CITY AND COUNTY BRIEF MEXTIOX. If you with to buy goods cheap call at JJ H Friendly s. Jbis ha beeu rather a wintry wek rain, tet aud auow. Ladies' dross goods fr sale cheap at Hue' ,Utt Co'. Harte bills priuted at the Guard office at reasonable rates. Call aud tee that large stock o( goods (or tale at Friendly 's. For good dentistry st reasonable figure go U Dr. Da vie, over Grange store. W T Campbell started for Saa Francisco Wedaxday to be goue aeveral weeks. Hot J M Thompson and Jude H C Hum phrey have been io Portland tliit week. Silver Plated Ware A complete assort neat; ALL Kiw mus, at Craiti Bros. A number of Mr. Win. Moore' friend gave him turpriae party Thursday night. 3 H Friendly telle cheap fur cash boote, thoe clotliiui, hat, cap fuuey goods, etc A number of delegates to the State Tain perancuAlliaoce weut from this place Satur day aud Monday. Mr 3 U Frioudly will pay the highest cat market jrice for wheat. Give bint a call before sidling your raiu elsewhere. Mr. A V. Peters, of this city, and Robert Cochrar, of Cutfcige Grove, wtnt to Portland Monday to act ai trial juror In the IT. S. Dis trict Court A. S. Miller ft Son were allowed 830 fur the plan aud apeciflcatiou whijh they (urn. iihed for the coutideratioa of the Couuty Court. Hate, caps, boot, shoe, clothing, ladies' dress goods, notions, etc, for sale at auction prices by Rosenblatt ft Co. They are closing oat aad must sell. Go aud ae that large stock of goods just received at Uundrick before purchasing else where. The best stock of mens clothing and furnishing goods at price to suit the timet. Business bien should not forget that blank note, bill-heads, statements, letter heads, and every description of commercial printing are neatly aid promptly executod at the Gl'ARD o flics, Don't you forget that all who have tried the Durkee Woven Wire Mattress accord it the highest praise, Petfcctly cleau, noise less, aud durable. E J MoClanahan ' is the sols ageut for Lane county. A half intoxicated ' individual caused seme excitement oue day this week, by ac cusing a la ly inmate of a house ef rather a questionable nature nf having robbed him of (SO. Afterwards he found the coin in a sel dom used pocket in his clothing. Recorder's Court. Business . before Judge Humphrey hat .been very bruk for aeveral days post. ' On Saturday Edward Bailey was arrestei and fined $10 and costs fr boarding the train contrary to the erdi uauce in such cases made and provided. Several young mcu from the country cou -eluded to have some sport Friday night a week ago. They entered the Ciiiueie wash bouse, appropriating some of the clothing and conducted themselves in a generally dis orderly manner. Nightwatchmau Brown ar rested them, and they have contributed $10 each to the City treasury. Marshal Atter berry pulled an iuebriated individual ou Tuesday. Dayton, W. T. From a letter from a former resident, of this couuty, now residing near Dayton, W T, we learn that the Vint r in that section has been extremely severe At the date of writiug, Feb 2d, the snow had covered the ground for 80 days. Stock was suffering severely, and dyiug by thous ands. Hay (25 per ton, and hard to get at all. Should the snow remain on another month there would be but little stock left i.i the couutry. Our correspondent s.tys it is a good poor man's couutry; if he gei there poor, hu is apt to remain so; if he goes there riuh, he will soon j;et poor enough. Commutations Oov. Thayer Las recently commuted the, sentences of .the following convicts iu the penitentiary; J A Peak, sen tenced from Laue county for forgery for the term of two year from Dec 2, 187 J, upon petition of citizens of Lane county and rec ommendation of the judge before whom he wis convicted; Charles Crowley, scut from Lane county, Nov g, 1830, for the term nl oue year for larceny, upon petitiou of citi zens of Laue county and recommendation ol the judge before whom he was convicted. Auvk and Well. We have been shown certificates from the Sheriff an 1 L'le.k of Contra Costra county, Cal., that Mr George Ctok is alive and well, residing with his sis ter at Martinez in that county aud State. It will be rem .'inhere 1 that Mr Cook mysteri usly disappeared from hit residence near 'Springfield, aud rumors were iu circulation that he had been foully dealt with. An m just suspicion is thus raised from Mr Cook's family. Express Aoent. Mr. Dudley Evans, gen eral ageut for Oregon and Washington Terri tory for Wells, Fargo ft Co., was iu town on Tneslay, and transferred the express office from the control of Underwood Bros., to Mr. B.C. VauHouten. ' 8hootino Match. As announced last eek a glaaa ball shooting match will take place in thia city to-day. The balls will be sprung from a rotary trap and some fiue hooting is expected. ' DiiD.-In Lost Valley, Feb. 13, IS81, fter a brief illness, Daisey, daughter of W R and Louisa Parker, aged two years, four tenth and eleven day. Dud. Oeorgie May, infant daughter of Jr. and Mr. Wm. Bensbaw, died Wednet y aught aged 2 aoontb and 7 days. BCTmtT Sold. Tbo Euen brewery old at public aale, Tuesday, to Mr. Fo lder $1,400. Council Proceeding!. Council Rooms, Elms City, Feb. 14, 1SSI. j Council met pursuant to ordinance. Preseut Mayor Dorris; Councilmea Duun, Sloan, McClung, Edh and Church; Record er aud Marshal. Abseut Councilman Peter. Minute of the last meeting read aud approved. Fi uauce committee reported the following hills correct, and on motion, warrant were or dered draw oa the treasury, for the several amounts: F M Wilkius, (30 39; L F Dorris, (14 87; R S Bean, fid V McFrlaud, (3; T U lluudricks, 3 50; E J .McCianahaii, i 73 C T Johnson, (4 2.' T M Haiuiltou, W 23; Win Pre i ton, (I 50; G S Kiucaid, (3 3S; 11 C Humphrey, $3 CO. The judiciary committee made a Verbal re port ou ordinance for protection of trees which was ou motion laid over for ouo montS. Ordinance No 21, to preveut bryt loiter, ing ou the streets after certain hours, was ou inotiou, referred buck for further considera tion. Proposition of W T Campbell to supply the city with water was, ou uiotiou, rejected. l'etiliou of Chas Latter aud others asking a crosswalk be laid across Willamette street; ou south side of Sixth street wo grouted. On uiotiou the street committee was in structed to let a contract to put iu a luvee uear the mill. The following bills were preseuted aud re ferred to the li nance committee: Kobiusou k Church, (9 U6; J K Attebery, (.13; J S Sloan, (33 50; TS York,U 50; E F Chapman, (1 o0; Q W Stowell, (1. Win Durant, (10; AJBellvail, (3 13; J W Neat, (1 50; W F Lupoid, (5 75; Sloan Bros, (4; II C Humphrey, $4 73. Ou motion aiij.mrned. H. C. HuuruREY, Recorder. Willamette Forks Items. CoBuno, Feb. 13th, 1SS1. There it a gteat deal of talk of a new saw mill going op iu tho Spring near Mr Win lii'garta. Hiram Smith intends to haul back to his mill the logs that the flood carried away, as soou at the weather permits, Coburg is improving some agaiu. Mr Skinuer has ot a complete stock of grocer ies, and is making preparations to have a fine stock of dry good in the Spring. There was a little rxcitemeut at Coburg on last Friday. Jo. Indian, better known as Jo. Miller, tried to get some one to per form the marriage ceremony between him self and his intended, but he failed and In d to go to Eugene. A justice nf the peace is wanted very bad iu Willamette preunct. It is a trouble some ollice, and everybody wants tome one else to take it. Robert Vaughn will serve if appointed. The County Judge, ought to look after the matter aud appoiut one. Vox. Public School. The Eugene public school for the month ending Feb 10, 1681, had the following n roll.tit'ut and average daily attendance, not withstanding the stormy aud inclement weather: No. L)u rolled. 7 45 73 53 42 45 3.'" Av. Daily Atiendauco 52 8 30.7 55.3 41.3 30.4 30.5 240.5 l'aincipal 1 t A.Ki.Unt. . . 2d Assistant. 3d Assi-tant.... 4 h Assistant... 5th Assistant... Total A J!iiuit.-ii iio-ny Ueinocrat of lat week copied a statement from the Gl'Altl) abou; the condition of the Military Mad fron 1 nine to Southeastern Orejjon, aud deliberately proceeds to inform its reader.i that the Saiitiam road is the only one that may be traveled th ensuing Suiuluer. The Dentiiui-at is a little too fast iu its real for the Linu couuty road. The McKenzie wa gon road from Kugene across the mountains will be iu the heat possible coudit.on for travel in the Spring The grades are easy, good bridges span the streams, tbo tolls are reasonable, and eveutually this road will be come tiie leading thoroughfare to Eastern Oregon. Delegates. Th Eugene Blue Ribbon rlnh sent th following delegate ta the State Temperance Alliance: Key Nelsou Clark, N-t;ie SkilT. L M Davis, N M Davis, Charles Goodchild, E F Chapman, J N jol tr and B C Penuintou. Juuction Blue t. i . i. Ribbon Club: J L Houston am! iiiuwra iw- tor. XI E Church, Eugene, Rev I D Driver and Mr Driver. M E Sunday School, Jnno tiou: Mrs Jcuuia Ilotfman aud Marclla Pit ney. Dii-o. Dr J C Hawthorne died at hit res idence io Eut Portland, Tuesday, from a paralytic stroke by which he wu stricken Saturday, aud from which be never rallied. Dr. Hawthorne had occupied or many year the position of Superintendent of tbe State Iueaue Asylum. Hi death will be incerely regretted in every part of the Stat by friend to whom be had endeared himself by bis genial and honorable bearing. He wu G2 year f age. Grange Mextino. There will be spe cial meeting ol Lane Coouty Pomona Grange, in Eugene City, on Wednesday, Feb. 23d, at le'clekPM, for t'je purpo. of electing J'ntM to the State Convention of Far- J mors, to meet ia Salem en March 2, ISoL Prineville Lett sr. Prinx villi, Feb. 12, 1331. Editor Guard: The disaster in conse qusuce of th elements have not .altogether misled this locality, and this section bat fared far worse thau was ever before known to the preseut settlers. Th last mows aud raiut in this sectiou brought Crooked River 18 iuchel above th highest freshet yrt kuown. As for roads there) are none, and w art entirely isolated from the world, in closed by a fence of dingy rim-rock. It has rained more this wiuter, hero, than it hu iu the last five year all told, aud notwith standing the frigid aspect of the country north of us, our thermometer have stood higher than ever before known. In fine this hu been, iu local language, regular Web foot winter. Cattle are doing well, and all other stock are in first rate condition. Good beef is to be fouud in ebuudauc all over th desert Our lit tin towu is uow working under a chart sr, and our "City dads" expound dog laws with th wisdmn of Diogenes, an I cocr.-e their disobedient children with the hsud of justice. The charter it new era in our piouoer civilization, aud under its benign influence the city has a glorious future. There it a strong presumption in the minds of many, that a few more winters such m this, aud the deserts of the put will be deserts no more. Rover. The Bridge. The County Commissioner Court met Moiulsy aud after a thorough survey of the situation decided to adopt the plans for the repair of the Eugene bridge, as presented by W. T. Campbell. A crib, 10 fot square, of heavy timbers, and about 200 feet long will be built across tits chute just above the bridge on the bank of the river. This will be tilled with rock and gravel aud i ex pected to keep out the drift. The short spau will be raised and repaired, and the ap proach put back as before, with the excep tion that the piles will be solid oak instead f fir as before. The end of the approach will be at limat seven feet from the ground, the rest being filled with gravel. Bids will be received March 25th for the construction of the work. Tbe cost of the work will not exceed (2,500. It is not expected that the work will be completed before the first of July. Two ferries, one at Eugene aud the other .at Springfield are expected to be iu running order uext week. Commissioners Court. Monday, Feb 14, 1SSI, the court met pur suant to adjournment Present - Hon C W Fitch, County Judge; J M Spore aud J A McMahou, Commission ert. The following road supervisors were ap pointed- District No 9 Marion Wallace. No 5-' lioht Cochran. No 41 M Kobiusou. At this time il was ordered by the court that J K Roam be appoiuted Superintendent of the repairs of tho bridge across the Wil lamette river at Eugene City, and he is hereby authorized aud directed to receive bids for the repair of said bridge according to the plans aud specifications on li!e iu the ollice of the Couuty Clerk of Lane couuiy, said cnutrsct to be let at public outcry on 25th day day of March, 1SS1, at the Court House door iu said county the County Court hereby reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Carried Off the Coin. Yesterday morning at 11 o'clock, says the Standard of Wednesday, Sheriff Buchtol to 4 charge of the property belonging to the Cninese firm known under the uvne aud style of Coong Yh Loong Company, under a number if writs of attachments gotten out by the creditors of tho firm. The pr ncipal representative of the firm is ''Sam," h he is called, a Chinamau well kuowu iu business circles here, and one who hu borne a good reputation i r nouesiy aim ousiuess miiucnjr and who is reputed to be worth fully $100, 000. For the pust few duyt he hat beeu ab sent, where uo one teems to know, and the rumor is current that the ouly companions he took with him were tome (70,000 col lected by hiin from the firm debtors within the last mouth. Yesterday 13 attachment suits were commenced against the firm for sums ranging all the way from (140 to (0, 600, and the tot;d aggregating about (20,000, while there are several more to come. Settled. A false impression might have been created by the notice last week, that Mr. A. D. Burton had been arrested. From all ac couuts the trouble appear to have been purely a personal ouo, aud should not have been settled at the cost of the State. The jury failed to agree, standing four for ac quittal, tod two for conviction. The case was uis uissed, aud Mr. Campbell and Mr. Bu. ton agreed to arbitrate the question in dispu e. Each of them chose two men, aud and the four a tifth. Tne following were the 2e lenieu selected ; E. N. Cslef, 8. W. . . . Miier. Liudaley Carson, J. C. Bushuell and Frank Powers. Ou Thursday they visited the premises, and after thoroughly examin ing the nituation decided that Mr. Campbell hod do right to dam the water, thus com pletely exonerating Mr. Burton. Notice. On Monday March "tb, 1881. 1 will apply to W. W . Thayer, Governor of th State of Oregon, for a pardon for the offense for which I am now serving a terns in the peni tentiary. Nat Fausv Died. Mrs. Fusaunah Bickers', snotb f Casper Richard of J auction, died at b sob's residence in Benton county en the 11th day of February, and wu boned at the Mon roe cemetery on but Sunday. Site wu aged 79 years aud eleveu Jionths, and leaves s large circle of friends and many relatives to mouru her loss. She cam ta thia Stat in i 1673 in eoropax J with ber sob.' STATE UNIVERSITY. A oolumn devoted to the Interests of the Laurean and EuUxi&n Literary Societies, aud HIS Slave uuirenuiy. sorrow s c. a. wooduy, rkubik r. bimllkr Resolutions. At the meeting of the Laurean Society, Feb. 11th, the following preamble and reso lutions woio pused: Whxrxas There apjuarod io the Eugene City Guard, in the University Column, a certain article over the oom de plume of Quisque," written by a member of the Laurean Society, purporting to be it friend, aud Whereas, The aforesaid article freely ad vertised this society u being at present iu a very demoralized condition, and, aftor laying several severe charges agaioat said society, Droceeded to ask. "Why the Laurean So ciety continues to exist?" Aud WHERE ah, By reason of tbe aforessul ar ticle the Laurean Society ha been made to appvar before the public in an odious light, aud from the effect of uid article bos suf fered much in its reputation, therefore be it resolved- 1st, That we, the member of the Laui- eau Society, do solemnly assert that th charirc and insinuations cotitaiued. iu the aforesaid article, are false. 2d, That the writer of the aforesaid article it unknown to the member of this society, but, whoever he may be, we unite iu es teeming him our worst enemy. 3d, That our Editor, in allowing the pub lication of the aforesaid article in our column, trred iu judgmeut aud deserve the ceusure of tbe society. 4th, That w take pleasure in announc ing to the publio that we are not in need of the reforms pointed out by the writer of the aforesaid article; and to fuithc maintain our honor we do declare, that never iu our history hu our general order been better, our debates more interesting aud instructive , our attendance larger or our general con dition more prospeious than at the present time. 6th, That a copy of these resolutions be priuted in the next issue of the Societies coluuiu iu the Guard a d Journal. Laurean Election. The last clectiou ia the Society pawed off quietly and quite unanimously. The only close vote was for Treasurer, when the vote wa; 23 to 24. The ollicers elect are as fol lows : Presidcut, Arthur L. Frazer, of Yamhill; Vice President, James D. S;atr, of Uuiou; Secretary, John MoCornack, o Luue ; Treasurer, W. W. Cuidwell, of Jack ton; Censor, James .i. novuie, oi uuiou; Editor, 11. IL. lleudricks, of Jai.ksou ; Scr- goaiit-at-Arms, William C. Taylor, of Bcu- tun. They were inaugurated in the pre- jribed manner on yesterday evening. Thus dawns a new dynasty ; uuder it, may the Society grow aud prosper. C. A. Wooddy. Notice. The obnoxious article, in the last issue of the Guahd, rotating to the Laureuu Society, was published without my knowledge or Censeut. RKUBIK P. SPILLKK, Co-Editor of the University Column. Take Notice. All pert on s indebted to R. O. Cnllison MUST call aud settlu their accounts by the 1st day of January, lbSO. He will be fouud next door to S. H. Fiieud),-. I'rcdilori Nolhe. All persons indebted to ut for meat ire earnestly requested to call and pay up. We must have what is due ut. A fair warning is sullicient. McCornack k Renshaw. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve In the world for Urnlses. Puts, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, 'IVtti.r ') Lniiil H indi. Cliilljliilni. Corns.and H kinds ot akin r.ruptins. una salve is guar- anteed to give perfect satisfaction in every cass or money refunded. Price 35 cts twr box. For lale by Wilkin's, the Dnia-'ist, hugeue Uty. Mulholland, Juuction City. FELIXW'S COMPOUND Syrup of Hypophosphites meets with an In creasing sale wherever kuown u those who line It Dear witness to its merits, ami praises are constantly being received by wk We quote from a few from this section. We are selling lurue nuentitles of tlir Syrup and it pi doing more good in old chronie ca es of nervous an I lung diseases than anything nf the kind we sell. T C Smith k Co. Salem, Nov 21, 1880. "HaviiiK used Fellows Syrup in my own family with good results, I do not hesitate to reouiumeii'l it. lu A. KAKFT. harriaburg, Nov 12, '80. "I used Fellows Corunound for nervous de bility and can now recommend it as good medicine," Damon Smith, Uruggist. Harriaburg, Nov 16, 1881, Boots, Shoes, Etc. T G Hendricks bu just received a large lot of boots, shoes, slippers, overshoes, etc etc., which he offers for sale. Tun) it the largest bill of thia kind of (nods that hu been bmnght here this season, tbe cost amounting to oyer (4,000. He hu eyery tyle and variety on hand, and can suit all sua turners. Ladies wear a y. Settle Up. A. Lyncb calls upon all who are indebted to bim to come forward and settle up. Those who delay are likely to cause them selves trouble, u he it determined to square up hit books for the new year, JCST KCEEIvrD- -The largest stot k of jew elry ver bmnght to EegeiM at Crsio Bros. JT D. Dc'KKrxn, Clerk, Wabash Shops, To ledo, Ohio, says: I am aow wearing an "Only Luag Pap," and it has afforded me- sdiuostr in stant relief from asthmav Seo Advt. Picn ss Ftkxcn Ao immsnse stock and cheap at Craio Bio IL ItfnuBbsos, Sac end Fox Agrney. la dim Territory, says: The "On)f l.n g Pad" has restored ms to health, aad 1 shall be glad to ruoBiaod it to any !.-See Advt- GENERAL EEDUCTIOlf Of the kinds the purpose of re ducing my stock. jS. H. Friendly. BLOOD Causing Chills and Fever and Typhoid Fevors. Biliousness, Liver, Stomach, and Kidney disorders, and manyotharoilmonts.dostroy ln the health and lives of millions, Is driven out of tho system, and radically cured by the use of tho LION MA LARIA AND LIVER PAD and CANCLION1C BODY AND and only perfect treat mont by the Absorption prin ciple. The Plasters acting In conjunction with tho Pad up on the nerve centers and ro mote parts of the body, In ab sorbing and thoroughly rid dingthssystemfrom MALA RIAL POISON. The whole treatment, PAD, BODY PLASTER and FOOT PLASTERS, all combined, sold f or $ I. OO-the cheapest and best remedy ever discov ered, and a positive euro f guaranteed Jf worn accord ng to directions. Remam ber. Pad, Body Plaster and Foot Plasters, the whole, $1.00. Sold by all druggists, or mailed on recolpt of price by THE LION MEDICINC CO., NEW YORK. SOiE AND SEE R. G. CALLISON Next d tor to S. If. Friendly, and get your BOOKS, STATIONERY AND GRO CERIES. He Is alwnys on Innd ready and walUmr to Ksimm.idate his Customers with ALL kinds an of food for MLYDJlXD BODY, And ean furnish a SMOKE to those dosiringa A GOOD C1CAR, CR TOBACCO To those who uro tho narcotic plunt CHEAP for CASH. Goods dbursred to any part of the city free of charge. It u. CA 1X1 SOX. "WW STOMACH XO TIME SHOULD BE LOST If the stomach, liver and bowels are affected, toadnut the sure remedy, Jlostvttvr's Stomach Bitt-Tn. Diseases of tbe organs named Ix-gets others far more seriotu. and a dvlav is there' for hfizirlous. Dvpniia, Kver eomolaint. chilli nrl fever, earlr rheumatic twiiiL'us. kid- - 1 D0T weakness, brinif serious bodily trouble if , trilled with. Lone no time in using this effec tive, sale ana long Known medicine. i of sale by all Druxists and dealers ginemlly. A CARD- To 11 who are suffering from th mors and mdiKT'.'tlousof youth, nervous wen'nuess. early uVcav. lou of mantioo.l. e.. I will snd a re- d-w and will cur you, FltKE Or' CHARGE. ihin riat reroeoy was dutnovered hy anrssion arv in South Amiica. Send a sell aidrewd envelope to Kr.v. Joseph T. Ixkax, Sutioa D, hw Yerk Citv. mm J?! jS CELE3P.ATED Prices of all of Goods for NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS! I have received and have on kaatl s full line of CROCKERY GLASSWARE, GROCERIES and TROVISWNSand Cigars and Tobaccco, Which I will noil sell for the lowest c&.s5:o: Trices. Call and examine nj goofo before purchasing eluewhem A. GOLDSMITH. Lumber I Lumber! J. B. lUiinrhnrt has been appointed agenf ot the Springfield Mill Co. H can offer hotter figures for Lumber now than ever bo fore. All kinds of building lumber dolivered ou short notice ami at very low figures. Don't fail to seo Khinehart before ordering elsewhoio. We propose to sell lumber, ana dou't forgot it Wei Dc Meyer CatarrI ONE DOLLAR ! The unprecedented success of this remarks i.l. . ii... i...:n.Sk tr.i I r " ' reducing the price to II t Package, and of six packages to (5. 23 cents a package ana new 4 cent stamp Cure, will be gives by ne and by Wholesale Ih-ugglsts, In exchasg for the 6 cent stamp Wei de Meyer's Csv tarrh Cure, D. B. Dewey ft Co., 40 Dey 8., If. T. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. -U-OTICK IS IIEREBY GIVEN THAT 1.1 the undersigned executors of the estate of Xorris Humphrey, deceased, hav filed their account for riual settlement of said estate, and tnut Alonuay, the 7tn day ol March. 1881, has, by order of the, County Court of Lane County, State of Oregon, been set for the exaroinatoa of said account, and for hearing objsctiens thereto. Dated Eugene City, Oreiron, Jan. 8, 188L J. M. THOMPSON, 1 (iEO. P.. 1M)HK1S. T. ( . HEN'DUICKS, rExecutosw. . H. DUNN. GEO. M. COOPER. If you wish to buy your goods cheap, yon asust go v tne sior oi LURCH BROS., COTTitOE GROVE. They keep ene of th largest stocks of General Merchandise OuUMe of Portland, and they sell goods cheap, er than it can be bought anywhsr ia the WU- lauieu valley. SODA WATER, Mineral Waters. I Glnzer Ale, Sparkling Wine and all Carbonated Beverage AmBATtJS for Uaklnr, Bottling DISPUBIHuV uoniplet Uuthts, Materials and 8nptJiesi Establwhed 48 years. Illustrated and Priced ( 'etaln-.Tje swit to any adilres oa ayrJicatloa. Send your orders direct to JOU.N AI ATTIIEW3, First Avenue, 2tith ft 27th Su, New Yerk. Belknap's Sprkifs. Mr. O. Pmwnson ha leases) th Belknap Springs on the McKenzie river, aad is aoir prepared to receive visitors. These spring, are fained for the medicio&l properties of tho water, and a they are sita&Ud in ths midst ef lxutifiil scenery, and tine hunting, and) fiahiiig grounds, promise to become a noted resort. The springs are situated 62 mile eat of Kugen, and fi miles Irur the Mo l Kenzie Bridm.