E SjJirjj.jgjBgcr: a t.ij jwj EST1DLISBED FOB TOE DISSEM1TI0.1 OF lEMHCRATlC PEISCITLES. UD TO UM AN IIONEST LIVING ET TOE SWEAT OF OH BROW. Tf HOLE NO. G83- KUGENE CITY, OR. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1880. $2.50 per year IN ADVANCE ."Fjl CITY Ik CSxgr&t City Guard. . u laniu. i. a. CANriKij. CAMPBELL BROS., Piblblun aa! f roprletiri , rriCE In th building formerly occupied fcy J, W. Ueaver, m a tor, corner Yt u Ua.tt ana o.v.nltt street, oua OXLT RATES OF ADVKKTiaiNG S -1 -i ...Man t 1tlMrftil Ml fallnW.l - ia l: .... lul. 14 ok uhs,ueBt insertien L Cub required in .aVSO lira eJMrtisars will b charged at th fu )a iun thre months 14 00 " ail -aanthl 8 00 " year 12 00 Traasieat aties in local column, zv cenu per 111 lar eacn insertion. Advertisiag bills will b rendered quarterly. All ( wrk must be taw for ox nriirrsr. rosTorncE. vjfao dr.-Fr.m a. . U .. BuadaT l.ss I.M :.. ., , . Mail arrivsa.fr.rn th. Math .si leaves coin; aorth It a. Arrives freia tli aorth anl leave, tuiaf . Itk at 1-3S p. m. Fur Hmi.law. Franklin anl 1-unf ria. ai a .. .inriay. .in. rv.nnk nl Bruwn.ville at I r.M. fatten will h real? fur iteliverv half aa hoar after . ,-nvsl ( traia.. latter. .houM be left .t the office ,MM A. 8. r ATTERSOS. P. M. societies. ... 1 Wa II A. P. aaj A. M VhU ant aaJ third Wa Inesdav in each i.ata. u...-a Rtrrr T sinn a Ko. A I. O. tO. F. MseUeverv Tueiiar ivening. V.MClf.M.KT Nil. ft. sets aa the M aa 4th Wfrlaea lays in wh moath. U-uim IxfKiK, No. 15, A. O. U. W. Mt at Masonic Hall the leconJ and fourth M.,e.chr,ontVo B w DR. JOHN NICKLIN, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. (Formerly of Yamhill County.) HAS PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN Eugen City. , Oftice iu Underwood a Brick, 2d floor, aver Well. Fargo 4 Co. Ex press aflic. Residence, two blocks west and aa narth of l'ublic School, in the Killings wertk property. au'JiJ-tf A. ir. PATTERSOX, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, me oa Nlutn sjtreet, ppalte the tit. Charles Halel, aa at MMldenre, IOJOKXK CITV OUKUON. D2L J03EPH P. GILL . CVN T.t FOUND AT 13 OFFICE ir m idana whaa nt irofuwionaUy enga;ed. tifiee at the rosT officii drug store. . Kaddeace an Eighth atreet, opposiU Praaby- "thurcn: JE WELUY ESTABLISH EXT. aa .llttll fJJ J. SLUCKfcT. FJQ DEAI.1M W CUcks, Wacnes, Chains, Jewelry, Etc. Repairing Promptly Executed. MTAll Wrk Warranted.! J.S LUCKKV, Klli-rurtk k Ca.'i brick, Willamette atriet ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Corner Willamette and Kinth Street, EUGENE CITY, OP. J. W. FRCNK, Proprietor. TIi Honse liabee tlioronshly reaovated, both Inside and outside. Tha FINEST Sample Kooms in the city. TERMS MODERATE GWa tha Hue a trial, and ba asaurel that you will k'et tha best the market afford. Tha Houe is aewly furnihed. FrH Coach to and from the House. War das commencsd in Europe! ANI R. G. CALLISON TS AGAIN AT HIS OLD HIS OLD STAND J.on Willamette Street and havniR bought the intereat of W. T. Oabnm m the firm of Callp aon k Oahurn, is pretrfd to furnwh a 11 wne mar irive him a call with the beat quality of Tery thing usually kept in a first cla erocery and provision store, stich aa 8UOAKS. TEAS, COFFEE, CANNED (JOOI)S, TOBAH O CIGARS, GLASS AN I) Ql ;KKNS- UwTme a call and ae. what I can do for you Thankful f" pa8 patronage i wviv j- - e,D. . . i i,.t fe ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. -Trmrv M HEREBY GIVEN Til AT Ad!.htnar of ArtW - . hWbr ruted to pWnt th. ckUU are herebr ruT..l,-L at th. of- aama to ma with tne proper iWfm, witnii sii .. , e as? e!l at th om oi i nmi (la tha earn I nmeditte'T. . . MVRV MELLfeR, AdmrnLtrtnc rad Oct M. WA 030,4 The largest stock of jrood in Is norr on Sale at I B. DOTS And tlrCao aro a low & i m a mr-r . Nice White Elauknts for f 4 per pair. Hrnrcidn l)rp finmlu fnr 1 A rr nr vA Good Cashmere, full width, 50 cts per Brocade Silks from $1 25 up. THIS Best Assortment iu the BOOTS 1MB SHOES ! Ladies Kid Hutton Ladies Kid Fox .' Ladies California Calf Children. California Calf f...' n.i:r :. n itit-ua vttiiiiiruiu luiH3 i. Men's Good Heavy Boots Men' Calf Iioots J LaJiei Poblnd ButtoneifShoes Clct&ixig Cheaper ILan any otlior Houeo. r7 wai as UiOClt"4 as Give me a call and BOOT UO SHOE STORE. L HUNT, Prcpriotop.' top on Willamette street, '2nd door north of hurdwure uUire, Eugene City, Or. will hereafter Veep a complrta atock of -AND- CIIILDRKN'S SHOES inifers, Cloth and Kid, Bnttvn Uopts KUpperx, white and black, NatliAl., 're hlilalkllie. ' MENS fc BOYS FIX'iSAM) HEAVY BOOTS L SHOES And in fact cvtrvt'dn,' in ttie HOOT and SHOE line, to which 1 intend U devnta m CHjieciul utunttoi). 'r iMuimfactiired to or l'J", ARE FIRST CLASS And ifiianint'i'd repreitented, -and will , 1 mild for the lowest pricea tlmt a if"d nrticlo sun lie uPiirded. ajr27-7tf .. MI X I'. CRAIN BROS. D2ALER3 IN Wat. lift and Jewelry, Musical instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Uaf,.l,. f'l.wl.n. nn.l Jawelrv renaired and warrnnteil. Northwest corner of Willaiuette and Kyhth streets. SELLIHB off at COST. As I Must raise Money I will sell myentire stock of DRY GOODS, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CROCKERY. COST Call and examine Goods & Prices arAU who ara indebted to ma MUSTaett'.e immediately. HiL'hwt market price paid for all kinda o PRODUCE, HIDES and FURS. A. GOIXSMITIL If too with to lay your goods cheap, you must U W WW w va LURCH BROS., COrWOE GROVE. Th. tm ana of the largest stocks of General Merchandise OuUida of Portland, and ther sell good ehj?- er than it can M oougnt majwavn w lanctta rallay. Lane Co of the Barrrains of- Ladies under Vests at from 50 ct up. A Large assortment of Triming Silka, 75 cts to $1 23 per yard. A fine lineof lloonior, all prices Overalls from 50 cts up. City of . at from $2 up from $1 25 up from $1 50 up '. from $1 up . ei en i. an . v uv vilii $3 50 to. $5 54 worth 56 $2 up can e caf stiywielt. Save Yourselves M3N5Y B. F. DORRIS, DEALER IX SloVt'S. Pumps, Pipes, Aletals, Timrare. AND a Kcuse Furnishing Goad3 Generally Wells Driven Promptly AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. IVUUiaetle Street, Eugene City, Oregon. F. fl WILKINS, UCor to SlEI.TOK k Wll.KIHS. Practical Druggiss & Cbirfs, UNDERWOOD'S BUILDING. Next door to tha Grange Store, Willamette street, J-.ugeu ciiy uwjfon. Have lust opened a full line of fresh Orugs, Medicines & Chemicals. A la a a. final aosirtnipnfc nf Fancy and Toilci Articles. in. ais-na or Mixed Taints, Leadt Oil, Varnish, Brushes, WINDOW GLASS and PUTTY Which they will always sell on reasonable Careful attention given to rbfsieian'i Fre VrlplioM. FARMERS ATTENTION. READ J X HAVE JUST RECEIVKD A ILri X aortmeiit ol narnew, uoimm, Line", un dies. Hame and lireant StraM, Halters, Curry- conibea, ni, t anm, inmiieii, evu. ... 1,11s. .1 ill li imU anil will kpD on hand Waddle Trees and Dressed liiickkin for the wholesale and rctull trade, which 1 will aell 2."i per cent, cheajwr than nsuaL Farmers will do well to jfive me a tall. My terms i. read r pay; then no man pays for his neiirhlior's rood. Miop, 3 miles northwest of K"7en City on railroad. D. li. LA KIN. GO TO WINTER GALLERY ! To get CARD and CABINET PHOTO GRAPHS, FERROTYPES, tC. Cards and Cabinets a Specialty. 1 ataanC t'OK UESEHaL MEHCIIANDISB f T. Q HENDRICKS. EUOKNK CITY LOUSINESS . DIEECT0EY. ALEXANDER, J. E Justice of tha Peace South Eugene Precinct; ollice at Court House. ASTOR HOUSE-Chaa. Uaker, prop. The bnly firnt-clMM hotel in the city Willamette street, one door north of the post office. ABRAMS. W. 1L k BRO.-PUnlnp mill, ah, door, blind and moulding manufactory, r.iKw street, eoMt ni mill raca. r.verj-tlmiif in our line furnished on .hurt notice and reasouahle terms. BOOK STORE-One door south of tha Astor iioime. A lull stock n( asaorted boi papers iiuiu aim lancer. BOYD 4 MILLER Meat Market-beef. real. CRAIX nROlA.-1Valrr n Jewelry, W.trh- i. .... , . i . ..... una. min luimnni instrumenn Wil lamette htrewt, between Seventh and Ki.-htlk fAM.ISUN. 11. U.-IValer in irrocenea. nrw vMons.ooHntry pmnuce, canned gooiia, b.nka, stationery, etc., southwest corner Willamette and utli nu. DORRIS, GEO. R-Attorney and Counaellor at 1jw. Ullice on W illuinctte street. Eu gene City. DORRIS, B. F.-Dealer in Stoves and Tin ware illamette street, between Seventh and Mk'tith. DURANT, WM.-Meat Market beef, pork, veal and mutton con.Unt'lv on hand Ninth street, between I'varl and Hiifh. ELIWORTH k (U-Dnitvi.U and dealers in paints, oils, etc. illuiuetta street, be tween Eighth aud Ninth. FRIENDLY, a H. -Dealer In dry roods. clothing and (feneral uierchandi Willam ette street, between Eighth and Ninth. GUARD OFFICE -Newspaper, book and job priutij;oiiice, corner i Uluiuette andseventh streets. GRANGE STORE Dealers in ceneral mer chimliae and produce, comer .it'hth and Willamette street. . GILL, J. P. Physician, Surgeon and Drug gist, riwtomce, illamette rcet, between Seventh and Ei'htli. HAYS. ROnT.-Wlnes, Llnuors, and Ct- f;nrs of the best quality kept coimtmitly on mnd. The best billiard table in town. HENDRICKS, T. G.-Dealei in eeneral mer- chnuilise northwest corner t illamette and Ninth itrecta. IIODES, C Keeps on hand fine wines, liq vors, cignrs and a pool and billiard table; Willamette atreet, between Eighth and Ninth. HORN, CHAS. M. -Gunsmith. Rifles nr.d shot guns, lireech and muzzle lorders, for sale. Repairing done in the neatest style and war ranted, bhop nu 9th atreet. KINSEY, J. 1). -Sash, blinds and door fac tory, window anil door frames, mouldings, etc, glazing and (floss cutting done to order. LYNCH, A -Groceries, provisions, fruits, veg etables, etc., illamette street, brst door south of I'ontoftice. LUCKEY, J. S. Watchmaker and Jeweler; kecwa tine stock of goods in his line, W illam ette street, in Ellsworth's drug store. McCLAREN, .TA MES-Choice, wines, Honors, ..i i ii-Mi . i. ...... i.-l i .i. aim elixir n inauiciie atrcub, uvwcrn i.1511111 and Ninth. MEL1.ER, M. BreweryLager beer on tnp and by the keg or barrel, corner of runtli and Olive streets. OS11URN & CO.-Dcalers In drugs, medicines. chemu'als, 01N, paints, etc, illamette it., npiMwita S. Charles HoteL PATTERSON, A. 8. A fine stock f plain and fancy visiting cards. PERKINS, H. C. -County Surveyor and Civil J.ngincer. Kesidunce on r if th Street. PRESTON, WM. -Dealer in rladdlerr, Har ness, I arriage lrlmmlngs, etc Willamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. POST OFFICE -A new stock of standanl school books just received at the post othce. RUSH, BEN. Horseshoeing and general lob bing blacksmith, hightp atreet, between W il lamette and Olive. REAM, J. R. Undertaker and building con tractor, corner willumetta and beventh streets. ROSENBLATT 4 CO. Dry goods, clothing, groceries and general nirchandiHe, southwest cOTiier Willamette and Eighth streets. ST. CHARLES HOTEL Mrs. A. Ren- frew, Proprietress. The liest Mote In the city. Corner Willamette and Ninth streets. SHIELDS, .). C Physician and 8urgeen- north side Ninth street, first door east of rit. Charles Hotel. STEVENS, MARK Dealer in tobacco, ci gars, nuts, candies, shot,, powder, notions, etc. Willamette street. SCHOOL SUPPLIES-A large and varied assortment of slates of all sires, and quantities of slates and slate books. Three doors north of the express office. THOMPSON BEAN-Attomeys-at-L,- Wlllametta street, between beventh and Eighth. WALTON, J. J. Attorney-at-Law. Ofiice- WillAinette atreet, between beventh and Eighth. WITTER, J. T. -Buckskin dressing. The higheit price paid for deer skins, Eighth at., at Bridge. UNDERWOOD, J. B.-General brokerage bniinens and agent for the Connecticut In surance Company of Hartford Willamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. ELLSWORTH & CO., D HUGO 1ST. WILL CONTINUE THE BUSINESS in all it brunches at the old stand, ollcring increased inducements to customers, old and new. Aa heretofore, the must Careful attention given to Prescripions, -2 NEW MEAT MARKET On the west si.U of Willamette Street, between Li.-lith and Ninth. Having just oend a new and neat Meat Mxket, w arc prepaitd to furniah he best Beef, Teal, MatUa. Park, tie.. To aur customers, at th lowest market rate The custom of the public is respect fully solicited. V..ta iArrA tA mi nart of the HtT .fre M charge. MaCORKACK BENSSIAW. Marked. The other day the writer and one) of the bout known medical practitioners of Lradvillo were tailing over odd episodes in liusinrw, when the man of pills and plaster said; "I think, to toll the truth, I had the most singular exjierience of my whole professorial career, the other day." "What was it, Doctor!" "Well, I'll tt.ll you, leaving out all names, for I expect the party will bo recognized anyhow. It was just thU: "The middlo part of last week one of the licst young ladies of Leadille sho's sweet as a peach, too came to lay office in the evening, told me in a great deal of eniliarraNsnient tkat nh wanted me to help her out of some trouble Wed, from her manner, my very worst suspicions were aroused, and I began to question her closely. And what the deucodoyou think! Well, theconfounded little fool had had the name of the young fellow whom she used to be en gaged to tattooed on the calf of her leg. Now, she's just about to get married to quite a different party, and had sense enough to see that tlio marking would Co likely to kick up a big row in i'.ie family. She was awfully distressed and ready to submit to almost anything, even a surgical operation, to wipe- out tlie damned spot I was puzzled at first, but after studying over it for a little while I hap pened to remember that I "had read somewhere in some old scientilio maga zine that tattooing may be removed by going over the design with a need'e dipied in milk. It was a fo.lorn hope, but I thought I would try it, and, tak ing her little foot delicato position, wasn't it, for a married man! I care fully went over the letters. It i.nist have hurt, but sho never whimpered, and hen it waa all over I toil', her to go home and come, again i.l a corile of days. Well, sir, when she came I had the satisfaction of knowing that tlio letters had faded into ru iiitlibli.ijuis'ir'.ilc blue line. The operation is a perfect success, and she is the happiest gi1 111 Leadville, I got $30 for tho jo'a. Let's go and havo a smoked.' " Lead ville Chronicle. A Leap Tear Incident Not a huudred miles from Thornhill ... . ., a young lady lias been spending tne day with a bachelor minister and his sister. The young lady, w hoso namo was Miss llopo, had been very much gratified at tlio kindly treatmont re ceived at the good old Scottish manse, and on leaving exjiressed her thanks or the kindness of the minister, at t'.ie same time making the remark "That she had not heard him in tho pulpit: but," sha continued, "I will bo over Sabbath to hear you." "I shall bo very glad to see you, Miss Hope, and under tho interesting clrcumitancesyou might suggest a 'text' for the occasion, and I will do all the justice to it I can! ; "I will bo glad to do that, sir," replied tho lady. "How would t'ais one do- Lay hold of tho Hope set before you! Democracy ind Free Trade. From th Nw York World. We scorn any political association with any protectionist !No protec tionist can be a democrat at all. Our hope is in making tho democracy an out-and-out, thick and thin, aggressive, intolerant free trade party, subordinat ing all issues to this, and thereby draw ing to itself citizens who have f. true appreciation of this grand principle. George P. GarreU, an unmarried man a1out forty years old, fell in an apoplectic fit at the Welcome selocii the Dalles,Friday evening and expired. The fit was caused by excessive drink ing. His mother lives in Waslii.in D. C, and his brother is body servant to Ben Holladay. Donald Murchison, one of t'ie pro prietors of the new foundry t. tlte Dalles, was attacked by paralysis in hi left side rendering him unable tocoa.i.i- n the business. He is a member of Maumee lodge L O. O. F. of Ohio. The Odd Fellows of the Dalles have taken him in charge and are rendering all the asfiisUnca needed. STATE NEWS. Boats are still running to Salem, but have to load light freight Diphtheria has had a short run in MeMinnville and is now about subdued. Wort Bros., at Salem, butchered a six month call tliat dressed 3eO pounds. A station house willl built ly the auroati company at Jluls'ioro in a. short time. An exchange says the Ellensburg fishery has closed operations, as the run of fish it over. David Smith and wife of Forest Grove celebrated the 2iUh anniversary of their marriage last Saturday oven The school for deaf mutes a Salem now has 27 pupils. The managemont of the past year, the Statesman says. will be substantially continued. Aliout 300 men aro at present tin. ployed on the locks at the Cascades. They are making way bIowIj-J overcom ing the obstacles presented with patient labor. T'aomaa Conners attempted to steal a piotol from a shop in the Dalles on the 5th inst, for which he was arrested and held to answer licfore the circuit court in the sum of (1,000. W.T. Connoway, of the Farmer's warehouse, Independence, ' purchased 10,500 bushels of wheat from the far mers ou lust Wednesday. The price paid was 75 cenU per bushel, "Bogus Charley," a Modoc Indian of some renown, died of consumption at La Grande on the 30th ult. A coffin was procured and tho body decently in terred at the expense of the county. -The Astoria chamber of commerce has just received a copy ef the survey of the Columbia river barniaduin 1841, some forty years. This map compared wtyh tho present map of 1880, also just received, show soma remarkable chan gea. The climate of tlw Rogue River val ley is admirably adopted for the culti vation of sorghum and sugar cane. Michael Hanley raised tlirec-quartora of an acre of sorghum and tnado 200 gallons of molasses. Messrs. Wrisley k Walker have manufactured upward of 2000 gallons. John McCubin, a resident of middlo Wallowa valley, had his left arm torn ollat the elbow while threshing gram on the 28th ult The lower part of the arm passed through the thresher, leav ing a rugged, torn and bleeding stump. Amputation was erformcd and the pa tient is doing well Wednesday of last week, says the Marsh Hold Mail, Reed i Cornwall, who curry tho mail from Gardiner to Em pire City, found a large whalo on the beach, about five miles from the mouth of the Uniprjua. It was (58 feet long; the tail was 18 feet across, and the es timated value of the animal is $1,300. A small young whale was found near by. The advanco wagon of tho Washing ton colony reached The Dalles last Saturday. There are 1C teams in thin advance, and these will cross tlte moun- ' to Fuget Souud at once. These cmi. grants ore men of all trades and occupa- -tions; thus far tlicy do not seem to be favorably impressed with the new land. Tho contentment will come in duo time. Jacksonville 8entinel: The Schumpf ledge, situated in the Willow Springs district, has recently been visit ed by a number of gentlemen, among them two California mining experta' who pronounce it among the best if not the best mining property in southern Oregon. There are about 300 tons of . rich quartz rock already on the dumpa awaiting the crushing process. The machinery for crushing it is now being placed in position near the mouth of tho tunneL The tunnel itself i being duz into the side of the mountain for a distance of two hundred or more feet and it is intended to drain the main shaft from which th quart is taken. Two sets of men, a nife'ht shift and a day shift, are constantly working in the . tunnel, ami Mr. Schumpf expects to reach the bottom of the main, or 7G . J foot shaft, by Chmtmav V