortgon. Dec. 28. 1877.
J. II. BchKluicr, Lsy., Albany:
Hear sir: In relereuce to tlie IVow
Zeala-id Insurance Company, of Auckland,
M . Z. of Inch I understand you have beuu
ppointed Agent; I may luloriii you that the
Company is incorporated uuder the laws of
New Zealand, with a Capital uf $5,000,000,
a. id unlimited liability of .Shareholders
The Standing of the Company is A I in
every respect. The usual deposit of f.H),
000 iu U. S. Bonds has been nude with the
State Treasurer through thu .Dank. In ad
dition, a credit of 5,000 sum lii'il. equal to
$25,000, iu favor of the Agent ot tli. Com
pany has been opened by the Bank of New
Zealand with us, while a similar credit for
110,000 sterling, equal to $50,000, has been
opeued with the Bank of California. Both
these 1 redits would be available, if required,
iu settle in n of losses.
1 am, I ear Sir, Your Faithfully.
W. W.FR-iNtlS, Acting Manager,
The J. M. Biiad.stkket k Son Company
Fa 1 Francisco, Nov. 20, 1877.
Mr Hamilton Boyd, Portland, Oregon,
Dear Sir: This will introduce to you
Mr. Perry, representing the New Zealand
Insurance Company of Auckland, New Zea
land, with general agency iu Sun Francisco
under the capable management of Mr- Hugh
Craig, and who now visit your City and
State fur the purpose of establishing .ocal
Agencies of his Company there. The New
Zealand Insurance Company ranks among
the best a d most Mibstautiol of foreign
Companies, and we chterlully commend it
and its representative, Mr. Ferry, to your
favorable consideration and any favor you
may be able to afford the geiitlrmaii will be
appreciated by him and greatly oblige,
Assuredly Yours,
S. B. HILLAUD, Superinteudeut.
San Francisco, Nov. 19, 1877.
Messrs. Woodward & Conn ell, Portland,
Gentlemen: We take the pleasure uf
introducing to you, through this, .Mr. 1'eny,
representing the New Zealand Iusuiauce
Company. Mr Ferry vinte your City for
the purpose of arranging their, business iu
your State, and may desire to consult with
you iu legard to the same. We have great
pleasure 111 recommending him personally tu f
your confidence, and from tlie reputation ul
the C mpauy at home, the high reputation
they have gained iu this Stale, under the
management 01 Mr. Hugh Craig, we have no
hesitancy in recommending the Company to
yon aud to the pe pie of Uregon, as among
the leading foreign insurance companies do
ing lufiuess on tne Coast.
Yours to Comrnsnd,
NOTE. We would also call your atten
tion to the fact that the Stock ot the New
Zealaud Insurance Company is quoted at
260 in the London Market. The New Zea
land Iiisururauce C any ha no Sixty
Day's claim in its Policy, all losses being
paid immediately after adjustment of low
witboct nncot nt.
Very Truly Yonrs,
j Vt. r. BK'JMA, lien lent Ag'nt
j U P. FEBRY, Inj eetor of Agencie.
Goods will
for the next
On account of Removal
I. X, L.
Of the
the purpose of re
ducinir mv
8. H. Friendly.
Causing Chills and Fover
Dumb Aguo.lntermlttent, Re
mittent and Typhoid Favors,
Biliousness, Liver, Stomach,
and Kidney disordors, and
Ing tho health and lives of
millions, is driven out of tho
system, and radically curod
by the use of tho LION MA
FOOT PLASTERS, tho choap-
ost and only perfect treat
ment by the Absorption prin
ciple. Tho Plasters acting In
conjunction with the Pad up
on tho nerve centers and re
mote parts of the body, In ab
sorbing and thoroughly rid
dingth's system from MALA
The whole treatment, PAD,
PLASTERS, all combined,
sold for SI. OO-tho cheapest
and bestremedyever discov
ered, and a positive euro
guaranteed if worn accord
ing to directions. Remain
ber, Pad, Body Plaster and
Foot Plasters, the whole,
$ 1 .00. Sold by all druggists,
or mailed on receipt of price
Administrator's Notice.
i the undersigned has bee n duly appoint
ed adininirtnitor of the estute of I, i f M. linker,
deceased, hy the County ('ourt of the Htnteof
Oregon, for the County of Limn. AH persons
having claims against rxlute are imtilit-ii
hereby to present them to the tindcm'Kiifd at
her resilience in said county within six mouths
Irom the date of this notice,
Febrnary 5, 1HH1.
IVfAKy F. HAKEIi, Administratrix.
thatCharl Lauerhaa been duly spoinf-
ed administrator of the estate of James (jood
child, deceased. All person having claims
against said evtate will present the same, With
tin i:i!U"nary vouchers, to the Administrator
at the odiceof (. 11. Dorri. Kt Eugene City,
vtithinaix months from the date of this notice.
( HAIil.KS LA U Jilt, Administrator.
P.. li DOlClCIS, Attorney.
Eug ue City, Or., Feb. 5, 1881. Ct
th undersigned has he n apioiuted Ad
ministrator of th estate of Iao C'oulson, de
ceaseil, by the Count t'onrt of Lan county,
O.ii, and that all per 011s having claims aguiust
said estate are heieby required to present the
same to idin with pror voialii rs attached at his
resilience in biuslaw l'recinct, Lane County,
t irrgon, or at the otfi -e of Thou pson 4 Bean in
Eugene City within six month from the date
of th is notice.
Dafc-d Jan. 10, 1R1. " .
JdllN sMl SON, Administrator.
THOMl'.SItV I'-KW. Attorneys
Jt rr hriwr.V- -The largest stock of jew
tliy ever brought to Kujjcue at Crain Bros-
be sold
30 days
Prices of all
of Goods for
I have received and have on hand
full lino of
Cigars and Tobaccco,
Whiih 1 will Nell ell for tho lowest
rricrH. Call and examine my goods
before purchasing elsewhere.
Wei Ie iflcjcr's
n j . ' Tt
The unprecedented success of this remark,
hie preparation, jnstifias Ur tVel OfMeyer
in reducing the price to SI Packa(, and
of six packages to ?5. '.'5 centa a package) and
new 4 cent stamp Cure, will be giveu by ua
aud by Wholesale 1 insist, In exchange for
tha 0 cent stamp Wrl do Mei er's) ('
larih Cure.
D. B. Dewey & Co., 46 Dey 8., N. Y.
If you tVish to lay your good cheap, yoti must
go to th (tor of
Tht-y keep eu of th largest stocks of
General Merchandise
Outside of Portland, and they (ell good cheat .
er than it can be bought aaywher in th W-
laruett valley.
Belknap's Springs.
Mr. .0. Brnwnsnn ha leased th Belknap
Springs on the McKeniie river, and i now
pecpareu to receive visitors. The springs
are fumed for the medicinal prnpartie trf tht
water, ami as they are situated in tb midst
nf lietutiful scenery, anil fine banting, and
tishing grounds, promise to boon a noted
resort. The springs are situated 62 miles
east of Eugene, and 6 mile from th Mo
Kenzie Bridge.
JaT 1. DlUNItfO, Clerk, Wabah Shop, To
ledo, Ohio, says: I am now wearing an "Only
Lung I'st," and it has afforded me almost iur
Uut reli. from asthma.- S Advk