THE EUGENE CITT GUARD KUUKXBCiTV.ORKUOX. The attempt to introduce -into the country the German carp, one of the Unit of food fishes, is proving biglily successful, ond promises to jrirM valua ble result. The carp grows very rap idly, and lingular to lay ii found to trow twice a rapidly in thwcountry Poiial Dteliloo. Tim Postoflice Department was ro oently informed of the loi of a sum of money which waa being- transported hi a regihtered mail package to llrlena, Montana, and asked if the ccni.rai.lor of the coach route where the lot oc curred waa not responsible for it. The Postmaster General rendered a decision 011 the subject, in which he says t!iai the report of the Inspector for this do partmnnt who made an invcslija. Lii would indicate that the lot wait acci dental and without fault of the con tractor, but were it otherwise and could be shown that the loe waa ' tributalle to negligence or evun frp.ud of the contractor, it is not perceived .-arth and the timbers not having brs-.i,..- ,notllor flood camo ail(j carHej it.. .'..1.4 l -.: i i it '..i 14 i Umi....7 r.ui ;t.uu wou... i... r.,yirenewea lor many yean an in a bat; j ftWfty all of tia fiU, work. hM FEEE OF COST. Do, Kiso's Nw Discovikt (or Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. Asthma, Bronchi; ia, ,tc. Ulfiven away lo trial bottle (re of cat to th afflicted. If yon hive a severe cou:;b, difficulty of breatbiuif.hoarenea or snyalteo tion of th throat or luna by U means tiii wonderful remedy a trial A you valu Jour xiUrnc you cannot atford to let tliisop. portcnilf pas, ws could not, ad would ui !uiv thii remedy awar unles we knew it would oucouililish what ' claim for it '1'boUJ- and of hoIe case huv already been Cum accrue to thin department, nor doe I he low of mail matter without fault on tho part of a contractor coni'itu'e ground of forfeiture an agreed upon. The facts an presented do not afford thin department the means of repairing tho loss referred to. Senator flail. Sonator Piatt, who by grace of Uo- coe Conkling, lias just U-en elected 'o represent tho Empire State in i'.'o United States Senate, was in Congiv for some time, and served on the Pa cific Itailroad Committee, but is not believed to have ever opened his nioivh in the House. He was business mana ger of the third-term paper, The 1 public, during iu brief and inglorioi'n career in New York, and he is said .0 have had charge, at one time, of (!is circulation of tho Tribune. He was also onco a canal contractor., Such is the man whom JJossism has bo exulted aWe his fellows in a State that con tains a larger ami perhaps an abler pop ulation than is to bo found in any other State in the Union. Is it possible to believe suuh a result attainable except by the corrupt patronage! With Civil Service out of politics, no suih man as Plutt would be Senator from the great State of fTew York. Ibandoscd fort For many years the ebb and flow of the throl bing ocean at Columbia Gate way, has be: n making erosions upon tin land e:i the south side, with won- derful rf.,)i('ity. ' Efforts have beea mode time and again to stay the rava ges of tin a a by building sea walls of stone, brush, eta, but the first half dozen tides would solid the wa walls out of sight in the quick sand. Thoi'. sands of dollars have been wasted i,i attempting to stay the ravage of the sra in vain, and at last Uncle fc;.n wearying of the expense has order. r! 1? L t. - I I J - it. ' J.I. ..-. ' . ton nievens inmonm, a tne sea crossea me iuuies nver near it:; , j-"e nrtnre, removing, a it does, tli now surges ot high tide within a very ' mouth, all swept away except two i ..u of the affection and leaving tl, ip,' in ........ . ' ' 1 ciij ami healthy condition. It is not IB lew fret of the moat wlncli surround . ; bents in the middle of the stream. rV.e K- -,r .Lental wedicwe, but bw .toad la u-t the fort and magazine, Tho fort v i". ( immeiately took step, to have fe jMi? iLtU.n " - - -- i i'i luge ii:uuiii auu imu jbiw u 1 - i n piirapeU are composed of wood and , 1,, t,e fMt .;, wl,pn a few dn J ; introduced Uuwhee'. Oonnan Byrnp wa In.w - i I !. .L. I'.. I 1J, U . ..I i. 4JIIC1 111 in I U!U.'U DbiUI-V III (WW, I'.UU V I vw aoiil in every town sml village iu weciviliz.d worliL Hire nunc will relieve y or.iinary coi'v'h. Trie 75 cenU. Ssmplo Utile, 10 it does in its native land, or to apeJc more exactly, it nativa waters. Tj pletely cured by it. TLer I. no j , . , .. I thworUtliat will curou half tboa that thrives best in ponds ond alugis.i Ids. Kiko's Nrw Dutuovsi r WILL Wlih. ire.m. Old Isaao Walton la "Complete Angler" gives a dainty e. VboUal Ai'ent. rortlanil, Ore-jw. say on carp and carp fwhing.-Ex. , A Good I hint 1 1 1 Gtrtnan Syrup U th ped.4 jiwr'p!"in of Mountaineer: A few weeks azo Vr. A. lioncli, a celeb.uted Oennr l'liyd- ,r r,a ..... , , , ... ... '..inn, audi. acknowle.l.-.l lo h oue win nM Jlra C. 8. Miller had lier bndge, w h'c. i ,,.,- duooverie in Mf cHcin. It quickly ' nii-es Cousin, told wnd f'l Lung trouiilc oi uecayert auu ruined conditmiu hi e visiting the fort about a year ago ' e were informed by the commander of the garrison, Major Throckmorton, t! e.i he dure not load the heavy gurf(l Gre them as it would knock the who'o business down, and this being true it h just as well to abandon tho posi;!on. We were also informed by CoL V". P. Hare, while standing upon the painjw. and looking out over the restless Ove that not many, years before a fa' e iiouie surrounded by a lino orchard and broad wheat field t, stood one mile lio.., the fort directly out in the ocean. E i year slu'cxl the land aay until .'ie farm was abandoned to the ruthless waves and swept out of existence. tolJonil Bunk rharlrrt. The 'barters of national banks un der the national banking law will lie gin to expire next year. These ilmr ters only run for twenty vtars. The question of extending the charters or granting new ones will be a subject for Congressional decision. In the mean time some of the banks have uncovered an ingenious way of evading the law Tho plan consists in lirst going into liquidation as a national bank, reorgan izing as a State Unk, and then forth -.I i . ... wiwi applying to ne converted ngnin into a national liank, with a new charter for twenty years more, but with the old title. This scheme has lieuu suc cessful in several cases. In one case a Unk in a single week figured as a nat ional Unk, a Stato Unk and a new national Unk. Tresidont Hayes, so to say, is pru dont in business matters, even drawing his salary in advance. There are two circumstances in evidence of his wis dom, first plate, he might die Infore his term of ollice expired, and some other do facto might get it, or more reasonable, perhaps, he may fear that Mr. Tildcn might file his salary ac tually due him. Lot not Republicans wonder at this unprecedented action of Mr. Hayes for, he has always doub'ed his title and had apprehension as to the tenure of his o'lice acquired by usur pation. Quiet those nerves of tli'ne, expiring excellency, for whilst Tllden was elected President he cared not for the salary. The Whrat Surplus. j uf as heard from, the following stat ment includes the surplus wheat and flour now on store in the Wi'.'u- mettee vallies, ns given in tons : Al bany, 4200; Independence, MOO; Sa lem, 6000; Cjrvallis, 5700; Derry, 1200; McMinnville, 900; McCoy, 300; Gervais, 3900 lUcburg, 3000; Hub bard, 750; Carlton, 300; North Fork, 900; Forest Grove, 210; Cornelius, 900; HillsUro, 1500; Springfield, 90; Bob ston, 900; D.iyton, 240; Eugene, 3000; Cottage Grove, 000; Marion, 504; Goshen, 300; Lincoln, 720; Dallas, 240; Teinplurs, 640; Junction, 12C. Total, 43,580 tons. In Portland there are 18,840 tons sUired as follows O. K. & Go's, dock, 1415; O. A-C. It 11 Cos. dock. 7100: Greenwich . dock. 5000; Lewis Flanders' duck, .'iOOO; Morrison street dock, 5000; Pacific dork, :!."; American Exchange dock, 1000. This nmkes a total, tut far an received, of .12,420 tons. Estimating the amount of wheat iu other interior towns not heard from authoritively on reports obtained in the city and the ag gregate amount of wheat now in the State, does not exceed 82,000 tons. This includes that at the mills and iu these there are 2174 tons of flour stored. ag.iiu commenced to rebuild and w ill continue tho work until completed. The Erie Canal last yrur carried 6,612,290 tons, the largest buhine;s ever done on that water route, and the revenue was $1,164,367, un increase of $338,823 over the previous year. The day of canal navigation is certainly not past, and the tendency is to make available for Western producers all necessary water ways to tho seas. There is a vacant scholarship iu the Stato University to which Wasco coun ty is entitled. Application for the same must be in ado to the school super intendent before the first of March. Crnlitori Nellie. All irnnui indebted to m for meat tre earnestly requested tu call sad pay up. We tnuithave what U due na. A fair warning is idllieicnt. McCoKXACK k II INK HAW. BUI LOH CONSUMPTION CUI1E. Th it beyond quentinn the HKt sue opftil Cmch ntedidn we hsre ever sold' a fw dneeii curing lnviviuMv tli worst ewe of Cuupli, t roup, and Uioucliitu, while its won derful kuxie in the curt- of t'oamniion i without r pnrellel in the history of medicine, hinceit 'int or cvvery ituoa iMita snkl on s ipiarautei i, s tt wlilch no otlur lueificine can Htiind. f you h.'r .eou0-h w earnetiy wk veil to try it i 1ce 10 cts, M eta r.i:l 'A 00 If your J -luiLt are whv, C'eett, or b. ;k Iuue us !Sliil li'a Porous Klat t. Piicp 2a cents. bold by OslMirn & Cix. Dnijii-U. I! NEW ADVEUTISFMEXTS J R Caikns, .Sheri.Tof lennwce Co. Midi. snys:.-I have worn an "Oi;ly Lunu laI ' lor vrooi-nini uunciiiiies, auu nave not i.e?:i tniulded with a cough nijhU siuce wea.inj' iug it. See Adv. Tliox Jamss, Darlington. Kng'uinl.gnyn: The "Only Lung I'ud" ii licing thoroulily trteil liere. Ou lady ho alre;tdy re ujreut benulit, who Iisj mffered for yum from Ilroncliiti sud Asthuia, and congestion o' right lung. See Advt. ' . 4 A 'oiis.Ii, Cold or No re should be stopped Xelect frequently reult la an lnrurable Lung DMease or Vow inplloa. SHOWN' UKON( 111.4 L 11104 IIKAar certain to aire rcllrl In Aslhiua BronrhlllN, Cousha, Catarrh, Tonsil nipllve and Tbroat Disease . For 30 ear the Trochea have been recom mended by physicians, and always give per- J (fafr the county of I.niie. AU hv FAREV3 FOR SALE. A; FAUM of 3.V5 sw, S00 of which is prairie an t ZV) in cuiti ration, is offered for sale. It i situa ted inte mile west oi Sprin'Reltl, and 2 siilt-s e ixt of Knf.'ene. tiood bo'Mings and outhouse, and all finder fence. For tekiua ap ply to JIOUKUT CAJtPt ELL, At the preiufi-e. Notice to Creditors. VTOTICE W HIHEBV CIXES THAT JLl the undersigned tits been duly appointed Executiix tif th wtut of J. II. IWell, du ecased, by tbet'txintv Court of tfio Slat oi On- lect s.ttiniiicuou. iney art not new or in tried hut having lieen testeil by wide and con itaiit cs for neui ly nn entire ueuerntion. th iy hntenttniued well merited mnk amon.'the fe'v tple reuietlie of the aye. l'llblic Mteat ers end HiilEcrH use them to clear rnd tren;then the Voice. Sold at 2ft cents a box evervwer Negro lalwr is not found as useful iu the Houtliern cotton factories as in the plantation! Field hand are not nim ble or cautious cuought to take cart of machinery. Tho greatest dilliculty in tho way of the building of more mills is said to be tho want of hirers. When this want is supplied mills will go up as by magic. Those already in ojioration pay handsomely on the money invested. The South is making a strong demand for the reduction of duties on cotton mill machinery. The value of punctuation was never more forcibly illustrated than in the case of an apology w hich was made in parliament years ago by an Irish mem It, who, when addreeauig the speaker, said ; "I railed him a liar, it is true, and I am sorry for it. " This the care- iShipments of sewing machines are continually lieing made to Europe bv steamers leaving New York and Bos ton. It will be asked how this can lie done at a profit, when sewing ma chines for which $10, $50 and $100 are paid here, can be bought in London and the other continental capitals for $10, 115, $25 and $50. Either these sewing machines must be sold in Eu rope at an enormous loss, or the prof its made on those sold hera are literally extorted from the people by combina tions and monopolies, ho, when they, want to get rid of an overstock of pro duct which would depreciates values on this side, sell to Europeans some 50 to to 100 pet cent cheaper than to Ameri cans, who are furnishing them with the entire profits of their manufacture. Put it to Proof. M time when th community isflMided with so uiiiuy unworthy dvvici'i ami toi.coc tions, It is refreshing to Hud one tliHt is Iwu etii'ml and pimi. So conscious are the pn prio tirof Do. Kinu'sNkw Dih ovkht fir ('out sumption, of the worth of their remedy, tliur they otfer all who desire a trial bottle Kill s CHAlliiK. This ceitiiuly would lie dUistroui t . them did not the remedy txissen the mil. . k able curative qualities claimed. 1)K. Ki..'is N'rw IMhcovkht for ('onviiinption will positive ly cure AKthnia, Bronchitis, Colds, Muliboi -o L'ougha, l'hthisic, Ouincy, Hoarseness, Crou; , or any affection of the throat and luns. A you value your existence give this wouderlu' remwly a trial by callint on Wilkin's, tub KiiKen City Druggist, and obtaining a trit-1 Iwttle riiKK or coht, or a regular size bottle for $1. Mulholland, Junction l.'ity. 1 a i DVSPF.rSIA AXD LIVR COMrLAI.Vf. 1' it not worth the small pric of 7S cenls to iree yourseu oi every (ymptooi of thus (lis tresslug complalnu, If you think so call at our st ir and set a bottle of Shiloh's italinr. ev ery Iwttle hss a priuted guarantM on it, un ac cordingly and if It doe you no good it will cost you nothiug. 8old by 0l urn & Co. in claim SL-aint tatid esiats are hrn'bv noii- fie 1 to pretont the same to th undersr;nel at berreiden e in J jus emiuty, (h-cgon, within six mon ms irom thisuAtr. February 20, 13SL .1 A.vl UA POWEIJk Kwcutris JOSUl'A J. WALTON, Attorney. Closing Out. Closing Out. Closing Out. NOW fS THE TIME TO BUY S RosenblattCo Are closing' out their entire stock and offer tetter inducements than this county has ever known. WjL OavJST SELL 25 per cent, lower than any other house. Don't let the chance slip by. IF YOU WANT DRY GOODS, CROCERIES, CLOTHING, HATS OR BOOTS AND SHOES. 1ST Whatever you Want Attend "2 1 ROSENBLATT fe CO, Eugeno City. , 2 ou can save 25 per cent. Orders promptly filled. ead quarters? I ANSWER THIS QUESTION. Wby do so many People w see around us. seem to prefer to suffer and b mad miserable by Indigestion, Constipation. IHtxiness, Isms of Apiwtite, Coining up of th Food, YelVw Skin, when forTAct., w will ael) them Shl loh's Yitaliier, gusranteed to cure them. MM ly Ushurn A Co., Irtl;jrista. Stop a Moment and Read This- During th year 1880 Ux.w were paid on llm manufacture of 4U.000, OOOpvllous J Is-cr. This qusntitr would furnish six huncinsl glasses to rverjr male in tlia United StaU a ovar twfiity one years of ag. At five cvnU glass the oost of it would lie $7 ftO pr capita for every man, woman and .1 .:i I :.. .i. . .... . iiiuu iii ni onuntry. itrt tlio co. t of wine and whisky added, it must be confossod that Uncls Sam 'a lienor hi' I U pretty stitC The Home rule niemlera of Tarli. ruent have a nianifsato to the , jHHiple of Ireland lagging tnrm while niainUining the agitation for their rights, not to commit any bra,h of the peace so as to hring them in con flict with the English force. The suddlnry etabli,hinent of Smith i l.n, at The Dalles, was rohUfl lea clerk punctuated in auch a wanner , on the night of the 16th inst, of about that it r-ad as a reaffirmation, thus : one hundn-d and twenty-five dollars 'I called iiiina liar; it is true, and I j worth of ailvei plated hits, spurs, etc. am sorry for if 1 Officer are on track of the. Uiiaf. I.ool( at this list of goods just nceived at the Farmers and Mechanic Clothing Stora. 8acqu Knit from $10 to $17. Scotch aacqu or frock uit from $12 30 to 317. Sacque or frock (haemal suits from $13 50 to $21 Hroatlcloth coat and vests, dingons), Triuce Allwrt coats and vests. Just the thing for Holidnv present. Several new liuus nf ovrcats, reversible and uUters, all gratlo and jiricos, from J7 50 trx. Derby shirt, LoclUioa and the finest line uf neckwear in th city. New hats ami cap, wool scarfs and gloves' 10 different stylus af underwear, all grade and prices. The bet atock of silk ami lines haudker chiefs, hosiery, 4c., for the holiday, iu th citv. Utet style of liaU $1 to $3.71. Ca fi)in $1 to $1 21 Boys hat and cap. Th bast line of (suit patted iu and suits ia the? city. Cashmee, Iiajoiial, Scotch and Americia cloth. 'uit made to order I rem $.10 uji. TanU mwl to enler from $8 up! lrk gisy lregoa cashmere nta, fl All mool pauU 4 M $ 71 $. $3 JO, $b Tantaf I 7 rJ.V), $3 JO. Overall JO cutta, 75 ctlt, II, $1 21 Diagonal pauU from $J to $S. The only Geata Furnishing gnU a tor ia Kngea City. Clothing cat for anybody. All gwotl suarked ia plain rigor, and strictly oo cash price for all . t all ajut examine ear goods before baying ONE OF THE OLDEST AND HOST RELIABLE IEMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma, "Whooping Cough, Croup, and Every affection of the THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, Including1 CONSUMPTION. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRTTESt "It doe not irj up a nrngS, sad hire (Se uum txhind, as ii the est with bom preparation, but femeiu it, dauuet the lunei and albj-i rmtuiaa, thus nmovui Ih uuit of ooeipUinU" DO SOT UK DECEIVED by snide bear. In( umibr nsmes. Be tun you get DR. WlSTARt BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, wilh iSs upiaiur of " I. BUTTS " on the wrapper. SO Cent and Sl.OO llottle. Frtpaml by SETH W. FOWLE SONS. Bo. 9n,Msti. Sold bj drujjutt tad dulcrs eacnlly. Administrator's Notice. "VOTICE IS HERKBY GIVEX THAT 11 the undersLiiicd has been ilnlv anint. ml axlmliiiatrfttnr nf thm Mtnt tif I m f ilecenaetl, by the County Court of the Suteol Oreyon, for the County of Lime. All erstms naviny ciniiiis aHinit said estate are notihetl hereby to present tlieui to the uudon.ij.-mtl at her reoiileno in county within six UHmth from th ditte o( this notice. February ,V 1HS1. MAUV V. BAKER, Ailministratrix. JOMIUA J. WALTON, Attorney. lclKrt. A Miruit-t Stokk. 0. J. GEAUAM, Maaager. K0T1CE TOJDREDITORS. VOTICK 13 HEREBY GIVEN" GIVEX jl s that Charles Lauer has been duly aradnt eil alininitirotor of th estate of .lame (ioo.1 child, deceased. All persons hariny rlainH aiht said estate will present tlie saino, with the ueceary roucher. to the Administrator at the ortiee of ii. B. IVi at Kuyrne City, within six months from the date of tliis notica. CHAKI.W LATER, Aihninulrator. O. II. BOKRI3, AtUmey. KinrenaCilT, tr., KeU 5. 1SS1. 6; ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. "VTOTICE IS HEIMIBY GIVEX THAT XI th nnilervi'ned iit lien afointei Atl inittMmtor of th e-tat of laae Coalsoa, rle ccwi, by the County Court of Lane euuuvy. ( yn, and that nil pmous ha iag cUiai giut aakl Mat are hereby required to prwent Kam'Ui bin with pmW vouchers attached at,-' reaileno ia Hiuslasr Irerinct, Lau County, i hrvTHi, or at th office of Thompson k Beaa La Kuvo City within sii months from tlie date ni this aotios. Dated Ian. 10, 11. JOHN SIMPSON. Administrator. TUOXirsO.V LtXS, Atteray. OEEGrON HIDE AIIO FUR DO. -:0: Bring; your "EES AHD FURS to the HEADQUARTERS the HIGHEST MARKET UilCEm Ojsib: cash - Will be paid for all kinds of FURS, HIDES AND TALLOW. D. HYMAK Robinson & Church DKAI.EKS IN SHELFsS HEAVY HARDWARE HAVK T1IK Best Selected Stock In Oregot HAVE FOR sal at the LOW EST Kates. IRON.STEEl, AXES ANVIIS, A'AlLS, KOPE" Csbl Chain, and Pocket rUTLEBY, AS. PISTOLS, AMMUNITION iHICULTURAL, IMrUMENTS, Blastinff Powder, Fishinp Tackle. Eta, Etc. We invite an exam, nation of onr goeds, confident that our stock will suit tho times. New Departure ! ! TWO Pi5cBS! Jj6S23E AM) P lnd d their prohu at home. Take notice that Pnanent)j lecat A V PETERS. Will W1 s.h1 f,.r CASH st cr ll re,l,-,l , ' sr..lly reduced pnees, W m Mv ctlfr CAm Fin Cheriot Shirt. 50, 73 ct and tL AND located soil Beat l"rinta lk aid 18 . . lO rtT1 V'kicM t. , 9, and Clark and Brenka tm ontton ?S rta per D,a. riain snd Milled Rrnuels 1 V.: V, and .W fV. Water IW, m.ta. Kn Vfiitt Shlr 73 ot aud 8L Aiain.lS!L0ther Cd at Proportionate Rates. wHITK SK 000,11 ,x T'' Jfens- l-n.rorwear. Shirt. an, Drawers. 50 ot. Men. OveMti-ZScKsnda Mens Overall., fiO.M. 15 ,U and bmbmideriea P. . . . . Vrim ai l,.1Blous Low , uisuucrtditoi mTn.v.;.- Vsuxjuu.c ..wr. I w asm ill iwm A.V.PETEKS