I Hi TFT ARE H J ESTABLISHED FOR TUB DISSEIMTIM OF DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES, AXD TO EAR1 A J BASEST LIVIXG BT WK SWEAT OP Oil BROW. WHOLE NO. 682. KUGENE CITY, OR. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1680. $2.50 per year IN ADVANCE n LI y Ml L. OAMFBELL J. R. CAMMKM. CAMPBELL BROS., Pabllaliars and Proprietors. OFFICE In the building formerly occiii!p1 by J. W. Cleaver, as a tore, corner Wil- Unttte and seventh Streets. oun only RA.TFJ9 OF ADVKUTISINO. Ad ertisements Innarted wt follows: 0e quare, IS lines or less, one iniertlnn (3; toi ub4pjent iniertion 91. CmIi required in tdvaaee. Tim advertisers will 1m charged at tin fol win rataa : 6ns square thres months td 00 " six mouths 8 00 ' " oue year 12 00 Transient notices In local column, 20 cant per lias far eaoh insertion. Advertising bills will be rendered quarterly. All (oh work must be PAID ron ON DEl.lvtRI. POSTOFFICE. jBce Hours -From I a. m. to 7 p.m. Sundays l, mlMtoS:Mp. m. Mail arrives from the south and learea going north 10 . m. Arrive, from the north and learea from a ith at til p. m. For Siui.law, Franklin ana I,ong fjin, elose at a.m. on nmnwur. rurrawiurm .;n rvmn Creek anil DrownaTille at I r.M. letters mtCl be ready for delivery half an hour after -rival of truius. letters should be loft at the office ue hour before mails depart. A. 8. PATTERSON. P. M. SOCIETIES. rna.NK Loons No 11. A. F. and A. M Meets drat and third Wetnesdays In each month. Brrnrra Ilorrt Tno No. I. O. O. F. Meetsevery Tuesday tvening. V&y WlMAWHAL EHCAIIK1IT Ntf. 6, eats on tha Jdand 4th Wertnwlaye in eacn montu Kuuknk Lovat, No. 15, A. 0. IT. W.- Maets at Masonic Mall tne second ami luurcu Mondays in each month. M 3 F. W. Osblbn. M. W. UR. L. M. DAVIS m DENTIST, EugenoCity, Oregon. ROOMS OVER GRANGE STOKE, first door to the right, up stair. Formerly o of C. W. Fitch. . Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless extraction ef teeth. DR. JOHN NICKLIN, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. (Formerly of Yamhill County.) HAS PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN Eugene City. Office in Underwoods Brick, 2d floor, over Wells. Fargo k Co.'s Ex press office. Residence, two blocks west and one north of Public School, in the killings worth property. aul'S-tf A. IF. PATTERSON, PHYSICIAN AND SU11GEON, OfBee on Ninth Street, opposite Hie St. Charles Hotel, and Henldence, KUGKNK CITY OUKGON. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL CAN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res idence when not professionally engaged. Office at the TOST OFFICE DRUG STORE, residence on Eighth street, opposite Presby tia! Church. JEWELRY ESTABLISH ENT. J. S. LUCKEY, DEALER IN Clocks, Wacnes, Chains, Jewelry, Etc, Repairing Promptly Executed. C2TA11 Work Warranted. J.S. LUCKKV, Ellsworth t Co.'s brick, Willamette street. ST. CHiRLEs HOTEL, Corner Willamette and Ninth Streets, EUGENE CITY, OR. J.W.FRONK, - - - Proprietor. The Hons hMbfm thoroiiKlJ renovated, both Inside and outside. The FINEST Sample Rooms in the city. TERMS MODERATE Give the House a trial, and be assured that you wiU get the best the market affords. The House is newly furnished. Frw Coach to and from the House, War has commencsd in Europe! AMI . R T fiALLISON TS AGAIN AT HIS OLD HIS OLD S r AN D -Ion Willamette Street and having bough, tra interest of W. T. Osburn in the 6rm of Aalli aon t Oshurn, U prepared to furnish ! wl may give him a call with the bt quality ot very tiling usually kept in a first elaas grocery and provision store, snch as KI WAKN, IMS, "iFZA: in ii j ... I iu do for you Thankful f past patronage I Invite yoo v tooc.i,cwrered w,any i-rt ' jYiv I enanre, " ' ' " 1 Z7;T.-rvi RICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS UtadgrtMWropjcKS, CANNED GOODS, TOBACCl ) CIGARS. GLASS AND QV,?Av.ir.v WARE, WOOD AND WILLOV W ARE. .71.u.... ,.. nsn or PRODI I - The largest stock of good in Lane Co Is novr on Salo at I. B. II'S And tlicao aro a low, fcrcd for CASH: Nice White Blankets for $4 per pair. Brocade Dress Goods for 15 cts per vd. Good Cashmere, full width, 50 cts per yard. Brocade Silks from 1 23 up. THIS Best Assortment in the City of Ladies Kid Button T j: v:.i f... uuuwAiurui Ladies California Calf Childrens California Calf Men's California Boots Men's Good Heavy Boot Men' Calf Boots Ladies Pebled Buttoned Shoes Clothing Cheaper than any other House aJ Give me a call and T AID SHOE STORE. A. HUNT, Proprietor. Shop on Willamette street, 2nd door north of hardware store, hiigene City, Ur. will hereafter keep a complete stock of L tDII.V, MISSS' -AND- CHILDREN'S SHOES Uttitem, Cloth and Kid, Button ltootn, MipperN, white and black, KuimIhN, I'ren h kid Shoes. MENS & BOYS FINE AND HEAVY BOOTS & SHOES And in fact everjthing in the BOOT and SHOE line, to which I intend to devote m epccial attention. MY GOODS Were manufactured to order, ARE FIRST CLASS And guaranteed as represented, anil will be sold for the lowest prices that a good article aan lie afforded. a;)r:7-78tf A. I ITS T. CRAIN BROS. DEALERS -IN-- Clocks, p Watches and ' Jewelry. Musical instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired and warranted. Northwest corner of Willamette and Eighth street. BELLING off at COST. As I Must raise Money I will sell myentire stock of DRY GOODS, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CROCKERY. JZJX? COST Call and examine Goods & Prices i-AU who are indebted to me MUST settle immediately. Hiirhwt market price psid for all kinds o PRODUCE, HIDES and FURS. A. GOLDSMITH. If vou wish to l uy your goods cheap, you must 20 to the store of LURCH BROS., COTTAOK OROVE. Tne t keep one of the largest stocks of General Merchandise . . . , , rviti fe of Portland, and tney seu gooas en-j r'tu'4 bought anywhere in the wfi 'Umette valley. of tho Bargain 9 of r.v , ir . i p LftUies under ests at from 50 CtS up. A Tnm.A f . o:n. A Laro assortment of Triiuing Silks, i o cts to cl 25 per yard A fine lino of Hosiery, all prices Overalls from 50 cts up. . t from ? ... up trom Up ,. from $1 50 up , fr0m $1 up $4 50 worth $6 $3 50 to S3 $1 worth $G $2 up can c c snytvicle. Save Yourselves MONEY. B. F. DORRIS, DEALER IN Ktovt'S. Ha u son, I'umps Pipes, Uletals. Tinware. AND House Furnishing Goods Generally Wells Driven Promptly AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. Willamette Ntrcet, Eugene City, Oregon, F. M. WILKINS, Successor to Shklton k Wll.KIHS. Practical Omggiss & Cbisis, UNDERWOOD'S BUILDING. Next door to the Granjro fitore, Willamette street, Eugene City Oregon. Have just 0ened a full line of fresh Drugs, Medicines & Chemicals. Also a fine assortment nf Fancy and Toilet Articles. ALL KINDS Or Mixed Faints, Lead, Oil, Varnish, Brushes, WIHDOW GLASS and PUTT Which they will always sell on reasonable terms. Careful attention given to Fhr.ieiaB'i Pre leriptiom. FARMERS ATTENTION. READ ! I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NICE As sortment of Harness, Collars, Lines, Bri dles, Hame and Breast Straps, Halters, Curry combes, Whip, Card., Brushes, etc. and I am making Saddles of all kinds and will keep oc hand Saddle Trees and Dressed Buckskins fur the wholesale and retail trade, which I will sell 2Ti per oent cheaper than usual. Farmers will do well to give me a call, My terms is ready pay; then no man pays for his neighlior's goods. Shop, 3 miles northwext of Eugene City on railroad. D. R. LAKIN. GO TO IHltR1 GALLERY! To get CARD and CABINET PHOTO GRAPHS, FERROTYPES, fcC Cards and Cabinets a Specialty. lmirlt V?OU UEJEU4I, JIEBC IIAMUISK f T.G. HENDRICKS, KUGKNK crrv BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ALEXANDER, J. 11. Justice of the Peace Bonin Eugene Precinct; othce at Court House. Asiuu nui'MK-nia. Bkor, prop. 'Ilia only first-class hotel in the city Willamette wet, one ilnor north of the post office. auk A.MS. W. H. 4 BRO.-riauing mill, sah, door, Mind and moulding nmmifactorv. r.iB'hth street, eat f mill rnoe. KverythinK in uur una lurnMiieui on snort notut and reoMinanie tvrnis. BOOK STORE-One door south of the Astor nouHe. a mil stock of assorted box aiers plain and fancy. BOYD & MILLER Meat Market-beef, real. iiiuiuiu, wr aim nirii - uiamtlte street, , uriwrvD r.iiuu anil .Mlilii. CHAIN BRO.S.-lWr in Jewelry. Watch- I i kicks ami jiuhichi instruiuenUi Wil- i Umetto .treet. between Seventh and EMitli. r. ......... ........ vUitilU.(NlUlltrV linullIPa ontinssrl sr.uwld lbvL. tationtry, tc. aouthwcHt oomcr WilfiimcttJ 1 lail. kJ DORRIS, GEO. R-Attomey and Counsellor at uw, Uttioe on illamutte street. Eu Kon City. DORRIS, B. F. -Dealer in Stoves and Tin ware Willamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. 'DURANT, WM.-Mcat Market l-eef, jwk, veal and mutton cnnntAntlr on hand-Ninth street, between Pearl and Hyh. ELLSWORTH & CO.-DrulsU and dealers in iwints, oils, etc. Wilhunette street, be tween Eighth and Ninth. FRIENDLY, S. Tf.-Dealer In dry (roods clothing and Kcnernl iner'haniline Willam ette street, lietweeu Eighth and Ninth. GUARD OFFICE-NewHimpcr, Kiok and job printing office, corner Willaiurtte amlSevenlh streets. chnndiM) and produce, comer Eighth and Willumetto streets. GILL, J. 1'. l'liysirinn, Surgeon and Drug gist, I'ostoflioe, Willamette' reet, between Seventh and Eighth. HAYS, ROBT.-Wines, Liquors, and Ci- frars of the Wst nuality kept coimtantly on land. The l't billiard tubla in town. ceni HENDRICKS, T. G.-Des!ei in general mer- chandiiie northwest comer W illamette and chandme nort Ninth streets. HODES, C Keeps on hand fine wines, liq uors, cigars and a mo1 and billiurd table: Williuuett street, between Eighth and Ninth. HORN, CHAS. M. --Gunsmith. Rifles ar.J shot guns, breech and muzzle losders, for saie. Repairing done in the netitest style and war ranted. Shop on 0th street. KINSEY, J. I) - Sash, blinds and door fac tory, window and door frames, mouldings, etc., gluzing and glass cutting done to-order. LYNCH, A -Groceries, provisions, fruits, veg- etuhles, etc, - illumette street, urst door south of Postoflice. LUCKEY, J. a Watchmaker and Jeweler; keeis a line stock ot goods in his Hue, n illiun ettu street, in Ellsworth's drug store. McCLA REN. J A M ES-Cholce, wines, liquors, ml cigars Willuniette street, between Eighth J 1.-:...!. and n null. MELLER, M. Brewery--Lagcr beer on tap and by the keg or barrel, corner of Pi nitli and Olive streets. OSHURN A CO. -Dealer in drug, medicines. chemicnls, oils, paints, etc. Willamette sL, opiiosite S. Charles Hotel PATTERSON. A. S.-A fine stock of plain and fancy visiting cards. PERKINS, H. C.-CoiintySurveyorand Civil Engineer. Residence on Fifth street. PRESTON, WM.-Dealer iu fraddlery, Har ness, Carriage Trimmings, etc. Willamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. POST OFFICE -A new stock of standard school books just received at the post ollice. RUSH, BEN.- Horseshoeing and general job bing blacksmith, Eighth street, between Wil lamette and Olive. REAM, J. R, Undertaker and building con tractor, comer Willamette and Seventh streett. ROSENBLATT 4 CO.-Dry goods, clothing, groceries and general niTcdandiMe, southwest corner Willamette and Eighth streets, ST. CHARLES HOTEL-Mrs. A. Ren frew, Proprietress. The liest llote in the city. Corner Willamette and Ninth streets. SHIELDS, .1. C. -Physician and Surgeon north side Ninth street, tint door emt of St Charles Hotel STEVENS, MARK Dealer In tobacco, ci gars, nuts, candies, shot, powder, notions, eta Willamette street. SCHOOL SUPPLIES A large and varied assortment of slates of nil sixes, and iiiantities of slates and slate-books. Three doors north of the express office. THOMPSON A BEAN-Attorneys at Law Willamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. WALTON, J. J. Attorney at Law. Office Willamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. WITTER, J. T. Buckskin dressing. The highest price paid for deer skins, Eighth St., t Bridge. UNDERWOOD, J. B.-C,ensrnl brokerage business and agent for the Connecticut In surance Company of Hartford Willamette street, lietween Seventh and Eighth. ELLSWORTH & CO., DKUGG 1ST, VT1LL CONTINUE THE BUSINES3 in f T all its branches at the old stand, offering increosvd inducements to customers, old and new. As heretofore, the most Careful attention given to Prescripions. "50 NEW MEAT MARKET On the west side of Willamette Street, between Eighth and Ninth. Having just opened a new and neat Meat Mrket, w. are prepated to furnish he best Beef, Veal, Mat ten. Pork, ele., To our customers, "at th lowest market rates Th custom of the public is respect fully solicited. Meati ('elirared to anv part of e civ free of char.-e. McCOfc.V AC K. 4 KENSH.4W. Writing Lead Penrili. Minneapolis Tribune. Tho net of putting a lead pencil to the tongue to wet it, just More writ ing, w hich we notice in o many peo plo is omi of tliu oddities for which it to hard to give reason unlet it begun in the days w hen lead pencils were poorer than now, and wan continued by example into the next generation. A lead pencil nhould never be w et. It hardens tho lead and ruins the pen cils. Thin fact iu known to newspaper men and stenographers. But nearly every one elso does wet & pencil tafore using it This fuct was definitely set tled by r newHpaper clerk down east Being of a mathematical turn of mind he ascertained by actual count that of 50 persons who came into the office to write an advertisement or church no tice, 49 wet a pencil in their mouths bo fore using it Now, this clerk always uses tho best pencils, cherishing a good one w ith sonn'tliiii? of that kind of prido a soldier feels in his gun or sword, and it hurts his feelings to have his pencil Rpoiled. But politeness and business considerations require him to loan his pencil scores of times every day. And often after it had been wet until it was hard and brittle and refused to mark, his feelings would overpower him. Finally he got some cheap pencils and sharpened them, and kept them to lend The first person who took up the stock pencil was a drayman whose breath swelled of onions and whisky. He held tho point iu his mouth and soaked it for several minutes, while he was torturing himself in the effort to write an advertisement for a missing bulldog. Then a sweot-looking young lady came into the office, with kid gloves that buttoned half the length of her arm. Mie picked up tne same old pencil and addressed it to her dainty lips preparatory to writing an adver tisement for a lost bracelet. Tho clerk would have stayed her hand, even at tho risk of a box of the best pencils Fa ler catered, but ho was too late. And thus that pencil passed from mouth to mouth for a week. It was sucked by pcoplo of all ranks and sta tions, and all degress of cleanliness and unclcanliness. But wo forbear. Sure ly no one who reads this will ever again wet a lead pencil. e Koon T,$i0,00d. Being in a toWco store on Oravier street, New Orleons, Colonel bam. Boyd fell to praising his bloodod dogs of the terrier and bull speces, His extravagance provoked tho remark from Col. I). A. Wilson, a bystander that his colored porter owned a coon which could whip any dog in the city The talk became a dispute, and the dis pute grew, and out of it came a wager. The fight took place at Nelligan s once the great sporting center in New Or leans. The rules for tho combat were drawn up regularly. Boyd led wut a bull terrier named 8am. Tho dng weighed thirty-five pounds. Ho was a terrible thing of bono and teeth. .The i.L I ..1- coon was a veteran, witn iohjj and teeth and heavy fur. Tho bets ran: $1,000 to $500 that tho coon would give in in ten minutes: ? 1,000 to $250 in twenty minutes; 81,000 to $100 in one-half iiour, by the watck Several buckets of water wero placed in the ring for Andy's benefit By the time that all was in reodiuess $54,000 had been staked on the result, and the let ters were all men of position and socic ty. A member of Congress, the Sheriff, and all the cify officials were present Tho fight was opened by a dash of the terrier. For a full minute the beasts rolled over in deadly embrace over the arena, and the fur flow. At the end of the first round the dog wasn t such a favorite, though lie still led. Round after round was fought, until forty-five minutes had Wn consumed. The coon, with singular cunning, upset the bucket of water in the sawdust, so that the dog slipped here and there. The fight ended in the complete discomfitun of the dog, which died on the following day from it wounds. R.J. Hendricks, Sr., of Elk Head, Douglas county, in a lit of temporary insanity, committd suicide. Died of Medical Etiqaeltt, A Sir. John Promcy, of the firm of Doherty A Dramey, booksellers, Cho- boilei square, died here on Sunday last, and the conduct of some medical men in connection with his illness is consid ered very singular. Dr. Kcld was first called on to atttend the patient and he prtseriled for him. Mr. Dromey, get ting worse, Dr. Cameron was subse quently sent for and he ordered some medicine. On Dr. Reid returning and finding Dr. Cameron had been there he left the house and refused to have anything more to do with tha case. Dr. Cameron came a second time, and learn ing of Dr. Rcid'a visit he declined as a matter of etiquetto to act Other med ical men, it is stated, were called on, but refused on the same grounds aa Dr. Cameron. In the meantime Mr. Drom ey grew rapidly worso, and . died on Sunday without a medical man seeing him. Application was made to Dr. Cameron since the death for a burial certificate, but he refuse to give it, stat ing that he had not attondud the de ceased. Dr. Reid refused at first to give the certificate, I ut subsequently granted it. Toronto Globe. "isa m MaaaavMMMM Belaiire rrojrtsi. The census returns show tho progress of the several States in population dur ing the last decado to be in tho order named below: 1 Colorado 3 Nebraska 3 Kansas 4 Texas 5 Minnesota 6 Orcgon 20 Mississippi 21 Iowa 22 Tennessee 23 Wisconsin 24 Georgia 25 Indiana 7 West Virginia 26 Massachusetts 8 Florida 27 Illinois 9 Arkansas 28 New Jersey. 10 California 29-Ohio ' 11 Nevada 30-Fnnsylvania 12 Michigan 31 Maryland 13 South C'lina 32-New York. 14 Missouri 33 Deleware 15 KentucLy 34 Connecticut : 10-North C'lina 35-Alabama. . 17 Virginia 3C New Hainp. 18 Louisania 37 Maine 1 9 -Rhode Island 38-Vermont Origin or UiejSlga ?. "What is tho origin of the sign "$" for the American dollar!" was the ques tion propounded at a London dinner not long ago. The American counsul did not know, neither did any one else. An extensive research resulted in this theory: The American dollar is taken from tho Spanish dollar, and tha sign is to be found, of ccurse, in the associa tions of Spanish dollars. On the re verso side of a Spanish dollar is a rep resentation of tho Pillars of Hercules, and round each pillar is a scroll with tho inscription, "Plus ultra." This de vice in the course of time ha degenera ted into tho sign which stands at pres ent for American as well as Spanish dollars "$." Tho scroll , round tho pillars represents the two serpents sent . by Juno to destroy Hercules in ; his cradle. STATE NEWS. Deer are plenty in the mountains alove Crawfordsville. Mr. Martin has the oont ntct fur building a bridge across the Muddy, near Harrisburg. The Albany Herald says the trial of Frank Wheeler, for killing Chas. Tay. lor, resulted in acquittal. The little son of W. Wisman's, while playing near a vat of boiling water, fell in and scalded to death. The Statesman says the Cheraekcta hotel, Salem, is doing well under the administration of Mr. Wesley Graves, Judge Boise has started East. II goes as Master of tho State Grange to represent Oregon at the National Grange, to 1 held in Washington. The Plaindealer says: John IL Suth erlin, son of Mr. 8. Sutherlin, of Fair Oaks, a Iwy 16 years old, killed 33 . geese on Thursday of last week, awl it wasn't a good day for geese either. Mr. JIartin, a stage driver on the Corvallw and Junction stage line accl. dentally shot himself by drawing a pis tol from his pocket; the 111 struck onn of bis fingers and inflicted a p-.ir.Jul wound a: I