The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 05, 1881, Image 7

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    Tallor-Sade Men.
The fiwit in, there wo very few men
-ho ro formed regularly. Wliat a
Professional would call a "regular pro
nortional" i measurement of 3C
to the waist. But those meas-
muuv- - ,
-mnnta are seiuom mo wim. mis
las saiil to a Sun reporter in reply to
inauirioa as to the shapes that are en
iouutured by tailors who make cuBtoni
clothing. Experienced cutters say that
they mo obliged to make allowances for
peculiar forma in almost cvory case.
Jdnny men have one shoulder higher
than the other. This is particularly the
n with those who do much writing.
The right arm is oftenost kept contin
ually on the desk, while tho left arm is
rested and lowered. Naturally, in such
cases a man's right shoulder is raised
and bis left shoulder depressed. To
remedy this slight deformity tho expert
cuttor must resort to paddijig.
"Talk about padding," said an old
cnttor, "tho men are really padded as
much 'as the women. Tut your hand
on tho Bhouhler of tho first man you
meet; you will find prohublv that in
stead of ft bony shoulder blade you
will feel a B0 cushion. Watch tho
men walking on Broadway. You will
notico that many of them pwing their
arms under eaves of padding. Look at
tho padding in the'breasts of coats and
vests. A tuilor finds a man 'caved in,
and has to build him out. That is tho
reason so many high vests are worn.
A low vest would exposo tho flut,
pinchod chest."
"How about the legs?
"Tho cutter who cannot conceal the
imperfections of a man s legs is unwor
thy of his profession. If a man is bandy
legged, the cutter will make him wide
and roomy pantaloons, in which his
crooked limbs may wander without de
tection. If he ia short-logged, the cutter
will fit lain snugly, so that his nether ex
tremities shall not offend the eye. If he
is long-loggod, the cutter odds a little to
tho longth of hia body, and brings him
apparently into proportion. It is a very
common occurrence for a man's right lejr.
to he a little longer than his left. Often
one arm is a little longer than tho other.
Very often a man's occupation gives him
atonninir position, so that he seems al
most humpbacked. Tho expert cutter
attends to all these peculiarities, nnd sees
to it that tuoy are, as iar as possiuie, con
"Do you think that men are as partic'
llW about their dress as women ?'
"Whim thev care at all they are more
fastidious. The trouble with men is that
they do not always know what they want.
Women are more apt to know exactly
hat thev want, because they make a
sauly of dress. Thoy think of it from
childhood. They seo something they
like, and say, 'Make it like that.' They
know how goods will look when made up,
lint men are unreasonably fastidious,
nno thinks ha has a full breast. When you
mcasuro him ho puffs and swells out to
undue proportions. When the coat is
finishod and ho tries it on, he says it don't
fit, when the real trouble is that he does
not swell himsolf out as he did when he
vos measured. If a man is pnnctillious
about a very neat, close fit, the chances
are that he will complain that his clothes
urn ton ticht when ho tries them on.
Thon the rnnn who says he 'wants them
mv nn1 is not particular about the fit'
is to be feared. When he gets his clothes
homo his wife or his sisters or his follow
boarders will scrutinize his garments
ami send him back to the unfortunate
"Do vnu find tha men are much in
fluenceil by their wives as to the cut and
.M.n;l rf tlinir olntllPS?"
"Influenced? Why. sir, it amounts to
slavery in many cases. I have had men
muko me contract to please their wives
in the cut of a coat. They come here
fillml with instructions. Thev have or
dersforthe style of cloth, the style of
cut, the style of buttons, the lining, trim
mings and price. When I cut a coat for
a married man, I know that, in roost
casos, I have got to please the wife. i ro
nnontlv a man sroes awav perfectly satis'
lied with a garment, and comes back the
next day running over witu compiainw.
Then I know, who has boon criticising
the work. Sometimes, when I know
horn is nothincr wronor. I put the car
nient awav in a closet, and never touch
it: and whon I send it back in a fow day
it is pronounced very much better, and
all right."
The military tailors are the greatest
adepts in building up . unpromising
forms to become models of soldierly ap
nearance. Thev will take a lean
scrawnv. consumptive clerk, nnd turn
him out in a uniform that makes him
quite a formidable, as well as a prepos
sessiniz norson. With a skillful appro
priationof haircloth, bagging and batting
they manage to manufacture well
rounilml forms in almost evervcase. As
for the theatrical tailors, their work
often . mnrvnl of art. Actors with
natural trracefulness of form hav
sometimes served as walking advertise
ments of fashionable tailors. Actors
whose line of characters require many
chances of fashionablo dress are ire
ouentlv lul-mi in introduce somo new
"Wlinf Anna it nnnt. to dress B man in
the height of fashion?" was asked of
Fifth AvemiA tnilnr.
" About ft700 n. vear." wa3 tho reply
"Bnt if a man is to indulge in $300 fur
coats and a varietv of fine silk neckties
and an assortment of fancy pantaloons
his bills will run up much higher. Not
withstaadinor all that is said of the ex:
travagance of woman's dress, it costs
quite as much to furnish stylish clcthes
to men as to women. The reasou is that
a man cannot have his clothes made over
asawnnmn inn Tf his clotlies get out
of fasliinn tliov urn useless to him. But
' the clothing of" women can be made ove
to snit new fashions year after year.
Their laces and ribbons, feathers an
trimminrra nf nil kinds re-ftPDCar COn
Tf a woman has
splendid wedding dress, for instance, she
keeps it for years and wears it on state
occasions. But a man's wedding suit
must be worn out before itoes out of
fashion. Among the poorer classes the
women always dress better than the men
in the same station in life. They will
seize upon a fashionable style and make
up old materials in the new shapes with
. marvelous aptitude. Men do nothing of
this kind, and that is the reason why, as
rule, they do not follow the fashions as
scrupulously as women.
.That is the best part of beauty which a
picture cannot express.
Charles Lamb.
I was a very small boy indeed when I
knew Elia. lie tried to mako himself
pleasant, but, with the best intentions,
only half succeeded. I mean that he did
not succeed at all. lie was very shy,
and children do not understand shyness,
mistaking it for prido or conceit or
But I knew some of Elia's intimates,
and could woll understand from them in
later years what sort of man he was, that
grave, shy person in perpetual black. Ho
ould laughingly apologize, by the way.
for this same suit of unvarying duski
ness. "I'm like tho raven I've no
other." And, poor fellow, he had not too
much money to spend on clothes. A
clork at tho old India House, with at first
father and sister and afterward a sister
to support, he had small pecuniary scopo
for extravagance.
If you met Lha at those delightful sup
per parties of his you would think him
simply a jolly dog in low lifo with an un
accountable .amount of information,
nud a wit which, according to
Britannic ideas, seemed altogether
out of harmony with the very
humble surroundings of tho apartment.
Tho feast usually consisted of cold beef
ana pickles, with porter superadded
liy nnd by somo ings of hot water nnd a
black bottle would mako thoir appear
anco; nor would a basin of sugar or a
lemon bo absent. Miss Lamb would
give a comical expression of rosignod
despair as Charles pooeeoded to help
himself to a second tnmblor. Not that
ho was often drunk though te was
sometimes but ho would say silly things
after the second glass of grog. A friend
onco advised him to try tcetotalism, and
he did, his sister helping him. Miss
Lamb, as Chnrlos said, took to water like
a duck; in fact, set woman s usual exam'
pie of solf-donial. Charles followed rue'
fully. But it was too much for him.
His sister deany lovod mm, nnd Bhe
had good reason. All the wold knows
how ho sacrificed his life to her, giving
up all prospect of marriage and living
in single straightness in order that his
sister might always have a homo. I'os
sibly he felt too that tho most sacred and
innocent of relations was not for him;
tho awful taint being hereditary. W hen
his sister felt that the access was ap
proaching, she would tell hor brother, and
the two would wend their way to the
asylum togothor. An acquaintance once
met them on this sad journey; ootnwere
weeping bitterly. But onco iMary Liamb
had to take Charles. Mary, by the way,
was much loved at the asylum; and not
confonndod with ordinary lunatics. "She
was so gentle, thoy said, tins pooiv
woman who had killod hor mother with
a carving knifo.
rersons deeply imbued witu catiiouo
modes of thought have blamed Miss
Lamb for living so freely in the world
and partaking of its pleasuros after so
appalling a tragedy as the murder of hor
niotupr. Assuredly our miners onu
mothers of the middle ages would have
decided there could be but ono conclu
sion to the incident for a Christian the
veil. And tho enlightened sense of our
generation would half-unwittingly, half
unsympathotically, echo tho sentiment.
But Miss Lamb .lived in an age in
tellectually more remote from ours than
the fifteenth century. Separation from
the world for hor was impossible, and bo
aim elected to mako the best of tne
world. And though she went occasion
ally to the play, and enjoyed an ouung,
or rather made a pretence to enjoy ono,
she lived as true and pure and devotou a
life as ever did woman of tho cloister.
Sim loved no one but her brother.
Tt. is a molanchollv fact, but tiifr
.Ironriost period of Charles's, existence
ana while his father lived, ne slavod
nil flnv at his desk. and. by way of rec
reation, had to play chess with his sire
in the evening. Tho old gontloman,
mnrnnvflr was oxtremolv dull and short
ttmnnrml. One day Charles had played
six or eight games with his father and
proposed to leave off. "If you won't
play," quoth this delightful person, "I
don't see why you should stay in at all.'
At last Fato--that much-abused but very
kindlv divinity removed Mr. Lamb
senior for which at least two persons
must have felt thankful, though too pi
ous to Bny so.
The happiest years of his life were tho
W. ninn. In 1825 he was pensionod off.
In that charming paper (but all that lie
wrote was delightful) entitled "Tho
Superannuated Man," Elia tolls us of the
intense pleasure uis uunijr-iM-nuiicu "
nwfir rrnvalilttl.
The most "human" sido of Lambs
character to make use of our cant niod
.. oniHiota was affcctionatoncss. His
finlnridcre was something touch
; inbnld. Few men can have loved
that brilliant selfish genius so well; not
his own kindred. ".Lami), writes an
..;nton "never fairly recovered
from the death of Coloridge. He thought
of little else-his sister was but another
nnrtion of himself until his. own great
,,;..;t ininad his friend.
Ji.i f,;n,ia of his saw him two or three
work nco. and remarked tho constant
turning and reference of his mind,
td himself and them
Aiit with some play of affects
wonder, or astonishment, or humorous
melancholy, on the words, 'Coleridge is
dead.' Nothing could divert him from
u.. i tim thoneht of it never left
lUUb, l"i 7 ... .1
him " Lamb died within sn months of
"And nrnv. Mr. Lamb, how do you
" asked a good, foolish
body, who had been singing the praise of
ini'..iMiiV ma'am." stuttered Lamb
m. i.itr looked astonished and of
fended, this is decidedly ono of his
wn-liirh is saving much. Nothing
.n.v0hnt his bright and spark
lin or nuaint, or touching.-fbwiss
A voting lady of fifteen summers, who
has been allowed full indulgence in her
taste for good novels, made a precocious
estimate of the comparative depth of in
siehtinto the character of Dickens and
Giorge Eliot, while the family were dis
cussing the all-prevailing theme. 'VUen
Zl read Dickens," she said "you say:
How like somebody you don t know very
well-' bnt when you rewi ue
How like m.
you say:
Many of our cares ore hnt a morbid
wa'y of looking at onr privileges V, e
letonr blessings get moldy, and then
call them curses.
A Bw rim wllk iki raciiiuca
for Miibk ""
HechtBroa. A Co.. of San Francisco have
opened a branch establishment in l'ort
. . . in i . i. - iu.iA
land, wnere iney m upijr iuo truuo
with the best made boot and shoes in the
market. Mr. 8. Kedlich, formerly with L.
Uoldsmitn &Co., will assume the manage
ment of the branch here, and that in it
self is a sufficient guarantee of the future
success of the house. The new firm will
sell ifoods at the same prices as does the
San Francisco house. A great advantage
is offered by this house, und one ihiit will
be appreciated Is the fact that when deal
ers desire a caso or more of any denlred
hize thev van be accommodated. Hereto
fore cases Invariably contained vailed
sizes, ami a buyer was too often compelled
lo purchase what proved dead stock in
order to obtain just what was desired.
Dealers were ill consequcuce compelled to
curry the sizes for which they hud little
or uo cull, although it had to bo done in
order to supply saleable sizes. The new
system introduced by Mr. Kedlich. will
entirely do away with this and the dealer
can purchaso just what is needed for his
trade and not bo compelled to carry un
called for stock. This also has been a
great reason for giving orders to drum
mers for .San Francisco bouses who took
orders for special sizes although stocks
here were first class nnd could be bought
U) advantage, yet the fact of not being able
to secure just tho sizes desired, operated
against trade with this city, and lost to
its merchants considerable business. In
terior merchantswill welcome this accom
modation and doubtless show a just ap
preciation for the efforts of the now house
to meet thoir wants. All goods kept by
the firm are to be packed k this manner.
To show samples to advantage the firm
have had constructed for them a large and
handsome cabinet for displaying goods.
Among the many desirable and popular
brands kept in stock is the celebrated
Buckingham & Hecht "Hercules" boot,
which has met with a larne sale on this
coast in the past tew years. This boot can
be had only orthis tirin, tney Having been
appointed sole agents for 'tho sale of all
of Buckingham & Hecht's manufacture.
Erf rybody Who Wants to buy a new
sewing machine or to get an old ono re
paired will find It greatly to their interest
to call or send to John B. Uarrisou's sew
ing machine store, Ki7 Third street Port
laud. Sewing machine oil and needles
for nil kinds of sewing machines con
Rtuntlv on hand. Orders from tho coun
try promptly filled. Agents for the Royal
St. John, Davis, Howe and Wilson sewing
Did any scientific physician know the
formula from which Amnions Cough
'vrun is prepared, ho would not only rec
ommend, but prescribe it to his patients
troubled with a cou.ii or com, or any uis
easoof the throat and lungs. Try it. It
has no equal, l or the benefit or those
who would say, "Another humbug," a
trial la-cent size is prepared. Ask your
druggist to get it for you. In bottles at
13 cts , 50 cts..$l.
Anronos of tho adoption of cork hel
mets by tho regular army, it is suggested
that, in the absence of othor weapons,
the soldiers will be able to charge the
enemy a la billygoat, and in crossing a
stream can use thoir headgear lor iiie
preservers. This is an age of progress.
A GrHt Mrpiitntlori.
Wurnpr'n Kfe Kiriner ana Liver Cure hu reach
ed a reputation thai It not limited b the conllnei
ofwellcm or country. There are no Inlurloui iub-
itancet nor raise and temporary niimuianu in mo
niRniration. It la purely wuble aud com.
pounded under a formula thai hia patted icvere
ui and won etidnnwmeuia from arnne of the
hlnheit medical talent in tne eoumry. inew iur
nm weather nroaucea inaction of the liver. Id 9
action ol the liver cauMse dilated aireya, and
diseased aldneyi undermine the life quicker than
conaumLtlnn. All tneno tronblea can be avoided
bv UllUK Warner eaie muiiey u i.iver ium
the pureat and beat remedy ever dlaeoveead.
Ammen' s Couirh Syrup cures couglw,
colds, bronchitis ana consumption.
Ahell Ihe rorllmiU pnotoamipher lend Ihe
wuvlniirl. Ilia HiiiHloIr i.l.lurra an nil lae
wuyaaivee aiitlafucllou
, h r. i;o. (Ne pienewt, iNo, A.
sr.w york ji: t:i.itY tti.ia nmt, u
ii.,i.u.m In lt.iiie.1 I A. .1.1 JeU'elrv. Thin iewelrv Ih an
lmnilHonie ami hintlinr iui aolld Kolil, and la wild for
iine-tourth. Unleni liileil by expreaa with privilege
of exitnilnhiir tielin pnrelmtTiir.
U AUD N UKlO TKtl-Koiirth street near
.1 Ueuier lii lirut-a. flieiiucula ami Proprietory mel
li liieH, '1 lie trade supplied. Unlere by mull promptly
ii la nKirRNKKZScTPlrst. Wliolenule delile
In Ainericuii and Kreneli t'andlea. Welilliig oikeaa
spt cliilty. Bend lor price llala. country oruera uiieu
nrotmiiiy. mm
i tuu Ar I ITOSilteal Kstate anil Insiiranee
Atttliltt Hliil An liltei ta. Ituslness elltmsKd to our
rare will receive prompt attention. OUlce do. M
Waablugton atliab
a.'1'HiinK. HIiAI'llMltiHini 111. ai-coiid rliMir,
Linoii IliiMk. All li'Kui uuslneas attended to In Ore-
on antl Hie lerritories. toueciiona uiaue aim pen
aious procureu.
iirviimv I. (fill 'Viimee lis First street
Aiioruey ami Kdllor "Nortliwestern Iw Journal
and Reul Kstate llenorler." Hnl rlptlon 4 per an
nuui, In advauce. bamwe copiea free.
niKsriei'H.ltwiiiii II and 12. Union Block
Particular Bile niton to UillecUuiia, Cumuilaluuer
and Notary nuaiueaa.
.niiv .1. ia s-mtoWiib Front Street. Ontonlan
Jtiilliltna. Books, niaKatlnea and pamphleU bound U
or r, puuvr ruiunt auu pnnuna.
I K. O. KM ITU. Corner Front and Stark streets.
Wnolesale ucmnt in citfars, iooacvo, uuuuua
uieersciiaum pipes-
T. II. rilASiDl.EBM Front street. Importer
anil Intiber ' Woislennare, Wlllowware, Driulies,
Hrooniaandllouaefiirnlalilna' llooda, Uiackuifaud
Huitionery. lb trade aupp.ieu.
J. W. WHITE S Prst street, manufacturer of
Hoi.lier huuiuis. Notary anq x"t e.w-nj
1'Utrt etc. Orders Iroru country nueu vrtimyuj.
BI BTOH HOiaE Haaa A Marl Prop., earnei
Tlnnl arid F atreeta. Board and Wxlirliia V Per day,
i--niers and ba-(ae lo and from boat and trauii
OB EGO BBAKas WOBKajHeeonft atreet bet
I and U. K. M. M.Kire. rlupu Manofartlirer iff Itraas,
KeU and ronililon Castinas. Bteam enn nana
pumps a specially. lilbrl caab price pax! for cop
per and brass.
Pacific Bank.
Cor. Fins and Baaioms streets.
Hon rrooelaco, Cautoexu. Jan. 1, 1881,
B. tt McDonald, . J. M. McDonald,
rmiia. VkrtaUc
KttakU.I4 la IMS.
Capital Stock, paidup, $1,000,000.00
Surplus, - $432,733.93
Thanking our frleuda for thrlr literal
patruuage during Uie at year, II alull tie our tin,
and w fil aura tint entiro utiafaoUun will Cvault
We, lh much plenmire, nbnilt to
your notice the aubjulnrd auu-uiont o( the affjlra
of jhlt Hank, and ott. r our arnrlf ea alioiild you at
anf lime dmire the lranactloii of any bauMug or
colli ri'on lmtnr, or nut any change lu your
nrtwut binkiug arraugeueuU,
Rent Ftito (Rnnk Building) 110,000 OA
llllll IKf-Wvnhlv l,MV.t75 47
OvenlrtilU (Holvrut) lO'i.HOU 7tt
Kt'Hl KNtnco lakm for debt.. 8, SO I B
l ami Am'n niKl ItaH-k Mock.. U.Mtt 77
Due from llnnka A Itnnkrra. 8'J7,A7 Utt
tank (coiu luuur vnuiii .... aH,.irjj
84,011,5'JO 74
r).lHl Mock 81,000,000 00
Kiwrve t mid (KiiruliM) ... t:t'J,73.1 M
Itue Itcmml Ion 1..100.HH OH
Due lo Itniik mill Hunker 107,7'iS US
lne DlvlUeudu
We give mlvlee In iletnll of all eredita, and
arkiinwletlito lromitlr all letter, aud will furulah
a private telei(raiulfl rotle to eorreaooudeuta,
vlienreiineated, ...
Miluiut-iiU of Unlil anil MWcr Bullion
Will lnvo special rat aiul prompt returua.
llelHg roiiiipfloil by Jelijihone with all
the principal vratvhonat'a aud tho "l'nwluo Ex
ehiune," we ki p tnornuiihly otril In the Wheat,
tirain and Hone intrki t, and are prepared at
all timr lo make Inane on Flour, Wheat and liar
ley, and otherapproved Mcrchaiidlae In Warehoune.
InvewtiiieiilMinnileoH Coiiiiiiliwlon, aud
nperlnl nltviitlon given to the initiation of
limt-rlaaa luaua of dUea, couutto aud other cor
poration a,
We Hiiy nml Sell BU1 of Fwhanite. on
the Principal fit lea in the L'iru Bur j,,
l'niica and CIuiiianv.
t'ollertlona mile and prompt returna ren
dered at market rati a of eichuuge.
Ti'leirrnnhle 'I rnuMlcrn made with Kcw
Touk, lloaToN, Chic too, and the prluclpal dUua of
the V. a, alno came tranarera lo a.uroie.
lt iaatted on the, principal cuiui of the Unitxo
bTATtaaud Eraoi'E.
I.njiiit ninileouanoirnllntcratii or nn
Itroviil Kiiiiiih. tlinnl llimlucaa Notea aud
)rnlta diacouutcd atloweal market rate.
Ii'mmIU nit'lVfU, auljwl to meek
W Uliuiit notlre.
Nnllnunl, Mute.Clty nnd County Ronilai
nil Warnauta, aud other Bocurltlea, Iwugut
ami aoliL
We reaneetriilly mil nlteutlon to our
furllltlea for dolutf every kiud of lecitluiate
llauklng nuaiueaa. Youra, vory reaiectully,
Uso Homo X'ills.
Phnrmiwlai, Dealer In Dniga, t'hemlcula and
Cor. Morrison and Second Streets, rortlmid, Or.
Wholesale and ltetull
Aaeut tor
Mine. Itiu'hel'a
lor the
Pectoris! Syrup
e Lotion
for the Face.
These preparations are eonal to anythlna; of the
Icturl ever nfrereil In this market, and all are Invited lo
rail and see for themselves. Orders liy mall promptly
attended to. JOHN A. I'll u.i, uriiKKisi,
feliu tor. Morrison nml Ni'linl sts., roriiuiiu.iir.
Commission Merchant
All Goods on CommUslon.
Agent lor ParroU'a Patent Doubletree.
2G7 First street, Portland, Orogon.
IV hnve fair eiilr a lanre qannllly of mnaqulle
fruM seed which Is auiierlor for paaiuriMio on
brn.s isSQarmsovnursrunTrr,
rie r.M WnnrlwlllTiiltthefbllowlntownind
treat the Hick. Patlenti should applf for treatment
on the forenoon nf the flri-t day of hia appointment
In each Town. Rooma at the leading Hotel Id each
h17?JB0R0. nn Feh lt, 2d and M.
MnUIKNVII.T.tC nn Feb. 4th. Mh. 6th and 7th.
I. .. .... ...... tJ, L. UL ,t.l. Anrt 1111.
INUftTBNKalslift.on reu. am, mi, lu.u.ou ......
ifiuvii.t irf. nn Feb.Mth. 18th. 14th. 15th and 1A b
ALBANY. nn Feb. 17'h. lHlh. 19th, KOth, 2land VIA
HARRIHBUKO, on Feb 23d. 24th, ifilb. and 26tb:
rvlwa no frsln aniliir Sfllltll.
El'GKNK, ou Feb. 27tb, 2th, and March ht, 2d and
Rru.VttI!Rn on March 4th. Mtt.rltb. 7th and 8th.
BALKM, on March lutb, 11 lb, 121b, 13tb, 14tb. 16th
and ICtb.
I ) menlbv IiihalHtlou, for onaaaiplloa, Aslhma,
Hmnhllla. l alarrh. llvauruslH. lleiuluelie, lie
bllllT. rarnhcla. Hheumoll.i", and all hronle
nnd .Wrvoiie Ulsurdrra. i'ackaitea may neconven
iHiitly v-nt by upri'ss, n-wly fof linnieillate use nt
home. All reolsiu-s and full directions In each nark
mie. luformiiilon and supplies can lie had uf II. E.
MA'ITIIKWH.lllslMolltKoinery St., Kan Frawlsifi Cel.
. Manufacturer! and Importer! of
Men's and Boys'
No's. 3 and 5 North Front st.,
TJhg Roho J?ill.
mi AND
V fv KKK MK 'S
Tho unimralleleil popularity of
tho "llosHof tho Itoiul" OvoralfH
has induced several iiinnufaeturers
to iiuitafo them with an Inferior
class of work.
To protect onr customers from
such imposition; to place nu Over
all on tho market which shall
SURPASS all others in strength
while as elegant in cut as tho most
fastidious could desire, and, above
all, to furnish an artldo AS CHEAP
AS THE CHEAPEST, we determ
ined to improve them by tho addition of our
Heretofore only used in Standard make or Overalls. ith this valu
able improvement we guarantee our "Hossor the Road" OveraH as
the BEST and MOST KEUVICEAHLE ARTICLE, at the price, to bo had
in tho United States.
Manufacturers and Dealers are specially cautioned against in.
fringement on letters patent covering the Continuous Ely.
A.U your aleuler fur the Lloee of lha Komi Overall! Insist an arlllng tt. mid .
SEUSTADTEIl llltOS., Portland, Or., Sole Manufacturers.
Net 1 1 Kravrnjr atreet, aV, F.,
Treata aU Ckraole etad MurelsU 111
l feels of vimthliil folllivnr liiillsereilnn. will do
welltnavail themselves o( this, Die irnsilesl biaia
everln,d at the altar nf siiflerliiir liiiiiianlty. lilb
HI'ISXKY will a-tiaruirtee In fnrfell r"U fur every
ense lit Hvinlnsl Weukiti'Hs nr private Ulseasiw of an)
.khul or character which lie umlrriakea and (alls u
MiDni.K-AF.n m:x.
There are many at the aae of thirty in sixty whu
are imiilileit with too fnHinent evm'iiatlona of the
hlii'Mcr, nlten rwNnmimiiliil liy a sllalit amarthig ur
huriiiiiKsensstiiiiianilaweHkeiilna nf Ihe system In
a manner the isitieut ramm! acennnt fur. tin eaiim
liilna tile urinary ileiKislta a mpy seilnnent Will often
he fouiKl.anil sometimes small particles of alliuuien
vlil appear, or Hie color will be ol a lliln mllkisii hue,
aKuiu ehanvtitK to a rlara ami lorp'il apilearauce.
Tliere are many men wtiutlleof tills illtllciiliy. Ikmii-
ram ot the cause, wntcii is tiiesccomi stane ol FM'tue
nal Weakness. lr. H. will auarantei' a nerdi'l cure in
ail surh eases, ami a heullhy restoration uf the geulue
unnsry oricans,
iniii'e Hours ui to, anno tos. eiunnaysimm ioiii
II A. M. t'cinsultutlon free. TliorouKh examination
ami advice. I
Call ur a
No. II Kearuv street, Hhii miu'laro, t'at.
(Nueeeaanra lo Conlos A Urnchl,
103 Front street Portland. Or.
llnvlna nrrnnareil In Imiwrt nil I'rlnelpal
ll..wai.f l.ilnlra MltM'k mill Window Mine, we
urti ennlileil lo alve aa ruvornnie ivrmaon tins
f'onirueioranml llenlera will Und It lo their
-j . ...1 r... ..... iu.r,.. uiuriiui
Uo Roho rill.
prnsT PR17T.
Inle Kiilr. nil . nnd
leeliunlea' liiatllule rnir, n.
K.. HWiinled In Ihe I'Al.l
Till IN IM.
Aililri Hs or call at the CAM-
Wl Market Hlreel, H. r. won-
derfiil cures.
Henri for CutuloKue.
Rose X'illw.
Hl.i ni Al ien at Co. Hnle.Anenta, Porl-
land. Oregon.
ilirtll the moat nrevalent hut least nmlerslnnd nf
all diseases, Is Ihe cause of much needless aurterliMi
aml tliiiuiianils of premature deaths annually. 1)11.
KKl H iihs inane tins uinease a me siun v, imvuis urn,
a irri,Ht annerer lllmse r Until eunii nv Ills uwu iveiu
eily, which he has for thirteen years In hts praclice
llle tnn'e last 111 1 oriiiion, nr. puv w mi w,r,r.,
i, ki. wltli the most sHtlsfiu'torv results, lie has also
treateil several pliyslclutis. Willi tills airuniulativa
evidence we are warninteil In siivlmr thut no other
preparation lor the cure uf this disease in any 01 us
lorillS W II XITe SOCIl llllivenutl biiii'.iim:.,",, nn
,.,,,u u, l, ,,uv t.lll ll.Tlllllll U'lllnl, -tll
can Ket or your imiKKisi at nome, or 01 . rr. n. ui
rortland.or., nt l mt six onttieaiurfA
The Iha'tur makes a specialty 01 ine treiiuiieoi ami
cure of rhmnki diseases, esiieclally Cancer, and His-
ensi iH'cullnr to Women, youiik men, miiiuie hicih or
old men who are sutfertna Irom the errors nml Hulls-
r w..x,
of inanliisMl,U'.,alioiild consult 1)11. khl'h. Kvcry
tuiua .ii-ij,iiv im.iiHiIoMilI. All nroiier uuesllotis an
ie IIIHIIS prolliptiy. r.ociimr n unev
lilress lift. JAM KS Kh.Cn,
No. IW First street, l'orHuiHl,()r.
The trade supi iHsl with lilt. KKI K'Hhuikci
FfiR CATAKTII direct from Ihe l-ahorutor;
lilt. fnim Hodge, Davis 4 Co., forllam
Or, wholesale BK-mta. nM
Ben l. xvohder.
Occidental Hotel,
Cor. First and Morrison Streets,
Norden k Andrns, Proprietors.
Free Coach to and from the House.
V )jr av fx I a ta. I ,
It la made Irnm a'Slmnle Tropical Ial nf Kara
Value, and la a flHtl'n V K Kraardy for all the .lis
eases that cause pains Ui the lower part ol the body
for Torpid IJver-lleadachea-JaniidU'e-PiMinna,
(travel, Malaria, and all tbedirhcultlesof the Kldneya
Mver and I'rloary Ontans. For Feaaale Ulsraare
Monlhl) Menstniatloiis. and durln prncoaii-y, II ha
DO equal. It restores the orantis that HAMS Ihe bloisl
and hence la the best Hlawd PariaVr. It la the only
kmiwn remedy that cur. Hrhttn'a Ihseaae. Fur Ina
b-tl, usa H snrr'i Jf IMa)t I ure.
For ftale by Umairlau and all Dealers si a) I MS pel
bottla. Lanieat bottle In the market. Try IU
H. II. WiSI ER at -0 Bochater, . V
J. C. Carson,
Manufacturer and dealer In all kludi of -
Sash, Doors, Blinds,
Cuiiiiautljr ou band.
jHijiorfrr o
Paints, Oils, Glass , Brushes
Painters' Materials
Onion from the count7 "111 receive prompt nd
rarutui ationuuu.
Ill Kronf.Ntrrrt. " elillor'a mi"
UKll IDItTLAWn. tma-iUlt.i.
Tiif om.v iHWirrvii
'rule for Nervous liehll
II v, Vltul KxlisUBlliin,
H-mliinl Weakness, Kiier
matorrluea. Lost lAM
HiMinanil all the evil ef.
(ii'lsiit Youthtul Follies
and Kxeesses. it alula,
rKUMANKSTi.v all weak
enliiK, Involuntary drains
upon IheNystem, the In-
evitiililen-silllsol lliese evil irariH-.-s.
ilestructlve to mliul nu.l bmly. anil make life n Uera
l.le, otlen leniilUK lnsnnltv an.l !''
st 11 knot 11 knn the nerves, llmliKMemoryi, lllnml,
Musi'les, lllKesllon, Milneys. nmouer, V'l"
live onmns. It restores to all of Ihe onrniik- fu 'etlona
their former vigor and vlliilllf, nuiklim life cheerful
aixleiilovnhle. l'riceSOH'rteillle,or t Imtlles for
till, wllh'fiilllnslructlous. bent upon receipt or puce
or i". 1 1. 1)., s.vure Irom ohsorvull to any ailjreaa, by
. ; ;....ii,r..,nai nv ietter.
lilt HAI.KIl.'.l.ll. 'n& Keari V Bireci, nun rii-",
1 111. vo",.o... ...,v. - .
ur ill nuice, iree. -
I20 3ST JlHTID steel.
Blacksmiths' Tools, ,
Wusroii 3ln.torin,li
Importer! dlreot from the Kait.
Orders promptly
Portland. Oregon
Tlio Great English Remedy.
Is a never-lalllna; Pure for
Nervous lelilllty,Kxhausl.
nl Vltsltty,Mcuiiiuil Weak
nesa,Narniaturrliiea,LrfiC Munhoud. lniMiieiicy
1'arulvnis, and all the terrt
hie cdiTta of Helf-Ahuse
Youthful Follies, and ex
eesnes III umlurer years,
such as loss of Memory.
I,asituite, Nocturnal kmts-
slous, Aversion tu Hocicty,
lihnneHS ol Vision, Noises
in the lleud: the vital lltlld
iiasalnr; unolser'ed In tho
in me. and many utner dueaaea that Jead to Inaauliy
and death. ... . .
II K. MIXTIKWIIiaarreninnineii ?""1T?
1. . I,,r a rase of Mils kind Ihe VITAL. KK.
TOKATIVK(undcrhlsseclttl ailvlce and treat.
menu will not cure; or fnrnnythliuf Impure or Injurl,
I mis found In IU lK. MlVriKlreata all prtvale
I dlseaaes successfully without mercury. 4 en.ullHlloa
irrr. TliorouKh eiamliiatlon alio anvu-e, iiu iuoiua:
..,U, 1..I..U ... t'l,..l HhIi,m.Hvm
UIIHI.VSIH 111 Ul 111. . . .... ... .
9A IN) a Inline, or lour tunes inn iioaoiii j , -r.
any adiln ss upon receipt in price, nr i . o. i'., secure
from obaervalluiii and In prlvale imtiie, II desired, by
A. Mis i I v.. its. as.,
1 1 Kearny atreet, ana Pruacleeo, 1'aL
I'llKITIII M, cures all kinds of Kidney and
ln,l,i..r t 'oiiiiili.liita. fli.tiorrhiea. llieet. llicorrlliea
For sale by all dniKHtsu; si a buttle, sti buttlea fur aa
DR. MITIF.'s) lltnri.lX P1I.I." are
the best audrhcaiiest t'NIKI'MIAand HlUttt!
cure lu the market. For sale by all lirinwlxis.
HtilHlK. DAVIH A IV., forllaml, ur., wn?iesaia
Recelred First Premium State Fair.
f lia (ialvanw Medical ll'lls, ellra applLtncs,
lla. tiaJvank) Meillcal limits, a mipnn i nicnis. f-o,
liiiarauiee,! one year. HK.ST I.N TIIK Wulll.U.
Will positively cure without inedieuio mieuumtimn.
Faralysla, Neurnlirla, ITIes, KHoey, l.lver, KpUial
Iseewes, ImpotciK-y, Kiipture, Aue, Nervon-iiess,
Ilysiiia and other DlHaaesiifeltlier a. . HOKNK
A lf H.KCI Kll-MAtiNKTlCHKI.r t
Market st reet, Han Feanel n rn
TJhc Itowo 17ills.
1 HtMiyi,-. 1
.unniupi ft.' 1,1 I I I "' .