The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 11, 1880, Image 7

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L ...
nrowa sorrow In Ortaa . Tost speak Ilka fool,
LMd von ever try that dodder ",ou-,
n m'l llk to "ho bMB ' bu0
And tell blm Uil twice naught Biktl
., Millf drown t Bah Id the see, '
Or quench jour thirat with the ull of It,
i. duel) b drinli "!"' uilarry.
u you thluk that helpe It r Kul t bit.
guppoM yon P'- of wnrmwo
i . buwl-yuu war drink till
mi drop
jrour hum go,
Tuur rif Boats slwaya top.
As hitter aa ever. Drowned I Oh,
Drown sorrow lu drink I If A nun were hurt.
And groaned it the pain of a wiiuml received,
Would yon knock hliu aeiiealeae aud aaaert
That nla wotiud ww heeled sad tin pain relieved!
I tell rn, sir -1 tried this thins -Though
yon dull your grief by t wilful thirst,
Tou wake to a sevenfold iirTorlliK.
And the second state U worn thin th nrst.
ir a man hu i mu'i heirt In hit breeat,
H will live tan Ufa eud let diiuk loui;
Whan tba trial chum, ha will stand tba teat.
Drown sorrow In drink T It r an't bo done.
j jlie St. Lawrence.
A cicantio icliorao of harbor improve-
jnonU, costinpr about 87,000,000, hut just
becu luunched in Canada, aud if carried
out, even in a modified form,. will make
Montreal one of tbo finest harbors on the
continent. The plan originated with,
nd was submitted to the Board of Trade
hv James Shearer, who is a practical me-
olmnio and a loading manufacturer of
ntandinc in the city. Mr. Shoaror's plan
; to divert the current of tho tit. Law
rence oppohito the city into the channels
Iptwoen Ht. Ilokn's Island and the
jouthern ahore, and this ho proposes to
da by having various obstructions re
moved from the channel, and running a
dam or "peninsula." as he calls it, from
Point St. Charles in tho west end of the
city to St. Ilelen's Island, midway in tho
river, thus stopping the current from
running in tho presont main channel, be-
. .i - ! ui ir1 T.l.l
tween lue cuv ami cu. xiwiuu o himu,
Tho practical atlvantago tbat will ac
crue to the city and harbor from the car
rvinor out of this project are soveral. In
the first place the dam will prevent the
shoving of ice opposite the city and the
consequent flooding of. the Orifllntown
district, which is annually very destruc
tive to property, and will make Of this a
Rt ill water liarbor. whero vessels may lie
during the winter. It is estimated that
the contraction of the dam.which would
ba 2.700 foot long and 900 feet broad,
would rairie.tlid water two feet in the
river and lower it ton feet in the harbor
This would give a head of twenty-five
foet for mills, olovators and factories,
and the transportation of freight. The
dam would afford a broadway across the
rivor upon the construction of a bridge
from Ht. Helen's Island to St. Lambert,
thus removing tho necessity of a tunnel.
This could bo utilized for a railway, a
road for carriages and foot passengers.
Those are the main results anticipated
from the carrying out of the project. The
proposod peninsula or dam would start
at the abutment of Victoria bridge and
would be joined to the western end of
St. Helen's Island. It could be made
with the stone and drodgings token out
the south channol.
The scheme has been indorsed by emi
nent engineers, Mr. Kennedy, the har
bor enginoer, being one of them, as per
fectly practicable. Mr. Thos. Cramp,
one of our ablest publio men, and inter
ested in tho port as one of the greatest
steamboat agents in the city, said at the
meeting of the board that the plan would
seoure at once several important object?,
such as a new railway crossing and road
way between both sides of the river,
without interf erring with navigation, im
proving and enlarging the harbor proper,
while rendering its access more easy,
providing safo wintering space for ves
sels, and thus increasing the length of
our business season, creating large avail
able warehouse sites with water power
in convenient position. City Engineer
Ansloy says the scheme is practicable if
tho southside is sufilciently dredged to
allow the full force of the wator ta pans
through. The originator has presented
his plans to and does not ask or
expect any reward for his labors. Tlans
by eminont Amorican and English en
gineers, some years ago, cost the city
thousands of dollars, and were subse
quently found to ' be impracticable. It
will be strange if a simple and unlet
tered mochanio can solve the difficulty.
Montreal Dispatch.
The Fury of the rcat Lake Gale.
Tin vrtn Irnnw what it is to be at sea
with ft cilia blowing eiclity miles an
hour? You may read of the wrecks
which to-day strew the shores of every
lake; you mav read of the rigid bodies
cast up on the sands, you may cast your
eyes over a hulk and spar and battered
ninnV fcnt ift vnu cannot realize the
fnrv nf tliat. nwfiil cale on Saturday
Vessels on Lake Michigan were bowling
along before a topsail breeze, when, al
most in a moment, the tfale came bowl
ing down from another quarter, bringing
a terrible sea with it. bails were split
into tibgons before a rope could be loos
ened, and roasts went overboard like
broken sticks." No man living evor saw
lakes bofore. In an
liniir afror tVia calfl sot in thev were run'
fBflt hich. In three
"b wwa-j ' - i ,
Vai.. t1a nnnM an no hltrlier. "a
Frankfort they were fully forty foet high,
nd they ran with tne epeea oi i
horse. , ,
Th t1 nunahl them as they reared
nr. snri inn nf fniimT water were broken
off and hurled down into the trough, to
mingle with the base of the next wave.
rr. inrrroaf. nmnellers on the
ll Dfr,.UnrT t.vaantv feet OUt OI tne
water, had to put about before the gale
was an hour old, and even while run
ning before it at full speed, the waves
swept over the entire deefcs. Seamanship
availed but little. Schooners were al
most picked up bodily by the wind and
flung ahead, and the biggest barks were
Uiocked about like chips.
When day broke Saturday morning
those ont at aea must have realized the
wrath of death. Every plunge of an or
dinary schooner rolled floods of water
over her decks to ponr from the scuppers
as she climbed at an angle of ftwtJ-J
degrees. Men bad all they conld do to
;i, mnrinir a fineer toward
thmr erafto. The loudest
shont could not be heard two feet away,
th r nf the sea was awful to hear
The paaaengert on the Alpena were
reuJfrom sleep when the gale reached
v tl i v .noti . aea that no one
V. ZTtYoncer. When th. few
score aoula aboard were told that de.Ui
wanear, they looked out on that howl
ing, roaring, hungry aea without a tha-l" ladiw bmporicm and lack
uuw ui niiiMi init aha a! km aM..w.i.1
r- vuw v, lugm wuuiu
ever tee land again. UafU and boaU
would have been blown about like
feathers. Life preservers buoved xxn
corpsea until they were cast ashore to be
mcnuneu. i none who put them on the
final grasp for life conld not have livod
an hour in the kocn wind and ior wufor.
Mon who lived ont the gale still speak
of It with terror. Only once again will
tho door of death open wider to them.
rspara and bulks are beating to splinters
uu iue rocay snores, ana beaten and dis
figured corpses are thrown upon the
sandy beach, to be wept over and buried.
It was tho wrath of death turned loose
ajHin wild wastes, and that a single ve-
i escaped destruction seuuis almost a
The Grain Crops ot the World.
The annual volume on the crops of the
various corn growing countries of the
world has jutit been issued by Mom.
Bruy Esticne, of Marseilles, and the re
torta it contains occupy several hundred
Lirgo quarto pagos. A map showing in
various colors the stato of the wheutcrop
in the different departments of Franoo is
also given. Of the whole of the cereal
crops of Franco the roports are Rood.
The wheat crop is in live departments
very good, in serouteou Qepartments
good, in twenty-six departments fairly
good (iwz bonne), in sixteen depart
ments medium, and in six departments
ouit, uuu. uinu aro very goou in iweniy'
eight departments, cood iu forty depart
ments, fairly good in sevon departments,
bad in two departments and vory bad in
one department. Tho maize crop, grown
chiefly in the southern departments, is
fairly good. In three departments it is
very good, in nineteen Rood, in five
fairly good, in five medium, and in ono
only, bad. live is reported as very ffoixl
in eloven departments, good in fifty
three departments, fairly good in six de
partments and medium in three depart
ments. Barley is the bost crop of the
year in France. In twenty-six depart
ments it is very good, in forty gootl, in
rive fairly good, and in three medium,
In no department is either the rye or
barley crop declared to be bad. So far
as other countries are concerned, with
the exception of Russia, tho reports are
generally favorable. In Upper Italy
the crops are reportod as yielding 30 per
cent, over average, and these are fol
lowed by Podolia and Swabia
with an over average pro
duction of twenty percent. In the
south of Italy and Bavaria and in Wur
temburg the estimates are of crops 15
per cent, over avorage. while in lSessara
bia thoy are 10 per cont. over. The
crops of the year are 5 per cent, over
average in Hungary, Poland, Belgium
and the United states of America. Aver
age crops, without either surplus or
deficit, have been grown in Prussia, the
Palatinate. Baden. Switzerland, JJen
mark. Sweden. Norway, Central Italy,
Holland, the north of Russia, Serbia
and Egypt. Deficiencies of o per cent.
aro reportod in Great Britain, Ireland
and Saxony In Courland tho detioioncy
is out down at 20 per cent., and in Ooth
land, another Russian province, at 20
nor oent. under average. In Central
Russia the crops are so bad that the
deficit is estimated at 40 per cent, below
average. The commercial summary
which acoompanies the roport shows that
En one will &
,.U.rK AP,vi,. an.l tl.nt.
her breadstuffs iroui America, and that
there is every prospect of fairly good
and remunerative prices being obtained
for cereals this year. I London btana
Portland. Doeember 2, 1880.
Legal tenders in Tortland, buying, par, aud
anllinir at nnr.
Silver coin in Portland bonus quote at I per
cent, discount to par.
Coin exchange on iew lorn, i percent pre
Coin exchange on San Francisco, par W i per
cent, premium.
Telegraphic tronsiers on new iura, a ji
.., a p.aiiiiea Market.
Tha fullnwinir nuotations represent the whole
sale rates from producers or nni nanus:
FLOUR Ouotable in joDUing low at: ouinuuru
brar.ds,$5 OOlient country brands, $3 61(g)
$3 75,siiperfinc, $3 75(rjS3 50.
WOOL 20((i,27l for choice.
WHEAT (rood to choice, tl 30.
HAY Timothy baled, buying at $16$18 per
TnTTniTROiiolable at lc Der Ins
MIDDLINGS Jobbing at foed,20$25i fine
$25&$27l ton.
BRAN Jobbing at per ton, $15.$10.
r Tfl VmcA iwp liitahnl A'lWtilib obi.
BACON Sides, 13Jc; hams, Oregon 8 C 12fcJ
131c ; Katcrn,14(315c; shoulders, ,(3)iuc.
LARD la kegs, 13 ; in tius, ijc. '
uinrrvR We nuota choice dainr at zia.'Ac
rood fresh roll, 20(d221ci ordinary, 1(1
on., arhelher hrina or roll.
nnicn PRII1TA Annies, sun dried, 9ol0c;
maehiuedried, 12oj. Pears, machine dried,
llal2c Plums, machine dried, aUc.
tiniTRV Henaand roosters. $4 uDoa. lur-
keys lfci20c per pound. Geese, $8u per do,
CHEKSE Oregon, 12iol5ci California, lc,
Tninfl nraauJl . Fill i fin foot. Sia4C.
BKEF Live weight, 1 1 to He for good to choice.
BHEEP Live weight, ljcuc.
m m t i.fVI nnnlAlile at Go.
nnD-an,i.iiiliia at UnlOlo for all over 14 lbs,
one-third oh lor under that, also one-third oU
for culls J greeji fajnac.
1 . I H...k.H(llia
RICE Market quoted at China, 61o5 i Sand
Talnn1 71171.
COFFEE Costa Rica, 17ul8c Java, a5a2i
TEAS 'We quote Japan in Iaquered boxei 80
E.. mfm. f!71l47l.
BCGAIIS Sandwich Island, 9Jol0c ; Golden C,
in bbls, 10c i hf bbls, Jt; CTushed bbls lljc,
vrKV,i. l?c; Pulverised bbls. 12c, hf bbls.
101. . ir.ntlln M bbls. llie. hf bbls 121c.
fiARDINES-Qr boxes, $1 74; hf boxes, $2 75,
vieaaT rilWDKR Don nell V. $18 gross;
in'- - a." u.ll
Dooley, VAMi 8' 1 vuu "
t 'l A rmss.
WI'Ei3 While, per doi in
, $3 60a4; per
..An in aaaa.
. . ui. cAnA.u nafiln. ia Aaaea.
rai.vuctori ov, . ;
3 50 to $5; per gal, tOe to $1 50
fflaret-California pertal, $1 U) $1 25; im-
Borted P gal, $1 50 to $2.
uClL.uSn-i 1. 11 50 to 12 50; Span
Vh i $S to $0 ; s-orted brands, $12 lo $18;
imrartodrrgal,2.Wto$J. -Tort---Various
brands in qr csks, i 69 to S ,
ai irtl.19! imported. t3 to f 7.
firiElTS 'ine old HenneasT Brandy in or cka
wd ocUves,$5 50to$t5pergali W
Tilles Irish Whisky in eases per dot, 12i
James Stewart k Co. Scotch Whisky in or
oka and octaves, Hi iiennessy oranuy .
ra.edna.Terv fine 1 star $16, I star,
17 40, 8 star $11 i Holland Gin, larre cases,
18 to $30 i Old Tom Gin ineases,$lj; Eye
Whisky, per gal, $2 60 to $5 ; Bourbon, per
pj,$l 4fto$4l A Cutter, $J 25 to $3 40
OlW-Ordinary branas oi ooai, n.go r-"-,
Downer k Ce., I7J0e ; boiled linseed, $1 :
raw linseed, 9X; pure iara,i
$1 fiOafl lOiturptatisuj, Oaeic.
- - "
A V'Ult t tho MniiMiaeoBt talobllthBool
( Job U. burlH v ct.
Enttrprltlng bualnew meo in not alow to take J.
vauugo of tba rapid tncraaaa In woaltb aud popula
tion of Portland and tba atalo at Urge, but mert tba
demand by careful and adeijuata aupply. Tba truth
ui ima aaacruon win not o duuuitu aiur au loapoo.
Hull of tna aalabuaiiiuaui ui
lout B. OAKUlaOX 4 CO.,
Mo. 17 Third atrct, between Murrlun and Yamhill
atm'ta, Portland, UretfoU. Tina euU rprllii Orm,
with a Tlew lo Ihuruuxliueaa and priu.nem-e, baa
leaaeu lha uuliuiim lori at llie auuva lot-aliun
fur a U rm ot yaara, aud baa apareU uvitber exxUM
Bur labor lu bltiug It up tor tne purjiuaiiuf their ri-
telulvo Itualueaa. Al lua lei I oi Ui culralica la the
UDiita' utruniia,
I'nder tha direct rare of lira. M. A. Winnie. Here
we bud an elrKaiit variety ul Kill pure, turtiuu, Mpauiah
C'biutilly, lluaaian, Vmeu.eiiuea, UuijluU, lurcail,
liukbrwi and pulut latea, ami otuer varietlea,
wild their daliuate tracery aud I'laburate ue.
In; ImlUtlou larea lu large variety; a
una oi nue Miiuniiueriea, one oi tne aiwiaiiiea
of the eatabllabiurut, rdiiiKa aud luarrtioua
to mati'b.tu varloua wnllba; embroidery allka, white
and in all the new culura and tiuta; trimniliig aatlua
In the latent ebailea; ruiblUKa of varloua grattea;
coral, Jet. atevl and Ivory oriiaiueuta, aud an eudlnm
variety of article found only lu a nrt claaa houae.
Among the apecialtlea we note what haa never bveu
bruuglit to thia city belore-a uaiuiy article of linen
aud ailk unllU, hauilken hlefaoi the Uueal Huru,ilain
and euibMiilered.audladiia' dauiieluuderwear.whlte
aud lu colon, embroidered tu ailk. The ahow caae
lu the ceuler cotitaiua au eleaut variety of the uioitt
ran lacea artl'lically arraiigca over eatin of varloua
colon. A I': Horn tUia la diapiayvtt au rlegaut
whitn ami of Louadale cambric auu tortluu lace, In the bouae.
Ou the right ol the entrance la a ruiidiapia)' of the
And other aewiug niachlura. Thla portion of the
etabl!iuiient la uuder the charge of John 11. uarrl.
eon. and belonging to It la a Urge array ot thread,
needlea, tbiuiblea, iiiarblue on alul aew lug machine
Atliiree, andueeilli'a fur all machluea lu uae lu thla
aectlou of the country. Mr. Oarrleou la prepared to
repair aewlug machluea of all klnda, v the moat
reasonable terma, having euipioyea ur. iieauiowi,
lately with the Howe, who la a machine adjuater and
realrer of fifteen yearn' experience, aud who will
warrant an won. rataiug uu to uie
We find to the rluht ot the hall a room eleaantly fit
ted up for a ladiea' reception room. Noticeable
upon the wall of thla room la a fine o 1 paliitlug,
"Huuny Houn," by Hoaance; the apartiueut la pro.
Tilled with mirror, lounge, chain, etc., all of which la
atyllah aud appropriate. To the left of the ball la the
cuttlnirrooui. with anpllaucea for that work, aud be.
vondthat la theaew nu room. UiM leel, airy ami wen
lighted for the buaiuaaa of the aeaiuatreaa, Thia
room la under the uiaiiageuirut of Mlaa Jennie
Brown, latelv of Ediiibiiruh. A patent plaiting in
chine, with a capacity of llM yartla per day, laoue
of the appllaucea of thla room. Thia Arm propoaea
to demoiiatrale tbe fact tbat la.liea' uudcrwear,
plain or elaliorali ly triiuiiieil, cau be uncle at home
at nricea aa rvaaouahle aa t In mo paid fur the aatue ar
ticle Imported o largely from llie eaat. and at the
ma time iliruiall ateadv eiliplovmelit aud reason.
alilewacea to a law claiaof woranig womeu auu
mrla. The Drlncliilea uiHin which tbla eataliliah.
uient la foumlcd are careniliy coliauiereu auu uacu
upon the neceaallv for aucb an iuatitutiou, aud the
elaliurate care dlKplaynl lu fitting it up. abowa that
It baa collie to atay. The uiemben of the Arm give
Foiirtenne attention to the wauta of their patrona.
and will promptly and carefully All orilen from tbe
country. An luapecllou oi me gooua ouoreu u tor-
dlally Invited.
Qen. Meredith Read, ex-Minister to
Qieece, mentions an old man who re
centlv died in Athens, agod 112. A son
was born to him at the age of 02. The
Tnnnir man is of ordinary Bize and
strength, but is entirely destitute
Ad Editor's Knrant).
Orrica or rn "Ikthjsthui. Era."
ALMA. IOWA, .ly 0, IKU.
Ta U'Khh ii VM rtllt-irn!
I taka a uraat nleHauroin making ins mi-
lnwlnir auietnent: I hVB been a ill nl led will)
a dlaeuae of the kldneya fur the paal two year
and have tried nunieroua remedle wllh only
nar.iul and temporary relief. Warner'a Safe
Kidney and Liver Cure waa recommended lo
me.aud artertaklng u me pain ami aiaireea
left me. and I am U-dV feeling itrnnn ami
well. I am perfectly antiaOed tbat Warutr'i
Hafe Sidney Cure la the medicine needed, and
oau cueerfuliy rvcommenu u to ninen.
Wnrmn'a Mnaio House. 92 Morrixn street
in the musical line at.reaaonable prices. . A large
stock of sheet music, books, pianos, musical mer
chandise, band and orchestra musio always on Mr. Warren buvs evervthimrdirecl irom
fjistern house, and can afford to sell cheaper
than any store In Oregon, bend lor catalogue.
Take Warner' Bale Kidney and Liver Cure
arm making any purenaae or lu writ
lna-lnrealMnetoaay aWcrUaeiuuti
thla paper you will pleaac mention ine
name ef tn papr. .
tJo lose X3ills
We Offer to tbe Interior people Great Induce
mruii iu
al i ll at ata w 1 1, r a
Uettt mated Ware.
And Hack Orders for any umouni very care
fully eena us your oruera, eauoiaiij .v.
Ynn will save lota of money. Price Llsli seat
on application
1M) Ural atreel, I'ortland, r.
Hose X3ills.
ni.tiMAI'Elt A. Co. Bole Ascents, Port
land, Orea;nn.
Santa Clays' Headquaiters 1
rnrnar Tront and Alder htrects. rori
lana, uregoD.
Wholesale and retail dealers n
Tov. ranCy Goods and Novelties, Mechao-
I . .. n r n.a H r,i m
ical and Magnttio Tovi, Dolls, Drums,
Skates, bieijns, msski, veiuui
pedes and Games.
lend fnraamplesaa
at toys put npaasorted In lota.
Clnb.Iron. l'ck
el-riated, lAd''
Wood bottom, co
lon Lever. Bsrney
A Berry. nd oiner
II 00 te $5 00.
Sent ererywbere
by snail oa reoeipi
of price and 36 cent
Jjme . Hose JPill.
wm. beck & son,
Importars and Dealera la 1
Sharp's, Reninrjtoi't, BallarfJ'i, Btirjesi',
Kennedy k Wlnchetter Repeating Rifle.
Colk'a, Krinlnaion'a, Parher'a, Srolt At- ton,
uoore-i ana I labroeigK'a
Flahlng Tackle of every description.
Cor. t'mnlaiarl Alder Mr!. Porllaail.
Commission lNIcrchant
All Goods on Cominlaelon.
fKurra a bmcialtt.
Agniit lor 1''i Tateut Doublotroe.
207 First Btrcot, Portland, Oregon.
lVe have for ante a larwa ejauanllty af eaaaanlia
raaa ared Mblrh ta aaprrlur for paatwaee aa
arau itiiutrraaHHV Duraaai a)Tr.
It la niade from a Simple Tropical Iai of Rare
Value, and w a I'OMTIVK Remedy tnr all iheille-
eam-a thai cauee palna In Hie lower pan oi ine nociy
fur '1'iirnl.l l.lvir llcailai'hi'a Jaiindli'e Illarlnea
(Imvel, Miliaria, and all llie dimcultleaof the Klilneya,
Mver and rrinary Orvana. hor Female niaeaaea.
Monthly Jleuiniatlon,aiid durlna; piinniincy, 11 baa
no eoiial. II renton-a the oraiina I luil hakk the blood.
anil henre la I lip heat Hlaod Pnrlrler. ll It llie only
known remedy that curea lirtKiu a niwaae. tor ilia-
betea, uae Wnrnera Mule Itlithelea f lira.
For Hale by lmiKKMa and all lcleraal ! Sa per
Dottle. Largest ooiua in me niaraeu inn.
II. H. aV O.Hocheater, 1. T
Commission Merchants
Of all kinds. Also In
Wbol, Hides, Etc.
Corner Front and Alder Btreeta, Portland.
Altltll.the moat prevalent hut least understood of
all UlaeOKes, la too cauae or muni neeiunw aiiiiriiMa
.nrii , ,,r nr.onniiira ni'niiin aniiuaiiT. ii.
KKt'K hi niiwle thiadiaeaae a lite atudr, hnvhulu'en
a areut amierer ninineii mull cureu oy urn wwi, nem
u.v he hnn fur thirteen veAra in hla prnctice
the three hint in Portland, dr. put to llie aevereal
terna with the moat aniiaiiu'iory nwuia. ne inu; ii
tn-HtKl aeveral nhyak'lana. with tills accumulative
evidence we are warranted In siivhn that no oilier
preparation lor ine cure or tnia uiaeiiae in any ui
lorinn will Klve alien univenw aiiiii:n". ".'.
i....f.',u ul'llU' .M'ltl. L'llll I'lTl llllll whli'tl vim
nuii nt vnnr nrwalNl At home, or of UK. K Kl k. of
I'orilund.or., atfl per home, or all uoineaiora.
Tha lw- inr makcaa aim laltv of the trvainieiit and
cure of chronic dlaiwa, eamvlnlly Cancer, and lila
enai peculiar to Women. ouna inen.nililille mhI or
old men who are aiifl'erln(r Irom theamiraano 11
iiith, nervona weuanraa, eariy ikh-hy,
uii. aluiiilil iMin.nll llll. KKt'K. Kv
ihii.i, uirii.iiv wiitltientlnl. All iirouer aiieatioiia an
swered through the mails promplly. Kiicliiaealhree
cent stamp and address I )It. J AM KH K U'K,
The trade annplled with llll. K Kl'K S HI'ltK CI KK
KOU CATA H III direct from the laboratory oi
UK. KKCK.or from Hodge, Uavla A Co., l'urlland,
or. wlm imi c aiMnis.
Irealmanl hv Inhalation for Coneunio
tlon. Ailhnia, Hronchltla, laUrrn, lies-
nenala. lieaulaehe. Debility, laeuraiaia,
Hlienmatlam, and all t'hroule aud Nervona
Disorders. Information BDd suppllea can oe
had of H. K. MATMKWH. m Montgomery
street, Ban Franolaco, California.
Deaf People
On trial before puscbsse
Don't waste yonr money
otherwise. Bend lor free cir
culars, lmni'i
Phanaaelat. Dealer la Drasra, vaemieai. mmu
r v.mer Mnrruion and Hecond Hlreeta, Portland, Or.
Wboleaaie ana Keiau
Agent lor
time, Bacbel s
for the
PtoraI Syntp.
Glycerine Lotion
lor iO r mem.
Tbea prenarmttona are equal to anvimna oi in.
kind ever offered Is thla market, ana an are in ,
rail and
for Ihemeelvea. Ord'ra by mall promptly
atended U.
jimw a. ( iin.u. uniaaai.
tw Wr,rrW.n anit Bacnnd ata.. PorUaod. OT
To Hunters and Trappers!
A aura and certain mode of emfhh Beaver. Ot-
U. tKaa sMlAUenal & AlssUwHnV. UUOOtm, CU M
nin,mmn ! .l!ell 1 1
J I Tann
ft V AKD 1
V 't 6KB ME. 3
11 1"'OR,K,RV'8rm,eUea W. UUKiKinr.rtMmnciaro, trrkiWAET Mj-C'LUIIE, Portla4
Oregon Machinery Depot
.a ratnv-r a - ratri
I. OUEG 1 I V Ac CO.
W4 Waralaa Maeklaery, NtMaa, Haul mt4 Paarvr Paaaa,
BwMr Mill nlIMta, jl.rtrll till. llM-,
twr, H kerl ud Marhlarry, Ml mmd Ktkau t'aas
ht.MM jialnriM4 lawllrra, Waaer Va'Beele.
Mlraa. IjiiIm liawraan, AJvr Itaeketa,
! alne, Maehlalua' 'I'Mle,
Hewn, KHkkep. n4 A.heatM Parklx, 1 1 Ma,
ilrlilaa, Kabber Mala, aiMlr Malllaa. Ua.
I'r'et-l.lata nn applleallon Orden from n.e x, onlay flllecl wllh PmmptnM.
Cash Auction Com'y
Thia well-known and ri'llahle Ann of Oakland, (VI..
Portland for ilielieueHiof lli. lr eii. ndve tmle In Unn
urahle l.annu. an worthv of llie Hal ronaae of all.
We have liial reelve.i an luiuiauM una oi r.ninniioery imm Aiiriion.
Il.,u I., i vlih n, i lliil mm will ll ll ml l'rtia tlinl wl
Hut we ill .ell llM
l.a.h.lilerirarraV. .. fcV. ta. ltr. IVe. Ia.
Tltu u i. t,.r .,l.,r...l tir a Ml..
u m i.iu. lit n... vw w n ilia .iiMva nu nn unmenan i ne nr imea .uu in anu aienno i ni-r
Ille chemUe from 40e; IjulliVdnwnnfmin ViW; lira a
We have alxi Mlk lln.lker.'hl. f,11"a.
I ape, or Wuulen Juckeia. 4c, -to. lu older lo keep llie
Fariv-larkCaahvavreat It.le
Ituuhlv.M lUlk ( lot a .
ltrvmlevlnaliaiiailvai.... ww llaeaakioa laurii w
a I'laltt " Ko
Hoinplea on application. Mract
U l-Mi-Nt Ht root, lortlHiitl,Oroxon.
P. rV We liare no connection wllh the alore nel door lo na. Pleeae aiate what pier you aaw thia In.
IS will buy an r.le.ant Woul aud Ml. Hull al LITTW. Addreea, II. II. U IT, Third and Aldeiintaj
Purllaiid, Okii. rk'iil C. 0. 1).
-AW M, 1 - . JO
Pat. Self-Adjusling American Club Skate,
BLUED 8TKEL or FUM. NICKH1. PLATED. Prlpee furnished op application. Can l
forwarded by Mall al a coat of 40e. For sale by
Corner First skutl Taylor a tree ta....
Wngon mid CiirrliiKO 3Xatorinis,
Shelf and Heavy Hardwmre. Agenumt
TheramonaPrawtiilKaaaaieCnllera. Also HAL of nil PeaerlpiUf.
0 I A -
S 821
5 I H
J I U w 0 fl
o J a J -
i Is f 1 g a 3
h 1 S g fU w .
8 1 S s i'l a 1
HI H em 5 -c
! 8
as? S
(Nueresaora lo Cogglna Bench,)
...DEALER8 IN......
Having arranged to import
all principal lines or Painters'
Stock and Window Glass, we
are enabled to five as favora
ble terms on this line of goods
as any dealers in Portland.
Contractors and Dealers will
find it to their advantage to
send for our prices oeiore plac
ing orders.
F. E. BEACH & CO.,
If13 Front street Portland
I t oho rillH.
Commission Merchants,
And Dealers In all kladi of
MS rnsl .trawl. FmsKln
Xinavnl advaneemaiiU o. eonal(ninenta.
I llf I 111 W antral
nlLl 3
- r. iHiiiTiiku.
havlna hial a year ago opened a hranrh hiHiaa In
aud Uaalihigtou lerrllory, thuir low prk-eeaud bob-
Thi'aa (unila are aa food aa any
- iu al rrv-.'tlml will anioiiNli any men iutni.
10 H-ttV. IKI. .'hi, UOe, 4lVr, ia I
era from AOr; I jullea Merino Vealafnini AOr.
In ImvihI Knilimklery, llnalery.riillilreii aliotH,
Ixiwvat Price llouae 1,1 t'orilaiul wa will aeil
Hnaw Flahea'la all ahad.-ai - law
'l ahlv Itama'k - Warranted Pure Muell). O
" 'V- nye.J
.Portland, Otf
The Great English Remedy
la a never-falllnc Pur
for Nervous Iieblllly
Kihausted Vitality.
Hemlnal Weakneaa,
Heriuainrrhea, I.wnr
MAnllOUII, lui po
tency, Paralysis, and
all the terrible effects
of Keif Abuse, youth
ful fiilllee, and eicea
sea Id uiaturer veara
., , , , v,T' 1 auou ixata ui num.
.1 ory,Iasllude.Noolur.
ual Kinlaalou, Aveiaiou to Hoolety, Dimness o
Vlslou. Noises In the head, tha vital Aula
pawl UK unobserved In the urine, and many
other Jlaeaiiea I hat lead to Insaulty and dealh.
UH. MINTIK will agree Ui forfeit lva
llumlrrd Oollarafor a ease of this kind tha
VII Al. KKMOKATIVIS (under bis speolai
advice and treatment; will not cure, or for
anythlnir Impure or Injurious fnuud la It.
ttA. MlNTlk treats all Private Ulaeaaea sua
eeaafully without mercury. Coemultntloai
Free. Thoroimh eiamluiillon and advlee. In
eluding analysis of urine, In at. Price of l ltnl
H-a!rHs.,S0per bottle, or tour tlme
tbaquanlllf fnrllOOOi sent to any adddreM
nn receipt of price, or 0. 0. I)., aeeure f rom ou.
aervatlou. anu In private name If desired, by
' fA. K, MI.VriK, Al. 1.
II Kearny atreel. Han rrnnels, CM.
Nr.l'HKI'K I'M. euros all kinds of Kidney
and Bladder t'omplalnU, Oonorrhma, Oleet
Uucorrhtna. Kor sale by all druggists) 11 OU
bottle: six bottles for 15 CO. -..-'
are the beat and cheapest l)iPKPl A an
HILiol H our lu the ma-keU ITorsale by a
UUUUS, lATI" a CO. Portland. Or.
wneieaaie aaia.a.
J. G. Carson,
Manufacturer and dealer In all kinds of
Sash, Doors, Blinds,
Constantly on baud,
Importer o
Oils, IGlass , Brushes.
Painters' MatcrialSa
Orders from tha country will receive prompt
and careful attention.
ialmboomi fAcronr:
111 KronCM reet. AtWeldleri Will
For one-third the cost ot solid gold.
Th. New York Jawelry Compsuijr,
Morse's Palace, Portland, Oreaim, keep raaataiitlv 00
band a full line, cunaaUlii of ;
Ladies' and Cents' Jewelry I
Much aa IJMlles Hela, Ung Plna, Bnavhea, Nfck
t'halna, Watch Chulna, Unifer I liwa, llrai eli'la, OifT
PI..,, IMff lli.ltona; Vh,l,lwn""h- nh V?. 5
IMut Hracelela: Dent eiuena' WaU'hea, W aV O
is, Watch I harms. Hleeve Multoiw, Xhlrt BuU
l( ma H drt Hinds. H.'rf Ptis, Diamond and ImliaUon
&o!!!l Htud. 'and lllan MXES? wd
(ilnaaea, etc., aa "ell aa Cl(ka, Noveltlea aua
Any of the aiwve rikkIs aent to any part oi tne
eoVintry ('. . U.. with Ihe privilege to llie purchaaer
rf eianilnlii iwlalfiire paylin for them.
Awarded Medal 1st Premium State Fair 1880.
L and wonderful invention will c iin tnom men.
u .iu-. Para vala. Neuralirla, Klihiey.Uver
a, ,i. i i..-.Tinijlencv. Itiipture, aue, .Nervuua-
neaa,ly.p..aa,l1ieaaiid V'h.rlUeiu"lb;'tuseie
h KllV HtX T IX 1S) Market slreel,fian rauKlijJO
And Tl kalraala Jakkar In Dry Ooods, Furnlablnc
(KkxIs, Hats, Caps, Notions, Trunks, Valises etc. Also
Tee all laaerlar aattlaaaaatfc
Pani-ular atuntloa paid to FII.1JS8 A LI.
OIDI1S faom the etty or eanntry, of whatever
descftptioa. A. .LimMTHU,
111 l- Tra4 atrwet, rarHlaava.
P. 0. aWS M.