The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 18, 1880, Image 5

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The (iCABU ofEoa U now lucateil ia the
buiUinfl cnt th trcet frum iU former
0rtr. caunos eeuu out diiii tins
tick M promised in our last, but will have
jbdn in oar next uiue.
'brief me.xtiox.
Holiday good tor sale by A. Goldsmith.
A sew lot of Kid Glove t F. B. Dunn's,
K you wih to buy goods cheap call at
H Friendly'.
Uighesl cash price paid for wheat by
Hotenblatt t Co.
Call and aee that larje stock, of nwxla for
j, ,t Friendly'.
Poctoe LocUUBT, Medical and Surreal
passes of Women.
pr Sholton and Mr J C Church visited
Portland thia week.
Rock for the foundation of Abrama' new
brick i being hauled.
Bnimblutt Co. are determined to close out.
gi their advertisement
For good dentistry at reasonable figures go
to Dr. Davis, over Grange tore,
Mr E K Henderson, pf Portland, is in
town visiting friends and relative.
A; Goldsmith ha secured a largo an! at.
tractive sign for his place of business.
Silver riated Ware A complete assort
atj all nkw btyles, at Crain Bros.
The pumps and water tank that were
disabled by the fire have been fitted np.
8 H Frieudly sells cheap for cash boots,
thee clothing, hat, caps fancy goods, etc.
A new lot of brocade dress goods, perfect
fceutteeatl B Dunn's for 15 cenU ter yard
A. Goldsmith ha received a large lot of
holiday goods, toys, 4c, which he offer at
low prices.
If you want holiday presents, or toys for
jour little one, go and examiue A Gold
smith' stock.
Mr. F. B. Dunn wishes to inform the far
airs that he will pay the highest market
pries for wheat.
Yon can buy a nice genteel hat for $1, and
pair of calf boot for f4, at F. B. Dunn'.
Go and ice him.
Geo M Miller, who studied law with Mr
j J Walton, l as begau the practice of law at
Independence, Or.
Dr Sharpies was called to Corvallis Thurs
day morning, to wait upon Dr. Lej of that
place, who i dangerously ill.
MrS H Friendly will pay the highest
cash market price for wheat. Give him a
call before selling your grain elsewhere.
The marryiug business is becoming con
tagious! Another young gentleman of tins
city will Uke unto himsplf a wife about the
Biitlillo of next week.
Go and ee that Urge stock of goods just
received at Uendi ick's before purchasing else
vliere. The best stoc of mens clothing and
famishing goods at priws to suit the timoa.
We have been ahown a sample of water
proof collars and cuffs kept at tho Bazar by
Miss Carrie Rankin. They retain their pol
ish and cleanness for a long" period without
Business men should not forget that
Wank notes, bill-heads, statements, letter
heads, and every description ef commercial
printing are neatly and promptly executed
at the Gcard office.
. Don't you forget that all who have tried
the Dsrke e Woven Wire Mattress accord it
the higheiit praise, Fetfectly clean, noise
lets, and durable. E J McClaiuhan is the
sole agent fur Lane county.
Rosenblatt & Co desiring to close out
their business gives notice that they will sell
below cost until December, when the goods
remaiuing will be closed out at forced sales.
Come early aud secure bargains.
We call attention to the card of Dr Cau
thorn, which will be found iu another col
urnnj The Dr. is a graduate of the Medical
Cellege of the Missouri State Umversity(
mid also of the Medical school of Philadel
phia. He has located at Cottage Grovo to
engnge in the practice of his profession.
FlRE MiCTisa.-jThe citizens had a meet
ing at the Court House, Saturday evening,
to discuss the fire question. Dr Sharpies
read a report discussing the probable cost
and practicability of constructing a reservoir
ou the Butte. A committee consisting of
T G Hendricks, W T Campbell aud A G
Hovey were appc iuted to secure an engin
eer to make a survey and estimates of the
cost. A S Patterson, A Sharpies and J E
Holt were appointed a finance committee.
Died. An inmate of the penitentiary, from
this county, who wet t by the name of Grge
Campbell died at that institution a short time
since from injuries received while confined in
the Lane county jaiL One day he refused to
enter his cell, and while beinir forced w;s
thrown against the cell door, the fall injuria
h's abdomen and finally causing his death. He
was sent to the penitentiary fer stealirg a
watch from Gainey Matthews at CresswelL
Disgraceful. Two young n en, who should
lave acted better, conducted themselves dis
gracefully a few evenings since, by getting too
much stimulus aboard and carrying a lot of
chickens and pigeons into Mis Cropper's rest
aurant, and there turning them loose to remain
during the night. One of the parties appeared
before the recorder and was fined 810 and costr.
Tie other left for his home in the country.
Pcbuc IsjrrALLATlo. We nuderstand
that Eastern Star Lodge, A F A A M.of this
city, contemplates a public installation of offi
cers December 27th. Mrs J McClaren, Miss
Starr, and B C VanHouten are the commit
tee oa erragements.
New Ykars CA.nrs.-We shall tort!y
bave oa hand, at the Guard Omct, a spVn
did assortment of New Years cards. Call
and examine ta nples.
Council Proceedings.
Council Rooms, I
Echini City, Deo. 13, 1880.
Council met pursuant to ordinance.
Present U.uncilmen Duuu, Edris, Church,
Sloan, McCluug, Peters; Reorder aud Mar
hal Mayor Durri.
Minutes of tho lust meeting read and
approved .
Finance committee reported the following
bills correct, an 1 on motion, warranl were or
dertd drawn on the treasury for the several
Springfield Mill Co., tltf 15;
J W Christian, 820 59;
JEAttel ery, 85915;
James Wainick, 83;
h C Humphrey, $10 45;
SD Coats, 810.
President Dorris, as cha'rman of the com
mittee on fire and watest reported that as the
authority of the Couucil is so limited by the
chart jr that it is beyond the power of the city
in her corporate capacity to do more than grant
a franchise to some re.inonwble person or Dei-
sons wishing to engage iu the enterprise. I
Communication troiu D Cherry, referring to
the unfinished aud dangerous condition of 8th
street from Olive to LiLcoln was, on motiou,
referred to committer on streets.
The following bills were presented and re
ferred to the Finance Committee.
tujjene Mill Co, W3 25;
John V'hetmore,S3oU;
t Kobinaou A Church, $25 73;
J J Kelvuil, 88 50;
Geo Fisher, $9;
II J Humphrey, $8;
E Ska, $1250;
J M Fronk, 83 23;
Hiram Smith, 8 J7 44.
On motion the Judiciary committee was in
structed to draft an ordinance fur the protec
tion of shade trees within the corporate limits
of the city.
On motion adjourned.
H C Hlmphhet, Recorder.
Lower Siuslaw Items.
Florence, Lane Co.,. D.eo. 1, 1S80.
Weather.clcar and frost.
Captain Cox arrived a few day aco from
Coquille with his schooner. She is at an
chor iu the bay.
The river is greatly in need of a saw mill
to cut its valuable timber.
Two teams are engaged in hauling from
this point to Grrdiiier twice a week, carry
ing treight and passengers.
ciweet Bros have killed the largest bear of
the s a on. Eighty-five pounds of lard was
taken from the same.
Five gentlemen from the east have located
here for the purpose nf raising stock. They
are well sutistiud with the country.
Officers Elected.
Eugene City Lodge, No. 11, A F & A M,
h is elected officers for the ensuing term as
fjlloHS :
Chas Lauer, V M:
Win Edris, S W;
B C Van Houten, J W;
J B Underwood; Secretary;
F B Dunn, Treasurer;
V McFarhnd,TJer.
The following oiliccrs, for the ensuing
term, have been elected by Wimawhala En
campment, No. C, I O O F, of Eugene Citj :
J C Church, C P;
J J Walton, .Tr, II P;
S H Friendly, S W;
A O Hovcy, J W;
D M Kisdon, Scribe;
B F Dor is, Treasurer.
New fat Market.
I an now so'e owner of the new meat mar
ket, and propose to keep on hanl all kinds of
meat of fcood quality, beef, veal, pork,
mutton, etc
Lewis M.Farland.
Noiice to Srille Up.
All j eriom knowing themselves indebted
to the Hack ami Truck Company are re
quested to tome forward and settle without
delay. Coats.
Si win; Jluchinr Repaired.
Sewing machines of a!l kimls repaired and
adjusted by F J Lest. All work guaranteed.
Headquarters at Mrs. Cruppers roi.tau.ant.
Pigeos Shooting Match. A match for
pigeon ahootiug has been made between the
Lane County Sortsmar.s flub, and the Alba
ny Sjo-ting Club. Each club will select one
man. Thirty pigtons t be thrown from a
plunge trap will be allowed each man. Sk
Sleeks has been selected to represent the
Lane.County Club. We understand that 8100
has be? n alrea !y wsiereu on tns sresmi.
The niato'i will take olace at Albany, but we
sre not informed as to the date.
The Public School. -The attendance at the
Public Schod is growing rapidly, and from
present indications all available moid will be
occupied after the holidays. The present en
rollment is 247 with an tvarags daily attend
ance for the month ending December 10th of
224. When the scho J opened in September,
only 115 pupil were in attendance. The
teachers employed are giving general satisfac
tion. Pcblic Installatio!. Covenant Lodge,
I 0 0 F, Hnrrisbnrg, will publicly install of
ficers Friday, Jan. "th. J J Walton, Jr,
P G 1L "f this city, will deliver a Tecture ou
fie occasion.
Married On the 9th inst, at the resi
dence of the bride's parents, near Junction
City, Or, by Rev Houslon, Mr J F McCoy
to Miss Minnie Johnson, of Albany.
Married At Springfield, November 2S,
1SS0, by Eldir Philip Mnlkey, Mr O C Cof
fin to Carrie Harlen. Both of Lane county.
At Paisely. Miss Annie 'Underwood is
teaching school at Paisley, Lake county, Oi
g n. 1
Jcst Received--The largest stock of jew
a ry ever brought to Eogene e' X'rain Broe.
A column devoted to the iutermts of the
Laurvan and Kutaxian Literary Societies, and
me suite university.
Again, iu the history of ourulumn, it is
necessary for a new pun to be called into
use, and a uew uaine to be placed at its
head It is uot our puqiose to apologize for
undertaking the work which devolves oil the
Editor of this column; nor do we intend to
offer any promise further than, "Measures,
uot men, shall always be our mark." Our
thanks are due the retiring Kit i tor, Mr. II all
for his benediction of gonl wishes. Ti the
Lauruvis we say, send us your beat thoughts;
let the column have tho cream of your best
luomeuts. C. A. WooDliy.
The receipt of the young ladies Lesp
year party were expended in purchasing two
volumes for the library.
The Eutaxians have accepted the use of a
column iu the Journal, and elected Miss P.u
biu Spiller, editor.
The last session of the Extaxian Society
was s complete relaxation frum the Libers of
the week, and, although such sessions are
excusable once iu awhile, they are becoming
too frequent to be bcucticial.
The Presideut of the Eutaxians ha de
cided that we have rhetorical enough iu
school, so that hereafter they will be dis
continued in the Society, and we will have a
debate every week.
One great obstacle, which tho Eutaxian
Society has to contend with, is the hour
which it meets. This is just after the work
of the week, aud no one feels like entering
upon the duties of the Society with much
enthusiasm. If we bai few hours in which
to recover our exhausted energies, the So
ciety would be more interesting on many oc
casions. "Junior" Notes.
The rhetorical exercises of the Junior class
last Friday were very interesting. Prof.
Gated always adds variety to his exercises,
which prevents their becoming monotonous.
On this occasiou there wcro two written dis
cussions, one, "ltesolved, That mountains
are more beneficial than plains;" the other,
"Ambition; 'tis a glorious cheat" Each also
bad a quotation from his favorite author.
The five Juniors, whoto enviable lot it is
to have their name b( giniug with the first
letters of the alphabet, were assigned to
duty in the auditorium on Dec. 17th.
The'Juuiors will deeply feel the loss of
Prof. Gatch. Gbetcues.
Laurean Notes.
Last Friday evening was the regular time
for tho inauguration of officers, chosen for
the ensuing term. The retiring President,
Mr C A Wonddy, made a few appropriate
remarks, conducted the brief inaugural cere
monies, and then declared the oiliccrs duly
inaugurated. Hearty applause greeted Mr
V T Slater as he took his seat in the Presi
dential chair. When quiet was rostorcd ho
a Mressed the Society in a few well chosen
words, expressing his thanks for the honor
conferred uponhim, his anxious solicitude for
the welfaro and prosperity of the Society,
and his hopes for the future. He then ap
pointed the following standing committees:
Finance A L Frazier, G W Hill and J D
General Programme G M Hojt, J M
Neville and II H Hendricks.
The Vice President, Mr G E Bushncll,
will always render any needed assistance to
the President. We are led to believe by his
efficiency as assistant during the past term,
that Mr Whitney will ably discharge the
duties of Secretary. Tho other officers are
well chosen, viz: Assistant Secretary, E M
Bailey; Censor, A C Woodcock; Editor, C A
Wooddy; Treasurer, L F Wooley; Sergeant-at-Arms,
II F Keasonor. Upon tho whole
wo have reason to hope tiiat t'.e coming
term will bo a prosperous one with the Laur
eans. Jl'AM.
The following new books bavo . been re
ceived in the pust few days: Byron's Poems,
"Familiar Quotations," and Laud Laws of
the United States.
The Seniors will otudy during the next
term, Geology, Astronomy and Meutal Phi
losophy. Examinations next week.
The Eutaxians.
Friday afternoon, Dec 3d, the Eutaxians
held an open session, that is, open to those
who were invited, and thsj were tho mem
bers of the faculty, their wives (and chil
Art Hoard nf Reirents. Laurcans and oth
ers. The hall was tilled with what might
l 1 1 1
be justly called the learned and wouiu-ue-learned
of Eugene. ' ,
But the audience was not so attractive as
Ilia nifndmrs and officers of the society. The
President, Miss Whitcakor, performs the du
ties of the office with her uiual admirable
tact. The business coming before the meet
ing was promptly disposed of in a way that
s owed careful study of parliamentary rules.
The literary exercises cousisted of an essay
ly M if Cornelius, a recitation by Miss K
Smith, and a readirit by Miss McDaniel.
These wre all good. The debate was on
the following question: ltesolved, iii.ii
there is more to approve, than condemn, iu
the character of Oliver Cromwell." Miss
Spiller opened the discussion followed by
Miss Roberts on the negative. The follow
ing persons sjxike on the alternate si.les:
Miwes M.ggie Sergeant Mary McCornack,
Mary Don u. 'Alice Dorris, Alwilda Dunn,
and Anna Pengra. The speakers all ac
i.L 1 mkiinf the debate
ire,U and fcteresting. We have it in mind
to any many nice complnm-mary miii,
lest they might be uii.underst.Kl, we shall
refrain. We will say. however, that it is a
eurrent saying by those wl... have attended
both ..Kitties, that the Eutaxians always
, : I,:.... tliir mwti nit etiiiLr more
ucceeu iu w"' -
.ntertaimng and interesting than the Law-
eaus do their o en se - ;;
,uur laurel.. Lsuruaus, or tr.e "well ordered
will win them fom you. Krn.
Junction City Items.
JlKCTlox, Dec., 1(1, 1880.
OT Porter, of the Ilarruburg Nucleus,
was iu Junction on Monday,
MrCha Lauur, of Eugene, paij our city
visit last Tuesday
TUvs Starr aud Sails have been holding
protracted meeting at this place. Meetings
have been in progress nearly two week',
Ouly s few have been converted.
The Sunday School is going to have s
Christmas tree Christmas night. A consid
erable sum of money has been collected, aud
every urchin will be made happy.
Mr and Mrs Krati will give party at
their residence ly-xt Thurnlay, the occasion
bjing their China wedding. A pleasant
time is anticipated.
The Leap Year dance giveu by the ladies
of the Junction City Social Club was pro
nouueed a grand success. The Club will
give a public ball Christmas Eve. Everybody
A double wedding took place here yester
day. The parties implicated were two
daughters of Mr Akersand Messrs Edwards
and Belknap. It is presumed that the happy
couple will ere long take up tho burdou nf
life iu thoir respot tive homes.
Annual Meoting.
The annual meeting of the Lane County Bi
ble Society will be held at the Christian
Church this evening at C;30 Yclock. Officers
for the ensuing year are to be elected. Rev P
C HeUler, Bible Agent, aud others will ad
dress the meeting:
On to-morrow, Sunday evening, at 6:30
o'clock, there will be a Union service at the M,
E. Church. The following is the programme
Reading the Scriptures, by Rev S M Hub
Prayer, by Rov C A Wooley.
Address by Rev Thus Condon, subject,
Mau's need of the Holy Scriptures, and their
adaptation to his Wants.''
Address by Rev P C Hetsler subject, "Th
Methods and importance of the Bible Work."
All are cordially invited to atteud.
Special Tho Ijiiio Ceunty
Sportsmam Club will hold a special meeting
at the club room this evening, for the pur
pose of considering several applications for
membership also to give an opportunity to
the captains to choose sides for the match
hunt during the holidays. All member do
siring to take an active part in the sport
must be ou hand or send iu thoir name to I e
chosen aud no oue should fail to do this "for a
grand time is anticipated also sn equally In
teresting exorcise at the game supper to be
furnished by the losing side. Roll will be
called at fl.-JO.
The River. Mr Hatch and E J McClun
alian went down the river in s skiff last
Sunday to view the river. They went as
far as Albany, and rcwrt the river in a fine
boating condition. Should sufficient freight
be offered the steamer McCully, owned by
Mr Hatch, will make trips to this point-
Leotke. Dr' A Sharpies will deliver a
lecturo for the benefit of the library fund of
the d iversity .Societies this evening at the
Court House. The Dr. has chosen fur bis
subject, "The Visit n of Mirza." An enter
taiiiing lecture may be depended upon.
For Sale A nice horso, buggy and bar.
ncss; price, 8173. Enquire at this ollice.
Picti're Frames Au immense- stock and
cheap at Crain ltiort
Stop a Moment and Read This-
Look at this list of goods just rtceivcil at
the Farmers and Mechanics Clothing Store.
Sacquo Suit from $10 to 817.
Scotch sacque or frock suits from $12 SO
Sacque or frock diagonal suits from $13 SO
to $25.
Broadcloth coals and vests, diagonal,
Prince Albert coats aud vests. Just the
thing for Holiday presonts.
Several new linos of overcoats, rcvorsible
and ulsters, all grades and prices, from $7 50
to $20.
Derby shirt, i.eckties and the finest line of
neckwear in tho city. t
New hats and caps, wool scarfs end
10 different styles of underwear, all grades
aud prices.
The be it stock of silk and linen handker
chiefs, Hosiery, lie., for the holidays, in the
Latest stylo of hats $1 to $.1 50. Caps
from $1 to $1 25. Boys hats and caps.
The best line of pants patternseand suits
in the city. .Cashiners, Diagonal, Scotch
and Amoriem cloths. Puits made to order
from $30 up.
Pauts mailo to order from $S 50 up! Dark
gray Oregon cashmere pauts, ?5. All wool
pants 4 50 f 4 JS, $5, 85 50, $0. Paiits?l 75,
$2 50, $3 50. Overalls 50 ctuti, 73 cents,
81, $1 25. Diagonal pants from $i to 88.
The ouly Gents Furnishing goods store in
Eugene City. Clothing cut for anybody.
All goods marked in plain figures, and
strictly one cash price for all.
Cull mid examine our goods before buying
Farmers k Mechanics Stork,
R. J. GRAHAM, Manager.
Fire! Fire! Fire!
B C Pennington wants every one he Its ac
counts with to come forward and iy up. If
you have not it the money (fo and bom.w it,
lur I have hills to pay and cannot pay without
money, A word, to the wie is silt! cieut.
Duu't delay. B. C. Fexmotox,
Boots, Shoes, Etc.
T G Hendricks ha just received a large
lot of boots, shoes, slippers, overshoes, etc.,
etc., which he offor for sale. This is the
largest bill of this kind of goods that bas
been brought here this season, the ot
amounting to oyer $4,000. He has eyery
atyle and variety op hand, and can suit all
customer. Ladiea wear a pecia.Vy.
But Call earlv and
secure Bargains.
Now is the Time
To Buy Your
Grfcaf reduction in'
prices of our entire
Stock of Goods.
SILK UAXKFAiUlIEFS Greatly Reduced.
LACE . "
Plain Brocaded Dress
Corsets, llosicryJUbbon
Cloaks and Dolmans
And all our other GOODS "
To the Lowest Cash Prices.
For the Holidays.
Everybody that buys over S2 50 worth of
Goods will receive a nice Christmas Present- Be
sure and come tor it before the Holidays, and
rememher the
I X L.
Of the Prices of all
kinds of Goods for
the purpose of re
ducing my stock.
S. II. Frimdly.
I am Prepared to Make to crder Buggies and VYagons,
As My Facili'.ies-are equal to any Establishment in th State,
Gloves "