The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 15, 1881, Image 2

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The tight for U. 8. senator la Pennsyl
vania bo fur is in favor ot H. 8. Oliver.
Texts telegrams bf January 3d give ae
count of heavy snow and sleet and the
SBvernt winter ever known.
At Philadelphia on January 4tb John
It. Kven, aped 15, was fatally stubbed by
Martin Dorf.sgcd H. Evani bad assort
ed him.
The Tennessee legislature elected a re
publican (jreeribacker speaker of the
house and a litniotrut as president of the
There is no secretary of the navy and
no business with that department can be
transacted until one is appointed, confirm
ed and sworn in,
Receipts of fright over the elht lines
terminating at Conncil llluffdunng 180
were 88,800 cars. The average tonnage
W.00O pounda per car.
Knritan hay la frozen solid from South
Amboy to I'erth Aoiboy and as far out us
Htuteu Island Hound. 8eveial vessels
with cargoes and others in ballast are
froze U in the ice.
There has never been such activity in
Chicago In turf matters in winter as at
prexeut exists. It is intended to give the
public next season a truck and accessor
ies which will do credit to the city.
In tho Pennsylvania legislature last
Monday E. It. Coxe, a democratic member
said ho could not swear himself In becaw-e
money had been spont to secure hia elec
tion. This la reported as a reinarkablo
cso of conscience.
On January 4th a passenger ermine on
the Charleston and (Savannah railroad
went through a bridge over the Asheliioo
river 42 miles from Charleston. The
engineer, Jumes Wilkemon, and two col
ored firemen, were killed.
An atrocious murder was coinmited nt
a woodehopiiers' camp four miles east of
au Antonhi, Texas, Juan Kay felling
Bruno Hilago with an ax for refusing to
loan his horses, and then chopping hira
to piiccs. Kay was captured.
Tho excesiive weather In the east has
broken up and a great thaw has set in.
On the 4lh the thermometer stood at 42
(leg. Night clnaee In with a warm ruin
lulling, which seems likely to produce a
great freshet In the streams.
The general assembly of Ohio convened
on Tuesday, mo governors iihiik;
allows the state debt to be fll.KHyxMl,
which can bv July lat bo reduced to $0,
OOO.WK). It recommended that a 4 per
cent refunding schciuobu put in opera
tion. ACaison Nevada dispatch of January
3d says the senatorial contest in tho leg
of thai state Is decidedly warm
with Indications that Fair will bo success
Hul rn mil Sharon who lire OP'
tu.hI mf I. im nut nit u very larce sum of
uiouev very soon.
Tlm ltiiitnahannot'k river lsi'loscd with
i,.i. iii. lnn ihl. k. There is a ureal
are tv or ruwoou. 1110 aiunoriues
hava taken possession of all wood in the
lr In iimlmt the destitute.
and the supply of water has ben almost
cut oil by tlio freezing oi supply pipes
Quid mines now assign tho interior de
partment under uaineiu io in m-
slopo or some far western state, like Col
orado, with Governor Koutt as the most
likely subject for tho choice to fall upon.
Statements are also put foith to-day, with
HionnhH Unit Si'llIltOf Doll
Cunieron, being tired of the Minute, will
he given his former position as seeruiarv
.1 ... it a mil tlwiiK'ht that the south
will have any representation in tho now
In Brooklyn. January 3d, Jumes Walsh,
aged ID, killed lluibiiriiGroonthal,ai:edl7,
i ....... uli.. li.i'iiHnil in nmrrv him. lie
uuim.nv - - .
procured a dirk and went to tho house of
.l.niM rnrlisle. fi()2 Willom-hby iwonue, ilm tyirl wilh llvinir. called her to
i... .....I ..trunk ler to tho heart
8he died almost instantly. After tho
murder, Walsh went down to Gowanus
........i 1 ..ti..n. ..I... I lornmiiilt suicide bv
drowning, but was fished out and taken
tothe Long Ishunl College hospital. It
urn nut known at lime that ho was the
n.indi.rrtP. but lie confessed and was re
moved to the police alution.
iliiv una marked bv ail 1111
usual liumhero'f crimes in different parts
of the country: a. ai. vousiuik "
i nt MniM.rm New Mexico bv a
f..l. ...... Ili.nrv (Istrullder shot his
brother George near Camden, New York,
.... n.Kiuit oi a fiimllv ouarrel. At New
in. in. I ir Ilnnrv attacked lr
Sehooley wounding him fatally, but not
l.illu ulwil a fur
Dispatches of Dec. 28th report a heavy
snow storm throughout northern Texas.
Cambridge, Mass., celebrated the 250th
year of lis exiatauce, on the !Wth of Dec.
The sum of $068,000 was paid out in tbe
way of interest by the sub-treasury at
Ntw York on Dec. 28ib.
Thede Lee shot and killed Chris Law
son his brother-in-law at Midway, Ohio
on Christmas night, after Lawson had
dangerously slabbed him.
The distribution of standard dollars
from the U. 8. mints during the month of
December iimoiinled to $1,807,481. In
December '7D it readied $1,1)35,1)21.
Dispatch of Jan. 2d Congressman Whit
taker of Oregon, has been confined to bis
room for a week past by the etfect of a
severe cold, but is no-r convalescing.
Two trains collided near Tiflln, Ohio
lst Monday morning, through the care
lessness of a drunken engineer. One
man was killed and- a number of other
men injured.
The total Jmmitrralion at Now York
for the year waa328,0m This aggregate
is altogether unprecedented in tbe his
tory of the boaid of immigration com
mlasioners, whose statistics go back as
far as 1847. In 1872 the total was UO.OjO,
which was an increase of 5'J,823 over tho
previous year. .
For a week past a reform party has
been agitating the dominion against the
Pacific railroad. Meetings have been
held in nearly all prominent cities, but
publlj sentiment has not been stirred by
these meeting", and it is thought that the
opposition will not develop to any serious
MTwo' old negroes, Lida and Henry
Slaughter, mother and sou, were found
frown to death six miles from Doonc-v lie
Mo., Henry lying in the road about 10
yartis from his house and his mother sit
ting by the flreless hearth at home. Thtre
was plenty of wood In tho yard, and a
good stock of provisions and elothirg in
the house. The couple were old and
sick, Henry being 00 and his mother over
100, 'and were nearly helpless.
A Paris corrt-iipondeut of the tfew York
Tribune under the dato of January 1st
ridicules De hesscps' means of raising the
wind by his isthmus canal operation, i he
real purpose, the true iuwardnese or the
scheuio, lies in the I'Jth article of the con
tract of the association consolidating "
company. This htates that ten per cent,
of the shares are to form a privileged class
of shares of stock for the founders or tbe
company. If the whole stock should be
realized, this privileged proportion would
amount to about 30.UU0.000 Irancs or $!,-
....... Gannlnr 111 ill 11 B IstO Oilier
..... I ...... I .aim .itnawml ntlil
tiarlleid s cauinev iuk
. ... mnrn l.nHltlVO lllUlllier.
Even some of the senator's friends have
been Interchanging opinions, ana
i. ...i.... ....... i. ...I iutliut hi. presidential
iirooniH'ts would be improved by his going
t 1 . .. t..... .1.. I.i.taf t in
from the senate mio ."
K. Chandler expresses tho opinion that
Blaine will be a member of the next ad-
.. i. i.... ..;.,., ,.o o..iiiinrv oi Slum inoeirv
UlllllBHUllwil io wvv.i,..w - - r . .
..i.. i... i,r din clohest friends as
m nmu" .j n....... r. - , ... ,.
to how .Mr. UoliKling wouiu uu r
f Kilil (icro taken ia
inn iiviiu'iviun v- . ,
New YorK in behalf of Mr. Chrlstianey
in his suit for divorce, was given to the
uress here to night, ile testified that he
,ih introduced lo Mrs. Clirisilancy by A,
Hulse, n 1'eruvmn oanaer, in voyu.u
I n...t I... r..i.l itmiI her at the
c vi..i...i,.'u iu.ii.1 iw York, as Mrs. II.
II. Wharton at lier refpio-i; mai siiecuo-
to Ins room in me oi. iiunmi i.-.v-.
this eitv and that there ho had inter
. . - - . t 1 1 . . ..
couisu with her. alter having uiueu m i
and a lady friend at ft restaurant, Ihu
fits iliarninlil nt. will move to strike
UIMIII"! 1 ..w. .'..'.-. -
... .1.;.. l,.ut i.i.riion of tho deoosltioll
Ullb Him .
urn nt eniiri meets, owim: iu uucum
ln.iii'f iiiuda bv (iero.
- n . .,
Ti... mililiu it. ht statement shows tho
niiH mililiu debtdurinit Dei em
lit 't vin-v V ' . .
I.... i uit i, I... s: iHW.4: ( : ni-.ll in t reus
IJl'I . II' "'I " . ,
ury, $2:M,"!W,7:HI; gold certllleates J If .ks2,-
1-in. ...,riiri,.ni.m ill Helms is ouisuiiiuiul-.
7 in, iuhi- r..liinillnir i i-riilleates. SUL'T. hKI;
...... Inni uM nillstmill I1L'. IsJiU..,Tl,.riu,
fractional currency outstanding, $4,147,- u!v..a i.r 'Ml mitntiini niir. M.lM'.ooti;
U.IV, V ' v. - - ' ' - '
iiavmeuts nuulo nom tne inusuij uy
" ,.. . i. 1...- 10CI1 it
warrants tiurniz I'Pixiiuoui, ioow, nv.v..
ei-iiiiiitof civic and miscellaneous ex-
oeiiKes. S.,47U,lMVi; war, u.-ti'i.i'u; ouvy,
V . . . . . .1 - I.' J ' 1 111 U .
$1 71'.),hm; Interior, imiia!isI?oi.,n.-',im1-sions,
$l,7.')0,07i.l: total, $15,075,003. The
..I,..,... ii, , In.. Iii, Im niivnieiits make
on a'countof interests or pnucipai oi uie
null c lebl oi lliu l. lllteti oiaies.
v,.riv a millinn dollars has been raised
in St. Louis toaid In the construction of
ii. . Mt Liiiiis mid Texas narrow uoaizo
railroad, a lino which is now being built
r. T.m.ii-b.iM.i i.i w unci iiixiin. uiiicii
1 1 II I II 1 A in nuiite v " "
i( is designed to extend from tho former
point to Cairo, III., theioto connect with
. In t T.nnia. II. is
U uiiiruw ii.iu iv.i . - -
Im Intioided to hush the road to Waco
. .-.l.tinnt audi
It s runiorea nDU'Vu "7JL" 4. in
lion dollars luto the aenatorial contest in
Nevsda and will beat Fair after all.
The .National Kepubllcan
Kllbournea. general m.n.ger.and As
aisuut 1'ostmaster (Jeneral Oeo. A. bh.n
don and Henry 1). Uoke a4 a boara oi
trustees. .
A fire broke out In . ten. nt ti"e
to 35 Mad on street New lorx on
Tim morning of tl.e4th . nd heesn.
pu-sne for a anje number ot tenants i
thdrlive. and mauy othe s we e ba diy
Injured by jump ng from the
tlin burn ng building. The ure w
caused by the careless use of gasol ne by
.7umbcyr He was arrested lor criminal
carelessness. .
Tim belief is Kulning ground at
Urimt upon the retired hst .."
with the rank andreliredpayofafungeiij
cral, will after all be favo r"J
...J pawed. BiHJsker Itaudall wpit vrv decided y In It? rH,Pr. "
including Alex. H. ' "
Joseph Johnson, oi iirg um,
,.n,.lii,.d themselves to its support. A
similar feeling prevails Binonj-omneru
i ... .'. ...;n in nn wav interiere
stiiiators.auii w l-,i
. ... .. u .uriniiii he and ma
wiin ineraiiKoiuuii. - ,
fiiemls are also satisfied to have 1 1 enatled.
It is generally believed that the vmiau
secretaryship or the navy iittsoee.. iv . ...
,o Kerirescntative Morton of New ork
mid declined uy vnaigeimum , .-"
secompanled with an assurance lb .t (-ar
fie'd would retain him. No repiiMii..ns
have been signed and no money, on ac
oouut of naval expenses, lias been dra ii
from the treasury since last Friday, when
Secretary Ka.nsey's temporary Incuin-
i u,.,l.,.l nnr mn there bo until
ueni.y in iiiii."', - - - ..
new head tor the navy department is
nominated, continued snu sworu .
is now considered somewhat probable
ii. ri.ief Clerk Hoi's will be nominated
to fill tho unexpired term.
An Albany New York (Iinpaten ni Janu
ary 2d says: A majority of too legislature
is now in the en v, an-i uie uou-ir . c 4....
lively with canvasdng for the speaker
sliii). It is conceded that Sharp will re-
.' . T .1... n.uinlli III.
ceivo tlie nomiirinon oi mo
night, though Skinner will receive quite
. ll..lli,rNi vkt III ihfl canvass the L.
B ll.lllciiiiH . .
Rseuatohip crops out quite fiequeiitiy.
Tho anti tonuiing secuon, iiiuuKn m. .
would like to elect Skinner speaker, and
feel that they cannot doit, are positive
thiitthev will elect an anu-uuitimg
dldate for U. S. senator. They say that
they have the votes ot assemblymen
enough pledged io secure hub i
joint ballot, when tue voies ui u wu
lingsenutors will be cast.
The New York Tribune or January Jd
prints over two pages of a tabular state
ment of milling industry in the Lnited
Stales. It says: It will bo teon from
the Btutistics we present, that the pre
vious year has not been a favorable one
for speculative mining operations. Stocks
i. ...... ..j u mi., miiirf down and distrust
ll.l.OUOM -
has taken the place of buoyant and ernig-
,rrU , ,-nill 111 Hlll-e. At Hie SHUIU tllUU
r. - ,
queer Remedies.
The New York I' mary 3d aayii:
ii.ta..i iriv.rt.. i,.'. Ail
niiiiml the vesr
nrenioiisiucM"- - i -, - ,
In this country have beearned and
are to be added to tuo i-nuui.i. .
ported and lor the niot ,n circula
lioti as currency.
Ad KasUni King's Velcn Amcr
lean Cousol
-.....! tral.lermaD. t.wlv aD . "f .--V -
fnnsul for the Lniutcs.has
arrived and assnmed the t of his
onico, to tho great relief fellow
citizens, -our American C4" . he
is iudeod a man to bo Wip to,
standing, as lie does, 0 feot:Ucs in
his stockings, and odmin.ropor
tioiied. Tho impression : by his
modest and unassuming dora0n tho
foreign couimnnity as welln the
monarch to whom ho is acx.,1 Las
been most favorable. Mneon
Elizabeth, his Majesty Iiki l00k
upon a man, and docs not M0 to
avow it. If I may be allowoO-opi,.
osy, I boldly assort that the Ot4 ad
ministration will mo more tion
to all concerned than any ofiung
liuo of representatives from treat
Kcpublio who have preceded Uve
ever snccecded in effecting. j icx
coptionable private cbaractnr, lgg
to tlio ofllco a mind trained ir tli,er
walks of legal and judicial; lo,il0
public lifo, in which for yiarfms
been a prominent actor, has patjig
viows and taught him so to aot an
serve the well-being of tho tnas1(l
not to be the convenient tool qy
cliques. F'irm in asserting they
rights stipulated, without attompto
l.ullv ami overawe thefeeblo ca'aiir
whoso Court lie resides, and corjg
ml mmvn to the Kinc and Court-
out becoming an abject parasiU-,
.linsr tbe 8vcha and Chorylx
which consuls of several natiou
liawn liopn cnculfod his record, il
mains as it has been commenced, wi
indeed, a fair one; and ho is an offi
it-limn bin cnuntrvmun noed Do
Tf l.aa l.ltl.nvln Vinen the custom
consnls of every nationally to claij card for tho Country Where lie
Siam tho lionors ot an Amoassaaor, jutveu.
.,..nnuf a mildii repetition hv
King and Court on their arrival at t A village merchant from up the conn
At an inquest held at PrtdweU Bocta.
died o byarop ioo,-. r-
was disinterred, tt ver ,
a nan, iri..i . ., mven to
iiKiad Vb tW
atS. Not an over nice lyU
hardly nastier tnan magine dust, wun-u
. personage than the brincew
Bismarck apparently deem, an
the ickenioeruer du" - ,
dressed tho following oironU to the
members of that association: "lie U
noss l'rincoss Bismarck wishes to receive
KEi fie 18th inst.. a3 many magpie.
I possible, from tho Urned remains ot
manipulated. i p""j : .
high and well-born sir, to cutroat that
. .:n rhwiih shoot as many mag-
Ptaua e in your preaerves, and
CiSftlmatotbo Chief Forest
Lango, at rnednciisruu or , -
out paying ior woa
Kir Walter Hcott's piper. J(Vm Plce
spent a whole Sunday mdecting :
stones from twelve souiu -
streams, with the purpose uiu
master uight s'ecp upon t ' V?'
come whole. Scott was not ho man to
hurt tho honest leliow s iueu..K
:...i:..iu,i!iinf such a remedy
be told thui tno reuij'" -
... ,:.. :i nWdniidv necessary to
ouccess that the stones should bo rap.
peo in tho petticoat oi a wniow wuu
1 .11 ............ n- noon learn-
ing which the Highlander renounced all
hopo ot completing uiu kum
Liuly Duff Gordon once gave an old
Egyptian woman a powder wrapped in a
fragmontof tho Saturday Heview. She
came again to assuro nor oeueii.v-
the charm was a womionuHj
one: for altbough slio hnl not been able
i K 11 Un Ana W'itinf7 frOM tllO
IV YYUQU Ull " . . i I
nntwr (ft V fin that little Uui none uur a
great deal of good.
craved something for his stomach', good.
on consulting bis dook iouwi . y
I hintf Tlir IllB UL'Uliniuu. .
us nio n -" - - . , .
fortunately there had been a run on um
i.. or..i iiin linitlA was emntv. 'Not
I1UUIUU1, - - . "
i onn,l 1ib man awav uncom
4wA.i tiin ftlfhmnr. remeiuberuiff tuat-
i.i i ,A.,nn tn.ia fiftpnn. made ud a
doso from tho bottles so numbered,
which the seaman took with startling
effects, never contemplated by himself or
tho criounge-ioving cupuuu.-ivu...-hers'
perity of a good many of tho people
Now around these hikes there are alwn
to be found idle men, wlu can at fit, (
minutes' notice produce for you th
very largest fish that the lakes afford. J
r..lin!li Innwi thnv have netted II.a (
and aeep mem ior "u". wt s
amplo against notting, out u any weu-to
.i mi.iAi tn tliA nrniuii'uf inn 1.;.
dog will come home dead, or his catthj
... 1 - 1 mm im l.on 1 . ti ..... J
Will OO poinuuuu, w mm.m uuiur
mn n,i1in.W ilni-OH stir. This nuj
supremacy of tho lawless is ackuonl.
edod. There is no reign of terror; it i
merely a passive auiiuuo, cuiuruomy so,
toward potty crime. It is all right U
lay the blumo to tue peopio ior uov mot.
inir. hut thov have some defense f
thcmDolves, aftor all. Nobody is very
anxious to bell tue cat. i uaruora i.
A Lover of Shakespeare.
IV 1 1 1 VUUl V VIA -w w..--- X VliKtbV liiv. l -
luded hi
the husineBS, regarded as a productive In- prench Comma who aro especuwa8 ready to go, when
noro than beta its own. 1110 ui0thed with dip.omatic powers the Vnembered something,
,1 mirv luis more
number or dividend pyi"K cuuiirticn
has nearly doubled. The total ycild of
ore is remarkably steady and an exceed
in lv good percentage has been earned
onVapilol actually invested in land, tn-
.. I. on.l n-.ipLiliir iivnoiiKOS. while tilB
industry la constantly expanding, con
quering almost every month now fleldi
uud drawing to itself additional force, in
the way of capital and men.
V Washington dispatch oftho 20th sayi:
Further news of the new treaty with
tlin relative t
Immigration will be aubstantiallv as fol-
uuiesu muunio ---
this country n fleet or threatens to allect
injuriously tne inieresis m ia
k!,..,a ii.nn thn United State irovern-
ment may regulate, limit or suspend such
coming or residence in ow umimvi
n.u Uiiitp.1 States mav deim proper. It
will be noticed that this form of provi
sion, while giving congress practically iuii
... ll......l;..t.
Coniroi over .uuum""." "."1
does not involve nn aosoiuto perpeiuai
prohibition which tho emperor might
consider offensive. Tho treaty is ex
pected in Washington with tho two treat
ies by tho 8th or 10th of January.
A Carson, Nevada dispatch of January
d says: The legislature meets to-morrow;
caucus to-night. Fair is trying to best
Tom Wren of the republican complimen
tary vote. Republicans are divided on
Whitman, Woodburn and Wren. A
movement is now on foot which may ro
biilt in another senator than Fair, who is
his purchases, and
ho sudtlenly re-
in.'omatic powers me wmlm.. sometlnnc. ami saiu.
lii.l ,..,.t. nn.l t.Im nthftr ah nr. ,.r r,f .nn, helii to hriutT out an
im ju'.ii-... i iii.uw jvw. x '7 .
missario, no ccnsular oflicers are entit.oa, i'v0 got tired of advertising after
r. t ipsn lionors uv . interii.n rosriion. ana l want io mum
tional law r usual custom. But it h,)mething now." . .
been the general practico iu riiam 'pja y0u ever try tho'dodgo of givin
hi thoso demands and besuv.n to customers?"
.. . . n...n.n1 lll.l.M.n.A .1 Al..,l a.. A ,. ..ani-fl n ft ft
positivelf refused tomako any (lemaajiks j0n't tako to chromos as they
1 . ... 1 .- i. i l 1 . .1. . ..
Of timmwuicu ne was nut cuuucn w mj "
iiwmrrli lia stated that he would reciini-Vi,. mn nffernd a silk anrou to the
vw"0 u iidiv j - - fc
an in'iUtion to a publio audience as , mftking tho heaviest purchase at
mark oi respect and a compliment to hii0 time?"
.... ll.n..l, l.nwnnl.l lu. t.Tnn. ,r t . i 1 T I...1 I rricA i I. tfl nil
COIIIIU J ,u.l iuuu)jii uo nuuiu w -j. Jiftve. AUU 1 w -
woman who pureuasca an oiu i
it nn.l hnH ft. nound of tea."
nficliaees of tea during tho
only mluuturilv tendered him"
a pub'0 reception, but spared i've tried that dodge, and those who
no pains t niako it as grand an affair as '( cot tlio tea wouldn't trade with
Ann nt thn most noted characters on
tho border twenty years ago, was old
Jim Bridger, of Fort Bridger, iu Utah. ,
On ono occarion ho camo to New York. -He
did not like the narrow down-tovri f
streets with high buildings on esch side,
and complained that ho had once lost lib j
way in 'Uey-streot Canyon," and beet
rescued with difficulty by tho police, lie
liked the theaters, ana eiprossuu mo m-
most UOllgllt at a penoriuuueu ui tot (
"Midsuninior Night'a Dream." Ho had
no clear idea who bhakospcare was, but
conceived ana aoveionou uiu mosi ev :
travitsant admiiation for him. f
Kuturuing to tho tort, no soiu Moot .
and supplies to emigrants and other ;
travelers as in times past, one nay i
man wished to buy somo oxon, and Jus )
said ho conld bavo any except ouu yose, ,
which he had made up his mind to keep .
at all hazards. In the morning a men- 1
sen ger came to say that tne man wanted
this yoko ana none oiuer. . , ,
.. . ...... tl ...1 T.M
"U.0 Can t liavo eiu, miu vim, j
"There's no use talkin."
"Well, ho wants them, and is jnst
a-waitiu' for them." said tho messenger. I
"He's a-sottin' there, roadin' a book;
colled Shakespeare. ,
"Eh? yolled Jim, jnmpiui; w ui ie,
"Did voti sav Shakespeare? Hero
yon, give mo my boots."
no ran to me corrui.
"Slrnnror " said he. "lust gtvemetliiU
book, and take them oxen."
"Oh, no," said tlio man. i oniy
broucht that book to read on tho way. 1
will give it to you "
"Stranger, saia Jim, rawmwy, j";
irnn inltfi them oxen, and give mo thai
book." And so tho man did. ,
Jim hired a reader at &u por nionin,
and listened to Shakespeare every oven
ing. All wont well until ono night, i .
tho reader camo to tue proposou uimuo.
of the princes in tho Tower, Jim sprang
from his seat, with blazing eyes am
yelled in thunder tones, "Hold on it ere
Jest wait till I git my riflo, and I'll shoot ,
the scoundrel!"
As ono of his old "pards" jusuy re
marked, a sincerer compliment was never ,:
paid to Shakespeare. r;
mer, named Uuokinghani who had taken
llenrv'spart In tho row. At Napoleon
Ohio (Sell. U. K. Scott, ex-(iov. of South
.r.iiiiin Hhotand killed a young man
mimed Diurv who was concealing an in
nf Sititr. At Moltv
ville near St. liuls, H. 1'. Joues and wile
and lr. J. II. Uogers were shot by a man
fmm St. Umis whoso iittino Is not given.
t ll..i.r Johnson of New Jersey was
lit. a-tintl It's di tli iii her house, her bus-
Iku ml l.niiw chnived with her murder.
Inhn (hirdner was terribly beaten at
Kowletl'e station, Ky., by two negroes
who were afterwards hanged by a mob.
A tramp was shot by a railroad lonductor
in Ariouaaud several other crimes weie
iKriclratud iu other sections.
A wholesale and cold blooded murder
a..,iiiiin,iI imia mi u ftiint.i of Olid. Imlianai
on New Year's Eve. James Augusilne
....i a...iiu i.avu lived In that nlace for
M m n.k tuiMd.MM.ii ir consider
able property, and generally had a gemt
i ..r ... ... n fl.uiv Ilium lllirlllir
UVai OI luuurr ' -
theafteruoon, Henry Augustine, nephew
oi Jainon, came irom
k- )...... . .-iit ami tried Vainly to set
uiiiiiii iiti'i'i ,n"i -- : - : ,
them to diiuk .rom a bottle which prove-
to have contained poisoneu wiiiskv.
. bul 11 at night he got up from the bed,
" sought the bedroom of James Augustine,
nd leveling a revolver. Iwgau tiring.
- t .he died to-Uav. Jame Aiigu.lne
"'i shot in the breast aud will probably
S Henry ran from the room after
several shot. The sons hearing
yiing, came down, and Christian de
P iVr.i. ILnrv In ihe kitchea what
it ft1 .. . .. .... -
i.i ilm Klu tirande. to connect with the
l'ulmei-Sullivan system, which Is to be
constructed to the City oi .Mexico miner
concessions lately obtained by General
rainier, of tho Denver and Kio Urande
road rrom the Mexican goverumeitu n
is also in conteniphitioii to ultimately
build a narrow gua,o road from St, Louis
or Cairo lo :ew .ora, ana mus nvo u
continuous narrow LUago line to the City
of Mexico.
Tha .liH.-nverv that Seerotarv Kaaisey s
uppolutmeiit as temjiorary secretary of
ths navy for an additional ten days time
is illegal. Has given rise to a rumor unu
each of the other cabinet officers will sim
ilarly in turn be designated to fill the
position; mil it is not ciear mai u
would be admissible under the law, and
present Indication poiut to the appoint-
. ... ... . .I...!.... h.
uieiitoisome ono iown uuum
I.l...r lliivea" term with
ll,,t.,V.V-, V. ...-. ......
.,, iiii.lomliinilliii? that he W III be ailOIUt-
. . .. .. .. .. . . i i .1..;
ml iv t arneld. ll is lesruen mm, bhio
iw.rr., on this suhievt has re
...i.iiu i.uuu.i.l ii,iwiin Haves and Car-
field, but it is not known upon whom the
hi a ti a i 1. 1 1 iL.A
choice mm lau. Meauwuiw vur
mini I v mnniioiied bv current
ua-taii) are llinse of ex-Senator Sargent of
lu n.iro a. auu uen. vt icanam oi u-
nossiblo. Tho entiro court was asem
bled in tin Grand Audienco Hall, the
usual saints More fired, aud as the Con
sul, aeeoniuiiiod by his Viue-Consnl,
both iu fnlltniform," moved up the hall,
followed by'io ex-Consul, the Rev. Dr.
Dean, (the Cnsular Chaplain.) and tho
Kov. Mr. Mcionald, who had been in
vited io join m party, tue noyui uanu
Btruck up "Hi Columbia," the House
hold Brigade fcsented arms, and all the
"pomp and o-cumstanco of glorious
war" was display.
Tho General gad on address. Hii
Majesty did the (uio from tho throne.
In reply, copiesore exchanged, and
after tho usmd covtcsies had been given
than l air, wno is --- r.."-
a Ii led at his prospects. Ills attempt to Un Monday jio-uh-row) Uis iiajesty.
" . . 1 '. :n i'.. II I llin Keeond Kinff. Ill invitr..! tlifi Pnnsnl
mil riiu:uij -- o' . - -
.,( tlm nnuiiinions vote
A W heeler boom has oeen sianeu io
i... ..A.,i...... ..f.miiiuQ innn. Assent
UV lll'IHICI II v,..,-. . --
ll.-,.,, m.n . nf Malone. leads 1110 move
mi.t utul tlm arrival of a lame outside
delegation of Wheeler's friends from the
north is promised for Monday, me
grounds on which Wheeler is urged is
that his nomluation would be a substan
tial compromise between two great reiuiu-
lU'ttU faction. s ins auvocsies myv iu uuiu
wht" ;
Henry replied with a bullet
111...1 I'l.rUiiin Ir.stantlV. lie
ftotWrt'n eh-t at the younger
ScleV. n 1 then coolly went to hi.
during demanded admission.
wTnteU 0 that he w.,a all right and
cot the re them. James. M
Sd lockfrom him in the kitchen
Urefoot an door. Henry escaped
lured. Lvnleas, and is not yet rap
SpTure. will probably follow
iii.,iittiinii rialv bus received an uiieX-
a.l.lil nil 1.1 hi one roi.Miv oi
Niiiiii h il'iiifrKund jiwgh-rs, who arrived
i.. V-'.,rk a l. w itvi ksairo from Hill
.1 ..uu i in. n.'.diiioii was made at half
...mi ii. mi 'i Yva.'s oveniiiir. when
bsi'y wus iKirn, who bt-n-alti-r wul call
( the 12; ie.r old biide of Adbool
ally, mother or' whatever equivalent in
lii..,l, mav I hi f ,r llmt term of rela
tionship and sffeciion. Oomdat is the
r..;..i ..i ii.a N'aiitih lUmvm who are to Mr. Paly. Mr. Daly.
familv rihvsiciao. Dr. J. W. Dowling. s
.:....( l.w fir Kif l.ia nillvkinie. were
nwint at the birth of the boy. which
i Ka.-vin hiaturiL-al from the fact that
.n,.nv Adlxwlallv. who weiuhs four
l...!t. Ainr mninHI. U 111 first HiU'
dno child born on Amerii-an soiU Mother,
and child are doing well.
ly fall, tho Second King, hi invited the Consul
i-night to nn affair of a Bimar nature. (Hong
mbly- Kong Tress. I ,
Too Mucu EstU'rise. An eagle,
flying down from h cyrio on a lofty
rock, seized a lamb a) carried him aloft
in his talons. A jfkdaw, witnessing
the capture of tho lau, was stirred with
miw on,l an!, I t,i Yilnllf . V1,. il.n
llCUU laCtlOU.B H'n HU1UI.IIV03 IH'I'W W VU.J, w . II UJ , bUllb
the balance of powerbetweon them in the looks as easy as stnlng a big news
caucus, and prophesy that their favorite paper," and he dctorlued to emulate
.. .. 1 .1...:... Af li.ll. Tltwnnm. .1 . ... 1 d.'l.fc i if
is tne secoiiuuiioiro ui uuiu. .uv. i uiu miiuum uu u'kuii iiie eaeie. ne
her at present about a dozen senators and jjew around with a gut whirr of his
assemblymen. I wings, and finally settl; upon a large
. m 'i .. -t T .... I .., witli trA itif.miinilf 1.:...
The ew lOrK i rioune Ol January I '""-""""i i-anjiuguim
"..1 c-oniains the following editorial: I on, anjuow , utu, nisciis becoming en-
The time seems fit for at least one state- tangiea in uio neece-, ue,is not able to
ment about the spproacuing a iuiinisua- release mraseii, anno! he lluttored
lion of l'rcsident Garfield. It is not to he with his wings as mm na he could,
used ss a make weight hi pending ceua-iTue shepherd, seeing Sat had hap
torial contests, whether in N'ew York or wned, ran up and cai.t him. aud.
elsewhere. We are fully authorized to dipping his wings, took !,n i10me for
iy tniS, auu Hie worus ru cuiuicu iu
their full significance. It is proper to
say further that the incoming adminis
tration Will see to llliiai men iroui
York and other states who had the cour
age at Chicago to obey the wishes of their , . a. . man, ,7- ' "u
U.stncts in oa l.oll.ig ior pres. , gtartins;a biBTZ "
:rsu.fcr KttVor bv It Wey w iii an de. taking that shoul Usly
not fail of houorabie recognition for their considered in advance. Galveston
independence, their courage and their
resolute pursuit of the policy they believed
best for the republican party and for the
country. Gentlemen of Albany who are
said to have been threatened with a dif
ferent course at Washington, may assure
themselves that the administration of
l'rcsident Garfield is to be anaduiinislra
tion foi he whole republican party. It
will foment no quarrels. It will most
.,.maatlvaMk tha thlnu that mak Deuce.
and for the best iutcreots of the party it
ft.... : :n .... wn.;, iia
clipping his wings, took m home for
the children to play within, their ask
ing, "lather, what kindf a bird is
thin?'' lirt renlifld. "Tl ..... .i.,:
my certain
this?" he replied. "Tl
knowledgo he is a daw; bD.,e will have
it that he is an eagle.! This fablo
i P1
I h
i ai
, (M
i U
,r,nin 1'vnmvfin awav ovsiers. oui
'...Li '...I.
s, buttei, roinng-pins, muuwi
ilinost everything eise, una now x
, have something now. i seep
t of goods, and want an kiuos oi
Muers." . . ..
o members of the hrm ana tue
Sicadod old book-keejier went into
!ittee of the whole with tho mcr-
o lmt. Im resisted every succestion.
convention" was in despair, when
'kstomer suddenly mapped ins teg,
1 A .
BS all over, and nrone oiu uu ;
o cot itr-biggosi uraw yen
nf the tinost kid shoes in
thtnhniit No. 3's. I'll take 'em
Hid ndvertiso'to give 'cm to the
nlV customer who can wear 'cm.
l'h will be to keep back tho size."
won't have 'cm on your hands
4W t Snr. T'va liveiL. in
ovoty years, and I'll bet a silk hat
ntril. 1 : .1 . xea lmunn't trnt a
ftbove 12 years old who doesn't
hav; a. nwol around her head to
tat into No. 5's. lou ought to
ni imr and see the tracks in tho
idr a. smart shower. When
v.t my dodge and they come in
rvtincm Hinv'Kturn whiter than
xt the, first look, and every
,l6)ul of 'em will be glad to take
Je.fli.-A nf soan ana Keen stui
it f Vnll Street News.
Taliuerslou ana tlio Trainer.
nid T)fiv tha Enelish trainer, turned
m nf 41. n Artfif tit tllO Honse of Commons
ono day and asked whether Palmerstonf
was in. . . .
"Do vou want to soo him.' tuo man a.
the door asked.
"Yes: tell 'im Dav wants to see im,
and tell'im to 'urrv. for 1 want to get:
away," says old Day.
chaff him. ' j
"Wouldn't Lord John Russell do as .
well?" asked one.
"Teibaps you would like to see the .
Earl of Dorb'v, also, suggested another.)
"Hadn't we bettor send for Abordeon? jj
asks a third. , ?
And whilo they were showering the .
old trainer with chaff, a member of the
Commons, who know him, put his hand
on his shoulder and said: ,
"Why, Day, what are you doing(
here?" ..
"I want to see Palmcrston, Day re-:
plieil . .
WM1 Pftlmerston is at his post in the
Houso of CommonB," said tho member f
"you can hardly expect tuo rremier
come out to see you.
in lo
to of
tun a
i rests of Country Life.
ion of the superior court with
nf minor (runes ana crim-
il,t a nnf. vprr nl.l ennrfc
tli has its warning still tor so-
'eituer tha last, or the iart out
t trms of the court, a man
'Vnboring town was tried for
r theft. Ho was a notoriously
er, of whom the whole town
They Learned the LMq.
A schoolmaster endeavors lstjl into
the minds of his pupils je gr,.8t
trntli, that you should alwi'X'Ouut a
hundred slowly before yon gnj
five hundred if it is anything rl ,-m.
portant i
lie then takes his stand near
ta of the party It. ."T. '8I0T.
represents, but it will ,not perm,, lu 0fIu sc;
rrimiiis to De Dersecutea ior ineir menu-1 . . . ,
ship. Who ever has been persuaded to
doubt this, may ss well make henceforth
a declaration of independence from dicta
tion of any authority save the wishes of
constituents and bis own convictions of
I policy and light.
Ut the
nmvirvi i
. -- . - - tunij
lresently and simultaneously u t
break out: r
"Four hundred and ninety-finTe
linndrA.1! Kav. tmi-liur taii, at. .-i
I rtrla
Vl cbu
's mjxr. Tho prosecution was
iided Jne of tho leading men ef the
lice, wiaa bound the fellow should
i got nd f. The prosecution foiled,
If In a ak ll., l.,l.l. t
-w u T I uuiu tuo irtiuduig u.a, ua Jk
fe nmn 4'1 bad organized the proiecn
ln werddtroyed by fire. It was not
1 nrst tin he Lad prosecuted the man
11.1..11 . ,1 ... 1. . 1 i. 1
u l ) 10mm ume um uaru uau
n hurit. This sort of thing had
n coin a. and vet. if really the al-
ed Durra-
ild n.
t peopl
a the
h find
t-n. Go
was tbe incendiary, he
be detected. And it
of this class who
its of country life.
m in every country
IV fm-tliAY wftt in itiA Klala
J re theroa, Urge lakes stocked with
fi The lax forbid the nse of nets
"e. The " 1-to-do residents not only
y the laMr.iut wish everybody else
por on th dtraction of the fishing
"uently (te nds the success of the
P'e as a suiter resort and the rroe-
lUlv UUv v DUO Ju, j
"Oh. he'll como if you'll tell m 1
.nna In ana 'im B.m',1 nlll TlllV: "tell 'ill
its about the filly." f.J
Tho member went in, ana oiu i w i ;
came out in a devil oi a imrry, muuu w,
tho surprise of the follows who were I t
"What nhnnt. thn fillv." ho anxiouslj
inquired, after shaking Day's hand.
Ki.n'a n-nti 'nr trial, nay saiu.
Pnlmnrston. and lio be 5
gan to confer with tho trainer as to whoi;
was to be done with ner. s
Tn Sarit7.Arlmd. if one wishes to send I,
telegraph message, ho must pay six cent
to begin with, ana men ior ono-uau
a word ho can send a message to an;'
part of the country. For instance, ow
may send a messago ot nve nuuui
unr,U from Gonoft to Constance a dtfi
tance of nearly two hundred miles fa;
sa OO. ur, ii a messiijse oi icu itu.-
vill suffice, it will cost him only eleven
cents. Yet, even at these low rates th
net profits of the Swiss telegraph depart-
.ionf lnaf. voiir -ofpro about SlOO.OOt1
The English Government, when it tool'
over the private telegrapn compana-;
and made them an adjunct of the Tof
Oflico Department, paid liberal ond its
many cases extravagant prices to tie
companies. But one may new send
message of twenty words to any point lcj
tho United Kingdom for one shilling-H
twenlv-four cents and postal telegraph,
is making money for the Government, f
The prompt arrest of the mK
who caused the fire in New l'orkj
yesterday by which ten persons lot:1
their lives, is an example wbitl.
other comiiunities would do wc'.l l
follow. The murders committed in
directly every year far exceed u
number those which are perpetrate
by direct methods, it would k,
well too, if the law should hold tboj
builders and lessors ot such housft
responsible for tho loss of l''ei
wlii.-h u-ith t hA iniidponata means 0
escape, was inevitable in case of fiff(
. i f
in in nrpm kpn.
k Tv-omn vnlrA nn anAffonlv With ft C0
4aV ( n VAU MS mjM,,wM
sweat standing in great beads upon is.
forehead. "What's the matter?" ask
his companion. "A friffhtful dreaoi .
dreamed I was at work l" "I told J
that last mince pie wonld give job 1
horrid nightmare."