The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 30, 1880, Image 5

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V IU eee.Aj.
2fat Tuaiy tha final ttniggl
tlrsuit Cri eoaras axt Madjr.
0ti and epi t th F. t M. Eton.
A bw lot of Kid GIovm at F. B. Dunn's.
ptn iliMtiof mstcn to-day at an
U j,q wish ta bay food cheap call at
jH Friendly a.
Jndje Fitch went to RaMburf, Thursday,
a 1.- buiMia.
The beat liae of Beak wear at the F. k U
Clotbiaf Stora.
Highest cash price paid for wheat by
JtoaeibUtt ft Co.
Call and ie that large atock of geodi fur
at Friendly'.
The F. ft M. Store the only exclude cloth
itf (tore in the city.
Beat line of furnishing goed in the city at
the F. ft M. Clothing Store. ,
Call and examine the clothing at the
Fanner and Mechanic Store
H Frieadly eell cheap for cub boot,
ihee clethinc, hat, cap fancy geed, etc.
The LIL, SUre baa a large dock of 1
die rubber which they oner lor 60 cent
per pair.
AH the" indebted to a, either by note or
Wek account, are requested to call and aet-
(leateace. Osbuh.i ft Co.
)f r. F. B. Dunn wiihee to inform the far
aier that he will pay the highest market
price fx wheat.
You can buy a nice genteel hat for $1, and
a tair of calf boot for S4. at F. B. Dunu'a.
Go and ee him.
. Jeff Smitn was in town urn weeK. Jaa is.
in the employ of th Republican State Ten
tral Committee.
Mr 3 H Friendly will pay the highest
cash market price for wheat Give him i
eall before selling your grain elsewhere.
Hen John Wbiteaker addressed the Cress
well Hancock Club yesterday evening. He
speak at Cottage Grove at 1 o'clock to-day.
Go and see that large stock of goods just
received at Hendrick 'a before purchasing else
where. The best stack of mens clethiog and
famishing good at price to suit the times.
Business men should net forget that
blaak Bete, bill-heads, atatementa, letter
heads, and every description of commercial
printing are neatly and promptly executed
at th Gcabd office.
Reseablatt ft Co desiring to close ont
their business give notice that they will sell
below cost until December, when the good
remaining will be closed out at forced sales.
Com early and secure bargains.
- Junction City Items.
JncnoN, Oct., 2S, 1880.
H C Humphrey, of Eugene, was in Julc
tien en Monday. a
Mr String and John Workman returned
from Portland this week.
A team attached to a conntry wagon ran
way here yesterday. Damage alight.
Junction City justice court is in session
to-day. Case on trial it an action to recover
The Junction boy are confident that Ski
Meek will bo winner in the pigeon match
next Saturday. He i a crack ahot and will
do some fin ahooting.
Mr. Brassfield having returned to Junc
tion, is fitting np Richard's building with
sholrss aud counter, preparatory to opening
an entirely new atock of good. He will be
gin busine about the 10th of November,
and propose to ell for cash only. Mr.
Braasfleld i well and favorably known ia
thi place, and will do a good business.
Prof Owen gave two exhibitions of his
ntesmeri power here, and aucceeded in
getting several eubject completely under his
coatrol. The candid oberver could not fail
to see that it wa no sham. Th perform
auoeof th subject wa amusing indeed,
nd the concentration of the will was im
mease. Lower Siuslaw Correspondence.
Florence, Lane Co., Oct. 15, 1880. e
.Editor Guard: The Esthor Cobos from
San Francisco, arrived here on the morning
of September 24th. Captain Jame Caughel
apeak vjry highly of the bar and river. He
aay it is as good a bar as any on the Coast.
He came her for B. D. Hume's machinery
and cannery fixtures to take them to Rogue
" Z T Sweet ft Sons were engaged to re
move the machinery to the schooner. After
he wa loaded the Captain gave a party in
bnor of Mr. Sweet' 64th birthday.
Sweet Bros, have launched their large new
boat. On night last week they captured
100 salmon in fiv hour. Tbey hav killed
12 bear this aeason.
W have plendid vegetable here. Pota
toes that are 12 inche ia circumference one
way, and 26 inche th other. Cabbages
that weigh 25 lb, have grow her this sea
aan, and corn equal to any in the State.
A beatiug party of fifteen went to the
head of tidewater last Snnday, in Sweet'
new boat, and took dinner with M. J. Had
aalL Two river wrveyor are hero prospecting
the river. '
Hurrah for the Farmers.
Hancock and Garfield meal wiU be given
fr -t .t th. Astor House, for the next 60
days, ia order to clear out my stock
vmnMim hand. Give ni a trial, i
if satisfaction is not given no charge will be
"d- rw'ifits
Eageae City, Oct, lo isou.
Democrats to the Front.
Will address tbe people of Lane County
Monday Eve, Nov. 1st
At 7 1 .11.
Let this be a grand Rallu
oj ucmoens.
Circuit Court Docket.
State of Oregon v John Harbin- Larceny.
State of Oregon vs J L Wilson Larceny.
State of Oregon vs Harry Wise Larceuy
Stat of Oregon v John Lance Kape.
8tt of Oregon v George Campbell Lar
Stat of Oregon v Charles Crowley Lar
State f Oregon vs J R Cartwrijjht-Man-
Mary Hembree vs G W Hobbs Confirms
James GoodchiM vs J II Moore Confir
Y Newhnuse v E L Applrgite Con
Rebecca Fisher v Jamts F Brown Con-
Samuel Meek v Thomas Butler Confir
mation. .
S II Friendly .v M M aud J Wbitney-
School Fund vs F M Eitou Foreclosure.
J V and Tolly Mahon va A Bates Parti
tion, i a
7l V Mahon v Edward A Griffin-Parti
tion. '
School Fund it A W Osburn Forclov
TAMilli.rn v.CW
Moore To recovor
S D Coat v TV Woods To recover
Rachel Kelsay v L Kelaay Divorce.
JB Underwood vs Jasper Evana Fore
Hovey ft Humphrey v John Riser Fore
C E Chrisman v H C Walksr To recover
real property.
John M Moss v Georget Petty et l
J W Johnson vs W B Blachley-Foreclos-
R G M cQuiggs v C W rowell-FoiecleS'
S Rosenblatt ft Co vs Elia Johnson To
recover money.
J J Comstock v Maddck
ft Burner To
recover money.
L lUutun, vs W
j lUttian. vs W V
V Miller To disWlve
Jas W Awbrey vis John I letcliall r ore-
D H Coleman v Henry Coleman To re
cover real property.
Rebecca Fisher vs Catharine Renfrewlo
recover money.
Elias Stewart vs 0 A Spenser Fore clos
C B Knox vs
J D Matlock To recover
ChrsLauervs Jaa Harkins foreclosure.
John H Burkhart v S C Stanu et al
A Remarkable Accident,
The Lake Couuty Examiner ha the fol
lowing account of an accident which recent
ly be.'cll George Hamersley, formorly a resi
dent of Camp Creek in this county:
"On Thoma creek last Saturday George
Hamersley had bis hand badly smashed be
tween tho end of a wagen tongue and a tree.
The wagen had just been loaded and had
about 7,000 foet of logs on. Mr. Hamersley
took bold of the tongue of thewajjont)
move it a short distance down the hill to get
out of th way of another wagon which
was to be loaded. He "cramped" the wagon
to avoid ruuniog it against a stamp, and did
not notice that th tongue was pointed di
rectly towards a tree. The tongn of the
wasron struck the tree with great force aud
caught his hand, which was over the nd of
the tongue- Strange to ay, no boues were
brokeu, although the force of th blow was
so great as to dent the bark of the tree full
two inch deep. Assistance being at hand,
the wagon was pulled backward and Mr.
Hamersley released. His hand was fright
fully mashed and bruised by the blew, and
was also badly lacerated in freeing it from
between the wagon tongue and the tre.
Nesmith's 8peech.
Hon. J. W. Nesmith, delivered a rousing
peech at the Gourt House, Wednesday af-
terueon. ine rjuimiug was tu uu,
many standing unabl to ecure cats. 1.
cathingly reviewed some of the claim of
the Republican party, and exposed tne rec
ords of Garfield and Arthur. He wa fre
qnently interrupted by the applause of the
Urge audience.
Cumin Xm !. Rev S Monro Hub
bard will preach to-morrow in th Christiin
chnrch. Subject for morning, "The Chris
tian' Inheritance;" evening, "Christianity
Aggressive." Sunday School at 3 P M. All
mad welcome.
Died. Mis Eva Tederow, aged 17, for
merly a resident of this city, died at Saltin
last Saturday. The remains were brought
here and interred in the Masonio cemetery.
Lost. A Latin grammar on the fair
i .- ,.,. L t Mohawk during the fair. The
I . .... . .'i-AAV: irl
tinder will pleueUave it at thUoffic
By a dispatch we Kara that the Demo
cratio torchlight rueaaion, in Portlaud,
Thuradty uiglit, numbered over '2, MO men
in liua, tnd wa the greatest dumountrntion
that Portland ever witnessed.
Siujlaw Fair.
Sii'KLAW, Oct 23, 18S0.
Editor Giard: The Siuslaw Agricultu
Society held their second auoual fair, begin
oilif th 20th and lasting two days. Th
fallowing is a list of those who received pre
Best 3 year old stud, 1st premium, John
Simpson. Bent 2 year old filly and suckiug
colt, 1st premium, each, V F Davis.
Oxfordshire buck, 1st premium, VT
Coleman. CotawolJ, 1st premium, D n
Berkshire boar, 1st premium, Ceo .Simp
sou; 2d D II Coleman.
Silver Spangle, 1st preni, Ben Simpseu;
Cochin, 1st prem Rilla Simpson.
Potatoes ICopards, Peerless, Baltimore
Blurs and Mechanics, 1st premium each, F
M XighswandcV; Esrly Goodrich, Peach
Blow, 1st premium, G sorgo Landrith; Early
Goodrich, 2d premium, F M Kigluwauder;
Early Rose, 1st prem, P F Davis) Yellow
Kiducy, 1st prem, and Leopards 2d, D II
Coleman. Beans Piukeyo, Marrowfat,
Chillie aud Pea Iteau, 1st prem each, P F
Davis; Calico Bean, 1st prem, O A Crow;
Popcoru, 1st prcin, Ben Simpson. Pump
kins, Mammoth Tours, 1st prem, EA Jack-
sou; S'luaihus, ht prem, J A J Crow. Bevts
Sugar Beet, 1st prem, E A Jackion; Stu
dent Parsnip, 1st prem, E A Jackson.
Apples Rambo, Baldwin, Yellow Bell-
Huwcr, White Bellllower, Fall Queen, Cooks
Favorite and Wincsap, 1st premium each, F
M Nighswandcr; Ulori Mundi, 1st prem aud
Yellow lltllllowcr, W I Colemau: Golden
Russett, Yirgiuia Grecuing, Seekuofurther,
1st premium each, White Bellllower, 2d,
Geo Landrith; Pears Deanj.iws, Butter,
Wiuter Nellis, Jersey Wakefield, 1st prem
each, John Simpson; Jersey Wakefield, Win
Nellis, 2d prem, Geo Landrith. Grapes
Native California, 1st premium,' Jessie Colo
man. WHEAT.
Clawson and Oregon Club, 1st prem oach.
F M Nighswaudcr; Coleman, 1st prem, Dj II
Coleman; Defiance, 1st prem, E A Jackson;
White Velvet, 1st prem, and Clawson 2d,
John Simpson.
Hopertou, 1st prem, F M Kighswander;
Potato Oats, 1st prem, E A Jackson; Silver
Oats, 1st prem. John Simpson. Timothy
seed, 1st prem, F M Nighswaudcr.
Mat, 1st prem, Mattie Garred; hand quilt
ing, 1st and 2d prem, Mrs M Crow; machine
quilting, 1st prem, Mrs A J Nighawandvr;
dres, 1st prem, Mrs A J Nighswaudor; bead
chain, 1st prem, Mattie Garred, 2d Lydia
Simmons; knit collar, 1st prem, Josie Sin.
mons; cake, 1st prem, Bella Simpson;
canned fruit, 1st prom, Jane Simpson, 2d
Lydia Simmons; peuinanship, 1st prem, C C
Clayton, 2d W H Crow; Pastilo drawing, 1st
prem, I Simpson; buckskin, 1st prem, J II
Crow. F. M.Niuhswander,
Hakcock Club at Ckesswelu. The
Democrats f Cresswell are alive and active.
On Friday, Oot. 22d, they organized a Han
cock Club commencing with a membership
of 3j. Georgo B. Dny was elected President,
and Dr L D Scarbrough Secretary.
Pictures. Pictures.
I want everybody to know that I have
opened neat Photographio Parlors, up stairs
the new building on the corner opposito
Miss Carrio Ronkiu'a large millinery estab
lishment I will be glad to see you any
time between 10 A M and 4 P M., and will
guurautce good work in rainy weather, as
well as in clear.
Bring the babies when they are well, and
have just bad a good nap.
I will make you almost any style of pic
ture you desire at the lowest living rates.
Frank A. Rankin, Photographer.
O. K. Cigar Store.
6am Rosenblatt has returuod from San
Fraucisco, and brought with him a largo and
ell assortod stock of hue Cigars, Cigarettes,
Tobaccos, Candies, Toys, and in fact every
thing necessary to make a first class variety
store. He sell cheap for cash, at the ign
of the 0. K. Cigar Store, next door to the
Astor Uousc. Call and see him.
Prices at the F. & M. Store.
Pants from $2 50 to $3 00.
Suits from $7 50 to $25 00.
Ulsters from t7 50 to 17 00.
Reversible evercoats from $14 00 to $17 00.
Boys Suits from $4 75 to $10 00.
All goods marked in plain figures at th
F. ft M. Clothing Store.
Mrs Rcnfew's restaurant hna been rcop
ened, and is a cosy place, in the brick buil d
in lt adjoining the St Charles Hotel. A num
ber of neat lodging rooms also belong to the
bouse. Meals and lodging, 25 cents each.
Board and lodging by the week on reasonable
terms. Give her a call. No Chinese em
ployed arouad the premises.
Lessons in Painting.
Mrs. M' Lock desires to inform the citi
zens of Eugene City that she i prepared to
giv instructions in Landscape painting in
OiL Oil Tainting on Rice Paper, WaUr
color, and Crayonand Pencil drawing. Call
at her residence tint door south of Mr.
Lynch' residence and examine sample
Eueae City, Oct, 11, 1830,
Kotlre to Debtors.
All person indebted to Ben Rush f
bbjcksmiUiiug, will please call at the ollice
of G. B. Dorri and settlu thoir accounts.
ltr.N Ri'sii,
Fugeu City, Oct-, Id, IS30.
Boots, Shoes, Etc.
i T G Hendricks has just received a larce
lot of boots, allocs, slippers, overshoe, etc.,
etc., which he offer for sale. This ia th
largmt bill of this kiud of (roods that has
been brought her this season, tho cost
amounting to oyer l,000. He has every
ityle and variety on hand, and can suit all
ustoiners. Ijwltes wear a speciality. '
Pork Wanted.
W will pay the bightst market prica for
pork iu cash.
Lumber! Lumber!
J. B. Khinehart has boeti appointed airent
of the Suruij-ticld Mill Co. lie can oiler
bettor ln'irc'8 fur Lumber now than ever be
fore. All kinds of building lumber delivered
on snort notice ami ot very low Injures.
Dnn't fail to see Kliinchart More ordcriiij
i mm!
elsewhere. We propose to setl lumber, and
don't forp
A Good Ihiner.
German Svrun is the six-cinl urescrintion of
Dr. A. lioschec. a celebrated Germiin Phvnl-
cion, and isacknowlHle l to le one of the most
(ortuntte discoveries in .Mi'diciue. It quickly
euros Coe'hs, Colds and all l.untf troubles ot
the severest nature, removing, as it does, the
cawe of the affection and Ioayuik the liarts in
stre.v' nnd healthy condition. It is not an
exi'i'Vinieutal medicine, hut has stood the tost
of years, K'v'S satisfaction in every cium,
which its rapidly iiicreoMiiir sale every seawn
confirm. Two million bottles sold annually.
beware oi medicines of similar names, latelv
introduced Biwehee's German Svrun was intro-
duml in the United States in lsi8, aud is now
sold in every town and villas in the civilized
world. Three dimes will relieve any or Unary
cough. Price "5 cents. Saiuplo bottle, 10
Xo Deception I'Mcd.
It is stramin so manv leolle will continue
o suffer day aftur day with ltisiH-iwin, Liver
Complaint. CoiixCltuition. Sour Stomaeh. (ieit-
eral Debility when thev can procure at our
Min.uiis VMAl.l.hlt free of cost if it
oes not cure or relieve them. Price. 75 cts.
old by Ohburn k Co., Druggist.
I wish Everybody to Know.
Rev. (iconic J I. 'iliaver. au olil citizen of
this vicinity known to every one as a most In
fluential citizen, and ( hnxtian .Minister of the
M. E. Church just this moment stoinicd in our
store to sav. "1 wish everybody to know that
consider that both mvself airl wife owe our
ives to Shiloh's Consumptive Cure." It i;
having a tremendous sale over our counters
and is piviiijf perfect satisfaction in all cases of
L,uiijf Diseases, such asnotliini; clso has done.
liourlKin. lnd, May 15, 187M.
ira. Matchctt A Franc
Sold by Osburu i. Co.. Druggists.
To all who are iiiflVrinif from the errors ami
indiscretions f youth, nervous weakness, early
decay, loss of manhood, Ac., I will send a re-
cii and will cure yon, FREE OF ClIAKUE.
This Rreat remedy was discovered by a 'mission
ary in South America, Ssnd a sell-addressed
envelop to Hev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D,
Kew Yerk City.
Underwood Bros, are rcprtsentiiic four of
the most popular and rcliabu liisurniiee
ompar-es on this Coas; to-wit Lonnoticut
f Hartford; Now Zealand, of Aukluuil; Com
mercial Union, of London; Hambcrgk Bre
men of Hanibcrc; representing a capital of
over $-".1,000,000 gold coin. "Don't wait
till the horse is stolon before you lock the
stable door."
Picture Frames.
The largest Stock of Picture Frames in the
city just received from Chicago of all sizes
to be hail nt the I. X. L. Store.
Four Through Lines of Railroad
Are now pointing toward Oregon the
Northern Pacific, the Utah Northern, the
Wiunemucca, and one from Reno. Whon
all theso are completed, the rush of popula
tion to this Northern tcction will bo won
derful, nnd in anticipation of it, Messrs.
Hedge, Davis & Co, have enlarged their fa
cilities for the Manufacture of the Oregon
Kidney Tea, which has never beej known
to fail in curing the worst cases of backache
or any disease of the kidneys or urinary or
gans of eithot sex. Sold all over.
A Conth, Cold or More Throat
should be stopped. Neglect frequently result
In an Incurable Luna Disease or Con
TIlOCIIEMare certain lo arlve rellefln
Asthma Broncliltln, Cough, Catarrh,
Consumptive and Throat DUeaaee.
For 30 pears the Troches huve been recom
mended by physicians, and always give per
fect satisfaction. They art not new or un
tried but having been teBted by wide aud con
stunt use for nearly an entire ifeneration. they
have attained well merited rank amoiiKthe few
staple remedies of the ae. i'llblie npealc
er and Miii;;rM use them to clear and
strengthen tli Voice. .Sold at 25 cents a box
irioTHEns J raoTUKBSt
Are you disturbed at nifc'ht and broken of
yaur rest by a sick child mdtrinj and crying
with th excruciating pain of cutting teeth t If
so, go at once and get a bottle of MRS.
will relieve the jxior little sufferer immediately
depend upoa it; there is no mistake about.
There is not a mother on earth who has ever
used it, who will not tell you at once that it
will reflate the bowels, and (five rest to the
mothsr, and relief ana health t) the child, op
erating like mac. It is perfectly safe to use
in all cares, and pleotant to the taste, and is
the prescription of one of the oldest a:id best
female iphyi icians and nurses in the United
States. Sole everywhere. 25 cent a bottle.
the undersigned has Uendulv appointed
Administratrix of the estate of Matliia Melltx,
deed, by th County Court of ln cwmty, Or.
and that all persons having claim against said
estate art hereby requested t (resent th
sani to m witb'th ro)ier vouchsn attli of
no of Ttionisru ln, in Eugen City.
I hron, within sit months from this date, aud
all persons owing said estate are reueste to
call at theofhe uf Thompson & Bean and set
tle tli sums immediately.
MAR ilELLEE, A4miulstratri
tMted Oct. W, 1W0. oiutA
We have just re
ceived from New
York and
cisco 100 cases of la
test Styles of
Dry & Fancy Goods, Boots, Shoofl.
Cotuing, Hat3, Cloalis, vol
mans, and Ulsters
At ihc lolloping low Prices t
Jest Black C!ru(.Tuin Press Silk for $1 ..'ipcr
vard. recular price
Best block plain dp-ss silk 51 per yard, regular
price 1 iU
.atext styles of brocaded uilk from 75 cts. up
Special bargain in black ud colored French
t ashmen-, doulile wi lth, on to itoi pr yil.
All wool llie cloth for i0 cts per yard, regu
lar price 7.") cts.
All wool ladies cloth, double width 7'2 cts, re;;.
u ar pruo M .'..
iO pieces of Atlantic fancies and brocaded
for cts. ri'iiuliir price 3rU.
All wool suowfi.ike. new styles, llij cts Hr yd,
reirularpiliv, 'J.t cts.
Kxtra quality of 1 thick l.utcr for cts pr yd,
regular price .v cts.
,atint stylo of striiH'd domestii! (!iiij,'liam 1-J
cts per yaril, regular pi nt) -o cts,
Heavy Shiitint; for 11 cts iht yanl
Men's shirts, canton flannel, for 40 cts.
Special bargains in Elnliroiilery, Laeiw, Curtains, Etc.
Large assortments in Kkl Moves from 3 to 0 Muttons'
Large assortment in Men's nnd Hoy's Clothing.
v have tho biggest variety of Ladies Cloaks, Dolmana
and Ulsters.
Why the people
should do
ins (it I. X.L. Store:
BECAUSE wo can undersell any House in Eugene.
We place the poorest judge
as the lowest and cheapest
justice and equkilily. We -
'money to all. We carry (tie
We never overcharge anybody. A child can buy as lou, ii
our house as any experienced
1 1. L.
Special care is taken to Country
S Rosenblatt &Co
Are closing out their well known business
in Eugene City, and offer for the next 90
As o ie of the partner's will iwithdraw
from business.
ROSENBLATT 6 CO, Eu&ene City, '
tTAll who kaow themselves in debt to the above finrton
account or'Xote, will please settle by the firs- of December
San Fran
All linen, double width, Tail linen f or 15 et '
lr yanL
All linen, double width, Damask 70 eta pr H.
1.1XH) pairs t'lilldnm's Stockim,-, slriped.for U
vU ht pair.
1,000 pairs ladies all wool Host for 20 cts MT
ft) pieces of RushiiiK, fi yanls for 25 eta.
Nice striped Shawls, larve size, for lb ,
Kxtra nice silk stitched Corset for 75 oU, for
mer price 81 1!".
Kxtra niiM Conet for 50 cts, regular prlo 75
I.adie California's ('alt Shoe for $1 AO.
Misses " " IIM, an.
ilron's $1, reirular prlc II 2.V
Men's California's Kip Boot for IS, boys W
and M.
Meu's (iuitem, extra nice, for W 60, worla
fit M.
Men's Hose, A pairs for 25 et.
UK) dot lilies llreakfost rihawU for M oes,
regular price f 1.
their trad"
of Hoods on the same level
buyers- We treat all with
Give full value for tJw least
largest stock of goods. WS -