Yf L fn TttAiivi irtm ta Kuun factory, tavX, a t.k ww ahadta avi wall r ; uu( li L- ar asaay very pretty tjfc k.'tw.ic,? .,r-d FwmK Ea.U-.Vi, i:It id lw J'uutm, gabs a&4 Ceauas, fcatia, ail (4 wlxa vt tO tiaa, d m tin.' f' r tr-avernj f.fw. r. a. di". D Ya ElAr It. TVs ia U Uwa ut a tv yual&y iwt try ly aaada- n.miM ly Lvdiwt, Jmtwjaia, a&d Jirttirl hVT.-tfH,IjCT ' .-uet, OlMtr(tir, f' 7i it. -l tLxa HUtfc'a VtUilMr, jrwoM-4 t OiJ tieta Wa CaHa ta War!. VTVra w say !!, La crii tt that f.l'.si.'$ i "M'ra.yKum i ' -cfckdJy tU bH L.x i '-''' ' .a m rt will mr a om.vnii iin.)t. ta Ma-taif tU tiav aa 1 r! Avl.r,a, Yf tfcitk, Wavi' v.b, (-'!., vi Hoe ease " OtKtf'J a tr-frl tui a.1 Xi n, Jt wTJiwr i-T iUj f.l. :; piaatt ta tak, kTB.i V y v,i e tilif ad (naraat tat w r- I'rv. I'j et., eta. ad tL It V'U l-At- ; ar in tvk Ub vm h.'inh't tmv. PiaUT. VM by 'jUa A ta., Vn-.zfr'. August Flower. Tl n.mu atI tpt pfV.rr:y Crvea't Aaiirt I1r in ail tU4 acd f3 aga ia tL eHI jd 'fVi La ts.A caey taa a l-rr1 If !" at l it- ' ia IVl. acl .r c.- i;rr,t, a a1 j littr 61 1, U ..'U.iwkatj Iftxic. Ii!i.'rrti"a. J'iiu.'-tyo U ! Uart, rtli"-. vr., rtt""i-H U t r kawla. 1 'i'-M' i.'J r-Ir aay w f Iwo ni''.i" utx. i4UA yar. I'm 7JU. fi:A ! J t eipmif If K'.kum inn yV.jl A. rat rw.ij "f " tt G. t. Cttn. V '"';i.f7, J., i.r., A. 11 yv ;; ;l y.-a j'.rf --f.t anl wnog wAiivt in Aiit'iriut y'cn'.l tA hm- JJj, tut v lun ai)rt, v, o ff.17 ta-1 tork'i uu,ii Ws.-a 1.1 al ''' t.!::.n.U great xta. 7t 'a't rt:nlj i"t i Jlep titter rt.'y 'n r, Rt ai-.f.r tJ lai. Tin av.t YK'AxT arl ff rLt I'rHiTnt i tU oa7 "HACK MKT A K try it. ij OaUira A Co., driiit., K-.m City, tan iUf tut tit i'!.ttr 11 a trUiu r-oi-7 for a-ialarul lijx-u'., a ll a a ur-t reratitire; tliU It i:ra.!i'i.t- ilypfflnit, (t(iati , lmr f:.-U:i.t 11A oi'in Bi, aotrva a ttti'Stfu-jr i ftiX rl.eu matina. oribarr anJ oV-niiu i!utl:r, that it iaiuart iiir t lli ItrIi., ami clni.r the mindwliila it invirat; tl.e My. I' it aal 1 1 all Xtrnu'vK anl I-!':r 1. K I'VI'tEWOOIi UHDEBVOOD BROS. GENERAL MtOKEHS lit al Itl.L GOLD, BILVKU. CfUllENcy AM) FXl HA.NCK. 00 NEVOTIATi: lOA.N. ill lU tiU ot 1112 AL KSTATE Pariicular Attention Given to Collections. AUKNTH CoBMttleut and Nw Z. aUti'l Iiunrar Cumalt -nt.mi A". i:th -WELL8 FARGO & Co. Eageiin (rtKii. Dissolution Of ice. BYMUTUAfi CONSKNT THE HUM of Ilaiina A l'ri'iittix I'"" tliia il'ty Ijci'II dtMolvcl, mill Mr. Iliutiir'i liitirmt in the Iwok aiiiiunU Ihm Ihtii ininilcrruil to Mr. lianna, ami lm iilniiii in aullioriruil to n reive ml movit fur ttio uiiiiv. All riHiina In iU'IiUkI tii tlmtii will (nmia (nrwunl at oiim anil aettl their atiiiil. ThU 1 1th ly of rWpt., A. 1., 1. T. It. IIANXA, 1. )iK n il-.. Chao. M. Horn, PRACTICAL 0 UXSU1TU. DKALKIt IN' (il'N3,Rin.KS, Ulilnrf TiMikli-e nil I umti'riulH. it Jli'KnriHK iluii in the mut.nt ntyle a Jvnii'l wiirrunteil. rvwii'K tiiiirhini'a, Hufia, lK'ka, etc., rvlri'il. Guns loaned and ammuniion furnished. Shop on Willauiftte at, oiiiMwito Antnr Ilnima Sale cf Real Estate. XTOTICK IS llEUKIlY CIVKN THAT f an urih r of the 'onnty ( 'onrt i . .I.- wj. . . rf iJine tloiiiity, (lr,!.'"ii, inula at the N pti-m ir Urni, Jhi, tlicriM.f, J 111 iiKit for eale to tlx lilKlirxt liiihhr, fur ch-Ii, at tin Court Idmae iliHir, In aahl (uniity, on lh lla!i iluy of OctnW, the f.ilhiwin r--ul etnUi, to- wit: fmt I ami 2, in Stic i'oKti. 17. N 112 W, In Lan wiunty, (lrhon, to antiNfy the olallne a'.'kliiat tlie vatntu of l'nuiil llarLim deoeiweiL Hal t wimnK'nre nt I o'i lo k of mill day. GEO. M. MILIJ'.K. A.lminl.trator. V. . -V V,. 1 ;---.f-!:v:'.vj Ja, STOZIACII Deposit EMPORIUM P On HUMS A VISTA HTOXK S'APBf T. U. JILykMT.3 i'5 ! ? , v rr.nvnci mu una Vm KILLER rir Ijm5.i H ttTZZSLL Vt. pais kiu wrriSUTvC Il irtMb iuf r,, t Cawa" PAIN K!UE:. r.r.T.T'M!- PAiH K5USIviYSSa tuaKT, ria"r. h--..r. .ftt-. j . m'..a i- ' 'af'l m4 -kiirruJi w txtraiir ua ertiai 'S-'i.ff-f t- t- i fr : . :' L'' .i i tr.nr 4 t r -' ' I T-Tfa.if i, w. j i it 1 V" i-.l l WtrH. . PEKKV DAM' f.".WTfi0t,U !'T F4ff. ta -! i 1 I M '1 I L i r 1 U M '-"' "1 .l 111 ni'oa T it- r VI'a-rHt' . aM .i!tl'rt- w..i i Htlia itwl fM ft- i '-" !"" tar-i.-V'Mr f iM'-" a a .f.'- aa aI AV MatxMti ArUixa(iaa HAVING Just Received a LAUGH Asscrtmer.t OF LhTI KU II FADS STATKMKNTS, J 1! UuU f.f CAIJD and BOOK I'np-r-r t i Ktc. pit jl.'lt'l'M X'l ' 1, Vt,i k at Vfc-rv U) Kates En (2h cb R s ft 5 a o o c rt T3 C ATTENTION. HUISTKitM iMiniliKS A I) Tit API'.-: us, I will wy in cash for JIIDJ'S, r - . mm r 1 "la $18 ft ! o FUKS, amii:i:ii skis, more than nnyono in Kugene. Try mo bvforo wiling t'lscwlii-ro. A. GOLDSMITH. ' T-nrt-i aa artijrs.t cl IK r .vrti aa CarU, a-i'j, l:-ri. rrti V.. t5. rru'ZfctiT SHOW EVEK I:IjI'GHT I V)Uit aiarket, at U. l .t fv' T. O. HtMJtlCkS GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. It a lAttt t?.'ii;f ir f en fvUIJty, ! I.ta-v-J V;TAU:y, M iMIIIOODIttt-l f W-7, i'araiyoyl j a.: vt.j. Krj .( v!f AUi. y.ti f J f aiwj tieeaa ta Biit -rr year mrk lVuU, .VotV-jTal Eaia- aiMc ic-iy.t its ti. t- vital S al cs-! f . t. If T I L' : . t r. t rt. I H' mi'i !. i iiti f a - f ti.i kiaJ tc VITALI.)-'lliiA'IIV: (u.Sr tie nrJ 1tv af! tata.'.i O't - r. or f' a.T tJ.it.' t".T:r e it; VnrA ta iL hi'. MI.t'ilK tr-U ail i'r;r Ikx pyrm !:Y.f mr.lfnX tb-rc r?. : traTloj Kelt TU fr;z ewn.irjkU.oa.vi a.).:, isHolinf iuItij ( isrii I'rv A 'nxL i'.EiT- xr-.r't, 13 a f'-a titb t?i oiattiiy, tl'K at t aay a.! -.jio rw.ij t of i-ncr, or C. O. D., .-r feci oWt- as:-. f. i in ti raf LAC if -i--f-'L lj A. K. 71 IS SIH, 11 Kearay Street. Saa Fraaclaca, CX I.fw MINTIK'S KID.VKY LLMKDY, XKi'.'fhfcXIf X'M. -jre all kini K:ay ar.4 LLi4r (V u;,UiiU, tv-rri'a, !yrfrr.'a. For Ky ail iJr,-5-ijt.; tl THE S!raJ M1S1HG COMPANY K; ii a .r.uf "t tN'it irvtv. f'Jly i THE BEST OF ALL tThn a ra!j-!n ka Infallibly flirt' it oik la miJ.toD 071 ttn a ttlr-l of a ttntorr: M 1 ev(rr rrt of tii ' xt r t- ' n!y rllaT.e In eaaof f ea of f I to call Li run K 1 . . . 1 r.. -1 j: ie j tnj aajo 10 1 t U U Jl. ' i' i. it T OF ITS KIND. 0 a 4 ..w ... w ? ... le I : Ml wr..1 JHilen 1 . w I I - u a K' -,..' if Ir.ielilK" M eof a a 1 T. IX ...... V M. ' .. .. ll'.l.ll J.T.C J ' J, '.lit ( y ' i af' .,'irn fu.xlacil, i .': I i ,ut.'.n Orrr.'j:r r l. l l.i n . I n:,i f i'.'-r I. -v- ' V L: l- t'oi'mil t l t' I .. l.r.irtf r- I iuT:! r"l- r t I.." r. . 'i !-- Mmfeiiff l.luuneni. ' f'rvn if mum iiaaa arc it ;t. uii' tu;';l I . y v. s 4 ( J J 11 -i ilalS jro.latiV MtuM'nt. ! It t'Ch'-ttati a iiiu.' I ri'mJirnn'- on1 .t I i.:i rnrtria )!- t"ti a wtwer fa ... ii. 1 1. v.iv i.iii..- r.i.m. itnv TT-iiri " 1 It It a rn'-'i' tT.'i th1c1 tiy r? ' i , l:.fniiii II.U i ji.ro, wi,.j rIOt. fl r X i r in. wt' v ... iU r :. ( i.lfc . .... .u 'I.I.HTU f " j !. rim . Il!n-Miiiklim wen all other f; Jl"' H u'ln-nlii.l. yi !. v r .il I' -1i!y cnr audi l.iuenl of tUeM IA.X I l.r.-M til Uhewmatl.n, fiTllfn(r, mirrp; Jli.K, i.nti.i l"l .Un.tl... liuru.tj .-'ii.il h iil, 1-rul.ee '(! ( "l .111., I'lllOUOIII ililrH l.f)fj I., tiliive. fUlir.""i. '.ioriif, OMf-IJ Hir, Irere, t loeliili... I utibiaiua. I ; -11,1 Milri, Ulii t Itrenal, and I iil'eii cterjr foriu of cueruul Ula tl 1 1 a r. 'Ji It li th Rrratfut r'-mody for tlie rlta- o-Oi-n u-i'l acclilcut to wmcn inc Iluuia Cuiatio ti to auliluct tliut haa ever tiHfii known. Itcurre ipralne, Mrlnn)-, fcllrT Joint, ('unilnr, fl rne. horf . Hoof Il a'nt lint. ferr.w tt'orta. Keah. l itlolluw Hum. Nrratciifa, Vlnd- . cral Is. nnavln. mrri ir,r. nine, lol.l Nnrra, I'nil I.vll, Mllit li ion l!u Mirlit i nil efrry oilirr alluieut which 111 ncrutmin or l no fcinlils onil hluek laril r linl.lr. A I will v flvu ci'Ut bottle ol im-xd iin "mi mm I.liilmeiit baa oficn uvi-d a 'llirilj,i) Inline, lilo Oil' ClUUlle, Ol j i iii of toilurn. 11 henl tvlthnnt Jer. 11 (Toon to Mie very loot ol tlio matUir, jivuuiratlug m-iiii lho Iriiun. It cuic everyhody, hnil itlaappnlntt j no Olio. It bin beeu lu clraily low lor J mnm than tweuty-cvu year, una u poaltlvoly THE BEST OF ALL ICS LIAN.OS BEAST.' l.nntl for Sale heap. We have; Ki'vcrnl good stock ranches which will be sold on very rcwnahlu fi rms. Also one Kod grain niul stuck farm, containing .T.'iacn, with larg house and l am: excel lent orchard, out house, etc., all uiiiicr fence. Prion for farm, jfi,.VH ono-third down and Kdamo in yearly installments. For part iculant call on or address. L. A. Jn. kins or E. D. Ji ukis, Eugene City, Ore- aiiin'j IMtV IT l-TIIKT.(5. HESDltlCKSBUAXD I ofKOal' Kor ssleotilv hv rriTTTQ DdTOT) mnr) f.mnit on ttlo at V llllO iJXriUlX V. Iuiim II H New.aia-r Aitmni.lnii Hupm i m Siinuv M , l-m ii.lreni.lin uuuAiU u' Im iikWo lor U IN LV OZXti.. OOTfi S SHOr.Ji-CAI.IFOF .Sliiies. A new lot direct from factory. S. II. FRIENDLY TkRESS tiOODS KW STYLES and JL low prieo. ; - H A k4 trhn a Ta!j-!n b IntaJIlbly flirt' jl tj it oik la ma. urn of eae for morr n I rJ '(.in a ttlH of a ttntorr: wtf-n it ku f I worl'l: etfri "1 I J IK riHfived lv S. r.klltNDLY. ; 'i l;:L"G rror.E ox willav 13 OILS, PAINTS. GLASS, VAEXli azs OF ALL KINDS. a UtX. v tax li-t lot aaajrtxt f arbua fjeii ia FI2-T CLASS DECt oTOUE- W varract a3 ir Jn?fc. f r tiy are w uU fn-. Parj-dar artata at aC4 W o sv:k of Perfjrr.7 t'rw Tci!et A.ix!es. A v Lars Ucglt OCn G00?3 FOR CASH We eai vrcp ui aty uit b E City ci ;r ap i ar.j3iiaCoB. bs-.j j nr roi -tere yi ai fft t lt i'i ci.i;rt. PRE.SCEIPTI0N3 CAEEmLY FILLED At all kocre of U at or cit. OSBL'K & t NEW IDEIAN OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, OGN. Incor rat, Jtme, 178. Ca,;;a! Stuck. $100,600. f-FncER.?: P.'!i rvt A. I- TM. SfcirriET At- r.!in.Tr,!L I : hfi 7 5. J . P. G:!L J. W. J v tD, T. S. I.UTie'b, A. L. Todd ami A I'riaci;! o5.o! f t f!e of t:k at J. P. 1 A So i !itj t re, rwto5.ee lci;d;i,Ec ugen I Ai:I FOR KALE. VELL IMPROVED FARM OF three Knnirfl a-id iitr at-w, 100 acrts nnder nltivati'ic; all cmW f--iv--a ud the imrirove bvt.u in cr i.-r, which we wi'J at 11 at a lu-,'in. and on the m-t rv naUe V-rma. f-itumt-rl 6ve mHita eonth of toan. and ha t y. 'int. Apply at thi ic Final Settlement. V-OTICE IS HEREBY CIUS THAT tiie un-'r-i.ntl klininiiitratorof the e Ut of J il.ti Mi: I 'nal'l, deaAl, ha filtrd her a..c :nt, fr ti::al aettltu.vnt. and that the firt oa!ay in Novi:ilr, li-V) i t for final Lerin?. jl. C. Mt DONALD, trX2 AdmUtratrix. cray.s tivrxiriv wi:ikinei fHADE MARKTli Great Entr TtAOI MAtK liih lrcely,An tinfailinfin-fi-r Seminal Weak nii(,Sirniat';r rha, Iru potency and all liea that follow ia a I J I. J'-l."!- BMiiierice ofSrlf- X'Htk T.-.t-'L m. i"ii"" eriasi TlxllB.AtinM!; a Ixxinu TAIIB0. i Memory, tnivtrr-al Law-itude, l'ain in tha ! R.v k, Iiimn'-m of Vininn, Premature old ae, I . . I . Jl t k l..n.l n Inl.hllV arm nianr iiner mi:. w Au...kj or conimiiition and a jirematur gTare. i"Kull particulars in our pamphlet, which we l-ire to nd free by mail to every oae. Td'The Stiecific Medicine ia ld by all dni- i-intii at ?1 it package, oreix packaife tor , or will U ent fre by mail on receipt of th money hv 'l'!r-dni; 'Ml K GRAY MEDCINE CO. , No. 10 Mechanic' I'.lock, iHitroit, Mich. r.Sold in Eugene City and everywhr in th United St.tp and Canada, ly a.11 whol- r! and retail dPii-'ipiiM. NOTICE To Whom it Ma Cone erii. THEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT I AM the nolo owner of the I'ntrnt "tight fur Sinkinsr and Driviin,' Well in Lane county, Sute of )r"n, and that aaid Rijiht is pro tected by LettiTt I'ateiit iwued by th U. S. (iovemmant to Nelwm W. Green, of Court land Countv, State of New York. All inon who have Driven Well, or had them driven, without my pTiiiiiiii 'n, nine the 2M day of l'e'iruarv. Iw73. are liable to prosecution for infringement of tuiiil Riht and are hereby no titiiil to come forward aud adjtut th ame. All Infringement in th futur will bejpro ecuteiL I am prepared to driv Well or will grant pemilMlon vo oinem on ppiu-aii"ii. B F DORRIS a Eugene City Brewery. MATIUAS KKLLEK, Pro'p Is now prepared to fill all orders fo LAGER ts EbK OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY, Come and see for yourself. A good article needs no recnmmendatinn. Ladlea' Atteotlan. Berlin Fashion Patterns at Dunn A ft rat ton's. OPPOSITION IS THE LIFE OF TR ADE SLOAN BROTHERS T7ILL DO WORK CHEAPER than any f other shop in town. HOUSES SHOD FOR 2 CASH. With nw material, U round. Eesetting aid Shoe $1. t a.AU warrnntetl to giv satisfaction. Shop on the Corner of 8th ana Olive Streets. 3i TEW JTOCK OF IIATS-Th best and laivt ever kratwht to Kiu-ene.at FRIENDLY 'S. GOATS FOR SALE i TLe cnderH-jne have lot! ?of SWfiM-cls Angora Goat I for sale in loti and on ternM to ait pcrchaiers. For further i particulars inquire of r npnpniTTKPH. J.M.XELSOX, Eni'ene City, Or. I HAVE KSTALLLSIIED A LUMBER YARD Oa tht tcran A EWextn al nilamtu rjv-.ad ket oortaa'.iy oo Uud laaber of all ki!a. beaota t!-Min ana rwic, tac ias ! femo pot B. DUNN. 7- XjTstktcsl:, h Dorris' Erici Euilding. IlLHUS 13 Groceries "J Provisions, WCl keep on haad jocral aaaortiscLt of Grxeriea, ProTiivma, Cured Meate, TW, Cifcaje, Candiea, Casjlca, Njaj-, Nouoa. Orws and Ltried Fn.:U, Wood and Wii'...w Wara. CrxkcTT, Etc Eaaoteat will t conducted oo a CASK BASIS, Waicb &can that Low Prices are Established CmJi itliTtrtd withial ciir?e U tijti ALL KINDS OF PFOT'JCt WAVTEC por which 1 wul pay the Idlest priwmarket A. LYNCH Police. ON ACCOUNT OK 5IY FAILING health, and my d-tire to -ttle my bu ine, I ai'k all prtoiu having claim a-aintt tr.e to freMrnt the urue, and all p.rv.n in- J.WI In ma IA lull. ITrinilinti. riVTPTlt Of UCVK1. W v ....... . - . " ' ny d-manil wiill placed in B;y attorneyi narnu t.-r loroea collection. 11 JAMFGOODCniLP. BOCERIE-IUil kwoa a'ollof a T GH0CEEir.S & PROVISIONS And invit th tnti-m of ho)ivkep-rt. T. G. HENDJiK K Cf. S JE2k.2323, Real Ests'e Agsnt Collection Agent, anil Notary Public. EUGEXE CITY, : X) REG OX J. B. ALEXANDER, Justice of the Peace, Conveyan cer and Collector. Bill collected. Record searched and ah racts of title wade. All lutiine promptly at'.n le 1 1. O.f -t at the C ourt Hoj.-e. GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. ERADICATE! Aix Local Skiv Diseases ; Pmhanently Beautifies tits Complexion, Prevents and Keu dies Rheumatism and Gout, Heals Sores and Injuries Or Tlir Cl'TICLX, AND is A Reuabli Disinfectant. This popular and inexpensive remedy accomplishes the same results A3 costly Sulphur Baths, since it per manently removes Eruptions and Irritations of the Skin. Complexional Blemishes are al ways obviated by its use, and it renders the cuticle wonurously fair and smooth. Sores, Sprains, Bruises, Scalds, Burns, and Cuts are speedily healed by it, and it prevents and remedies Gout and Rheumatism. It removes Dandruff strengthens lie roots of the Hair, and preserves its youthful color. As a Disinfectant of Clothing and Linen used in the sick room, and as a Protection against Contagious Diseases it is unequaled. Physicians emphatically endorse it. Prices-25 anil 50 Cents per Cake; perBox(3Cakes), 60c. andSl20. N. B. Seat by Mail, Prepaid, on receipt of priea, and 5 cents extra for each CaV. "BOIL'S HAH AJTD WHISSES DTI," Black ar Brown. St teas. ) C.I.CritttutB.rrop:r.7SiitUT.I.I. INSURE Against oss by Fire IN THE Livrpool h ondon & INSURANCE COMPANY, Chas. Lausr, OT FAIL to 14 tor our Prirti LIM for ma rl f oy vt'lruM a poo ap. Tilim'ton. Contains lirtciiptlom of ory DiMiaT rHilrl to9 Pt-riAriai or f mi lv aa. with evr l.?r0 ninitrnn- W Mil all tooili at wrV.itvam1 pr ( In qiiantltiM to inlt i purrKxii Thpnnlv Inttiiutitin la Amtrir Who m'lif h- r ji1al tiiinM, AtldnML MO iH.OM KKY V AKL)( 0 l.lfiUtf Habuh AvavAtalcAftA UL CJAN JUAN UMBf..rsale hr T. G. HENDRICKS. HELMBOLBB COMPOUND Fluid Ex act P 9 U ill lyi PHARMAEUT1 A Specific Reen y I DISEASES OFaThjf OJJ For DebilitT. Laa of Ifcmarv T. J:. - - . ; . 7 , j i mw to Exertion tosiaea. SkartiMa f raatkla) Troubled with Thocthta tA Diata, Iraaaaat t uio, ram ia u. icc, (.beat, aaa ImI Rush of Blood to tha Hui P. . r strttH I hrw Sic ita If the irnipussl ar aZUwed Upn, van frequently Epiletie Fit aad Camaatia td- in., m mi u.t ciiiuiouB DteiaN asa4 it requires th aid of aa iavioratia : bWmm to strengthen and too op tk s, tsai OKI Hclmb oltTs Bnchn DOES IN EVERY CASE IS UNEQUALED , y remedy kaewn. It i prrriVd t" 3CMt eminent pbyiiciaa all tr tk warl Ehnematism, Spermatorrhoea Neuralgia, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Indigettiii, Coutipatim, Aches, ii PsJm, General Debility, Kidney Lisnasos, Livtr Complaint, Nervous Debility, Epilepey, Head Trri.lii, ParalyEii, Genexal 111 &altk Spinal Diseases, Sciatica, . . Deafness, Decline, Lunbago, Cat'rrh, Nervtus Conplaii Fea-h Up.aiats. ko. headache, Pan in th Shnlders, 0ah Dizziness, Sou.- Stomach, Erapticis, fmi Tast in th Mouth, Palpitation f th atari. Pain in th region of th kidneys, and a ! sand other painful symptom, ar th f iria of Dyspepsia. Hlmbold Buchu Invlcorales the Sttmei. And stimulates the torpid Lirer, BwIi, aad Kidneys t healthy actin, in laaiaf tk blood of al impurities, and imaartiir w Bf and vigor to the whole system. A single trial will l quit infficit to vino the most hesitating of it TaluabU rss dial qualities. PKICE $1 PER BOTTLI Or Six Eottlei far tl. Delivered to ny address fre frm k tion. . , "Patient" may consult by rlf th sam attention as by inj, ky aaiwra the following questions: 1. Give vour.name and post-efnc Mrs county and State, and your nearest xr, office ! 5. Your air and sex! 3. Occupation 4. Married or single ? 5. Height, weight new and in halth T fi. How long hav you been ick ! 7. Your complexion, color of hair aaa 8. Hav you a tonping or erect gait f 0. Be lat withaut reservation all y about your cas. Enclos en dollar ultatioa fee. Your letter will th'(s) ei our attention, and w will giv y ar tur of your diseas and ur eaadid aptal concerning a core. Co a I et r.t t hv ician atttend U caiT" dents. 'All lette sh.uld b LHnpenMtory, 1217 FUburt Street, Philaa! phia. Pa. n. T. IIEMBOLD, TJrnggist id.1 Chelt, Philad-lpbU, P. SOLD EVBRYWnhnZ