EUGENE CITY GUARD LATEST NEWS SUJIMAUY. HV TKI.lUaT.Aril TO DATE. Congress will hike A reccHS from Dec. Z'A to January 3J. The gosslpor are talking of Gen. McI)o well as war secretary under l'rcsldeut Oar Hitting Lull Id it the mouth of milk river coming in lur me purpose oi msaing treaty. Charlce Whitney wan killed by Wesley Welch at f ort Neott. Kansas, on tne .'otn, Domestic trouble the cause. Chadwh k of Connecticut lion resigned from the Board of Government Director of the Union Pacific Itailroad. In 1872, 6,174 vessels entered Chinese water under the American iiuu una in JH70only 1)31 vessel entered andcleaied. On tho 20th the seualo par-ted tho bill refunding the eiflit-per-cent. District of Columbia certlllcate lulo tureo-pcr-cem, fifty-year bonds. Hicbinond, Va., dispatch of Dec. 20th. rive inches or snow liere; now ruiuintr; now along the Chesapeake and Ohio rail road 7 to 18 Inches deep and still falling. The pope has conferred on I). J. Mur phy, a wealthy merchant of San Franclaco, the hereditary title of Marquis, In recog nition of his great tcrvlco to religion In America mid lOuropo. live firemen lout their lives in a burn ing building on the evening of Dec. llth. Their names were Thoina Cooling, Win, Kelly. David Love, Kdwaid l'urker and Andrew Darnell. A party of railroad and mining capital ist will leave Chicago in January to go to tho city of Mexico via Kew Orleans and Vera Cm, and return via Havana. Ob jects, business and pleasure. Theft. I'aul board of trade, has adopted resolutions urging- the improvement of lake and river water routes to the seaboard fur Minnesota producU and calling on western congresHinen to usetlimriufluenco in the matter. (lor. Long of Mans., accuses Sccinlnry Re bun of unfairness ia his statement of the 1'onca Indian case and declares that Schurx knows that the Indian department drove 700 Poncaa from homes they were known to have a right too. The senate judiciary committee laid over Judge Woods' nomination for the supreme court, together with others. Memorials have been received strongly urging Woods' confirmation and lie will pmhitbly bo confirmed. I'apors were presented containing eor resK)iiil()iice between (len. Hchollold and Major (iardner relutive to the Kitz John 1'orlercaso, and also the recommendation of tho secretary of the navy for an ap propriatiou of $'J0,iKH) for a centennial map ol the United Slates and territories. The house committee on public lands -r..... i ...i. .1: l ..i.. Illtwr iliuruiiu umcumouii niiuniguiiii?inn, refused Py a vote or 4 to s to equuii.e lioineMeuds. Many objection to the bill he on on the part of the majority of the com mittee was thai tlio iioneine, ir any, would Inure to land speculators, and not to bona tide settlers under the homestead entry, The supremo court of the United Hiatus has decided that an individual shareholder of an insolvent national bank cannot bo compelled to pay more than his full proportionate share of the J Ti "i1 "1Ji " f" n nMnr tp.niake good othir sliareliolder lo pay fnoii pi'opor tionatuVliure. v Ten men have boen arrested in New York being a part of a large gang of connterfoitem whoso operations have been very extended, their work being mostly In silver coin of which large sums l ave been made by them. They are part of Tom Hallards gang, who is serv mg out a thirty years teiui III tho New York euileutai'V. Senator ltayard says resoectiiiu the lei tor from lloulvtcll, Arthur and Conkling, published In the Philadelphia Press, that me stsiement therein nttriliuteu to linn came to his knowledk'O tlrst on llio 27 1 1 of November, and that ho then declaicd that he had never made such astntcmout, mi resented lite iinpulttlion. 1 ho slate ineut referied to was what tho writers had with special agent Javue divided 2ti7,(X)0 received Irom Phelps, Doilgo t o., wr niiegeu customs unties. Thomas Dilley. an old resident and wealthy farmer was fouly murdered near i omnia station, lowa.on ttieniulit or the llth. His wife was also fatally injured by the murderers. They were found hi bed by Ihe neighbors, tho man dead and the' woman uucoiiscious. There was ii,ito a sum of money iu the house which was not touched. It la believed that an old grudge and a law suit in which Dillev rame out ahead were caunes of the deed. Two young men, Clement and Albeit (iallion, are suspected, and the police at o On their track. The hoii-e committee on Indian a Hairs in view of the urgency and importance of legislative aelion upon several bills re ported from tho committee, and now pending before the honse, instructed tho chairman t i ropiest passage by the house of several uiatu rs pertaining to Indian fairs. Chuliumii scales was also in- Mructed lo oiler an amendment to a I now pending upon the house e.ili which provide, for the -W5TM u. --r-liJ n'torThe obiect of inr ii.ioiiuiuvt. s n-iu eiiouu to intuitu holders of tlmao lands alreatly alloted the same benefits and privileges a are pro vided in tlio proposed bill. House com mittee on public lands agreed to-tky to iestrt favorable upon Ke prist illative Pel ford's bill making a giant of public land for tho purpose of establishing a cemetery at lauvillc, Colorado. A flrooceurcd at Pcusncolaoo the llth destroying nine-tenths of the business iiart of the dtv. The tire htted for eight Honrs. Five blocks in the heart of ihe it v were burned, ltalofox street from Wittlch's coiner to the middle of the block opposite the pis is Is swept clean. The fire sioped ou government street at the City Hotel east, and one axinnre and back of lbs custom house west. Over Its) establishments are gone, embracing ihe Ulain bnsliifM buildings and turning out about tlfly families fiom their lions". The custom liotisc, postoltice, Merchants llolel, llrvnts' bank, both IcIegMph of licea, both newspapers, Dunn's exenange, Wright's dry good house and tliecouuiy clerk's otlice are among lite well known buildings burned. County Clcik l-arne, for the liflh time in his term; saved the records, but while doing Ibis his own U'-e burned and he is bunting for Lis family. The railroad dcimt ami adja cent utilli "eeuu-d Certain of ltrut lion and locon! !' slixl sll night tiled up ready to P"'l the ooinpany ttpitjitnenis and other propvily out of Iowa. Much jufferiug must ensue. in . rr u ..t auts court of Delewai . ' "Vni.7i". .i7h,ch other in regard puaahalceargedwithd orderly conduct ai ins i'-!,..,-.. on. i MpDoiiald heavy grain deal ma in i tatrn lit VA failed with assets er timated at .'jO,000 and liabllitie at . fW, uu ri.uu i,..,i...i tlio market on the .tui i of wheat and asim Willi I V liar amount of corn thai breaking price, and aiding their own downlisll. I heir fa!lure slsrj involved of Kay, Mt Luure and Co., whoso assets snu imon m small. Wiiuintho pssiwuuio declined 15 cent ana corn j cents i Chicago. The President has appointod the follow. ud to Indian Jerri ,,,n nmv bs and after confer certain tho fads in regsrd to their recent removal and present condition, 10 far a is necessary to deterinino the question of ...i... .,,l immunity reon re should An... tt irii inn 1'onea Lriuuui .Mljui.- , - ..... he done bv Ihe government oi n o uuucu Hales and report meir unit".;""- rominiiieiidations ill the premises: ling. . . . .. ll illlulfltlt St Mil lien. Oeorge Crook, U. 8. A., Brig. Gen. K....n Miia. II. H. A.. Win. btiekney. of Washington, and Walter Allen, of New mn Mfiu itlMtlieournoaeoftheforcgoing request to authorize aroinmu'Hiuu lutuao .i.uim.i.r ictn mav in theiriudirttnont le necessary to enablo them to accomplish ho purpose sot lonn. urn. roua horized to lake with liim two aide de camp lo do clerical work. In the U. f. hoUM) ot representatives, on tho 20th, a joint resolution wai inlro- need providing that lanus in tne inoiau rritorv to which tho Indian title was extinguished, and which are unoccupied by Indians, are public lands of tbo nited Htutes.and are hereby declared snliieet lo auttlemont under the home stead and pre-emption laws; also, a bill li repeal the lax on baiiK checks ana de ismils; also, to abolish the government directors of the union raciiic rauroau company; also, to prevent irauo ana cor ruption in the election or president, vice president, senators and representatives; so, providing lor uouo;e,or return, pos tal t arda; also, to make the prosident in- liizible for a second term; also, toamend law relative to the immediate transfer of dut iable goods. The majority of the com mittee on elections reported on tue Mas sachusetts case, declaring taring enti tled to the scat instead of lloynton. A comimn v has been organized In New York in Deposition to De l.esseps Canal :o. of Paris. Socrotary Tlioinpsou or tlio navy is president. The company only hk that uongress hiiould Rive it a char ter to open .its books to subscriptions in the Umtod States as the French company to-day permitted to do, and It does not seek any subsidy, subvention, grunt of credit, money or bonds, or any financial aid whatever. A summary or tho points presented was: Hist That tonnage which passes through any canal will be mostly furnished by American coasting trudo'and that it ia important to the United Stales that tho tolls upon the canal should be as moderate as jodhl(. It is not wise for Americans to encourage a canal under a working management which will levy discriminating or extor tionate tolls on American vessels. Sec ondIt Is vital to American interests thtit the canal shall bo under American control. In case of a war tho canal would be the nearest route from the Atlantic to the Pacific states, and it would otter means of escape from ono ocean to the other for pi 'rclnm' .""r'j.igainst even! Hip' t.v "y foreign power. A u Jw., vi.nal under French centred, in the event of war between United Stated and France, or any of her allies, for in stance, would be closed to the United Slates chips, and our commerce would Immediately become the prey of priva teers. Third The United States should Rive encouragement to tho route which Is the most easily approached by mer chant vessel. The Nicaragua route is by far Ihe easiest of access tor sailing ves sels. The buy of Panama, on the contrary, Is notoriously dilliciilt of npprohoh for tnai class ot vessels. The prevailing winds are all in favor of tho Nieunignan route. Fourth The Panama canal, whatever may bo said on (hi) contrary, is liWly to be built with a view to its ulti mate control by tho French government, lis charier was obtained under French law and French authority will control it. Tlio Isthmus of Panama is a place no torious for trouble with laboicrs. The United States several time hud to land troops there during the construction of tho l'lihuhia railroad, end De l.esseps would undoubtedly iu like manner call on Fiance lor troops, to aid him iu case of trouble. Troops once landed Ihere would bo a defiance of the Monroe doc trine and a gross violation of the tradi tions of our people. Hen. Urant. Pillinirs of tho Northern Pacific, Higgs, a Wash ington bunker and other capitalists, are lite incorporators. City Mfo Xut Very Sociable. A gentleman at Williamstown. on tho piazza oi tueiuansion House, sy a np to another, and asked: "Are you an alunivtsy "Yes.1 -r "Of what elf' , !!?' U5"tM t '"55-" (iJfii of that claas," replied tlio other. Where are yon living?" "For thirteen yeara I havo locn living iu New York." "Why, I livo there; where did you at tend church?" "I have attended Ir. Crosby'a church all tho thirteen yeara. "Indeed! For aa much aa thirteen years I have been goiug tn that church." Their pows proved to lie on opposite sides of the same edifice, and the Pres byterian sociability had iuall that period failed somehow to bring together these men, who for four yeara here had knowu each other like brothers New York Lveuing Post. A (hni. Who Fkakh Siii Will hi Eatkx. There is living at the house of Captain Meaus. girl aUtut uiue yeara of age, whoso history is remarkable. Au American vessel called at a small island iu the Taeirto Oeoau to procure water. The island was inhabited by eaunibals. They brought this little girl to veil for tho Captain's dinner, olleriug to prepare her for cooking if ho would buy. The Captain told them that he would buy her. She waa bought, and the Captain afterward meeting Captain Means, gave her to him. She still believes she w ill be killed and eaten, and when stranger outer the house she clings to Mr. Mean and liega protection of her. J Mil bridge 1.mpj journal. A disfigured man ftvls ImhI. of couwe. aUntt Iwitu marked for life; but when he is markoA for death Le must feci worse. rvx ri'ivri'iiic In Tii of the nr approach of lbs time when Dai bt-iup culture ior uw hmt ut become au Important factor in the agriculture of our tw. !' kul1 ,r"m ,,,e ltur" , Yorknr iUu following oxcullcnl article en the moil approTixi metnoua oi uuuis will be a wi llil If ' ruuH of H'i lPr clip II out and it for future reference: AUhougli In frixpient eases, afUT tlio flax lias beou Ihraslitd. tlia stalks are aold to the maim- fueturur lo nroparo Hie lllwr for u or sale, ycl as (hit is o(ua done eitlier wholly or, moro comuioiilr. Ill part, by Ihe farmer biinttlf, a short accouiil of the rocs will bo either of use or littoral. Tlia Max stalk coit.iU of three parts: find, woody, central hollow slem, iallwl the-nltere, Ikkivo," '.shires," "boon" or "hurl;" aocond, a llbrotis ihBatlt surround luff Ilia shore," and, third, s delicate ouUido ctivvrlng of kin or bark. Tho lihrous sltoatli or lllor-theoitly valuable pari of the stalk I. 1.-I.I fu.1 to the "shove" by Difans of mu cilaginous substance, and tleohjoct of the sub aenurnl Droits Is to anparate it eorunlulely from Its worthloss surrounding. I..tii..(. ..p r..tOnir limji for itA obfot't tO dis- solro litis glutinous sulmtance, and when the iirnnma Laa lsU !roM-rlV attended to the ahiroi roadiljf u paralu front the fiber. There are twu way of rotting flax aerial or tlew rot tinv mil water rotlina or aloeniug. The for- iniir it the slower, but. being theinoro conveni ent and the Ium uupliaaaut, it ia the mode com monly practiced in this country. As soon after the harrcst aa convonlent tho stalks are carried Ui a Ntiiooth grass plot and spread out la long watln. care bvina taken to spread them of a nniforui thickness ef a quarter to a balf-incli, with tlio butts even and tho straw straight. To prevent tangling and to facilitate turning a pace of a lew incites snoiiiu uo ten ucmtrn the ai aoent swaths. In a wml or ton days tho swath should lie turned npside down by run ning a long, slim pole under it and turning the Doleful ' over. Tins can bo done better by twu men. or a man and boy, with a long pole than by ouo man with a short polo, Watiso wlnin a nor lion of tlio swath is raited tho Dart connecting it with the rest of the swath is like ly to becoitto more or less tangled unless some body stands nu the part where the separation is to uo made. Homo only turn the Uaxonco lion the top sidu is thoroughly weathered; it is better, howerer to turn it twice, lost tho un dor sido should become moldy, especially on wet ground. Dew rotting tukes a longer time iu cold and dry than in wot and warm weather, alternate rain and sunshine being the most fa vorable condition for speedy rotting. The pe riod varies from tltroe weeks to double that length. The flax Is snflicicnlly rottrd when the stalka assume a silver-gray color, and tlio torn, If it is bent between tho fingers when dry, snaps liko Rlass, and tlio fiber Depurates freely from the slnvos. 1 lie straw should then bo colluuted by ruse, or, jireloruiiiy, by niiml, and bound iu moderate sized nhuavm, which should hot bo net on ond until thoroughly dry. In water rotting tho llax is either placed in a sluggish stream, or a pit is prepared for it, through which thero is a How of wsUir from a stream or spring. 'Soft" water, however, dis solves the mucilaginous substance sisiner thuu "hard" water, and watur impregnated with iron or other mineral matter is unsuitable, as it is apt to discolor tho titter. A likuelloct is pro duced in a stagnant pool, so that a change tit water is nercssarv to a satisfactory result. Tho Mux in tho watur should not touch the ground, so that it is always convenient to make a rough platlurut, four or five inches from tho bottom, of rail or boards held down with atones or stuk' for it to rest on. On this the bundles are iiloied in an inclined itosition, and the wa ter isht into the pit until it is four or live incites over tho top of the llax, winch is held down liy atone or other weights or by poles laid across aim prevented from rising by being fitstemnl to stakes. If the flax is ovorrotted the tlls'r is injured or ruined, so that great euro must ho taken to prevent this mishit). Tlio cooler tlio water, tlio longer the flux vU he in rotting; hut if of the a"!! xiv-J ,. myn proems sltuuiMr?-iH uve days the llax should dav- . ' .my examined to determine whether it is totted enough. To decide this point, take from the center of a btuidlo an averagi-d-siscil straw, ln'k a pieeo about six inches long from the middle, ot it. and draw tho boon down wards; if anffliUiitly watered It will slip frem the llbor without breaking the lutter. Tho huudlo should then be Uf tod out carefully, in,. ImiuiuI, and tho flax spread out to dt v o'n tlio grass In swaths, unvh the sumo as In dew rot ting. If it lias been taken a trirlo too soon out of tho water tho rotting ran bo completed on tho grass. When the flax has lioon rotted enough, it is gathered ill bundles and housed, stacked or sold, hi some pluccs rotting is followed bv tiring, especially when the rotting has not lieeit Biiniciont. This is dono bv spreading tho llax thinly, either on a ra. lt about four feet high, under which a low tire burns; or over sit un derground Hue, through which the hout from a Hie passe. Moiiufactuivra generally prefer to buy tho lllier either before or after' rotting, as they usually havo conveniences for performing the other oKnitiont U tter than tliev can bo poi'foimod on the farm. ltieaking, when done on tho farm, is per formed either with a hand power break," tho object being to break tlio straw across at short intervals so os to facilitate the separation of tlio slaves front the fiber. Jty shaking tho broken stalks well most of these uro got rid of, and those that still remain are worked out by scutching. For this a scutching or swingle board is needed an upright, hard wood board of a convenient height, fastened at the lsittom to a Itoricontal support or sunk In tlio ground. On tho lop of this, or, better in a notch rut at a convenient height in the sale of it, a handful of the britkuu flux is placed, and muck sharnlv. close to tho board, with a aetit'heror swingling knife a hard-wood, dotiblo-ecged knife, n. r.,. i v . .1. i J . u iisiuuoi wjyiji, tunnel snd hiftl on die I'oscl,,,;!, tu,, Bhtv. are " WK " ftTevolvina power scuUdiei wttn liTHr nf Ltdvo Keratunvl liL.t t1,. moK'i (g a wlnl, is also used for the same r . . - . . -r pttrpni. IlaUeling is tho final process of dressing and ci Hints in drawing the Bcutelied filler tliroug a comb or Itstchel consisting of iron ttvth aVut six iuHw long. ontM.'ighth of an Inch in iatneter at the lower end and tiering to j.ou. aiioui len of these are set a quartc of an nit apart in a hard-wood board, and Hie niar Is van it through them until it is freed from slbliives and coarse low, when each handful Islightly twisted, and the product is iwuj oTiaraei. jinKu anil scutching are largi lr done at ereaenl h.iue ept'iation by a tttsoliliM whirb does not t,e up much more room than an or dinary taling mill. The btiitclt of flax is spreaci upoa table in frout of the machine, a sol tf gron rollers seize nptn Ihe stalks and break Ihemiioroiighly by a peculiar motiou. llien ther i atraighlwav lo the aruL'hers aisivc me tt.-ra, where ihov are freed front lite sinves. ',(, whole 0)sration 'lakes burfa linn iime. at leaves tho flax beaittibil, e lean and hiiiiii-jtH,ut a single tangled BUr. A mat-nine oi u B,nj , r,(h tlax-raising dis ., ..,.. uKe jjf,,,, ouirreiK m the prof its of the faro.,, who would then be able to reatiu- a iir i onto from the liber as Well from the iced.. r- O'lUtTatT i sitting in his room im ut titan ,H up and Ins arm m sling, when a ttle boy sticks his head in ami asks: 'le feyther mnt me to in quire bow youve waa couiiutf on this morning?" '".li ver flyt,er to atU-ud a llalvtv.ton wl(j niPt,tin ,j cuu chairmau a lis n,i U6 win finii it M out widout ak'," An appropiiarit,.,. iu tlio Hucago Inh-r-lhtaH isty,iU8 grnc.fui tribute to thrte or "'" niAprotn incut women iu America: her, M ,he wori j found thrtHi WU,.,,,, iu an 0lUMliT and noble virtnevvl j(rm. Orant,Mri. Hayoa and Mrs, Th(we ho appm-iate the wtnj. aj ennobling iu fliielioe Will feel , nt4,lrtn u u,n. ehlel. and l.un,a.v iu ila jiriirtl aeuM by U, Um of slIC,VHai)n, , A Tlj-fr Jlovel TUjlblrig. "Well, my boy, if you want a tiger you've come to the right place, for tin aud the bit around Fort I'erovski are al most the only jota ou the whole river where there are any loft; indeed, I might aay the only lot in H Central Asia, excent the great jungle of the 111, two day jonrnov north of this." Ho speke Colouol retroff, the Bussian commandant of the little outpost of Tchinaz, on the Upper Hyr-Daria, to hi excited junior oflioer, Lieutenant Oalkin who had made up hi mind that the first dutr of. every right-minded oflioer wa to shoot tiger single-handed and that hi life would be a blank to him till ho Lad done so. "And what' the boat way to got at thorn?" asked the handsome young man with a flush of intenso excitement on hi fuco. "Woll. if vou are anxious to make their acquaintance," naid the voterun, smiling at the lad' eagernoss, "thero aro several way of doing it. First and fore most, you can just follow the tiger'o trail till you come upon him and then shoot him down, but that' rather dangorou and not very certain either for the trail is liable fo bocomo blurred in among the trecH." "Well?" "Woll, seoondly, you can drift along the bank in a boat and fire at 'em aa they come dowa to drink but that' not al ways certain, bocauso if there's a moon thoy see you and run away and if there ia not you can't see them ut all. Thirdly, there's the cage." "The cage?" "Yes, you shut yourself up in an iron cage among the reeda with a big bit of horse flesh beside it by way oi bait ana when the tiger scents the moat and comes after it you may fire at him." "Capital! shouted Ualkun, with a lond laugh; "that's nuite a new idea. The cage be it, by all means." "Well. I wouldn t begin witu that u wore you my boy," said the Colouel gravely, "for its risky business at best.' A tigor bust is very good fun so loug as its you who are hunting tho tiger, but when the tigor takea to hunting, you it altera the cose a good ileal. However, Galkin waa not to be moved, and the next morning found him iu hia cage among the huge reeds (bill enough to overtop a six-foot gren adier with a cap ou) through which, as they swayed iu the morning breeze, ho caught a passing glimpse, every now and then, of the broad, shining river. The most trying part of an exciting ad venture is the waiting of it to begin, and so our hero found it but lucky he had not long to wait. Tho Central Asian ti ger has a koeu scent mr prey oi any kind, aud the warning crackle of the rceda was speedily followed by the glid ing out of a huge, gaunt, yellow body straight toward Ctalkin's ambush. Despito his porilous position, for tho cage was an old one and its rusty bars seemed hardly to be trusted ngamst the rush of a full-grown tiger, Galkin could scarcely holp laughing nt this curious reversal of nioDan""n rules the man in tonia-rw . .: utho the man to lot either the joke or the dan ger unsteady his hand. He aimed care fully at tho vital spot behind tho fore shoulders and let ily. Tho huge beast leaped high into the air, rolled over on his back, and after a few convulsive kicks lay dead More him. Hurrah! TJp sprang Galkin, quite forgetting tho cugo in his excite ment, aikt hit his head such a rap that for a mokient he hardly knew where hu waa. I The slout was answerod by a long, snarling Ipry and out from the reeds broko a setond tiger, evidently, a young one, nlthoigh quite big enough to have liniahed oit friend at ono bite. Galkin felt for hisbartridgo pouch to reload for a second sliit, when lo! no pouch. Lut if thflman wa at a nonplus the tiger himself seemed to be no less so. This crossbaiTod machine with a motionless h iman figure inside of it (for Galkin, tiudiug himself defenceless, re mained aa stkl as a statute.) was a com plete puzzle to him. Ho had never seen anything of tie kind before. It might lie a trap,' Who could tell? On tho whole he appeared to think that his wisest waV was to begin with the horse flesh, which he soon disposed of a somowkal disagreeablo hint to Galkin which might shortly befall him. iir.Kiast over the tiger kitten seem to ..... tili,k.,n. I H. 1 a A,viumito. yiio leaped nv-,rr,-.rsT l... it un.l V.:.. - r -oiai U , isv---" "re rorepaws on Uio to its face bo near Galkin that the poor Lioutenant almost felt the hot, rank breath. Suppose the burs were to give away i it.. .t:i i . nun wuoi um uuppen was almost as bacl. Overbalanced by tho brute's weigm, the cage rolled over aud the un lucky oilicer along with it, while the tigor, delighted with the sport and evi dently thinking tho whole affair a toy meant for his own special amusement, patted it about with his huge paws like a cat playing with a mouse, tumbling it over once or twice aud bumping poor fi..n,:.. - i. i i?i. . r 1 .. u.uaiu agmunv vuo uars uu ue was pretty men uiuisuit, aii at once mere was ircuieuuous crasu, as a thick clump of reeds gave way, and splash down into the river went cage. Oalkius and all. Fortunately for our hero, there was a mud bank close to the shore, so that the water only came to his belt: but even iu Bt wtuai uorp in a coia river for an lmienuiie timo witu tiger mounting guard over him, was anything but a pieuaam pronpeci. moreover, the tiger that was standing on the bauk altove with a face of disgust at the loss nf hi. toy, seemed wrongly inclined to lean uuniiaim ii, iu wuicu tne SKortsninn weuld be rolled over iu deen water n.l downed at once. Just at that moment came the sharp crat-a oi a nue. ine tiger fell headloug into the river, while Oalkin. looki saw a loat coming toward hi in pulled by two Tartars, behind whom anneare.1 grinning face of the Colonel. 1 nope you like your day s sintrt mr lior," chuckled the old aoldier. aa Iih opeued the cage and pulled out his half drowned comrade. "I wa tip stream, looking to see if I could Cud any game worth firing at, when 1 heard the of your piece aud came along to see what bad happened, and on the whole, I think its just aa well I did." The Cik'i yavht makes 15 knots an hour, but lite rhila-llphia Ckrvi,Je thinks mi in i a cin-otuslauce to . of thread that a m u u7inl . . . i. ... - . o i W lsi-a. - "MIS Iilllll.V OI j i .1110. our largest, riohost, aud in $ oy nys most attractive, but boarding school and engagod to be mar least km wu Vjirndoncioa. It olova- riod, and, as sho know nothing about lion is fi im 'Alii feet above sea level in cookinc or housework, is trointr to takn a. tho lowt SnJa, river valley, to 10,000 feet on it its mountain peak; a large pujt lvuid s'xive tho altitude of 40tHJ fet-ti -Ti' ilier portions are bro- kenupht ) i. cession of mountain ranges, iu mun.v place very steep aud rugged. Kt'Iow these aro high rug god hills, 0jn vhi r ! uitritious grasses ore found, ul iniin yU)t pasture lands for stock. H ill lof "j are the tuble or "sage brush" li, i &, rt H ia 80il, and WIR.1 ltAl4i.T.r iiinmiTvn And cullii.ted, piulueing large crop of cereal akr ogcLblea, and are fovora ble to Uii'pWtli f various fruits. Tho monntai'.y aro usually covered with forests (line, fir; and other timber. Of swift,' ilble rirers and doep, placid lakes. LluliAlutS i(J actnas. RnA river balmou, iW;' Clearwater, Kootuia, Hear, lluft, t ayett, Weisor, and other streams aro clear, strong currents worthy of thoir homl. Ot Idaho's toUl area of 58,228,100 acff.s, oUut 12,000,000 acres are ajrricnltuad: 25.biM.OUd ae. imatnra i..n.i. , inivin iL.i.'. i.... .... ' -p. , ASn THE BpAINDEn, 8,228,100 ocros, consisting of mineral lands, inaccessible inounUiin peak and lava uctis. llio capacity of sou ana climate for a wido rahge of productions may liest lie judgod tiom tho fact that not only do all the cecals and vegetables which can be raised north of the cotton 1 i il . i' rti . i growing nuo in uir Aimuuo oiatcs, flourish in thofgreato.t perfection here, but Idaho appbs, pea s, plums, peaches, graiies, nectarines, apiicots, and many of the smaller fruits, are prouonncod very superior in size At .jowiston, peaches ore found bloouLing ir.the midwA oi" F-DitUARY. Fruit trees aud linos row very rapidly, Tho long, dry, abundance of sunimnt, a warm sanuj sou wttn perfect nndcr-drninnge and the plentiful water supply alTord all the tonditious neces sary for the rapid grow (laud ornamenta tion of orchards and vineyards. Mer cury rarely falli to 10 degrees below zero in any of the valleys, aud that only during the coldest nights of winter. Idaho enjoys the wme, bright winter and summer skies, the equable temperature and cool summer Dights often described ns common to the 1L the Hbcky mountaius, ,tiugeoftho with, iu addition KKMI-TliOie.YI II LASTS From tho l'licitici Cattle, shoop and horses require but littlo prepared food, ond are rarely sheltered, on the great stock ranges. Wheat yields an average of 35 bushels to tint acre, and we are told of large fields in Western Idaho which average Co bushels per acfo; oats aver age Ti.) bushels, un exception being noted recently in which a North Idaho farmer raised 1101 bushels ou ten acies.or HOJi bushels per acre. Farms are to bo hail in almost any of the desirable valleys under tho hometend and pre-emption laws. Tlio principal aro those of the Shako, Salmon, Winner, Boise. Clear- I water, Raft. Owyhee, l'ayotte and Malad lnignih, .IT10 a gT ,;".,,trJr t0 lm" cure homes " tUose w dosne to Pro" OX l'UllUCuJv. oneiavm Z Z , nuiuit eapttai an ilotir mills ar points stillicient local ilcmauds the settlor. About 25. M M 1Z "7 1 . mo iiiuiuur retiuircd Tor mmn settlor. About 23.000 1 toned on Idaho bunch-grass, wero mar keted during the year Jxj'.i Tho inter ior of Idaho from tlio S:tV Vrxith .noun. tains cast to Oneida conuj .-.und north of the Snake river lava finl.ia i has heretofore been 1,f.o.i unexplored region," ocH'ttinff 20.000 stltiare miles or more, M.Unew map has been mudo which fcl-T. tho entire soction iu detail. pi , ffly V omen Volt rho pica of the 'niitii; u suffra e elective gists is that the exorioi-e tA franchise is oulcninted sbinding of woomauhood le degrading to women jer the it would -fX in the nlthy pool or pontic ; CM.t argument iwered by ;uo ft fttJf tdl of our is answeretl iiiiouigeui; wamon mix iioido oi- ie8s in puiiiuj" now eapcomliy in all impor- -Vi- elections. Iu Priwideutial elm they frequently become quite . . 1 ho TJUiUll' I siustio as tho men. and that. i.n w;ti...i A O .,H... uny sacrifice of those fiue traita that are supposeti most to ndom womnnlinn.1 Surely, tho exercise of the franchise a momentary affair, and in the performance of which we can see no more improprie ty for woman than there is in ulking un vailo.1 upon tho street-could not possi bly be ony more degrading than the waving of a handkerchief at a political profession, or occunvincra front u. i political meeting. They would exer cise the privilege with quite as much sound discretion aud judgment as the average male voter, and certainly much less corruption and whisky. In Wyoming, whero nm.. I,.- , for several yeara, no such vij conse quouees have followed their ererci se of the franchise as are predicted bv the male alarmists. The women tWe are a power which can not be igiored thus far that power has invtffiy 'bceJ exerted for good. It is said d the C men voters there, that, while h Umr with party principles, they , LtTco ainentioiw . . . . 1 1 - j . " " riolit l,oi 1, ...... i . . " 'CI iely N'h ...uu mum voters i i w their tickets a good deal. ; ti, there is nothimr nl rU, latly voter. The law requvt, space of fifteen feet squat i,,:,-, the ballot box. The nt,,,,..., . .t ihe Cdtl Uf VHi'la ....1 . , , T V r,i. Partv m.-ioai, -..u m- ,.H aireaiiy pr.-, , ; from the carriage, th.. . .. . ! , VL's fcue r onitlr full- 1 1- ... . - i: way, while she walks to tlsv i oiuing U hind which sit election judges, gives Ler , a. Iter vote in the Iw.t . -1 ; " "irrv " rHn i. hurely there is uotLiug , this; but rather doe. iti r exalt and purify the U;,, ..; i-i ' ) have ofUn 'rrnpted to f! , v.- i Jt?. X I ti a willingness to work, dcoi..:, i"' '. """" Vuur e catubliHln-d aL varins. i . . T. .. w,lul ue V". 1 " SO to manufacture, flot.r for Tr. 'l lrd? . and also sawmills to cui Now? what shall H' W? posit her ballot she atecU atA deference aud jtolitcness U- t and sjLlatois. Usually ' i"i. to the .Hilling pW, inVr'. tep i I i "pellintr a'.., I "" mo nana: but it 1Utf , ,, - -- - o u ,t, ls.. A Lesson In Cooking. Miss Cicely Jouus is just home from few lessons in the culinary art, to lit her for the statiou iu life which she is ex- 'Mieted to adorn with housewifely grace. bhe certainly makes a charming picture as she stands in the kitchen door, drapod in a chintz apron prettily trimmod with bows of ribbon, her bungs hidden under a Dolly Vardon cap, aud hor dimpled, white hands encased in old kid gloves, while she sways to and fro on hor dainty kid hoela, like some graceful wiud-blowu I Mower. "Mamma," she lisped, prettily, please introduce me to yourassistant." Whereupon mamma says, "Uridgot, this is your young lady, Miss Cicely, who wants to loam the name and use of everything in the kitcheu, and how to make cocoauut rusks and angels' food, bofore sho goes to housekeeping for her self." Bridget gives a snort of disfavor, but, as she looks at the young lady, relents, and any, "I'll throv.-' a a i i tt r u ?ow . "V" Uiceiy wnen tuey are olono, "tell me everything, lou every thing, lou soo I don t know any thing except what they did at school, and isn't this old kitchen lovely? What makes the ceiling such a beautiful bronze color, Jindget.' "Schiuoke," answered Bridget shortly, "and mo ould eyes are put out with that same." I "achmoko I must remember that: I i -at , a . . . ... ana uriuget, wiiat aro those slimy things ou.tbe wall?" "Rivers tin kivcrs for tho Dots and kittles." "Rivers? oh, yes, I must look for the derivation of that word. Bridget, what are those round things iu that baskotV" "Praties! (For Lord's snkn, where liez ye lived niver to hear of praties?) Why, they're the principal muto of Ireland whero 1 kim from. "Oh, but we have corrupted the name into potatoes; such a shame not to koep the idiom of a language. Bridget do you mind if I call you Bridget? it is moro euphonious, and modernizes the old classic appellation. What is this liquid in tho pun bore?" "Och, murther! Where wuz yo raised? That's millick, fresh from tho cow." iMi-1-ick, that is the vernacular I sup- Ml 1 . . 1 pose, of milk, and that thick, yellow coating?" "Is cranio. (Lord, such ignorance.") "darnel Now, Biddie dear, I must get to work. I'm going to make a oake all out of my own head for Heurv bo's my lover, Biddie to out when' ho' comes to-night." Bridget, aside "Its iload he is sure thin if he ntes it!" "I've got it all down here, Biddie, on my tablet: A pound of butter, twenty eggs, two pounds sugar, salt to your taste. No, that's a mistake. Oh, bore it is. Now, Biddie, tho eggs first. It says to beat them we'll; but won't Unit break the shells?" "Well, I'd break them this time if I was you, Miss Cicely; they might not set we ou Mister Henry's stunimach ef ye didn't," said Bridget, pleasantly. "Oh, I supposo the shells are used sep- ...... i .1 no -r, i , .... 1 aiuwiv. iiiero i j ve oroKen nu tlio egirs into the flour, I don't think I'll nsa the t- . -.r. ... . ' '- ' "llss oly, bitty ..,.-.,l.i ., , " : 1 ? ' uo "n"8 tlie lit tle darlings m and let me feed them. m J"st lb 'ng to have one of I hem for a ptt. I saw somo Canton flannel ones once at a fair, and they wero too awfully swoet for anything." Just then the lisll rang, and Bridget returned to i announce Mr. Henry, aid Cicely told Bridget she would ta(e an other lesson tho next day, and then she went tip stat in her chintz npro Sj mop cap. with a littlo dab of fl,o,r 1'ertip lifted nose, and told 1 y she ho told her she must not get overheated or worried out, for ho did no care !? C.UU c?ok not;he!houU talk to her, aud it was only sordid could souls ,1 . , ' ' ' luat cared for cookinir ,And meanwhile poor BritWt , ;. slamming thinm in tl, L-.tA laZ ""TAT in? In 1141 , " 'v"liu mm -o ..v.o.i! iu ucr own sn-enf. iMim.. uuuut, --wirits tll.nir, ll- j-foreon Soloinon and the Blacksmith. . TI,08to'7go'sthatdnnnz thn In, in bolomon moved about from Jblo o meu Aly friend, what is your trade' A carpenter. ' And who makes your tools? ihe blucksmith. o another Solomon said: "v is your tnule? A mason. "ms'on which thl . m,M' ,th bar bold relief . m,U3clH8 Rt001 out in metll he worke,T"ieIjr 8 haM ns '8 maitK!' -Plica the "1.. i i b. "uu anvil. n who makes your tools'" uake em myself." herenimti -... r. . give it to the pigs. It'smeselfu"t bse' ' crtily r m'hl ' to'S ' f 0,,, ,Bi,Wi0 ! on dou,t ean i . ? .n Lve ome dear, cunning I "Wr br(vl,inT 7 ?, ra.ni1 immedi- chanic;.! ". "."' n kluS of mc- i own tw. J I " u 11 "ot only make tisanswtr;V Z,,-an other their it ""1 ""-wgo to him to About Hy. it ia Mi.l i.. BO"1 annu . . ' UO OUB inn . - 'V ' if v; r. w au , --,'-uuscr nia sus- sent to 1