a lull vow, ft free ballot mid lair ount" Hancock to Barman, Decern tr 28, 1876. The army should have nothing to do with ;.,....... tj.-j'j " -- " iiiauKuiBvtuu aii jr residents. The people elect the President Con gresa declarea in joint session who he ist we of the array hav only to obey his mandates, and and are protected in so doing only to far as they may he lawful -Hancock to Sherman, December 28 1876. I was not in favor of the military c tion in South Carolina recently, and if , uenerai ttuger had telegraphed to me or asked for advic, I would have ad i visea mm not under any circumstance to allow himself or his troops to deter mine who were the lawful members of a State Legislature. Hancock to Sher man, December, 1876. by W have just received trora the Eastern factory, direct, a large stock of window Wee and wall paper ; among the latter are . many very pretty styles embracing Grained ranneie, Jimhossed, Uilts and Lace Pattm-ns, Satin and Common Wanks, all of which we sell cheap, and no charge for trimming paper, r. a. VVHH, Wa CheUenge tha World. When we lay we believe, we have evidence U prove that bhiloh'e Consumption Cure ia de cidedly the beet Lung Medicine made, in a much m it will cure a common Chrnnio Cough in one-half the time an! relieve Asthma, Bron ehitii, Whooping Cough, Croup, and ibow more cases nf Lonminiptien cured than all oth era. It will cure where they foil, it ii pleaaant tt take, narmieie to tlie youngest cliild and we guarantee wnai we eay. J'rloe, 10 ets., 60 ct. and f 1. If your Lungs are tore. Chut or Back lame ue bhilohs 1'nroui Planter. Sold Oiburn ft Co., Druggists. August Flowei . The immense tale and great popularity of uiucu nupi r mwer in an towns ana vil lage! in the civilized world has caused manv imitators to adopt similar names, expecting to reap a narvesi lor memseives at Ihe expense ol the allicted. 1'his Medicine waa introduced in lobe, and for the cure, of Dyspepsia, and Ltver Complaint, with their effects, such ae Bur ntomacn, i:oitlvcncM, Hick Stoniach.bick Headache, Indigestion, Palpitation of the Heart, vertigo, etc, it never ha failed to our knowledge, Ihree doses will relieve any case f Dysptpsia. Two million bottles scld last year, J'rice 75 cents. Samples 10 cents. Gbein's Atlas and Diart Aimakac, the most expensive free Almanao ever published, ent free on recipt of two cent stamp. G. G. Grken, Woodbury, N. J., U.S.A. If you will itop all you extravagant and wrong notions in doctoring yourself snd fam ilies with expensiye doctors or humbug cure alls, jthat do harm always, and use only na ture's simple remedies for all your ailments yon will be wise, well and bappy, and ei.ve great expense. The greatest remedy for this, the great, wise and good will tell y ou, is Hop Bitters rely on it. See another col umn. The most popular and fragrant Perfume of the day "HACKMETACK" try it. Sold by vejijum q, yU.( uruyyiaM, .uugene Ulty, Urgon mu s t I ! I i i H !fj for imr NtW I KICE 1.1.1 1' M.n t"IH't' l titan ever. Cuir.a.iii ili(!ripiicns of evi'iy rhns rfinli'd for vtrtonal c f imxixt (.. with over liliiu lllnairs'l ". Kami mini Cuts for lt Xiniiit will no I We Hell all ihkuIi SI whiilsit.lr u-ri in miantllli-s to mill tlx1 piir eliair. Tli only hi.'iiutimi in Ani'rlia wlis UMke IhlN HiHr nv lal liuiliinn AiMrtaL KKY WAHIAtO l r Waba.li Av.,CUkjo, Ilia MQ&- m d Eugene Guard, STOMACH & With the chills and fever, the victim nf mm., laria may still recover by using this celebra- epeciuo, wiilci) not only breaks up the moat aggravated attacks, but prevents their re currence. It ie infinitely preferable to oui- nine, not only because it does the business far more thoroughly, but also on account of its perfect wholesomeness and invigorating ac tiou on the stomach. l or sale I y all Itawriate and Dealers generally. NOTICE! To V hom if Ma Concern. I HEREBY GIVE NOTIOK THAT I AM the sole owner of the Patent flight for Sinking and lrivinv Wells in Lane county, State of Oregon, and that said ltight is pro- tauwu ujr ieiw-ni j aiem iuen Dy tne U. H, Government to Nelson W. Green, of Court land County, Htte of New York. All persons wno uth jnven tveiu, or nafl them driven without my perniisidon, since the 2Ut day ol February, 17 3. are liable to prosecution for lnintufement of said Kifc'ht and are hereby no- wneu to come forwarrt and adjust the same. All Infringements in the future will be'proe eouted. I am prepared to drive Wells or will grant permission to otners en application. B F DORRIS. PIAVING gF Is now prepared to fill all orders fo LAGER Eugene City Brewerj. MATH IAS KKLLKK. IWn BEER OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY, Come and see for yourself, A good article nevua on rrcnmrneniiatlon. . Ladles Attesmoo. Berlin Fashion Patterns at Dunn k Str ton'a kxECUToas NofuffTS" cHeiiItGM Just Received a Bonkand stationery Store. POST OFFICE BUILDING, KUUENE City. I have on hand and am constantly receiving an assortment ef the Best School an Miscellaneous Books, Stationery, Blank Bo okr Portfolios, Carls, Wallets, Blanks. Portmor etc, etc. A. S. PATTERSON. PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER 18 A PTTBELT VEGETABLE BEMIDI For IgTEBlTAL end EXTEB5AI Uie. B A Ikl Ifll I FD ass nuroM when umd fAin rVlLLLn accoruinir to vrlnUd dlru. ton iuoloslnir soob bottle, and it ptrttity tuft nm 4m tkt tmotl intrptritnotd mandt. . PAIN WIlERrCTttrSTC ItliirrhcFa, Drsenleri', Crawtiit, Cuolera, mna mil Jfwl Complainti. PAIN KILLER uownrrallcneuh illck Ilenilncbe, Pain la the lisxk or eJldot Kbeanmllun, and Nearalula. PAIN KILLER tisWTfSiAirt brinKS ipttdy and ptrmamnt rtUrf la all cues of Bruises, 4'ntst Hpralns, Sevcro Burns, eta BAIU IfllltB tbs well-tried snd Irunled f Alfl KILLMf I'rlend of the ftlerlmulc, armor, I'lnnier, olior,tna in lacisuciuiscs wsntiuir a medirlne hIwaj-h at html, and fft to mn Injerpally or extaraollr with certainty tW No fiml'r can afford to be without this In. valuable remedv la tb honie. It price brniKs 11 within the rcn of all, and It will aunuaujr sava tamnf times Its emit In doctors' bills. Sold ir ! A'Uf dan tl SHo. tflc ind St boltU. "tKRY DAVIS & SON.Provldonoo.R.L Proprietors. THE wsssss THE BEST 8H0K3 EVER BROUGHT to this market, at the lowest prices' t. a. hedr5cks GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. Is a never failing Cure for Nervous Debility, Exhausted Vitality, Seminal Weakness Spermatorrhoea Lost MAMIIIOOlHtn potency, Paralysis.and all the t rrible eifecta of 8elf-Abuse, youth ful follies, and excesses in maturer Tear such asi,uMul iieuiury,Liiuiiiituae, .Nocturnal bmis sfon, Aversion to Society, Dimness of Vision, Noises in the Head; the vital fluid passing un observed in the urine, and many other diseases that lead to insanity and deatn. DR. MINT1E will agree to forfeit Five Hundred Dollars for a ease of this kind the VITAL RESTORATIVE (under his special advice and treatment) will not cure, or for any thing impure or inji.rious found in it. DR. MIN I IE treats all Private Diseases success fully without nurci ry. Consultation Free. Thorough examination and advice, including am.lysia of urine. met 01 VITAL KtsTOK ative, 3 a bottle, or four times the quantity, $10; lent to any address upon receipt of price, orC.O. D., sucure from observation, and in private name if desired, by A. E. JIl.VMfc, I. U. 11 Koarnoy Stroet. San Francisco, Cel. DR. MINSK'S KIDNEY REMEDY, NEPHRETICUM, cures all kinds of Kidney and Bladder Cfm plaints, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Leucorrhoeo. For sale by all druggists; $1 a bottle, six bottles for $5. DH. MINTIE'S D ANDELION PILLS are the host and cheapest DYSPEPSIA and BIL IOUS cure in the market. For sale bv all druggists. Hodge, Davis A Co., Portland, wholesale nOTntii for above ri'meilios. f281v liiiiii mi&imMm1mmmimtimmi-iif j -1 THE BEST OF ALL URIHENTS FOR 1IAIT OS BEAST. When a mellclno line Infallibly dow ns work In millions of cuscs for mnrn i nun a mud or n century; when it huh r'e-hi'i fvovv part of llio world; when nnmlioiless families evonrwlii in cin- nilerr timmiiy hiiIo lellauco In easo of l-ini i r iicciiioni, H ii pretty sule to call icii n ioi'iiiciiiu THE BEST OF ITS KIND. This li the cnao will! (ho Meilnon MuKtmis; I.lnltiiniit. Kvi IV liuill hi loirliillll(,'i'ncoof n a?iini!o'inrse urd, I ho ttony i.r mi nrul vcnlil (,r I mil eulxluoil, 1 ho 1 1 rr .- ol riirii miiM ui oviiicoii'O. itn I i.i'n lliniimmii. ?i end oho (ilhor I) ctRii.i nn I i . . J I'urlunnod by llm ohl lollniilo Mrxj .lltuM Wiulm 9 I.lnlii.' nt 1, I Ii il'llTOI f 'Ml! HUM l un&..,li: . . . .. I 1... i I... "i "J - " ' 'I ixOUMfl Ul'tl MEXICAN ', Wi'slnne; I Inlinm t. V It I n, .on ii ti II.II.V'I 'i liisun. lo I lie very lion , IihiiIsIiIiik 3 kiiiI iiinnn ilisoun wlili a miii- Hi if , j iinvo'-1 ui. it i . a iniiiilcme nuwlni dv . I e. i . . , . , .ii i'vmij , iiiioi uiu iioiuiaco, woo mien iiDMiihnnii. nml It MUSTANG n iiiurl lllnry plnlne. I S. ' fnhitnt ' I c, iiii'l ilie V.OIHIU.IU. r n.io n)iliisLi Im . i w l!l llll II so. ' Rl M i"irt4 Kiifiniiuilsni whim nil nlhxr on 'I a. i.h luil. i i.inliii'iul of the Cathartic Pills Combine the choicest cathartic principle in meaicine, in proportions accurately ad justed to secure activity, certainty, and uniformity of effect. They are the result of years of careful study and practical ex periment, and are the most effectual rem edy yet discovered for diseases, caused by derangement of the stomach, liver, and bowels, which require prompt and effectual treatment. Aveh's Pi lis are specially ap- Slicable to this class of diseases. They act Irectly on the digestive and assimilative processes, and restore regular healthy ac tion. Their extensive use by physicians in their practice, ami by all civilized nations, is one of the many proofs of their value as a safe, sure, and perfectly reliable purgative ' medicine. Being compounded of the con centrated virtues of purely vegetable sub stances, they are positively free from calo mel, or any injurious properties, and can be administered to children with perfect safety. Avrn's Pills are an effectual cure for Constlpntion or C'osliveneKs, Indiges tion, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Foul Slomucu and Breath, Dizziness, H end tic lie, Loss of Memory, Numbness, Biliousness, Jaundice, Itlieiimatlsni, Kruptlons and Sklu Diseases, Dropsy, Tumors, Worms, Neuralgia, Colic, (irlpcs. Diarrhoea. Dysontrry, Gout, l'llcs. Disorders of the Liver, and all other diseases resulting from a disordered state of the digestive apparatus. As a Dinner Pill they have no equal. Vbib rntln in their action, these Tills nr thi most thorough and ueurcliiug cathar tic th:it ran bo employed, and never give pnn lt'il 'si tbo bowels ftrejfntliuiied, and then th)i inM'ience 1s healing. They stimu late t!io a ipeti'e nml ditrcKtive nrtuns: they operate to pnrifv and enrlrh the blood, and imnnrt renewed health and vigor to the whole system. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer C; Co., Practical nnl An!ylienl Chemlnts, Lowe I, va?s. SOLD BV ALL DH'-U JIHTS. IVt T.T WUIRS. I IF- 1 taK- . tor si ncy n as a sWieit- Ia Dorrls' Brick Building. biAUutaiH Groceries and Provisions, Will keep on hand a general assortment of Groceries, Provisions, Cured Meat, Tobacco, Cigars, Candies, Candles, tioaps. Notions. Urssn and Dried Fruits, Wood and Willow War Crockery, Eta Business will be conducted on a CASK BASIS. Which means that Low Prices are Established Goodi delivered without (barge lo Buret ALL KINDS OF PROT'JCb VVAMEC br which 1 will pay the ijfhest pricsraarket A. LYNCH HTHELIMLD'S OOMPOUND Fluid Ez act TRAOB MARK R4 K S1Hrif I mADB MARKThe Great lull h'emci unfailingc emitml ness.Sperij rhe a, Imp and ftll (I that foil seuutnee BEFORE TAKIKli.Abuw; af RAFTER TAKIHB .Idiiiui',, Universal Jifialtude, l ain in t.Jif ilack, D mnesi of Viiiii, Preinature old ajre, nd rnan otlior disa4s that lead to Ins:tnity r conmi ption anl aJpemature grave "Fui partioul.irs inour pamphlet, which 'e desire to Bend free by mail to every ore. eThe I pecific Medicfne is sold by all dru- ists at i 1 per packiiKe, orsix packages for SB, ir will hi sent free by mail on receipt of the Honey b' addressing j HE (xliAY MIDCI.VE CO., Xo. ( Menhanics' llloik, De'roit. Mich. ajrSob1 in Kusene City and everywhere in he I'ni'ed States and Canada, by ull whole rle and retail drugisti. GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. eradicates All Local Skin Diseases; Permanently Beautifies the Complexion, Prevents and Reme dies Rheumatism and Govt, Heals Sores and Injuries OF THr Cl'TICLK, AND is a Reliable Disinfectant. This popular and inexpensive remedy accomplishes the same kesi'LIS as costly Sulphur Baths, since it per. MANEN'ILY Kl.MOVES ERUPTIONS and Ikritations of the Skin. Complexional Blemishes are al ways obviated by its use, and it renders the cuticle wondrouily lair and smooth. Sores, Sprains, Bruises, Scalds, Burns, and Cuts arc speedily healed by it, and it prevents and remedies Gout and Rheumatism. 1 r removes Dandruff, strengthens the roots of the Hair, and preserves its youthful color. As a Disinfectant of ( lothiuj; and Linen used in the sick room, mid ns a Protection against Cuvr.:ious Diseases it is iinequaled. Phiiicians emphatically endorse iL Pr'wer-25 and 50 Cents per Cake; per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and $1.20. X.T1. Seotby Mail, Prepaid, on receipt of price, and 5 cent evtra (ur each Cake, "HILL'S HUB AND WHISKED. DTK, Black or Brown, 30 Cent, y CLCrittcntea. Prop'r, 1 Sixth Av. 1. 1. OPIUI Bsasn3aiBagJWIti.llil'LluffljiA,Jl.l.'Jgl Ihe Pnrcstsnd iteit aedlelneersr niadn.' A fombln-.tlon ef Hojw, Bnolin, ffi-p.-'illiy i '.a .111 MAN I LINIMENT cures nicli aiiuieiils lilivuinut Inm. RTIlliiri, MHri J0I1U1, onii-ai ti ,1 ftlimrlva, llnrni nml 'nlil, tut, lliul.M ana Mpmliia, l-ol.iouoin lllir until Illicit, FHiDlin,, l..iin , lil Hoick, I iiirn. 1 nl'iiu.i lilt Unlim. ho m Mniilra. n,.nl U. u.t. anil luiirfil cvry form of lulerunl din. en ir. H Is tlio erentrst remedv for the dis order, nml hit I lo ii tx lo Tvhicli Ihe IliitllK C'ltKViun i.r i nihjuct lUat bus uivr been known. It cure fNpralns, Mtvlnny, StlfT Jnlnta, I'uamlrr, flnriimt Mores, llnof 1M r lava, I wot Itul, airrtxv IVniui. Ncal, Hollow Horn, Sirralches, Hind IIU, liavlii, I'arry, IIIii-Iioh, 01,1 Slnrrs, l-i.Il i: II. 1 llm upon flu Miilit anil iiny ollur oiliurut iThlth llio orrupuiils ' the aitbln nml Mark tartl nr llnldt. A liremv flvo cent lioltlti in exlran Mui'ima; J.lnlineut bus oilen h A a niimn:i) limio. a lilo on crui, u . n S- jvnin hi loiiiirn. IiIi..i.iii,..i.i ii ... Ii i very root ol tliu mutter, peuetmilng eitm ilia bone. It ciiios everybody, and dlnppolnt no one. It has been In steady umi lor mora than tweuty.flvo years, aud Is positively THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS 702 MAN 03 BEAST. IT .. Uvsiirupen :c. of all clhor lL.ters tiries ikr irm,J i st l.l"d I'urncr, Llvrr I.tnla.0r, and Lite No iiyarn or ill knl'h nn rusnlMr Ion erfirt w!lL'rIIiiui'.'.f.rm um-A t.r.rr. I!--. "i are thc.r 0.1. r.iioui7 ' r"Ma T4tj lra DiuLl ml l w la (lis tai una laaraa To all yhfo e-rSoya::.i caxlrrwnbrltyf the b'l.vcl, 1 r xu-:.vrf rn irj, or wlio ivjula an A;pctiicr, T m!e r ml mi..l auiaubnt, Uuo BilUua iiro liiviU-jiio 1rUSautl.1t uiicallue, Homattr rhtt four frrliii-s or t;:qptnns an. wlrti ,t i..?-.ia r a-la'.nt 11. lion Huttn. ton'twaitunlilyitiai'Ohl.k.butir ycu only frol 1 .ijy, B 1, ,11. ji: I'.macoBoa, itmav Mivojrourlu'o. liUiaavedliuiiina; r.,vn n ji iy rx'd ror 0 cue ther will not, enre or nt., 1)3,". u.i..rn.rl: ty .i-f V."iluiter.bttt LISA .Ulfl II - 'III .1 A f-i 1 . 1: I- ... . Kfm'imhiT, rnr.'l-nlvniTiln.rlrein.ivl iIfwv. ul.-j:n.'"il .i!'3i''.i- it.i.lLrt S!. ,M..n., t 'lirr.W'a t'Vlcr.J pud l',.. ".,i no iwik4t or i -y ih,.ul J Ljw.:uut uluL tat. anna fct day, P-rni; Hor Oodob CpkIs I!ip niwetMi. w At Cli.Mrna, TptVo-atttiUnKten, Urn aai! Ddnevtataaa. nwlo,e Cm uli Ly ktnoi-ptiuu. Ak dVujUjuit. A L Chan aVilat , . IrZu Ymm tartom. " "yH'sJsS". Ila f'.lw V.l ,. C, liaakMtw.H.T. EUOENE GUARD . Xj. Humnfimv 4vfsaal "JTOTICKIS Hfc'KKHY GIVEN To THI 1? . . r.nawoi a. 1 ttumpl Ureclltora iff aaiH Hmua.1 .11 l - "1 ' wurm It may concern, that the nndiriin4 h.. duly appointed eiecutors of tbs will and eaUU of said A. L. Humphrey, deoraaed, by an or der of tbs county omirt of the Stat of Or rrn, for the omiLty of Lane, mtAt by J. J, Walton, Judge off aid mart, dated the 11th day of June, A. D. 18W0. And all persons bar kLg claims affainirt said etat are henb7 requirad to preaent them, with tba proper vouchers within six months from the date of this aotios to the anderaurned. at tk ornot of D. M. Ria 0"n in the ritv of Eugene, ia said omintr, Dated this 19th day nf June. A. D. , lA. I. M. RlHiXlY SUZA HUMJPHHEY, i Ayer's Hair Vigor, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS .NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. It Ii a most agreeable dressing, which is at ence harmless and effectual, for pre- ervin. the hair. It restores, with the gloss nd freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, and red hair, to a rich brown, or deep blark, as may be desired. By its use thin hair is thickened, and baldness often tliough not always cured. It checks falling c( tie hair Immediately, and causes a new goth in all cases where the glands are rot decayed; while to brashy, weak, or dherwlse diseased hair, it imparts vitality fid strength, and renders It pliable. The Vigor cleanses the scalp, cures and jrventa the formation of dandruff; and, by Its cooling, stimulating, and soothing properties, it heals most If not all of the humors and diseases peculiar to the scalp, ONLY 0X1T 2 f,o f EU YEAK. tIP Work lo Order. JNSUKE gainst L.o.ti.1 bj Fire IN THE Liverpool t London & Globe INSURANCE COMPANY. Chas. Lsusr, Ag't. PHARMAEUTl A Specific Reem y i DISEASES BddlaR nb Hip For Debility, Loss of Memory, IndisBai to Lxertion oJ business, Shortness ef raltkla Iroubled with Thoughts of Disease.. Dtsaaai Vision, Pain in the back, Chest, and JiaaT Kush of Hlood to the Head. Pals CaitarsST and Dry Skin. If thes symptonis are allewed togosa, im frequently Epiletic FiU and ConstiraBtieii fal low. v hen the constitution becomts aflessW it requires the aid of an invigoratin -tdkins to strengthenj and tout up the sv rteo . which . KcIml)oI(rs Buobn DOES IN EVERY CASE T nu, ; f.,r ..hi- IV;, .. ,, f, I8HH. Vll'M Hi . y lll.ilptA uji.iii up. hlli-minti. Ciir'nlui flfsi-rlpllonii of ipf- lll II ' ITII l'f, .'ur , . IHThfi'iiil 11 I:iinllf with mrr 1 00 Illnstrailim. v :ii aonila ac whcilaa'e pi iPH In qiisiilll c In mt the InllTll.iM'i Thfl'iiilv IlistllllTliiii In Allimra Wlm ill .Ko ili' i,..ir ,wl:i liiisiiiss. AnUaa il ii -iii) M ab.ii.li Ava., Lliicano, III. 13 UNEQUALED P.yany remedy known. It is prasfrfWd the most eminent physicians all over tht wsrl Rhnmatism. Spermatorrhoea Neuralgia, Wervcusuess, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Aches! aad Fa fa General Debility, liiansy uisfia? cs, Liver Complaint, Wervcue Tobility, Epiiepsy, Head Tr.uble, Paralysig. Geneifll Tl .ffMlrfc Spinal Diseases, ociatica, Deafness, Decline, Lumbago, Catarrh, Nervous Complain Female Complaints, tit. headache. Pain In V qi, u v Dizziness, Sou; Stomach. K..i.L. ?.. "For t!n!tlr fpeHj. tit, Cx..mZirtat pfcf pit, tioa aud low trtrin, rulj OH Hup KlUiv. " "Knh, of, rwure tnd u. U 'P l.utis, yviw.u c f t:o!itf hitlij AiiU Lii'py." "iAdJ do iflto uw Hop WhUUsi, "The rmttrvt tl r. iwauu X 1 m.it l:v r it Cui LARGE Assortment OF KILL HEADS, LETTKU HEADS STATEMENTS, All kinds of CARD and BOOK Pajfrs Etc., wr are preparetl do Joh York at wry LOVRatpt Land for Kale Cheap. We have several eond stock rviohes which will be sold nn very reasonable terms.' Also ona f,d grain and stock farm, containing: 1 322 aeree, with larj;e hnuse and bam; eicel llent orchard, out houses, etc.. all under feoca. Trica f,.r farm. 1,2.500. one thin Ii aeping it coul, clean, and soft, under down and balanea in yearly installment f which condi'Jons diseases of the. arln anil For particulars call on or address E. A. J 1 hair are linDcssible. Ki!s or E. D. jupsins, EugeusCity, On I , V 1fm? - i Aba Dreasinir for tAdiaa' TTafr i 1110 v luun is incompaxauie, 11 is Color less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will Dot (oil white cambric. It imparts an agreeable aud lasting perfume, and as aa article for the toilet it la economical and unsurpassed In its excellence. Vera, tUilui, B..:ilr trm anil l...!" mvd up luUaiauavJ." ' Tlnn Btttn fun. flr il to aolirvt j ai.l tKAllh,rrr!t-ctam i.a ( mm uiicnipeiaurc" "Snir atomacii, ahk bftMtarlts and Cue bvm U011 BltterscuKm wi a low ijoaaa" ErLd lor E paovjintt, Ww-"-fiije'.r a L.a lot; l'..j L.. I " 1 ''U. nut euro or ile-i WtTi tnlHl nn, L'wti.iihirna ai a tu roriHnuml Imulimim acta" "El'b-r ac4 Crt- b roLiiMr of 1 '1 j 1 ; 1 i iifi' !' A caitOlvuiiltu.' 1 For re n Cr""(i 'i till- pr -HI-i. t. , j autitau. a&k uiJ -uu. i T. fie? Trn trr .'Liar a, I.lr ur 1 1 iwli- .11. li turtrlrr 1 i.l e'l,-. Cu" 1 ' a "VT'iiaa P.I.C lii alanines and irirobtiUr ere f.. rf.. i-..... .... ..uuiiiuv-, 1:, ci or cni"n,iuuaoctiaal n it!! .W. anM hm (Tla,TirUTa HopC:tt: ,i:ir irii;- lu. t rrcnitr 'pnY ITI-T'lRTr, HKXPRlCKSBRAXKi S ' Mill. t'..r wl-milr hr Eugene City Foundry A5t MACHINE SHOP, Crouch- ty- Jiroicn, Prop's. THIS PAPER TteoZ&StSdl airruaiiia nomau ( 10 Konim St. L 1 auauaou U auUo lor It i t iwnpap nprriar VOIil TOOT AD SIIOEM-CAUFi 1 nu Hand and mvhmn mmA n ta onoea. A new lot direct fnm faetnrr S. 11. FKIKN'DLV AY I ti-S3 OOODS-iSW STYLES mJ low ftkm J Oat iwMvarl hw S. F RIIVPU nxTiaxa it Dr. J. C. IM & CO., LowsD, to TtoetJcavl aad AautlytKal Chamista. OLD BT ALL ERUMJITi HKJIT Wltfjr- E ARK NOV FKKPAKED TO EX- ecilte all kins ni maehina mnrlr build and to repair all lin.la of tnarhin. Castings of al." kinds furekhtd sn ohort notic of imn, Drass, neu metal, etc We also manufacture to order, steam engines, water wheels, saw mills, flour snills. ttc Lite given to partiea wanlii.tr rich work. c-kouch r.r.owN. CJ AN JUAN 1.I.M fr sale h 1 T. O. HSXPFICX?. awe in tneiuouth. palpitation of th It! sand other painful symptoms, ars'the affsariaKa of Dyspepsia. ' Hlmbold Euchu Imlgorates (he stomach. And stimulates the torpid Liver, Bowels, ass) Kidneys to healthy action, in sleaasiag tka blood of ,11 impurities, ,d imputi,t n7m Hla and vigor t the whole system. .A single trial will he quits caffictent to m. vince the most hesiuting of its valoabl n dial qualities. PRICE $1PER BOTTLI Or Six Bottles for $5. Delivered to any address free fr.sj ak lion. 'Patienta" m V. t.u the same attention as by iagby aaswsriaf the following questions: 1. Give your aame and noat-affiea aJoraaa. county and SUte, aad y.ur aeartst trta ottice : " 2. Your aifsssd sex? 3. Occupatios) 4. Married or tingle ? 5. Height, weight aew ssd ia healtk f 6. How long have yew been sick f 7. our coupKxion, color of hair and aysa fiV JQU Mopi. if erect gait f . delate without r....L . .11 V.w about your case. Eelos. ( Hllar a M sulution fee. Your letlsr will tbra ee.iT our attention, and w. will gir. 70a ht a tura of your dittas id sur caadid pialsa concerning a cure. Co a j.i. it j I j iriaaf atttrsd U torttty dents. All tt .l.u k. - " a I isensatoiy, 1211 TUUH Street, ?kilad4 phia, i'a. I.T. IIZ.MIJOLD, Druggist and Cheaial. Pbilailelphia, '. ' S2LD EVmTWBbKi