The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 27, 1880, Image 6

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, 11 e jest and ma :;or.
u ... , t
Biek thou th truth. IM otlir feno
Aud trim tiiclr word - (or pay i
III jiliitMUt fiinnliliia ut rtm, -
11 tttban buk Uttlr day.
Onard tbon ih tot. Tbo' cloniU of night
Irin on Ihr wiU-h-tnwar atoop;
Tbo' thou aliuuldat m Ihlu hrart'l dtllgld
lloru from the If tuelr iwoopj
Tv thoa the wind. Tbo1 ulor fttm
' la ahi-lter to Md,
' W wan nut mail to ill and drean),'
. Tb a tnunt Ant b tried.
n . . '
. Whm Ood hath Mt hit Iborn ibotit,
- Orjr not, "Tn wajr If plain;" , ,
Hia atb within; fur tbuu without,
b nedtfwl with toll uid iaJn.
On t jaipntnt of hit blotted word,
Into thy ajtlrlt burned,
b brtt4-r than th U whol. half-beard,
And by UilB lutroat turned.
Show tbon thr llfht If eontdtac glttm,
Let not tht biuuel down;
Tb awtllrtt aptrk mar wnd bit beua
O'er bunlet, lower, and town.
Woo, wot to him, on ttfetjr bent, ' '
Who ertwnt to aa from youth,
Falling to graap bit llfe'a Intent
BecauM ht I etra tb truth I
B trn to inj Inmott thought: -And
at thy thought, thy apfecb; '
What thou hatt not bjr auffrrlng boaght,
Prwuui not tbon to tetch.
Bold on, bold onl Tbon haat th rock,
Thr et are on the aand;
The (rat world-tt-nipett't ruthleai ahock
' rkattcrt their ahlltlug ttrand;
While each wild gnat the mint ahall clear,
We now tee darkly through,
And JuatlAed at laat appoar
Tb true, In Him tliet'a tru.
r,il i oalllnj mo I wander what be
wuuul' " 0, Fanny, Fanny I was
ever poor girl io unhappy as 17 Via
ever one Lave so many trials and crosses
to bear, ia all tht world?
'- Just wbon I was so happy, and every
thing was so bright, papa had to inter
fore I He says oLl how can I toll it-
thai I must not go with Ralph any morel
lie says be is only a worthies artist, and
be won't allow any intimacy between him
and bis danghterl Rut I don t care what
be will, or will not. allow! I havo proin-
isod to be true to ltalpb, and I will keep
my promise as long as 1 live yes, dear
Fanny, I will be true as steel I told
Ralph about it, and instead of asking mo
to marry him, as I thought and wUhod
lie would, he lookod so pained and
grieved that I felt like orying!
'Kevor mind, little one! he said; ' it
will be all right some day! Curse my
Bo you see, I must wait till he gets
rich! I have only soea Liu one sinoe,
and then he was walking with the min
ister's sister she is io beautiful! Ta-ta.
July, 4th, 18-
"Dkabest Faknt: Only one month
Oka by one the beautiful traditions
that havo from time immemorial hung
wierd sort of romance about savage life
in the wilderness disappear before the
ruthless pencil of the invading reporter,
and the tales of Cooper and the rythm of
Longfollow are thoreby loft to stand
upon their pure literary merits, unsup
ported entirely by foots. The lout occa
sion furnished for swooping away the
eobweba of fancy and leaving exposed
the bare and unsightly roalities of In'
dian life and character was the grand
potlatcb, which took place on Squaxon
Island about ton miles from the head of
Budd's Inlet, last week. General Mil
roy, Indian Agont on the Bquaxon ICes
ervation, having perhaps, as all Agents
have, a pride iu the noble wards of the
Government under his care, resolved that
His Lxcelloncy Governor Newell, should
have a chance to soe these in their true
glory and accordingly arranged for an
excursion from OlymnUt to Hquaxon Is
land by the steamer Zephyr on Haturday
the Cth inst., and invited the Governor
and his daughters to accompany the
party. The rutldess reporter aforesaid
was of course one of the number and we
since my last letter to you, and yet, I am subjoin some of the facts concerning the
j e
r -
' - From tht Portland Tf 'egram.
' Debp Dali, May 15th, 18
"Mi Dkah Fanny: Now, please don't
scold me for noglooting you so Jong, lor
ou soe 1 am lust having the most do
lightfnl time in the world! I had no idoa
it could bo so pleasant in a country vii-
laire. and you know how I eriod when
papa said we must move out here: but
sow I am real glad I came; I don't envy
you at all, poor thing, you must nearly
die. sunt up in that hot, dusty cityi
Down here the gross is fresh and
groon, tho flowers bloom, the air is sweet
and the doar, little robins sing from
morning till night! What more could a
lioart wish?
Of courso, Fan, you will say in your
vulgar way 'Why ellow, to bo sure,' so
lust let me inform you that x nave one
. already.".
There, the seoret's out, and now, of
' course, you'll say 'that's why the birds
sing so swoetly, and the country seoma
so nice, etc.;' but I don't care w hat you
aay! I'm so happy I den't know what to
do, and if Xtalph Durham lovod you,
you'd be happy tool
lie has never said that be lovod me,
Fanny, but his cues say so, and I believe
them; and I oh 1 1 womlor it it is wicked
to love any ono as I do him! ha is my
hero my idol my Ood! You, you cold-
boartod, cold-blooded, litue wretch, you
have never been in love so, of course.
will laugh at me I but I don't care, dear
laugh, if yon choose! I am so happy
I can auord to be Iaucrhed at.
lie Kolph, I mean is an artist, and
as haudsomous a pout's dream! lie has
black, waving hair and mustache, and
soft, dreamy, dark eyes the girls are all
in love with him, ( along with the rust,)
but ho has eyes only for mo!
Hark! The gnto clicks! 0, my heart,
lestill-6 Blilllt Tauny, Fanny! It
1b he I Farewell I Lt it.v."
May 30. 18.
"My Deakkst Fanny: I have just re
turned from a memo, and though the
hour is loto, and I am Tory tired, still I
tnutl write- you a fow liuos in roply to
your kind letter, and toll you how happy
I ami
No, door ; Ralph has not prnposod to
mo yot, but ho took mo to the pionio, and
sitting Sore by my window this glorious
morning, a more wreck of myfoimor
lively self
W . mm
I have a story to tell you, fanny a
wretched, heart-broken story, and be
fore I tell it. promise me it shall be a
socret, for no one else shall ever know I
Now. you have promised, and as I
must tellsomo one, I'll commence!
Jialim u false lie has loft tho vil
lftge loft without one tender farowell!
liejcame here, three weeks ago, and
found mo alone in the rose arbor. "The
dew was falling a cricket calling," and
I was sitting there alone, dreaming of
him, . and of the time whon all waiting
would be at an end. Huddonly, a sha
dow foil bofore me, and looking up, I
saw him standing in the door.
"Well, Miss Lura " he said, lightly,
are you dreaming here alone in the twi
light?" -
I answered him carelessly, my heart
throbbing painfully, for I folt that there
was a change in his manner. He sat for
an hour or so, talking cheerfully, even
gaily, and when at last he arose to go,
not one tondor word or caress bad X re
"I forgot to toll you, Mfss Lura." he
said, pausing at the door, "that I camo
to say good-by. '
My band tremblod and grew cold in
"And bofore going," he continued, "I
wished to thank you for your kindness to
me this summer it is so lonely here, I
don't know what I would have done
without yon I It is scarcely probablo
that we will ever meot again, yet be as
sured that wherever X go the remem
brance of this quaint old villago and my
dear little Drown-eyed Jnend will gp
with met May God bless you! i
And thon he stooped and touched his
lips to my hand and loft me, and without
a word or cry 1 dropped to the ground.
and lay there in the long, wet grass,
with the dew about me falling, and the
cold stars coming out in the heavens to
laugh at my griof 1
And there I lay all night long, my
bands pressed to my head, and dry, tear-
loss moans escaping my lips my parents
thought X was in bod and in the early
morning, Mr. Ashley, tho new minister,
in passiug, heard my moan, and carried
me up to the bouse.
His sister, Cora, has boon here all the
time I have been ill, and is just as good
and kind as she is beautiful.
I am sitting up, to-day, for the first
time, and though they all say I am bet
tor, know I will novor bo well!
My fovcr has loft me, but it is not that
that is oating my life away! for O.
Fanny, I may as woll toll you am
The autumn winds will sigh over my
Indians as thoy appear in every day life
No (illusion to the habits and customs of
aboriginal life would be complete with
out some rcforenoo to either Cooper or
Longfellow, but to ouote from either
author anything which would apply to
the misorablo remnant of a degenerate
race, without making that undignified
summersault indicated in the sub
heading, would bo simply impossible
We reproduce from the "Song of Hia
watha" the fow lines which may oe made.
in the most charitable spirit, to serve our
"By the ehlnlng Blg-Bea-Water,
Mood tb wigwam ol Nakomli.
Daughter of the Moon, Nikonilt.
Park behind It rote tht forett,
Bote the black and gloomy pine-tree,
Knee the Bra with conet upon them;
Bright before It beat the water,
Beat tli clear and tunny water,
Beat tb ahinlng Blg-Kea-Water.
The wigwam, the pine-trees and the
Big-Sea-Water, were all spread out be
fore us in delightful panorama, but wo
could not discover in tho motlor group
of human beings and quadrupeds which
assembled at our approach any semblance
of the beautiful NakomiB.or the lily-like
form of Winona. XI even tho old or
row-maker was there he did not show
himself. The first object of interest vis
itod was the
A largo lodge or wigwam, about forty
feet wide and probably 150 feet in
length. It consists of a rude but mas
sive frame-work of trees, the sides cov
ered with shakos, the roof being sup
ported by slondor saplings without any
intermediate support of collar-beam or
truss. A portion of the roof, along the
combing, has been left open to allow the
egress of smoke, but it very inadequately
servou tue purpose, lur lua eyes oi V181
tors continually ached from the prevo
lence of tho dense vapor whioh arose
from a score or more of fires, on which
was stewing, in pots and kettles of all
shapes and sizes, the noon-day meal.
Around tho lodge, on an elevated plat
form about four foet wide, running its
whole length, sat or reclined the women
and children, in all the grotesque, not to
say picturesque, attitudes imaginable.
Here a comely squaw, clad in the faded,
cast-off garmonts of some one of hor
aristocratic white sisters, sat knitting or
sewing; there an ancient dame, clad in
rags and filth, patiently watching and
stirring the boiling caldrons of peas and
wheat, the sole course of tho meal soon
to follow. Ner the entrance sat
pleasant-faced klotehman making
bread. Xler manner was peouliar,
The flour was first moistened and stirred
in a pitcher, and thon poured into a pan.
when it was knoodod just enough to give
it the shape of flat loaves, which were
was so very attentive that all the girls gravo, and the wiuter snows fall upon it! placed in a fry-pan and inclined to the
woreorwt wiiu joaiunnji auu at uin i jooi it 1 know it!
gate, dear Fanny, ho straight- Yet I hold not on. bitter, reproachful
laced, litue tiling, uon t boom lie won, thought against hm tho mon I love! I
blazing fire. The loaves appeared after
baking still flat and decidedly soggy. In
another part of the wigwam he bow
loaves which would have boon admitted
for oompotition at our Territorial Fair,
but upon inquiry we ascertained they
were baked in the oven ol that inuovation
upon savago custom, a cook stove, and
probably this was tho one thing needful
to have mado all thoir pastry as invitimr.
Thore were possibly 150 women and children
Which served the purpose likewise of
bods at night. Under them and on the
girders overhead, were storod Hour, pota
toes and fruit; a froshly slaughtered car
cass of boof being an extra tid-bit laid
away for the crowning coremonies when
the Potlatch began. Salmon were like
wise a conspiouous article of diet not
the dainty, delicate flavored Huh of com
merce, but the blotch skinned, loan dog
salmon aiul many of these fish, impaled
on sticks, slowly roasted bofore the fires.
Tho pots wore taken from the fires,
where thoir contents Had boen simmer
ing all day long, and ranged in a line
tho entire length of the lodge. This
brought them about five feot apart.
Strips of matting were then stretohed on
either side, upon which, after much
clamor and a continuous shouting by out)
who apparently filled the place of master
of ceremonies, fiuolly knelt two long
lines of dusky savages, prepared for gas
tronomio battle. Immense bdoous. or
ladles, made from wood or horn, were
then distributed, accompanied by small
cedar sticks, the use of which was a
mystery soon solved. Each Siwash im
mediately annliod himsolf to the busi
ness of the moment. Dipping a full la
dle of the steaming soup or stew (of peas
and wheat) from the nearest pot, he
placed the smaller end of the vessel be
tween his teeth and by tht aid of the
stick, shoved the food into his mouth,
just as Chinamen eat rice from
a saucer with the use of chop-sticks.
The capacity of the savage stomach, as
demonstrated by this feast, was tome
hing wonderful. We have Ions known
that it revolts at scarcely any kind of
t.A !.. l.-f 1. - 1 V
to encourage him, I said (Hoy call him) has persuaded me that held the feat of stowing away tht largest
- , ' its nicer to live, and so we art to be mar possible quantity within a given
briirhtor. if anything riod a week from trwlnv and Ton ninat I ao nhort a nnri.vt nf timid Tt wti won-
can do will makt it ao, Ralph." come and be bridesmaid I Comt right derful No device could have been ae-
Of course I thought he would ffo riffht awar I Hastily. Lt-ra. lected better catanlata.! far lh ranid
on then, but ha only thanked me, and P. S. Dont say anything down here absorbtion of eemi-liqmid food, than
taking my band, told ma how happy ht about that absurd Durham! he was these same capacious ladles, which, ale
was in having SUCh a dear, little friend. I onl T a barhr nfW all I Knv aamla hia rated at an ano-Ia nf fnrtv.flv ilnoreA
and ht hoped I WOUld alwavi h trna to I reor.U n Finnr Finiif f liner T Inwa i nrawnUl a eti-aiolit ilinU ilnea lonrn.
him! And, dtar Fanny, I will. him! L." 'out throats, without tht aid of chop
ho kissed mol There, its out now I 0
it i i . j
course no wouiu not nave uone mat ii
ho did not lovo me do you think he
Now, please, don't sit down and write
me a long lecturo on propriety and all
that sort of thing, Fan., for, after all,
whero's the harm in kissing the man
' you love, even though you aro not en'
gngod to him, (so long as you expect to
I be sometime) or rather, auowiiiq him to
kiss you. for. of course, I would not
like to kiss a nnm! Ugh! I should think
not! At loast, door Fan, I should be
awfully ashamed afterwards, if I did it
. And oh! I must toll you about tho new
" minister's sister. She is about my age
eighteen and the most beautiful girl I
have ever seen. She has a srroat nuan
titw of yollow hair "golden," lialph
calls it and groat, soft, blue eyes, and
her dresses art all satin ami velvet.
(Ralph says she is very beautiful, but he
rrefors brown eyes you know wine are
: prown.j: ' ... r.. ,
Tho now minister is a Toung man, and
very qniot and grave he looki at me
, often in church, and I talk about liini
juBt enough to make Ralph jealous
doar KaJph! how X love him I
I know he loves mo, Fanny, but he
is poor, you know, ao of courso ho is
diludont about asking me to be his
wife; I mean to give him evorv en
couragement, however, for it must be a
trying ordool anyhow proposing, I
. Last night we sat down on the rus-
tio bench at tho gate, and the moon
1 beams camo through the leavos of the
' maple tree, and quivered ou the green
grass; there was a light breezo kissing
(now do not imagine that X have "kiss
lntT An that 1rnirii tha iLii-am nn.l
some crickets, chirping in the shrnb-
1. . 1 .1 T. ,
wry, nuu aiiugeuiur it vras a most
romantic scene.
Aud lUlph sighed, and began speak
mg oi me past, no has led such a
lonely, loveless life, dear Fanny it
makes me aad to think of it! And when
ho Snoke of the fntnra. and wnndara.l
whether it would be any brighter, I felt dead yet I in fact I've made
how embarrassed ht must be. and mind to not die. after all 1 Mr
will love him, and bo truo to the last
moment of my life, and if I should lin
ger here ten years, aud ht should return.
he would find me still waiting for him
ready to forgive and forgot for I prom'
isod to be truo, and I will ho true as
steel Rut alas! it will not be for long!
Another mouth, and X will havo passed
away Deepdale will know me no morel
4 . ....
And some clear, bright morning.when
the sun is shining, and the robins sing-
lug, aud the rose-leaves falling away,
they will carry little Lura out and lay
hor down to rest under the maple at the
goto where he kissed me! X think, per
Imps, if I lio there. I can boo the sun
light come through the leaves in the
morning, and the moombeamsat night
even though I am dead! cuu. perhaps.
h ar tht robbina singing in tho brandies
aiiove me, or the crickets chirping iu the
grass! x may even inhale the sweet fra
grance of the hyaomthes and sweet vio
lets, which must be planted by my grave,
bocauso he loved thorn! And. now. I
fancy I can hear tho minister's voice
l 'emblo, as he Buys. "Ashes to ashos. and
dust to dust," over "brown-oyod Lura
aged la mat till, bo upon my tomb'
Rut, Fanny, doar, I must closo; I will
write once more to say fareveu!
lours forever, Lcba.
July 20, 18 -.
Dearest Fanny: I am feelinir a Utile
hotter. I do not think it will last long,
though and whon the end comes I will
send for you. At first I longed to die,
but now, every one seems so kind to me
I hate to eo-but God's will be done!
Mr. Ashley and Cora are very kind to
me; you should soe how frightened he
X mean they, look when I talk of dying 1
i uave never ueard one word from
Ralph darling Ralph, wt will moot in
Heaven, and there, up there, 'tis heart to
heart, lour loving Lriu.
"It shall ba
Soptember 1. IS.
iT "wr .
jjcah iannt: ion see it is over a
month sinot my last letter, and I'm not
np my
sticks, but wh. n thof e art brought into
requisition, there was no halt in the pass
age ana tht samp imapieareu wuu ai
the precision of hashed meat through
sausufft stuffor. A few of the native wo
men knelt with the men, but they were
generally content to sit by silent witnesses
of the extraordinary performances tf
their delighted lords.
By special request of General Milroy,
the ttreat tomanawus dance was exeonted
It appeared to be more of a devotional
than a mirthful, character. The braves
form a rincr. in the center of which is
placed the tomanawus man of the tribe
They all then strike np a monotonous
chant imploring the Oroat Spirit to be
stow all inannor of temporal and spirit
ual bleseinffs. It is accompaniod by
stooping, swaying motion of the body,
emphasized by beats of tho drnm. The
oldest men. leaning on staves for sup
port, engage in this ceremony. Some of
those antiquated specimens are too weak
to undergo the fatigue of the violent
gesticulation, and simply loan on thoir
supports and nod their hoods in perfect
time, with the gravity and precision of
The bill of fare for this meal happcnei
to be dog-salmon and potatoes. Long
troughs, made of boards, like those
genorally used in pig-styes, were brought
in; a buck then run his hands into a pot
of boiled salmon and hauling forth
fish, tore off a huge morsel and placed
it, with an emphatio squish, in the
trough. This allowance was placed at
equal distances apart, and another brave
followed with potatoes, placing one or
two of tht boiled vegetables on each
piece of salmon. The troughs were thon
arranged in line, and the diners
assomblod as at the noon-day nioal. The
hands are used at this meal, but
they were quite as effective as any me
chanical contrivance could have been for
storing away with celerity and dispatch
many even of our oldest residents have
never invaded the
And may be interested in seeking in
formation without Buffering the ponanoe
as all do who obtain knowledge in this
direction from personal inspection. And
to these, as well as to those whose ro
mantio idoas of Indian life are based
npon fiction rather than fact, we com'
mend the above. The horrible sight, the
noisome smells and the intolerable dis
cord of inharmonious sounds, will ever
doter those who have once mode a visit
of discovery from a repetition of the ex
Tht Quten aad Mr. Gladstone
If it be true, as wo read in London
correspondence of a New York
papor, that Mr. Gladstone snubbe
his Queen when she mado of him
domand (or an increase of tbo salary
of the i'rince ol Wales, tbo fact wil
lift the old Premier in the estimation
of every fair-minded man. We road
the othor day that tho Frince had
won $25,000 on a horse race. It is
fashion ot Dotting mon to permit
the world to bear ot their winnings,
but they are careful to conceal their
losses. This race in which Walos
ton was not tho first ho ever lot ut:
and it is only fairtosupposo that ho,
ike othor sporting mon, has con-
cealod his losses. This is tbo moro
fair when we reflect that without
gambling and without indulging in
othor vices, it would bo impossible
for tho Prince of Wales to spend his
income, lie receives in round nnm
bers SGOO.000 por annum, $50,000 per
month, or, excluding Sundays, just
about $2,000 per day. His house
ront and traveling expenses cost bim
nothing; his guts in chanty do not
averago two thousand dollars por
month: ho has no old mother or lit
tie sisters to support. . The question
is simply whether the poor of Great
iiritain Bhould bo taxed to pay for
the vices of a dissolute Frince. If
Gladstone has had the strength,
firmness and sense of justice sufficient
to negativo the request ot his sover
eign, why, then, he is worthy to ba
remior ot the foremost Empire ou
curth. That Victoria should prefer
such a request is a learlul satire on
royalty, for it shows that to tho Em
press ot India, even ns to tho rag
picker, ns too nobler iaeuities are
failing with age, avarice, tho first in
stinct which reveals itself in tbo in
fant, has returned and has com
mencod to rule old ago. The
majesty of royalty cannot frown
down this vice. Though possessing
millions which bdo can . never use.
though hailed as sovereign of the
mightiest nation that over existed,
this old woman loves money so much
that she will not save her son from
isgrnoo by paying his debts, and.
worse still, sbe would tax England
which has been so generous to her
nd her's to moot the gambling debts
of a loose Frince. The showing is
not a dignified ono for either the
Queen or tho Frince, hut old man
Gladstone shines in a magnified light
iu the interviow.
Where are the Bojs I
"A Sod Observer" writes of the multi
tudes of idle bovs, many of them sons of
worthy parents, who are seen loafing
about the country towns boys who are
out at night, and who prefer the street to
the attractions of the most pleasant
ornes. There is a great deal about this
subject that is difllcult. Tht serious
difficulty is found at the beginning, that
the training of children is always an ex
periment made without experience. One
must live a life to know how to live.
After sons and daughters are grown,
character formed, and destiny fore
shadowed, it is easy for tht parents to
look back and discover where they have
erred in their training but it is
very diifioult, nay, impossible to
human wisdom, to foresee and avoid
thost trrora. Sometimes a boy who ia
carefully and strictly trained will fly off
as soon as that restraint is withdrawn, as
it aoontr or later mast be, into ways of
dlaipition; and hence parents lose fuitu
ia vigorous control. These cases are,
however, exceptional. There are a few
general rules and principles whioh
should be enforoed at whatever cost of
these, first, obodionoe. Let commands
be given only when they are necessary,
and lot them be wisely given, but en
force them. Second lot it be remem
bered that habit is the chief force in char
acter. Roys learn to like those things to
which they are habituated. Compel
them to remain at homa in the evenings.
They will find it irksome at times, and
yet if never permitted to bo out at
night, except in oompany and circum
stances selected by the parent, tbey will
find amusement in reading, music, and
in othor refining home pleasures, and by
the time they are eighteen to twenty,
will have formed habits and tastes whioh
will load them from choice to exclude
evil courses and eompanions. Do not
lot a boy run in the streets, and be out at
night, and yet hope to save him for any
thing useful. It cannot be done. lie
may be lost in spite of all yonr efforts,
but without restraint he is suro to be
lost. Lot tho touch of affection be soft
and gentle, but the hand of restraint
must be as inflexible as iron. Let him
know by continual and consistent kind
ness that yon love him, and yet that you
are immovably firm in all questions of
principle and right conduct. Interior.
The Tul lie aud rieasure of Agriculture.
Tho chief desire of a man or a wo
man should be, first, to be useful ; and
next to be happy. A man's first duty is
to mankind; ana the next is to himself;
and the greatest happiness to a good
man is to be of use to and serve hia fel
low creatures. In doing this the man
helps himself at the same time. The
production of food and the materials for
clothing, is the business of the farmer.
No other employment can bo so usoful
as this; and in this lies the value of ag
riculture to tho world. No other em
ployment is so full of pleasure as
agriculture, when it is rightly pursued.
It is, then, not a laborious work merely
of the hands, but a healthful, pleasant
labor; full of the most agreeable enjoy
ment; because in the work of the garden
and the field, the farmer is brought face
to face with the works and the
beauties of nature : and finds, in
tho sprouting of soed, the growth
of plants, the maturity and ripening
of vegetation, the growth of bis animals,
the delights of the changing soasons
which bring to him a ceaseless round of
work that is both interesting and profit
able; in all these he finds food for
thought and means for instrnction. In
short, a good and successful farmer, in
his daily procteo, becomes acquainted
with many of the wonders of science
whioh appear to him more clearly than
to any other man, if he will only take
the trouble to open his eyes, and turn his
mind to tho examination of thtm. It is
a great thing to think of, that the farmer
feeds the world; that of all men ho
is the most important to the comfort,
wealth and happinossof the human race;
that his influence, if it is exerted for good
increases the enjoyment of mankind,
and the result of his work is to
set in motion the wheels of all the facto
ries and locomotives in the world; to fill
tho freight cars; to load the ships; to
give employment in one way or another
to every smith and carpenter; to every
miner; to every lawyer and doctor; to
provide in fact for the moans of carry
ing on every honorable and profitable in
dustry. No youth or young man or
woman can find a better, happier, more
noblo, or when well-oonducted, more
profitable work than that of the farm.
t is work; there is no doubt of that.
Rut the man who is employod honestly
is the true happy man. It is the idle
and vicious who are unhappy. We are
told by the wisest of men, that "the sleep
of the laboring man is swoet;" and no
ono sleeps and rests more swoetly than
the boy or the man who has spent his
day in the oorn field, the hav field or at
the plow; or tho girl who has done her
share in the dairy, in the care of poultry,
in hor household duties. Rural New
ALL rj02T3.
get rich
A Sermon on rush For Roys.
When Cousin Will is at homo for
vacation, the boys always expect plonty
of fun. The last frolio before he went
back to his studies was a long tramp
after hazlenuts. As thoy were hurry
ing along in great glee, they came
upon a discouraged looking man, and a
discouraged looking cart. The cart
was standing before an orchard. The
man was trying to pull it up hill to his
Tho boys did not wait to be invited.
but ran to help with a good will.
Tush I push!" was the cry.
The man brightened up; tho cart
trundled along, and in five minutes
thoy all stood panting at tho top of the
"Obliged to ye." said the man; "you
lust wait a minute;" and he hurried into
the house, while two or three piuk-
proned children peeped out of the
"Now, boya." said Cousin Will, "this
is a small thing; but I wish we could all
take a motto out of it for life, push!" It
is just the word for a grand, clear morn
ing. Ji anybody is in troublo, and you
see it, don't stand back; pushl
Jf thore is anything good doing in
any place where you happen to be, push!
"Whenever there's a kind thing, a
Christian thing, a pleasant thing,
whether it is at home, or in town, or at
school, just help with all your might;
At that moment the farmer came np
with nuts and apples; and that was the
end of this little sermon.
Mb. Thomas Hughes says the only
annoying circumstance connected
with his Tennessee colony thus far,
was the presence of two Tennessee
ans who squatted on a piece of
ground the title of which was so in
volved that it could not be pur.
chased, and opened a liquor saloon.
hey could not be driven away until
two Indiana ladies started a school
next door, when in accordance with
the State laws the saloon keepers
were obliged to move.
SvmDAthv eomes near and speaks low.
It dot not ahont through a tin trum
pet and hail a mourner from the top of
passing onuuboa.
A rare chance to
labor or economy.
Man pronoa n,l . .
wasn't ao slow .boot it w,"Ue' H
"Darling, this potato is onlv V
done," "Thon eat the dono half, V
The biggest glutton in the wnri
e miller who I all the time boTSjlJ
Afaliintr e. InVa 1:1.. 11
77.7 7 '. """' "Towincr a 1
if if lnun't .1 .0 I
will not spin.
Look out that whon you make a !,.
mg-Btock of vour neighbor you 1
make a fool of vnnrif ' " U0-4
- - - JVH.WAA. '
The town of Rridgcport. Conn 1...
"stayed" population. The town bo.
vi uu . uiw miou corset lactories
All tools going out of use for the
bright condition. Teach tfc k8t1
habit of cleaning shovels, hoes and en i
vator tenth. "'I
It is suggested that John Bull stuff tl
late Abdurrahman's clothes with J
and prop np the efligy with bayonets
fiat Ameer of that sort would stand a V
chanco to escape assassination.
The Dotroit Free Press says that C
Burgess was robbed of a diamond i
but bofore he could use tkatw.:
advertisement the thief sent it back j
a note to the effect that he conM ii
better ones for a dollar.
The Parisian is authority for the slsl
mens wai ennmps nave succeeded x,
as me lavonte trinket of the lad!
There are shrimps in pearl an, 1
coral and ruby, used as brooches, bra
uounuoes, earrings, locketl
shoe bucklos.
rt-i i.i- , v. ,
xue iaie uonn urouguam once atf
dinner was scaieu next to Coroner I
ker. . A toast was proposed, and Bron
ham asked tho coroner what he ilm
drink it in. "Claret," Baid tho coron
"jiarotr was the reply; "that is
drink for a cornor; there s nobody
A long-winded lawyer recently
fended a criminal unsuccessfully J
j : n.. it., t i . i
uuniiK uie inui iuh tfuuee receirftl C
following note: "The prisoner hnmtt
prays that the time occupied by the j
of the counsel for thedofence be count
in his sentence."
. When Spotted Tail writes a lctl
to tho Secretary of the Interior.
closing a check for $332 to be ns
for certain legal expenses, who sbl
say the rod man cannot be mviliz
Test of Pronunciation.
The following rather curious pice,
composition was recently placed i
the blackboard at a teachers' institi
and a prize of a Webster's Diction
offered to any person who could red
and pronounce every word correo
The book was not carried off, howe
as twelve was the lowest number of a
takes in pronunciation made: "Air.
ligions son of Belial, who suffered is
bronchitis, having exhausted his flu:
in order to make good the deficit,
solved to ally himself to a comely, !
ient, and docile young lady of the lid
or Caucasian race, tie accordingly )i
chased a calliope and coral necklace
chameleon hue, aud securing
suite of rooms at a principal h i
he engaged the head-waiter as his ci
j utor. lie then dispatched a letter o:
most unexceptionable calligraphy
tant, inviting the young lady to a n
nee. She revolted at the idea, refusi
consider herself sacrificable to his
sires, and Bent a polite note of ref
on receiving which ho preoured a car II
and a bowie-knife, said that he would
now forgo fetters hyemeneal with
queen, wont to an isolated spot, sevi
his jugular vein, and discharged the 1
tents of his carbine into his abdoil
The debris was removed by thecoroula
The mistake in pronunciation were cbu
on tho following words: Nicrnegi
Belial, bronchitis, exhausted, finm
deficit, comely, lenient, docile, M
calliope, chameleon, suite, comlj
calligraphy, matinee, sacrificable,
bine, hymeneal, isolated, jugular,
debris. Rutlond (Yt.) Herald.
The World's Population.
9 t
9 f
Tho total TtoTinlnHon of the elol
now put down' at 1,455,923,000 orW
U78.UUU more than it was ran.
months ago, the date of the last bull
These figures are taken from tue
publication of Messrs. Rohm and
nor. the distinguished German geogr
ers, whose somi-periodical work is e
where accepted as the highest autbli
in general statistics. It thus apif
that we are increasing in nuns
at the highly encouraging rate of n
million a month. &o otiior j
our astronomical aysteni has
able, up to date, to make a better
inir. so far as population and rate i
crease are concerned. As to the qu
of the human product turned out o
orb, it were best, perhaps, not to in
in any boastings or to invite too c
scrutiny. Truth is sad. and it mu
. . T.i.
confessed that we have many muau
who ore no particular credit to any
regulated globe. Millions there are
do not tiil-n tlm newspapers, other
lions nart their hair in the mill
then there are, besides, great numb
f"Wilrinr TTttrrl-ahplllil Si
Theso. lilts all the varieties oi
nlW prepared for
table bv removing the cooked
from tho eheil, seasoning with pa
salt and butter, and transferrin.
to a. dish. This IS
mistake; no one knows the rich hi
ness of a fine Butman, Marblehe
TTnhhaWl if if. haa rmen served 111
style. The mashing of the squash i
l riantrnv ita fino train, anu " 'T
as reasonably expect a mealy potof
linv its trrneiu nnder like DIM
tion. Again, the old saying, tne w
tVin hnna tha inwlur the meat,
emphatically true in application t
hard-shelled squash the nearer
shell, the richer the squash. Vry i
your little girl or boy has found oi t
about it, and is in the habit of sen
out the shells with a spoon as coo'
them aside. The true way to on i
the hard-ahelled squashes to taW
bring thtm on in the dishes nature
for them their shells,
. , A . titi in nerve el
cook them by steam, and after rem
any stringy portion irom ujo
bear them to table without any