171 ESTABLISHED FOR THE DISSEJMTIQS OP DEMR1TIC MINf 1TLES. AND TO EARN AN HONEST LIVING BV THE SWEAT OP Ol'R BROW. WHOLE NO. G98. KUGENE CITY, OK, SATURDAY, MAKC1I T, 1831. $2.50 per year IN ADVANCE -rr r ( ITY iljjj "ut (Eugene (City (Ouard. , L. CAMrBKU. J. B. CAUritKI.L CAMPBELL BROS., PuMl3h3r3 and Proprietors. OFFICE In the liilWsff friuer!v occupi-l by J. W. Cleaver, i n store, corner Wil ' ' lauetto WlJ eveutll Streets. OL'R OXI.T UA.TE3 OK- A.D VlCUTIStXO. A4vvrtieiafiitit inserted a. follow.: yo t(uiu-e. 10 line, or D, out) insertion M; acli .ulweiuciit insertion St. Ca.di required in J-j1ne'Jvi:rtiter will be charged at the fid oSl"wjSHt!.r months W 00 " SU Iliolltll. " l" one year 12 W Transient notices in local umri, 'JOoenU xr ljua fur each iin. rti m. AdvertisiiW bill, will lie rendered quarterly. AH ioli wmk mint 1b iMin run um ukuvkuv. POSTOI'TICK. jbm n -r'r" 7 m-,0 7 p- Bim "' .... ... l-tn .1 ni. fn.m tiiummtli itfi'l leave. l"in nortli ' 10 ra Ani.e. from Hi" n"rtli leave. '"" . ,h :M . ,. For Smi-Uw, Franklin n.l linir r... rW at 6 a.m. on Wlii"l'iy. r.iawruHl. r.'"'f. "...k ..I Hr,,i.villH t lr.n. ' iMUn will berealvforrfeliveiv half an hour after . il of tr.ii!. I-etter. .Iiuulii V lof t .t til ,.. h0r MM i"ArtXrtpATTr.I.OS. P. M. SOCIETIES. , V. II A V .nt A. M Meet', ilrnt uui third Wolueniy. lu each noath. Kerxcrn Hcttr Tnnn Ko. 9 I. O. : 0. K. Meet.everjr Tuewl.y evcum. - . V.. t WIM.WIIALA f.NCAJiejII.ST ..... .., a(et on tlie M nHt li Weaiw. lay, in "u ' fcUliKNK Luiwk, No. I s A. O. V. -Meew at Masonic Hull the .eooiid and fourth Monday in each mol.Xv0sBi;iiNiMjW F. CAUTKOBS, A. M., M. D, Graduate of the .Medical Departti er.t of the Misf.mi-i St ito University, and of Jef ferson Medical I'l'lK'b'i', l'hila. 3.Special nttciition t'ivin to Surgery ftrnl dieai of tlio Kye. Cottaio Grove, lane Co., Or. Dec. is7 iaso. dl8m3 rrjfyV J, C. GRAY, 0 HAS OPKXEI) PKXTAL liOOMS IX Kiine t'ity, ovrF..U. l)iiiin' ntore, nnd renwtfullv HliiitH tnniie of those wii.li in lirat-i'lasii work ut uioilerate iniwu. DR. JOHN NICKLIN, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. (Formi'ily of Yamhill c'ounty.) HAS l'EitMANKXTIA' T.Of'A'ri'I) IX Knu'dio (,'itv. Ollitv in Uii'l rw-oo.in BricK. 2d fl.jor, over Well. l ar,'o & C.'s Kx res8IHeft. Its-iiil.Tii;-', two Mocks west ami n nortli of 1'iilihc School, in th'J K illiii-T---Worth property. aii'JU tf A. W.FATTEIIS0X, PHYSICIAN" AND SU11C.KOX, Odlco on Nlntli Strort, opponlcc tlic St. riiarlK Hotel, anil at trt.kl-nre, KJIHWli CITY OKMiON'. DR. J0S3PII P. GILL CAX BIS FOUXD AT inSOKFIDK or rea Mence when n t profusion. illy fo.3'a;," 'l. Ultico at the POST OFFICE" DHUrt STOllE. Kcshlence on Eighth utreet, opposite I'realiy rinn Church. J EWELUY ESTABLISH EXT. J. S. LBOKEY. fixz DEALER IS Clocks, Wacnes, Chains, Jewelry, Etc. Repairing Promptly Exr.rutfil. CirAll Work Warranted. J.S. LL'CKKV, Ellv.,rth Jt Co. 'it hric',;, Willamette street. CRAliM BR DEALERS IN- Watchrt and Jewelry. Muslc.il instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Watches, Clock-, an.l Jewelry repaired nl warranted. Xorthwest corn-r of illamette and Eighth str'jeta. NOTICE. Our DMeriptlT Illn.trated Prle. tlt, No.l. of Irj Good. w m loacd about Mrch l.t. 181. j " jaotcd In Xo. t8 will remain iood antil that date. Send n yonr name early lor opr of 'o. t. Fre to any addre.. MOVt-UOMEKY WAKU ft tO nil ia Wabah Ae., CUlcago. Ilk rjwAi CSTTIFMFHT. 1 ,tmfc- ZZLLZ ! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 11 the und.-rsigu-l a.ln.im-trat. 01 l ie - f Ute of A. Hett baa liW hu. nwl j that tl'e tirt .M..Uy iu Urcli. 1-M, . et tor hnl heanng 01 r . A. llt l'l, Administrator. Joshua j. walivn, A-.wrmy. . . .. The largest stock of goods in Lane Co Is now on Sale at Ami tliCsc arc a. low. f creditor CASH : Xiw Wliitf I'.liinkfts for Si per pair. IiiiH-iuli! )i-fs.s tlootls for 15 ft s per yd. l!ood Cashmere, full width, 50 fts pt-r yard. I'.rocade .Silks from 25 up is TIIK Best Assortment in the City of BOOTS AND Ladies Kid P.utton t from 82 up Ladies Kid Fox from $1 25 up Ladies California Calf from 81 50 up Children California Culf from 81 up .Men's California lioots 8 r0 worth 80 Men's Cood Heavy lioots 83 50 to 85 Men' Calf Hoots 81 worth 80 Ladies lYUed l'.uttoned Shoes 82 up Clothing Cheaper than any other House Eive me a call and Save Yourselves MONEY F. Sj Succeitnor to SHELTo.V Jt Wll.Kl.NS. Pfactical Druggiss & Chemisis, UNDERWOOD'S liUILDIXG. N'ext door to the Orance Store, Willamctla treet, Eugene City Oregon. Have just opened a full lino of freHh . Drugs, Medicines & Chemicals. Also a fine assortment of Fancy, and Toilci Articles. AI.I, KINDS Ol' Mixed Faints, Lead, Oil, Varnish, Brushes, WINDOW GLASS and FOTTK Which they will always sell on reusonahlo terms. Careful ntlculion siven to I'liyMiiaii xrriiiliiiiiji. Tre mm ID DEALER IN SloveS. Katssfcs. I'limitN, MetnU, Thnvnrc. AXD Housa Furnishing Gccds Generally Wells Driven !Jromptiy AXl) Satisfaction Guaranteed. Willamette Street, Eugene City, Oregon. mmmm .m. t I 11 l .11 w'l ra fl ir ...rrtVr ii. It u .ii.'"' ri'.;-s C."., J,..p...-jl..iN. U' d7m. rifiKY t CO. , Detroit. Kich. ii0R 4. i;F.lt t L .HUKOI.tSDISK eo T.C. HENDRICKS. Ci V JUAN LIMK f,.r .ale by fy T. G. HENDRICKS. V;w sTOt'K OK HATS -The bet , lu-i:.! ever broulit to r,iik-ene,ai ' ... , , f .1 v-'- FUILNDLV'S. BUI'S; of tiro Bargains of- I Ladii'K uudiT Vests ut from 50 fts up. A Lir'i' assortment of Triimng bilks, 75 cts to !?1 25 per yard. A tinn line of lloosiery, all priees Uvoralla from 50 fts up. Children ron rcooicmoiicl it. IT 13 NOT NARCOTIC. 3 CEXTAVIl LIXIMKXTS; tho V.'orM's f,roat l'ain-i:o-lio vl ijjt ro mt'dics. Tliey heal, :;ootlio nnd euro r.iirns, Wounds, V.'cak lack aistl Ulictmiat t.Mii upon jilan, n:ul r.;:r:iiiiM, Oallaantl Laint'tic! ,s ..r:o:i IicasJM. C'l:oa;, tiuloli aad rcilublo. ZnuCZen. Craokllus Poini ia tio Head, Fetid roatli, DoafnoMi, r:nd cry Catarrhal Com;'.!alut, f nn be extorminatoil by Wol To Hcyo'r'a Catarrh Cure, a Co:ist lutionnl .Antidote, by Absorp tion. Tie mo' t Important Ei co very uiaoo Vacciuatioa. BOOT ii SHOE STORE. ' A. BUST, Proprietor. Shop mi Willamette street, '.'ml iloor north of hardware store, Knjjene City, Or. will hereaft er keep a cnmi'l' tu "tock of I.lIi:N', .TIIKSS' AXD - CHILDREN'S SHOES GuiterM, Cloth and Kill, Itufton Itoola, Slip 1C, white ami black, ShikIuIh, ten it kldSliOPH. MEN'S & BOYS FINE A.NI) HEAVr BOOTS & SHOES And in fact even-thing in the ROOT nnd SHOE line, to which 1 intend to devote in e.jiecial attention. MY G03DS , Were manufactured to ordtr, ARE FIRST CLASS Anil guaranteed a represented, and will lie .old for the lowest prior, that a gsl article aan lie atfonleiL Jr-.7 Dtf .4. Ilt'.XT. Fruit Trees and Shrub bery. TP.RSONS WISHING TO PURCHASE j I Fruit 'liw.nd Minilil.rv can oe .opplieU . vi-iifi-ue i. r T . ! . I'.. ........ i 'i v li ! leaving their order, with . ! J. II. D. HENDERSON. Aiut in W!l.r.- Int. PII m m 1 KUtlKNH tU'l'Y EBUSINESS 2C?IRECT0P.y. v. AI.KNAXDl'lt, .1. H.-Jm.ticei.f the rem- Smth Kiiidie i'reciiict: oilier utl'iuirt llutm. AI1RAMS, W. 11. ft llltO.-rianinu mill, neh, dour, hlilid Mid liioiildinn' luaiuifactory, Kihth tt, e:it -.f aiill race. Kverytliii'ik' in our line furniilicd on nhort notice and reaMinalilu U run. HOOK STORK -Oiied.x.r aonth of th A.tor JIoiha A full .lock f ansortcd Uijc paKrn plain and fancy. CRA1X 1'.1UA -Dealer in Jewelry, Watch M, CliK-k. nud .Mui-iial Jn.trutneiitii -Willamette Ktrvrt. I'ctweiu Seventh and ICi'hth. CAI.I.1SOX, R. (!. lieuler in irrneene., pro viioiiK, country produce, cau'icd 'id,l.Hik, tation.-rv, tUc, .outhwebt turner WillauV.tte and lUh M. DORRIS. (il'O, !.-Attorney and Ciiunwllor at 1-aw. Ul'if oil, Willamette .treet. Ku- Hflm City. .' V , . DOIIRIS, 11. 1'. -Dealer ill Stove, nnd Tin ware Willamette, .treet, Iwtwecn Seventh and Ki;;litli. ELLSWORTH i CO.-DruU and ihalem in painlx, nil., etc. -Willaiuctto .treet, twecii Ki'lith and Ninth. FRIKXDLY. S. H.-Dealcr In dry poods, clothing and p-ncral inerchandie-Willamette .tivet, iKtwecn Eighth and Ninth. (5UARD OFFICE -XewpaK-r, Ihi ,k and job printiiigoth'ce, corner Willamette amlScvcnth "treets. ORAXOE STORE -Dealer, in ireneral mer chandim) and produce, eorncr Eighth and Willamette street.. GILL, J. P. Phyxician, Surgeon and Tng (Ht, 1'o.totHi-e, Willamette reet, between Seventh and Eighth, HAYS, ROltT.-Wiiie., Li.niom, and Ci- f;ar. of the bent quality kept oon.tniitly ou land. The bent billiard table in town. HENDRICKS, T. (i.-Dealei in ireneral mer ehaiidiiie northwet corner Willamette nnd Ninth street.. HODES, C Keep, on hand tine wine., lii or, cigars nnd a pool and billiard table; Willamette .treet, between Eighth and Ninth. HORN, ('If AS. M.-Criiustiiith. Rifle. nr.J .hot gun., breech and mu..le loi'ilcm, for miie. Repaiiinj; done in the neatest style and war raiiteM. Shop on Ith street. K1XSEY, J. D - Sash, Mind, and door iA tory, window ami door frames, moulding, etc., glazing and gla cutting done to onier. I.YXCII, A -OrocvricH, pi-ovisions, fruit., veg- euililcs, etc., Willamette .treet, hrst lUnir south of l'ostoH'uv. LUCKEY, J. S. -Watchmaker and Jeweler: keeps a tine .tock of gomls in hi. line, Willam ette street, in Ellsworth', drug store. McCLAREX, JAMES -Choice, wine., lienors, ami cigars lllamelte .tm-t, bet weeu Eighth nud Ninth. MELLER, M. Hi-ewery--Lager liecr en tap nnd by the keg or barrel, corner of Ninth and Olive streets. OSItCRN & CO. Dealer, in ding, medicine.. chemicals, oil., paints, etc. illamette t., opposito S. Charle. Hotel. PATTERSON. A. S.-A fin stock of plain and fancy visiting card.. PRESTON, W.M.-Dealer in Baddb-rv, Har ness, I arriago 1 rimming., etc. W illamette street, betwo.ii Seventh and Eighth. rOST OFFICE -A new stock of ftamhird .chool lMHik. just received at the post ollice. REAM,. I. R, Undertaker and building con tractor, roriitT illanietto and Seventh Btreets. ROSEXPLATTit ('O.-I)iy ginids, clothing, groceries and general iiH'ri'liamlise, southwest corner Willauictte and Eighth .trects. ST. CHARLES HOTEL ('hnrlns Ra ker, Proprietress. 'I ho best Hota in the lity. Corner Willamette and Ninth street.. SCHOOL Sl'PPLlES-A largo and varied assortment of slate, of till sie, and quantities of .date, and slate book.. Three door, not til of the express ollice. THOMPSON & P.EAN-Attorney.atUiv- Willaniette street, between Seventh and Eighth. WALTON, J. .T.-Attornev-at-I.nw. (lilico Willamette street, between SeMiilh and Eighth. ELLSWORTH & CO., DRUG GIST, WILL COXTINUE THE BUSINESS in all its branches at the old stand, itlb ring increased inducements to customers, old and new. A. heretofore, the most Careful attention given to Prescripions. MEAT MA1WCET. On the west side of Willamette Street, between Eighth and Ninth. Having just opened a new and neat Meat Mrkct, we are prepaied to furnish he best Keef, Vcul, .Mutton, Tork, ete., To our customer., nt the lowest market rate. The custom of the public is respect fully solicited. Meat, delivered to any part of the city free .if charge. MiColtNAI K k liKN'SH AW. OPPOSITION IS THE LIFE OF TRADE SLOAN BROTHERS TIU. DO WORK CHEAPER than any i other h"i in to n. HORSES SHOD FOR (2 CASH. Re tting pld With new material, all roumL hlioe. . II tt-i.rr.m(il to t-ive .atisiaetion. Shop CU tue Corner 01 otu and niirro Efrocta A Dftmninnl Jlunlrrcr. On Sunday, Jnntinry itOth, fleorgo 'Uuehnimn entered thn houso of Jlr. Jas. O'Ncil, at Cho we lah, in Colville valley and delivered wmio nrtieles ho had purchased for Mr. O'Neil Wlion Unehitiinii entered, O'Neil, I)tiiso K IVnwiik, Dr. Moriut nnd Mary nnd Sophie King were seated nt tho taldo eating their dinner, l'lichanan was asked to partake of the meal which in vitation ho ncvejited. Soon nfter he was seated nt thn taMo IVnwick h "Cleorge, Mary nnd I nrc going to get married." Without a word in reply, I'uehauan arose, drew his nix.shooter 41114 Commenced tiring. Th" first shot passed through'Mury King's nrin and the second through her hack near the waist, the third struck Fenwiek in the leg and the fourth entered his hreast. The fifth shot wiu aimed nt Mr. O'Xeil hut the murderer mis.-ed his mark. Tho sixth ami last eharge lliielmnaii emptied into his own breast and fell' dead across tho Move. Fenwick died tho next night at eight o'clock Mary's wounds aro not serious nnd nhe will recover. It seems that I'tichanan was deeply in love with Mary nnd repeat edly asked her to Marry him, hut nhe persistently refused; finally, in the des peration of love, ho told her that alio should never marry nny other man on earth. I repeated this thrent repeat edly and ho did his Lest to keep his word. I'tichanan was nn honest, in dustrious man and engaged in farming. Fenwick was a ncphow to J. A. Sims, Indian ngent nt Colville reservation and Mary Kinjj was a nativo of Colville valley, her father is a Frenchman nnd her mother nhalf-hreed Indian. Thus ends the tragedy. The In nine ,1s) hi in. Tho death of Ir. J. C. Hawthorno, superintendtut of the State asylum for the insane, will not, in nny manner, in terfere with the management of that institution, ns tho ndministratorH of tho estate will nssuuui full control of the iianio nnd carry it on under tho ex isting contract, which remnins in full force. Dr. S. li Joseph! will succeed to tho Hiiperintendeucy, nnd his long connection with the institution makes the appointment nn ndmirahle ono in every respect. Owing to his intimate knowledge of tho many needs nud con dition of the unfortunate inmates, his long experience in attending to tle'tii, having lieen connected with the asylum for the past liftecn years, and his well sustained reputation as n physician of more than ordinary merit, nil coiiihine in recommending him to tho important position, and his appointment will give general sat isfaction. It is not probable that nny changes will he made, hut that nil employed in various capacities about the institution will he retained. The administrators of the estate of Dr. Hawthorne will he his wifo and Dr. Joscphi. Iluatii'ifiilioiiv An old lady walked into a lawyer's ollice, when the following conversation took place: liidy Scpiire, I called to see if you would like to tako this boy mid make a lawyer of him. Lawyer The hoy app'.'iirs to he rather young, n admi, how old is he? ljuly Seym years, sir. Ue is decidedly too young; have you no older hoysl IjidyOh yes; I have several; but we have concluded to make fanners of the others. I thought this little fol low would make a tirst rate lawyer, ho I called to see if you would take him. Lnwyer--Oh, madam; he is too young yet to commence the study of tho pro fession; hut why do you think this hoy Letter calculated for a lawyer than your other sous? Lady-Why, you nee sir, he is just seven years to-day. When he was only five he'd lie like all nature; when he'ot to he six he was as saucy and impudent as any creature could lie, and now he'll steal anything he can lay his hands on. People should always marry their op posite. Yes, one of the marrying par- ties ought to ic a man ana tue otner a Don rial! oa Conklln;. ( !od might have made a more despica ble wretch than Koseoo Conkling, hut lie never did. There have U'eu wick eder men, hut never ono who covered his wickedness with such meanness and cowardice. These words nro not writen in the impntienco of anger. They are wdect ed and printed advisedly, and reflect the feelings of men, even tho misera hlu dependents who run whooping after this creature for tho mouldy bread his political favor gives their families. William Spraguo has been overtaken by cruel misfortunes, llo had fallen, through ivo fault of his own, from his high estate, socially, politically and commercially. He lost his seat in tho Senate, he lost his fortune, and blindly striking out amid the wreck, saw his palaces, equipages, servants, all disnp penr, and the sunshino sycophants of the hour disappear. lie gathered his family and their poor remaining to gether, nud place them in the rudo home his creditors could not touch. . This was tho homo Conkling entered; these wero the pitiful circumstances that smoothed his war. and this is the man, the chosen lender of a great fac tion, the owner of a State, a lead ing lawmaker in tho Senate, who could thus invado such a dwelling and bring shame and misfortune on such a family. If ever there was a doubt of Coiikling's criminal intercourse with the wife of William Spracue, Conkling hastened to solve that doubt ngainst the poor lady. He wrote adul teress upon her jient in the gallery of tho Senate, along the walls of the dim-lit corridor, on hercarringo, on her home, nnd smiled in vain delight when he saw the evil tongued mob faston upon and read the loathsonio word. I'littDjcs Id the law of Evidence. After January 21th a very radical change in the law of evidence, will go into effect Tho common law of evi dence has long been modified in civil cases, permitting parties to testify in their own behalf; but in many States the law prohibiting defendants from testifying for themselves or co-defendants, is still in force. Tho United Stages has modified this law, Califor nia has done the siune, as have several other States. At tho last session of tho Oregon Legislature, there were bills prepared by threo Senators, all nearly the same on the subject, and there was. scarcely any opposition to tho passage of tho law, which permits any one, re gardjess of his relation to ' the criiuo or to the defendants to testify ' to 'any facts in possession of tho witness. Lee Sam, of tho Chinese mercantile' firm of Coong Yo LoongJ returned to this city last evening from Port Town send in chargo of Detective Day, who had been sent after him. Sam was greatly pleased to see the officer, and was not only willing but anxious to re turn. I lis flight was not caused by any fear of his white creditors but was ow ing to the constant dread ho was in that he would bo foully dealt with by some of his countrymen o whom he was indebted. Immediately after his arrival here last night, he had a short conference with his attorney, Mr. Hen ry Ach, and several Chinese merchants the result of which was the required bond of $.",000 was promptly fumibhed and he was released from custody. The arrest of Lee Sain was on a warant got out by the bank of BritishNorth Amer ica and not the bank of British Colum bia as stated previously, fitandard February 21. . Tho testimony of the defendant or his wife, or her husband, or of a co-defendant will stand on a par with that of any other witness, and its effect will depend entirely upon tho impression it will produce on the minds of the jury or :ourt taken in connection with the circumstances of each cose. Where the ' law has been' tried, lawyers claim that it works very satisfactorily, that par ties ofteiif r convict themselves, and par ties not guilty are frequently able to throw much light upon the fact There appears to be no good reason w hy per sons accused of crime should not be. heard as well a their accusers.