The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 27, 1880, Image 7

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    jIlE IIl'MOBS OF M1TR11103T'
be fnoy, but Fre done it. I've
ffil an.l . buby. BLadow. departed
Ver-etewi, brandy-cocktail., oigar-
bootooBi auBcoiuuug auirt-
" whUtanuuomijonnii. duuuows
b""0":' n.wka. . bnnd-boxei. rib
f garters, long tockin(?8, jurenile
'cradle, bibi, eugar-teaU, pare
tiV 'hive ayrnp, rhubarb, aouna, aalU,
ftlls anu uwwiw j
Ijko, I got oaught. I waa always
1U" - i mnflt tAn.-naratt1 llASllflll
f.. avap did see: it oa kinder in
,e" v.L to be taken with the shakes
v f saw ft nrettr iral approaoh
La and I'd cross the street any time
afar I?" "r,jt
i ln't l'"e lUO uriwi, aut u a nan
c'lind a fence looking through a knot-
COUkU U"v """"6U,
O010! .:,,. T.fh ernvn a nartr nn
ffell nij B1D"J r v "
" . .' shirtnl nwav from noma ba-
was too bashful to (ace the music.
n nnn, the house whistlina ,401il
m watching the beads bobbing up
& down behind the window curtains,
d wibing the thundering party would
Kk up. so 1 oouia 8et to my room. I
brew "j I , , . ,. ,.j ,
lOketl UP UU"UU v VlglHO, l'lt AV WJ
,t m j l: llv o r r
. j conoludod to shin up the door-
nnnw antd rliun si nit n and T
i.itjt anil iiulmilv u MiiuiiuurLuuiH-
found mysolf snug in bed.
..v Hiiid I. "lot her rip! Dance
ntjyour wind gives out." And cud
dling down under the quilts, Morphous
wnsdreaming of soft-sholl crabs and
tewed tripe, and having a good time,
ilien somobody knocked at the door and
toka me up. "Kap, rap, rnpl" Then I
leard a whiHpering, and I knew there was
Jwliolo raft of girls outsido. Then Lib
jngsout : ..'.
"Jack, are you thore?
"Yea," says I.
Xhen came a roar of laughter.
"Let us in," said she.
"I won't!" said I. VCan't you lot a
fellow alone?''
"Are you abed? said she.
"Iam," say" I.
"Get out,'' says she.
"I won't" says I
Then caine another laugh.
By thunder! I began to get rilod.
"Got out, you petticoated scarecrows!"
tried I. "Can't you get a beau without
hauling a fellow out of bed? I won't go
home with you I won't, so you may
clear out."
n,l throwinn ft boot at the door, I felt
I lwttr. But presently I heard a still
(small voice, very like Sister Lib's, and it
f "Jack, you'll have to get up, for all
the girls' things are tliore.
Oh, mercy! what a pickle. Think of
me, in bed; all covered with muffs,
shawls, bonnets and twenty girls ont
siJa the door waiting to get in. If I
bad stopped to think I should have
pancaked on the spot. . As it was, I
rolled out among" the ribbons and bon
netware in a hurry. Smash went the
millinery in every direction. .1 had to
dress in the dark, for there was a crack
in the door, and the girls will peep,
and the way I fumbled about was death
on straw "bats. The moment camo, I
opened the door, and found myself
right among the women.
"Oh! my leghorn!" cried one. "My
dear, darling winter velvet!" criod an
other, and thoy pitched in they pulled
me this way aud that, boxed by ears,
and one bright eyed little pioce Sal,
bor name was put hor arms round my
neck and kissed me right on my lips.
Human nature could not stand that, and
I gave hor as good as she sont. It was
the first time I ever got the taste, and
it was powerful good. I believe I could
have kissed that gal from Julius Ciesar
to the Fourth of July.
"Jack," said she, "we are sorry to dis-
turn you, but won t you see me nome:
"Yes, I will," said I.
1 After that we took a kinder turtle dove
after each other, both of us shining like
( a barrel of new cider when we were away
from each other.
'Twas at the olose of a glorious sum
mer day, the sun was setting behind a
distant hen-rooBt, the bull-frogs were
commencing their evening songs, and
pollywogs, in their native mud-puddles,
were preparing themselves for the shades
of night, and Sal and myself sat upon an
antiquated black log, listening to the
niusio of nature, such as treo-touds,
roosters and grunting pigs; and now and
then the niusio of a jackass was
wafted to our ears by the gentle zophyrs
that sighed among the mnllon
stalks, and heavy laden with the de
licious odors of. hen-roosts and pig
styes. The last raj s of the setting sun,
gwncing from the "buttons of a solitary
horsoman, shone through a knot hole in
a hog-pen full in Sal's face, dying her
hair an orange peel hue, and showing off
my threadbare coat to best ad vantage,
one of my arms was around Sal's waist,
my hand rested on the small of her back;
she was toying with my auburn locks of
jet-black hue; she was almost gone and I
almost ditto. Sne naa tne uiccoups, uu
I felt like a mud-turkle choked with a
codfish ball. ,
"Sal," says I, in a voice as musical as
the notes of a dying swan, "will you
have me?" ... .
She raised her eyes heavenward and
clasped me by the hand, bad an attack of
the heaves and blind staggers, and with
a sigh that drew her shoo strings to her
palate, said, "Yes."
She gave clean out then, and squatted
on my lap. I hugged her till I broke my
suspenders, and her breath smelt of tho
onions she had eaten two weeks before.
Well, to make a long story short, she
set the day, and we practiced for four
weeks every night how we would enter
the room to get married, till we got so we
could walk as gracefully as a pair of Mus
covj ducks. The night the company and
the minister came the signal was given,
nd, arm in arm, we went through the
hall. We were just entering the parlor
door when down I went kerslap on the
oilcloth, pulling Sal after me. Some
cussed fellow had dropped a banana-skin
on the floor- and it floored me. It split
an awful hole in my cassimeres, right
under my dress coat tail. It was too
late to back out; so, clasping my hand
over it, we marched in and were
.spliced, and, taking a aeat, I watched
'the kissing-the-brida operation. My
groomsman was tight and he kwsed her
till I jumped up to take a slice, when,
oh horrc. a Ettle six-year-old imp had
crawled behind me and pulled
my ihirt through the hole in my
p?BtV?a VlnnA it to the chair, and
when I jumped up I displayed to the
astonished multitude a trifle more white
m? 8l11Vhn pleasant. The women
giggled, the men roared, and. I ijot
mad, but waa finally put to bed, and
there my troublos ended.
" ' r-
Romance In Real Lire.
A wealthy couple had lived together in
perfect peace for f orty-one years. While
:tting in tho parlor one evening not
long ago the husband surprised his wife
by saying: "I am' going to tell you a se
cret you novor heard of bofore." There
was a pause ss a lady and a near relative
who chanced to be present awaited the
disclosure, and the busband continued:
Yes, you will be surprised to hoar that
I had another wifo before I marriod you."
Startled and aghast the wife clasped her
hands in suspense, and asked: "Am 1
then, not your lawful wife?" "You are
my lovod and lawful wife," was the
prompt reply. "My wife died four
years bofore I came to Dubuque and mot
you." Then he reluted how he had mar
ried his first wifo and been summoned to
his home to find her dead in child-birth.
Then he went West and settlod in Du
buque where the eecond romance
of his life camo about. Six years
ago he rocoived a letter from
the WOmnn who linil nni-u,1 In' a flut
uu uia
wife. She wrote that she was upon hor
uouiuiwu, uuu oouiu not rest uutu sue
had Confessed hor Klmro in n lm nrimn
The wife had died, but the son had sur
vived, and through a larga bribe prof-
iorea dj me uoaa woman s lather, tho
nurse's lina had lxwn a1il nn.1 tlm
husband told that tho child had died
wit a its mother. This man, the father-in-law.
WBB WfillltllV. hilt Ilia ilnnrrliWa
death had loft him without an heir, and
no wok mis means or supplying what
fate had llpni'ml Witll hnr lnuf V.nnt1.
a.H uw .MOW f . U .
the nurse informed hor emplover that
-l. t t i? i . F -
as nau uivuigou me trutn to a gentle
man in Dubuque, and immediately upon
her death the father-in-law went West
and offered a large bribe. This was re
fused, but the secret was kopt. The son
was a millionaire in tlio ritr nf P anA
hit fathor was anxious to see him. The
second wife was thus told the truth for
tha fired fimA ami nulrnil f a rrn Faaf an.l
pay the first wife's son a visit. When
the story was told, the wife announced
in low tones: "Since you kopt it from
me so long I would rather you had never
repeated it. xne excitement caused by
the recital proved fatal. In two days
the lady was dead. Dubuque Times.
Hurrah! My Wife la Haaged.
A middy in the royal navy, he went
ashore at Portsmouth with some moss
mates, and there made merry until the
funds were exhausted and a long bill run
tip at a tavern at the point. The signal
was made for all hands on board, but
when the careless middies would have
obeyed it, the landlady intervened, vow
ing they should not leave until the reck
oning was paid, and called in a bailiff
and his men to show she was in earnest.
The youngsters threatened and entreated,
all to no purpose. The obdurate woman
remindod them that they would be irre
trievably wounded if the fleet sailed
without them, and pronounced her ulti
matum. Said- she to her horrified
debtors: "I will give you all a chance.
I am so circumstanced here that I cannot
very well carry on my business as a sin
gle woman, and I must contrive some
how to get a husband, or, at all events,
be able to produce a marriage certificate.
Now, the only terms upon which I will
set you free are that one of you marries
me. I don't care a snap which it is, but
one of you I will have for a husband, or
else to jail you all go, and your
ship .sa'ils without you." lind
ing the vixen immovable, the unhappy
midshipmen cast lots, and Watty drew
the fatal slip. Tho lady procured a li
cense, and the knot was tied, after which
she bade them, husband included, good
by, intimating that she did not wish to
see him again, the marriage linos boing
all she wanted and these were safe within
her possession. The ship sailed, the mid
dies keeping their doings at the point a
secret, as they had sworn to do before
drawing lots. Twelve months later, when
the ship was at Jamaica, a batch of Eng
lish papers reached the midshipmen's
berth. Glancing over them, Watty was
attracted by an account of a robbery and
murder at Portsmouth, and the execu
tion of culprits. Suddenly leaping to
his feet, he waved the welcome newspa
per above his head, shouting, "Thank
heaven, my wife is hanged." Chambers'
Dirt and Bodily Heat.
TUa nnri which the skin ulavs in the
regulation of bodily heat, says the Lan
cet, is not adequately estimated. The
envelope of complicated structure and
vital function which covers the body,
and which nature has destined to per
form a large share of the labor of health
preserving, is practically thrown out of
use by our habit of loading it with
clothes. It is needless to complicate
matters by allowing it to be choked and
encumbered witn airt. i mo iuu ui u
animal ha coated with an impervious
varnish, death must ensue. A covering
of dirt is only less inimical w uie. i? e
mA tint. anAA.kinfl' of dirt such as offends
the sense of docenoy, but of those accu
mulations of exudod matter wun waicu
hAPnmfl loaded if it is
habitually covered and not thoroughly
cleansed. coia uaiu
cleansing agent. A man may bathe
daily and use his bath towel even
. i .1 J ul 1A nll viva.-
roughly, dui remain uulj w ji f""-J.-.S
ininni aft thnnch he eschewed
cleanliness; indeed, the physical evil or
dirt is more likely to ensue, because if
holly neglected, tne sjtm wuuiu hhi uu
.mon(-ifinn matter br period io
nerspirations with a desquamation of the
Vntninir hnt a freonent wash-
w 0
ing in water, of at least equal tempera
ture witn tne sun, uiu uup, mm uoun -t
i..ainv inrface. The feet re-
a uire especial care, and it is too muca
tne pracuc w .
An.r wiahin? with soap and
UUUHIVli V. j y .
the wearing of foot coverings, so tight as
compress the Diooa-vessen ma reiaru
a circulation of the blood through the
extremities, are the most common
causes of cold feet The remedy is ob
vious; dress loosely ana wasa irequeuuj.
Time, one a. "XT -ear," saia ne
'sail right; I've been down getting th
returns. There's no nsh'n raian a row.
Tain't my fault. What you wan ah
early returns."
Poitlaio, NoremW JO, I860.
Legtd Under in rorllind, buying, par, aud
selling at par.
Silver ouin In Tortland Uom quota at I per
cent, diioount to par.
Coia xcbingt on New York, 1 per cent pre
mium. Coin exchange on San Francitofi, par to ) per
eenL premium.
Telegraph io taoifeni on Kew York, 1 percent,
premium. - .'
tome) PreXaee) Market,
The following quotation represent the whole
Nile rate from producer or firat hand:
KLOUtt OuoUble in jobbing lot at: Standard
braid, U 00 boot country brand, fj b'l(
M 7i,iuperfliie,tJ TS(ifs 50.
WOOL 2u(2i for choice,
W 11 EAT-Uood to choice, SI SO.
HAY'-Timotliy balod, buying at $K$18 par
rOTATOES-Quotable at le per lb
MIDDLINGS Jobbing at feed,20l25! floe
t(a,tSH $ ton.
BUA.N Jobbing t per ton, $Ur$tlfl.
OATS Feed, pur bushel 41!) (nAi ct.
BACON Side, 3)oi ham, Oregon 8 C
13)c) ljutern, 14 (4,16c j ahoulden, 8(4 10c.
LARD In keg, 13 ; m tin, 1.1c.
BUTTER We quote choice dairy at 27a23c ;
good freah roll, 20 (ij, 2 JJcj ordinary, ld(j(
20c, whether brine or roll.
DRIED ERU ITS Apple, un dried, 9al0c(
machine dried, 12ci. Tear, machine dried,
llolL'c. 1'liinn, machine dried, 20c
EGG8 25c per do.
POL'LTHY Hon and rootrt, $4 60u.p. Tur
key lfa20c per pound. iwe, JitaD ncrdo.
CHEESE Oregon, 12)al5c; California, 10c
HOGS DrcMcd.Mc; on foot, 31a4c.
BEEF Live weight, H to He for good to choiee.
SHEEP Live weight, lja2c
T A LLOW Quotable at 6c.
HIDES Quotable at UilO)c for all over 10 lb,
one-third olTlor under that, alio one-third ott
lor cull ; green C4ac
Cteneral Merchandise.
RICE Murkot quoted at China, 6Jo5J ; Sand
wich Island, 7Ja7J.
COFFEE Conta Rica, ITaISc; Java, 25o2ej
Rio, 161al7c
TEAS We quota Japan in laquorod boxes 60a
75c ! paper, 37ia47).
SUGAItS Sandwich Island, OJalOc ; Golden C,
in bbl,10c ; hfbbl, Vic ; Crushed bbla, 11 jc,
hfbbls,12o; 1'ulverized bbl), 12c, hf bbla,
13)c Granulated bbla, 11 Jo, hf bbl 12tc
SARI)INES-Qrboxe.$l 75; hf boxei, $2 75.
YEAST l'OWDER Donnelly, $18 grow;
Dooley,$20a22$groaa; I'reston 1 Merrill,
$24 ( gros.
WINES White, per do In case, $3 504; per
gal,7UcU$l oO; bonouia, per do in caca,
$3 60 to $5j per gal, 00c to $1 60.
Claret California per gal, $1 to $1 25 J Im
ported per gal, $1 50 to $2.
Sherry Cala per gal, $1 50 to $2 80 ; Brwin
iah,$3 to$0j assorted brands, $12 to $18;
Imported por gal, $2 50 to $7.
rort Various brand) in qr cska, $2 50 to $5 ;
$1 50 to $2 j imported, $3 to $7.
SPIRITS Fine old Henneray Brandy in qr cka
and octavoa, $3 50 to $7 50 por gal ; l)un
ville' Irish Whisky in case per do, $12;
James Stewart k Co.' Scotch Whisky in qr
cks and octave, $4 ; Henneesy Brandy in
case, per do, very fine 1 star $16, 2 itar,
$17 50, 3 star $10; Holland Gin, large earn,
$18 to $20; Old Tom Gin in cases, $12; Rye
Whisky, per gal, $2 50 to $5; Bourbon, per
gal, $2 50 to $5 ; A Cutter, $3 25 to $3 50 j
0 K Cutter, $4 50 to $5.
OILS Ordinary brand of coal, 30c, high grade;
Downer A Co., 37Jo40c ; boiled linseed, $1 ;
raw linseed, Boc; pure lard, $lal 10; castor,
$1 60a$l 60; turpentino, 60a85c.
In the old days thore were angels who
came and took men by the hand and led
them away from the city of destruction.
We see no white winged angels now.
But yot men are led away from threaten
ing destruction; a hand is put in theirs
whjch leads them forth toward a calm
and bright land, so that they look no
more backward; and the hand may be a
little child's. Georgo Eliot.
When old Mrs. Bunsby had got
through reading in the morning papor
an account of the last fire she turnod her
spectacles from hor eyes to the top of her
hoad and remarked: "If the city fire
men would wear the generwine hum
l-nlt otn.L-infra anrdi aa WAmaliO anil wear
in the country, they wouldn't be a bust-
in ol tueir hose at every nre.
A Reliable Carainieiloii etctaanl
The Portland Telegram, has this to say
of Mr. Blumenthal whose advertisement
appears elsewhere; Mr. Blumenthal 111!
Front street has made the most rapid ad
vancement of any young merchant that
),na .v.r lrw-atnil in Pnrtlunrl. He lins a
IIUO l I V .vr.M vwu - -
large acquaintance all over the state and
is in receipt ot orders uauy. air. uiuiuen
thul is a reliable dealer and is well posted
as to the value of goods. He will pur-
MknoA nn. oftinlo fir norannfl in the coun-
Lunao o " n 1 1 .w. " - -
try, and we are sure he will execute com
missions tothe satisfaction of all. Money
sent to him will reach its proper source,
for we can guarantee his honesty. Mr.
Blumenthal will fill any ordei for country
customers on short notice.
IMlllaR-er') Cub Auction llonae.
The advertisement is published else
i.. r a T Cullinirpr's f'HHh Auction
mifcio vi ' . " o - - - - ,
CO: 210 First street Portland Or. This
k,1,1. rmra mm hnrcrains and carries a
large line of goods which they are selling
at remarttaoiv low pneea. uiucn uuu
this section of" the country will receive
prompt attention.
A pultr Maele Happ.
. . . .1- ti,Kli anh m T klrl-
neya and liver for over twenty yearn, and dur
ing that entire time I waa never free from pain.
My medical bill were enormon. and I vl
I! ..k .... ui .nri Whiu HnrlimH. noted
fortbeouraUve qualitleof the water. Iam
' 1 waall man and An
nappy 10 but i kiu uuw i -
Urely atthe reinltof Warner'i Bafe Kidney
am only too to letUy regarding therein
edy which ha made me J tjMIPJ
I IWW. J M -
rpL.t ir...'. XfrniAtrmiaa. 02 Morrison street
lutb niitcu. -... ' t .
near the Postoffice, Portland, Or., ha erervthing
in the musical line ai reaaonaoie pna. ig'
l. r .1. mniii,. KnnL. niAnos. musical mer-
BUjA V, . 1. v. . u.w, ' I ' -
chandiie, tend and orchestra music alway on
hand. Air. warren ouy ct7wiui(i"w"'"
Eastern bouse, and can afford to sell cheaper
than any store in Oregon. Bend for catalogue.
vcr- mnaln tnacher or musician in
Oregon, Washington Territory or Idaho,
who will send their name and address to
Warren's Musio House, 92 Morrison bt.,
DrfU,i will receive free for three
months, a copy of his Mucal Review,
it K I AM AM sv en TV 1 1 I
containing tnree now yio
each month, besides current musical
j- .l.i .ill MMlh. mmr rfllHJM
DecSllM to women b Warnefe 8afi Kidney
Kd LlVer Cnre.-Mothera' Maaaaloe.
. mmr uriiM er I writ
lu la rP ie assy wUhmI la
Ibu papor yf wits p" "
am af the prwe-
To Hunters and Trappers!
a r an4 rrtln B"l of rtrhln BfaTer, Ot-
In iih bun i
Commission Merchants
Of all kinds. Also in
Wool, Hides, Etc.
Canter Front anrt AMrr atrvHa, Pertlanil
Awarded Medal 1st Premium State Fair 1880.
4 - s'-
mid o-fiuili-riiil iiivriiiloii. will nin- without nioll
rln KliHiniaila, I'anilyala, NimiihIkU, KMmy,IJviT,
Kpliuil INarnM-i, IniinK-y. Itiipliirv. Aaiir, Nrrrnua
iihm, hvii m, lniiand oilirr I'av iiMiiflaiih iiiai
We I'liallniKwa at ! -niiBi" lnv,.iUml,.n ii Ha ni.Tlla.
fall iirailitn-aii llilHNK it VKT K1.WTIIOMM
.V KT1C ItKLT 1 0 10S Market ainvi, Nan liaiu'lafo.
Jill ma
Santa fa' Headquaiteis f
Corner Front and Alder streets, Port
land, Oregon.
Wbolpaalr and rctaO dntlrr a
Toys, Fancy Goods and Novelties, Mechan
ical ana magnitio Toys, uoiis, urums,
Skates, Sleighs, Masks, Veloci
pedes and Garnet.
Hrnd for aample caw of toy put npamortMlfn lota,
I0, J0, :o.
J. C. Carson.
Manufacturer and dealer In all kind ot
Sash, Doors. Blinds.
Constantly on band.
Importer o
Paints, Oils, Glass, Brushes.
Painters' Materials.
Order from the oountry will receive prompt
and cuTeful attention.
SALKSROOXt factobt:
111 Front Ktrrrf. At Wrldlcr'i Still
auir9 POHTLASni UHKUtin,
treatment by Inhalatlou for Conaump
tlon. Aatlimn, Brourlillla, Catarrh, Dya
prpala, llraitaebe. Ilrlilllty, Jrnralia,
Klirnmatlaiu, and all Chronic anil Nervoua
Ulaordr. Infnrmmlnn and aupplle can be
had of H. K. MATHKWH. m MonUomery
street, Ban Francisco, California.
JDeaf Teople
On trial before purchase
Don't waite your money
otherwise. Bend lor free cir
culars, lmnia
Commission Merchant
AU Good on Comralaalon.
Fiwrra a specialty.
Agent lor Parrotl' Patent Doubletree.
207 First etroct, Portland, Oregon.
W( have for anlr a lrf flunntlly ot nnanlla
(ravaa xri whlrk la auMrlr for iaatanaaa mm
braak Initdarnmilly bumtal it,
Anl TI'fcolMalfi Jabber In Dry floods, Funilsbltif
floods, UaU, Cap, Notion, Trunk, Valises, etc. Also
For all Interior aettleaaraU.
Particular attention paid to FII.LIXO AIM.
OBOEKH from the city or country, of whatever
description. BtrMESPTIIAL.
1 1 1 1 . Front aircet, Partlsuul, Orraoa.
p r ii... m. nof IJ
I laLialL I If UlLi
It u msd frnm a Wmple TrorVal pal of Rare
Vila", and a roalTIB Mrmi for M lhe.ll
asm that cause plna In tbe lwer prt ot the b1r
for Tonill IJver-HesylarhMauBiUre-IJtetlnaai,
ml!tlrl.. and .11 i ' 0'ih,,.fii
Uym soil Crlnary Omnia. For reawle Wtrmmrm,
Monthlr Matruilon,ainl aorln prrtrniu -j. It baa
aa wuai It nafir-a the onrao. thai a Ui blo
rKiKatherBrartaer. Jtalbeonlf
fcMra MBKiT that cur-a BrVbl a lIMMwe. For W-w-.
. ui..i,Saai m.-fwlart.
KorSalabr Imatrlata ajid all Iwslersat )t Mm per 1
hottla larfesl buttle la la auarket. Try tt. I
II R. WAR EH at CO-.Ttailasatar, . T J
i awai 4 til jfH.-
Important Hotice.
Cash Auction Com'y
o-iI!,l".W.''!!'k,.m,rn.,"!,T"?W",nn.0' Oakland, llal., havln ua n jrrar aeo opened a bran. h houae In
Port an.l l..r Ihv ImirAi i.f ilirlrviii-iialva UihIk In on-guii uj WmIiIiujiou IVrr.lor, llirlr low prlwt and boa
oratile ilrallnica are worthy of the latinmwe of all. r
",'' reivK mI an liiiiiianai-llii of hUiihMl.lrry from Auction. Theae roods are s. rood a an
Ilonar In Wlfurulii or orraoa Hut w- will aril th-m at ITk Hint will hii.Uu any niiri hunt.
T:!:trH.,;en' Ioe la" 4o"
i.,i w'hv'"l,r-''lxl wltlHha shove lot an Imnienae line of U.lloa1 Munlln anil Merino t'nderwear,
La.Uo. I hi'UiUe from a,; 111' (lowna from 1e; liritwvra from titr, Iwlln MitIoo Vcau. from Mr.
ImealNoaUnii- Mm. of Mlk liiimlki n liii ii, IVa, In Iju-eaml hmlir.iM.Ty, lliMlrry,ciilldnirslloodf.
lP". or W oohii Ja. kvu, dte., Ac. In lo kwi. the ljweat I'rka llouae In I'orUuid w will aoll
FartV-lneh t'auhaaer ail
UoubHVMldia Mnaale lth
" Hreeade lUi all aliailm.,.,
" flala "
Kuiiplionapidlcatlon. Direct
... n.V
, A. I-- SALINGER 5c CO.,
KHMrNt Ht rMt,lortlniul.Oro(ron.
P. . We have no connection with the ilor net door to us. ri-aa atnte whal nanr jrnu saw this In.
SIS will buy an Khanl Wool and Kllk null at LITT'S. Aiklrtai, II. O. LlIT, Third and Alder ta
Portland, Unit. Ha-nt I'. 0. 1).
Pat. Self-Adjusting American Club Skate,
BLUED 8TEKL or r'DI.L MCKI1, PLATED. Prices furnuhed on application. Can lie
forwarded by Mall at a oust of too. For sale by
Coraer Flrat and Taylor alrtela...... m.m.m..m..WMm .....Portland, Oregaai
Wagon mid Cnrriajo 3ln,tcrialsf
Shelf and Heavy Hardware. Agent fot
The Faraoiia Draw. Cnt Nanaaa Cnltrra. Alaa CttALof all Iearrlptlnaa.
M Kf G
r ?S w
I I s s nl &
1 3 PI Ji? a 2
fylJ . O (r3,2
Vf . iS 5 5 w
tm ihC' m mm
2 S ,trcr n
' g JS-.E" 5
J 0 B. S O M CO H
" ka P -B? P .
: J S O aj
1 l sii&i
I 5- p
' 0 1 W ft
I ' ss a
r si- H
fU a 0
I fl
For one-third the cost of aolld gold.
The New York Jewelry Company,
Morse's Palace, Portland, Oregon, keep ronatantly on
hand a full line, conaulln of
Ladle and Gents' Jewelry!
ueh ss fjulles Heta, Iins- Plna, Ttronrhea, Neck
Cbalna, Watrh Clmlna, Kinger Itlnaa. Ilrwvleta, luff
Hiw, Cuff Buttons; t hlliln-na' Kar Im.jw, Hvia, lllh
Una, llnii elota; flenlleniriis' Walrhea, Rlnita. Wateb
Challia, Wali'li I'lmrma. Mloeve llutlolia, Shirt Hut
tona.hhlrt Nluila.Hi'arf llna, IHainonil aud llulUtlou
lilnmond Hiiuls anil Itlnaa, iM'keia, hiiectm-lm, V.y
(llHa.a, etc., as well aa Clocks, Novelties and
a..v ,.r'ihM hImivm iritfiitM aunt to anv Dart of the
country C. O. 1)., with the prlvllie ui the purehsser
of eminihilna Mla hefore pnyliia lor them.
XJso Rose
Commission Merchants,
And Dealer In all kind of
60S Froat Street, Baa Fraaclaeo.
Liberal advancement on consignment.
(Nnccessoralto t oaalaa Beach,)
DEALER8 IN......
Having arranged to Import
.11 ..!.iTal linaa nt PninfAPr
Stock and Window Glass, we 1
are enabled w mve as unvia
ble terms on this line of goods
as any dealers in Portland.
Contractors and Dealers will
find it to their advantage to
send for our prices before plac
ing orders,
F. E. BEACH & CO.,
103 Front street. Portland
I'able llitaaaiak I Warranted l"ure Um.ii).....
llucbubiara Teaela...
The Great English Remedy
I never-lslling Cure
fur Nervou Dehlllly
Kxhausleii Vltalliy.
Hemliml Weakness,
Hiwrniatimhea, I.OftC
HAftlllloli, lui po
tency, Paralyal. and
all the terrible effect,
of Helf Abuse, youth.
fill r..lll..a an.l AVrtM.
V se lu maturer yesra
i suou as uui or Mem.
OKI fcuilsaluu, Avuramu 10 nooieiy, uininoaa o
Vision, Nolaes In the head, the vital fluid
passing uuobaerved In the urine, aud many
other diaenam that lead to Intently anddenlb.
Dlt. MIMTIK will agree to forfult Five
Hundred Italian fur erase of this kind th
VII At. MKKlOMATlVic (.under hl" 'Pecla!
advice and treatment; will not cure, or for
anything Impure or Injurious found In It.
till. miNTIK ircntaall l'rlvat Diseases suo
cesafully without mercury, loiianlialloa
Km. ThontUKh eaainlnntlon and advice, In
FlndlnK analysis of urine, !i (0, Price of Vital
HMlaratta,.iOUier bolllo, or lour time
theiiuaiilllr rortiuoo; eut lo any adddreaa
tin receipt of price, or O. O. It., secure from ob
servation, and In private name if desired, by
IA. K, MI.VTIK. M. 1).
11 Hearny street, Naa Fraarltro, Cal. '
Kr i'llKTH I'M, oures all kind of Klilnoy
and Bladder rnmplalnU, Onnorrhcea, Mleel
luesrrhcea. For sale by all drug(lila; tl (XI
bolllei six bottles lor f.'i 00.
are the best and cheapest UVKHKHRI A an
Uliiiot'a our In lb market for sale by a
11 u It UK, TIAVI" tt CO. Portlaatl. Or.
Wholesale Acenta. marll
43 Front Street, Portland,
Keep a Compltsj Stork of
Wood Working Machinery.
Saw Mills and Saws.
Machinists' Todls.
Steam Engines and Boilers.
Steam , Hand and Power Pumps
Steam Engine Governors.
Lubricating Oils.
Blowers and Ezhaist Fans.
Emery Wheels and Machinery.
RUBBER GOODS a Specialty,
Beltine, Packing, Hose, Valves,
Springs, Etc.
Complete line of
Constantly en hand.
XJho Hobo lllls.
Importer and Dealer lo
Sharp's, Remlngton'i, Ballard's, Burgess',
Kennedy. Winchester Repeating Rifles.
Colt's, Remington's, Parker's, Nrottat .an,
Muorc's and Clsbroogh's
FUblng Tackle or every deacrlplloo.
Car. front sis' Alder Wtrreta. Part
CJo Hose I'ills.
V BUM AVER Y Ca. Role Areata, Port
land, Oregon.
W Oner to tbe Interior People Great Indue
weals In
Lamp.. chandelleP-,
And Pack Order for any amount very earf
fully eenu usyourorur, nianaii,
y00 WM save lota of money. Price List eit
iniaoi monej
on applloaih
XJso Xlose mils.
Mnow FUkp In all alindnl
f "
n ia rlret strst. PortlsMaa, Or.