OVER A DIAMOND NECKLACE. 1 will own tint I wiih It wert mint; s . i i i ti I l. Jkina thi lawi of simplicity, lint upon Hot, ID your isoruio-iogiwi wuj. But I but lo deny that a shade. Of tl eovioui thought you infer Wi prewnt to )wiion wuh never made, To imply diouauion of ber WhM whits nock, In IU iUtliit grane, All athrill wilh Hi pride and the hlita Of it beauty, aball beud fur the chuping em- hnta Of lucb magical iplcndor as thi. I ararce thought of owner at all; hlill lna of it value in nelf. Who, in jimwnoe to grand, would confoi hlio- ll lurall Of aught aava the proiotice itself? Lou, at it! the frlorioui thing A it lire on it velvet in tuw, Towing glorio about likea prod'gal king Who itturalv and conwiouiily great. 0, the tremuloui laughter of Light! U. the mniui of Color at nlayt 0 the kjuI of a Hume made ineffably wliilo liy il burningbut what can I any To trantfix il in iK!cclt? Bring word Tbat ii iwift a tlxiilKht, bright a gold, That ii purer than tuuw, iucq a never wa heard H,i,iv ilio morning itar umhI it of old. And vim loll mo thii mirvnloua light ll a wivii.l-liiiod iplundur, at tiirwtT Tbat, iliulaway in ibe (lurk of the night, All the ioul of the d'umuud it lutl? Very true. Then I love It the morcj Let in haitvn to douhlo mv liraiie. Since to give a it take, in unntiutcd, full u-ore, Ii tho gcncroui law It obey. We might lay tho aameottha moon; 01 Hie eve that you love for their blue; Of the eurili in green robei lying under the noonj 01 the minbow and oven of youl Atlantic Monthly. Itunuolpli, of Itonnoko. I had two opportunities of listening to Mr. Randolph in tho Sonato, and was completely f unci nu tod by his cxtruordi hemisphere. What could be inoro suit- able than for the republic! of the wont to unite in a mncb holier onion to maintain it? By the tonth this interrogation was mot by the cry that foarf ul crisis was at ana; WUlie m ilium muw repruiuiiut tivna confined their scrunlos to consti tutional low and national policy, John Randolph and tho hotter spirits blurted out the roal objection to the schomo. Tho and testified to ma of the affection with which he was regarded by his slaves Men and womon rushed toward ulm seized him br the hand with perfect fa miliarity, and burst into tears of delight at his presence among them. His con duot to these humble dependents was like that of a roost affectionate father among his children ; and it is well known that, when he could uo longer protect south would never consult with nations thorn, he emancipated them by will ond rho hod tint the block man on an coital- ity with the white, and, horror upon horrors, were known to nave mulatto generals in command of their armies. From this opposition arose the party that finally placed Jackson in the i'rcsidcn- provided for their support In a free State. The time has not yet come to estimate with impartiality tho class of southern . . . 1 1 T 1.11 11 1 gentiomen to wmcnivunuoipu ueiongeu. Many of thorn were of great ability and unco tial choir: a party whose stock in trake singular fascination of mannor. at this timo consisted of bitter vitupora- aocopt their promises (and their premi ses wore to them as uio axioms oi mame matk's), and they aro knightly figures tion of the administration, and at the Load of which Randolph took his natural place. Tho debate In the senate upon the proposition to send ministers to the con gross at Panama was opened by Mr. Kundolph with sarcasm. It was known that tho TroHidont of the United States meant to send ministers to tho congross that was to assemble at Panama, lie forvontly hoiiod that these ministers would lubor under none of tho odious and explodod prejudices which ro vol tod the over-fastidions southern gontloman and repelled him from asso- flihtinir upon that side of tho irropressiblo conflict which pro tected thoir familios and the civiliza tion, such as it was, which had produced thomsolves and the high-spirited caste into which tlior woro born, ibe incen diurism which would light tho torch of servilo insurrection and plunge their fair possessions into barbarism seemed to them fur worse than that which tired warehouses and dwellings, which a fow months of labor might replace. It is un necessary hore to onlurge upon the errors ciating on terms of equality with persons or delusions, which overy schoolboy now of African uoscent. llo hoped that the ooems nimsou uuiu w ex none, vi Mr. miuistors who had beon appointed wore Randolph I saw too little, and I look proparod to sit clown humid with the with sincero regret npon this kind note native African, the mixed broods, and from him, interleaved with my journal, tho Indian, and to take no ollenuo at the una writieu mu uuy i ion vt wiigijii. motley mixturo. Uon. Bolivar, whom somebody had called "tho Mouth Amori- can Washington," was then handled without gloves. "I remember, sir," said Mr. Ituudolph, "that whon the old earl of Bedford was condoled with by a hypo crite on the murder of his son, Lord itus- sell, ho indignantly replied that he would not exchango his doad son for tho living son of any man on earth. Ho I would not give our dead Washington for any living Washington, or (whatever muy bo tl" blessings rosorvod for man' kind in the womb of time) for any Wash- illituiui- , . i ,.. i " ... - I In lUVriMIIIUU nary gift as a talker; for it wos not ora- l"Bl"n """V lo !n8.,in 0UI l,mB' John White produce """"V ;; vrr"- ,.., ,:. T ..iTnM i It bids me como and dino with him at "Ilnroods (if I mako out the name cor rectly) a confectioner's shop near the Seven Buildings." Thoro I should have met a small circle of his friends, with the consccjucnco of much pleasure to my self, and possibly hall a century lutor of further rominiscencesof John llandoljih, of lloanoko. Josiah Quincy in Now York Independent. CuiIodi Epitaphs. Sometimes a pun or play on the name is introduced; such as in tho epitaph on tory though at times ho would proi grout oratorical cllects so much as elevated conversation that ho pourod forth. His speeches woro ilmrruing or provoking, according to tho point of viow of tho 1 into nor. To a .Senator anxions to expodito the publio business or to hurry through tho bill ho had in chargo, Randolph's harangues upon all sorts of irrelevant subjects must havo boon very anuoying; but to ono who was not troubled by such responsibilities they were a delightful entertainment. There was no effort about tho speeches They woro givou with alisoluto ouso, tho speaker constantly changing his position, turning from sido to side, ami at times loaning agniuvt tho rail which enclosed tho Senatorial chairs. His dress was a bluo riding coot with buckskin breeches, for ho always rodo to tho Senate, fol lowed by his black servant, both muster and muu boing Unely mounted. His voico was silvory ill its tones, becoming unpleasantly shrill only when conveying direct invoctivo. lour-llfths of whut ho said had tho sleudorost possiblo con nee tion with tho subject which hud called him up; but so far as tho chanoo visitor wus concerned, this variety only added a charm to tho entortuiumeut. Un tho 11th of Felu uaiy, 182fi, tho in troduction of a bill for surveying a por tion of Florida with a view to a canal route brought Mr. Ituudolph to his feet. This project was favored by the other representatives of tho South, and it was ousy to seo how brovokod and ombar rassod tliey ten by opposition irom a quarter so unexpected. Hut lUndolph, who hud always strenuously denied tho power of Congress to mako internal im provements in tho States, would not willingly onncodu it iu tho euso of tho ter ritories. Ho could not lind it written in But Mr. Itundolyh's great effort (if I mayso call a pvrformanco which to him was evidently no cnort at all) was re served for tho next duy. Ho announced that ho should ask for the consideration of his resolution immediately upon tho mooting of tho Senate, and that moaut thut nhothor speech would bo lorthcom ingY I wus early upon tho spot, and for two hours held mv attention fixed by his various ami nncsi improvisations, ins cut ting irony, his terribly sincero, although absolutely uudesorved, uonnnciutious. His memory and imagination scorned inoxhaustiblo. He would tuke a subject (almost nyj which iiaiiiionou to got in his way) turn ami twist it about, display it in some funtastio light, and then, with scorn push it aside. That famous dictum of tho Declaration of lmlopeuileuoo. con corning tno equality oi men.whicii thirty years after Itufus Choato stylod "a glit tering generality, Kundolph pilloried as ' un Kilo funfumoiiado. I he pernicious falsehoods contained in theso general expressions woro in a cortain sonso true. aud so woro CHpecially misleading.. Ho ooiuparod Sir. JolTerson's stutemont to that of a person who should say thut tho soil of Hoot land wus as rich as thut of Kentucky, bocnuso thero wus no differ onoo in tho suporflciul contents of the aero During a pail ho in tho discourso Iluyno roso and urged tho speaker to postpone his cull upon the exocutivo, at the sumo timo complimenting him warmly upon his speech. Taking up tho word. Randolph de dared that ho could mako no better spoeeh. Not that this wus to be ro pretted, for, liko many other regular tlitns, regular speeches were apt to be tho bond that tho money of the people ojcocdingly dull. Tho gonorol effect of should bo pourod out for local improve incuts anywhere. Johnson, of Louisiana, juit in a reply, in which ho used Mr. Kundolph as a Southern ally with great tenderness, but intimated thut, as Cuba commanded tho key to the Gulf of Mexico, its possession by a first-uluss uavul power would bo highly injurious to Southern interests. Tho euiiuf would bo in some sort a pro tection ngninst this dire possibility. "II all constitutional restraints aro to lie punhed aside, let us take Culm and bo done with it!" said Randolph in reply jotinsion s special picnding wus dut bed un argument urn nb inconvenient!, and he was urged to consider the conse quences (the word was uttered with sig nificant emphasis) which might ensue. Hero Kaudolph paused and looked his fellow southerners well over. Could they not seo that by taking this bait of internal improvements to strengthen thoir peculiar institution of slavery, they 0Knod tho way for tho general govern ment to interfere to its disitdvautage? The words wero unspoken, but tho look convoyed their meaning with perfect clearness, He concluded in a strain of tho bitterest Irony: "But w hut care wo for oonseiinnmv? Only tho timid and tho purblind look to consequences! No, oir; your gallant statesman mounted on his Kosinauto mid fairly in tho lists looks to no coiimo queuco a pause J except to his own con oqueucel" Interesting as was Mr. Randolph's port in this debate ou tho canal question, my friends assured me thut I hud not yet heard hiui at his lcst or worst. Rut it was my good fortune to bo present iu the senate somo two weeks afterward, w hen he gave what was almost universally allowed to lie ono of tho most character istic speeches ho ever made. This was in reference to the l'unuma mission, art absorbing topic of public interest, and ono which created on Isith sides feeling us intense as havo ever Iwcu ; down in our r uutionul legislature. Tho condition of certain South American states had re cently been changed from that of sub ject colonies to that of independent re publics, and tho project wus formed of assembling on the Isthmus of l'anaiua a congress at which each of them should bo represented, to deliberate upon snl jocts common to all. The United State- wcro asked to Uko a-leading part in this assembly, and the invitation had beeu ac cepted, and plenipotentiaries appointed by tho rxocutive. The northern states warmly approved this course which seemed to 1 in the line of what should be the national sentiment. The monar chies of Europe bad formed a "holy alliance" to crush liberty io the eastern , such speeches wus want of any effect Whatsoever. What ho did was to imitate nu Italian improvisatoro, taking up sub jects that ho hud well thought out. llo considered that tho world had bcea xrreatly injured by parliamentary eloquence, which was no qualification for sttvernmeut. Fox. to bo sure, was a statesman as well as a debater; but tho lialectics of I itt hud been tho curse of England. Ha wus admirably qualilled for professor of rhetoric, and might havo hold that chair at Cambridge in Old ! or Now Englaud (a thrust at Mr. Adnms, no nad beou professor oi this art in Harvard College) ; but as a statesman ha tts a tyro, and his great measures all fo!od. In concluding, Randolph told a story of some wise-acre who wus sent to search tho vaults of the 1'urliament house ut tho time of tho gunpowder plot. This myth- icnl personage reported thut ho found fifty barrels of powder, and had removed twenty-ftvo of them and hoped thut the rest would do no harm. "Tho step vou avo about take," exclaimed tho speaker, the characteristic outstretched forefinger pointing the emphasis, "applies tho mateli to tho jiowdor; and, be there twojity-five barrels or fifty barrels, there is enough to blow, not tho first of tho Stuarts, but tho last of another dynasty, sky-high, sir! Yes, sir, sky-high!" Ami sky-high rose the voioo of Mr, Randolph, as it to follow Mr. Adams ii his aerial flight. Thoro wus no savor' of the ridiculous in this passionate climax. The speakers thorough-going sincerity Invented such a suggestiou. Tho old saying that language wus given to man to conceal his thoughts hud a percentage of truth in it. Most men aro conscious of selecting and modifying tho products -l tho mind, w ith a view to their suitable presentation, The iuterest of Randolph's rptHH'hea was that ho simply exinised his intellect and let you seo it ut work. It Will Uko catching obster or some other great orator in his library and looking i.tynr me rough notes he had rejected. There one might find figures of rhetoric . little too showy for good taste, blunt exinvssious of opinion which had been softened and draped in ambiguous phrases. It is possible that such a sur vey might increase our admiration for ttte artist at the cxpouse of our respect for the man. But, after hearing Ran dolph speak or converse, the feeling was Uiat you had eome in contact with the essential personality of this Virginian Hotspur, and that there was much there which justified the alloc tion which his friends fult for him. A gentleman whom I met in Wash ington had returned with Randolph to his plantation after session of congress Hero lies John, a shining light, Whose namo,lifo,actions,all wereWhite." Tho following was rather epigram matic than cpituphio in regard to the Rov. John Chest: "Beneath this spot lies buried, Ono Chest within another. Tho outer chest was all that's good; Who says so of tho othorr William Wilton, buried in Lambeth, certainly did not write tho epitaph, which bears rotation to him: "Hero lyoth W. W.. ho never moro will troublejrou, trou bio yon Nor. we may safoly assert, did Owen Mooro himself pen tho following: "Owon Moore isgono away, Owin' more than he could pay." More likely to bs genuine are thoso epitaphs which involve a bit ot bad logic, svntax, grammar in their compo sition. In a graveyard at Montrose is said to bo the following: "Hore lies the body of Ooorgo Young and all thoir postority For fifty years backwards." And iu Wroxham church-yard as fol lows: Horo licsfivo babies and children dear. lhreo at Uswestry, and two hore. Akin to this logical blundering is: "Here lies tho remains of Thomas Milsolm, who died in Philadelphia, March, 1753; Hud he lived he would have Been buried horo." And another at Nottlebcd, in Oxford nro : "Hero lies fathor and mothor and sister and I; W o all died within tho space of ono short year. Wo all bo buriod in Wimble, except I; Aud I bo buriod horo. '. Chamber's Journal. Guiiuan Oibls. Tho homo lifo of Ooruinu girls is far difforont from that of American girls, and we could hardly fuuey anything nioro prosy than tho home life of tho high and well-born Herman girl. They are educated pro cisely alike, tho rango of study boing iimiioa. ino coininou brunches, l-rench. sometimes Juigiisb, and a few orna meutul accomplishments, comprise the list. The statement that American girls study tho sciences, and sometimes Greek and Latin, causes from them manifestations of surprise. The trail i a: ... i. i.i nous una prejudices oi tneir class aro carefully inculcated. Auv woman who btar Movement!. Venn u evening atar, and easily wins the place of honor in the planetary pre aentation that graces the February sky. Almost as soon as the day is done, and Mnr tho twilieht slow has faded, the description. The meteorological phe nomena of the season surpass any similar records in the memory of the present generation, and deserve the careful at tention of intelligent observers, lortu nately the worst is probably over, as the sun advances northward and ushers tn fairest of the stars peers from uer mu ug place and draws forth from every be tribute of admira tion for hor increasing splendor, hor soft, pensile beauty, and the regal grace with which she wields the scepter of tho stars. Two important epochs in her .. ... ii.i. month. On the 20th vuuira ww i - . she arrives at her greatest eastern elonga- in or most distant point from me sun It will be remembored that tho interior Jnnnta Vmm and Mercury, as seen from tho earth, seem to oscillate in straight lines alternately east and west of the sun. On tlm 13th of last Julv. Venus was m nnnrior nnni unction, beinar then at her greatest distance from the earth, and rising and setting with tho sun, but too nmr him to be visible. She thon passed to his eastern sido ond btcaino evening t,ir. siin was fur enougn awu. in Iia seen in the western tw litfht in Sontomber. and ever since has been receding from the sun on her east m track, increasing all the time in .i. no.i. l.n size and uriuiancy. uu iuo ivm duo reaches the end of her mvisiblo chain and completes ono-hulf her course as evening star. After this, reversing her movements, she approaches me sun unui her inferior conjunction on the 3d of Mav. when hor role as evening star is completed, the process occupying uuunv ten months, ihen passing to me west ern side of the sun, sho repeats the same courso in reversed order as morning star until the again comes to hor superior conjunction, and starts on a now courso, Anv intelligent observer can follow the movements of this beautiful planet and verify with his own eyes tho luws which regulate nor seeming progress throueh tho sky. Let him remember that nntil tho 20th she moves eastward after this time she is stationary for a few lavs, aud then retraces her steps, mov ing rapidly westward and glowing every night with incrotsiug splendor until noxt May. Fortunately, we need learn but ono thing at a time, and for two months wo have nothing to note but her rapid upproach to tho suu, her won drous brilliancy making her plainly vis ihlo in the daytimo, and her perceptible shadow on moonless nights. Sho moves at apparently so slow a pace that, oin'e liuvmcr impressed upon tho mind the prominent points of her course, it is easy to koep tho track forever niter. Tho other important epoch in tho Feb ruurv phases of Venus is her conjunction with Jupiter, which occurs exactly at midnight on the evening of tho 21st. Tho two planets will thon meet and pass each other. Venus being a little more than three degrees north of Jupiter. Last ou tunin Jupiter was just coming up in the east, while Venus, nearly at hor most dis tant point, was descending in the west, the wholo celestial arch intervening be tween thorn. Lvor since thoy havo been approaching, and the distance to be ac complished boforo they meet, quickly to separate, is plainly apparent. If Venus would only occult, or pass ovor Jupiter, it would bo a sight to be remembered for a lifetime, but she weuds on her resist less path three degrees to the north, and students of the stars must bo contented with comparatively beautiful aspects when transeondeut ones are beyond thoir reach. Venus and Jupiter, theroforo, divide the honors of the month, aud no ono who looks above on starlit nights can fail to detect the two most brilliant stars that adorn tho celostial sphere. Venus will bo known at a glunco, as fairest and brightest of tho twinkling train, and Juniter, perched above her on the celes tial pathwav, though shorn of his bright est rays as ho travels far from earthly domaius, is second only to tho starry queen. Venus now sets at I) o'clock; at tho end of tho mouth about a quarter be fore 10 o'clock. Jupiter is ovening star, and if ho can not carry off tho palm for the radiance of his shining, he contributes to the an nuls of tho month extraordinary illus trations of continued elemental warfare which mav reasonably strengthen tho faith of believers in the thoory of plune- tary lutlueuoo as a partial cause of tho sun-spot period. To bo suro, ho passed periheliou two months ago, and is nearly hi ins greatest instance irom mc earth. But when a vast orb liko tho sun is ex cited it does not calm down to its normal condition in a minute, for the influence continues after the cause is partially re moved. If Jupiter is increasing his distance, the three planets beyond him Life la A Gambling Haunt. The gravelled walks on the terracei and round the gardens are occupied by promenadors, each bent on enjoyment and there is, an utter absence of tile stiff! ness, and formality custom has enforced at Nice. The Lnglishman may be founl more genu i sues, -- - , giui on bonchf Lis , - 5fflo.ni' M. .thinking, of home and of prevailing in loss favored quarters of the does think and act in opposition to ftro ft" PProl'biU!i their perihelia, and tho conventional standard is lookod ou with distrust. But their domostio edu cation is carefully attended to; whut ever they rank, they must master all branches and stops of housekeeping. lhoir wedding trousseau and outfit iu bed ond tablo linen is generous in quantity and beautiful iu texture, ond usually mode up by their own willing hands. An engagement with them is as solemn ami binding as a marringo con a . i . t t . iruci, ami luitmossncss in cithor sex is an exception that moots hearty con demnation. Their cimpleuoss ond qui etness of lifo is a reproach to tho lives oi most of tho ldlo, easy-going, friv olous girls of lunny other countries. TllR FllKT ToK AND HoRAOE GllKKLEV They occasionally met, and the latter oiten befriended tho former, for he saw how ill adapted such a man was to con tend with poverty. Greeley was born poor, aud could live ou a crust. Ho was a tyiH'settor by trade, and if ho failed as an editor ho could fall back on labor. 1'oc, on the other baud, was bred a gen tleman, and hod the hiuh-tonod uride cultivated in the first families of Virgin ia. He scorned his Bohemiau associates, and only poverty kept him from hurling reproach on his employers. The only ono on whom he could rely for aid at any timo of distress was Greeley, who freely shared with him his scanty earnings. After his death there was a 'demand for his autographs, and. anions others, an- plieatious were made to Greolov. "I ave a number." was Greelov's drv retdv to an applicant, "which you can have at first cost." They were Toe's due-bills pulling upon tho sun with a combined though lesser attraction, aud it will not be strange if tho present condition of nisturuuuoo continue iu a milder form for somo timo to come. Shocks of earthquake will neitato tho domain or Agram und ita vicinity, where tho latest reports announco that houses are toppling and tho inhabitants are panic-stricken. A slight earthqnuka in Maine aud a portentous underground rumbling iu loxaa give evidence of in ternal commotion in our own borders, while Mount Baker, in tho extreme Northwest, is indulging in a fresh out burst of volcanic flame. Tho feature of the last month was, however, tho mar velous stormy weather that prevailod in many parts of Eurone. especially in Londou. Nothing liko it has been known in this generation. London was in a state of siego while suffennir from the effects of the tempest of snow, rain and wind that forced the water of the Thames to a greater hoight than was ever known before, overflowed tho em bankments, Hooded largo districts, impeded railroad progress by snowdrifts seventeen feet high, and caused great destruction of lifo and property. viuor parts or. tnropo shared in the visitation. The Mediterranean was stir red to its depths; Spain lost millions from disastrous inundations; and Russia reports a million peasants in want of food at Samara, and three-quarters of a million starving at Saratoff. The sod experience has its parallel in our home records. The thermometer in Wis consin recorded a temperature fifty-two for loons varying from ten to twenty-five r6?'. bolow uol ullage was dollars. Greeley afterwards destroyed n, raowJrif n the slope of the them, in preference to exoosinir the mis- ""id ,nu iau at tne south fortunes of a friend. WM "precedent!, and the remarkable - storm oi anow and aleet m New York was roveny may excuse a shabby coat, but too diaastrons 111 it Minfl,inanAAS an.l it is no excuse for shabby morals, U too fresh in the memory to reouire Meantime Jnpiter looks benignly down from the heights above, shining as serenely as if his huge mass was inno cent of causing any commotion in tho m v un twrhans It may ue. uu the evening of the 3d be gets up a pleas aut entertainment for telescopic obsorv-anni-nncliinor very near a sixth mag nitude star in the constellation of the tfi'ulma Irnnwn AH 73 Tisoium. In somo .a tlm world as in England, ho -it: ni-nlmhlv doss directly over the star ill Im An occaltution. Ia ibis nnnnrrv lirt will iust touch tho little star hi in called an aiioulsfl. from a Latin wni-,1 that, means "striking against." Ob servers who havo access to teloscopes will enjoy a rare phenomenon in wateh inr itu nrnfrress. Jupiter sets now a half-past 10 o clock, at tho end of tho ' ..... t 1 .1. 4.1. month, a little alter V ocioca, luree nnarters of an hour before Venus. Suturn is evening star and presonts few points of interest during tho month, as ho follows closely in the wako of the more brilliant Juniter. in like manner rnenilinff from tho earth and approach inor conjunction with the sun. The loHHeniuir distance between the two nlanets is a point to bo specially noticed Saturn now sets at 11 o'clock, at tho end of the month about 9:30 o'clock. Mercury is evening star, and, like Venus, reaches his great eastern elonga tion on the 23d. As he is nearer the sun than Venus, his chain is not much more than half as long, and lie keeps mucu closer to the sun. He may possibly bo picked up for a fow nights before and after the 23d. as ho is thon above tho ho rizon for about an hour and a half after sunset. He must be looked for about ten degrees north of the point where the sun went down, aud about tno same ins tance south of Venus, und about half the distance betweon Venus and the horizon. We take special pains to point out the position of this shy planet, for a sight of It 13 sometuing worm ruiuumuurmg. Mercury sets now at 5:30 o'clock: at the end of tho month shortly alter o ciock Mars is morning star, and is coming toward us, though presenting little to interest observers. ' He is slowly gaining in brightness and size, and may be easily recognizod by his ruddy light, rising nbout ou hour and a half before sunrise. Ho rises now about u quarter before six o'clock, a few degrees south of the point of sunrise; at the last of tho month lie rises about five o'clock. Uranus, is morning star, and is fast drawing noar his opposition with the sun, when bright eyes piny discern his pres ence without the aid of a telescope. He rises now at eight o'clock in the evening; at the end of the month at six o clock. Tho February moons full on tho 15th, having commenced her courso on tho 2Dth of January. She threads her wuy impartially among the clustering mem bors of tho solar family, paying her court to Venus on the 2d, Jupiter on the 3d, Suturn on tho 4th, and Neptune on the 5th, but the conjunctions are notnoar enough to be of special interest, the moon passing from five to seven degrees north of tho planets. On tho loth, the day after tho full, sho passes near Uranus and near Mars on the morning of the loth. Two prominent themes for study pre sent themselves during . the month of February. Jupiter still exhibits his great rod spots and his smaller black ones; tho sun still gives evidence of com motion in spots and' tongues of flame; and Uranus, Saturn and Neptune are speoding toward perihelia. In con nection with the preseut condition of the system, motoorological phenomena can not bo too closely studied, and, in tho province of observation, the wholo world may becomo astronomers end help to Pile up tho array of facts on which tho brilliant future of astronomy will be based. Tho second thome is more poeti cal than practical, and consists in simply watching the movements of the planetary trio, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. Venus will reach the end of her chain, can i;o no farther from tho sun, tond will commence tho backward track. She will also meet ond pass Jupiter and slowly approach Saturn, while Jupiter and Saturn will approach each other. Each planet of the trio will play a part in the charming pie turo that every night will bo unrolled to lovers of tho stars. JLuch planet will illustrate in shining lottors the symme try and simplicity of the laws that bind together the members of the solar fam ily, and rule in heavenly harmony the reals of infinite space. Providence journal. his face is bronzing with the warm inn, and thut pipe which he has been compelled to smoko furtively rince he landed at Boulogne or Calais is now hold triumph antly in his mouth, mingling the fra grance of its smoke with the odor of the flowers around. Thore is the German, tho inevitable Gorman, with his bins cotton snnshado and spectacles. He nover quits his Baedeker, and his litera ture wavers betweon the study of hit guide book and of somo theory pro pounded by a mathematician who, on papor,. has now reduced winning at the gaming tables to a certainty. Tho Russian stalks up anil down, rogarding his fellow-men du baut de sa grandeur as considerably inferior to him. The hours pass wearily enough for him until the shrine of Fortune opens and tho ball is sent spinning round tho roulotto by the croupior. Thon tho eyes of the Muscovite light up, and pin and card in hand he watches tho ball, pricking his paste board and indulging in hieroglyphics and cabalistic calculations. He is in different to loss or gain. Ho plays simply to amuso himself, and to while away the hours which hung so heavily on his hands. Further along may be found the American, armed with his red-covered "Kremor's Graphic Railway Gnido," which has become the guide, philoso pher and friend of onr transatlantic cousins who are visiting Europe. The tourist who comes from a country whore everything is practical will not hear a word against his "Kremer," which contains all tho information he can require, and prevents him from having to carry half a hundredweight of euido-books about with him. It con tains skeleton maps, sketches of tours, advice to tho traveler, with practical hints, valuable notes, etc., and its prico is ridiculously small, while the descriptions are given in such a readablo form that geography and history becomo a pleasant study. On tho square in front of the Casino and the Hotel do Paris is the Cafe de Paris, with its polyglot waiters, and its customers speaking a Babel of tongues. Every beverage in the world can be obtained, from "Scotch whisky" to "prime old .Bourbon," but a line has been drawn at tho "Tom gin," which is sold down in the Condumine with a label which savors strongly of the contraband. The tables standing out on the pavement in the sun are all occupied, for going to tho cafe is not considered in the somo light as going to the publio house at home, and French customs and fashions have not only been accepted but adopted. The English lad and her daughter may be seen thore of a morning, drinking their cafe an lait.and eating their little rolls, while at 5 o'clock tea the tables are crowded, and the decoction of Bohea is passed round and imbibed with as much pleasure and upparent satisfaction as the Chinese manifests when he inhales the fumes af the opium from his metal pipe. The Frenchman sips his absinthe of an afternoon, tho Italian drinks his ver mouth, tho Russian uncorks his pint of foaming champagne, and the German takes his coffee with milk, and accom panied by half a dozen sweet cakes, just to get his mouth into shape for table d'hote. USEFUL RECirES. A ONPERFl L HoiSE SENSATION. At the United Brethern Church, at Bee Camp, near Madison, Ind., a revival has been in progress for some time past. Among the convorts has been a beautiful young girl aged fifteen, named Florence eal, who is now the wonder ond sensa tion of the neighborhood. For the past six nays miss eai has been in a trance; sho manifests no desire for food, and has eaten nothing during that time except somo food that has been forcibly admin istered to her. She first became in this condition in tho church and was carried home, where she has lain ever since. Occasionally she seems to como to for a moment, and murmurs strange things of what sho has soon in heaven, and then relapses again into a death-like swoon. 1 ho other day while her former school teacher was thero, she became for a moment conscious, and said she had seen his mother in heaven, and she lm.l tnU hor that sho hod asked her son to pray, and she asked tho young lady if he obeyed her wishe Miss Neal. at last accounts, was still in a death-like trance, and tie neighborhood in a fever heat of excitement. Hero is a good illustration of the mn. tives by which most men are moved: A Sunday school teacher said, "Now, chil dren, if a boy should strike you on your wj io Bt-nooi, ii would De your duty to forgive him, wouldn't it?" "Yes, ma'am," from the whole class. "And you would really forgive him, wouldn't you?" she continued. One little fellow answered with calm deliberation, "Yes, ma'am, I think I would, 'speciallT if he was bigger than I am." In warm weather put your eggs in cold water sometime before you are ready to use them. Lemons may be kept fresh a long time in a jar of water; changing the water every morning. A true test for eggs is to drop them in water, and if the large end comes up they are not fresh. Fried. Fritters. Four eggs, one pint of milk, the rind of one grated lemon, a little salt, flour to mako a light batter. Beat the eggs into the milk; add lemon, salt and flour. Fry in hot iard, and serve with wino. Jumbles. One cup of butter, two oups of sugar, one cup of milk, four eggs, ono teaspoonful of soda, six cups of flour, a littlo nutmeg. Roll them out, cut them with a tumbler and a wine-glass to form a ring; dust over with the white of an egg, and sift on a little sugar be fore baking. Brussols Sprouts. Trim them' neatly and wash them. Put thorn to boil in plenty of salted water, and when almost done,, strain them and dry them in a cloth. Put them in a saucepan, with a largo piece of butter, pepper, salt and grated nutmeg to tasto. Toss them gently on the fire until they are quite cooked. Fish Fritters. Take tho remains' of any fish which has been served tho pre vious day, remove all tho bones and pound it iu a mortar; add bread crumbs and mashed potatoes in equal quan tities. Mix together half a teaeupful of cream, with two well-beaten eggs, some cayenne pepper and anohovy sauce. lieat it all up to a proper consistency. cut it into small cakes, and fry them in boiling lard. Hesbt. Wabd Bekcheb and His Step motheb. Last evening several speakers had something to say about their mother's prayers, and Mr. IWcher cave his opinion. "My mother died," he said, "when I was three years old, and I had to make her in my imagination. My father's second wife was a beautiful and cultivated woman, but she had no demonstrative affection. I do not re member that I ever once ran to her when I was in trouble, though I ran away from her a good many times. I never buried my head in her lap, I always expected criticism. She was the mother of my clothes and of my food, but never the mothor of my heart. I nsed to lone for a mother that had a bosom. I built that with my imagination. Her praying never produced any more effect nnon me than a flake of snow upon a slate roof. It did afterward, when I was nine or ten years old. I used to be afraid of hell and the devil, for ministers used to scare children. The child that really and deeply loves its mother will not get away from her."