The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 01, 1881, Image 1

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    1 Hid
$2.50 per year IN ADVANCE
. , -ff-, rr ; .-.e-ii tl-iiL-i -:..-:.:.-.. ..i.; .: -v.. :t:r. .. ..." - "'' " "
The Gcabo office is now located in the
building screes the street frum iU former
quarUrs. We cannot send oat Lille this
week as promised in oar last, tut will hvo
them in oar next issue.
A happy New Yor.
New Yean card at this office.
Soe notice of J. McClaren to debtor.
Holiday goods for sale by A. Goldsmith.
A new lot of Kill Glove at F. B. Dunn's.
If yon wish to buy good, cheap call at
8 H Friendly.
Todies' dreu goods for tale cheap at Ros
enblatt k Co'.
Auction! Auction! at Rosenblatt and Co'
every Saturday.
Call and tee that large stock of goods for
Mr J NT Cherry and wife returned from
Portland Monday. .
For good dentistry at reasonable figures go
to Dr. Davis, over Grauge store.
Silver Tlated Ware A complete assort
ment; ALL Hew styles, at Craio Bros.
8 H Friendly sells chesp for cash boots,
al.ees chthing, hats, caps fancy goods, etc,
A new lot of brocade dress goods, perfect
beauties at I B Dunn's for 15 cents per yard
A. Goldsmith hat received a large lot of
' holiday goods, toys, ko., which he offers at
low price.
If yo want holiday presents, or toys fori
your little ones, go and examine A Gold
smith's stock.
Mr. F. B. Dunn wishes to inform the far
mers that he will pay the highest market
price fee wheat.
Yee can buy a nice genteel hat for $1, and
pair of calf boots for J4, at F. B. Dunu'e.
Go and see him.
Workmen are engaged in bnilding a roof
over the ground npon which tl.e building for
the IXL store is to be erected.
MrS H Friendly will pay the highest
cash market price for wheat. Give him a
call before selling your grain elsewhere.
Hats, caps, boots, shoe, clothing, ladies'
dress goods, notions, etc, for salo at auction
prices by Rosenblatt k Co. They are closing
out and must sell.
Ge and tee that large stock of goods just
received at Uendrick's before purchasing else
where. The best stock of mens clot-o ttl
furnishing goods at pricer .ult th Umtt
lanes lessons of C. 8 Smith in
n, -nishing pictures and then gets
f liiig at Wilkius' drug store.
,iars and fifty cents. Convex
ess men should not forget that
otes, bill-heads, statements, lotter
s, and every description of commercial
inting are neatly and promptly executed
at the Gcard othce.
' Don't vou foriret that all who have tried
the Dnrkee Woveu Wire Mattress accord it
th. highest praise. I'etfectly clean, noise
i a E J MeCUnahan is the
CM ems m-w---
Sole ageut for Lane county.
The directors for school district No 4 tike
pleasure in saying that the public school is
now free for all scholars of school age in the
.li.irict. aud liberal torins are offered to out-
aide scholars. We have a good school housj
good teachers aud accommodations, and we
fcope parents will see that their children are
placed in school.
There will be a special meeting of Eugene
Chapter R A M, at their hall. Monday even
ig January 3d, ,.for, the purpose of in
..ailing ofllcers and work in the P M and
M K M detrees. By order of H. P.
L Bettma , Secretary.
MarriaCjS for 1880.
Tin arriar la CWy In 1880, num
ber 78 Lap yww It would seem, was not as
proliB .1 matnrWal allin4 as the preced
ing y. of 1879, wi W uuwUi"" were sol-e-nnlt-l.
The f jl1,'i' is alUt of the con-t-actlr,
; part's ' -
Let. vuiitiM"'
Wt UcKollU t Susani Clllinore.
M V McMaua' tfl M-v A S Birry.
Ifei. T Iturnie teA'i Tyhn.
JA r.m'.tojS WallJr. .. .
J liltM-to E-t B H-Urdrfon.
J UlentoMal'WJAllen.
Per , Burbuikt" Msrtia Hitton.
O E li'bauk t Tioe.
J i UauovonI F V-wster.
A ) Miwitofyp'ei-r,"nntm-
Ed-ard F Nirf" i I--" C"'4-
Jits WallHce tr MtU.
J B Vcatch U K"a 'itlicart.
Gee W Sattet""!1! A Ward.
J L Bruht to Elii 1 ttr-
T 0 Martin U Mii. ) Veatch,
M t ( U. k tnRlr 1-hia. ;
O P 'Ol to Alio Pawn'.
Wal rllArtlr.totlaraMMtoon.
Pldi ,-WillifJto M J Harper.
L D ''te Sa4 Johnson.
W 1 r to EH Bwelaff
W V 'wec o l)Klaon.
Geo er i Srh M Conger.
Jobs ..jthelltoAinundaJ Seare.
Jere p.i to L J Hart.
R F U J E Cantrell.
D R ii tJCora Baker.
J C i y o Kate Jackman.
J C I K ' "'e Matthews.
Jas 1 ( air to M G Decorsey.
Geo LruWn to M:iry .f Job.
G W "lrk to Mry E Lob.
H 'J ('utilise to Ludora M Krata.
F.Jnl 0 Clayton to Jessie G Dillon.
A B Ojodman to Trene Hurlburt
G W imi i lli jn VnCTl Fowler.
Orrin Moore W Hflen M Gn.
Jas S Ozment to Mary A Ray.
K M Steam to M L Wadsworth.
A L Jackson to Tannle Soverns.
John Roy to Masiia Gray.
R M Hal. to Addie May Jessie.
Michael Luch to Mary Conrad. .
Ceo F GaniplKll ffoIUchael Bullard.
Jas F Bncnannaa to Ida Riitled9.
Robt S ttcan to Ina Condon.
KewtonMann t6 8 Lewis.
Chas Jennin j to Addie Zumwalt.
Robt P Allison to Maggie A Cook.
Alonzo Lewis to Hannah Teters.
J A Chapmui to Martha Powell:
F M Smith to Martha Henham.
J A Setellier to Emma Rimer.
F B Close to Olive Handricks.
Frank Miller to Maggie Gray. (
DSBrowatoRosaScotL '
raianun-to Marcella Kelly.
V A Elrnton to May Erannan. m
AV H'Martin to V S Doak.
OC Coffin to CE Harlan.
John C Wallace to Carry Allen.
W C Edward to Luciuda Akeis.
L F Belknap to Carrena Akers.
J r Vlfr Bnie Watkins.
E( Jn Te pin te Armilda Luckey.
SDs Jvy to N' braska Trimble.
G Pit4ont Alice Lewis.
G M icBlunry W T A GngV.
E Iwad t"8 CSesher.
T A I"iiLaln to Anna Bryant
City I
II l.-p-
I 's, In Memori
T -u ;
iat iemmuuieation of Junction
No 5, A F ft A M held in their
L 5,880, the
Notico to Settle Up.
AU persm, ,ho arTkd.bted to , mu j
forward and sittie imiaro'j
Tame C A.-The me nler of the Spirts.
... t,roniht in the deer is ae
macs emu o ,
tuae l of having Lought a ptt deer of far-
.u. Willamette Forks. Suveral par
tner in w " , , ....
t.havreg"id the ammaL Another
member brought in five White V
their wing, clipped, and with a m
rave them in ae me
.UUim, d t"' ""
not oonnted,
n.The following trial in-
t appear in ... ...lock
ok the 15th of February next at 10 o clock
TSTj A Huffman BH Koach and An-
c: Janction City. A V Peters,
. i i.- .11 hr mof 'r
HALT SHtrr.-Fnnter. . ae..
ialeenHt,,hol,daV, .J Ik '
hall. I , , A J), 1880; A L 5,880, tli
fullowi l-'mble and rcsolutiont wer
unanii I ctopted.
'Willi... It has pleased tho Creat Arch
to remove from our
miJSt, foi lato li'ieu l' and brother, Andrew
J Rickard, ho departed this lnVHw ""
A D, 1S80, need 28 years, and,
WiIerkas, It is bat just that a fitting
recognition of his many virtues, should bo
held in reincinbraiici,, therefore, be it
UePlveo, That it i but a just tribute
to the memory of the departed to eay, that
regretting his romova', we mourn for one,
who was in everyway worthy of our respect
and regard.
ReSdI-VED, That iu tho death of our la
mented brother, this Lodge mourns the loss
of one, who though just entering upou the
great arena of life, but fain to be a good man
a useful citizen, a kind and dutiful son, and
an active member of the fraternity.
vm Tliat we siflcerelv condole
with the family of the deceased, on the dis
pensation, with which , it has pleased Provi
dence to a2ict them, and commeud them
for contidtion to Him, who orders all things
for tb ' liest. and whose chastisements are
. j
in' V mercy.
.can ran, That tnis uonge, win mam
( t iu regard for the memory of the de
c sed, audita sympathy with the bereaved,
ly weiiugihensual badge of mourning for
;'! . . 1 -
RdLVMi, Tliat tnese resu.unu
orei Wtkj the records of the Lodge, and a
copy I. them be transmitted to the family of
the dceased and to the fallowing papers,
riz, :ie Portlaud Oregouian and EugeaeCity
Sportsmane Hunt.
The match huut of the Sportsmani Club
caint off Thursday. The day wat fair for
buiAyig but the high stage of water in the
rive shut the huutera off from the river
tlonght and bottoms. BeUhaw'e aide was
he winner of the match by 730 points. The
losing side will give a tupper to the victors
some evening next week. The following are
the scores made;
John Behhaw-2 owls 20, 5 ducks 50, 4
mallards, CO, 7 geese 175. Total 305.
J W McClung-2 ducks 20, 1 mallard 15,
ewl 10.-45.
E J McClanahan S geecso CO, 1 mallard
12, 1 duck 10, 1 deer 400475.
J Stevens 4 snipe CO, 1 mallard 15, 3
ducks 30, 5 geese 125-230.
J Warshaucr 1 goose 25, 1 owl 10. 35.
U Woods -2 geese CO, 4 duckt 40, 1 spar
row hawk 5.05.
John Gray 2 geese 50, 1 mallard 15, owl
Total number of points, I.2C0.
Average to the man ISO.
H. u. davih' sine.
Geo Kiucaid 2 geese 50, 1 hawk 555.
C Horn 2 mallards 30, S ducks 50, 1
hawk 10-90.
J W Johnson 8 ducks 80.
Geo Bclshaw 2 geese 50, 2 ducks 3080.
M M Davis 1 goose 25, 2 ducks 2045.
Ski Meeka 5 mallards 75; 2 geese 60, 6
duckt CO, 1 chicken hawk 10, sparrow hawk
Total number points, 540.
Average to the man, 00.
John C Chnrch and S B Eakin Jr., referees:
Jasper Stevens and I L Campbell, scorers.
Public Installation.
Eugene Chapter No. 2, O. E. 8., will
publicly iustall its officers at the M. E.
Church on Wednesday evening, .Ian. 12,
1881. The order of exercises will be a fol
lows; Musio Eugene String Band.
Addrest-M S Wallis.
Music Eugene String Band.
Installation of officers of the Chapter,
Musio Eugene String Band.
After the completion of the exercises at
the church, members and their invited
gncsta will repair to the hotel for , supper,
after which a reunion will be held at Mr-
some Halt
Ww.j .veiling vauuary l-'tn,"K ' Ma-1
sonic Hall and march from there to the M
E Church.
By order of the Committee m General
Arrangements. '
Cottage Grove lten.
Cottage Ghove, Do. 28, 1880.
Christmas past
Mr Frank Wooloy of Euyae City, has
been in town the past week. .
The ball given by tSe Cottiije Grove Brass
Band on Christmas Eve was i pleasant af
fair, and greatly enjoyed by ill present.
The Christmas tree given .y the school of
this place was well atteudeit md is said to
have been a very grand afliiir.
Mr L S Whorton of this place bos been
very nnwoll for the past week but is fast recovering.
The Good Templars of Cottaw Grove, in
tend buildinir a new stairway) toon which
will help the looks of their hull gteatly,
Mr John Wallace am" Cadie Allen
1 ... ' .
were married oil the! IKa int Joy go
nut best w lox.
Birth Day Patty.
Miss Mae Underwood was the recipient
of a grand surprise party at the residence of
her father on Weduosday Eve, Deo 29, in
commemoration of hbr toventceuh birthday.
A large party was iu attendance consisting of
many friends, to the number of about one
hundred and twenty; who met at Dunn's
Ilall.aiid marched in a body to the residence,
taking the young lady by ploasaut surprise.
It was a pleasant affair and all enjoyed them
selves. Every hospitality was shown that
Mae and her parents know so well how to
extend. May she have many.
Married. In Eugene City, December
21, 1SS0, by Rev E P Henderson, Mr G M
Mollvury of Harrisburg to Miss T AGrigtby
of Lane county.
We acknowledge a plo.ismt call from R M
Green, advertising agent fir HE Hucklcn
k Co, Chicago, Illinois. Ho is a ploasant
gintlemau and does the "square" thing by
. ,M
PtofGatch and family left Tuesday for
their new home at the Dalles.
ut Call
secure '.
early and
The stock of Roods belonging to S. Rosen,
blattft Co. must be sold. They will auctien
goods every Saturday hereafter, and at all
times sell at auction prices. Go and secure
bargains. N
Put it to Proof.
At time when the community is flooded
with so many unworthy devices and ooticoc
tions, it is refreshing to find ons that is ben
eficial and pure. So conscious are the proprie
tors of Dr. Kino's Xicw DisrovEUY fir Cor
sumption, of the worth of their remedy, that
they offer all who desire a trial bottle rilKI or
charge. This certainly would be dUaHtrous to
them did not the remedy possess the remaik
alilu curative qualities claimed. Dr. Kino's
New Dihcovert for Commuiption will positive
ly cure Arthma, Bronchitis, Colds, Stubborn
Coughs, 1'hthiaic, Quinc-T, Hoarsene, Croup,
or any affection of the throat and lungs. As
you value your existence give this wonderful
remedy a trial by calling on Wilkin's, trr
Eugene City Druggist, ami obtaining a trial
tiottle free or C08T, or a regular site bottle for
81. Mulholland, Junction City.
The Best Salve in the world for Bruises.
Cuts, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores.
Tetter, Chaped Hands, ChilMaius, Corns,and
all kinds of Skin Eruptins. This salve is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case
or money refunded. Price 35 cts per box. For
sale by Wilein's, the Druggist, Eugene City.
Mulholland, Juuction City. ,
Stop a Moment and Read This-
efa't y"'8 ''s' ' 3lMI rtceivetl t
Sacou7suiUr,.m fei(l iirwr.1",.,lin S,or-
Scotch sacque or frock suits from vi ,
to ?17.
Sacque or frock diagonal suits from ?13 50
to $25.
Broadcloth coats and vests, diagonal,
Prince Albert coats and vests. Just the
thing for Holiday presmts.
Several new lines of overcoats, reversible
and ulsters, all grades and pricos, from'?7 iO
Derby shirt, r.cckties aud the finest line of
neckwear in the city.
New hats and caps, wool scarfs end
10 differcut styles of underwear, au graaes
and prices.
The beit stock of silk and linen hammer-
chiefs, hosiery, o., for the holidays, in the
Latest style of hats to ?3 50. Caps
from $1 to ?l V. Boys ImU and caps.
The best line of pants patterns and suits
l. itv. Ciis liners. Diagonal, ecoicn
A t
, 1
James W. Brastielb,
Thomas A Miluobn,
Jas. C. Campbell, Sec.
M'tik WtDPlNO. Mr r d iunu g
.rf tnflav evenina in ooromemoration
l J "1th auniteraary of his wadding day,
Xhi rsosived from their friends seyeral sle-
Sow is the Time
To Buy Your
Great reduction in
prices of our en tire
Stock of Goods;
SILK IMNKEUCllIEFS Greatly Reduced." '
riain -Brocaded Dress Goods "
Corsets, Hosiery, Ribbon Gloves
Cloaks and Dolmans
- " -ii. rnn n c
cloths. FuiU made to order
WE HAVli TllJii XiiiLitxA!iox - AJJll.
For the Holidays.
. v f ii
r v
New Years Calls.
The following ladies will receive New Years
callers to-day:
Mrs .1 B Underwood, assisted by Misses
Emma Coleman, Mae Underwood, Kittle
Smith and Lucy Scott.
Mrs F B Dunn and the Misses Dunn.
Mrs Wm Preston, Mrs D Cherry aud Mrs
J A Odell at the residence of Wm. Preston.
Mrs Chas Lauer, Mins R Lauer, Mrs S II
Friendly, Mis Rosa Goldsmith, and Miss Ad-
lcr at the residence of Chas Lauer.
Mrs Miser.
Mrs 8 D Hplt assisted by Mrs F M WI1-
Mrs Hanchett, assisted by Mrs M P Spiller
and Mis Spiller.
Mrs R S Bean, Mrs Dr McCornack and
Miss Emma Bean at the residence of It
Mrs DrShelton.
Vfr. J TI McClumr assisted by Mrs L G
Adair and MUs Maie Front
and Ameriuui
from (30 up.
Pants miido to order from $8 50 up! Dark
gray Oregon cnilimcre pants, $5. All wool
pants 4 50 ?3, J5 50,G. Pants?l 75,
52 50, S3 .0. Overalls 50 cents, 75 cents,
1 ?1 25. Igonal pants from (3 to to.
q'lu'iaTy1" i nruismug goous storo m
Euuene City. Clot.t,01" '"r
All goods marked in plain LSJiJ
striotlv one cash price for all
- i .
Call and examine our goods bcforl buying
Farmers 4 Meciianics SfBE'
Census Returns.
Ths complete returns for Oregon have
teen received. The State has a population
of 174.767 of which. 103,338 are mles an
71,479 females; the males predominating by
32,009. The colored population, including
Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Negroes and
Half.hreeds number 11.68a
Lane county has a population of 9,411, ot
which 5.074 are males, aud 4,733 females;
of male. 737: native born, 9,021; for
eign, 300; white, 9,247; colore.!, 164. of
which 39 are Chinese, and 122 Indians and
half breeds, and 2 Negroes,
X. L.
Fire! Fire! Fire!
i. .
t n ninti everv oil he Has ac
counts with to come forward and fT up. If
inn have not got the money go anjuur.- ...
or I have Will to pay and cannot f y without
nonev. A. word to the wisei sufficient.
Uon't Mar. B. C. PI'NlNOTON.
Take Notice.
Alllpersons indebted to 11 0. Callison
MUST call and settle their acuntt by the
l.t ,lir of Januarv. 1880. HjwiU be found
next door to 8. H. Friendly.
Mice to Dcblol
All persons indebted to lien Rush for
Msfdtsmilhinir. will blease 111 at the office
of G. B. Dorris and settle ir sccounts
Bex. Rush,
Eugene City, Oct-, 16, 16
Koike to ScitiCp.
All persons knowing tl
to the Hack and Trn
quested to come forwar
(nselve indebted
Company are re
nd settle without
8. D. Coats.
Holiday Goods. J
fill tine of Holidar Go"
b i itock and oar stock. No TRor
received, a beauti'
Call and examine
to show goods.
Cbaih Bro,
Of the Prices of all
kinds of Goods for
the purpose of re
ducing my stock.
S. H. Friendly.
. .ir '
1 i
riCICSS rsiiifl n
cheap at Crain Bios
-The largest stock of
pt' silver present.
Jry tst oreugns w