THE EUGENE CITY GUARD! ECU EXE CITY.OREUO.V The Holladojr Claim. Tho claim of Ben. Jlolludoy, former Ij of tlii stow, haa 1mm o long Mure , II roiigrvaa mat mom oi our nauers are i . ... ..i .. i, more or jeai ianiinnr wun iu air. noi- Grant ia personally lioHtile to Dlaine. had linM of tUS carryins Unp nd consider- Lira rwponiiMe for the M Sutc' mail on t'"' rr'ut'' 10 ',ir' defeat of the third-term at Chicago, during the civil war, and auflered Thi charge ia well founded, for if Uluine pecuniary low ,j having hi tt pi de- bad not captured a part of PennKylva IurJ. hl " run ". kll!,'J '7 Ilia delegation, and defeat! the unit Indiana, etc The bill IWorn congress rule at Chicago, Grant certainly would HtaUMI damages SMC, 3J. Sever have been nominated, iiwtead of Gar- ' ""lendinenU to reduce tin amount fiold. Therefore, the hoHtilitv of Gran. wre offered iu the 8nttt, olU.f which which haa been carried to the f xtreiuo WPr" vot, (I dow' exc,'I't tl,rit offun'd Of breaking intercourse with Blaine, in hJ Sonator Cockrell, who placed the natural in a aellUh and arrogant man. " dueMr. Holladajr at SIQO.UOO. There have bi-en no terms between 11,6 "(ime:it was adopted, una the Conkling aud Blaine for many yearn, bil1 PaM'd. l I I I ' I 1 34 I ana mere ia no iiKeiinomi oia t-iiango t,. 1mU ,...,1 r: in ia their relation Conkling and Ev- UnmHI wiIt 0Be lheir If,MU ,.., ... , c - --- - - - 1 ana nave neen aeparuiea ny a U"P Mr. Weaver, after the 4th of March. cnaam aunng uhh rrauuuient Atimmi- v t. cjrenilla,.11L.M tUv tration. To make Blumo Secretary rpiiriiv,l 11 ,!, V.v .T if... i.i i.. ,t .i .... .... " " v wvuiu vw w cumiiiuu n o rxiHiiii? lion- o...:,i r n i i i ,i Smith, of Brooklyn, whom they claim .uuor w.m huh, i.rpurunem so lur M . ijl.i, tn tlin ,:yiUrMn , ll. O 7 . ... XT . -t. ' I i u.o (wiwior irom inw lor is con- ,;,,, , . .f .;,. cerned, and thus to disturb harmony , . from the start Tim Northern Pacific ltailroud Oom Poor Garfield is in a bad fix. He pony have sold bo far land which brought knows that but for Blaine he could not it $9,089,451, and when the rest of thn have been nominated at Chicago.and he 'a"d "ldat $2 50 pr acre, it will feels the greateat obligation to Grant net a littleahort of one hundred mill- and Conkling for their efforts to elect io" dollar him. All his aytiijiatliii'S reach out to Blaine, aud hi antipathies are strong against Conkling and company. Ho will attempt the impossible, of ruconuil ing the conflicting interest, and will fall betweon them, Blaine may become Secretary of State, if he desires the place; but should It is expected that the Northern Pa cific will be running from Glendive up tho YellowHtone to Miles City next July a distance of 759 uiilcs. PaxsensiTs will 1k carried to Yellowstone Purk in I J uly of of the succeeding yeur. It hns just been discovered that it ix he take that bauble, merely to release wicked to allow a Mormon tonit in Con himself from the complications in grcss. Still, however, there is no talk Maine, he will oon dim-over that he of expelling Roscoe Conkling. has entered upon others far moro acri miorane. Uuilvrwood Bros, are rcjinniliiix fnnrof the iiiont iM'Tiular ami filial luaann (.'iimiaiiivt no tbii Coat to-wit Oonneticut of llurtfixil: Nrw ZraUml. of AukUiul: Coin uicrcial I'nion, of Lonil.'iij lluniUrKt lire men of liwulKru; reiiiwutiuk a cuintul o over :!.0m0uo eulJ corn. "Don't wait till the hunt is iWku before yon lock t'i table door." Take Notice. All trDi indebted to R. Cl. Csllison MUST cll and settle their ucoonts by the lit day of January, IttfO. lie wiU be found uext door to 8. H. Frieu-i!-. Crtditon falUt. ill prnoni indebted to oi fortneat re eameatly requeated to call and pay up. We mint have what ia due ua. A fair warning ia auffiuient, McC'OkNACK & ItCHHIIAW. ous, and will wish himself back in the easy chair of tho Senate, with little to tdo, and only his own sins toanswei for. The religion of the Mormons is sin gular, which is to be principally ac- CJUI ted for through tl leir marriages being plural Twonty American cities to-day con tain over 100,000 inhabitants each; twenty American States contain over 1,000,000 pnopaeaei. Stop a Moment and Read This- The increase of population through out the South during the past decade stand at 31.05 against 25.85 in the North in general, while tho iwrccntage of increase in oil New England has been only 14.70, and in New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio aud New Jersey, it . I . 1 . ... mi tm Uken togW", omy io.u.-. i,10 lit I.o,k at tl.i. INt of gooda j..Nt nccived at teen SO-caIU'a-v-5ouU"rn Mates the I-armrre and Muclmnica Clotliinir Store. have added 4,277,700 to theiTxila- MVM K,,,t fr'" lu ' '7. tion. and the twelvn Wen. nnd rC s'p.e or froik auita from f 12 50 .111,. ui.i. i Km unn ti ww. UU1IUH U.lfi?l.l7U(f. 1 I1D LTI1HUH TU- I . .... i: its... t . -..I - "'l"tvr" 6 -'3 uoiiiji j uo feuiua bio uiniNTiiiii' iiiil u ii-w iiniiii iiir u. . ' o I I 10 I . J. it. ..... . 1 uoiusions, among wnun tne supposed llroodclotli ciU and veats, diagonal, declension of the South is tlio most 1 rl' AIUrt voaU and vesta. Jut the notable. thing f..r llolnbiy preaetita, Skvit.iI nrw liin-a of overco-ite, reversible Whymper, who recently gained re- and ulii, all radia and j i, from t7 50 nown by aseendinir to the summit of to the Chitihnrazn. M'l MO f..t. nliova Mini nirt, l.ciklii'j an 1 t'ic line of BUCKLEYS AKNICA SALVE. Tlie Hi'tr Rai.vs fu the world for llniUti, CiiU. Sori't, L'U'on, Halt Itlieum, Fover Kort-a, IVttir, t'linpil ll.unU, ChilliUini, Corinjaiiij all k'nl of Skin KroptiiM. 'i'liie a.dve ia nunr antreil to giva (H'rtcct wttiafiu.tion in every c-a or nioner rtiun.ii'ii. rnoe A cu iwr ttox. for ule by Wilkin's, the 1 initio t, liugene City Mulliollund, JuuctioD City. Brad)' For Biuintii. Ma Fra!(K IUkxin haa refitted Jackann'a plmtnunipliio gnllery and i renly fur buai All kinda nf phoUigraplia and picture taken in tlie beat style and at cheap ratoa. - , Fire! Fire J Fire! C C Penninkton wnnta everr one he Iim ao counta with to come forward and pay up. If you have not cot tlie inonev iro and borrow it. for I hava bill to pay arid cannot pay without money, a woru lo the wlw u autliciunt. Uon'tdelay 1J. (!. rcNxi.scio.v. S. If. Iitwis. of Ute Creek. Colfax Co.. New Mexico, aaya My wife liai been cured or a cougn ol thirty veurV atunliuj by wear ing an "Only Lung hid." W A Titus. 2 Aliland Avnue. Toledo. Ohio, aaya: My wifo ia nnvr as stronu a. over, her regained health being ilireetly due to the ihu ol tlie r.xcvNmr Knltn v I'.id We can heartily recommend it to all kidney troubled peraona. See Advt A WOXUKKFUL MSCOVKKY. For the apeedy cure of Consumption and all diwaea that le.ut t it, audi a atilbliorn Cu;;ha, mvlietcil Coldn, l!nnel:iti-, ilay Fever, Anllima, pain iu the aide aud vhe it, dry hacking eoii;;h, tiukHn in fie throat, Hoarxe- i:f -,, .lore i inoat, unclall clironic or lin ienn Ijiwiea of the throat .mJ liiiis D Kino .4 Ni:w iMnioVHir haa 110 npnd mid lin.-i est.ib linheil for ili.lf a wor.l wi le rvput-ition. Jl.inv leatilng phyaieiaim rei!.imin.'iid ur. I me it iu their prm uee. The foriuuia fruu wl.ieh it ia prepaid ia highly lecoiniii. inh'd by ad uie.lieal journal Tl vUv-y h:i I the pre.w have iHuipliiner.ti'U it in the' unut gloivinj; tenna. Oo to your drufcciat and get a trial kittle free, or a regular i..e for $1. For a.ih by KMWilKlin, DniA'ist, K;i','eiie Citv; Mid holland, Jimrtion. Jlodge, D.ivia A Co", Whole ale AgeuU, l'onliml, Cr. level of thesea,explolesanold belief - Wuol tenrfs fiul Altituilea Iiintead of freezing to death 10 dilTerent styles ef iinderivear, all grades or bleeding from the nose or ears, as ,ul I'""'4' other nersons aHrt.mlimr eniimiita linvo The beit stock of ailk and linen hnndker he found tho xtr,.,1.Kt alt it ,W n.!.. !,iof, for the holiday., in the I i a I imraTii wtvni iv.iu-ri iiinrtiaiu ami a I . l.ttt'at at vie of hata 1 to .1 Till P... a 1.. .1 i ... i . ii i I. Mviui-iy piruHiiui, aim coiiuoname. j ie Irom f I to ?l Hoys hata and caps. attributes this to the uioi.sturo oud air The beat line of panta patterns and auit blown thither by tho great southwest- iu tl,e "'J' diagonal, Scotch uu niiieneii ciniiia. ruiu umue to order 6UU from :i0 no. Panta mado to order from $8 50 up! Dark 1 . ... A in tl.. J.nn. ..f '"' v",!0,, !""". All w.h.I ' I " nanta 4 fill 1 T.V SV so Si: !.... ti -t now storm vinited a number of the Ml M 30. Overall, m' i,u. 7.w V t. . ...... . . .. .. :. . . ooumern Plates oil Jan. L'Mli and the ?1, f 1 25. Hiagonal panta from to SS. day before. In South Carolina the Tin wlly Oents Furuiahing goods store in now full was greater than has bivn FuK,'n' Lity' VUUki c,lt f,,r anybody. km a.-, 4 " isu iiinitvfa iu 11 am 1 l:m re j. ami nown for hfty years; m (Jeorg.a tho Lriot, 01ia cu , . ' b fall continued without intcrinissioii for I Kd examiue our goods before buying .1... Bnne. viiin uuuis, uiu iiioiiiioiiicier varying ern wind, or southern stream." "ac rial from 24 to 20 degrees; at Wilmington, N. 0., the greatest excitement was ex hibitcd over the rare spocUcieof sevein inches of snow, and citinens, including ladi a, tumod out en nia-tso to engage in the sport of snow balling. If- P fl Ol .1 r t iur. r. u. cciiwaiKO, 01 iMUeill, lias just received a letter from Lieut Fred 8chwatka, which Was directed to A. G ochwatka at Sacramento City, stating mat be would be homo in April to visit his parents and relatives in Ore gon. It is proposed to give him the ommaiid of the party to go in Bearch ol the Jeaiinette, If he takes coin wand tho party will be fitted out at San Francisco, and start some time in June, Tlie Portland Evening Uulletin has ceased publication, the firm of Miller & Richard, type founders having taken possession of it on a chattel mortgage, Mr. Atkinson, the publisher, announces that he will soon engage in another jour- luuiatio enterprise. Fakmkks ft Mkcii vmcs Stork, K J. (ill All AM, Manager. DYSrsrsIA AND I.IVFU COMrLAIN'l": 1 it not a-arth the amall price of 75 cent to free yournelf of every aymptoin of theae dia trvwinx ouuiplaiuu. if you think o call at our atore and ret a bottle of Shiloh's Vitabzer, ev ery bottle haa a Printed iruarantmi Sll it. llaasi an. nliulyand il it iloea you no good it w iU ooat you nothing. Sold by O.bum Co. M Good I hing. (Jerinan Syrup ia tliu ap..y prewription of Ur. A. lloaelief, n iL,,l (i..i.. m li,..i. eian, and iai kiy.vl..,lLM..I to h ..n. nf il.u 1 fortunate, discoveries in Me.liciiifl. It quieklv cores l-,6ughe. Cold aand all Lung troublea ot the Heven-at uat'iru, reiunviui;, as h does, the cauie ot tlie ailectimi una lu'ivin the p.u ta in a itiviu; and healthy eunditioit. It ia not an ep liiueiiUl meilieuie, hut 1i:m at iod the U-t of y.-ara, iriviinr aati.if.ietion in everv cium. which its rapidly iu r'Minif sale every season conliiiua. Two million bottle eoMaunu.dlv. Keware ol nieiUmes of aiunlar nmuea, lately liiirooncao iioaciiee a iienniin hyrup was mtm diiced in the United .Stitvn in lriinS. and ia nuw sold iu every town and village iu the civilized world. Three doses will relieve any or Iinary eolith. Price 75 ccuta. Sample bottle, 10 cenis. A ( ounli, ( old or Norc Throat should le stoppeiL Neglect frequently result la an Inriirable I. tins Dlaeaae or 'on- sumption. IlltOUN IIIIO.M III t L I II04 II;n are certain 10 give rclirfln Aklbiuas llronelillla, ouglis, CnUrrh, t'oimunipllve and Throat UUranes. For 80 ears the Troches have been recom nieuded by physiciaus, and always give per fect satisfaction. They arc not new or un tried but having been teatej !v wide ami eon. ataiit uae for nearly an entire (reiteration, t'ney have attained well merited nni'j HinoiiL'tlm f..w staple remedies of the a'. I'llblio N(Hk- trj ami NiliKOrM uae them to clear and streuirtlien the V vii'P. Sold at 25 cents a box everywere. 1 1 SIIILOH COXSl'tlriOX CURE. .This is beyond question tlie lu'iat sne peaafid Couirh Medicine we have ever sold' a few doses curing invariably the worst caaes of Couch, Croup, and Hronehilis, while its won derful suece-s in the cure nf Consumption is without a parallel hi the history of medicine, Since its firt discovery it has been sold 011 guarantee, a test which no other lue.lis'ine i-m stand. If you havJ acoiiL'h we earnestiv ak you to try it. l'rice 10 ct.s. 50 cts ami "1 Oil If your l.uuirs are sore, Chest, or back Ijiiue use Shilok'a l'onnis Plaster. Trice i.'5 cents. Sold by Osburn It Co.. Uruwiats. I1" " i KUGKNK CITV 33USINESS 33IEECT0RY. ALEXANDER. J. 11. Justice of the Peace South tugene 1'recinct; ollice at Loun iiouae. ABKAMH, W. IL k BRO.-riauinB mill, sash, door, blind and niouldinK nianutaetory, Eighth street, east -f null race. EverythiiiL' In our line furnished on short notice and reasonable terms. BOOK STOKE-One door south of the Astor House. A full stock of assorted box pajiera plain and fancy. CHAIN KROa-IValer in Jewelry, Watch es, (locks and Musical Instruments-Willamette street, between .Seventh and Eighth. CALLISON. It. G.-Dealer In irrooenes, pro visions, country proiluce, canned goods, biKiks, stationery , etc., southwest corner Willamette aud 'Jtu Sts. DOUniS, GEO. R -Attorney and Cotinsellor at Law: Ultice on illauiette street. f-U-l(eue City. D0KRI3, 15. F.-Dealer in Stoves and Tin ware Willamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. ELLSWOKTII t CO.-Dru?yista and dealers iu paints, oils, etc. Vt muuiette street, be tween Eighth and Ninth. FRIENDLY, S. H. -Dealer in dry oods, clothiiiir and general merchandise W illaui ette street, between Eighth and Ninth. GUARD OFFICE-Newapaper, book and job printing ofiiue, corner Willamette andSevenib streets. GRANGE STORE Dealers in cer.eral wer cl.imlitie and produce, comer tiflith and Willamette streets. GILL, J. I'. l'hysichin, Surgeon and Drug- gist, roatolhce, uhiniette a reet, lietween Seventh and Eighth. IIAYS, ROBT.-Winss, LJr.uors, and Cl cars ot tne beat quality Kept constantly on Land. The best billiard t ilde in town. HENDRICKS, T. G.-Dealei in Keneral mer chamlise-northwest corner Y iluiiuette and Ninth atreets. II JDES, C Keeps on hand fine, 1:Y uors, cigars and a pool and billiard tul.le: illaiuette atreet, between l.ighth and Ninth. HORN, CIIAS. M.-Gunsnilth. Kifles ar.j shot'irtins, breech and muzzle loaders, for sale. Repairing done in the neutest style and war runted. .Shop on !Hh street. KINSEY..T. I -Sash, blinds and door fac tory, window and door frames, luouluins, etc., glazing ami glass cutting done to order. LYNCH, A -Groceries, provisions, fruits, veir etaliles, etc., illaiuette strict, tint door south ol t ottottioe. Ll'CKEY, J. S. Watch maker and Jeweler; keew a hue stock of goods 111 las line. illam ette street, in Ellsworth's drug atore. McCLAREX, J A M ES Choice, wines, llqnors, and crjara - illaiuette street, between high tl and Ninth. MELLEU, M. Brewery--Lager beer en tup ami oy me Ke or uarrei, comer ot Amtli kuii Olive stn-ets. Slil'RX & CO. Dealers in dniim, medicines. 1 : .1 -i . . . ...... cui'jiicais, wis, paints, etc i illaiuette at., oppoiite S. Charles Hotel. I'AITERSON. A. S.-A fine stock of olai., ami fancy visiting curds. PRESTON, WM. Denier in I-ad.llcry, Har ness, Carriage Tiiuiiiiiii.,-s, etc. Wiiluinette street, between Seventh aud Eighth. FOST OFFICE -A now stock of standard school booK just received at the post ollice. REAM, J. It. I'nd.-rt-iker and buihlin,. con tractor, corner U illaiuette and Seventh streets. if.t3ii:i;n3Tf C0.-!ry ?.., "f? groci'rirs and general im-Hmidise, southwest corner Willamette and Eighth stret ts. ST. ClfVRLKS IfOI'EI, ('harlas Ba ker, i'ro irictreis. Tim Ivst llo'e in the oity. Corner Wil'stnette a.ul Ninth streets. SCHlKlL SUI'PLIE-t-A large and varhd assortuient. of slates of nil sues, an1 qnantitira of .dat a'l i sla'e books. Tlm-e doon noith of the exresa ollice. THOMPSON HEAX-Attorneyn-nt-ljiw-Will.iinctte street, between Seventh nnil i;ighth. WALTON, ,1. ,T.-Attorney at Lnw. ORice Willamette street, between Sevetith and Eighth. UNDERWOOD, J. B. -General brokerace business and airpiit. for the Conn-'eticnt In surance Company nf Hnrtford-Willamette street, between Seventh and I'.i(fhtli. Closing Closing: Out. Out. Closing Out. KOW S THE TIME TO BUY S Eosenblatt & Co Are closing out their entire steefc and offer better inducements than this county has ever known. V V JU SELL 25 per cent lower than any other house Don't let the chance slip hy. IF YO U WANT DRY GOODS, CROCERIES, CLOTHING, HATS OR BOOTS AND SHOES. Whatever you WantMleml'tt EOSEKBLITT fe CO. Eugene City., Toil an save 2 j per cent. Orders prompt!; filled. IlllS Si feadq uarters? OREGON NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ANSWER THIS QUESTION. do so many 1 seem to prefer to sull hy do so many people w see around us. Her and tie made miserable MM lUdUwstlua, tlitiwtioh, IHiiluesa, bias of Appetite, Couiinu up ef the Kood. YeL'ow osiii, wnen lor .a els., we will s.11 them M, loll s itallter, Kuaranteeil to cure them. om uy vuuurn a t o., linu's'UU SOfll W1TFR. Mineral Water,, vww Ul, ;(.r Sarklini Wines and all Carbonated IVverauei AfPsKATUS for Kakin?, Bottling & DISPUiSIJf J i o imuet.. iiiitlits, Alaten.da and Supplies. Established years, ii u-truted an I 1'iiced t etaloKtie aedt to any address on application, bend your orders direct to JOHN MATTHEWS. First Avenue, iXUh & L'7th Su, New York. ELLSWORTH CO., DRUG GIST, WflLL CONTINUE THE BUSINESS in V f all its branches at the nli! Ntjiml si'!...-!... uioueeuieiiis to customers, old iul ucw. js nereioiiire, tne mout Careful attention given to Prescripions, 1 .MEAT MARKET. Burvfyor (iitra.!, J. G Tolraan, tte that the government last year umjnxl tn th UU 2,317,tC0 SHILOH'S CATARRH i:Frrnv s marvelous cure fur Catarrh, Diphtherion, Can kr mouth, and Head Ache. With each Untie theri is an iti.-euioiu n.wal Injector for the piieeesmiu ireauueiit ul tlieae complaint it hout tra charge. lVW .VU-U oom oy usuuru ami l u, lliui.u, nOTIIEHS I nOTIIERSI Areyoudi.iiirl,lat nhjlit and broken of your rest by a sick child lutTuiair and crying with the excruciatiinf iu of mittiug- teeth f If , go at once and get a bottle of MIW. WINS LOW'S SOOTHINU SYRUP. H will relieve the poor little aufferer lmme,liately j -aciiendupiinft; there U no mistake about T lisml Administrator's Notice. yOTJCE H HEREBY GIVEN THAT ll the uud rsi.ned has been duly iiHiint eii administrator of the estate of lee' M. Ilaker, deceased, by the County Court of the Suite of Orein, for tlie County of I.tne. All person oiu ciunua ),-aiiiai a.11.1 estate are notitieii hereby to present them to the nudersined at herreddeuoe in said county within sit montha invii me uate 01 in is ntu-. Eebrusry A. 1SSI. , MA14V E. ItAKER. Administratrix. J0M1CA J. WALTON, Attorney. On the west side of Willamette Street, between Eighth and Ninth. Having just opened a new and neat Meat Mrkct, we are prepattd to furniih he best Href, Vrul, .Tliitton, I'ork, etc., To our ri-trWrl:' itf W' market rates The custom of the public is"7f5fc'' fully solicited. Meats delivered to any pt.rt of tli city free m-narye. AlcliiKVArK K r.X.-H . IIIOE AUD FUR GO :0:- Brinff your SITES MID FURS to tne IEADOUARTEI Where the rillCEm HIGHEST MARKET - Will he vaid for all lands of- ' FURS. HIDES AND TALLOW. D. PITMAN. is CP Robinson & Church DEALERS IX MIELF& HEAVY HARDWARE HAVB TUB Ucsi Selected Stock iu OrcgoL K FARV!1 FOR SALE. vr 11 by mostly in Lavttcrn Otrgon. -Ha it of tha opinion that a like numlr ofaetva rill Y aurvf jJ during theprfnlTr NOTICE THREDiTORS. yOTICE THEREBY GIVEN GIVEN' kL 1. . , niioii. ' . "viine i.auer nas ueemiuly aiviint- will 1. tl.. k. J. 1 ' 1 . uht.i. .-in persons navnii; r aims the n.tide,Ut. ,ill ,e, thesan,,. .mti.o,!,!.. ,.: ;. r. sn . p-1 nwY,v,.'-'vw Adminutrat, Ka ......i ' 1 1 I. -iuiun uioiiina mni ineoais ol tins notie crPS. 1 1 , . . - " "n- Mii nest roue everywnere. OTICE IS HEUEUY GIVEN' THAT by virtue of an order of thil 'ii'.mt vl 'nor f Ijine County. l)re:.-on. I will oii'er f.,r ! io the . iyheat lii bier at public an tion at the late reai lice of Jacob l.uco in ni.l Lim wmtv. Ur- 11, 011 the U'th day of K. lruary. ISSI.the t'ollowm.'iWril'ed preiidies to-wit: l l.e .S W 1 an I M of the N W 4 and Lots 1. " :t J .,..1 6of See 8.1, T 17 S R 3 , eontainin 17.S0 aep-i in stu I Luie coiitr.v. In-iron. '!'i.. r i ....i dwelling ho ise 01 aaid premises, out .house; a tine or:)rd, an 1 shnibbery of all kin. Is. The premises are situated 111 luiiea due west of Eu gene City., Sale to commence st 1 o'clock of I dsv. II. C. U CS I'ON', Administrator. JOSHUA J. WALTON'. Attorney. V HAVE FOR ..I, T at the LOWEST Rates. IIIOV, STEEL, AAILS, ROPE, Cable Chains, and Poeket ..'UTLERY, AS, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION iRICCLTURAL, IMPLEMENTS, Blastirff Powder, 'ishinir Tackle. Etc., Etc. . We inviu an etan nation of our goads confident that eur stock will auit th tiiaes. Nw Departure ! ! p siiend I ATRON'IZE THE '10 HELP T . LIILI) Yt IT pi,, SCHiHil. Hoi M,V. hnfat,r,.u.rp your iBte, 1, . AIDGES- K(MDS d their prohts at hom- Take notice that lnT" - Are H-imaoently locate, AND d ans) A V PETERS. LH Kreatly reduced prices, as low u ,,- ,.1 Will .ll . .u cu goons tor t. Ar fmany reaucej prj Best Prints lb and 18y'l! $1 CO Best r.rown and Bl.-a -fad Muslins, , 8, 9, and 10 cts. ADMIXJ3T3ATCnaS KOTICE I ft-l 1 Ti .r.n.,1 . . III R'r I1V fi'VFV Tirsr1 "m',,t, ' 1 ' " '"Ter Dot. UceuU a battle. CHAKI.KS I.At Klf A,l.,.;.,,.iM.. O. 11. IHIK1US, Attwuev. Enene City, Or., Keh. ISX1. ( ricTt aiFaisiBs AaimmsnM.i.- w . TUTS PA VT.TL S'st rw - I . howvus x s .VsrHnT i bp at Craia Free I a'rin-niiiiiiio.HPr!Kvst vwiH-esj-r.4jj 1 r svm mt a io 11 is av iki 1 ATllTII-p I 1 the under e-.i ha 1,-r . Pimint,! A,l-! ri !l ind Mille.1 Flrnnels, 25, 35; 4-" and 50 ministrator of the tte of Kiic Coulion. rf-1 ceaaeii, h the I'onnty Court of I ane county. WU-r Proof, cents. t. ZL . ' 1 . C 3"U' i Fin Wait. Shirts, eta snd $1. ; .- " t voo , Mine to LiinithtrtM-r vouchers atuuhe.1 sthi residence in lWiik-t, Ijsx Cmiitv. A, . 1. . . 1 ... 1 . . . ..r i 0 111 1 !.MOiL-,t c lrrfsn In - rr-. . Eiik-rnefity with u -i ni.miis f.oia the dU V 111 1 II. SI'' rT VP nf Ihia noti.v. . . . -. VT Ii .-I I., .n k e r,u,r . W 1 wiui. i.M" . s 'd ri-.trn.tor. as low as any ether CASH STOBR Hue Cheviot Shirts. 50, 73 cta L AT Dn MNoTrashJIj, .Mens' 1'nderwnii. fii.: THOMPSON BEAN, Atteraev t 'tviiUne. and Edvin, at FhU. t .Uth" Cozes at Proportionate Rates. o my .'" I i.M-n-m, ,, , . , t S reiluced rates, a-htoforeesstims !, . M . 'nf. I will mil.. aai to all W XL. u ' " ? . ZVJ " to nuke CAsi TZJZ"" . - vi iuj reauusjun. s 1 ZstfO-