The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 25, 1880, Image 5

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The Cpakd office U now located in the
building across the street from it former
Quartan, We cannot tend out bill this
week u promised in our last, but will have
(ben in our next issue.
Jlaflles are frequent
Another marriage ou the tapis!
New Year cards at this oflice.
Where will the next fire break out.
Holiday goods fur sale by A. Goldsmith.
A new lot of Kid Gloves at F. B. Dunn's.
The Social Club gave its regular dance last
J. 1. Thompson went below the first of
the week.
Mr T C Towell is spending the holidays in
the city.
Several of the fciys propese to awearoffafter
A horse belonging to Mr. Page died last
If yna wish to buy goods cheap call at
S 11 Friendly'.
You can buy at auction prices fi-om Ros
enblatt k Ca
Call and see that large stock of goods for
' tale at Friendly'e.
For good dentistry at reasonable figures go
to Dr. Davis, over Grange store.
If you want to. buy cheap atteud Rosen
blatt k Co's auction next Weduesday.
Hon R B Cochran was registered at the
Clarendon Hotel, Portland, this week.
Silver Plated Ware A complete assort
ment; ALL new styles, at Crain Bros.
8 H Friendly sells cheap for cash boots,
thees clothing, hats, caps fancy goods, etc.
Auction! auctien! at Rosenblatt k Co's
store nix t Wednesday. The good must be sold.
A new lot of brocade dress goods, perfect
beauties at f B Dunn's for 15 cents per yard
cash. .
A. Goldsmith has received a large lot of
holiday goods, toys, to., which he offers at
low prices.
If you want holiday presents, or toys for
your little ones, go and examine A Gold'
smith's stock.
Mr. F. B. Dunn wishes to inform the far
mers that he will pay the highest market
price for wheat
Yea can bay a nice get, toil hat for $1, and
a pair of calf boots for $4, at F. B.
Go and sea him.
Mr 8 H Friendly will pay the highest
1 cash market price for wheat. Give him
cU before selling your grain elsewhere.
The lecture given by Dr Sharplos last Sat
urday evening, for the benefit of the Laur
ran and Eutaxian Library fnnd was well at
tended. Rosenblatt & Co. will commence auction
eering off their stock of goods uext Wednes
day.' Until tlieu you can buy goods at ano
tioii pi ices.
Go and see that large stock of goods just
receivedatUuudrick's before purchasing else
where . The best stock of mens clothing and
furnishing goods at prices to .suit the times.
Business men should not forget that
blank notes, bill-heads, statements, letter
heads, and every description of commercial
printing are neatly and promptly executed
at the Guard office.
Don't you forget that all who have tried
Mort Fire1!.
the Durkee Woven Wire Mattress accord it
the highest praise, Petfectly clean, nose
less, and durable. E J MoUlauahaii id the
sole agent fur Lane county.
Masonic Election.
The Royal Arch Chapter No. 11, A. F. &
A- M-, of this city, has elocted . o:ficors for
the ensuing year as follows;
Jos. Neihoff, H. P.j
John Sloan, K.j
J.G. Gray, S.;
F. B. Dunn, Treas.j
(i. Bettman, Scribe;
F. VV. Osburn, C, P.;
J. F. Robinson, P. S.;
Chaa. Lauer, R. A. C;
J, C. Church, O. M. 3d V.;
' Wm.Ediis, G.M. 2d V.;
Wra. Preston, G. M. 1st V.;
J McKcuzie, 8.
OrncKBS Elected At a regular meeting
. of the Eastern Star Lodge, A F 4 A M, of
this sity, the following officers were elected
for the ensuing term: Mrs C W.Fitch.W M;
F W Osburn, W P; Mrs H N Crain, Asso
ciate M; Irene Dunn, Tress; Agnes Osburn.
SecreUry; Mn H M Sloan, Conductress;
Maggie Fronk, Associate Conductress.
Examination Week. The past week has
been examination wetk at the State Univer
" sitv. "We nnnersUid th it the students are
doing creditably. A vacation will be bad
till the first Tuesday in January, when the
second term will commence. A large num.
berof the students have gone home to, sprnd
the holidays.
New Yeabs Calls.-M Chas Lauer, Miss
R Lauer, MraS H Friendly. Mis. Adkr and
Miss Rosa Goldsmith will reeeiv callers at
Mr Lauer's residence, Tew Years day. Mrs
8 W Miser will also keep open house on that
day. Names of other ladies who prop to
ssceive, will H sent in by Thursday .veftiuff,
be published text week.
OROAnEl.-A Rebekah Lodge I- O- -F..
baa been organised this city. The
officers elected will be installed the first
Monday ia January, and are as follows: T.
W, Shelton. N. G. Mrs. M. A. Miser. V
n . t w KJi!tin. R. & i Mrs. F. M.
Vilkio'.T. .
rtECErrE..-Mrs J A Rtowell has accept
ed the position of Preceptress of the VI asco ln
VptBdnt Aeademy at the DsHes.
Dince tht fire of. November 8th. the citi'
tens of Eugene City Lave been treated to
three Ore alarms. Last 8sturdy morning
about niot o'clock the roof of the buildina
vwuuicu uj vuaa. joiinsoti as a restaurant
was discovered to be on lire. Au alarm was
sounded, but a few buckets of wster speedily
emnguisnea the Br. after it had burnt off
Severn! yanla of shingles. The fire originated
irom a Qciecuvs flue. Sundsy night, abu
even o ciocit, a tire was discovered in the
it Charles hotel betweeu the ceiling aud
floor of the second Ktory. Creat exeitemeut
i . . . . . . .
ueu, ui lonunateiy the fire bad not
gamed headway, aud it was soon exlinguised
inis Ore also originated from a defective
flue. Both have since been rebuilt Eithe
of these fires would have laid a oonsiderabL
part of our city i i ashes had it cained suffi
cient heailway to preclude the ue of buckeU.
it wouiu seem superfluous to again call
attention of the Honorable City Council to
Hie fact that this city has no protection what
ever Irom the fiery elemeut. A mineral
feeling of insecurity prevails amona those in
business on Willamette street, which
injuring the prosperity, and li iwering the
value of the property thereon. No one cares
about iuvestiug iu property or business on
this street, when the accumulations, probably
ol years, msy be swept away iu a few hours-
borne relief is demanded. All aiiree that
water works ou the Butte are desirable, and
would secure a certain protection. But uo
person or company seems w illing to com.
mence the enterprise. The cost would fall
but little below $13,000, and this, with' the
cost ( operating aud keeping it in repair
would preclude capitalists from investing
1 ne only feasible project is for the city to
buy a good hand engine capable of throwing
two streams. Our buildings are all low. and
the brick buildings are so scattered as to
form a break to the flames. Water can be
obtained readily from inexhaustible natural
cisterns which need not be over sixteen feet
deep. With a good hand engine so old fire
meu say, the flames could be confined to the
building in which it originates or to the
range of wooden buildings in which it
tands. The cost of engine, hose, hose
carts, and three more cisterns would not ex
ceed $3,000. The city has already on hand
a fire fund of nearly a thousand dollar, aud
the remainder could be raised without any
special effort. Cut down the salaries of
some of your city officials if economy
necessary, and expeud the money for
something that will protect what you have
already secured. The Honorable Council
confesses its inability to take any steps to
wards building a reservoir. It professes to
desire to render tome benefit and
protection to the property w ithin the city,
yet singularly enough allows a scheme that
is impracticable, because of want of funds, to
engage its atteution, while what could
be done is totally neglected. vVe have but
one word farther for that body; that is, that
a city election will be held next April, when
a chance will be given to infuse some life
into the almost defunct city government.
Willamette Forks Items.
Willameitk Forks, Dec. 13.
Too wet to plow.
Fall sowing is over.
Coburg has opened out a blacksmith shop
once more.
The streets of Coburg are very muddy.
They need some cross walks.
Some talk of a now grist mill at Coburg.
The people need it.
Robt Vaughn has got his Notary seal and
is ready for biz.
Mr. Skinner of Coburg has a fine lot of
drugs in his store and nUn a full stock of
Mr. T. M. Martin has taken up another
term of school at Coburg with a full attend-
li 1 1
ance. Air. Martin is wen ijuaiiutu suu
deserves a good school.
Uncle Jacob Spores is lying very low. He
is getting very old, and has done a great ,
deal of Lard work in his days.
There is some talk of a wedding in the
vicinity of Coburg soon. Vox.
la Explanation.
To tht Pullie;
It affords me the highest gratification to
say that a careful and thorough investigation
of certain reports Injurious to the reputation
ot the Hon. Robert Cochran and Mr. F. W
Osburn, alleging a purpose aud attempt
them to run off or induce the absence of
prosecuting witness, iu a case some tim
tried in the United States Court, in which
sant Osburn was defendant, found these
reports wholly uiisustaiued by the facta rnd
untrue, aud that uothing uot fully comport
iug with iutrgrity, honor, and the obligations
of law, was involved iu the conduct of the
gentlemen above named in regard to the
witness referred to. The object of the gen
tlemen iu leaving towu was not to, see the
said tituess, but to obtain the naluralizaiion
papers of the Iudian with whom he had for
some time previously made his home, which
they did on the advice of their attorney.
The statements made by me iu public were
based on information then regarded as re
liable, but now found to have rested on an
just inference and mistake. I trust that th.
giatilicaiion it affords me tj make this ex
planation will be shared by all the just aud minded lovers of peace and truth.
My in'onnm ion. was first received fro.n Mr
J E Attebery, our City Marshal, who slates
his informant was the U 8 .Marshal H
stated that Messrs Cochran rud Osburn bad
gone after the prosecuting wiluess, an In
dian boy, supposing him (o be at the "nat
uralized" IudiauV The United States Mar
shal hearing of it procured a team and
started after them. Shortly after his de
parture, Mr. Mi'.ler, whose father had raised
the Indian boy, informed soma parties that
the boy was at bis father's. Thuy then pro
cured a horse aud started Mr Miller to in
terotpt them. I D Dkivir,
A. O. U. W.
Mart led.
, Editor Goard: Through the columns of
your psper I desire iu a brief way to lay
before the people of this vicinity a few of
the objects of the organization kuown as the
'Ancient Order of United Woikmen." Its
bjects are,
First To embrace and give equal protec
tion to all classes and kinds of labor, mouUl
ami physical; to strive earnestly to inform
the moral, intellectual, and social condition
of its members; to endeavor by wholesome
precepts, fraternal admonitions, aud substan
tial aid, to inspire a due appreciation of the
stern realities aud responsibilities of life.
Second To create a fund f ir the benefit
its members during sickness, or other
disability, and in cue of death to pay a
tipulatea sum to such person or persons as
may be designated by each member, thus
euubling him to guarantee his family against
Third The adoption of such secret work
and means of rotoguition as will insure the
protection of its members wherever the order
may exist.
While the order has adopted secret workt
and its members are to a certain ex'ent
ound together by fraternal bonds, yet it is
nothing more or less than ai insurance com
pany based on purely business principles.
Eugene Lodge No. 13, A. 0. U. W., is
gradually filling up with our best and most
substantial citizens, aud all those desiring
heap insurance will do well to consult its
ecorder, II. M. Sloan. 0.
Sportsmans Club.
Captains M M Davii and John E Belshsw
chose up sides at the special meeting of the
Sporcsmans Club, last Saturday 'evening?, for
le match hunt, to take place on Thum ay,
Dec 30th. The Club was divided as follows:
O R Ran,
II N Crain,
J O Gray,
II v Humphrey,
A W Ktnwell,
Another pair concluded to remain no longer
In single harness, and so have uuiUd their for
the matrimonial link. last Tuesdar.
DcV".'lst,MrJ W tVrry and Miss Renne
NjfUUtu Were united Iu tnarrl. tt tli. ml.
nc of the bride's iwreuU, Rev I D Driver
performing the oeremuny. A number of
f-i i- -
imcuiu were present and all united In con
jratulating the happy couple. Mr IVrry and
bride left the same nmrnin (nr Portland.
where they Intend sending the honeymoon.
The following are the presents received by the
bride i
rgan-J W Cherry.
Silver Csitor-Mr Watklns and wife.
Eight day Calendar C'lock-T C Abrams, J
R Campbell, Wm Irving, I) K Rice. Q 8 Km
caid, R R 'lays, J O llrien. II C Humphrey.
Set of Wins GobkU-Mrs Laura Kiwald.
Majolica Cake Tray-Misses Eva and Katie
Linen table cVth-Mr C C Croiier and wrfs.
lied spread-Mr J E Holt and wifo.
Lacs pillow shams and full toilet set-H J
Half dozen napkins George and Fannie
Picture frames Mr McClung sod wife.
Fancy card receiver Mr Rhlnehart and
Glass cake stand -Grfo Fisher.
Tennyson's Poetical Works-Ctlle Gray and
Susie Moore.
Pair vatei-MLsses Anna and Estelle White.
Fancy card receiver -Alice Mother, Rose-
burg. '
1 doi naploiis Phil Lewis,
8iver napkin rings-Mias Frankie Swift.
Ilohemian vases Miss Anna Mosher, Kost-
Gold pin-Miss Rsa Goldsmith.
Gold handkerchief holder Miss Auna Ad-
Fruit stand and bonnet holde. Mr A Y
La handkerchief-Mrs A Y Peters.
Fancy hall pocket Miss Winifred Mosher,
Silver napkin rings Mr Dr Ssaroles and
Moore's Poetical Works-A L Frailer, A C
Woodcock, H C Rinehart. ,
Silver berry dish Mr J G Gray and wife,
Mrs Hanehett, Mr H M Sloan and wife, Mr J
S Luckey and wife.
But Call early and
secure Bargains.
low is the Time
To Buy Your
n n
ri r.
silver WtiiDlNH. Mr F B Dunn and
wife w ill celebrate their silver wedding next
PicTt'RK Frames An immense stock and
cheap at Crain llios. '
Rosenblatt & Co commenced closing "out
their stock of goods by auction yes'erday.
From this time forth goods will be sold at
auction prices, until next We Inesday, when
they will again sell by auction. Be oa hand
and secure bargains. They are determined
to close out.
Lost! V Reward!
From my place in Engene, last Saturday
ared cow with a double white mark on the
markon the left shoulder and right hip. When
last seen was in good order. The above re
ward will be paid to any one returning the
atn if T rrvn
Mannie Notice-
The installation of officers of Eugene City
Lodge No ll, A F 4 A M, will take place
at ths Masoni' Hall on Wednesday, Decem
ber 20, I860, at C:30 P M. Alt Master Ma
sons in good standing respectfully invited.
By order J M Sloaw, W M.
RoBBEP-The post office at Oregon City.kept
by J M Bacon, was robbed Tuesday night of
3,3'ifi. The money was owned as follows?
p O funds, $1348; Mr Bacon's private lunds,
$050; Grand Idge, I 0 O F, $.'70; Grand
Encampment. I O O F, S8; Stamps, $400
Noclue to the burglan
Nrw Ykars Cards. We shall shortly
have oa hand, at the Gparb Office, a splen
did assortment of New Years cards. Call
snd examine ramples.
Christmas Servk-m. Cbrismas services
will be held at the Episcopal church by Rev
Anderson thi.rniorning at 11 o'clocK.
JcsT RfcnrrD--The largest stock of jew
,lry ever brought to Eogene at Cmn Bros.
S B Eakin, Jr,
JuVe Warahauer,
A V Petjrs.
, r avis' side.
I.T R Campliell,
Weo Ivisutii'U,
-fos Xttiliolf,
(ico (iilbe t,
D C Un erwo-xl,
I 11 Underwood,
J C Church,
A I Nicklin.
O Stevens,
I lodes,
E Stevens,
ohn Anderson,
K J McClanahar,
Jm lltiddleston,
J II MeClimg,
John Gray,
C'hai Wojds,
M. V
Sky Maeks,
Geo lSelhaw,
Prof J V Johnson,
Kolit Campbell,
Rodney Scott,
C M Horn,
O S Kincnid,
H C Huddlestan,
Geo Smith,
It was determined to allow no one besides
the club mcni'jers and the referees, in the
club room at the time of the count of game
which will commence rt 7 o'clock, P M and
continue till 8. The exact date of the game
supper to be spread by the losing side and
participated in by the entire club has not
yet been decided but will be announced in
seasou. After a spirited debate the eagle
was replaced among the list of points.
A challenge from the Wheeling Rillo club
of West Virginia, fora telegraphic rifle match
at 100 and 200 yards, was placed on file.
Paper Wanted.
Any person having a copy of the Guard
of the issue of Octolier 16th last, will confer
a great favor by sending it, or leaving it at
this office.
Noiire lo Settle L'p.
All persons knowing themselves indebted
to the Hack aud Truck Company are re
quested to come forward and settle without
delay. 8. D. Coats.
So Faribtr Delay.
It is impossible to extend tim. on notes
and accounts due Roliinson & Church. Their
attorneys will be lound attending to that
part of their busiuess after Jan. 1st.
Married. At the residence of the bride's
pareute, Wednesday, December 22, by Rev
E P Henderson, Mr E Briggl to Miss M
Cheshire' B"tb of Lane county.
Stop a Moment and Read This-
Look at this list of goods just rtceivod at
the Farmers and Mechanics Clothing Store,
Sacque Suit from $10 to $17.
Scotch sacque or frock suits from $12 50
to $17.
Sacque or frock dingnnal suits from $13 50
to $23.
Broadcloth coats and vests, diagonal,
Prince Albert coats and vests. Just the
thing for Holiday presents.
Several new lines of overcoats, reversible
and ulsters, all grades and prices, from $7 50
to $20. ,
Derby shirt, r.ecktios and the finest line of
neckwear in the city.
Now hats aud caps, wool scarfs snd
10 different styles ef underwear, all grades
and prices.
The be t stock of silk and liuon handker
chiefs, hosiery, ic, for the holidays, in the
city. '
Latest style of hats $1 to $3 50. Caps
from $1 to $1 23. Boys hats and caps.
Tho best line of pants patterns and suits
in the city.' Cashmere, Diagonal, Scotch
and Amcricm cloths, r'uits made to order
from $30 up.
Pants mado to order from $8 50 upt Dark
gray Oregon cashmere pants, $3. All 'wool
pants 4 o() $4 75, $3, $3 50, $6. Pauta$l 75,
$2 50, $3 50. Overalls 50 cents, 73 oents,
$1, $1 23, Diagonal pants from $5 to $3.
The only Gonta Furnishing goods store in
Eugene City. Clothing cut for anybody.
All goods marked in plaiu figures, aud
strictly one cosh price for all.
Call nnd examine our goods before buying
Farmers & Mechanics Store,
li. J. GRAHAM, Monagor. '
Fire! Fire! Fire!
B C Pennlnon wnnta every one he has ac
counts with to come forward and pay up. If
you have not Rot the money go and borrow it,
for I have bills to pay and cannot pay without
money, A word to the wise is sufficient.
Don't delay; B. C. Penwimoto!.
Boots, Shoes, Etc.
T G Hendricks has just received a large
lot of boots, shoes, slippers, overshoes, etc,
etc., which he offers for sale. This is the
largest bill of this kind of Roods that has
been brought here this season, the cost
amounting to oyor $4,000. He has every
style and variety on hand, and can suit all
customers. Ladies wear a speciality.
Take Notice.
All 'persons indebted to R. O. Callisnn
MUST call and settle their accounts by the
1st day of January, 1880. He will be found
next door to S. H. Friendly.
Kolire to Drblort.
Great reduction in
prices ot our entire
Stock of Goods.
Plain Brocaded Dress Goods '
flnroyfo lTnotvm 7?i7Jtsn ?rna
Cloaks and Dolmans " "
And all our oilier GOODS " "
To the Lowest Cash Prices.
For the Holidays.
Everybody that buys over $2 60 worth of
Goods will receive a nice Christmas Present- Be
sure and crme tor it before the Holidays, and
rememher tho ' .
1 1. L. STOEE
Of the
Prices of all
of Goods for
the purpose of re
ducing: mv stock.
8. II. Friendly.
All persons indebted to Ben Itnsb for
bit cksmithing, will please call at the office
of O. B. Dorris and settle their accounts.
Bex. Ruhr,
Eogeoe City, Oct-, If!, 1SS0.
This is feyond qwwtion the most sne
ewf'd Comth Medicine we have ever sold' a
few doses ciirin lnvsrUUy the worrt cases of
(,'onsh, Croup, and bronchitis, while its won
di rful succms in the cores of Consumption is
withotit a rtrIM in the hirtory of medicine.
Since iu firediwnTT ft ha boen sold on
truant tit. tt wMch tr other medicine can
ti ct, In.t rxvivwl l,nti- tnf If ra kav arouh we eamrwtir
, ,. ,. , -utotrvii. J-ric10rt.,.V) cts and 100.
ful line cf Hoh lay (J oods. Call and examine ; r7 Jr, , n. f,u -k Lame
oar stock. No TIKttvUU t show gMids. 1 Sliilot. Fla-r. Price ' otnU.
Cbau Uk-A. fVld I 0lra k Co.. Irn,its.
1 cttt rrr
I am Prepared to Make to crder Buggies end Wagons.
As My Facilities art equal to any Establishment in fie State,