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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1880)
Poor Enprew Euftnle. The London correspondent of tha Troy Cnireoie: liHUO M w riBuvmiuatuu tnoa mT re8ret th ilie caUM ilie rosenU has been overthrown, and it Tto bo hoped never to rise Ruin, till would be juntlr regarded u to un ? i: mortal who oould not have a ' i o evmnatbT to exprewi for thi in the aevero pewonal trials he vubecn called upon to endure during K lt ten year. It U only a short tie Ije iuca BU9 occupied the proudest Joaition, as a lady, in Europo; now it J7n be wid, without much exaggeration, that none are o poor uwuo ner rever se Driven from her throne, stripped . ltouors, beroit or lior Husband "ii ' alnno in the world, s Jonnded with gloomy reminiscences, imlced. has been a life of sorrow, v.r road a veritable via erucu. It seems . : rnli.n,1 fmm RnnUi Afrioa mas told that, after all she had re .ntlv suffered, the statue of her poor . . . .l 1.. ... . in ttnr Abbey. The blow staggered hor, j she cannot be made to understand the reason why the Englibh Parliament .... .ot itM fuco acraint the erection of the " i .i u Ei.. Mnnot see why it is that the English MOplo muHt perform a duty to France, a frieuilly Power, before considering her feeling and honoring the memory of her ion who gave np his life for the cause of ihA country of ma adoption. It is all a dream W uor. ouo u ouuunuuisij i lolved to shake the dust of England from v.. tank ta tuka no .her abode in . foreicn country, wluthor she ;ii also . carry tho remains of her husband and son. The place iu which Mib will WJte up iiorououem m mm will be at her chateau of Arenen Wir situatod, as almost everybody knows, in one of tho loveliest parts of Switzerland, more, u is iurmor buiou, t i her intention to erect a grand niaus oleum which shall be a last resting place for the aBhes of herself, the Emperor and the Prince Imperial. Though we cannot sympathize with her in this re solve, thinking, as the most of us do, that the good will of France is more to be preferred than the ronpec. oi an me Xapoleons who have evor lived, now live tnd are yet to be born, still we can be generous enough to wish, as the psalm ist says, that "goodnosa and mercy may follow her all the days of her lifo," and that wherever she sojourns those emoncr whom she dwells may remember that she is one who has been the spertof fate, one whose pathway in ulo has been watered with tears. Harked. eae The other day the writer and one of the test known medical practitioners of Leadville, were talking over odd opisodes in business, when the man of pills and plasters said: "I think, to tell the truth, I had the most singular experience of my whole professional career the other day. "What was it. doctor?" Well, 111 tell you, leaving out all names, for I expect the party will be recognized anyhow. It was just this: "The middle part of lost week one of tbe best young ladies of Leadville he's sweet as a peach, too came to mv ofllce in the evening, told me in a ereat deal of embar rassment that she wanted me to help her out of some trouble. Well, from hor manner, my very worst suspi oions were aroused, and I began to ques tion her closely. And what the duce do you think? Well, the confounded little fool had the name of the young follow whom she used to be engnged to tattooed on the calf of her leg. Now, she's just about to get married to quite a diilerent party, and had sense enough to see that the marking would be likely to kick up a big row in the family. Sho was aw fully distressed and ready to submit to anything, even a surgical operation, "to wipe out the damned spot." "I was puzzled at first, but after studying it over lor a lime wuuo I happened to remember that I had .road somewhere in some old scientific magazine that tatooing mav be removed bv Koing over the tie sign with a needle dipped in ink. It was a forlorn hope, but I thought I would try it, and taking her little foot delicate position, wasn't it, for a married mnn I carefully went over tho letters, it niusi have hurt, but she never whimpered, and when it was all over I told her to go home and come again in a couplo of days. "Well, sir, when she came I had the satisfaction of knowing that the letters had faded into an indistinguishable blue line. The operation is a perfect success, and she is the happiest girl in Leadville. I got 850 for the job. Let's go and have smoke." The old cafe-concert, since demolished for enlargement of the boulevard Saint German, was very popular with the stu- denta nf Hia T.ntin miarfpr Rut at One period the students quarreled with the proprietor, ana tne iauer, reiumuu iu make amends or apologies, became an object of bitter warfare. The students declared that they would not allow a sin gle artiste to sing until the proprietor yielded to their demands. For three whole months it was impossible to hear a single note sung on the stage, because of the uproar, catcalls and rackets of the students. Nevertheless the hall was al ways crowded, and the proprietor had no cause to complain. One night the students planned to omit the usual hub bub until tho middle of tho perform ance. The artistes wcro stupefied and the proprietor was at his wits' ends. The first singer advanced to the footlights, remained with mouth wide open, una ble to utter a sound. The second fol lowed, with the same result. The third ditto. The proprietor had, it appears, discharged all his singers early in the row, and in their places he had hired a lot of men and women who couldn't sing a note, and whom he was able to secure each evening for a few glasses of beer. Paris Paper. He was brought before the Galyeston Kcorder on the charge of drunkenness. "Do you plead guilty or not guilty?" I don't plead at all. I deny every thing." "Do yon deny having been up here before?" "I should smile. Why, Judge, I deny being hew right now. If you catch ma giving myself away just wake mo ip and let ma know it, JGalvestoB Mews. TUB GRE1T FAIR. Tbe rortUnil Ereaio T4lgr,,n U well --"a' ' won wriUen notice, of lbs MacUole's Fair Uuly plBClj nM Wll louyortUa well known bout of Hiwicar. Biwruntu i v In tho'extrenu wett and of machinery ball la iuexuiuiiuudiDTUi well known bouta ol Kewbunr. Hthorti A f. n... r it. . vuw wi mo must Impurunt puU of llieir exhibit to farmon it the muowpou Murriion uro. plowe, with both wjxxl atid iteel beame, riding or welkins plowe. Tha wood beaini all bare double iron itaudardi, bracing well from both bottom ami u.p, in onm. its direction. They are eocurvlr bulled to tbe boam, which baa double the usual wrought iron urt. The ihapa of tbe Morri.nn i.low la peculiar to itwir, it having a longer aud higher point and higher ill in thau any plow In tha American market. Tha well forward and extra hardened. Newburv, - . , . , ...... U V1V"U winch carry tbe Dommcr ateef beam plow, made br Morrieon firothcra. It U uu. ...... -.1. "luuiui a v". ar ineoniy urm In Oregon lighter than tha iron beam and cannot be bent. I. - ' t .a - I I . . . . iu a mai oi juowe lately niaile by the Linn county council of the Tatrona of Husbandry, the Morrmm Brothera' plowa made the hiehoet num ber of uoinU aud waa adnota.1 H. .,i and rocommeuded by them to the Palrom of uud oouniy. ine piowe are certainly well cou IrucUd ami mini tia ilnr.l.U l;,.v,i ..j i .it,. watt tun uu good work, u all concede who know thorn, and no goou reaun wuy inrmcra ihoulil uie a chilled plow when tlier can hava a "Murriinn which ii stronger and more durable, lighter to handle, loUpoundi lighter droit and does equally good work in any soil. Farmers should see the .uorriiou oeiore purcnasing any other. Una of tbe most important things they show is tbe FARMCS'S fR!I5D DRILL, A piece of farm machinery which they havo sold for two vears in Orpmin. ami whiMi liaa ui.n complete satisfaction. One of the great feature ui vua urm it mo cune gear lor reguiaillig ina seeding;. With all other drill thus fur manufac tured, in order to change the amount of aeed sown, per acre, the machine must bo stopped, and tbe drive wheel and several cog wheels, re moved at the cost of considerable tliuo, while with the Farmer's Frieml Drill it i iniUnilv changed by a lever, and even without stopping mo wain ii arnau go i ucsircu uuring me opcru tion of the drill. The quantity thus regulated is beyond the possibility of a mistake it ha a double force food, and has been tested in Euroe and America, and pronounced the best drill on earth, receiving the gold medal both in Taris and Phiioilehihia. wlnlrv. IV Imva induced the manufacturera to make many impor lain improvement in tne ami, among wnica is lilA inpfMM in aiA fmm tn!vn In Iwnnlv I. ru.a and the making of both the largo wheels do the auiy oi urive wneeis, oeing aouoie-gcareu, ana driving from both end. Tbey have also added a ieea cone at eaca enu, so as to reguiaie uie seeding from each end. Heavy trusa braces : . I. i : 1 t I .1.. I 1 ) .. 1 . i. : - firm's suggestion. Notably iu tho exhibit made by this linn is the ISTERLT BKUKR AKD CULTIVATOR, The king of al! seeders in America. It is said to be the most perfect and durable machine in the market. It requires no change of cog-wheels, has an agitator and improved metal drag, bar fastenings; also oil tempered teeth. A peculiar and valuable feature of the machine is that it bos more scatlerers and cylinders than any other, as it ho five scU, while other machine use but tlireo or four, and in tho large machine Uie number is iucreascd proportionately, which gives tho most even and perfect distributions of the seed. It is the only seeder provided with an India rubber cut-oil, which etlectually prevents the cracking of grain. At every Fair where the Eotcrly seeder ho been on exhibition it has ob tained the highest premium over all others. A with the Farmer's Friend drill the houso in Portland had to increase the Esterly to twenty hoes, and added like improvements with the ex ception of tha cone, lioth these machines are rigged lor two, inree or lour norsts nureasi, Becom ing to the site of the machiuea. These improve ments have been made necessary In order to meet the demand of the large farmers of Eastern Ore- iron and Washinirton, and at their oranch bouse m Walla Walla tho firm have had large sales of the machines. Teamsters are mucn deiignieu with the lmbroved WH1TIWATIB WAOOlf, Government standard, which is shown at the pavilion by the above firm. It is a fact that it is pronounced by all the best ironed wagon in tbe market. These wagons have, for a number of years, bean used in the service of tho United State Government, and have, without failure, ntnod the climatic tests of every section of this country, They are also used by the British Gov ernment iu their ojerations in the northern part ol this continent. They have recently been im proved especially for tuis trade, nave many im provement uever before seen on any wagon, and are the best in tho murket on the Pacific coast, of which an examination will convince the most skeptical. This firm also carry the renowned Torsion bolster, seat and pole springs. The bol ster springs will carry from a half to five tons, and will outlast three now wagons. The seat springs are the best in the world, being so flex ible that they cannot bi put on a cramp or broken, and aro adjustable to either wide or nar row track wagons. The polo springs are light, simple, effective and durable. They take the weight from the neck rf the team and are adapted to all wagons with drop down poles. Till WHIPPLE Ql'IDI. The farmer's friend and friend of his horsea. The great equalizer of tho age. Universally sought after where known. Eelieves the team from all the jerking and shaking caused by rough roads and uueveniiesa of the ground. Saves the team, saves the harness and make the control of a wagon, drill or threshing machine so easy that a boy cun take the place ol a man, in driving cither. The only place on the Pacifio Coast where the Whitewater wagons and the above improvement can be had is at Newbury, Haw thorne i Co., who carry a lull stock of then. The ner CITY XXTENSIOX TOPS For carriages, buggie and light wagon, are shown by the firm. The top is adapted to all usee, and suited to all weather. These tops may be used on a single or double-seated vehicle, and theirthree or four bowed jointed top may be used ii hor nn carriaee or farm wagons, and can be changed from one to the other in five minute. These tops range in price from $15 to $80, being less than one-half the coat of any other tops. The attention of farmer, carriage makers and dealers generally are invited to these desireblo articles. TBI CE5TXHHIAL fAHHIHO MILt, nth fnf fnrm and warehouse, are also exhibited. They are esptcially adapted to cleaning wheat, oau and barley, clover and timothy, Uax, beans and corn meal. Tbe Centennial Fanning Mill u the best constructed, duamie ana mom eompiew in tbe world. KISCtLLAHXor ARTICLES. Hawthorne k Co. also show some railroad and mining shovels, picks, bolted wheel i.. nilnuul and hiehwar plows and scrap ers, Scutt's patent lour point steel barb fence wire both rod and galvanised, Randall's ateel disk rolling harrows, California steel springtooth har row. Tbe faimua Truckee Yankee pattern woodchoppers, axes, sledge and wedge are quite a feature. The famou Washoe picks, handled or unbandled, are also on exhibition, a well as a very superior aiticle of hoes, shovels, pades, spadiag forks, potato noons, ana iu,i line of wood and steel agricultural uaniw.ic. THI flRV. v- rm in rWfno ia better and more favora bly known throughout thi Nerthweat coast than Newbury, Hawthorne k Co. They are enter prirtnr and live dealer and no firm stand bet. -;k k. f.rmn than thev. The roea that compose it are among our beat eitiien and tbeir agent and employe are chosen with due re gird to character, long may they prosper. Actors should b watched closely on election day. They are professional re peaters. Tha following notice may occasionally be found posted upon tne floor oi a Parisian newspaper office: "Goie to fight a duel, ba back in half an hour." SCIEJTiriC STRAPS. Tha tint of anr flower mav Vie ihanol by holding it for a few seoonds in tha a i ? i i mmes ox burning ampnnr. A Frenchman named Anne has made ftirterimonta nn kimaelf with niraril in the effect of inhaling oxygen, and he mattes tbe statement mat one may ausoro 100 litres, and even more, daily, without inconvenience. Dr. Sauftlebon claim tha following prescription as an antidote for carbolio acid: Dilute sulphurio acid, 10 grammes; muo. of gum arabio, 200 grammes; sim ple syrup, 80 grammes; mix, Giva a tablespoonful every Lour. Dr. Mooren, a celebrated German ophthalmologist, has recently celebrated at Dusaelilorf a rare form or jubilee.llle has entered on hia list his 100.000th pa tient, having performed 16,705 groat operations, 3700 being for cataract. The town celebrated the event with festivi ties. FimmL AXD COMMERCIAL. PoRTLAxn. November 13. 1RS0. Legal Under iu Portland, buyiug, r, and seinnz at par. Silver coin in Portland ban as quote at I per ceni. discount to par. Coiu exchange on New York, 1 per cout pre mium. Coin exchange on San Francisco, par to ) per ceni. premium. Telegraphic transfers on New York, 1 percent. premium. ome l'raxlae) Market. The following quotations tvpreecnt the whole sale rates imm producer or lint nanus: FLOUK Ouotable iu jobbing lot at: Standard onadi, jo uu lM!t country brauds, $3 o'ly) 7S,silerline, 53 7o(i(,f3 OU. WOOIi-20(ii,271 fur choice. WHEAT-Oood to choice, $1 30. HAY Timothy baled, buying at $10($18 per ton. POTATOES Quotable at lc per ths MIDDLINGS-Jobbing at feed, $20(a$25; fine 57o (,-i J rA .ton. BRAS Jobbing at per ton, $li$18. OATS Feed, per bushel 4l!J(ij44 cts. BACON Sides, 131c; hams, Oregon SC 134c; Kaitern, 14(i,lAc; shoulders, VMlOo. T .m !. . i n . an uMiu in ai's, io , in win, w LUTTER We quote choice dairy at Z'alhc; good Ircsh roll, 20((t,2.,4c ; ordinary, lt)(j) 20c, whether brine or roll. DRIED EIll'ITS Apples, sun dried, 9aI0c; machine dried, 12c). Pear, machine dried, llor.'c. Plums, machine dried, lox. EGGS 25c per doa. POULTRY Hons and roosters, $4 C0o5. Tur kevslfci20c per pound. Geese, $HaB per doa. CHEESE Oregon, 12)alAc; California, lc HOGS Dressed, Mc; on foot, 3Ja4a BEEF Live weight, 1 J to ljc for good to choice. SHEEP Live weight, Ua2c TA LLOW Quotoble at 0c. HIDES Quotable at HalGlo for all over 18 lbs, one-third otl'Ior under tliat, also one-third oil for culls; green G)o8c. General nerebandlae. BICE Market quoted at China, 6)a5 ; Sand - vich Island, 7Ja7J. COFFEE Costa Rica, 17al8c; Java, 25a26o Rio, lJal7c TEAS We quote Japan In laquered boxes 50a 75c; papor,37o47j. SUGAltS-Sandwich Island, 9Jal0c; Goldon C, in bbls, 10c ; hf bbls, Die; Crushed bbls, 11 jo, hf bbls, 12c; Pulverised bbls, 12c, hf bbls, 131c; Granulated bbls, 1 lc, hfbbls2jc. SARDINES Qr boxes, $1 75; hf boxes, $2 75. YEAST rOWDEK Donnelly, $18 V K"i Dooley, $20a22 gross; Preston k Merrill, $21 V trmss. WINES White, per do in case, $3 50o4; per B': ;iil,7Uctofl DO; bonoma, periioz iu cases, 60 to $5; per ral. 60c to tl aO Claret California per gal, $1 to $1 25; im ported per gul, if 1 60 to Sherry-Cala per gal, $1 60 to $2 60; Span ish,$3 to$; assorted brands, $12 to $18; imported per gal, $2 50 to $7. Port Various brands in qr oaks, $2 SO to $5 j $1 50 to $2 ; imported, $3 to $7. SPIRITS Fine old Honnessy Brandy in qr cks and octaves, $5 50 to $7 60 per gal; Dun ville's Irish Whisky in case per doi, $12; James Stewart A Co.'s Scotch Whisky in qr cks and octaves, $4 ; Hennessy Brandy in case, per dos, very fine 1 etor $10, 2 star, $17 50, 3star$IV; Holland Gin, large coses, $18 to $20; Old Tom Gin in cases, $12; Rye Whisky, er gal, $2 60 to $5 ; Bourbon, per gal, $2 50 to $5 ; A Cutter, $3 25 to $3 50 j 0 K Cutter, $4 50 to $5. OILS Ordinary brands of coal, 30c, high grades; Dowuor A Co., 37a40c ; boiled linseed, $1 1 raw linseed, 0.rc ; purelard,$lal 10; castor, $1 60a$l 80; turpentine, 60a65c. IMPORTANT INFORMATION To the People of the Great Xorthwot. WE WISH TO CAIX VOI K ATTENTION TO A few fact and auk jour careful connlilt'ratloii of M""J. th. ,1,1. coarn Hit Htillctfd Willi Catahhh in one or more of tin vunollR lonun; iiin.v ..... orlKln of llieir MiflvrliiR-a. coiiawiuently, III ilte ol all lliey mv ahlelo do, continue to """Vr. thut It "l nlniply a local Inllaniniallon ol Die iiiiicoim noMiiDrnue iiihok oi iw,-", y. cold an auvoi-aiwi uy uio-i i"; yi erronwum in ihn extreme, else why do they not cure HO fflllipiti UlBflMW ItWO w.c., ... - f'l'lt . -..., ,-r. h, fOXNTlTl TlONAl. also, being of neroluloun origin, r . .. ... . . ....i.ul..n ., ..ITHitpliiir wrhlph iu,. coimin In part for Im rapid Increaiie. (Hirtll lllftl VHCCOIlttlUii w uiirui iu... . of all wmfiiloiM illHfaHea, of which tliat form kuowu Kiflli-Thut without the proK.rCXNHTITrriONA. treiitnienl, ail ai. inrww ....... r-"' "V"'' then longer raiilliiue the use ol Hiiuffn, Douche, In- XihlThaiwe have nia.!e the alwve fact a life tndr. hnvlng been a great utinVrer mirm-lvea irnm thin womt of cuiw-s. until n KKM KDY, and art. tuny warrmi in ; IIihi they are FACTH; having 'or more than twelve (ATA HUH, upon the above principles with the very that wan e lflc for the cure ol thldliieaethat we have tenteil at innereni rnue. . y. r- -the remedle now in ue, and found that Ihey were gotten up upon theory, and not on actual knowledge of the dtaeaii Having become fully convinced that .'.:.,..... .., k. dwiu la mrrect. aud that when directions are atrictly followed in R RPlf KDY It HPECIFIC. We have nerinea to pow w . :.. CATAKKH In the liamui ol druggints throughoiil the great northwem, al the very nominal price ol ON fc IxiIXAK PKK ilon i.K. th rty dniKglirta - . ..... - c , n i? ..vim. mn have oidered, and tne Hi nt Yl. . . . . llH-m-.nie the neootid and third Ma nines Augiwt l',lh. Nine ol the lewllng drtUfHtxta ol Juniano nave It In mwk: the well known and reliable Arm ,of II ojlge Iiavwa t". rewuoiemuejjiii. ii.. Remeilv uo-w-meti Inlrlnalc merit, u n a wme- pred demand and anle could not be e fix-led in an uliort a time, i ne w-i . j"i orwtl' In rort ana we nave inn 7" t t.., .7l,.n ,,f lilt. JAMES KECK S BUIK ClKfc. 1 WeouUl'ciiutkin yoo from purchaiilng-for the nmeaa Dr. KHk a-any - a wrrh Kemedv" whlrh hanttheanlraph algnatur J A M m KM K, M. D" uponea h,w kaice.iiii.rne having other renw dl on hand owhkdi they wtoh to dlp.e. arerepre aentlng them to be the aarne aa Dr. Ke. k a: ol wiurw II oura wen w '", 1 " . . - pelled to reaort to thai unprincipled means to effect aalen of interior bolviaitv l Keinemla-r alo that we make a SPLCIAJ.TY ol the treatment ol dlaeaaea of V, OM t.x. ISA tint iKreet, Partlud. November 1, IMX .n ,,.t ni mn tha man d I teases peculiar tc women la Warner'a Hal. Kidney and Liver Cure.-Mothera' Magailne.. T- touiligr or mnsiclan in .verj iuuw - . . OregoD.WaahingtooTemtory or Idaho, :n Viiir ntma and ftaarefM to W LIU 11U bomv. n f Wtrren'i Muaio Honae, 92 Morrison 8t, Portlftnd, wiU receive free for three months, copy of hi Musical Rmew, enntAininir three new pieces of music each month, besides current musical news. "I m satisfied with my lot," said real estate owner, who held apiece oicny ground worth &,uw 1001. A Faeter Umppy. I bar area traaur irogblaa ouli mj aid. neye and liver for over twaaly rear, and dur. Ing that entire Una I waa never fiae from pain. Mr medical bllle were tnnrmnue, and 1 via lied botn the Hot and Wblla (tprlnga, notvd lir the curative qualltleeof tbe water. I am happy to aay I am now a well man, end en tirely aa tbe result of Warner'a Hale Kidney and Liver Cure, Wnh such glorious rwuliel am ouly Uwi giail to laaliry resanllog tbe rem dy wbicb baa made ma ao happy. OUv lP.. H ATtKXKB. BEWKHBSR That barren's Music House,2 Morrison street near the roeUilTii, Fori laud, Or., hasevervthing in the musical line at reaoiiable prices A Urge stock of sheet music, books, pianos, musical mer chandise, band aud orchestra miitio always on hand. Mr. Warren buys every thing direct from Koatorn houses, and can afford to .ell cheaer than any store In Oregon. Send for catalogue. aria lathlac any arraaMoriarl. Iwa-lareepoBaeteaBj 4erllaaaesi 1st able waper yea will pleiue anealUa late ante f the paper. v-V (in'fi ! miiJiiu 'Oi uiig It U mnAe fnm n HlmnM Trrtplral of Tian Vfthic, ftiul l- a IMMIT1 V K Ktmrly for nil the fKnmtllMt ('HUMP WlMitll lilt lowtT HI I of lUv ImmIv tor Turill l.tvi-r llt'iitiuhf Jmiiiilli' PUiIim-m, (imvcl, MiilHrln, mid nil the tlillVulllfn of (tif Kldiifyn, IvtT mill l iiiinry OrKiuin. For Krmnl Mrnirt Mnnlhly M.'iiMtrtmlliMiN, mxl (liirlnn rfiiHitry, It linn no iml. It nitlitrtHi tiifortrnim ilmi makk Uih ttltHHl, mtd Ih'IH'c In the ImkI HIimmI lurllWr. It In thi tv'y known nini'y that rnn-n Hiiiit Imu'am. fur 1 v bt,, UM Mrnrr'a fr IMubrlra i '. 'or Halt hy ItniaCuMi ami all I'i'HiiTnut ! & per bottle. l-artrti Iwntle In tin-mttrki-t. Try lu II. II. WARNRK Jfc C'0.,1tfbM(er, N. Y OT. C. Carson, Manufacturer and dealer In all kinds ot Sash. Doors, Blinds. F MES, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, Eto. EAHO.BD riNISHED LCHBEH Constantly on hand. Importer o Paints, Oils, .Glass , Brushes. AND A FULL LINE OF Painters' Materials. Orders from the country will receive prompt and careful attention, SALESROOM! FACTORY! Ill Krout Mtreet. At WrMlrr's mill kiikB 1'UHTLAKD, OKKUOM, A. BLUMENTHAL, MERCHANDISE BH0KER And Wkolcaale Johlwr In Dry (loofl. FuniUlilug Uooils, Hals, Caps, Notions, Trunks, Vallava, etc. Also PURCHASING AGENT For all Interior aettleaMBta. Particular attention paid to F1LLIXO ALL OBOKBI from ttie city or country, of whatever dincriiiUoii. . A. Bl.liar..lliinuf 1111-4 Front Htrcvt, Part land, Orrwna. P. O. lioxM. "ovu XN0TADRUG DRH. HTARKEY A PALEN'H NEW trvatment bv Inhalation lor Conanmix (Ion. Asthma, Hronrhltla, Catarrh, lya- prpalai, lleadadie. Orlilllly, airnralgla, Klienmatlam, and all I'hronle and Nervous Ulftorriere. luformnilnn and auppllea can be had of H. E. MATHKWM. aofl Montgomery street, San Franclaco, Califoru la. ALSO AUDIPHONES and EARPHONES I mm 1 FOR Deaf Tcoplo On tilal before purchase Don't waste your money otherwise. Hani lor free cir culars. lmnl2 F, E, BEACH & CO, (Nucceaaore to CocglDS Beach,) ..DEALERS IN...-. Faints, Oils, AND Glass. Doors. Sash, A De Blinds. Haying; arranged to import nil nrinRiTinl lines of Painters Stock and Window Glass, we are enabled to tnve as lavora ble terms on this line of goods as any dealers in Portland. Contractors and Dealers will find it to their advantage, to send for our pnees before plac ing orders. F. E. BEACH & CO., 103 Front street. Portland O.T. ZINNS. A.BTKVSBUH STEVENSON to ZINNS, Commission Merchants, And Dealen In all klada of PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS. HI Fre at Htreet, Baal Fraaesae. ! liberal a4rajemenU en eoneifnmratj. Important KTotice. SALIBIGER'S Cash Auction Oom'y TriW well known ami rfllahla Ann nt Oaklamt, Cat., havlnr )nt a ycir airn inti1 a hranrli hnna In Pnnlaml lr Hm hrnrnt ol ilirirviirnalva In on con anil Waaliinion IVrrtlory, thrlr low irli raaoJ boo urahli. ihiiiiias an wurtliy ol thr iMtiniiiaira ol all. Vt hate )il rnvlvnl an Iniuirmw Una o( K.nihnitilvry fmm Auction. Thaaa aala ara a rival aa any ll.tuta, in ralifnriila or orrrnii kii. Ilur w. will mii thni at l'rt.- Hint will aAiotiMi anv no-n-liant. :ahnillrrtra fur SV, r, Ae, V, 1c, le)e, 1 lie, l -nV, Or, a.V, ItWr, ULU, 4V, Air, A4. The atvi. ta lur rnlirr imlnrril or hit. V havralMiiMHtxl with Ihr almv lot an Immrnaa Una f Ijtillra' Mualln aail Mnriiin t'mtarwrar, Ijwtlt'H rhi-oit fmm aav: IaiIImi' unwn. fmm Y.V: hrawar from atari lllra .Mnrlno Vralafnon Alats WW liavv aJtoalaiK llnr ol Hlla UaiHlai-rfliirfa, 11m, In IjM-aml'ry, II iMkry. iilMrru'e Hoods, ('aix.ur Wuulru Ja.kcia.4t'., ate. InonJrr Iu kci p thv Umi-l I'rlca Uouarln I'urtlaud var M III II FarSv-larh famktawrvat .HAe mw Fluhra In all shailra' lae Ovabkr-wlata Maaalat hHh lm Tabl llMmayk " Wamuill Purr Unwi) .aM " Hrnak An all aliadm ta.W llurlutbitra I !! " I'UUa ' tsoe Koniplra on aii'lUatlon. IHrect A. Ia. SALINGER. 5c CO.. UIOFIrat Ntrtt,lortlniil,Oietron. P H. We haveBeaannartk n wllhlheator tint diair loiia. 1'lnta alat w hat wHr you aaw thi In. IS will hny an Klrrant Wool and Milk Null al U1T 8. Addrras, II. 11. 1.11T, Third and Aldrr Htr. IVrtlauil, Oan. Hrut I'. 0. 1). SKATES ! To Dealer al .-jaan- T II I- V V V V. I ai'-aaaa "V Y 'X Gi-Klbgleader, direct form New York, a large assortment o NVAGON MATERIAL, Hubs, Spoke9, Felloes, Hickory and Oak Lumber, with a large Assortment of IIEAV IIA.3IDW.KE, Which we otTt-r to tb trade at lowest joDhiDf rates. THOMPSON, DoHART & CO., Portland, Oregon. Dairton, Hall Orders from rrr THE TRADE J i l I II soiicitca.gntmtoF Wholesale a laaaw THE OREGON NEWSPAPER PUBLISHING Company la now ptepared to furnish Insldes, Outaldea and Hup plementa on the ehortst no tice. Address W, I. Mmir, Hoi 69. Portland, Or. laaaa If OREGON MACHINERY DEPOT. 43 Front Street, Portland, H. P. GREGORY & CO Keep a Complete Hock of ( Wood Working Machinery. Saw Mills and Saws. Machinists' Tools. Steam Engines and Boilers. Steam , Hand and Power Pumps Steam Engine Governors. Lubricating Oils. Blowers and Exhaust Fans. Emery Wheels and Machinery. RUBBER GOODS a Specialty, Beltinir, Packing, Hose, Valves, Springs, Etc. Complete line of EMGINKEH BUPPUEH Constantly en hand. To Hunters and Trappers! Aanre and eertaln mode of raK-hlne H irr. Hahar, Mink. Martin. Co.a, tc. and maa kn tha bnain'a. a aaaurlai euceeae, can be ta"l br applUo allh .tanip to O. M Bi B& T. O., lutUaAd .Onfoa. iv j W K ) C Biffs 3 I O t ii ;jf w JW i 1 fH I a 7f- I a - 2 t o 1 p - M I m o H ? o g Eats. ; 3 ha O ES s 3 If m 5 b. 30 hi M D-- a ks) 9 el h 1 m a-." I- iill a Sj . SEATED J Wholesale Hair. IROIT STEEL. & Lambcrson. F?3 Portland, Oregon. Hardware. Uho TtOHO I?lll. The Great English Remedy trr " 1 I IsanaverfnlMnf Cure I fur Nervous Iblllly Kihaualed Vitality. Homlual Weakneaa. Herntalnrrhea, I.ON f MARjIMMM), IuipO- tenny, fantlysla. anj all the terrible) elTwH of Half Abuae, youth, ful ftilllee, aud excee sea In niaturer yeara such aa lywa or Mem. ory .Lassitude, Noctur- ui a iiuiuiiiiii. Avur.iiiu tnHooletr. Dlmneae O Vision, Nolws In the head, the vital fluid paaalni unobaprved In tbe urine, aud many ulnar iflaeaaea Dial lead to luiaully anddeiUh. 1)11. JrllNTlK will agree to forfeit Mrs lliiiulrrd Dollar for aoaaeof thla kind the VII AL atlcatlolTl?sa juuder bla speolal advice and irealment; will not cure, or for anything Impure or Injurious found In IU IIH. M 151 IK treats all Private Ulaeaaea sun. peaafully without mamurv. Conaullalloai Kre. Thomuiib examination and advlne. In aludlnganalyala of urine. 16 UI, frloe of Vital Keatorntlae, IS Wiper bottle, or lour tlinea. theiiiantlty for HOW): eent to any adddreaa nn rroelpl or price, or 0. O. I)., secure from ob tervaliou, and In private name tf desired, by A. K, Ml.MTIK, M. D. II Kearny atieei, Han rraaelaeo, Cal. IIH. NINTIR'f4 KinNET HKMFnY, NKI'HKTIt'l'M, cures all kluda of Kidney and llladder Coinplnlnui, Uonorrhoa, Uleet LeuiHirrhma. Kor sale by all druggists; f 1 UU at bottle; six bottlf. lor h 00. I)M. MINTIE'H UANOri.lOW FILL! are the beat and cheapest UlSI'KI'SIA an HILIota cure In tbe ma-ket. or sale by a truvKlMla. 1IUUUK, DAVia CO. Porllaail. Or. Whnleaaia Aarenu. martl Uho It oho Pill. SPORTSMEN'S EMPORIUM. WM. BECK & SON, Importers and Dealers In Sharp's, Remington'!, Ballard'i, Burgeii', Kennedy L Winchester Repeating Rifles. Colt's, llemlnirton'e, Parh.r's, droit efc Ion, Moore's and Clabrougli'a BREECH-LOADINO SHOTGUNS. HAZARD'S SPORTING GUNPOWDER Deal In the world. Put up in and 51b eana, tf'4m kegs. Uun Wads. Shells, Cape and CartrlilKeaofall Hliiils at Hedurrd Prices. Baa Balls, Prise Bate, Croquet Qames, Velocl pedes, Archery, UtTn Tennis, Fishing Tackle of every description and quality. for, t'rowlaa.l Alder Mtreela. Portlawrl. CJso Roho l?ills. Lf;BLl'MAl'ER A To. Hole Agents, Port land, Oration. We Offer to tbe Interior People Great Indue menu In Crockery. tiluajarnto JioetC llated War. Lamps, Cliandellera. Janterna. COAL OIL Or ALL GRADES. And I'ack Orders for an amou nt very care fully Send us your orders, eapeolally for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. You will save lots of money. Price Lieu teat on application. 1 I 9 O V Di 1 Klrai atree. rrlia. Or. Uho TtoHO J?ill. Commission Merchant AND PURCHASING AGENT. All floods on Com mine Ion. WOOL, OR A IX DAIRT PRODUCTS JUTO FRUITS A BfKCULTY. Agent lor farrott'e Patent Doubletree. 267 First street, Portland, Oregon. . l. . Lmm ...III mi It! maa arv atfcM-k la Mawlor far raMarat Waah la4ararrailr karirt evar.