pi n pi 'in CITY G ARB. EST1BLISDED FOR TDK DISSEMATIOJ OF DEMOCRATIC PBIXCIPLES. AND TO EARN AN HONEST LIVING BY THE SWEAT OP OCR BROW. WHOLE NO. 69. KUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1881. $2.50 per year IN ADVANCE She 5ugcaf City Guard. I u (inriiLk i. a. cmrBKu. CAMPBELL BROS., Pabliaijrj aai PnprietDr. OFFICE In tha building f inner r occupied by J. W. Cleaver, m a store, cm oar Wil laaetta sad Seventh Streets, i OCR OXLT RA.TK OF AOVKHTI91NO. Advertisements inserted aa follow. : 4a square. 14 line, or ls, una insertion 13; ach eueiuent insertion $L Cub required in taVance. Tim advertisers will be charged at tit fol twin? rate t Oae square thr;. months M 00 jjx month. 8 00 " " nut year VI 00 Trftadent notice, in weal column, 30 centa wr Um fer c'h insertion. Advertisisj bill, will b rendered quarterly. All i" wor m'"t be K" " l,'iLlvkMr- rOSTOFFICK. iflre Har -Fraia f I. a. to I p.s. Biin-1yi t. ail.MtotMp. . ... , Mail arrives fruie the wnth .a 1 leave, cuine oottl. 1 a. im. Arrive treat the aorth sal lem fume e itb it 1M P. for Siei.law. Franklin en1 Ion. f na eltis at .. Weln.iT. For Crawfuhl. ii'OeapOk aol Brownsville at I r.M. Utters will here ly fur delivery hlf n hour aftei . rival f trains. Ifttnhoul 1 be left t the efflei kear bedm mail, depart. .... A.S.PATTERSO!.?.af.. SOCIKTIE. non No II. A. F. and A. M Yeats Ant aai third Welaeadavs ia aarh aeatk. itfiMii Decant Jerri T-onna N. t. O. r, jiO. F. MeeU.very Tueartay .vening. tiU2r WiMtWHtLt EneiiT No. 6, aieeta an the M aat Uh Wertneafovs in wh month. boons Lodge, No. 15, A. O. U. W. Meeta at Masonic Hall the aecond and fourth F. CAUTHORN, A. M, M. D., GraduaUof the Medical Deparln er.t of the Missouri State University, and of Jef feraoa Medical College, l'hila. .Special attention given to Surgery and diseases of the Eye. Cottage Grove, Lane Co., Or. Dee. 18, 1880. 18m3 DENTIST. J, C.GRAY, HAS OPENED DENTAL ROOMS IN Eugene City, over F. B. Dunn s atom, and respectfully solicits patronage of those wishing first-class work at moderate prices. "dr. johi nicklin, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, (Formerly of Yamhill County.) HAS PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN Eugene City. Office in Uuderwo.d note, 2d fljer, ever Well. Faro & Co.s Ex press aSce. Kwidence, two block, west ami a north ef Public Sjhool, io the killing werth property. '" A. IT. PATTERSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OfHte on Ninth Street, oppnalte the M. Charleiej llotel, and at Kefcldeuce, KtXJKNK CITV QKKQON. DH. JOSEPH P. GILL CAN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or re. idence when net profejiHionally engaged. Ollice at the POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Reidenc on Eighth itreet, opposite Presby nan Churcli. 1 EW ELRY EST A BI.ISM EXT. J. . LUCKEY, fa DEALER IS Jt Clicks, Wacnes, Chains, Jewelry, Ett. Rcwirini? rromitly ExcftitiMj. tjTAIIWerk Warranted..? J.S I.UCKKV, Ell.v..rth k Co. 'a !rick, Willamette .treot. CRAIN BROS. Watchei una Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Watcher Oocka, and JJStaneS warranted. Northwert conur of WUIamette aad Eighth itrceta, 3TOTIOE3. 0r Drlptlw 1""'"., ,Mtod lKo. will remain IT .St AreClCo. FIHAL SETTLEMENT. .ttp ia HEREBY GIVEX THAT iKlSSffiE M-h. . k- b.. The largest stock ol goods in Lane Co Is notr on Salo at I B. MIFS; And tliCac arc a few. of the Bargains of fered for CASH : Men Whit Dlaukrtn for ?1 pr pair. UnxadA Drew Gotxls for 1 5 cts per yd. Good Cashmere, full width, .r0 cU per yard. Drocade Silks from $1 25 up TIIIC Best Assortment in the City BOOTS AND SHOES I Lidies Kid Button Ladies Kid Fox Ladies California Calf Cliildrens California Calf Men's California Boots Men's Good Heavy Boots Men' Calf Boots Ladies Pebled Buttoned Shoes Clothing Cheaper than any other House liccdi'J as cuwi as, can (7 Civs me a call and F. M. WILKINS, . Suecewur to Srcltox t Wii.kins. Piaciical Diup & Chemisis, UNDERWOOD'S BUILDIXQ. Next door to the Grange Store, Willamette itreet, Eugene tit Oregon. Have iu.t opened a full line of freah Orugs, Medicines & Chemicals. Alio a fine awnrtuient of Fancy and Toilci Articles. ALL KINDS OF Mixed ' Paints, LeadK Oil, Varnisli, Brushes, WINDOW GLASS and PUTTY Whbh they will always ell on reasonable terms. Carrfn! attention given lo Pliy.itian't Pre teriptioBK. B. F. DORRIS, DEALER IX sioveS. Ranges, Fump JMpcs, Timvaic. AND House Furnishing Goods Generally Wells Driven Promptly AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. Willamette Hlrcet, Eugene City, Oregon. win n"','r,"Tirz: f iiiY CO., Detroit. Kleh. L-OH GEJIEB4L 1BEHCHAJIDI8E B T.C. HENDRICKS. , . T l:w STO K OF iriTH-Th. Uet Ladies under VesU at from 50 cts up. A Largo assortment of Triming Silks, 75 cts to fl 25 per yard. A fiun line of Hoosiory, all prices Overalls froiu 50 cts up. of ...at from $2 up from $1 25 up , .from 1 50 up from $1 up $4 50 worth $6 ...$3 50 to $5 ..$4 worth $6 $2 up jutvicle. Save Yourselves sat always Cnrai aai never dinap poiata. The worl J'a groat Pols' UeUever for Blan and Beaat. Cheap , quioli and reliable. PITCHER'S CASTORIA Is not Narcotic. Children grow fat upon, Mothcra like, and Physicians recommend CASTORIA. Itrcjjulatcst'uo Bowels, cures "Wind Colic, allays Fcvcrlshness, and de stroys Vi'prms. WEI T)Z KETER'S CA TARKH Cure, n Canatitntional Antidote for thi. terrible mala if, tjr Adaorptlon. The moat Important Biaooverr since Vao alnatlon. Otlicr remodiea may relieve Catarrh, this cares at WJ staeo before Conaumptlon sets in. SSI BOO! ADD SHOE STORE, A. HUNT, Proprietor. Shop on Willamette street, 2nd door nortl of hanlware store, r.ugene vity, vr. will here ift er keep a complete stock of MO IKS', MISSS' ! -AND- OHIT.DREN'S SHOES GalterN, Cloth and Kid, Button Boot, Klip pee, white and black Kundxl, Fenh kliyiioee. MEN'S & BOYS riXI AND HEAVV BOOTS & SHOES And in rfact everything in the BOOT and SHOE line, to which I intend to devote ro evpecial attention. MY GOODS , Were manufactured to ordtr, ARE FIRST CLASS i -,i ., . . H,.runtft. and will be told for the lowest pricee that a vA rticle an be afforded, a jr-.7-7tl M. t Fruit Trees and Shrub bery. PERSONS WISHING TO PURCHASE !-...; KliniUrv can be supi'lied at NURSERY PRICKS, in tunne City, by leavina their orn-r with 8 J. H. D. IIEXDER.SOX, KUGKNK CITY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ALEXAXDEH. J. B. Ju.ticeof the Peace 8outh Eugene rreclnctiottice at Court Houae. ABRAMS, W. H. k 15RO.-Planin? mill, nsh, diKir, blind and moulding manufactory, Eighth .trvet, eaut -if mill race. Everything in our line furuialied on .hurt notice and reaannahle toruifc BOOK STOliK-One door anuth of the A.tnr Hoiim. A full etovlc of aaiorted box paperi plain and f:uiry. CUAIX imoa-Dealer in Jewelry, Watch ei, Clock and Mimical Iiutninnntii -Willamette itreet. between Seventh and Eighth. CALLISOX, R. G. Dealer in grocene., pro vinioni, country produce, canned good., Wk, itationen', etc, touthwe.t oorncr Willamette and 'Jtli .Sta. DORRIS, GEO. B.-Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Othce on illainette street. Eu gene Cijr. DOR'KW, R F.-Dealer in Stoves and Tin war illaruette atreet, between Seventh and Eurhth. ELLSWORTH k (,0.-Pruin:i.U and dealer. in paintH, oil., etc. Willamette atreet, be tween Eighth and Ninth. FRIEXDLY, S. H. -Dealer In dry (rood.. clothing and general merchandise Willam ette atreet, between Eighth and Ninth. GUARD OFFICE-Newiipaner, book and job printing oince, comer liumette audSeventh treeta. GRANGE STORE -Dealer, in general mcr chandine and produce, comer Eighth and Willamette .treeta. GILL, J. P. Physician, Surgeon and Drug- glut, i'oatomce, v lllumette reet, between Seventh and Eighth. HAYS, RORT.-Wine., Uuors, and Cl ara of the beat quality kept constantly on land. The best billiard t.ilile in town. HENDRICKS, T. G.-Dealei in general mer- i Ing. Will chandiae nnrthweat corner umette and Ninth atreeU, HODES, C Keeps on hand fine w'nes. lie) uora, cigars and a pool and billiard table; Willamette street, between Eighth and Ninth. HORN, CNAS. M. Gunsmith. IJifles ar.j sliot-gnna, breech and muzzle lordcrs, for sale. Repairing done in the neatest style and war ranted. Shop on 0th street. KINSEY, J. D.-Sah, blinds and door fac tory, window and door frames, moulding. etc, glazing and glaaa cutting done to order. LYNCH, A -Groceries, provisions, fruits, veg etables, etc, Willamette street, bret door south of Postorhce. LUCKEY, J. R Watchmaker and Jeweler; keeps a tine stock of goods in his line, Willam ette street, in Ellsworth's drag store. McCLAREN, JAMES -Choice, wincs.liquors, and cigars lllamette street, between Eighth and Ninth. MELLER, M. Brewery Lager beer on tap and by the keg or barrel, corner of J intli and Olive street. OSRURN & CO. -Dealers in drugs, medicines. chemical, oils, paint, etc u lllamette at., opHwita S. Charles Hotel. PATTERSON, A. S.-A fine stock of plain and fancy visiting card. PRESTON, WM.-Dealer in Saddlery, Har ness, Carriage trimmings, etc. W lllamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. POST OFFICE-A new stock of standard 1 11 I. ... . ..!! scnooi uooks juhi receiveu si me post oiuue. REAM, J. It, Undertaker and building con tractor, oorncr V lllumette and beventh street. ROSENBLATT & CO. -Dry goods, clothing, groceries and general mcrchamlMe, southwest corner Willamette and Eighth street. ST. CHARLES HOTEL ' harlas Ba ker, Proprietress. '1 he best Hot in the ity. Corner Willamette and Ninth streets. SCHOOL SUI'PLIES-A large and varied assortment of slate of all size, and quantities of .dates and slate-books. Three doors north of the express office. THOMPSON ft BEAX-Attorneys-at Law- Willametto street, between beventh and Eighth. WALTON. J. J. Attornev-at-I-aw. Oflioe Willamette street, between Bevenin nu Eighth. ELLSWORTH & CO., DRUG GIST, WILL CONTINUE THE BUSINES3 in all its branches at the old stand, offering increased inducement to customers, old and new. As heretofore, the most Careful attention given to Prescripions. NEW MEAT MARKET On tha wet side of Willamette Street, between Eighth and Ninth. Having just opened a new and neat Meat Jilrket, we are prepateu ki iumuu u Beef, Veal, .Mntton, Tork, etc., To aur customers, at the lowest market rates The custom of the public is respect fully solicited. Meat delivered to any part of the city free .,f -We. MrC( Ht.VACK ft RENSHAW. OPPOSITION IS THE LIFE OF TRAD SLOAN BROTHERS -lTILL DO WORK CHEAPER than any other simp in vn. HORSES fcHOD FCR t2 CASH With new material, all round Resetting old Shoes l. ... Ss.AU warranted to give satisfaction. thopicn -cth8 Comer Of 8Ul and C 0Uv Btreetl. Baker Cinntf Slock. While the accounts of the loss of stock in other counties of Oregon are v:ry discouraging, it affords us pleas ure to be able to state that stock is, on the whole, doing well in Baker county. We hove conversed with several gentle men who are largely engaged in stock raising: and they all tell substantially tlio same tale, which is, that there is, as yet, no loss of stock in Taker county except that which arises from natural causes every year. Almost every I?a- ker county stock raiser puts up hay for his s'o.'k; hay sufficient to feed them with four or six weeks in many cases longer; and when the bunch grass is so covered with snow as fo' prevent sheep and cattle feeding on it, this hay is fed to them daily, llesides this, there are favored localities in Snake River Valley, and also that of Malheur, where cattle can obtain grass even during such a winter as the present. Horses, it is well known, paw off the snow and procure their customary supply of bunch grass much tatter than any oth er domestic animal, and hence very few are lost from hunger. Hay in Powder River Valley is plentiful at present and can be had for $G.OO;$7.00 per ton in the stack; and is the best natural liny in tho world. Reveille. W licut 1 rem Walla Walla. It isnf some importance just now to know what surplus of wheat the differ erent sections of this region will have for export In round numbers we should place the surplus of Western Oregen at 200,000 tons of wheat, and Mr. Muir, of the O. R. V. Co., fur nishes us with estimate of the wheat surplus of the Upper Columbia section, as follows: 1 here has been stowed in Walla Walla twelve thousand tons, and earlier in the Benson it was sup posed that the country around had twelve thousand tons more that had not been hauled. Of this last, probably one third has since 1 een feed to stock in severe weather, and that would nmko the total of of wheat surplus for tho Walla Walla country twenty thous and tons; add to this five thousand tons to come from other sections of the Up per Country, and tho sum total is 23,- 000 tons, and at least 10.UU0 tons lias already been brought down, so that, 35,000 tons may be considered the ac tual surplus for the Upper Columbia region in the harvest year of 1880 1. Whether this surplus will all be actual ly exported is another question not easy to answer at present Farmer. Slate Tain for UM. The tax to be levied for the yeai 1881 (and annually thereafter) for the expenses of the Stato Government is four mills on the dollar on all taxable property within the State. The tax to be levied for the year 1881, (and annually thereafter) for the erection of an Insane Asylum Building to be denominated the "Insane Asylum Tax," is one mill on the dollar on all taxable property within the State. The tax to lie levied for the year 1881 (and annually thereafter) for the purpose of paying the principal and in tcrest of the Indian War debt, is one half of one mill on the dollar on all tax able property within the State. RECAPITULATION. For Current Expenses 4 Mills. For Insane Asylum Tax . .1 Mill. For Payment of War bonds. . ...J Mill. Total State Tax 5 J Mills. In speaking of the release from the Penitentiary of ex -Sheriff Dale of Yam hill county, his home paper, tbe Lafay ette Courier says: Whether he will re turn to this county remains to be seen; but we have heard it intimated that he would remain at the Penitentiary as head teamster. There are yet several indictments hanging over Mr. Dale in this county, but it will be useless to waste time and money in prosecuting them as ho would bo immediately par doned aain were he convicted and sent to the Penitentiary. ! Mr. Dale has many warm friends in this section .t.n wmibl ) tiWaed to see him io well and who would extend to Mm a . . ... j- : helping hand were he to show a dispou- tion to help himself. STATU NEWS. Lafayette feels the need of a ire company. Monraoath, Folk county, t to have a new largo hotel McMinnville school district contains 237 legal voters and 285 children of school age. Eggs are down to 14 cents per doxea and butter to 23 centa per pound ia McMinnville. Forty men were employed all Win ter at the Monumental mine, and $40, 000 cleaned up. About $20,000 worth of taxes have thus far been collected by the sheriff of Umatilla county. Baker City is bo overrun with worthless characters that a vigilance committee is seriously talked of. The Ochocho Gold and Silver Min ing Company has been duly incorpora ted and will probably erect a mill S. McGowan, who broke into L. Ia Williams' store-room at Hillsboro, but stole nothing, has been put under $200 bail to answer. E. M. Daniels, of Polk county, hat thus far lost a Merino back, a fine cow, and a bull worth $450, by their being run over by the W. O. R. R. The first anniversary of the estab ishmentofthe Indian school at For est Grove was celebrated at that insti tution on Friday of last week. There is a band of Hope Crusader at Bcaverton, Washington county, 50 strong, organized for the purpose ef suppressing the tobacco and whisky trade. Tho Baker City Reveille is informed that the railroad company will have to cut three tunnels in the route through the Blue mountains, aggregating in length 1200 feet More fishing boats will be built at Astoria this year than in any former year. It has been demonstrated that they can be built there quite as cheaply as in San Franoisco. The testimony given by Mr. Poole at Middleton in the case of a felonious as. sault charged against him by a young woman, which, if true, compromises the character of two or three persons down there very badly, among them a promi nont physician: Frank Pike, formerly ef Lebanon, Linn county, was brought to Prineville under arrest, charged with stealing a horse from one Joslin, also of Lebanon and Justice Richardson bound him over to answer before the'grand jury in the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars. The bonds were given. On Saturday the 26th ult, Eddie, a little son of S. B. Johnson of Damascus while carrying an ax and saw on his shoulder fell, throwing the ax forward in such a manner as to entirely sever the entire second finger on his left hand and partially sever the third. The Christian Messenger, of Mon mouth, Polk county, says: The engin eers have completed the location of the railroad to a point opposite Lewisville. Their location corresponded almost pre cisely with that of last summer. The line is an easy one built though there will be a heavy cut at the summit of the Tetherow pass and considerable trestling at the crossing of the Luckia mute. Disposed or tub BoNDS.The Al bany Register is authority for the state ment that a report had reached that town that Col. Hogg had disposed of all the bonds iuued for the building of the railway from..Yaquina bay to Boise City, and was on his way out to Ore gon to inaugurate work on the line. If this report proves true, says the Reg ister "won't there be rejoicing all over the county. And we don't prepos to take any back talk, any way- mind that." The value of church buildings ia Walla Walla is given by the Watch man as follows: M. E. Church, $0,000; Episcopal, $G000; Cumberland Presby terian, $6,500; Congregational, $6500 Seventh Day Adventists, $4000; M. & Church South. $1800; United Brethren, $2000. The Catholics propose te erect a catliedral the coming season in thai city at a coat of about $15,000. i l I l- d . ) re. V Agist for Wall ig J093rAJ.WALT0X,Awey.