s IVIX HIMSELF SrEAKISG. I made op my mind," auiJ Uio re porter, "that if the gloat ever appeared jn my bedroom again 1 would overcome my fears and iuk lo it, iuatoad of tnry- inff my nm,,,r tlie cover. I 'd the fintt time. Well, sir, stiro enough, the next night, exactly t eleven, I heard 1 fniut noie by the bod, and I looked Ground. Thoro ant the apei-tor in a chair. I iut riRht up and auid, with soma Una Jew, althongU wy voico trembled : "Vho are you?" "I am nobody in particular now," auid the ghost, "but I waa Aduin." 'Adam who ?" "Had no family numo. Tluro waa but one family of us, and they all knew mo. j waa the first rnuo, you know. You muht have hoard of mo." Yea, indeed," auid tlto reporter. "I'm aorry I can't shake hands," said the ghost, "but you might a well try to aliuke hands with a fog bank aa with mu. jt'a not aociablo, I kuow, but I can't help It." "Oh, never mind," aaid the reporter, "I'm glad to co you all tho same." "Your namo is Johnson, ain't it?" asked tho sector. "No, my namo is Jackson," rcpliod tho reporter. 'Pshaw I" aaid the ghost, "I waa look ing for a man named Johnson; but my eyesight is so bad that I con hi n't rood your doorphito distinctly. Tho worst of it is too, I can't wear poctacles; nothing is substantial enough to hitch them to. I wish aomo of you peoplo would invont an eyeglass that can bo worn by near sighted ghosts. You would confur agon uiuo benefaction on tho folks in tho other "What waa your business with John son ? Perhaps I can" "Well, in tho first placo, I understand that ho is one of a committco appointed to get up a stutuo of mo for tho city of Eliuira. I havo been in to aeo that atutuo, aud I want to ask Johnson whero be got the' idea that I used to wear a straw hat and sido whiskers. I want to know, also, what authority he has for giving me a lloman nose.' "Hadn't you ono of that kind?" "Why, man, tho Komans hadn't intro duced that variety of noso in my timo, ! And Johnson has had me nQosented with a huge serpent lying nt Muy feet. Now, what was tho uso of bringing up painful reminiscences of that kind? Why not let the matter drop ? Ilangod if I like it 1" "It's an outrago 1" "Uutwoon ourselves," said the specter, locking his misty fingers over bia knee, "I don't think much of the stutuo busi ness, anyhow. Do you know what they did? Too stingy to mako a fresh piece of sculpture out of a piece of marble, tliev bought up a second-hand abituo of lienjuniiu Franklin at auction, and hired a man to work it over into mo. Doesn't look a particle like mo I And, anyhow, Franklin was no kind of a mau to mako me out of. Oreenbacker or something, wasn't he ?" "We consider him quite respectable? "Another thing I wunt with Johnson is to see if I can't make arrangements with some reliublo spiritualistic medium. I have boon crowded out in tho cold for about 4,000 years, and no chance to par ticipate in anything. Now, I am the man that started this world. I gave it a aend-off, and it really does seem hard that I can't even express my views in a newspaper, or defend myself from this calumny, just because I happened to be dead; now, doesn't it?" "Very hard, but we didn't think you took any interest in such things." "Certainly. I often feel as though I'd liko to express an opinion about the tariff, or the elections, or tho buzzard dollar, or popular education, or some thing of that kind; and then, of course, Eve wants to hear everything about the fashions. I wish thoro was some way for a ghost to save a little money, bo that I could subscribe for a fashion journal or two, just to quiet her. Do you know of anvthing I could get at?" "How would it do to make an engage ment at tho theater to appear as tho ghost of Hamlet's futher or tho ghost of 13anquo?" "It doesn't strike me very favorably. It might be considered rather undigni fied in the father of the race to bo hang ing around among scenes, shifters and fiddlers; besides, they have too much light on the stage for me; Icatf t got into shape unless there is absolute darkness. And then, you know, I'd be exposed to insult. When we hear a cock crow we are obliged to flit. Now, suppose, right in the middle of a performance, some miserable boy should crow. Even if I knew it was a false alarm I should be so unnerved that I couldn't go on; but most likely I'd vanish as soon as I beard it just from force of habit. No, the propo sition doesn't strike mo. Seems unfair, though, doesn t it, that a man who owned the entire earth can't call a dollar his own?" "If a small loan will bo of any service to you, I will gladly" said the re porter. "You're mighty kind; but hero, you see, we encounter another difficulty. Where'm I going to put a dollar w hen I get it? I haven't a pocket about me that'll hold a cent. Young man, a ghost has no chance at all. Keep out of the business as long as you can." The reporter said he should. "And now I really must be going. The nn rises so disgustingly early this time of the year. I think I Bhall go around to-morrow night and haunt Johnson, if I can find him. If you should happon to see him I wish you'd mention it to him, so as to prepare his mind. People are always scary at first with us. Perfect nonsenso, too! That is all I am. Put your hand out and feel me. Don't you see? You can stir all around inside of me, just as if I wasn't there." "Wonderful!" said the reporter, "very wonderful. I never believed in ghosts before. The oddest thing is that "you, who lived so long, should take an inter est in modern politics." "But I do, though," said tho specter. "Perhaps you will be willing to tell me if you are in favor of Hancock or of Gar'' Just at this juncture, the reporter said, cock crew in the yard below, and the ghost Adam vanished. It waa most un fortunate, too, for his political opinions would have been interesting. Max Adeler. "Why should the letter "g" be greatly prised by farmers? Because it changes rain int grain. TTblch U Better-Beer or Water I A man once said to me, "Da you be liore there is more strength in a glass of waU'r than mug of ale?" "Stop a bit," I answered; "that is not a fair comparison. You pay five conta for your mug of ale I get my glass of water for nothing. lWsides whoa I driuk my glass of water, I am satisfied with it; but if you drink a glass of ale, directly you must send down another to keep it company. Suppose now you got a quart and puy twelve cents for it, and I take tho sumo amount of money, and puy six cents for steak, and two cents for broad, and two cunts for potatoes, and two cents for apples, and havo a glass of fresh water for nothiug. Which is tho bettor? I eat my dinner and am sutisfiod with it, and go back to my work and tarn more money. You go back to the i-aloon to got uioro ale, to siiend your money, and waste your tinio." If tho beer drinker will abstain long enough to get rid of the eflboU of his beer, ho will find himself able to do much moro work than when be drinks. Ono of tho greatest champions of our day, when ho is training for a content, says thoro is nothiug like cold water and dumb bells. There is no greater mistake than to supposo that beer and spirits strengthen a man. They only stir him up and use up his strength. I drove twenty-four miles tho other day. When I got within a mile or so of homo my horso fagged. I gavo him a sharp cut with my whip and ho went faster, but I did not say "I've strengthened my horso!" If that's the way to strengthen him, why not let him live on whip-cord 1 Alcohol is a whip to him that drinks it, and ho is a great fool that whips himself. Soino years ago two men took an early start uud walked over to a neighboring town twenty miles away. Having dono their business they walked about to seo tho placo, and met a fellow-townsman, who proposed to return with them, and invited thorn into a beer-shop for a strengthening drink. "No," said they, "we are toetolulers, and wo have had our lunch." Hut ho could not go without a priming of alo. At last they woro off, und for a while they all kept even stop, till after some niilos tho beer man began to lag behind, and, at tho half-way house ho must havo a bracer. After three miles more he wanted another, and this time it was whisky. Finally at fif teen miles, he gavo out entirely and stopped for the night, whoro ho was laid up for a day or two; while they walked ou homo and the next day were frosh for businos. Oh, no, friends, nil naturo works on water, and we bolievo that God meant that man should do tho same. Take tho water, friends, and all tho good thiugs that go with it. God's bles sing is in it. A man out West obtained a divorco from his wifo, and married again within three days aftor the decree was granted. An Irishmen commenting on the man's action, remarked : "Bodod, be couldn't have much respect for his first wifo, to bo marryin' again so soon' aftor lavin' her." A Baptist clergyman In Magoffin County, Ky, preaches against support ing missionaries, because, as he says the Bible gives asurance that when ever the Gospel is preached unto all people the eud will have been reached, and God forbid that be should contribu ted one cent toward hastening that portentous period. FINANCIAL A5D COMMERCIAL. Portland, Otober23, 1S80. Legal tenders in Portland, buying, par, and lolling at par. Silver coin in Portland banns quote at I per cent, discount to par. Coin exchange on 'cw York, 1 percent, pre mium. Coin exchange ou Sun Francisco, par to J per cent, premium. Telegraphic transfers on Xcw York, 1 per cent, premium. aioiue Produce market. The following quotations represent the whole sale rates from producers or first hands: FLOl'R Ouotablo in jobbing lots at: Standard bratds,$5 00 best eountrv brands, $3 5')(rt $11 75, superfine, $3 75uj,t3 00. WOOL .0(a2"l for choice. WHEAT Hood to choice, $1 30. HAY-Timothy baled, buying at $lfl,$18 per ton. rOTATOES-Quotable at lc per b MlDlLIX(J.S-Jobbing at feed, 20(i $-; fine SiifeS!"! "j ton. BRAN .lobbing at per ton, $15(S,$16. OATS FeeM, per bushel 421(it45 cts. BACOX Sides, 13Jc; hams, Oregon 8 C m(g 131c; Kastcrn,14(j$15c; shoulders, 9(a, 10c. I,AR1 In kegs, 13; in tins, 13c BUTTER We quote choice dairy at 2,a2.c; good fresh roll, 20(a,221c; ordinary, lulu, 20c, whether brine or roll. DRIED ERL'ITS Apples, sun dried, OalOe; machine dried, 12cJ. Pears, machine dried, llal2c Plums, machine dried, HOc. EGG8-25C per doz. POULTRY Hens and roosters. $4 50a5. Tur kevs IMOc per pound. Ueese, $8 per doz. CHEESE Oregon, 12Jal."cj California, llic. HOGS Dressed, 51c ; on foot, 3Jo4c BEEF Live weight, 1J to He for good to choice. 8HEEF Live weight, ljn2c. T A LLOW Quotable at tic. HIDES Quotable at Haiojc for nil over 18 lbs, one-third off lorunder that, also one-third orl for culls; green 6n8c. General Mercbandlaa. RICE Market quoted at China, 5Jo5 ; Sand wich Island, "171. COFFEE Costa Rica, 1718e; Java, 25o2oc ; Rio, lfiioUc TEAS We quote Japan in laquered boxes 50a 75c; paier,371471. SUGARS Sandwich Island, W.alOc ; Golden C, in bbls. I ie ; hf bbls, 9jc ; Crushed bbls. 1 1 Jc, hfbbls, 12c; Pulverized bbls, 12c, hf bbls, 13Jc : Granulated bbls, llje, hfbbls 12jc. SARDINES Qr boxes, $1 75; hf boxes, $2 75. YEAST POWDER Donnelly, $18 V ft1"0"! Dooley, 20a22 $ gross;. Preston k Merrill, $24 'f gross. WISES White, per doi in case, 13 50o4; per ml, 70c toll 50; Sonoma, per doz in cases, h 50 to $5; per gal, 60c to 1 50. daret California per gal, $1 to $1 25; im ported per gal, f 1 60 to $2. Sberrv-Calapergal, $1 50 to $2 50; Span ish,' $3 to $ ; assorted brands, $12 to 18; imported per gal, $2 50 to 7. Port Various brands in qr eska, $2 60 to Si ; $1 50 to $2 ; imported, 13 to 17. SPIRITS Fine old Hennewy Brandy in or clu and octaves, 5 60 to 06 pa Du& ville'i Irish Whisky in cues per do, 12; James Stewart k Co.'i Scotch Whisky in qr eki and octaves, $4 ; Hennessy Brandy in case, per dot, very fine 1 star $16, J star, $17 SO, 3 star f 19; Holland Gin, large earn, $18 to $20; Old Tom Gin in cases, $1 J; By Whisky, per pi, $1 50 to $5 ; Bourton, per gal, $2 iOto $5 f A Cutter, $J 25 to $3 50 ; OK Cutter, $4 40 to $5. OILS Ordinary brands of coal, 3 ft bigb pidea; Downer Co., J7io40c; boiled linseed, SI; raw linseed, 86e; purelard,$lal JO; tutor, $1 5041 (0; turpentine, 60a5c AS OnKOOH BSTKRFRiSB. A Brief DaerrlptUa fib Career of the Or( Pisrauara Haaalaetatlag Caaapaay aaa Hi fraaucia, Praaperltjr aal aecaw Abuasaal. Oregon a yrt Is a round sUUi lo )nn, young In biT ilrvrl"i.urllU, )uuil In HlB I'HkIu. u i f brc n uuivm. I'uriUiid, brr rirMiiUUv city. lcU tit jf In all iu uul rtakiUK of iikkuiuhIo and luiiHirtatn aud Is luuktt! to b tlie tmtirw North !' nrii- tur xuiilr worthy uf tuultl"U. lu rrtli t In over lli iiuiUon aud .uiuuji Hit- tuUIforan Inilu.lrjr to wlrt t a a proiuiuriit xamil we ntid Uie nrrtfon Kunillure iUlmlx liiiliiK i'oiuaiiy rll uilril lu our urMe, wlili b ! to .now our rr.rn wlitt world uf iU'lrre lie sIkmU u, only uiiiiiik the nitric hsntl of liuluitry, em-ruy ami iercvrr aiii'o to brio forth sucb fruit tu wotUt muuot MiriM. This company, Ha i areer ami rt'' lit o lll il will errv us well ami If the kit J r.ailir will atvuinpaiiy in iijioii our tour uf luvrMiKatioi, through Una nlalillahiurut we will tuuVavur to luttreM them, Away hark, many yeara s:!", ail anaociatlon uf far-areiui(, rtirryeiiu Reiitleuieu ortiauuett them aelvra into a ;otuiuiy for the puriHw of hewlmi our tiall.e wihmU froiu the theu aluiuat uubrukeu fiTr.l aud trauaforiulua thru) tuto iiK xza or naMrt an To meet the wauta of a rtpt.lly-K'rowln hamlet With ran t ill liumiieM rvotiomy the euw rrie waa roii.lu I..1, ami aa the hamlet art w Into a tlirtviuu villaife, the village into a iiniep, rttia touu ami frtu that uo through the majce to iKn-ouie the ijuerii ciiy of the 1'a. lriY iiorthweal. III like iimih rtlou tint tur tlreiiou Kiiriiitiire llaiiulat tory luiihl up ita walla flic loaiui; one uf the uuntt eitt-ualve traJt-a of any aiimlar uuihrtakliiK within the pale ol thut fertile Kr4u"wui re rolla the tin uii." The foumlera lu la t luiihleil belli r than they km w. r will paxa ou ilowu to the preaeiil time, and tliul ae pn-aiiliiit of thla maiumolh limlltutloti Kr.miu'l Lowi'imteiu, J-. Thla Ki'iitli-uiau la a 'raduale in the avt line of imluatry lu whu b he la eniimrd, ainl la a ahrewd, lar-aeeiiiu, htikineNa man, hauu ioiiiiiieiu-ed at the liane and I y iiiitirlui; tudiiNtry auniiuuiitiil tveiy ou n. lr mini ri a hint! hla preai'iit liuiortiit poa'itlou at the lu-ad of the Irailitii: fiiriiilun- boii-ii' ut the l'a elm-, lu th'a we do not iirr, an thla louipany cau tuiuoutu li lie work aa eaii be 1 it ml lu .Uuirha. lly liomat dialliiK, etrlit atleiitioii to bualnr-m loiirteoua tn aiiueiit of patnina, he haa won fur him-ai-lf aud Ihe company the cunrtdeuce of the oople. In Hie atvrelary. Win. Kapua, Ki., we II ml a mau Iiutliularly aiilted tor Hie poalttou, he lavlnit ihanie uf the otlue biulueas. lie la all emruitii', wide-awke 1hi-.Iui man, and known a public aplriliil citUen. Any move, mint to hi'in-nt the illy at larxe nmla hi in In the tmut rauka, Ih irtui! hla pniporllou of Ihe eipenae aud labor, tine tulaiire pnvea thla, and that la the IMwIttoii he oi-cuplea aa one of the thm-tora uf the 'ortlaml Mii haun-a Fair AHtMH-latiun. , ilh theae Ki'iitleiiu-ii I'omlui'lliiK Ihe detlniie of thte cuuipauy It will retain ll pnuuluiiit iaitlouat Ihe head of the iinliiilm liirinu Intcrcata 111 Onuon ami on the 1'arinr coant. The ahopa iK'rupy lare tline atory brick biilldlni! uu the corner of KmiiI ami Madlaoii alrecta, and are made up of the lnl.i-t ami moat ap pruviil mai hiiiery in every department. T'luwe ma rhluca are drlvi-u by an liumi uae alxty-horHe power eiiKUie, and ililrlnx the llveloiiK day the uiImuIimk noiiK-of awlflly muvinit uiui hiuery make a Hraud oratorto of lndutry w ithin thoac walln. More than ai!y ieu are here employeil, bcudeH the lare iiuiiiIm t lu the iipholntery iihopa aud More, K'vlim to that iiiiiuIht of lauilllea food ami i lothlllK, by Una roiupany, whh b In Itself la a pliantire to tho othrrra to coiiti'iiiplati'. aud pnve thia a labor IvliiK liiktl tutloii of whli h our .ily ahould feel pnuid. llad we a few more aura em-rt'tlc eatabllHluueiita, the (re. Hon of to-day wotilil aiMin paaa I'niiu fart and luem ory. At every lair or eihlhltlou of coiiieiiieni'e may be found artli lia uf furniture opeu for public In aptvtluii, taken fnnii their tfrucral atock. They have uo time to make artlclea kSl'ri.'lALLT roR EXHIIIIT, Aud thenTore Iho artlclea may be accepted aa fair sample only uf their uaual workiuaiiMlilii. The company takea pleaaiire lu ahowhiK the diplomaa and iiiedulN rei-elved, aurh aa fnnu the Tarla KxiHial. lion, the Centeunlal at l'lilladelphla and Oretfuii Slate Aiiricullnrjl HiK-lety fur artlclea uo other fur uiture factory on thla coast could ahow. Their medals are K lil. "liver and bnuine, and are marka of dtittnrtiou they have jnt cauae to feel pnnul uf and exhibit lu their frleila and the public with a irreat di'itn-euf aattafactloii. The wart nMinia of thlacuui pauy are liH'ated on the corner of Kind aud Yamhill atrei'ta, aud comprise aeveral Imuienae apartnieuta, rilled to overriowlUK with varluua artlclea of beauty and value connected with their trade. Their carpet department la componed of latest patterns lu end leaa pmf union and the entire atock amainta of "tuple KoihU. HaviiiK xiven thia brief diHcrlption of the buHliifsa uf the coiupauy, we will visit the Merhuu le'a l'avllloii and take a peep at the artlclea they have on exhibition I lure, rasaing in at Ihe main entrance we make our way to the northern gallery. At the head of the broad atalnaae our attention la tirnt atttai'tid by the uia.'Uinceut display uf furni ture. We will panaun to the oppualte end ao that we may travel fnuu weat to enat. The exhibit la di. vlded Into three apartnieuta, tho walla being draped with old gold ami allvrr aheen, raw silk. upholHter ing goods bound with nianl-colonil border: Three baiidmnue chauilelleni illumine the booths to the ligutiieiia and HniuiiTXKas or SUNSHINE. The flcHirs are covered with rich brusaels carpet, Turkish ru", etc. The nrt booth containa an ele. gant biKik caae couipoaed uf ebuny, blai-k walnut aud blnlneye maple polished aa blghly aa a uiirnir. The I rout uper portion haa double door uf plate gluna, while above, heavy carvings give to that portion ex. ijiiisite Hnlsh uf superior design and workmanship. The lower portlnti haa double panel doura, heavily carved and mounted wllh allver trappluga. Next come an Uigi iiloua aiK'retary with circular allding cover revealing plgcuu holes, drawera, etc., which are most conveniently arranged. Aa soun as the cover la raised the writing desk can be drawn nut so aa to give ample room. Directly below are folding doors which are thrown open, giving nKim for com fortable aeatlng and the feet. It la very neatly tin Ished iu black trimming of ebony. A set ol furni ture covered with horse hide adds to the variety, and bears evidence of being made for service. In the center a magnltlceiitly carved black walnut table containing Ihe various samples of marble used lu finishing luruitiire. The rear wall la uccupled by a gold trimmed grate surmounted by a beautiful Fn nrh plate mirror. I'pon the central table la a inlulaturerepn'setilutiouol Cleopatra a needle.whlcb displays to good advaulage the maple burl aud in laid white ash, and black walnut uf which It la com posed. It also bears a gold and a bmure medal, re ceived by the company froml'arls andl'hiludelphla. The next section next Invitia our attention. Uu the wall may be aeeu diplomas and certlneatcs of award fnuu various expositions, which apeak more plainly than words of theexcellcnceuf thlBcumpany'a wuik. A crimson plush lounge of Kgyptlau pattern, and a crimson plush feclining chair are really luxurious and affords pleasure to examine or test. They would not be out of place in a klng'a palace. An easy chair upholstend in crimson damask and trimmed lu crimson fringe la very attractive, lu tho center of this booth la au Inlaid table, the work of Uaulel Weuueberg, au employe of thecoiupany, and which Is a niastrrptoce of art. The ground work la of black ebony, Inlaid with nianpii irei, which la lm ported from l'aris, the designs being strikingly beautiful. Thla la, without doubt, the finest piece of inlaid work on the coast. The uialn body of the table la black walnut and maple hurl, beautified with flashing lines uf fire gilt. The employment of SUCU SKILLED WORKMEN In thia state is a new departure, Indulged lu by this company alone. Next ia an ollve-greeu raw silk eaay chair, the fabric being exquisitely flowered ami lip. hulstered iiHin a York frame. It is trimmed for service with ulive-green plush, which forma a atrik lug contrast. An old gold flowered raw all k patent rocker is admired by all, there being but one more like it on thia coast. It waa mado to order, the up holstering goods being ordered especially for the lady patron fnun Ihe east. It ia trimmed with crimson plush, which ia complimentary in color to the elaborately gilded black walnut frame. The last in thia booth, of apeclal mention, la a cardinal bniwn raw silk upholatered easy chair. It la flowered In Japanese maze squares, trimmed with wiue colored satin upon au tgjptlsu frame and is tho favorite piece uf furniture wllh the ladlea, who are the beat Jndgea uf these magnificent articles. In the next booth we find a auperb bednmm aet of modern and unique t atteru. ornamented with elsmy panela aud massive carvings of black walnut. The bureau coualsta of main hodvy three drawers, with allver plated han dles, set iuk frame work of burl hlglilypoliahed. This ia surmounted by a fine Blab of Teuneaaee marble. On either aide rlae four beautiful pillars tu a height of several feet, and which aupiort a cau upvof heavily carved walnut snd ebony with fret work laWugs between. About oue third way up the columns ou either aide elegant polished walnut and ebony drawers are placed for toilet articles. The bark portion of the upper auction conslsta of three crystal sheet French plate nilrrora with beveled edgea one wide and two namiw, one on either aide the aame width as the apace between the pillars. All portions are blghly polished and we do not heattate In aaviug it Is one uf the most elegant single pieces ever exhibited In Oregon. The bedstead Is In perfect keeping with the richness of carving and de. algo displaced on the bureau. Ita panels are genu ine polished ebony, the carved walnut being perfec tion, the whole forming a perfect atudy, aud to be appreeiatedmnstbeaeeuexamlned. It ia a specimen of Workmanship that any esUbllahment on earth need not feel aahaiued of. The waahstand and commode combined la also a perfect beauty, coinpuwd of ebo ny walnut aud burl, surmounted by a handsome marble slab. In the center of the booth Is a very aUNWOWl E80NT TABU (91,14 r'th marqnetrel of artistic design, and fiat lahed in lire gilt. The bed ia made np and to the tired visitor at the fair haa a particularly InrlttDg appearance. The spread and pillow .ham are al hand made lace of oriental pattern, the work of Mr. Mondt and which add no little to the general beauty of the bedroom eel. A patent rocker, npbolateredln maroon and old gold trimmed wllh win colored eatln occuplea a conaptcoone place in one ; corner a the booth, and receives ita. hare of adm ration. Aaid from thla the company exhibit several article be longing to and Ihe work of prlrat parti e. of which w. will mention a beotlfnI patent rocker and loot real, npholatered In black atin upon which PewcoeK feather had been worked with Hi needle by Mlu Htechens- an mbroldered ottoman, representing rusty aril tat njron a black satis background, U work of Miss A. .lork; an ottoman npholatered In pink satin and old (obi by ilia tterll llalllck. Th uphol. terms work waa don. by Marxy Italll. k, who learned hla trad in th ahop uf Ih company. Au ottoman repmentinH "Cotiietited Huaay," In ralaed ml.roldcry by Mr.. Harry C. Hredln. Other article of lewer lmiKirtanc go toward giving a riul.b to th magnificent display. We have thll. glveu a very brief driK'rlptloii uf Ihe origin of the Oregon Kurnl. tur Manilla, luring Company and th pnigreaa It baa made during theae years In order lo ahow what enterprise and energy combined will do. It Marled lu on a small aralc and gradually expanded snd add ed to until today It atauda a umunuieut of prld among the manufacturing ralahll.hnieuu of the l'a cl no coast. Juat aucb men aa are at Ihe head of this coiupauy are .till ueedul In iieegoti to iqien ami de velop her ni'Klertid nwuin e and In turn launch up ou th ocean of tr.mc artlclea of verlil aurh aa any country ou the glul would linger over lib prld and Mtlal action. A liat'kwooiiB roat'licr ouco oluoiilatoj an follow in eon motion with the imraLlo of tho virgins; "In aneiunt tituoa, my beloved heurers. it was tho custom, afU r a oonilo htul been married, for ton vir gin to go out with lighted lam pa ami meet 'em on tho way homo, five, oi lliinu virgins bring nialea and flvo fimalca." Every nniKio teacher or mnsiclnn iu Oregon, Washington Territory or Llalio, who will send their name and address to Warren's Music. Hoiiho, 92 Morrison St., rortlitnd, will receive freo for threo months, a cony of his Mimical Jiecii-it', continuing three new piccea of mnsio each mouth, bcniilos current luuuieitl nows. RKJ KM BE II That Warren's Music House, 92 Morrison slroel near the lVstofliee, l'orlaud, Or., Imsoverythins iu the miiMcul linn at roimonnblo priivs A liiro atock of sheet music, hooks, pianos, musical incr chandise, band and orchestra niusiu always m hand, JJr. Warren btiya every thing dmvt from Eastern house, ainr can oII'tiI to sell r)ieaier than any store In Ongon. Semi for catalogue AronalKH It lleitr. An alarm of tiro at midniglit ia a stnrtliti j tliitiR, hut not half so stnrtlinr, to miinr to henr il as would be tho sudden knowledge of their own dangerous physical condition, fhmisandr of thousands are hurrying to their gnives iMfause they arc carelessly iiidillcrvnt to the in.idious in roads of disease ami the means of cure. It is tho mission of II. H. Warner tc Co., with their Safe Kidney and l.iver Cure, to arouse men U) a sense of their danger and thru euro them, Memphis ApjKal. The Chicago Time says : Wumor'a Safe Kid ney and Liver Cure is highly endorsed by min isters, judges, physicians, surgeons, by men el literary aud scholarly distinction, and by indi viduals in all the walks of life. XJho J? oho XMIIk. What the Press Says. OREUONIAN The Elcgaut Bilk Drosses at Liu's are perfect lu dcalgu. SUNDAY MORNING STANDAItD-Thc crlt Ir wore satisfied that Mrs. Lilt Is perfect In the art of Dressmaking, etc, RUNDAYMERC'iRY Having knowledge In the art of Dretstniiklng, we consider the dis play llio finest we bave ever seen. EAT PORTLAND VINDICATOR-We are rratilled to report the success of our Irluud Lilt, whose Dresses are the most elegant. Mrs. Dunlway, proprietor ol the .Veto Xorth n mi, will give a full accouut In the weekly Is sue, Head It. KVENINU TELEGRAM (the only reliable evening paper) The regal tralna of these styl ish stills sweep the Moor with a grace that might excite the admlrutlou of a duchess, etc TVLIa ASSOKIJIKXT OF Ladies' Ready-Made Suits For 113 we will send (0. 0. D.) to the country Elegant Wool and Silk Suit. Address, H. B. LITT, P. O. Rox 157. Use Iloso L ULUMAl'EK & Co. Sole Agents, Port la, ml. Oreuoii. OREGON MACHINERY DEPOT, 13 Front Street, Portland, H. P. GREGORY & CO. Keep a Complete Stock of Wood Working Machinery. Saw Mills and Saws. Machinists' Toob. Steam Engines and Boilers. Steam , Hand and Power Pumps Steam Engine Governors. Lubricating Oils. Blowers and Exhaust Fans. Emerv Wheels and Machinery- RUBBER GOODS a Specialty, Beltine, Packing, Hose, Valves, Springs, Etc. Complete Una of . EJVOINKKU BlIPPLIEH Constantly on hand. SPORTSMEN'S EMPORIUM. WM. BECK & SON, Importers and Dealer In Sharp's, Remington,'., Ballard's, Burgess.', Kennedy! Winchester Repeating Rifles. Colt'a, Ite-mlnglon's, Parher'e, Scott. Son, Moore's anil ClnbroiiK'i'a BREECH-LOADING SHOTGUNS. HAZARD'S SPORTING GUNPOWDER Ilot In I he world. Put up in , lib and 6m oans, tt'ilb kegs. Oun Wads. Shells, Caps and CartrtdKesorall Kinds at Ileduced Price. Base Balls, Prize Bata, Croquet flamea, Veloel pedes, Archery, Lawn Teams, Kiatilnc Tackle of every description and quality. rr. rrontrs Aldr trel. Pstrllanci. Uslo Rose Xills. THE OREGON NEWSPAPER PUBLISHING Company Tm niav ti.r,Bflt til famish Insldea, Ouuldes and Hup- piemenia oo ioeaiiorv.b uv ilea. Addreaa W. D. Mmer, box W. rortiaoa.ur. C3 r tsCS i -. - .' , i 8 11'. M IVii T y-liVai la fm lilih aaifll'iiiiamawaM ia . m 1 1 . ni mu m aMna.iai Tl I K (UUECT of thin IiiHtltutlon is to iiod in tho iirnitioal. evervihtv atl'itirn of losa cot, nntl In less time, tlmn any other charaftor of School can oll'ur. Knuliwh rraiichi' will rervivo npurial attention. Private Iimtniotion clvon In any rnitnitnatinly if iliHiri'tl, in fltlier day or oveniiiR st'HHion. New Teachers, NKW MKi'llODS, carofiil aUontion, 11 ml cntiru satiHfuction guaranteed to allntudent8 who will work. Liidv AsslHtnnt I'oiiMtitniiy in Dayton, Hall Orders from THE TRADE Solicited. Wholesale WW ! 2.P 5" ir h r 3-c. 1 CD 0 P P (A n nruu Wml Z CU R ES m It la made from a Hlmnle Tropical l,eat of nra Value, and M a POHITI V K Keawraly tor all the dla nurn that cauae pallia in the luwnr part of the IwKty for Torpid Uver-llcadaeliea-Jaiiudlce-llr.r.luea, (iravcl. Malaria, and all the dlftVultlea of the Kldueya, IJver and t'rinary tiraana, or Feaaale Illsvaara, Monthly Menatruallona, and during pn-anam y, Il Ium noeuual. It n-atorea the unenna that makk the bliMid, and lieiM-e Is the heat Hlooal rnrlnVr. It la the only known remedy that curra HrlKlu a lilwaae. ior lila bum, uae Warwr'tSafti Diana-tea Car. KorHaleby ImiKalalaaiid all iM-alrraat 1 M per bottle. lra-et buttle In tbe market. Try lu II. II. WARMER aV CO., Wocheafr, ay. T J. B. KNAPP, Coinmlssion Merchant AND PURCHASING A6ENT. All Goods on Commission. iroox, ORAjy, dairt products and FRUITS A SPECIALTY. Agent for Parrott'i Patent Doubletrw. 267 first itreet, Portland, Oregon. jfWtj 1, Mar i ? If : h mm 15 V; III THOMPSON, PoOAET A W.t AiiKXTH, roivruxn, OR., JriM--Ctir. Nauiaite Cutter. caucus a wim mnmu Hardwood Lumber. ji'mt uiici:ivi:i. r. " Illimleader," dlrvrl frnaa w York, a Larfl .laltarR mt SHELF and HEAVY Hardware ! I HON and BTEEL, Wklrh we aaTrr ta Ihe Trade al the Uant Jabblaf Killer Alau I O l 1. ' all aert1.iuiu. Impart A quality of knowleiltfe that mimt bo lift), affording ukoIuI 1!umiih" hdiicntton at nttiMitinneo in Lames iepiitiuieiii. & IfiamliGrson. Portland, Oregon. Hardware. The Great English Remedy Is a never-fnlllnf Cur fur Nervoua lHblllly Kxluiiialeil Vitality. Heinluul Weakneaa, HperniHlnrrliHa, I.ONr MAralllXsis, 1 ill po tency, rum lysis, and all the lerrlliie elleen of Heir Abuse, youlb ful follies, anil excel aea in nialurer years aunh aa Iviss or Mem. ory .Laaaitude, Noctur- II hi hiulaaiou, Averaiou toHoolety, Illmneat o Vlalon, Nolaea In the bead, the vital fluid paaalnic unolmerved In the urine, and many Oilier dlaeaaea t hut lead to Insanity and denlll. Ilt. MIMTIK will agree to forfeit Five lliiiiilrrd Dollars for a case of tlila kind the Vlll. KKMOKATlVKIuuder hla special advice and Ireai meul) will not cure, or Ait anything- Impure or Injurious found In IU lilt. WIN I I K treats all 1'rlvate Dlaeaaea sun peaafully wltlioul mercury. Conaullntlon Kreo. Thorouiih exHinluiiilon aud advl, In eliidlUK analyaia of urine, la Ml. Price of Vital Keataratleei, H UU per bottle, or lour tlruei Hie quantity forl0lHi: sent lo any adddreaa on reoeipt of prloe, or 0. 0. 1)., secure fmm ob aervatlon, and In private name If desired, by A. K. MI.YriK, M. D. 11 Uearny atreet, Hkm 'roflaro,Cal. DK. MINTIF.'M KIIIXKT RRHROT, NKl'KK.I H I'M, cures all kluda of Kidney aud Bladder Complaints, (Jonorrhort, Oleet Leucorrhcea. For aiile by alt druglala; tl 00 a bottle; six liott lea tor ?5 (si. IK. MINIIK'N UANOri.l PILLS are the best and cheapest UVMPKPHIA an ItlLiol Ncure lu the market, JToraale by a ilrusKlala. 1IOUUIS, nAVIN at CO. Portland, Or. bnleaale Aarenu. marlltl J. C. Carson. Manufacturer and denier Id all kinds ot Sash, Doors, Blinds, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, Eto. 4 MEANOXBD riNINHEO LUMBEIl Conatantly on baud. 'Jminrltr 0 Paints, Oils, .Glass , Brushes. AND A FULL LING OF Painters' Materials. Orden from tbe country will receive prompt and oareful attention. SALKMROOMt FACTORY! III Front Ktrert. At Weliller'g Mill. atlgO I'OKTLASP, OltKmtW. BLYMYER BELLS, For Churches, Schools rnd Fire Alarm. NILVKB HKDAL Awarded by tb Mecbanlca1 Institute al San Kranolsoo, Heplember, 1HH0. Head what tbe Jurors say of them Id their Keporl: "These belli are made of a patented com posits metal, partly of aleel, and unlike that In any other bells used. Tbe blKlieatenooml urns are pawed upon them for their CLBAK NKHH, BKAUTV aud VOI.UMK OK BOUND! and It la aaid they can be furnlabed for leal tban HALF TliK CUHT ol those made from bell metal." Hend lor illoatrated catalogue to the Genera Agents f.r Ihe I'aclllo tOnat, L1NKOKTH, RIC'B at CO.. m and !5 Market, Hau Kranclaeo, C'al. VARNISHES. WE HAVE J OUT RKCEIVED BY BAIL from New York, the fuilowlug Unci o VarnXieai NO. 1 COACH. NO. 1 FURNITURE. NO. 1 COPAL. EX. HEAVY DAMAR. BROWN JAPAN. BLACK ASPHALTUM. SHELLACK. We are prepared to furnish the above Vara Ishea In barrel or can Iota at aa low prices at have ever been offered In Portland for same quality of foods. Tbese Varnlaheaara from the well known manufactory of William Tllden, Special Inducements Offered to Painters. F. E. 1JEACII Ac OO. (Successors to C. t B.) 103. front Street - ' Portlaa Ct.'ra. rir.lra. I ialol. r'M"l. iai as. CalaWaaeo laamaaiaaaials. srlwa, w 1 .a. allita. LINFORTH, BIC2 CO. tJso It oso Pills.