"AFTKH TH K ULIUAt. ' er ma hvmkil LowtLi.. Vn, fullh l a Barfly anchor, Wnere tkie are U sweet U a psalm At tho bnwt it lulls io stalwart, n bluff, liroad-llioulucred calm. And when o'er brcakors lo leeward, The nattered surgsare burlwl, Jt may keep our boad to the tempoit, With iu grip on tb baw of tha world, Hut after Hie shipwreck; tell mo What belp in lit iron thewi, Still trua to ibe broken hawser, Deep down among let wood and ooio. In the breaking gulfs of sorrow, When tho helpless foot stretchout, And you find in the depths of darkness No footing 10 to! id a doubt. Then bettor one spark of memory; One broken plunk ol the past Tbat our poor Wrls may cling to, Tho' bojieleiM on shore at last. To tbe ipiril ita splendid conjectures, lo tbe heart ita tweet despair, Ita tears on the tbin worn locket, With iU beauty of golden hair. Immortal? I frol it and know It, Wbodoubttitoftucb as she; But that's the pang's very lecret, Inimorlal away from me. There's a little ridge in the churchyard, 'Twould scarcely stay a child in ita race, But to me and my thought 'tit wider Than the ttar-grown vugue of apace. Your logic, my fricnd.it perfect) Your moralt most dreadfully true; But tho earth tbat ttopt my darling't cart, Makes mine intoniute too. ' Consolo if you will, I can bear it, Tit a well-meant almt of breath, But not all tbe preaching ai nee Adam Jim made death other than death. Communion In spirit, forgive mo, But I who am aickly and weak Would givo all my inoouie from dream land, For her rose leaf palm on my check. That little shoe in the corner, Bo worn and wrinkled and brown, IU motionlcut hollow confronts you, And argues your window down. Just la Time. Diunor was over at last, and Mr. Wal ter Currio, English Commissioner at the up-country station at Hutteo-15agh, in Northern India, had gono upon the ver andah with his wife and his two guests, the Colonel and Major of tho th Light Infantry, to enjoy tho cool of tho eve ning. On thrco sides of the houso was Bur rounded by its compound, a large en closed space scrying the purpose of a courtyard, but tho fourth was only sep arated by a small patch of gardon from the publio road, along which a number of native women wore passing with their littlo pitchors on their Loads. The sight of them naturally turned the conversation upon a favorito subject with all Anglo-Indians, viz.: the character of the natives and the best method of deal ing with them. "Thero's only one way," said the Col onol, emphatically. "Toll 'em what they are to do, make 'em do it, and thrash 'em woll if tbey don't. That's the way." "Well, I vonturo to differ from you there, Colonel," said Mr. Currio, quietly. "I had to do some thrashing once or twico, I own, but most of my native ser vants scorn to got along very well with out it, and they serve me excellently, I assure you." "I wish you had boon in my place, then," retortod the Colonel; ''you'd have changed your opinion, I warrant. Why, tho year before last, whon I had chargo of two battalions of the rascals down at Suttopoor, becauso there wasn't another Queen's officer within reaoh just liko my confounded luck! there was no getting anything done unless I did it myself. By Jove, sir! I bad to be everything at once my own Quarter master, my own Sorgeant Major, my own caterer, and" "And your own trumpeter, Colonol Annesloy?" asked Mrs. Currio with a smile. The Colonel's brood face roddonod ominously, and an explosion seomod im minent, when a sudden clamor of angry voices from the road bolow drew thorn all to tho front voranda. Tho cause of the disturbance was visible at a glance. Two half-drunken English soldiers, Bwaggoriug along the road had como into violent contact with a nativo who was running past; and one of them enraged at tho collision, had felled the poor lad to the ground and was unolosping his own belt with the evident intention of beating him un mercifully. "Sorved the young whelp right," shouted tho Coloudl, rubbing Lis hand; "that's just what they all want." The othor officer, Major Armstrong popularly called Major Btrongarm was a hngo, brawny, silout man. whose forte lay in acting rather than taking. During the whole discussion he had sat like a great bronze stutuo, nover ut tering a woid; but at sight of this man ill-using this child, ho woke up rather startlingly. To leap to tho ground twelve foot bo low, to dart across tho gardon, to vault over the high stockado beyond, was the work of a moment for tho athletio major; and in anothor instant he had raised the fullon boy tenderly from tho ground, whilo soying to the foremost soldier, in tho low tones of a man who means what lio says : "Bo off with you." "And who tho douoe aro you, ahovin' yer nose where you ain't wanted?" roared the infuriated ruQian, to whose eyes the Major's plain dress bore no token of his being an ofllcor; "jistyou " The sentence was never finished. At tho sound of that insolent diflance Armstrong's soroly-triod patience gave way altogether, and the powerful right hand which had hewed its way through a wholo squadron of Shiv cavalry fell like a slodgobamnier upon his opponent's face, dashing him to the ground as if ho had been blown from the mouth of a gun. "Well done, Major Armstrong!" shout ed Mr. Currie from above. "You do serve your name, and no mistake." At that formidable name the soldier took to his heels at once; and Armstroug, withont even looking at his prostrate an tagonist, proceeded to examine the hurts nf tliA ho. The latter was sorely bruised in many places, ana in oiooa was inciting freely over his swarthy face; but the lit tla hrro still did his best to stand erect. and to keep down every sign of the pain wnicn A wueaaunng. "l'uu'io it biuve liiJ, uud you'll waku a soldior some day," said the Major to him in Hindoosuuiee. "Come with me, and I'll see that no ono molests you again." The lad soized the hngo brown hand which had defended bini so bravely, aud kissed it with tho doepost reverence; und the two walkod away togethor. Six months have oome and gono, and Mr. Currie's hospitable home presents a very difforent spectacle. The protty gar den is trampled into dust and mire, und the bodies of men and horses are lying thick among the fragments of tho half destroyed stockade. All the windows of the houso aro blocked up, and through the loop-holod walls poer the muzzles of ready rifles, showing how steadily tho besoiged garri son stands at bay against tho countloss nnnmina whose dark, fierce faces and. glittering weapons are visiblo amid tho half ruined burning ana niaitou inicKeut all around. Tlm Kcnov mutiny of 1827 is blazing MTI III III! . I nKV JliKU over iiuinivtu 1 11. .. VmILami Tvwlta ci n 1 1 I Colonol Annosley is blockaded in Huttee- itnirh with a certaintr oi a mucous death for himself and every man of the few who are still true to him, unless help comes speedily. Day was just breaking when two men hold a whispered council in one of the upper rooms. "No foar of the water running short, said Major Armstrong, "but, even npon half ratious. the food will bo out in four days more.' "And then well just go right at thorn, and cut our way through or dio for it!" growled tho old Colonel, with a grim .. t 1 -.111. 11 l.ia smile on ins iron iau, iur, wuu mm u harshness und injustice, Colonel Annos 1wm "o-rif'to the backbono. "We musn't say anything to him about it, though, added lie, witti a (two giance at Mr flnrrio who. standinc in the furthor corner, was anxiously watching the thin, worn face of his sleeping wife. At tliot momont a loud cnoer irom oe- low startled them both, and tho next momont Ismail (tho "Major's boy," as every one now callod him ) burst into the room with a glow of unwonted ex citement on his dark face. "Hubib " cried ho, "there is hope lor ' . . . . . m t 1 ns vot! A uetaenmeni oi ingieuz fEnsrlish) are coming up on the other bank of the river. If we can send word to them as they pass we are saved." "How do vou know?" asked tho Ma jor, eagorly. "I heard the Sepoys Bay so wiiuo i was lying hid In the bushes yondor, an BAvored tho lad. "Amonff tho bushes vonder?" roared the Colonel, facing round. "Have you really been in the midst of those cut throat villains listening to what they said? Whatever did you do that for?" "I did it for Sahib Armstrong s sake," replied the boy, prondly; "because he was good to me." mi i 1 1 L t 1. 1 J 1 in 1.M tl.A fl..al. tt Tint niimnnlv ulinmp that il 'i na i n nnni liituhu iiiibluv inar wlh overspread his nard lace ; ana Arm strong smiled slightly as ho heard him mutter: "Bv Jove! those ohans aren't so black as they're painted, aftor all." "But if tho troops are beyond the river how can we communicate with them ?" askod Mrs. Currie, who, awakened by tho Rhoiitinir. hod arison and joined the rrmnii "TIiav mav not Doss near ononch to hear the firing, and we have no means oi sending them word. "Fear nothing lor tnat, mom-sauiu (madam), answered the Hindoo boy, quietly. "I will carry them word my self." Rnt how can vou possibly do it?' cried Mrs. Currie, thunderstruck by tho confident tone in wlncn tins mere cnnu Hnnkn of a task from which the hardiest veteran might woll have Bhrunk. "Liston, Sauiu, answered lsuiau. "i will ulm nut of the house and make a ilimli intn tho enemv's lines, as if I wen dosorting from you to thorn, and you can toll your people to nre a suoi or iwo hi for inn with blank cartridges as I CO. Thon the Sepoys will receive me kindly, and I'll toll them that you're all dying of thirst, anil that thoy musi oniy wan one day more to be sure of you, bo that they won't care to make another attack. Then. whon they have no suspicion, and think I in quite one oi thomBoives, i n Bteai away and slip across tho river." "But you are quite sure tuo oepoys ill bolieve you?" asked Major Arm strong, doubtfully. "They'll behove this, anyhow, ro- pliod the boy, deliberately niaKing a uoop gosh in his bare shoulder ana staining his white frock with tho blood as he glidod from tho room, followed by Arm strong. Tim iJnn ivn a annn PYnlainftil to the men bolow, and a moment later Ismail's dark figure was seen darting liko an ar row across the open Bpaco in irom oi tno building, followed by a quick discharge of blank cartridures from the marksmen at the loopholes. The sound of the tir ing drew the attention oi uie oopoys, soveral of whom ran forward to moot him. In anothor instant he was in the midst of them. "I can searcoly soo for those bushos, said Colonol Annesloy, "but he seems to be showing thorn the wound on his shoulder, and telling them it was our doing." At that momont an exulting yell from the enomy came pouting through the air. "That's the story of our being short of water, for a guinea 1" said tho Major; "it was a very good thought of his. If it only dolays their attack two days longer, there may be timo for help to arrive yet." Slowly and wearily the lona hours of that fearful day wore on. The heat was so torrillo that even the native soiuiers oi tha irnrnunn rnnlil barelr hold thoir 0WU it ami the handful of English men were also holpless. naa ine oopoys attacked thorn, all would have beon over at ono blow; but hour passod Hour, ana tliara u nn men of tt ftssatllt. At longth, as afternoon gave piaoe io evening, a movement began to show it lf in flm annmv'a lines. Then curls of . . - i t - smoke rising above the trees showed that that several figures with pitchers in their liamla wars aaan troinff toward the hver. among whom the Colouel's keen eye de tected Ismail ClOU 1S1UHL1. ii n V, m 4V. i 1 .lapping hi. knee exultingly, "that lad', nT iteorirHi crnu iu vm wiumi, worth has weight in goid. xneres nisim sgiwnu. - way down to the river right open to him got lonesome, promptly procured a o ami marriad the tramp printer. WllUODI lue vas vuauuw vt .fiviv, IT.-. . lw... -nl1.m.nnthinir loan!" AA m R O Every cy withia the walls was new t lined amxiously npon the distuut group, fearing to see at any momont some movement which would show that the trick was dotected. How did Ismail mean toaccomplish this purpose? Would ho ulunce boldly into the river, without any disguise.or had he some further stratagem in preparation? No one could say. Buddonly,as Ismail stoopod to plunge his light wooden dipper into tho water, it slipped from his Lands and went float ing away down tho stream. A cry of dis m. a. Ion d luiiL'h from the Honors, and then the boy wan seen running frantic ally along the bank and trying in vain to catch the vessel as it floated past. "What on earth's he up to?" grunted the Colonol, complotely mystified. "I seel" cried Major Armstrong, tri iimnlinnllvr "thero's a boat Vonder among the roods, and he's making for it. Well done, my brave uoyr ... . . . . . i J . IJIlli n.b IjIIUU UIWIUU U V t ICll ' S r' lint at that moment a yen oi rago irum the Hnnovs told that the trick was dis I vuveruu. Luckily thoso on the bank had left their piecos behind, or 'poor Ismail nr mi lil tinnn linvn lit-nn fliHDOHndof '. but the alarm instantly brought up a crowd of their armed comrades, wnose ouuets fell like hail around the boat and its gal lant little pilot. "Lot ns fire a volley and make a show of sallying out," said the Colonel, "it'll take their attention from him. But in this ho was mmtakon. Tho first rattle of musketry from be hind the house did indeed recall most of Taninil's ftsmiilantH. but at least a dozen were left who kept up an incessant firing striking the bout again aua again. All at ouce the Colonel dashed Lis glass to the floor with a frightful oath. Between the two gusts of smoke ho had seen tho boat turn suddenly over, and go whirling down the river, koel npwaid. "There's an end of the poor lad," mut tered the veteran, brokenly. "God bless him for a brave little fellow. And now, old friend, wo must just die hard, for there's no hope loft." Tho first few hours oi tuo night passea nuiotlv. and the exhausted defenders, utterly worn out, slept us if druggod with opium. But a littio alter miauigui tho nuick ears of the two veteran officers the only watchers in the whole garri son except the sentries themselves caught a faint stirring in tho Burround- ing thickets, whicn Beeniea io argue some movement on the part of tho enemy. Listening intently for a few moments tlinv felt enrtain that thev were ritrht. and lost no time in arousing their men. The scanty stores oi looa were opeueu once more, and, crouching together in tlm lirknnsw the doomed men took what they fully believed to be their last meal on earth. "Thev're cominc!" said Maior Arm strong, Btraining his eyes into the gloom hrough a loophole. "I hear them creeping forward, theugh I can't Bee them." What the deuce was thnt? exclaimed the Colonel, suddenly. "It looked like a fiery arrow flying post." "It's worse than that," said the Major in a low voice. "The rascals are shoot- lighted chips of bamboo on the roof to set it on fire. Send the women up with buckets to flood the thatch; there's not a moment to lose." I'll ko and seo to it myself 1" cried Mrs. Currie, hasteeing ont of the room. But tho power of this new weapon had alreudybocome fatally manifest. The house was an old one, ana ary as unuor frnni flu nrnlnnrrnil boat, anil as fast as ,.w. - i o 1 ' . tho flames wero quenched in on place Ulny urunu uui in uuuuier. When day dawned the nre naa aireauy got a firm hold of one corner of the building, and a crushing aiscuarge was poured upon all who attempted to ex thitfuisli it. while the triumphant veil of the human tigers below told them that thev felt sure of their prey. "it au over wiin us, oiu iouow, said the Colouel. grasping the old com rade's hand: "but, at least, wo shall have done our duty. 'Give me one of your pistols, whis- nereil Mrs. Currie to Lor husband, in a voico that was not her own. I must not full into thoir hands alive. "At that moment Maior Armstrong was soon to start aud beud forward as if listening intently : for he thought al though he could scarcely believe his ears that he had suddenly caught a faint sound of distant firing. in another instant no nenra u again, and this timo there could bo no more ilnnht. for several of the others had caught it likewise, and a gleam of hope ouce more lighted up their uaggara laces and bloodshot eyes. T.nn.l.ir und mmrnp enma the welooniO sound, whilo the Buddon terror and con fusion visible among tlio enemy suowea that they, too, were at no loss to guess tlin moAnincr. Thon Irish above all tho din arose the well-known "hurrah I and throngn mo smoke-clouds broke a charging line of o-litiririni? hnvoneta and ruddv English 9 0 - -. faces, sweeping away me cowuruiy murderers as the sun chases the mora in(v misit "The boy's worth his weight in goia, - . .... said Colonel Annesley, as, a tew nours later, he listened to Ismad's account of linur lia liml ilivp 1 nndor the boat and kept it between him and the Seyoys, that they might thins mm urownnu. "lie's the pluckiest littlo follow I've aeon, an d althonch ho belongs to the Miu'nr. I'm coinir to take niv sharo of helping him on, by jovel Illinois has a school population of 1.010,851, an enrollment of 704,041, and 11,001) school districts, supporting ii,uot schools. Tbe State has, moreovor, 6C1 private schools, instructing 00,440 pu pils, mere are only illiterates in Illinois. During the last school year tha imblio school, ex Dr. lituros of tho Ktntu amounted to S7." 1.941 79. Tho TOT:iin amount inul "UOUthlV tO the male teachers was $44 24: to the female teachers, $35 28. How a. Printkb "Pied" a Familt. A tramn Tirinter. in his peregrinations. H fonml himself in Iowa. He was pivnn a "case" and went to vork in the l . S fM.tniTtit1atAV I IWIU uowoprvi viulq. ...0. -. I tlm a.litnr waa atrnok bv a barroom bliz- .wv.. rf . . .... wrd and j djppeared in the wu. Ugh . ... . r . - I Who IS DOW ine CUlwr. Aiua w sui I . . ' campaign lie. Ecumenical (Jatuerlur of Metho. dials Jicxt Year la wnaoa. An Ecumonioal Conference of the Mothodist Episcopal Church and its branches will meet in London in Soptem lp 1X81. This conference has been tnibo.l at in ilia nlmrcbes of the denomi nation fur anvoral roars, but no docidod action was taken "until last May, when, . - - . iir.i. at the Goneral (Jonlorer.ee oi me jueiuu dist Episcopal Church in Cincinnati, a tdnn was drawn uo and agreed to by tho representatives of the Methodist Episoo- pal Church and the dinorent branouos in the United States. The denomination numbers over 4.000.0C0 of actual com municants and A METHODIST POPULATION Of about 15.000.000. There are numer ous branches iu Europe and this coun try, and they will all be represented in the conference. The memliers of the conference will number 400, one half I whom will represent British and Continental Methodism, and one-half the churches in tho United States and Canada. As nearly as possiblo tho con ference will be composed of lay and , clericul delegates emially. The 200 delegates of the United States will be assigned to the churches as follows:. The Mothedist Episcopal Church, 80 del egates; Methodist Episcopal Church South, 38 ; African Methodist Episco pal Church, 12; Methodist Episcopal Zi on Church, 10; the Colored Mothodist Episcopal Church of America, 0; the Evangelical Association, G; the Union American Methodist Episcopal Church, the tmon American i-rotesiam Church, 2; tho Methodist Protestant Church, 6; the American Wesloyan Church, 4; tho Free Methodist Church, 2: the Independent Methodist Church, 2; tho Congregational Methodist Church, 2; the Methodist Church of Canada, 11; tho Methodist Episcopal Church of Canada, 4; the Primitive Methodist Church in the United States and Canada, 2; the Bible Christian, 2; the British Methodist Episcopal Church, 2. The KEMAININO BIX MEMBERS Are left to be distributed by the western section of tho General Executive Com mittee. The assignment of delegates to the European and Continental churches has not yet been mode. The delegates will be namod by the conferences as they moot, between this time and next July. The conference will not meet for legisla tive purposes, for it will not have the authority to legislate. It is not for doc trinal controversies. It is not lor an at tempt to harmonizo the various politics and usages of the several branches of the great Methodist family, for Methodism has ai way s striven for unity rather than for uniformity. It is not, in a word, for consolidation, but for co-operation. It is to deviso such means for prosecuting our home and foreign work as will result in the greutest economy and efficiency; TO PROMOTE FRATERNITY; To increaso the moral and evangelical power of a common Methodism, and to secure the more speedy conversion of the world. It has been suggested that the proper topics to consider are those re specting property, paganism, skepticism, intemperance and kindred vices, tuo relations of Methodism to education, the means of evangelization, such as an itinerant ministry, training schools for Christian 'workers, both at home and abroad; Sunday schools and special ef forts for special classes. Concerning missionary labor, it is further proposed to examine Methodism as a missionary movement, the relation of the home work to the foreign work, and tho best mode of avoiding waste and rivalries, and of socuring instead thereof sympathy and cooperation between DIFFERENT METHODIST BODIES Off nn vine tlm ftfimo or contiguous mis sion fields; the use of the press for the ...... . . . increase oi uuristian Knowledge ana sanctifying power; the resources of Mnthivliiim in nnmhnrs. wealth, culture. spiritual life and revival agencies, and the corresponding responsibility; tue spiritual unity of Methodism, and the best way to secure its maintenance and increaso and to manifost it to tho worid. The conference will meet in City Koad Chapel, which was the first church of the Mothodists. For many years John Wnclnir nronfliail thara anil liis mil nit is still shown to Methodist travelers who visit England's capital. The delegation from this country will be composed of the strongost men in the church, and will most probably be headed by Bishop ts: A1.A Hrnl.r..i:at Vniaimtnl flli ii mli. Great interest in the confer ence is manifested by all the branches of the church, and it promises to be the most important assembly of Methodists that ever took place. Japanese Tostal Service. Tn 1H71 tlm TCnrnnean svstem of POst- nrrn was iulnnhul in a manner which, we are assured, has won the admiration of all foreigners. Prior to tins mere uui not exist any national system oi postage, owing to the feudal disposition of the country. If any one would wish to re alize the primitive condition of the Post (Klli'fi HArvicA in 18G3 thev mav turn to a picture in the "Capital of the Tycoon" oi a postman in native custume mm. , WUU a loin UU1KI uuiy, ui ieyo uw fr.w rnnninor along the high road at speed, and a small box slung by a over his Bhonlders; ana in case oi nis juuiug lame or other accident he is accompanied by a double to take on the pacnage in his place to the next stage; The Gov ernment used to dispatch such messen gers, and occasionally private firms. The comparison with what now exists carries us back many centuries, though only the work of five years. There are now mail routes of mora than 30,000 miles in active operation, and (i'Jl Post Offices, besides 124 receiving agonoies, 83(5 stamp agen cies, and 703 street letter-boxes. The number of letters forwarded in 1876 was 30,000,000, being an increase of D4 per cent, over that of 1874, according to Mr. Mounses "Report on the Finance of Japan." The postage of an ordinary let ter in the large towns is 1 cent, (Md.) and 2 cents (Id.) for the rest of the Em pire. Post cards are carried for ono-hall odarima Anil in 1875 a monev or- UWHV . ..... Q - I der system was adopted, and within two years there were oiu i osi umeea wue orders conld be obtained and cashed, a a this tha mnntrv where, ten vears before, the chief thought was how for eigner, conld best be expelled or exter minated, ana all ineir pesuien lnnovs tions sent after them f Tha Contem ' porary Review. A tlalmaut to the Estate or Captain George Hons. It is strange into what conditions some people will placo thomsolvos for the purpose of obtaining gold. Every dan gor will be dared, lip. porjured to black ness, innoconce plungsd into eternity, murders oommitted, and all dogreos in crimo'. calondar resorted to, to obtain the coveted gold. Many of our readers wore acquainted with Capt.in Goorge Boss, a genial man who had boon en gaged in the coasting trade for tho last twelve or thirteen years. Tho Chvonicle of December 1st gives the following DRIEP AND INTERESTING SKETCH. Yosterday Judge I inn heard the appli cation of Captains Samuel Blair and J. B. Chase, exooutors of the ostate of the lato Captain Goorgo Boss, asking to have the property of tho estate settled on the minor son of deceased, as tho solo heir, aud also the remonstrance of ono Isa bella Gillis. At tho conclusion of argu ments the matter was submitted to tho Court, and taken under advisement. Tho facts, as developed during tho progress of tho proceedings, are as follows: About 18G7 Goorge Boss appeared in Californio and became engaged in the coasting trde botweon this place and Seattle, which business he followed UNTIL HIS DEATH. He represented himsolf and was sup posed to be a singlo man, and in 1871 lie married a young lady bore. Thoy had one child, the boy in question. Some time in the year 1876, while the Cap tain's vessel was at Oakland wharf, Mrs. Boss, in attempting to go on board, foil into tho bay and was drownod. Her husband survived hor only a year, and when he died it was found he hud left a will bequeathing all his property, valued, at about $10,000, to this boy, and naming his two friends, Blair and Chase, as executors, and the first named as guar dian of tho child. Evervthing wont smoothly until in February last, when THE STARTLING DEMAND Was made by an attorney on behalf of Isabella Gillis of Pictou, N. S..fora partial distribution of tho estate, on the ground that sho was the surviving widow of the deceased. Her deposition alleged that she was marriod to George Boss at Pictou, in October, 1854; that after a few weeks had elapsed he loft her, and from that day she never saw him, and did not hear of him until the report of his death reached her. In 1850 sho in termarried with ono Johnson, at Boston, Mass. Ho died, and in 1804 she W9dded one Gillis, at Pictou, and has since lived with that individual as his wife. At the time the demand was mado for this dis tribution it was thought unnecossary by the Court, bo the matter was DISMISSED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Shortly after this an individual with a power of attorney from the claimant made overtures for a compromise. In order to end the costly litigation $400 was paid by the executors, and thoy re ceived a release in full from the attorney iu fact of Mrs. Gillis, as she called her self. This would have endod all trouble in the courts, only for the boy. As tho acknowledgment of a first marriage would cast a Btam upon his name, it be came necessary to have the question ju diciously determined by asking him to have the estate settled upon him. Ihe executors set up in evidence that George Ross had froquontly, when questioned, stated that he HAD NEVER BEEN MARRIED Before coming hero. Always at the Custom House when it became necossary to register, he swore he was a native of New York. Mrs. Gillis says that the man she married was born and brod in Guysberg, N. S. She swears that she was married under the name of Isabella Mac geloray; but the testimony of those who knew her before any one of tho matrimo nial alliances was contracted is that her name and that of her people was Mc Gilvery. These discrepancies, together with the improbability of the George Ross who was well known here being the George Boss who ran away from his wife in the zenith of their honeymoon twenty six years ago, and with a host of othor attendant facts and circumstances, cause the exenutors to think that they have good grouuds for making the present ap plication. Xcvor too Late to Learn. Socrates, at an extreme old age learned to play on musical instruments. Uato, at eighty years oi age iearnea we Greek language. Plutarch, when botween seventy and eighty, began the study of latin. Boccaoio was thirty-hve years or age when he commenced his studies in light literature; yet he became one of tho greatest masters of tho Tuscan dialect, Dante and Plutarch being the other two. Sir Henry Spellman neglected tho sciences in his youth, but commenced the studv of them when he was between flftv and Bixtv vears of age. After this time he became a most learned anti auarian and lawyer. Dr. Johnson applied himself to tho Dutch language but a few years before his death. Ludivico Monaldosco, at the great aee of one hundred and fifteen, wrote the memoirs of his own times. Ogilby, the translator of Homer and Virgil, was unacquainted with Latin and Greek till he was past titty. Franklin did not commence his phil osophical pursuits till he had reached his nftioth year. Drvden. in his sixty-eighth year, com menced the translation of tho Iliad, his most nloaainu production. We could go on and cite thousands of men who commenced a new study, euuer for a livelihood or amusement, at an ad vanced age. But every one familiar with the biography of distinguished men will recollect individual cases enougn io con vince them that none but the siok and in dolent will ever sav. "I am too old to learn." . There are several methods of making breakfast chocolate. A very old French recipe has been carefully tested and found perfect by the writer: Simply place a square in a cup and pour upon it enough boiling milk to dissolve it into a paste; meantime have the milk boiling in a saucepan until it boils to a bubble, then gently stir in the pate, stir until thoroughly mixed, and sweeten to taste. The white of egg. foamed on top u an 1 improvement oaa Vaccination pWt,t Smlnp ' SinPrt thft rnpfln nnila..i. pox in San Francisco, a widLS UIHCUSHlOn llB linnn . l1 been going 0D umo. i of that city in rc.!i is nnvs c inna nt hiim. i . i the hitherto supposed linnr1 A ..; ""uiil in rnir.J vaccinatiou. Dr. Uillcr. a 1T:" man among tho medical fitttcrni!E takes strong ground ugainst vaca tion, claiming that the fact that k mortality from Bmallnnv dni....? century is less than during tbe coding, proves nothing but tfmtiu proved iu all countries 'where var cination has been extensively nr. lurms oi uiscuses nus more than tt fold incrotiBod. and that tlm ... torm of life has greatly decreas Epidemics nro governed by positive natural luwa; they have u beginnin, a rise and decline, and gradually I out. lie Bays: ."When tbe ailvoi cuies oi vaccination aro able to shot scientifically, und adduce fi prove tbat it has decroaaod tbe i?en ci ui iiiui tuw, men, ana only then may Bomc importance bo attached t t.hoip nrmununfa " 'PI. a o o-"uilll!f Bupporiou vy a largo number o( re! ports from physicians, on tho nh ' ject, tho conclusion of tho writ being that "Vaccination is no pro." cation ot this tcarlul dmcaso is as fa l istant as whon Jennor, accofdinetJ my uunibie judgment, lnvoloush introduced this dangerous imu.i;' On the other hand uhvaiciana m,;l ns eminent, among, them Dr. Cox; ban Jose, formerly ot this State, cor tend earnestly for the efficiency r the method of prevention and tha whatever of uiscuso results fmn uccination is caused bv imnrnnn application and tho use of contami mitod matter: that general use ot bovine virus, and thi . .!.. . abandonment ot iuat taken irom human bcinirs. tho occurrence of n, sultnnt discuses has irrcatlv ilimin Ished, and that there is no necessity in the theory of vacciuation or its appli cation, when properly made, to cause any harmful ollecte. Statistics of ... . . . . - - vaccination taken in too British armv are Quoted. Bhowini? that ni J i - o " deaths occurring before tho introduc tion oi compulsory vaccination, CG per ennt. wore from smallpox, whilo since tho por cent, has only boon ba-j tween nino and ton per cent. SeJ ports from various other sources minted which demonstrate concInJ sively that, vaccinnation docs pre J vent smallpox, me yei open quesuor being wnotner it can uo uuministerc so ns tn be cortainlr harmless. Th argument shows that there aro tw-. Bides to me suujcci. . Drying Apple. The rapid increase of the fruit-drjins business throughout the country ismak intra market for tho surplus apples in. small fruits, which otherwise would b wasted, and is eivini? the residents o towns a supply of fruits for their table which they could not otherwise enjtm Among the larger drying estannsnmenu is that of D. Winir & Co.. of Rochester an account of which is given in uie Rural Home. They have four AWeJ evaporators, which, running day ind night, dry 400 bushels in 4 hours, con suminor three-fourths of a ton of cal a the same time. Windfalls of good in tar anrto aro nnl fnr which twenty 0B thirty centsper hundred pounds are paiJ the farmers. Twelve Hubbard'4 apple parers and slicers sroj. Amnlnveil to fit the apples for. ay drying, each parer requiring two girls t aitanil it. Before drvintf. the fruit 1 lilonnliPil with tho fumes of burning suli phur, which whiten it without affecting taste or quality. About seven hours are required for the entire completion of thJ drying from the commencement. Eaclt drver holds thirtv bushels. Each bushel of annlos vields aooui; nvepouuuoi- - . . . . n ,10 dried fruit. A great advantage in transj nnrlnlinn ia alimvn hv tllfl fact tllSt tll AriaA ffiiit. vaicrliB nnlv III Wilt One-Wntll as much as tho fresh apples from Thick it is made. At another drying esuua' ...... . A. l.nttA hfior contracted to a London dealer, who pay 0 mpnt in Kocnester. ion wua u' a at ltochestor seven cents a pound lor i m or $140 per ton ; last year the price aver aged six and a-half cents. t t. r n Tlrr T7 VT"U dents. The following story is told by i gentleman who is intimate wim dent Hayes and President-elect Garfieh iT irntlifn new 1 uuu wuubo umDuimi - . vouched for by the Cleveland, uu" uieruiu; iu hid iimo ""sv . i only twelve miles distant from tiev w i .i iu..i;,i t.iiirtv vears ag 1UUU, U1C1D XI. WW ovMiw . -j f iron nlinrmintr and attractive RirlS. one of these President Hayes bad bf i ;t- lint, the Dsren'! rouiowiiiuoiiiBuivu.i . - J of the young lady had vigorous posed their courtship on the ground my young Hayes was poor, onu ,8"" aence oi iiaruij buiuuicuk ow-j - . rani risniuy men uuuo - , . : match was broken off, and the W Qt,,1 woll known to Cleln a . ai.n.a i-annfvii rar u iiiiiiiu Some BlJUUUU II uui uatl and was well disposed to recipw?1! tlicm. Her parents, nowever, -r- to the lnUmacy, giving as the re"" and the anything but the bngM , Pj?1 pecU of his future. The most remrKf ble coincidence of the courtsnip -- that both young ladies lived in of not more than five thousand i" l i i .nruwl twn fniuro dente of the United Stetes because i their poverty. "All during the summer, while hot, you came up - Ho inai H IS cool, you uw - - -J is that r The foregoing was the im I of a prominent "'"r.hof one 6f his clerks. "Ill te70O that is. I didn't care to ris e tor in the summer, b"0..!; wu not the hoister season. j was procured to remove the unforw m IUV1VUBUI ' wu discharged on the spot.