The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 29, 1881, Image 4

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Arlliur Murphy expiated th crime
of murder st Pendleton Jan. 14, for
the killing of T. D. Frencb. From the
East Oregonian we take the account of
the execution a follow:
Hie night preceding hie expeution he
pent with bis spiritual advisere in
room of the Court House adjoining the
Sheriff! office. Earl tho next morn
tog he sent for L B. Cox and wjues-
ted that he would read a farewell ad
dress, which he had prepared, for him
upon th scaffold. He wu at thia
time calm and resigned, hod eaten but
little, and waa engaged in hi' religioui
devotion During the wholp day
the jail yard was very much crowded
with many morbid curiosity seekers,
among theui we regrot to any were
women Jniipecting the scaffold, eta At
the ecene of the execution there wa
large crowd present number within
the jail yard, and very many on the
outside -Jutd, before three Y. M the
condemned man walked into the jail
yard accompanied by Father Conrady
and Sheriff Martin: Ho was dressed
in a black broadcloath suit of clothes
with white shirt, collar and' white silk
necktie, wearing a large black slouch
lat and embroidered slippers. He
walked up the steps ilrmly and alone
remove his bat and took his seat on the
bench there provided. The death war
rant wu then read to him and he was
asked if he had Anything to ay w hy
the aenteivoe should not I carried into
execution, he replied tliat he had not,
but reauested L D. Cox to read his
statement above referred to, which Mr.
Cox did, it being the same as published
at length in another column in accor
dance with his wishes. Tins having
been completed the appropriate religi
ous exercises were gone through with
ty Father Conrady and himself when
he stepped upon the trap and the "rope
was adjusted on lis neck, he requested
that it be drawn alittle tighter. Then
an attendant began to pinion his leg.
L li. Cox stepped up and shook hands
with him bidding him farewell; at this
point his arms were takeu hold of to
be bound when he remarked "Let uie
.shake hunds with Ctpt M trtin" (These
were the lost words he spoko outside
of his prayers) Several persons stepped
up and shook hands with him after
which the black cap was drawn over
Jits head and tied and at a signal from
Father Conrady the trup was sprung
by the sheriff and Arthur Murphy
launched into eternity. At his special
.request the drop had been made six
feet and the neck wns broken by the
falL Death seemed instantaneous as
not tho quiver of a muscle was sen.
After 4 minutes 47 seconds, his pulse
was pronounced dead by tho attending
physicians and soon afterward his body
was cut down-ami given to Father Con
rady to bo buried in the Catholic Cem
etery at the agency.
Hlntn'Fcoilllriond Jliulog Tuh or
"Well, I am going to leave you," said
an old Couistocke r yesterday, ns he of
ferred las hand to your correspondent
'Whore are you off to."
"Down to Arixona."
"For good!"
"If I fall eaxy I'll stay where I'm
I was astonished. He was a man
who had hung on to the Comstock
through thick and thin since '01. lie
had for years been tho proprietor of a
popular saloon and of the leading furo
and keno game. He had leen an Al
derman, and one of the leaders of the
Republican party. His horses have
been the fastest, his turnouts tho natti
tsts, and altogether he has been a prom
inent citizen.
"Is the Comstock played outt" I
asked the departing prouftneut titi
en. "Yes, for me. Then is nothing in
the saloon or game now. The town is
gone itu"
"How do you account for that t
There seems to be a pretty big popu
lation." "Yes; but it ain't the right kind. You
aee that row of buildings (waving his
hand to indicate one aide of C street)
Well, all them rooms upstairs used to be
filled with boys. Now the boys all
have housea back here on the hill all
got wives and children, and don't ap
pear on the turf nighta no more.
That's good for them but it's bad for
me, Why, if you want to know why
the town's gone in, just drop around
the schools when the youngsters are
being let loose. In the flush of old
(imes a young'one waa a phenomenon
here; now there's thousands of Vm.
Well, all them cubs have got to be fed,
and the fellahs that's got to feed 'em
and clothe 'em ain't got any money to
throw away. That's good for them but
it's bad me. As a, citizen I am glad of
it of course: but as a matter of busi
ness it's just ruin, and I am off for
Arizona. It's a new country, and old
times will come again."
"You'll open a game 1"
"Of course. That's what I am after.
I'll prospect around and hml a camp
that isn't too near the railroad, and
open a saloon and give 'em a lay-out
"Vhy do you want to get away from
the railroad !"
"Whyt Decause when a town js
near the railroad it soon get, filled up
with dead-brokes and at i ilk Its easy
to cet to and cct from. Men that
travel by stage have got to have money
and they re the kind of men that mates
a camp hum in my line. Z.
Henry Ward IVcher is lecturing on
"The reign of the Common People," a
class for which Mr. Beecher entertains
almost infintesimal respect, if we are
to infer anything from former lectures
and discourses, as for instance, when
notwithstanding his ow n great income,
ho declared that "the workingniun who
could not live and raise a family , on a
dollar aday ought tostarve,"
Settle Up.
A. Lynch calls upon 1I who are indebted
to bin) to coins forward and sottle up.
Those who delay art iikuly to causo them
selves trouble, as lis it determimJ to square
up his bouki for the new year,
Boots, Shoes, Etc.
T 0 Hendricks ha just received s large
lot of boots, shoes, ilijijiurs, nverahoei. eto.,
etc., which he offers for sale. This it the
largest bill of this kind of goods that has
been brought here this season, the ct
amounting to oyer $4,000. lie has eyery
tyls sml variety on band, and can suit all
uatomert. Ladies wear a speciality.
Jl'ST ItCKrjvtD--The largest stock of jew
elry ever brought to Eug.ue at Craio brot-
Why do to many people we ace around us,
seem to pn-fi-r to sullrr and bo made iiiixttrable
by Indigestion, Cuutltim, J limine, Ixnw
of Appetite, Coming up of the Food, Yel.'ow
Skill, when for 75 cts., we will aell them fjhl
loli's Vitalizrr, guaranteed to cure tlit-io.
gold by Uabnrn A Co., DruKgUiU.
marvelous eure for Catarrh, Iiht!urion, Can
ker mouth, and Head Ache. With each Dottle
tlier J is an iti,'tniuus nasul Injector for the
more suoinuful treatment of tliesu complaints
without rtr charge. Price 5U cU
Hold by Unburn mul Co. l!Uk,'b-Uts.
"Sr. Jon, N. B., January, lfiiif.
Mr. Jon:iI. Fki.lowr, Chemist. St. John,
N. It. ler Mir, Having used Fellows Com
iiound Byrup of ilyioplnMphitea for some time
In mv prm-tioe, I have no hesitation in recom
mending it to my practice who are sullcriii.i
from Uruerul lMiility, or any discas. of tin
linn.-, knowing, that, eveu iu raxes utterly
IimIm, it atlord relief, I am, sir, yours
truly, li. U. Anor, M. 1).
Ihaily Fur Bibintss.
Mn Thank Hi skin lias relit fail J.vkscu'j
photograpnic viUliny and n iv.-idy for bum.
All kinds of ptuitogr.tjilis ami pictures t.ikuii
iu the best style ami at chmip rates.
MOTHi-iisi i iHoriun.!
re you disiurlted at night aud broken of
your rest by s sick child sutUring- and cijIiir
with the exeruciuting pain of cutting teeth ? If
so, go at once aud get a bottle of MliS.
will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately
dek-nd iiKin it: there is no uiixtuke about
There is not a mother on earth who hns ever
ued it, who will not tell yu at once thut it
will regulate the bow-els, and give re.-t to the
mother, and relief mul health t the child, op
erating like magic-. It is perfectly safe to U.-e
in all uwes, mul pleasant to the taste, and is
the prescripli n of one of the oldest and bent
female physician ami nurses iu the United
States. Sole everywhere. 23 cents butle.
Those indebted to me by note or book so-
count must call and sottle, aa I must have
money. All accounts or notes not settled
by February I, 1S8I. will be handed to mv
attorney for collection. .
January 8, 1881. at
W. R. Taiwan, Contractor and Builder,
Toledo, Ohio, sys- An Excelsior Kidney
Fad relieved me of laiii in the aide of lifu-en
years' standing. Fleas send me another
Fad. See Adv.
L B. Smith, of Faribault, Minn., say:
I m sat ill wearing an "Only Lung Pad and
it I as helped me; I intend to have another
of extra strength soon.--See Adv.
Ths Bwt S.mvs in the world for Urui.m.
Cut, Sure, I ll-era. Salt liheuni. Fever Sores,
11t,,trr',l'l,l'H HiuiU, ChilhUim, Cwn,and
all kuida of Skin Kruptina. Thin salve is KUar.
anteed to give perfect tisfclion iu every ran
or money refunded. Trice 3 cU per Iwx For
?,le,u V V", lu1s'a1 '' i.t, :ugvu City.
Mulholland, Juucliou City.
with Cough, Cold,
Asthma, llMnclmn, Hay Fever, Consumption
lo- of voice, tickling in the throat. r v
arfe.-tionof the throat or lumrs, use lr. Kiinj s
New lliMMveryfor cniuumptioii. Thi, u the
great remedy thai ia i-auing to much excite
merit by iu wouderfid curve, curing thouaaii.l
of halea cwa. tlver on niilli,.n botUe of
Dr. Kms Now li-.iverir have leeu used
within Uie but y.r, and have given perfect
aalisfartion in every instance. V ran uu
he.itUiiKly aay thai this u ret lly the onW inr
cure f. Ihruat ami lun4' atfection. and
eheerfully recommend it to all. CH . e-,
i ne am apiarent effect is to inrreaae the
appetiU. ltasauudigMtin,eaiwth f,wd
t J ataimilate p.perly, and the abeorbenU to
Uke up nouru.hnuuU It iW by iu U nic ao
lion, iuluce more copious aud regnlur evacua
tion. Iu effect on tlie mucous membraD u
uch, that easy ewct.raiion U -,1ik-,1 i nt
only is the aecrelion already deposited in the
air paaiage easily ,a,ll. but iu collection i
camol on in a healthy manner, while to f
uoti of tneel 1 rrt-rdM.
at l-t-tl l ,t t I-i r ..r ,...a ..
S1.0U , by - J . M . WiluiT'th. "n,;
gi.t. ( uy. MulholUml Junction City;
Hodge. Davis i, Co., wholesale agents Foit
land, Oregon.
t.. ,ii ... .H. rini fioiu the enors and
Indiscretiou of youth, norvous weaknem. early
decay, lose ol manlioua, . . .
rip. and will cure you, OF CliAKdK.
Tliia cr.-at remwly wu duc-uvc-iid by auiUin
aiy in boutn America, nou kii iwiiii.--envelope
to Kev. Ju.hYH T. 1a, butiou I),
ew iors i Itv.
a Good Ihing.
German Svrup is the special prescription of
L'r. A. Hoschee, a celebrated (jepnull Fhyi
clan, and UsckuowledKtd to be one of the mo.t
fortunate diwwveriea in Mulleins, It ouickly
cures Coughs, Cold and all Lung troubles ol
the severest nature, ren.ovim;, a ii does, the
cause of the affection and leaving the parts iu
strong ana neaimy cuiiioh'mi. nut u
sxperiuieutol luetlicliie, but ha stood the t-st
of yeais, giving satisfaction in every caee,
which it rapidly im n-aing sale every miou
cuntiim. Two million bottles sold annually.
Beware ol medicine of limilar n.inun, lately
introduced lioechee's Genu ill Syrup wus intro
duced in the L'uiUd States in lhUj, and is now
old iu every town and village in the civilizeil
rnrlil. 'I'hrin il.uica will relieve unv or linurv
oouxh. Fries 7i cents. Sample bottle, 10
Belknap's Springs.
Mr. O. Brownson lias leased the P-clkimp
spring uu the Mckenzie river, and is now
prepared to receive visitors. IIicmi iprmgs
are fumed for the medicinal properties of the
water, sml a they are situated in tlie innlnt
f beautiful aceia-ry, and fiuo bunting, and
fishing grounds, promise to become a uotcd
resort. The springs are situated Gi mile
east of r.ugene, and 0 mile from the Mo
Kcuzie Cridie.
A (, Cold or Wore Throat
should be stoi(L Neglect frequently result
la an Incurable l.unu Dleae or Con
IIIO lll:Nare retlatn Co itlve rellefln
AalUma llroiicbltlo, Coujlia, ( alarrli,
CoiiKuniptlve and Throat DUeaara.
For 30 pears the Troche have bun recom
mended by pliysiciaiis, and alwajs give per
fect satiKf.iction. They ore not new or un
tried but having lieen tcxtcd by wide and con
stant cue for nearly an entire yenerution. they
have attained well merited rank anions the few
staple remedies of the ae. l'lilillc hjx ali
em and Hi litters iu them t-, char and
strengthen tlie Voiee. Sold at 20 cent s box
This is beyond question the moi-t sue
eewful C'oiii,-) Medicine we have ever sold' a
few (loans curin,' invariable thowomt casea of
U iu-h, Croup, and lironchiii.i, while its won
derful sucrc in the cures of Cor.tiiiuptioii if
without a parelh-1 in the hUtory of medicine.
Since it first di -covi ry it has been sold on a
guarimt-e. a te-t which (it ot!n;r mu lijinu cm
stand. Iryouhav acou;h we earnc-H.iy axk
yeutotryit. Frice 10 cl , f.J cts and flOO,
If your Lun.'s nro nro, Client, or lack Lame
ue Shiloh' Forous Flanter. Frico ceuta.
Sold by Oaburn & Co.. Druv,;its.
i j. '" i i-i"- i
Oar Descriptive Illustrated Price
List, No.SU, or Dry Goods, etc., will be
Issued about Marrh 1st. 1881. I'rlcea
quoted In N0.S8 will remain food until
that date. Mend us your name early for
copy of No. SI), free to any address.
HI St SHU Wabash Ave., Chicago. 111.
the liuderniKlied executing cf tlie estate
of Norris Huiuplircy, ilcc.-ahu!, have li!dtlieir
ncvuiuii, iwr iiiiiii semcmcui ot mini eBt ite, r.inl
that Monday, the 7th duv of .March. IffcU, l.a-,
by order of the Coui.ty Court of Lane County,
Stj.te of Ore '.m. li.-ii t'np tl. ..v.... :...,....
of said account, nud fur hearing objections
Dated Eugeiin Cirv, Oregon, .Tan. 8, IScil
J. M. TlloMl'SOX, 1
CEO. II. luM;l. !
T. li. H EXDlilCivS, Executors.
1. 1:. jh;.v,
oi:o. m. coornii.
11 the undi imgneil lias been iipointed Ad
ministrator of tho estate of Jsanc Coulson. de
ceased, by the Comity Court of Lano county,
Ojjn, and that all person bavin;; claims against
iiiid estate urn hereby required to present the
same to him w ith pn n r voucher attached athik
resilience in .mslaw 1'iicmct, J.ane County,
i h-cgon, or at the oll'.ce of 'J in mpsou t Hcan iu
Eugene City within six mouths from the date
of tin notice.
Dated Jan. 10, 1RS1.
JOHN slMi'Siy. A.hniniatiator.
THOMPSON A JiEAX, Attorneys.
miiliriuid iu pursiinncet fan order of tne
County Court of Lane county. Oregon, in the
matter of the ntato of Mnthiua M-ll. r, de
eeivxed. made and entered ot record Jan. -I,
1HS1. I will oJer for salo at public auction
to the hixhest bidder, at the Court House
door, in Eugene City, Lane county Orciroa on
TueNitiiy, ho 13lh day of Ft-bru
arj, ISM,
Retween the hours of nine o'clock in the fore
noon and four o'clock in the afternoon of naid
day, the following described real property, to
wit : Lot No. L', in Mock No. 15, in Eugene
City, Lane County, Oregon, known a ;he
Lunelle City lirrwerr.
'lEHMsor SAi-n-Oiie-half down t time of
sale; the remainder on one year' time at ten
K-r wnt. interest, secured by mortgage on said
Dated Jan. 7, IS.M,
MAUY MEI.I.EIt, AdminUra'iix.
IHOMt'SiiX m-: , ,trn.
Sleep, Appetite and Strength-
Keturn when H.v.t, tter Stomach Fitter b
yl..matically nn l.y a tiilli,His dvMieotic
jfterer. Moreover, since the brain svii,i.
tluie. clowly with the stomach and iu awo
cieteotyans, the liver ami the hors as thrir
deransrementUrectifinllT the action of the
luttera nwnUl Vncy produced by that
deraasmrnt diapper.
For asl by ail DrawviiU and dealer
J ae rally.
Om .'.-VA ft
i' .-"-y -;;.--) l"Je.- &"t"'JsJ
ALEXANDEU. J. JU.-Justice ef
houth tugene I'recrnciiomce
ABKAMH, W. IL k BIlO.-Flaning miu,
sadi, door, blind and mourning "'7;
Eighth street, east 'd mill race. Everything
lu our line furnuhed on short notlos aud
reasonabl tcrui.
BOOK STOItE-One door south of the Astor
House. A full tock of Msorted box papers
plain snd fancy.
BOYDA MILLER Meat Market-beef, veal,
mutton, Jrk and lard-Willamette tret,
between Eighth aud Ninth.
CHAIN BI10.S.-Dealer In Jewelry, Watch
es, Clock and Musical Instrumeiitj-W il
lainetU street, between Seventh and Eighth.
C ALLISON, R. G.-Dealer In groceries, pro
xnniitrv iirralucD.canned ir'vl'. books,
sUtionery, etc., southwest corner WillametU
and Via bu.
D'JiOild, GEO. B. Attorney snd Counsellor
at Lnw Ollice on WillametU street, tu
tren CPy.
DORRIS, B. F. Dealer In Btovr snd Tin
want Willamette street, between Seventh
and EL'htb.
DURANT, WM.-Meat Market be, pork,
veul and mutton constantly on hand Ninth
street, between Fearl and liigb.
ELLSWOHTH ft (X).-IruggliUsml dealers
in paints, oil, eta Willamette street, be
tween Eighth and Ninth.
FRIENDLY. 8. IL Dealr in dry (rood,
clothing ami general merchandise Willam
etU street, between Eighth snd Ninth.
GUARD OFFICE-Newnpaiier, bo-k and Job
printingollice, comer V Ulsuiette auuaeviu.u
GRANGE STORE-Dcahn in rereral ner
rli'iudise and produce, comer bigbtb and
W illamette street.
GILL, J. I'.-Fhysiohin, Hurgeon and Drug
, gUt, J'mtuftice. Willamette ett, Iwtwetn
Beventh and Eighth.
If AYS. ROUT. Wines. Liuuors. snd Ci
Kars of the best nua'ity kept cointuiitly on
hand. The best billinrc t.:lie in town.
HENDRICKS. T. O. Dealel in wneral mer
chandisenorthwest comer Willamette and
Ninth itreeti.
HODES. C Keen on hand fine w'nes, lin
tors, cigar and a pool ind billiard table;
Willamette street, beta ecu Eighth and
IIOIiN. CHAS. M. --Gunsmith. Rifles ar.o
shot-L-nin. breech and inuzzlu lorders, for aie.
Rep.rring done iu the neatest style and war
ranted. Miop ou S'tu street.
KINSEY..T. D.-Pnsh. blind snd door fac
tory, window and door frame., uiooJding,
etc., giaziug and glue euttiug done to order.
LYNCH, A -Groceries, provWon. fruifci, veg
etable, etc, Willamette street, finit dooi
lou'.h of FostoiHce.
LUCKEY, J. 8. Watchmaker and Jeweler;
keeps a hue st-x of gomts in Ins line, V Uljiu
ette street, in Ellswortb' druj store.
McCLAREN, JAM ICS -Clioi-.-e.wincs.llouon.,
and cigars ulumette street, between Eighth
and Ninth.
MELLElt. M. RrewerrLwrer beiT
and by the keg or band, coruerof Ninth ami
i Hive treets.
( WUUKN & CO.-Der.ler in drug", imdlcine.
cliemk'iiU. oi!, p.tiniA. etc Willuuiettc t. ,
opposite S. Charles Hotel,
rAl'l'EKSOX, A. S.-.Y fine stock of plain
and fancy visiting car In.
FRKS'l'ON. WM.-Deiileriu .-ao.ll.n-. liar
new, Carriage i'liniiiiings, etc.'.e
stroet. between Seventh aud Eighth.
rOSl' Ol'i'K'E-A new stock of sl.MM'ard
Bchcol books just received at tlie port ollice.
IlUSIf. HEX. Ilorseshoeinj uii.l general job
bing blacksmith, Eiglitli sueel, between Wil
lamiUe and iMivo.
REAM, J. K-Uii lertaker and buililiiig con-tr.u-toi,
comer WillaiiictLe ami .rvciitli
K0:i:xr,I, ATI'S CO.-D-y K.v,!,, c'o'.ldiig
gmo-rie and general on rci mm ne, souihwesi
comer Wi'iametta aid Eighth iitroeU
ST. CHAKLKS llOl'L Ihi'm Ha
k"r, l;o ri-tn'M. l h b -s'. li-i'e in the
."'i?. IVrner Wilianit Ur i Jul . io,li . treets
SHIKLDS. .1. ('.-I'Ly-ii-b.u rnl S-'i.-m-oii-
north aide Ninth sliect, lin t i'.ihir of Mt.
Charles Hotel
STEVENS, MARK-Dealer i:i tobacco, ci
guvs, nuta, candies, shot, powder, notions,
etc. -Willametto fctivi t.
SCHOOL SUITL1KS-A kr-.-e and vjritd
fts ortincnt of slates of nil sizes, un I iiantities
of d it.-H and slat.--book. Thrte doors north
of the epie.-!i oitice.
THOMPSON & EEAN-Attornev-H-nt Law-
Wilhicietto street, betweeii Seventh am
WALTON, J. .T.-Attorny-at Law. Oflirp-
'i!lamctte street, between Seventh and
WITTER, J. T.-Ilnckskin dresinu. The
highest price paid for deer skins, Eighth at.,
ut 1 '.ridge.
UNDERWOOD, J. -General brokerage
business nud a rent for the lonn'-cli.-nt In
surance Company of Hartford Willamette
treet, lietween Seventh and Eighth.
v v all its branches at the old stand, olferiiic
increased nnluceineiits to customer, old ud
new. A heretofore, the nioht
Careful attention given to Prescripions.
I i? 4 ;
On tho west side of Willamette Street, between
r.ighth and Aiuth.
llav'nir niifneo k ati.l ...i T...,
Jlrket, we are pn pared to turnli he beat
llerf. Veal, Mutton, Pork, cte..
To our customer, at ,the lowect market rati
The custom of the public is respect-
tui:y solicited.
Meat delivered to any i.rt nf th
if charge. McCtlH i i i m'.iv
m i
M3 4t i 4 Clil it '
Xl by virtue of anorvlerof th '.tT('.,
of Une County Oregon. 1 will offer f. 1m.
the liii Mer t ,iili'in ....... . ..
residence of Jac.b Lucv in .id Lane county
an 1 S of the N W 1 .,,.1 1 ... i , ?.
5of Sec S L T 17 S K 5 . .n..l- .'-m-V. ,na
in aaid Line ccunty. ( reg,. There is , good
dwellmj hoiuM, o, j,i premise, out houses- a
tin orchard, and shrubliery of ail kin.U. t'i,.
1 rvuii-s are situated 1(1 mil A... . . !.
gene City. t
Closing Out.
Closing Out
Closing Out.
S EosenWatt&Co
Are closing out their entire stock and offer
tetter inducements than this county has ever
25 per cent lower than any other house
Don't let the chance slip bij. IF Y0V WANT
C3T Whatevir ycu Want Attends
m) r k v
You can save 25 per cent.
Ering your FEES iED FURS
bU IliO
U ill be pa id for a 11 kin ds of I
Robinson & Church
BcslSelocled Stock In Orcgoi.
New Departure
siK-nd their nrofiu at home T.t.; i Z MZ e
Will Mil good for CASH-at greatly reduced
I5est Print 16 and IS yard si no
Best Brown and Bleached Muslin, 7, 8,9, and
10 eta.
Clark and Brook pool cotton 75 cts per Doz.
Pla'ii nd MUled Flrnnels, 25, 35: 45 and 50
Water Proof, cents.
Fin WhiU Shirts, 73 cts and $1.
Ana ail Other Pft'rfa
None better f.r stretch, sue aiufduniYinMrT
UT To my oi l Carton,,-, h hL i 1 '
1 ! v
b CO, Eugene City.
Orders promptly filled.
at th LOWEST
('able Chain,
arid Pocket
Blastirg Powder,,
Pithing l ackle.
Etc., Etc.
We iuvit an exam
inntion of our gdr
contident that sur
stuck will auii ths
'"ur A PrmanenUj tocated and
price,, a. low a any cJher CASH 8T0EE.
Fine Cheviot Shirts. M, 75 ct and $L
Vr"1 DreSi GooJ Traeh) 18,
Men." Underwear, Shirt and Drawer., 51 ts.
Men' Overshaia, 75 cU snd 1.
Men.' Overalls, 59, 65, 75 eta and $L
rjniwiene and EdKin. at Fabulons Low
at n. ti .
s-iuyomonate Rates.
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