ff bare Jmt received Irom the Eastern faotory, direct, a large stock of window Wet and Wall paper among tin latter are loany very pretty ryi embracing urainea Pauuele, Knilioased, liilU and Lac Pattern, gatin and Common lilwiki, ll of which we sell eheep, and oo charge for trimming ar. . P. B. DUNN. So Ton Boiler It. , That In tliu town then ars motet of perron, passing our store every day whoa live are niade tuiaerabl by Judlgeatiiin, Dyaaia, Hour and diatressed Stomach, LlverCoiujilalnt, ConaUlpatlim, when for 75 ota. w will tell tl.ero Mhilou Vitallzer, guaranteed to cur Uiani Hold by Usburn A Co. , DniKgiata. Wo Challenge tKo World. Whtn w ur wo Iwliev, wo hav evident U prov that hhiloh Ciiumption Cur ii de cidedly the brut Lung Medicine made, in a much aa it will euro a common Clinmio Cough in ooo-balf the time an! relieve Asthma, Jtrnu ohltls, Whooping Coiih, Croup, and ibow snore aajie of Consumption cured than all oth er. It will cure where they full, it ia pleasant to take, harmless to til youngest child and w guarantee what wo aay. Price, 10 ct,, W ct. and f L If your Lunp are ar, Cheat or Sack am uu Khilnh'a Porous Plaster. Bold by Oaburn It Co., Dniggiats. August Flower. Tli Iminen aal and great popularity of Green' Auguat Flower in all town and vil agee in the civilized World haa canted many imitaUr to adopt aimilar nauea, eiiectmg to reap a harvest for tliemarlvea at ill expena of th afflicted. Tbia Medicin waa introduced in lSoX, and for the cur of Uyapepeia, and Liver Complaint, with their effects, aiich Bur Stomach, Custivcness, Kick Ktmach,hick Headache, Indigestion, Palpitation of tb Heart, vertigo, etc., it sever ha failed to our knowledge. 'Hire dqaee will relieve any can of Dyaixpsla. Two million bottle aold last year. Price 75 cent. Ksmpl 10 ovnt. Uairx's Atlas and Viahx Almanac, th Bout xpnaiv free Almanac ver publiabed. aent fre on recipt nf two cent Umj. U. O. Gbein, Woodbury, N. J., V. S. A. If you will itop all you extravagant and wrong notion in doctoring yourself and fain lliea with expeuiiy doctor or burning cure all, that do harm always, and nao only' na tnro'i timril remediea for all your ailments yoa will b wise, woll and happy, and save great expense. The greatest remedy for thii, the great, wise and good will tell you, is IIop Bitters rely on it. See anothor col smn. The wont popular and fragrant Perfume of the day "HACRMETACK" try it Hold by Oaburn ft Co., druggists, Eugrn City, Oregon ULECMTEO Ut The accumulated evidence of nearly 30 ears show that the llitturr is a certain rein ty for malarial disease, as well as its surest reventitive; that it eradicate dyspepsia, const ipatio , liver complaint and nervouit Hess, counteract a tendency to gout rheu matism, urinary and uterine disorders, that it impart vigor to the feeble, ami cheers the mind while it invorntcs tlio body. l or sale I y all Druggists and Dealers generally. D, 0. VNUERWOOO. 1. B. VMDKnWOOD UNDERWOOD BROS. GENERAL BROKERS BUT AND SELL, GOLD, SILVER, CURRENCY AND FXCITANGE. on NEGOTIATE LOAAlN, And the 8a' of BEAL ESTATE Particular Attention Given to Collections. -AGENTS- Craarttlcut and New Zoalitr.il Insurant Companies ALSO AflKNTS WELLS FARGO & Co. Jsagrnfi ityt Oregon, Dissolution Notice, d BY MUTUAL CONSENT THE FIRM of Hanna A lleattie has this tiny been dissolved, and Mr. Iteattie's viterext in th book account ha been tranaferrrd to Mr. Hanna, and he alone is authorised to receive nd receipt for the same. All portions in debted to them will come forward at once and settle their account. This Hth day of Sept, A. D., 1S80. T. K. HANNA, 1). DKATT1E, SPDRTSMANS Chas. M. Horn, PRACTICAL G UX&M1TK. w DEALER LV GUNS, WFLES, Fixbinir Tackles and uateriala. IteiiairinK don in th neateat atyl I vand warranted, oewing machines, Mies, Locks, etc., repaired. Guns loaned and ammuniion furnished. Shop on Willamette at, opposit Alitor House Sale of Real Estate. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtu of aa order of County Court el Lao (Wunty, Orerron, mad at th Septem ber Urm, thereof, I will otfer for al to th blhet bidiler, lor oah, at th Court Houa door, in said county, on th StUh day of October, IS 10, tb following real tt, to wiu Lot 1 and 2. in Seo 2H, Town. 17, 8 K 2 W, in Ijkne county, Oreiron, to aatiufy tb claims against th rntate of Daniel Ilarklnt )eoeaal Bal to commence at 1 o'clock of said day. GEO. M. &IILLKK. Ailmini-trator. T710H BUEXA VISTA STOVE WARH g U T.U. HCXDKICK8 PA Money Deposit m i Ms " $ w .rji"l,.T;'"7" ' -r -'-''n'a'h' ir'nummr PERRY DAVIS' ?h KILLER II A PTfRELT VEOKT ABLE BZMFDX , Fr IJTEB5A1 and lEXTEBHAL Ui. PAIN KILLER "" ln. ln.lnK acll bottle. and upTtrllf V MO PAIN KILLER vrllu& mm4 alt 6ol Comprint, PAIN KILLER rJnW?J. Mirk MenHnrCr, Pain la .he UackorblUe, llkeuiimlUiii.a:d Nvuralsliu PAIN KILLER If.r'CT brimm tp-dt i amwnini flit In all caiw of Jlrul-ea, ( uik, Horolnm Severe Uuraa, etc, naiSJ IflllFD t tlia wtll Irlnil and trunlKl PAIN R5LUK frt.BH ofllio flier in, I'Mraer.lMnnlrr.HnHor.ai.rtliifiiilalclaMc antliiK a uietlirlne alrayn ft h.o.J.aiiil (, lni"rillj ur xlernully wilb cerloiut lNjfair.llf en afford o b wlthmit tfala In. valiiabla rtuie ly In the bona. Ila price briuKa It wltbln tha rcati of all, ami It wil auufiaily tuanr tlin" It ent In f'' . a.i.l I, ail a-wnl.n ai IK 60e. a4 1 a Mil. PERRY DAVIS SON, Providence, R I Proprietor. NOT FAIT, to aend . - V , 1U III, I, ' If liir nnr i iii"." LIST. Moieeoiiii'lfia man cr. viit'" deacrlllons of (very ,jr iS fm,ni or nmlly nt with ovr lOOO iiiiraiiona. rami nnm wn'iaT r It "i mpawlll Ho.) We aell all ols W li'.leMla liri. ea In niiantltlf a toault ha pur. eliawr. The only Hnilliitloii In Amerlea wb Hi,ke lllla Ihelr 'l'''i' l'',i'"tfc,',,"M' 41V Wabaalt Av., CUIcago, Ilia HAVING Just Received a LARGE Assortment 0? V' TMr w" TT11 A Tf1 LETTER HEADS STATEMENTS, All kinds of CARD and BOOK Papers; Etc., we are prepared to do Job Work at very LUW Kates. ATTENTION. HUATCItH FAIIMEUS AND TKAPPEUS. I will pny in cosh for HIDES. runs, ami DEER SKIftS more than anyone in Eugonf, Trr me before selling elsewhere. A. GOLDSMITH. r i o -a i Hi MM Stationery StorE. POST OFFICE BUILDING, EUUENT! City, I liav on band and am coiiatantly receiving an anaortment of th beat Hcliool an Mloellanoui ItKika, Stationery, lilank liooki Portolio, Canls, Wallets, Jtlu.tik 1'ortmor a,.tat ' a. a. pArrittswi. THE BEST SHOES EVER BU0UGUT THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. Is a never failing Cure for Nervou IieLllity, Kxlinijsted Vitality, Seminal Wakiia Hiiermiitirrlioea I.Ot MAMlllOUIMm H)tency, l'arulysia.and all the t -rribl etfecU of Kelf-Abuae, youth ful follies, and e.tcesae in inaturer year ucb aLuaof Memory, Latitude, Nocturnal Kiuia- lion, Aversion 10 nocieiy, ininira ui uiuu, Noises in tb Head; the vital fluid oaaaing un observed in the urine, and many other diseases that lead to inaanity and dcatn. UIC MINT1E will aree to forfeit Fivi Hi'NUiiKl) Dollars foraritne 'of tbia kind the VITAL KE8TOKATIVE (under bis spe-.ial ailvice aud treatment) will noteere, or for any thing imiium or injurious found in it. MINT1K treats all Private Diitewes sneccas fully without merct ry. Conhii.tatiom Fbke. Thorough examination snd advice, including anklyaia of urine. Price of Vital 11:xtok ative, 3 a bottle, or four times tb quantity, 810; sent to any address upou reciipt of price, orC. O. I)., socure fmrn orwervatinn, and in Srivate name if desired, by A. E. .YIIXTIE, 11 Kearney Stroet. Saa Frneloo, CsU. 1)11. MTNTIE'8 KIDNEY REMEDY, NEPHRET1CUM, cures sll kinds of Kidney and Bbuldcr Crntptnint, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, leucorrhoea. For sale by all drugiriaUj $1 bottle, six Ix.ttle for $.rn DR. MINTIE'S DANDELTON PILLS are the et and cliesiH-st DYSl'El'SIA and BIL IOUS cure in tlie market For sale by all drugifist. lloile, Davis i, Ca, Portland, wholesale agents forliove remedies, f-'81y THE BEST OF ALL UliBTS 702 m OS BEAST. When a medicine line Infallibly done Edit work In millions of ease for mora Jf luun a inli'l ol n century; wlu-it It lins r.L riKihptl oi'in-v mirt of the world: wlim 'J nnmlieilea fiiinllli' evervwli-rn con-fj ' aider II llm only sitfe rullaiice lit rnao of rj iinliiornirlilcnt, His prutty sule to call aucli n luedklne TEE BEST OF ITS KIND. This Is the csaa wtllt the Meilrnu Mualaita; l.llmiit. Every mall lirliiKSlntelllnenooof n valwaltl hnra avad, llio itHuny of nn awful aceld or tiurn subdued, llio linrrna ol rlu melt'iia oveiconin, and of a tliouanml mid (inn other b CKSlugt end nioiclc ni'ironned ly llm old reliable Mz- Igmh ninatai'ff i.iuime I.llltM'OIlt All fi'i'in 'l riilwiini Uta are podily cured hy llio Mnslang I.lnlmeiit. It iiennlriile uiuart, membrnne end Iruiui. to tho very hoii", bsnlHliliiff pain and cmliiK (llHfii.ni lili n poner that nover tulls. It Ma medli'ln nseded liy jverybtHly, fioui llm rniuA.ro, who rides lil MUSTANG over the solitary plain, In the tnaivhunt in luce, nnil Hie voulvulu r who split in L w ill llm nie. !t ciiri- KhiHimatlsm when all other np'ill mlon lull. 1 111 WOllllHI'lUl NIMENT iieiMllly euro such alirucut of the ill MAN H.KI1 us lilieuiuatlsm, HtTclllna;, SlIrT Joint, I oiiiraeti'd .Hiiaclia, Burna and Kealtla, t'ula, llrulaas aiiill Kninlna. t'nlaaiieii Jtlle anilM UluK, fitlfflieat, Lnmenea, Old Korea, Cloer. ivroathlU.,'htllllua. Koo Mpil, takd Urease, and Indeed every form of external tlla- va'ie. It Is tlio gi'entoat remody for the fll nideis nml aocldouts lo wlili'h tlie linui n I'iiratiom ar-t sulijoct that lias over been kuown. It cures rNprnlni, Mivlnny, BtlrT Joint, Founder, ITnriiea Sore, Hoof lla eea, Foot Hoi, Mrretv tVein, Scab, Hollow Horn, Berate hea, YVInd- nll, IpaTlii, Jarer, Hluilion, . . . . .i ... ,i . . i . I'lil nnira, run a,vii, w .i.h npvara the Ma-lit and very other allntentc t wlilr l n oeeiiianta or lu btaliln and pitoelc Yard are Halite. A Incnlv llvo rent bottle ol Meilran lin'img l.lnlnieiit has onert suved a vHluuliio Iioi-mc, a llio ou ci'ulthus, or yenis if torture. It heals without a Bear. Itfroesto i lie very root, ol tlio matter, penetrating U cui-es everybody, and disappoint fj rn one. Jl nn ooen tu atcauy uae lor mora than tweuty-flvo year, and Is positively THE BEST OF ALL FOE HAIT OB BEAST. To the Unfortunate. Dr. Gibbon' DISrESSARi; n.-)Q KKARNT ST., Ui) eururrof ('onim.r rtal atreel, Kin Frmisco. K.Ubli.hrd la 1HJ4, lor th traattaant f Kaiuat ....... 1 V , ' V J as Gonorrhea, Uleet, VV I t V . ' - i lltiJ, Kyphllla, In ?V ' . . ' " i Ull II form. Nemlaial tOS - ' .VV Woalinesa, Impolan- vvMiiii)) i'itVi Snvi er. Blutat Uiaar br dreams. rXaiWaa n tha(aeaantlnananhoadeaapnallm'lr e !'! and afflicted .hoald aot fail to oall upoa Sim. T"l Dwlor haa trmled .il.nanl) la Karo, an I IlKpacWd thnrnnphlv lh n.l..,i. hn.i.it.1. ih.M ahMi.iiaaarrMldailel.alnaUeialonaal ira. wkichha ' Xm 77.'"" lurarttot huMia need of kimnim f t OlllilOf anil aula aa cbarra anlM ka eflaci !.',.-,'0" " ! Bk UKtl 4T IIUIK. Alleomaiaaieatitiaiatrtril.annAil.aiul Vna aa a ane a lb Dertoe. Iania anlini is th VKrtvrailllXeaw .tat lh n.m.ol lh paper theraee taia aUnriivn.nl ia hire, f.w.bia. all r nil IdJi m. IlU J V ..IUGi.i: ii... I ..Y B rrsaoiae, I L I E TS mm OSRIiltm & CO S NEW DRU0 8TORE ON VULLAJI etee Street, near N inth, SIUIHI w DRUGS, CHEMICALS, 01LH, PAJNTS, GLASS, . VARNISHES Brandies. Wines and Liquoi? ' OF ALL KINDS. Ia fact, w bare the best assortment of article found in FIRST CLASS DRUG 3T0RE. W warrant all our drugs, fer they are new and Fre-h. Particular attention ia called te eur Stock of Perfumery aiiU Toilet Articles. As w have bought OUR GOODS FOR CASH We can compete with any establishment in En gene City in price and accommodation. Buy your goods where you can get the best and cheapest PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED At all hours of the day or night. OS1JU11N & C NEW IDRIAN ai mm mm) OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, 0GN. Iocorparated, June, 1878. ' Capital Stock, $100,600. OFFICERS: President A. L. Todd. Skcretart An reliu Todd. Directors J. P. Gill, J. W. Jackson, T. S. Rodabaugh, A. L. Todd and A Todd. Principal office for sale of stock at J, P. Gill & Son s drug store, Postoflice building, Eugen FARrt FOR SALE. A WELL IMPROVED FARM OF three 2V. hundred aud sixtr acs, 100 acres nnder cultivation; all under fencs and th improve ments in good order, which we will sell at a bargain, and on th nioet reasonable terms. Situated live miles south of town, and has a g p. ock. Apply at this office Final Settlement. -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned administrator of the es tate of John McDonald, deceaaed, has filed her account, for final settlement, and that the first Monday in November, 1880 is set for final hearing. . M. C. McDONALD, oct24 Admitttratrix. GRAY'S SlECIFIf MEUIC'IKE fRAOI MARKTli Great Eng-TRADI MARK lmh Kemedv.An l unfailingcurefor Seminal eak ntws, Spermator rhea, Impotency and all disease that follow as a sequence of Self- ItFORE TAIIR8.Abue; a LornnE! TAIIII. ivleiuury, Universal Lassitut'e, 1'uin in the llack, Dimness of Vision, 1 'remit ire old age, and many other diseases that lead to Inaanity or cnimiinption and a premature grave. oe'Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. ti'The Sjiecifio Medicine is sold by all drug gists at 91 per package, or six packages for 85, or will I sent free by until on receipt of th money Uv nddremdng 1 HE GRAY MEDCINE CO., N. W Mechanics' lilock, Detroit, Mich. 'Sold in Eugen City and everywhere in th United States and Canada, by all whol srl and retail druggists. NOTiCE To Vhoni it Ka Concern. I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT I AM1 the sole owner of the IHtent slight for Sinking and Driving Wells in Lane county, State of Oregon, and that said Right is pro tected by Letters Patent issued by th U. S. Governmnt to Nelson W. Green, of Court land County, State of New York. All persons who have Driven Wells, or hsd thera driven, without my permission, since the 21st dsy of February, 1&)73. are liable to prosecution for infringement ol said Jtiglit ana are nererjy no bhed to come forward and adjust tn same. All infringements in th future will be roa ecuted. I am prepared to drive Wells or will grant I , . , . A n f I. A. an,ili..at lAtt B. FDORRIS Eugene City Brewery. MATHIAS EELLEIl, lro'p Is now prepared te fill all orders fo LAGER BtEK OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY, Come and see for yourself. A good article needs no recommemlation. Ladles Attention. Berlin Fashion Patterns at Dnnn A Strut ton's. OPPOSITION IS THE LIFE OF TRADI SLOAN BROTHERS "ITflLL DO WORK CHEATER than any ? other shop in town. HORSES SRCO FOR (2 CASH. With new material, all round. Resetting old Shoes t. aAll warranted to give satisfaction. Shop on tha Comer of 8th and Olive Streets. "VJ-F.W STOCK OF II.ITS-The best Xl and lar.-est ever brought tn Knireno.at fKIEXDLY'S. tew GOATS FOR SALE The undersigned have a lot of 500 first-class Angola Goats for sale in lots and on terms to suit purchasers. For further particulars inquire of JACOB GILLESPIE, or J. M. NELSON, . ' Eugene City, Or. LUilIBEJt! MJjVIHEIt. I HAVE ESTABLISHED A LUMBER YARD On th corner of Eleventh and Willamette treets.and kee oormtantly on hand lumber of all kinds. Seasoned flooring and rustic, fenc ing and feacepostt F. B. DUN. In Dorris' Brick Building. DEALIBS IS Groceries Provisions, Will keep on hand a general assortment of Groceries, Provisions, Cured Meats, Tobacco, Cigar, Candies, Candle, Hoaiis, Motions, Green and Dried Iru its, VVooil and Willow Ware, Crockery, Etc. Business will be conducted on a CASK BASIS. , ... Which mean that Low Prices are Established Giidi delivered willitot charge tt Bnjei ALL KINDS OF PROHCb WA,TEC 'or which 1 will pay th ihet prlceruarket A. LYNCH Notice. TN ACCOUNT OF MY FAILINU V health, and mv desire to settle my bus. iness, I ask all persona having claims against me to preseat th same, and all persons in debted to me tn mak immediate payment, or ray demands will be placed in my attorney' nanus tor torced collection, sll-tf JAMES GOODCHILD, QROCEtalES-Ishall keep oa a fullof GROCERIES & PROVISIONS And invite th tention of houaekeepera, T. G. HEXDKICSK Reii Estate Agent Collection Agent, and Notary Public. EUGENE CITY, x OREGON. J. B. ALEXANDER, Justice oi the Peace, Conveyan cer and Collector. Bills collected, Kecordi searched and ab racts of title made. All business promptly atUn Isd t. Oif -e at the Court House. GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. eradicates All Local Skin Diseases; Permanently Beautifiks the Comn.exion, Prevents and Rem, dies kheumatism and gout, Heals Sores and Injuries of THr Cuticle, and is a Reliable Disinfectant. This popular and inexpensive remedy accomplishes the same results as costly Sultiiur Baths, since it per manently removes Eruptions and Irritations of the Skin. Complexional Blemishes are al ways obviated bv its use, and it renders ; the cuticle wondrously fair and smooth. ' Sores, Sprains, Bruises, Scalds, Burns, and Cuts are speedily healed by it, and it prevents and remedies Gout nd Rheumatism. It removes Dandruff, strengthens the roots of the Hair, and preserves its youthful color. As a Disinfectant of Clothing and Linen used in the sick room, and as a Protection against Contac.ious Diseases it is unequaled. Phjsicians emphatically endorse it, PricesSS and 50 Cents per Cake; per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. andS1.20. N. B. Sent by Mail, Prepaid, o receipt of price, nd s cent extra for each Calta. "HUTS SAIB A5DWHBIOI DTV Black er Brawa. 69 Ceaa. j Cl.Crittcnton. Prop'r.7 Siitkif.I.T. INSURE Against osh by Fire IX THE LivrpocI k ondon & INSURANCE COMPANY. Chas. Lauer, Ag't. rOT FA It, tn aW r our Prira l.lat foe Fas ta any alijrta atxn in. Mleailna. ('natal na ' dearrtptlon r mry iha renulml ! peraonalor ramllv with orer I.JOO Illnatrailnna. Vt ae.l all f mt at rnia.i'a prlrr In namitiea lo 'an purtw ThanlT Inxliiitinn la Amrrtra. vhn m-tke in . h-r ne-tal hn.ineaa. AaUra. liommiutT WARintn.. SIAtst UalMaUAvah.t.aicacaU. SAN JUAXLIill f.irsalehr X. CS. HiLNDKICXS. HELLIBOLB'3 COMPOUND Fluid Ex act BIB i? Mill PHARMAEUTI A Specific Retmy i DISEASES i. OlIThai I BddlaR HnIiinjs ' For Debilitr. Less of Mery, IadlBB to Exertion J business, Bhrtue ( r;M Troubled with ThoughU of Disean " Vision, Pai. i. th. Wk, Chest, .d W Kuah of Blood to th Head. Pale CeaUa and Dry Skin. If these syaiptoms are allawed trea v'srr frequently Epiletie Pit and Censumpti.i ff low. hen th constitution becomes sffaefW it require th aid of an invigoratin mediciae to strengthen and ton up the s, teat - whicS . Eclmbold'o Bnc&n D0E9 IN EVERY CASE 13 UNEQUALED y remedy known. Il is prestrtlxd , most tmiuent physician all ever the werl m Rhnematism, Spermatorrhoea Neuralgia, Kerv5nsnes9, Dyspepsia, Indigestiin, Constipatien, Achesj;ai4 Paiw. General Debility, Kidney Lisfiases, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility, Epilepsy, Head Trarilif, Paralysis. Geneial IH-IalU Epical Diseases, Sciatica, Deafness, Decline, Lumbago, - Catrrrh, Nervias Cmplali Fem la Cemplaiats. kc. Vlf&Harli P.(A U Cf.A..UakM A l Dizziness, Sou: Stomach, Erupti, kad ..oi. iu maiuuuiu, raipitauoa ei ta aeart, Pain in tha rePlim Af tha tri,lva m4 K h IiAU. sand other painful symptoms, ar tb f sfriaae Hlmbold Buchu Invigorates (he sumach. And atimulkte tfia tnmM .nJ Kidneys to healthy action, in cleansiac th uwuu w an impurities, ana impartial; ntw and vigor t the whl system. A SinL'l trial will ha nuita aiifRfiaS ia Ma. vine th most hesitating of its valuahl rtstf dial qualities. PRICE $1 PER B0TTL1 Or Six Kittles fir ii. DeUvered tolanr address fre frtai b tion. ' "Patients" may consult by roivin th sum attention a br inr. kr aaswcriaf th following question: L Give your name and post-ellic aJdress, county and State, and your nearest ipre otlic ? 2. Your ai,- and aext 3. Occupation 4. Married or singl f 5. Height, weight new and in health t 6. How long bav you been sick ? 7. Your complexion, color of hair and J 8. Have you a stooping ur erect gait t 9. Kelate without reaenratinn all van ka about your ease. Enclo one dollar cm sultation fee. Your letter will thee ereiv our attention, and we will give yon h- u tur of your disease and our candid piia concerning a cure. Competent phyician atttend to crrea dent. Ail lttU-ia ahanl.1 I -a addmart! t Diapensatory, 1217 i'ilburt Street, Philadel -plua, Pa. H. T. IIEMDOLD, ri.iidtrpi.i, J". SOLD EVERT WEL2