One Hundred Dollar JHe. P A. Jones, member of the Canmlia rocontly returned to In 18 h me Benton, OuUrio, from the ilnd of Cypru eii.l the Holy i-and. His visit there was for the purpose of uring queen bees from those conn ries His apiary iu Bet'ton ix ' very aud h hus otlu'rs in the United !t7tes Utf haii Blli0 tiibliiUtt. ttn .niarv'in Ltrnlca, Cyprus, which is now 'charge of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benton. Writing from Palestine to a friend iu city, Mr, Jones said of his journey: St have been delighted with with my , I through these parts ou account of finding a very superior raco of bees , race I fuel sanguine, when tested, will nrove a boon to America; and ns I am the first to import them, I hope to get "ugh to America to get the race estab lished there in purity. There appears to b but one race of bees in the Holy Tand but they vary in color and in some other' respects, and on this account I have procured some from almost every cart. Those I obtained in the valley of Sharon, Jerusalem, and all about the hills of Judoa, also east to Jordan aud the Bed Hea, were sent ou mules, cam els and asses to Jaffa, thence by steamer to the apiary at Larnica. Thoo I got on Mount Lebanon, in Herman, Damascus, and in fact in all the northern part of Syria wore taken to the coast and hipped st Bey rout for Larnica. Just noi (April 15) I am getting a supply from northeast of Damascus, near Pal myra, and they seem very fine. I have also received a number of bees for Prof. Cook, of Lansing, Michigan, for oxanii ination undor the microscope. I have itli me a stock of small vials filled with alcohol, into each of which I place a few bees. These excite the curiosity of the natives, and they watch my ovory move ment. The dangers of travelling are yery Kroat as I am forced to go to dis tant points, quite out of the ordinary routes, to carry out my object. If my losses are not too heavy, I will surprise tho liee-keepors of America with this uew rice of bees. I find it less difficult to secure bees here than it would be in or dinary seasons, as the crops were a failure iu Palestine and Syria last year, and starvation makes some more willing to soil their bees than they otherwise would be. If I ever got out safo from these tribos I will have no desire to return, even should I find a superior raco in some other locality. I will hire the native in stead to come to mo, and let them run the risk of having fine beos for me to se lect from, and pay them such sums as will induce them to perform the work. Iu fact, it will be quito impossible to ever do more than to get a few stocks to breed from, as the cost is so great. In some instances each bee could not be got and laid down safely in America for loss thau 8100. All I have will surely avemgo that sum." Mr. Jones brought with bim 200 hives. He placed thein on exhibition in London before his departure for this country. They wore visited by the Baroness Bur-dett-Coutts, Sir John Lubbock, Mr. Terry, of tho British museum, and John Hunter, of tho Times. Upon arriving in New York, Mr. Jones said: ' Notwithstanding, I have gone to tho antipodes for my pets, I cannot safely venture any opinion on them yet. I am the first man in the country who has selected Cyprian and Holy Land bees in their native ubode. and comparatively little is kuown of them. The queens are strong, hearty bets, able to go long distances, ajd maintain their own against a supe rior force. All that I may say farther would bo only conjecture. It will tako time to test tho superiority of their breed as honey producers over that of the Italian or Ligurian queens." Mr. A. H. K. Blood, of Massachusetts, was tho first beekeeper that introduced Cyprian queens into tho hives of this country. His were received threo years ago from some friend traveling in tho Holy Land. There were few in number. Beekeepers who inspected them believed that thoy promised much. Next year a Fort Plain beekeeper introduced the Cyprians into his apiary, and they pro duced such results as to cause a sensa tion among beekeepers and to load to the trip of Mr. Jones. The Cyprian queen is lively and of a very light yellow color under its body. This ofUm approaches a straw color. She is ferocious when attacked, and resistit vehemently. Her workers are niucu more hardy than either the Italian or the black bees. It is said that in Cypress she will live for six years. The Italian queen's existence is confined to threo or four years. Her other points are yet to bo tested. Her dronos also are superior to the orlinory Italian drones. Besidos the Italian queen, the little hlack, large brown and gray queen bees are natives of this country, and have thrived ever since they were brought out by the Pilgrim fnthers. A good queen will lay 3000 eggs in a day. Queens are hatched in fourteen days, workers in si out twenty-one days, and drones in about twenty-four days. Among tho successful beekeepers of this country are General Fitz John Porter, who has his apiary in Mor ristown, Col. Landreth, and S. L. M. Barlow, Esq., of Glen Cove. There are apiaries on the tops of large buih'ings in this city, and in the yards of many sub urban residences. Bees find many feed ins in tin vicinitv. There are o many rare trees, plants and fiowers cultivated liere, that tue lioney gmuereu is rich in color and sweetness. Ttoa flw hinh in flip ritV. It IS neCOSS- ry for them to pass over the tops oi tall houses and escape injury from the thousands passing along the streets. Yet they often drop to the sidewalk and add to uieir store trom syrup, mum.-'-, ihitii. n.1 AtliAp o.-offt inhfct.anr.0S. The yield of honey this year will not be so large as it cue been in lormer years, iu California, which is a large honey pro- dnrintr onnntr-v th ornil this Vear will not be one-half as large as the crop of I3i8. The yield Irom counties in una Kuu h mnrli mallfr than during former rears. The bumblebee stores her honey in the ground, and beekeepers get at it only with difficulty. When it is collected it brings fancy prices. The Baroness Burdett-Coutu, who is president of the British beekeepers' association, has written to a merchant in New York for information as to the man- nf mm.i tnrinff honev in this country. The Prince of Walea Laa an spiary. Baa Water ai Cause or Disease. A correspondent of the Scientific Xeivt says: "It is not strange that doctors and old women believe that fevers are pro duced by drinking what is supposed to unwholesome water. Any absurdity will be generally behoved whenever it has been preached enough. And the bad water tueory lias been preacued from generation to generation to generation. porliaps from Adam s time dowu to uute. "Doctors Irequeutly exsmine water wita a inieroscopo and see small 'danger ous' animals iu the water, and report the fact with the bad cases of sickness thus produced to .medical journals, who innocer.tiv publish it all, and without considering the fact ttint, with the same instrument, they can see as many animals in any and all water that healthy people drink. "Now, the facts are, that any persou mar drink their fill out of any stagnant pool of swamp water with tadpoles, aninialcuhc, lizardsj and all, without re ceiving any injury therefrom, simply because the stomacn lias a way oi dis posing of the animals: but the lungs have not. Henco, persons should cease to breath while drinking. The lungs may inhale more than they can expoll. "The water was no worse wnue an Memphis was haviug the yellow fever than at any other time, and had nothing to do with producing the fever. While tho prairies of Illinois wore being broken, the people had more fevers per acre than iu any other country, simply because there was more vegetation per acre rolled under to rot and poison the atmosphere; and, during the prevalence of fevers ;in llhnois, Uie water was no moro dangerous than now. "The are no fevers or aguo in any country where the soil is generally poor, no matter what can De seen in uie water. "I believed the bad-water theory until I commenced to run a pump factory, which gave mo an opportunity to know what people had in their wolls. I did not need the microscope to see the slippery remains of dead toads, snakes, poisoned rats, skunks and woodchucks. Some people nad a won ami privy in mo back yard, some respectablo distance opart on the top of the ground, but they were practically all one thing in the same strata of erravel at the bottom. I expected to see the people get sick (as they should) from using sucn water; out never knew of a case of the kind, which shows that peoplo may live healthy on pure air and horribly bad water." The Dkum Major. His feet roso aud T..11 nitli tliB reffulnritr of nuartz- crushers; his bearskiu was as towering and fluffy as a cat's tail in spring time. His gauntleted left nand was giueu to his hip, and his gauntleted right hand to his staff, sawing right and left for dear life. Then he reached the second line of review and prepared to salute. First' li rnUn.l tlm stuff shoulder hieli and wobbled it four times liko tho walking beam of an engine, luen lie reversed it and gave one gilderfluko to the right and two flab dabs to the left, twirled tho knob seven times, flung the stall twenty ieet in nir nnil mndn a motion as if he were going to turn a triplo somerset before it came down again, instead oi mis, now Avur lip rfinirli t, it deftlv. tucked it un der his right arm, shot out his lest hori zontally, crooked his elbow aud laid tue l, t l,ia lion.l nn liia hriiw. And llO did all this with such skill, rapidity and ii i 1 1 s pride that the small boy cneu: o, looker him, Jimmy! My eye! don't he look like a biled lobster nor nothin'!" Chicago Tribune. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Portland, September 14, 1880. Ioeal tenders in Portland, buying, par, and selling at par. Silver coin in Portland bansa quote at I per cent, discount to par. - . , . T 1. . i (.(ii ii exenunge on new iur, i j-t uem. jjiu- nimm. , . Com exchange ou San lraucisco, par to i per cent, premium. Telegraphic trausiers on .cw iont, i k.twjih. premium. Horn 1'rodiire Market. Thn fnllnwini? Quotations represent the whole- tale rates from producers or first hands: . ' I ... .... ot 1 1 FLOUK Uuotalile in jouuing low ui: ominiuiu brut us, fa uunest counirv uiuuus, u 43 75. superfine. .:! TbUuii 50. WOOL HOfu.271 for choice. WHEAT liood to choice, $1 30. HAY Timothy baled, buying at $16(S $18 per ton. POT AT1 )ES Quotable at 45fu,10e per 100 Ihs.aB to description ana quality. MIDDLIXOS-Jobliins at fWd,$20ft$25) fine t r,f i-ni 'A Inn. BRAN Jobbing at per ton, $1S(,$16. ill K LuiH tyr liuahcl 4'JU(L-15 cU. BACON-Sides, 13Jc; bams, Oregon S C 12 13Jcj rastern, 14di.l5c; shoulders, 9(10c. LAUD In kegs, 10(a,U'i i in tins, 12fai 121c. BUTTEK We quoU) cnoice uairy hi aiu..;, good tresn rou, zuio,.ic; miuw( iu flic, whether brine or roll. DRIED ERUlTS Apples, sun dried, 9al0c; machine dried, 12cJ l'ears, machine dried, llal 'c. Plums, machine dried, l!0c. EGGS Mo per di POl'LTKY Hem and roosters, $4 .Wa5. Tur kevs 1 Ka20c per pound. Gcw, $8a per doz. CHEESE Oregon, 12Jal5c; California, 16c. HOGS Dressed, 5ic ; on foot, 3 Ja4e. BEEF Live weight, H to lie for good to choice. SHEEP Live weight, Mo2c. r LLOW yuotaule at noajc. U I UbS Quotable at 14al6ic for all over 1 lbs, one-third off lor under that, alao one-third otl for tulls; green KjgSc. Ucncral MerehailJ. RICE Market quoted at China, 5Ja6J ; Sand wicn isianu, iim j. COFFEE Costa Kica, 17ol8c; Java, 2.ra:ee; D. ir.ii7 TEAS We quote Japan in laqucred boxes 50a 7.ic ; pijier, Jija'i- SUGARS Sandwich Island, 9jaI0c; Golden C, in bills, 10c; hf hbls, 9jt; ( rushe.1 bbk lUc, bf bbls, 12c; Pulverized bbls, 12c, hf bbla. 13Jc: (iranulated bb I, lljc, hf bbls 12Je. PRDINES Qr bnxee, $1 75; hf doxm, $2 75. YEAST PliWDKR Uonnel J, $1 "0 gross; Doolcy, $20a22 gross; Preston 4 Merrill, $J4 f1 rross. WINES White, per do in case, $3 50o4; per gnl,70ctn$l 50; Sonoma, per doi in cases, $.1 50 to $5; per fL 0c " 60 Claret California r ga , $1 to $1 25; im ported per go I, f 1 M to $2. 3herrr-Ca!a per gal, 1 50 to 2 50; Span-ich,'$-1 tolrt ; aswrtrd brands, $12 to IS; imported per gal, $2 So to $7. Port Various bmnds in qrcsks, $2 40 to 5; fl 40 to f2 ; imiorted, $.1 to $7 6PIRHS 'itieold lieunrr Brand in qr ris and octaves, $a 50 to $7 5 per gal ; Dun Tiile'slrreb bisky in eases per dm, $12; James Stewart k Col Scotch Whisk; in qr cks and octaves, $4 ; Henoesay Hraiidy in ease, per dot, very fine 1 star $16, 2 star, $IT 40.3tur$19; llnllaad Gin, large csts, $18 to tA; Old Tom Gin incas,$12; Kye Whisky, per ral, $2 A to $.' : Bourbon, per gal, ti Jo to $ ; A Culler, $3 Z5 to $3 40 ; ) K Cutter, $4 40 to $-i OILS Ordinary brands ol coal, 30c, high grades;, - ' ' raw 1idH, ; purelard.$Ul 10; castor, $1 6tl eo; turpentine, o65e. jTrees aud Health. EveryUy know that trees luko tho carhuljo ncid thrown out in tho Ircutb oi noil und tiniinuls, fiuiute it into foiipoueni parts carton ttnd oxygen vo butli tho latter to bo used over again ami work up tho lonner into wood unil li uit. It i iilfOi-ominsi to l jjonerally uiiuoi'Kluoiliimi 'ottt ifivn ilo nn portHiil ecr-'no in proiiiptin rain tails, und in helping to retain tlic burfuco wabf for oprings, sircuius and gcnerul ige. It is also known that certain species, planicd in malarial locali ties, help to tmder the latter healthy by somehow tJing up the deadly mi- UBI1UI. It would t.ow appear that trees growing near drains carry otV tho sewerage wnier, A gentleman whose cess drain was constructed just like his neighbors', and in tho same kind of soil, has found it unnecessary to clean it out, while tho others had to be pleanod out frequently. An examination allowed that three largo trees, whoso roots had pene trated into tho vicinity of his second or waste, cess-pool, were clearly tho channels through which the vasto fill nninnnil ' H 1 1 vuv i'vt Whetner it was changed into planLtbod, as is likely, or was exhaled through the leaves, in cither case it was disposed of with equal safety. How to stop a ninn from talking Cut his said off. , t Entirely Kemveie'l Nkw YokkI'itv, Juue 17, Hi79. H II. 11'urner it Co.: Uewtleiaen I heiehy certify that my wife hm. txien u.linf Warner's tial'e Klilnev Hnil Liver Outs nir I nxhl's llaeaae anil he Is now enfln lv revreil. When all physlclin's ieined:i'a failed nh tnitueed to try your remeily, ami received benetlmul re nulli Troiii the tlmt Imiile. Alter taking four bottle h. wan eutlrelv cuf il. Yours truly. RQUK't J FITZOERALD. Renslblo rauadlau. Mr. Gai1boln,or Bnckvlie,t'mmda, after be ing cured by the uoe of Warner's Hate 1'llls aud Wafe Bltti-r of a prosttatliu malarial alaeaae oiiiitrHcted in Texta, write u: "I nhall never travel in that o'lioaro without you' Safe I'llla anil Safe T imo as part of mvoutOt." r Iu ni'thlna; any purrimt orln writ Intln reiou lo auy adverllavinentla Hilt impir you will teir mention the nHine f I he pnr F. E. BEACH & CO. Hucciwaora to .Coggins & Beach, UKAI.EH3 IN FJELIHTS, Oils and Glass, DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS. 103 Front Street, Portland, Or. ael A NSW TKEATMEfT for ronnilliiptloii. Asthma, llronrtillU, nyaprpala, (alnrrh, lleadiithe, Uilrllty, KhrnnintUm, .erl)jl, mim all CU-uuiv aud Nervous Disorders, it la ttikeu BY INHALATION, And acts directly upon the creHt nervoiuard orattiile center". ano t'nres by a Natural fro cess of Itevltillzattoii. HUNT fIHOl-2. A treatise on Compound Oxvcen, Rlvloir Ibe IIIWHIIJ'OI IUI.UCW HI I.MII ' BU ......p - oid nf most remarkHhle cures. Wrlt fortt. AUltreSK IIHN Pi .Mln.r.l, jiwiim 1111 O rnnl s reet. Hlil.sdelplila. I'a., or H. B. M A'l'HKWH, 8J Muiit imery mreet, Han cim, Cat., from whom cn bo procured both lufonnHtlou and a'ipplles. aeliiil i4 S3 THE OREGON NEWSPAPER PUBLISHING Company Is now piepared to furnluli ukIJi'S, Ouifclilen and Hup V emenla on theshortesi no Ice. A'llres W 1). rtitmrr Uox (9. Portland. Or. EZ IS mS&L'l MWritt&M ThomDSon, DeHart & Co. iMPOKTtaa or HARDWARE. IRON and STEEL 1 LAlbSnilll TOOLS, IIAHU tVOOI) LU3IOKlt WAGON MATERIAL. COAL (Cumberl nd. Ublh and bomeslie ) Portland, Ore ron. Ifsatslsrltai AraltlT. Solid Facts. louthrMmif. Juimert-uH, anl often f.nt.1 tliHeane, CATARRH. Xine-tenth" of Mo pwi k of thp North NYi'St ate Mtlt' ritiir iniro or ieh firtm this baneful niitUcy. ItelliK of eeinf- uioiih oripin, iii-'ee (oiiatUutninMl, it liiaiiKi'MfUiiMii are a In 1'iiiin as the rainbow U in color, (.'atakkh is a scrofulous allVctiuit of the mueoiiH membrane which lines t.nt only the tlnoat and nasal ptuisttgeH but also all the Interior eavitlea-braln. eye", ears, st.miache, liver, lung, intestines, kidney, bladder, an.t ;he entire euliole of the body, and In its iliirerent stae i known as iir.Mii), dky or t anckroi'8 CaTAUKH. At rtrat it usually afleet me tnroai ana nitriis, tiie impuritU"or which tire swallowed into the stomach or iulialed into the lunu, thus poiaonint; the digestive, respiratory and geitito-uri-nary organs, and causing Deatness, l)ys nepoia.l'onstlpHtion, (.'hronie I)iarihua, ltroiicblte, liftieori luea and ji'oiiNUiun tlon. which latter is verv often only I'aTARKH of the Li xos, Hence itlsev Ident that auy retuetly to be, etlectual iu persHatiently curing "thin diat'HSH inunt posse the allerntive propertied nceea miry to eliminate from the blood the the scrofulous virus which is the prima ry cause of the malady, as well as to cleanse and heal the affected membrane. DR. JAMES KECK'S Sure Cure for Catarrh Possesses tiiesequaiitles In a pre-einiuent degree, having tint cured himself, aud for the last 12 years used theSt'KKCl HE in his practice' as a physician with the most gratifying an I uuvarying tiuivtss. We tio not ask you to believe our un supported KiiteinenU nor will we pub lish the certificates of unknown persons residing in the Kant or at a great distance, but on the eonlrary we respectfully re fer those atllieted with Catarrh to the following HOME TESTIMONY. .1. M. STiiOWBllIUUK, Etq., Capitalist, rornaun. ur. J08. HUCHTKL, Efq.. Hheriff Multlioinali county, Portland. Or. KKV. Ai-ONZO T. JON KS, Salem, Or. JOS. 1UVIS. Km .Teiiino W. T C. H. WHKELi-K, Eq , Merchaut. Kast Portland. C. H. HAVLIN. Rsi) , KiiKlncer, CarHbops, ai I'ortiana. W. H. ciiMMIN(H. Km.. Peoria Or. We Have hundreila ol le-'lmoiilala from the moKt respectablo cltlaetia of Ongon and Wash ington, bitlonly refe' to 'be iiHitim of a leiv well-kui'Wn and prominent inillvliluaN. STAkkyour uraitKlel lor Iff. JltlKN HkCK'N ( I k Kl t' I lt II, Hiid see that hU slguature la on tlia wrapper of eucli pacicsge PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE, r Ms Hot Ilea for 93. A liberal dlKcnuiit to driiKiflsta. H. nd onlers to lK. J H e UM'K ') So. I.tlt Flrat Nlreel, Furllnutl Or. or to HODGE DAVIS & CO. Wholesale Aen(s. I'OHTI.AWr . H J. C Carson. Manufaotufer aud dealer in all kinds ot Sash, Doors, Blinds, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, Eto. KANOXKD rilsldllKI I.I'M BKK Couslantly ou hand. 'Importer o Paints, Oils, Glass, Brushes. AND A FULL LINE OK IAINTI3RsV MATKKfAliS. Orders from the country wl I receive prompt and oareful attention. salksiioom: pactory: III trout (street. At Weliller'a Mill au9 roKri.AXIi. sH'ssi. wra' Mnfm IMIla are an Immedinto stimulus fora'l'oriild hivnr, and mm dative nes, Dyspermla, Biliousness, Ulllous Dlnrrlima. tlalurla, Fever and Aue. and are nwful at times In nearly all Diseases to caaso a free and reculnr aeilon of the llnwcla. The best antl dole fur all Malarial Poiaon, Price, 'Etc. a box. Waracrtll!ervlne(inlcl!lr rives TUwt anil tiliep lo tliesulTerina.ciuea lleattttcheanil N'..uruliri. PrfWIlUl KnllenLlo Fits, snit Is the H best remeily for Nervous Woatratlon brought On 11V eXCemilVII UIIIIKIIIB, Wr,'Wl iiir.i.n. shm ks and oilier cunses. It rslleves the I'sins of all I)m!uu-s. and Is never Injurious to the system. The best of all Nervines. Hollies of WD .17.-71, HIUn, WW. and H.UU. Warner'i Wafe Remedies are old by Dro(rs;lat and Dealers la jnedlelDe every, where. O.WABNEB&CQ, Proprietors, Boekeater, N. T. SMrflend fi.r Pamphlet apd 'JsaUBiooiala. IIOUMI, II A Vl s CO.. Atresia. Portland. Or lie Great English Remedy i J I. .. iw. .rar.fnlllnV I lir f..r Nervous Debility Khu.UJ Vlta'l y K..riilliHl Weakness, Herinatorrhea, Lisas A SillO'.ls lai po tency, Paralysis and all t' e terrible effect of Heir Abuse, youth fill follies, and eiceo aee lo maimer ye r auch as Loss of Mem orv.IIIU'le. Noctiir- r!? .. f n 4iiiitv. Iilmnesa o Vts'cn, N'olwa In the head, the vital fluid pawing unobserved In the urine, and many ut he -die e. f ht lead to lnanlly aud death 1)11. ITIK al l aree lo forfeit Klre llnasr.4 Dollars lor a ease of this kind the 1 1 1 l. hi sssa I a. (under his special treatment) will Dot cere, or anytl nr impure or liijnnoos found lo It H. sJsiTI. irealsall ITI vat Diseases u eefn ly without mercory. e)eallalla Kree Trorouirli eiamlnailon and advlr. In e utloraily.i of urine, Vi 0. Frle of llal Keat ral e. 1 ISI per lioitle, i.r lour limes thequ'iitii f'f iW); ent Ur any adddress n n-ee-pt a" price, or C. O. IK. secure from ot. servaiho. d In private name If desired, by A. K. MISTIt;, M. D. II Heany traaelsea, al. II H. SlITII'S KIII5IKT WEaTEBt. aPKRI rr si. turn all kinds of Kidney end B aAlei Conipl.l-yU. Ouorrho, Uleet, ieunurri av F'K ie by all tlruff isu; It M bv tie; all xt' e lor IS UO. . . DM. MIM It.' Da.UOr l.lO PILL are b hetl wd rbeapest 11 IPKMI A anil HlbiMLnexe l'i ibe ua-keL for sale by all Hrti.ll. . llussu. I1 fO. rarUaad. r. vtavieaal aaeata. snarllll 3h CD 03 0 CO 2 Juat Itecelved. Ibe best lat of HARDWOOD LUMBER AND HICKORY AXLES i -.v.t tHIVrtxl MBIalzIS BROS. & OO. 126 First Street and 127 Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. . THE Largest Dry Goods House OF THE NORTH-WEST COAST. GOODS AT MEW WHOLESALE Wine Inr Price Mm. Dayton, Hall THE TRADE Solicited. Wholesale TIIK OBJECT of this Institution is to in Hie prnctifBl, t-vervday HHUim of loss pot, nnil in liM tlmo, iliftti any other .. '. . ... ' . , , KimliHlt Hranclit's will receive snunui . - . ... pppiinite hIikIv ifdi'siri'tl, in t'ltlier (lay or MKTIIODH, 'ri'fiil attention, ami entire Will Work. Iiltll V AKMHtl'Ill CtlllHllintiy in M VARNISHES. WE HAVKJt"T RrCKIVKD BY BAIL from .Ne York, Ibe followlnf llnti of Varnlsbes: NO. 1 COACH. NO. 1 FURNITURE. NO. 1 COPAL. EX. HEAVY DAM AR. BROWN JAPAN. BLACK ASPHALTUM. SHELLACK. We ere preps, d to furnish lb above Vara Ishes ID t.arrel or eo lols at ss low prices as bare ever bn offered lo Portland lor same auailtyof fwls. Thesa Varotsbesare fmra ibe wsll known maoufsetory of William Tildsn. Special Indiicementi Offered to Ptlnten. JT. 12. I1KACII tVOO. (SoeeasMri to C. B.) 103, Front Street, Pertlnjad. Orders from riTOiU i a . i .. a a. I f!-4i0 ' VI 1 "fa T- m I S l ba I i 3 5'- p a f ' m 5' sr n r IHf) - Rvf ? s o H : a o sf w ' I ST -U a H I " x O kit I V Z p 0 I" 5 ! w r a". 90 '.J ! 2s: Z Jill M In this. MnrUet. YORK PRICES. AND RETAIL. HI k I.LIN HKOt. . A Iiambcrson. Portland, MmltBmd Oregon. Hardware. 7 Impart it quality of know ccltfe tlmt must be lift', Hllonling nneru uhiho lvatioaiion ui chiinu tor of rti linol can ollur. .i t, ....... I..u ,u, nltr.x. 1,1 nnv aitoinmii. i nvnw iumim m-.i ...... .1 VT . . ms I' . i . ,Iiasu r Ii VV pvenini; e snin. nr. x. . ..r n, .... aatialVti'm irnariinteeilto aimtiuiotUH no IIIII'IIII.UIITI- III i.huii-w l"'l'i""- GAFtFltLD vs JAN60GL T. C. W. B. S. IT IS KXI'Kf'TKI) THAT AtX PATRIOTIH rl'lrein will huve an iipimrtuulty innrtuosa Irotti H'vcrnl uoinlemulliliites fur President In the a,'irusuliltiK contest, but lu tlie ri'alm ul TllV)YK CM)!. WATEH BI.K AOIUN't HOAP sUmls sltine, peorless, uunvalleil auj unap priiHohuiile. lis iihuih has become, a bouse hull) w nl. Its virtues hare flown on the wltms nf the wind. Its remarkable, sueeess lias stlm iiluttnl m 1.K1110.N or tuac larr.Ti irts. uf whlob HI.WAUK and nun.'liHe. noun llistdnas ool bear the Imprint of tl.e ktamdakd CoaP IXi , wlio nmniifi o ure ih most exmiiHlvs as-orimeulof Kamllv, I.HUinlrv Hil l Toilet Moups mailo Iu the llinieil tiaies. If your d nicer urUrumrlst Ooes but keep our Rmnla, order dlrnetly Ironi the STANDARD SOAP CO. ao 1 Hin ritinento Mt.. K. al . . L.hl 1'lM.l.nn l.fMvri. MH LINFCHTH, RICE A CO. Cis Af3'4 ( fulls Caut. 101 Htrket ft.. Cu frucfaot ' J. B. KNAPP, Commission Merchant AND PURCHASING AGENT. ' A II tJooda on Commission. WOOL, ORAIX. DAIRT rilODUOTl AXD rRUITH A BPKVIALTY. Afenl fur I'arroll'i Talent Doubletree. 247 First Street, bet. Main St Madison I'OKTLArTD. OkEOOX, jyW SPORTSMEN'S EMPORIUM. WM. BECK & SON Importers and liealers In Sharp's, Remington'!, Ballard's, Burgess', Kennedy L Winchester Repeating Rifles. Cs t'i, llenitnKlnn's, Parker's. eU Y , Moore's and t'labrauVi's ' BREECH-LOADINO SHOTGtmS. HAZARD'S SPORTING GUNPOWDER Be" In 'be wntUU. Put Bp Hi VJ, la andiSaics. keiie. Oun W.'ds. hueils, v and rartnlesaf all liiads at Rcaaeed Prlcaa. r ;aT. i Base Bella, Pn Bu-. iv .4 i 'um Velonl Mdee.Aren-ri'. Ijh 1 -. r't I" Tackle ofs. T (l.erl'h 11 ni. lque'liv Car. Fro a I m Alaer at.ea, I'srUsas. WW 13 1