fcUlitf E CITY GUARD , '.MihtmYoang, ' UIIIIUT, . Tbe president ha approved the bill to LATEST NEWS SUMSLLnYjKo uons.uuuornia, to the public domain. T TELEOBAMI TO DATE. Smallpox U getting to be epidemic In many place in the east. The president has nominate' Danlol 8. B ash of Illinois, major and paymaster in the V, is. army. Eight Indians and sevoral hundred ponies were drowned at Fort Buford re cently by a sudden freshet. Nine hundred Sioux Indians part of them belonging to Sitting Hull's band have surrendered to the military In Da kota. Hon. Fernando Wood a prominent democrat and member of congress from Aew York died at Hot Hnrinia Arlinn. as,Febl3tb. ' ' . The valueofhog marketed In Chicago LRi?' I" 1879 It was f 10,040,000. The value of cattle in 1880, 17,0-JO.OOO; In 1870, f Ifl,751,(XJO. ' A delegation of women visited the Missouri assembly and addressed the consiiiiuion committees urging the exten sion of tbe ballot on the school question. T1'0 . tivy ice, over twenty Inches thick, , in the bays and harbors about Long island has done much damage. Wharves have been swept away and vessels injured. Three children wero fatally burned at Panielsonvillo, Conn., on the loth by pouring kerosene on a Are. Their mother was seriously Injured In trying to savo WITT 111 There is considerable talk at Washing ton concerning tbe reported departure of vjnbvi vwiiBiiiig sur jucuuir, J I IS saiU that he has gone to visit Uoneral Garfield upon speciahnviution, and that he would not go until inns invited. The visit re vives the belief that New York Is in htv. the treasury portfolio, as the friends of r,...i.ii.... .i..-r . i . f . i ... vAiiiiiin ucuinre vuti ne intends eiiiier ui name the secretary ofthe treasury or no officer at all. The gossip now is that ueyi v, .Morion will be assigned to the treasury oepanment, wttn so mo Tennsyl vanian as postmaster general, Senator jygan has returned from Mentor. Ho is reticent as to what he learned there, but be seems to be in rather exuberant spirits. Senator Herford will introduce a bill providing that all monevs paid tha anv . eminent by Pacific railroads under acts of congress of 18(12 and 1804 for their con struction, and all moneys due from the railroads to the United fttiita lnill lu distributed and paid to the various states arm territories ana tne district of Colum bia as rust as received, to be bud bed lv i i ..... . r.. .. " luuiii w i-uucauonai purposes, dlstnbu tion to be in proportion toslio population A Washington dispatch of February J7tb says: It is untrue that Sonator b ro ver is so seriously ill astoproveut his at tendance at the executive session. His absence would give the organization to the republlcaus. It Is certain that Senator uavisoi iiimo's.wlll vote to maintain the present organization of the senate, as he The New York Sun Ti. r,.,'.. .i l'urim association sold for i, ti.! ',0 V" l!'"t woulJ ! independence to total proceeds of the sale of t,nV. quo, while organization for about $11000. - uieocnent oi party, would be rank par f;nri ir..n,.i. .. wp. i i. 7. . . ;. """""iDgan invita tion by Colonel Corbln, secretary ofthe The appointment bill will probably pass It will produce disastrous results In Amer ica. Nor do I agree with you that for the remainder of tbe session very little is to be expected from parliamentary action. The expelled Irish members hare almost unanimously decided to remain in their plates and offer every resistance which tbe forms of the bouse of commons will permit to the passage of the coercion anil arms bill. In this resolution I fully con cur. The result or renewed exertion of the party since the coup d'etat and option of gagging resolution has been so far most encouraging. .Moreover it 'would be scarcely fair of me to leave my party to face the up hill work entailed unon them. and I think I can be of aomo service dur ing the passage ofthe land bill in pointing out In what respects it mav fall short of settlement of the land question. Kngland having adopted rules of coercion and In timidation against our people and their representing es in parliament, and having practically attempted to drive both one and the other outside the limits of tbe constitution bv tbeuseof unconstitutional and Illegal means in parliament and in county, two courses appeared onen to us: The first, that the Irish members should retire in a body from the house of com mons and announce to their constituents that the constitutional weapon of parlia mentary representation had been snatched from their hands and no course remained to them but sullen acquiescence or appeal to force In opposition to the force which had been used against us. The second and only other alternative appeared to be that we should steadfastly labor on, deepening the lines and widen ing the area olour agitation, appealing to the great masses of the population of Kiiir- laiid and Scotland, who are much less represented in the house of commons than the masses In Ireland. Anpealing.I say, against the territorialism and slopoc racy which dominate in parliament to the workimrmen and agricultural lahorer oruritian, who surely have no interest in FIXAXUAL ASD COMMERCIAL. PniTi.in. February 2t. 1881 Ltnl tonden in I'ortlinl. buying, r, and Mllinv at nar. Hilver euin in Portland bonis quote at I Jr sent, discount to Mr. Coin exchange on Uew York, 1 per eeut. pre mium. Coin exchange on Ban Francisco, jar to J per sent, premium. Telegraph io traniferi on Kew York, I percent. prouiiuui. lions rrMiee Market. The following quotations represent tbe whole ial rale from producer or fir.t bands: FbOUii Standard braids H 60(41 2i; best country brands, fl 40, uperfiuc, 3 75aI3 SO. WOOL Volley 25&27J& Eastern Oregon 2 25 WHKAT-Oood to choice, $1 J5f(,l 27). 11AY Timothy UUul, buying st $1(j$18 ptr ton. POTATO K875ftlc per etl. MII)LLING8 W(d.&: tborU $19; rhop feed lH(tj)2i; Cue $Uj)iSii "f ton. BRAN Jobbing at per Urn, $Ufu,li. 0AT-Keed, prr biuhel 40(j,j cts. BACOX Hides, 14c; hams, Unun 8 C 12($ 14c i Kustern, Ufa, 15c: shoulders, lOfalUe. LARD In kegs, 13 in tins, I So BUTTiCri We quote choice dairy at 30n35c good fresh roll, 37(40: ordinary, iic, whether brine or roll. DRIKb Kill' ITS Apple, tun dried, 8a Oc; machine dried, 12 jo Pears, lnuchiue dried, llall'c I'liinu, machine Uried, Millie, Applet, inarkot uverbUicked, at 4'J(75c per uox. EGGS-16a per doi. I'Ul'LTKY Heoi and roosters, $21a.3, Tur key Ma 10c per pound. (iwe, $to( perdoz. tllhhbh Oregon, Ifijalfic; (ulMornia, 10c HOGS l)resJ,riyilc; on fiot, 4o4i0c BKKF Live weight, 3v, gross 2jjc, per lb. 811 KKP Live weight, 2Je gross. TA LLOW Quotable it 51c HIUKS-Tliu market is firm at lAo for first-class dry; "ifeHJ for groen; culls, one-tuird olf. OLD CBI5A. found her lying; on the floor qaite,i.i -eUbbed to tbe heart br V I?? It wm In the year 1530, in the city of IUlian dagger. The plate which b Orion, that HUda peopea inrougu uer j su iBments at b attice w ndow as uso uooni ue u souo " do oiue to h bv. one did not u iu jium r . . .. . t I ..ll.n. il.n.mli only a poor workman in the Widow heir neta found tangled m their me.be, Gouffor's pottery, was very careful of his the dood body of Henri L -who htd daughter, and French girls, at the best, drowned himself. had very little liberty of action; but, as I have seen what purports to be the she said to herself; , Pla,te- A " ' frogmenU joined to. "Ah, if he could only see my face he gether with wondrous care and pain, would be as much in love with me as I On the cracked and disfigured surface' am with him!" one can see what must once have been At mid-day the workman came in to oeantuui painting, oi which only enough BU I rumuiuD iu nuuw uiuu u was me lace nf . 1 : r his dinner, and Hilda stood and served Ad Irish itomauco. serai Merebaodlnft. RICE Market qtioUvl at Chisa, iJo5i ; Sand irii island, HUi.V. lnauirura commitfj. i,u -111 '.Yr" -""lfress wun tne number or rcpresenta- "la mii-government and persecution of COFFEE-Costa Rica. I7r,i.20c: Jav. !Sn.m. 4i. " 1.. ---uullr 1 tivAM nAil at :ui7 ri... i...., 1.:... 1.. Irn ui.. I U,i;..i...i r.i.. ,,. , , mo committee in case he concludes to be .nL" " V.' V" . . Blr"l.''y , ,w iiuiuuci auu iliu WHJJUIU tee will not it is believed oppose to the A petition al.ne.1 I., nnjnn .,ni"l'tt P again for ruli,-.. , r - 1 ,ij 'vjmo ui 1 uincuni uii. Atoll Cil lori) H. Iowa ami ft lhlon :P WuKsel Michigan gain one representative V,! ' present, with his staff, at the inuugural ceremonies. Mough settlers who were convicted of ob- ntiuwung processor eviction issued by the Luited fcjtatei court has been for warded to President Hayes. oenaior urover lias Introduced a bill Kansas gains three, and Minnesota and ieorasica two cacli, making a gain of ten 11 11 e nonnern states. Arkansas, Missis sippi. North Carolina, South Carolina and em. Virginia gain one each, and Texas appropriating $15,000 for the purpose of Mtaina four, making a gain of nine in tho repairing the militurv .,; J.a.i i. iUn,,Vlmp.Ht0WftrtH"d Klamath and $10,000 for similar repairs between Camp htewart and Scotlsburg Oregon. A dispaUh from Kansas Cify says: I rofesor O. U. Hill, principal ofthe iormal school at Oregon, Holt county, A .11 be. r)rivfl, ,"'tary to President Oar leld. Professor Hill was one of tho faculty ofthe college at Hiram, Ohio, when General (iarfleld was president of that institution." A new national bank has been organi sed in New York with the following di rectors: en U. 8. Urant, H. Victor New comb. H. i'. ail, president of tha JNa- tlonal Hank or Commerce; Morris It. Jes sup, Henry It. Hyde, president of the jnmauie i.iio insurance Co.; Logan C ll,u."ay,' W,u' K- levers and John J. southern states. Maine, New Hampshire, i cmium hiiii new inrK limn on, i n. is curious tnut the number 807 is more favorable to New York than any number Intermediate between that ami tho pro sent. At 204 and Up to 808, New York W'iuld lose three representatives and from 808 to 310 that state would lose two. The New York Public's weekly state ment ofclenriru house return sh nm in every ciiy except Providence, New Or lenns and fan i ramisco nn increase dur. lug the second week In February over mo larjto transactions rorttie correspond ing peiiod of lust year Following is tho percentage oi gain: Kow York 38.7, hos ton 7 6, Philadelphia 1,4, Chicago 11, Cin cinnati 11.7. Kt.. Louis a, Uallimore 5.3. lniisville67.0. Pittsburg 7.5, Milwaukee 14.11, Kansas Oitv 4(1.11. r:ii-.il,.n,l n: i IndlannpollH 105, Hartford 2.2. New 1 lie society for the suppression of vice f.'!!ven.u- l-i'II 3.9, Syracuse 13,4. The v ,r . meeiiiig in New Y'ork i , obscene literature, 472 arrests had beer made; 147 years imprisonment inflicted 4. -id $.).),0.)0 fines Imposed; 25,304 poundi objcctiomil.lo prints; 14.41(5 pounds plato, and 1,314,084 songs, etc.. destrovpil i-oo. loui. Anmony t'omstock rend his annual report It stntml ti obscene literature. 472 arrests bad !, I. Is II 1 0.4 songs, etc.. destroved. A Washington dispatch states that Sen ator Laton intends moving to discharge tho committee of foreign a Hairs from ill consideration of the subject of Inter oceanic canals and railways, and press tho resolution, in order tliut congress mav stand upon decided ground in that reaolu tio 1 rUvr ofthe right of the United Mates government to maintain tho con trol of the isthmus cuuul and tiuiilar workn. cfuaiur i enuieioii m a report to the senate on the civil service, enunciates the principal that while a political partv in Power ha the right and dutv of Ulling higher official places with persons who represent its principles and policy, and in conduct inu departments in ih Wf, uri si. si it I., fc- . A "UK uuiun iinvH iiiMi: nnw iiriittinH 8.0, Han rranciaco (week ending 5th) 2.1. I .... .... il 4 41 .. . I .. - I a iuiiciii u u.o. MJiismering tne unfav orable effects of cold weuther throughout the west and tho blockade of mow. im. peding travel and business, the public deems it astonishing that exchanges of western cities should be so large. The Now York Tost of February 17th says: It is reported that the cliief organ izer of the Oregon Navigation system re cently gave notice to his following, who under his lead have in the last two venrs made fortunes, that he wanted a fund of j.i,wai,issi to Housed lor a purpose which he would disclose lufitr? ihut i nonce ne received oilers ofJllMKHI wap, out allotted only $S,(KK),000. More over, unit ins receipts or certllicato of acceptance ot subscriptions have since sold at 40 per cent' premium. Wo say that this is reported. It was told us by a reputable bunker mid parts of the tale read like a chapter from a leaf of John Law. We now bear, but not on tho same authority, that, tho purpose for' wimiiiius money was wanted Is to be Used III Scoilliiiif control nfil.M n. ........ -i ... V" Ireland. I have dismissed the first of tho course from consideration, but the second alternative presents to us manv elements or nope in ultimate success. As I have said, parliament is at present governed uy iniiuiords, manuracturers aud shop keepers ol Oreat Iiritain. At election times springs aro eet in motion by wire pullers ofthe two political parties, and tne masses or the electors are driven to the polling booth to register the decrees I oi some caucus with place an J power, and not the good of the peoplo as its. object. i uuuc opinion in I'.ngiaim is also deliber ately and systematically perverted. V ith reirard to Ireland, vigorous noritation in KiiL'luii.l and Scotland would chntitro all this The near approach of household suffrage in tho counties Is a practical cer tainty bciore (lie next general election. It will sound the doom of the Fmilisli land system, and the starting of woi kinemen's or agricultural laborers' candidate in every Hriiiuh constituency would soon bring the house of commons and radicalism to its souses. A junction between Fnglisli de mocracy and Irish nationalism upon the basis of Ireland's right to make her own laws, tne overthrsw of territorialism In bnth countries and enfranchisement of lubor rrom crushing taxes for mainten ance of standing armies and navies would prove irresistible. It would terminate the strife or centuries and secure Rio, 1 ilia 1 7c. TEAM We quote Japan in layered boxci 50o i.tc ; paer.iJ7H7. 81'GAKS-Kandwich bland, 10f7j,llc; Golilon C, in Mils, Ik-J; bt bbls.lUt; Crushed bbla. llje, lit bois, izo; 1-ulvcnaxl bbls, I2c, hf bbla, l.'1'o: (iranulatcd bbls. IMc. hf bbla 12iln. SARDINES-r boxes, $1 75 j hf boxes, $2 75. YEAST I'OWLPElt-Donnelly, $18 grom. WINKS White, per doi in case, $3 50o4j per pu, iucioi oo ; eonoina, pcruoi in cust M 50 to $5: per mil. flue to il fio. Claret California rjal, $1 lo $1 25; iui- poBcu Kr gni, f i to Sberry-C'ala wr Ral, ifl 5u to $2 50 , Span. isu, .l to ; BSdortwl brands, $12 to $18; iiiijioricii jwr gni, W to If 7. Tort Various biiimli in nr csks. $2 40 to $5 ; ti ki ... ti . ;.....,., . o-. ... j-i ' SPIRITS I'ine old lloiiiiiwsy Brandy in qr cks ni.u ivunra, j ou to n ov per gal ; lun villo's Irish Whisky in cases it iI.iz. I9. James Stewart & C.i.'s Scotch Whisky in or ino auu oi-mves, i ; jienncssy lirunily m cise, er doi, very line 1 slar $10, 2 star, $17 60,3 star $111; Holland (Jin, large eases, $18 to $20; Old Torn Oin incases,$l2; Hy Whisky, er gal, $2 50 to $5 ; Bourbon, ir gal, $2 50 to $5 ; A Cutter, $3 ' to $3 50 ; yj xv iiiidT, au to .... .HUJ UI I '. . 1 1 a ! .n11r,l wnman I U'Oman. SllA mirrllC llfLVA lviAn 4 mm auu lie uie auu uiiaou w i o - - u an lairu "Who do yon suppose was at the foe- an anger or as ngiy as a witch, no ona tory to dav?" he said. "The Count de can tell whicn now, but I liko to think it jj , no nas given an oruer, eouui-1 " tionally that is, If the work suits him and the Widow Oouffor has ordered a 1 ... 1 . I XT sam Die oi ate oai nteu. oi iuu ucun rrrv t i-.-i , . . . .. - , , .r i i if lieu urn veu ui iviimnrrnv a. h is to paint it. 1 nearu Aiouauio . ,, i "A Oouffor say that she would have tho '"""TT ,";frn7 ""'V e A handsomest girl's face possible to illJtX thei cover painted upon it. Eh? What is tho , "IX rn7' " , -1 nT mi8t. matter Hil la'" I ma"e 016 8ee" refnKe ln cabin. It n 'ti:i ii...i a crowdod, busy peasant's home, an.l .. .i ... i .u. i i .i.:i. I sat by the fire tbe warmoBt Beat lu n. ...... I nivan niA wirn thA mvariahla l.n....:. i..u s ho he d in her hand had fallen to tbe 6; 4V," " " "i" i i"';rT "uol"itj rn,i of these people I found abundant mate. ground "It was only a mouse that ran across my feet and frightened mo," said Hilda, but hor checks wero burning. That night after all the work was done, Hilda hoodod horsclf carefully and stole out of tho house, and along the road to the dwelling of the Widow Oouffor. and asked to speak with her alone. Hilda ... t . .. rial for observation and rofloction. What ever cleanliness was possible in a family of eight occupying one huge room along with two pigs was carefully maintained at least, the mother and children were' neutlv and comfortably attired, the hearth well swept, and tho pics' tm confined to the limits assigned them. An OILS Ordinary brands ol coal, 30c, high grades; Downer.lt Co., 371nl0c; boiled liucet, $1 raw linseed, irwj pure lard,$lal 10; castor, $1 50u$t 60; turpentine, SCIENCE AXD ART. Pacific railroad, thescheme being to nruc tlca ly In mg about a union of the interest of that company and tho Oregon Naviga. lion. e nave been unable to confirm this but if it is true it ull'nrds an explana tion fortbo largo rise in Northern l'... iri,. common stock and tho advance to day in I'lVU'i ivu BIIIII US. T .. ..Ar. V.I. ii lo.u liyiiois produced one-fifth of an mo corn grown iu the Tnitod States and acco-dlng to the latest advices tho iniorest ortho party, yet all subordinates a hoiild be selected with sole reference to character and fitness. He favors com petitive examination and hopes the spoils nysteni will not prevail. .r.ltlllll..t.AVM UA H.A-I. I 1 . .. ....,, , , numing iiuru ior tne iuri.ose of holding the balance of power n the next houo. W.nnr ..j ijim...... whose terms soon expire, will devote their energies to keeping the forces or Kanixod and insist that all greenbackers Will vote together, wnrkinir ii.... r... either party. The republicans lack one oi me number necessary to organise the crop of 1W0 will bear about the same "nr ,. bouse and tho greenbackers Vill force portion to the com crop" t Z Zi it v Pennavk. i . IrV ' V," " M IZZ'.Tl " r 1,8 .V vv. tilling juiu mid iiiem. Sjieda) flKiires of tho New York a ock market: Northern Pacific, common, has advance, to $4:tj, and preferred to fromf.OJ. It has been an open secret for some days that a strong combination lias been picking up and preferred and yet keeping prices down. A pool was made early in the year In comm.ui which has only a speculative value. They ad- vaneeii me price Hem to 40; mean hiNtimr -i i .i.: i i . . . ? niuimmiip oapeu on iuuiuai interest ain r t... t c ... . . confidence between the two nations. I fi '. ?u,n,lleui ,n recent j)nper, would sny in conclusion that there , , .ul0' "8111. 01 tne earth's atmos- notliing in recent events or coming mean- 1 r0 nI Dot lti88t"an 2-.wH) miles. urts ot coercion to compel Irish people to 11 18 8ftld hat Mgr. Cosi, now at Chong iiuuiij in iiioniiKuesi ucgreeineir action iuK, vuiini, nas inventea an alphabet of open organization and passive resis. 01 thirty-three letters, with which all the tanco. All coercion derccted against tlie sounds of tho Chinese tongue can bo nation must work rather by intimidation clearlv expressed. iZZ H?.Ip. 10 a Verv limited number nf m.ra... u ,7 " "m vula Buver? colr lncU ottlie vust mass it Is int The government will relv very much g' 1 "P" Ulora aro llU1 flsh aQJ upon intimidation produced bv the first sea, nen0"ea that seom to move as tho ane.siH, mu u mo gaps are at onco filled stood blushing before a tall, grave lady m", .wom,an s, caru "? wool a child dressed in the widow's garb of tho day, r(?cklD8 t"e,cradie. tho mother spin. who looked upon her Wndlv and asked n.'ng at a argo w;heel. Ihe chickens. her business. also driven in by tbe rain, one by one "Madame," replied Hilda, "mv father 0PP P 8 'Buuer wiueir roosts among m . " . I t in ruttnra n. In tit tit ... i i . is one oi your workmen Louis S . To-day he told me that on the specimen plate which you are about to make for the Count do L , you had intendod to paint the face of the prettiest girJ in Orion. I am tho prottiost girl in Orion, Madame; will you put my face upon this plate?" 1 "What a conceited child!" cried the Widow Goufler. "Come to the fire; lot me look at thee. Well, thon art nVbt though, and thon shalt be Daid well for sitting." "I do not care for the rov. Madame " said the girl; "let that be as you choose; but I dare not let my father know what tho rufters, Ironi wliicli thev watclio.1 over their milled feathers the busy family and the blazing hearth with so much approval and satisfaction that I am sure, if chickens be Busceptiblo to emo tion, these were very tender ones indeed. A dog sneaked in, and seeing a stranger' went out again. The dogs, which aro not numerous on the island, are of tne ui(ht miserauie anu conuemnod as pect, and seem to feel their ignoble an cestry, as they invariably jumped over a wall or ran into some obscurity on the approach of a stranger. While drying my dripping garments. I saw for tig nrst time, seated in a corner, as if to have dono. Command him to brimr 8creon himself from observation, the fig- me to yon to-morrow. I pray, as though llr? ' a yun8 wn clad in white flan' had only heard how beautiful I light flickers. M-liile preferred, which representing the old Jay Cooke mortgage bonds and being receivable at $100 in pavuientfor bond bought from tho comtmnv. a,lvjin.....l llttlo. Ihe present moveinentanticlpates placing the stock in London and conti nental exchanges. A Chieao dispatch says: Mr. J. W. Morse, general pasaenger ngcitt of tbe j . .mvmi im uic. nas just returned from New iork, where ho aud other oftlclals of ih road nave tieen erfeting arrangeuienta wi'-Hutiiuaoi a new line from (.raniter, l'ih, station on t)le Union . . ...i-, iu naaer t. liv.ur.. wbere conuec- iu.ii is io oe mane with the way now In course of Oregon rail- fVitiutrii. ;.... ... Portland and other points in Oregon. It " ",n iiiieuiiiui oi tne i nlon Pacilio to id'i mirnu oi toe nonnern I'acific in reach ing ( Ireiion oinU, and provide a conipot i.ijt iiiio nun is claimed will b ;i(K) imies snorier to rortlaud, Or., takiug ....K-. m-. wiiiiiiuii point, limn the Northern Pacific. The new line will start nuni Mimini;rsia,iion ami run northweet to connect with the Utah Northern also contrilled by tbe Union Pacific. ' Tbe i tan nonnern might have been used ail the way from Ogden. but by building tbe new Hue from Oratiger, northwest, "M) miles iu length, tbe route Is shortened liO miles, Iu the building of this connecting huk, a tunnel 2000 feet long lias to be constructed, and work on this has already been commenced. Work on the new line w ill be commenced at once and it is ex pected to be ready for business to Uaktr City in one year. r receivinir a fair riiiim..ru;.... p cost oi production, tho corn far muru ........ I. . ... .V. i "io nave realized a net riuiii 1 1 ueariy i,isMi,otH),(KK). The aver ago vend per acre during the past season was tbirt.v three bushels. In twenty-ono fvma ii. nia oeen except .l nn i- u;..i,. .. ! i . ;" aindjiv in iDt,- iwmg rortv I he present corn crop of 251 .(hjo.iKH) bush .... . '""'"--ii uuimree tinifs in i .-.V .L' V' j.?.'.7p "'."OO.OtH), and ... io, i., o y.inpo.mni. x le proiita wi,L.lit have of late years increased the wheat ... I... mu expense oi tlie corn. The --!- ... j,nl,i, jntrs nas been n ir " "?",Hn "io. average "i ii'ini vaiue oi tne croo was$,sf,(XH)0(K,tbo value .of which has ...v.nnveeuea only twice In twenty-ono m response to a reouest from th leaL'UH t h.it iiu u i t .. lh.-Mlo.Tn; to bo ,e.d a' n. I'ffi ,hl,t only r th i.i... i ..w.... i vnrv U'i....t. i... i....... . ... in. 1. 1 llll.'1'llll; - una ucru llltirs, ailtf tllllt 0- up and thoranksclosed, in nil probability no second attempt will bo made to break hem. I have noticed that a proposition has been mado to supply the place of tho present open organization by a secret committee. I could not approve of such a course and for mauy reasons. Nor do I think it would havo the sliirhtext elm of success. The land leaeue is not wn. gaged in an illegal enterprise and it is a matter of notoriety that u special jury of the city of Dublin, after a careful mvwsii. giition extending over many days, by a inniiiiiiy oi iu io;. declared the nrennizn. lion perfectly leiral ami do not. believe that arrests will bo numer ous, although probably a widespread sys tern of terrorism, bv means of warnin.fu conveyed to individuals through the po nce win be adopted. Disregard theso threats. Let no man leave his post. Cju tinueyoiir organization just us before and have others ready to take the places of those who mav be arrested. Mv ii.iu i I icy of passive endurance, the Irish people will command tho resnect if tin. u..ri.i uu win prove themselves worthy of ireeuom. io the tenant farmers I woul.l say, theirs is now a position of great re- Hlwinailiil.lt. P...... .1...... t p .....v. v jn.il iiioir hciioii during the next few months umh.il.l i ho luiuru oi ire and lor a ...... ,.r.ii..,, I J rent exertions have been made for them Iho sympathies of America have been enlisted, and practical help is coining in from that wintrv. Miehmd iwiu i,.. 4.. II.. . . -. - - - uiuuiuiiy reuii ncdto laco the horrors of l.i imi senillHie. and manv Ot lera n llw. very heart of Ireland are willing to faco imprisonment for thoir kLw. tq.,... - ACIIIUII, laruicrs are not ca led tinnii t.. .,,i- great sacnllceor run much risk themselves. Ihey are asked simnlv to refuse to pay unjust rents and refuse to take farms Irolll which Others have linen ...i..i...l i- suchrifusal. If they collapse and start back at the first pressure, thev will show themselves unworthy of.ill ii,,.t i , - . -...j . ..... ...... IMIa uucil done for them during tho past eighteen mouths. Ihey will Drove t.i tli o lot ot ala- you was, "Thon art certainly very vain, lint tr.. morrow I will send for thee." And Hilda courtesied herself away. On the morrow tho message camo. "Ono must obey tho Louis, "but I dotest tho idea. I thought I had kept the prottv face wpII lii.i.ion and now it must be on a plate. Come then, and behave thyself." ' And Hilda demnrelv fnlWn,i father, and for many hours of manv ays sat for her nortrait in Tr.i,l Oonffer's own presonce; for tho lady was as careful of her workman's daughter as uuugu sue uad oeen a rich man's child. It was Henri L who painted it, putting the rare work of a true artist upon the china plate, from which princes might one day sup, and as he worked tho girl s beauty penetrated his heart. Ere the plato was finished that heart was lost to hor, and he sought hor father and asked hor band in marriage. ino worKman returned to his home trembling with pleasure. "What a pretty face can do?" he cried to Lis wife. "Think of it, Rosene, onr vu..u muio, simpie as you see her oorn to good fortune. Henri L is nei, the costume of tho island. His faca was thin and sad, and of the same color as tho garments he wore, and he gazed at the fire with such a deiected and h less expression as lead me to infer that he was tho fated victim of some terriblo dis easeconsumption, perhaps and was feebly waiting through the long hours of tho day and night tho death ho knew to be sure and near. I spoke to him, striv ing in my pity to appear unconscious of perceiving his misery. Without answer ing he rose abruptly and loft the cabin. The looks of concern and inquietude in the faces abou t me told me of some un usual sorrow, which the mother, leaving her spinning wheel, explained to me in a low voice. Sho told me that the young man, her eldest son, poor Owney, as she called him, had until a month before beon the most healthy and cheerful member of the family; ready and prompt at woA, and the lifo of the household, when a letter came from America to a neighboring fam ily inclosing money to pay tho passage thither of their eldest daughter. It ap peared that the young man had long en tertained a secret passion for this girl, and when ho heard that lie nrobnblv would never see her again, he declared nit 1 1 rwr i iifr ti r vmin-n i' w w kuuii. nil i, n lit- ntinri . built for or.linnrv MiTm ino n.i;L.i arti.st, no workman, who coins o-nl.i ii. ma love to ner, and besotiKht her to ro to bo open to tho public the first of Feb- tll0s Pencils f his, has offered to marry J".1"15- S. far.froia being unmindful of ruary. It is situated in tlie city and su- uuius ui uornn, and it was constructed 1... u;n..innn .....i it .11. i..' j U1UU11.-US uuu lllllliSKlC. All tho lighthouses on tho French coast except three, which aro provided im me eiectrio ngtit, nave been limited The mother lifted lighted astonishment; the old grand dame dropped her spindle, but Hilda tossed her head. A great compliment. . i . . . . cried trulv." rI.a I il . ' I since 1873 with lamps burning mineral year 'old Donor ?L T" 45 oil, at a saving of $80,000 per annum i . Do J0.8 rejoiced, papa and not a single accideut u","'u" ! uul" e count shall liuclmnuan street in ni...i . . J Ti" CV' indeed, I ghtcd by electric lamps, and it is saui his hanYto mlYonwill Z mat several or tlio nowsnnner niih.na ; hn ... . ... " that city have made, arrangements for inZl'SSSl lighting up their business and comr.oS. in vn. l11ettlest 6"! lug rooms with electricity. tin August 1st an international exhibi tion of electricity will Every description of electrical apparatus will bo shown. It is cnnuiilnrnil nml nil.nl.ln 11.... 1....' . t..uu..u,o turn, mo x iinco 01 uaics Will an as rresidcnt or tiio exhibition ir. Campbell Morfit, tho inventor of 'granular wheat," says that five ounces served turico a day, without other addi tions man cold water, wero sufficient to nourish him. Jails and other institu tions suoui.i make contracts with the doctor. Dr. Werner Siemens has appiiod eloo- j in Franco The vain little u-it,li i i. wits, cried her grandmother. uut a gleam came into the mnth.v.. eyes. "Let us wait, as she says," cried she. iillt LOUIS Cl'unililn.l "A. 1:1.. nu iiuuui huh innr. nn.i 1 iui uijr gui; ieverr he said. uueur, 110 cuancred inn min.i ti.- tin. rigim ouout tho power of her beauty. Iho count innnii.i i. rn .1 1 . w mo ...i.a uu mo iiime. neari it. -.j -i..:. and actually-though this is not a fairy talo-offored his hand and heart to the ...u.u o iiuugmer. tie promised to ..r .. 1 "-iV ,SSI--To the Irish Rational Land League, Oentleinen.-I have been honored by tho receipt of a . ............. ....,.icu at your meeting on the hili, re.piesting me io prmved at once to America with the object of securing ivopera.mu f the Irish uLn there. Alter lull and gr ive roiisiiler.'itl.in nr resolution and aficr due consultation with rriemls whose oiiinlons .n u,.rti, ..r -.H.eiii.ni, 4 nave ilwideI that it is my dutv to remnin in 1 1 ... 1 baine.it during tl,0 M ensi8 j'f reasons which I wi Ul...rii.i.....;i ... ... Our inoveineut iu Amen.-,. .1 ?. irn.41 I -"""KPI Ol ...... ...t.1H., ca pauie or Immense development. denemU , . ..... 1. 1 t r . hib 'p ireiana. 11 we are worthv Uie occasion hero ih in.i.. and the Irish nation in America will ,1, ui 1 prort.onale sympathy kuj prcticil ueip. ir tlie spirit and ran people t home be malntainA.i it,.. cesof the whole Irish .4 .1: ...... .:"""'p ur uiniHuwi, wnue ir pressionand tvrantiv should i, nml condition. If on tho other hand they remember our precepts and J heinsclvcs as men will for the good ot a, I, tney will make for tlieinselvcs a name in Ins!. 1, ;).,.... ....1 I...:. ..1. 11 i .. .v.., aim muirciiiuiren may speak proud v .,f rl...... n i.rucursors 01 Irish liberty. I have cii-iy romii lence mat t i..v ... o, ...... ..v. .... . ...... ,, ,1 w moll mll. led llcre Will survicn Bv.in. ...,.. and outlive teniiuir.irv ti.. honor of Ireland is iu the keeninirnf h.r six hundred thousand tenant farmers, and I ask them to preserve union organi unions, which have alre.nlv K;1' "'"y fl.' "and persist in their ref.isa t i. n..;... . : take f.irms from which others have been uuiusilv evicted, brilliant vl.-inr. -.i .i. IH'ace and prosperity of lilir 4V.,,..-.. M.;ll Iu. . I. . ' . vviiu.I T n in nioir urar auu certain vi, t,.f,. t gentlemen, yours faithfully. ' ' riUmSTW.T PABVrn. am, tricity to the operation of elevators. His Pens,io the family, to do great thintrs svstein n'l.!,.l .1 1 I for fliAm nil o' , vu.inira luroniru tne v,m . ieii asir ho were in a dream vu ,m umy express his sense of the n.-tl.,'.. 4. . ., . uu- .v. .,MWU8 IU0 luther-in-iaw of nobleman. me painter, a litfin tl-i.;u i... i.,.l .. , . "uie so F t ,n.u,s estimation, was no bOfl V HOW. Inrn n . 1,. 1. ii 1 .. . . , in mm nuu, oeiore tue father of his lady love to hcT, feet. did they care W-L,1?,? ."tely enamored in the ricnest Jace, the most gorgeous ciotns or gold and silver, and the velvets, the bn.lrt ' V" I 'hi: Cl:. arose . nnteas. Four ' uui.icb UUnVPVAil t in . ' ago to her future homei and 2TS alth could give. tUat Here for a fv i. L.i : . """acui-s use was left alone. She sat hfnM i,. . 11 into its depths, delights wUh m - ' P Ul'l IfLMHl inrrnna gi She kissed her hand to herself in the "Bon Soir. Mada crie.1 .n.i v-:v".. sue irausmission or power by the dynanio- vic mu uiiiciuue. is as snr.i n t, draulio system, ami is claimed to bo far less costly and inconvenient. The Ternikoff process. rfwvWli- ;r vented for produeintr ucw-noed in tne roreiirn lonnmU nu cossfully meeting some of the difficulties iiuuci o presented in this industry .v liit'iiiuii in niieuti.iii a uiurmr, consisting or eoim nnrto nf i;.. aud sand, is exposed for a few hours to a tempoiature of ISO Ueg. centigrade iu the F'" U1 wr vapor. Tho paste, having been biken ont of the furnace is passed nnder the cylinders of a machine liko that used for the molding of bricks and it comes out iu the form of cubes, which, on being exposed to the air be- wuuicaurvanammt; in the course of some eight or nine hours the cubes ac luiro a hardness equal to that of good building stone, and are fit for use. There is nothing new in that mode of removing stamps. It has bean praetieed to a hunted extent for years, and gener ally with success. For large stumps it is better to bore two or three holes and in that case an inch augur will do as well as a larger one. Tho l.t iiu i U'rize the saltpetre an.l ,ui :i : I a ui.wiTV III water More ruttinc: into tlm hnt- t i. operation can be iHrfornied as success fully at one season of the Tear a..,,!,. !.r'n- . ?r ei,Rbt we6ks e found silfhcient for the iLiltiw.M . .,,, 7J'7,".Y r.8 If you would never kavT .vii r Mn.AUv Nation b wir UIKIKItUII. WD.IIH IT hau 1. 41.- 1. - - . . - V.UUOl- slightest fl.ucbing or reaction in Ir-l.n.T .7-. 01 10 connecU with you, don't I kerosene. - --Ml. I uv VUO. II- . , urjr weawcr, a little crndd rwimUn.. The stump should be tired in mac instant tha orway pallid A few minutes later her attendants his affection, Bhe avowod her willingness m murry mm at once, it ne would accom pany her to America immediately after ward. This was impossible; his own family were unable to assist him, and tho few people who possess money on tho uiuu wumu not lend it without security. The practical damsel saw on the other ' side of the Atlantic every prospoot of im proving her material condition, and doubted not that husbanib were as plen tiful there as elsewhere; while, if she re mained, sho knew the drudgery and hopeless slavery that were the lot of all around her would be b fore she told her suitor if ho could not accompany her she would not listen to his suit. When the young man found his upbraidings useless, ho gave way to despair, and had not worked or spoken since his cruel sentence had been pronounced. Everv dav im vr thi and moro wan, and he did not take sufficient food to support lifo. All the solicitude and tenderness of his mother had not succeeded in arousing within him his former self, and with tears run ning down her cheeks she told mo she thought ho had lost his reason forever. Some weeks previously the school mas ter had. written for them to a priest, a, distant rolative of the family, who lived in Connemora: but thev hail lwpivo.t nn reply, and she supposed ho had neither help nor counsel to o-iv-f. T inn,Wp,l for a long while, as I sat by tho fire, upon what often proves to be the unfor tunate sincerity of men, and I could no refrain from denlorinor the quent levity of my own sex. In passing through the villatre a wepk aftemnrd T stopped to say good-day to these kind people, when I found the h ouse a scene of bustle and confusion. My erewhile love-sick swain vim vUn t ont,i making himself a pair of pampootees and as be said good-bye over a dangerously starched collar. hi in..i ;!. health and energy. Tho now cheerful and happy mother informed me that since my last visit they had received a letter from tho nrient in Pr.nnn.. on. closing his blessing for her son, and the c,Ut7 4? .fmy ,,is PSe to America, bhe had been very busy knitting him stockings, and making him a white flan nel suit to be marii...! in ..i i,;,.h thereafter ho would not again wear till his arrival in New York.so that he would make a decent appearance in tho Xew orld.os becamn rhn .l; . ...; ' .vAuci.c VI n iiiica.. lie was to be married to the object of his choice the. next day, and they were to start lmmediatplv affara...i .i,,v long voyage. As I left the damsel, whose month's delay to prepare her ont bt had given such a fortunate respite to ner lover, thrust her and called upon Owney to be sure and wear the blue stockings she bad knitted mm to the chamd On I fl A tnAtnAffi sn,1 men, with her little retonsse nose turned "P to the skr. ran Wnl- I Harper's Magazine. I