The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 03, 1880, Image 7

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..bittorcoUday; the street of
innw hnnmuitr, everooato.1,
cro imcame tliow w
ilL'the penetrating wiud
tf-usly .tmosphere, in the merry
i.ffiweenth. death of th.
lln.lina tUc frosty verier
af1 botwe
u.. , City WW never in gayer
lJB1 1 nn ami down, and across the
ufff i ,o the tinkling music of -silver-.iihw"i
,. i w Iihtidv lauchtcr.
tong?u Ul t0 ti1B 0,,eu road and
tfhe hurry' "turmoil of the
tefi'socold without it was warm
1 in the elegant room wnere we
n0Ug ;ttinir-mv cousin Althea, her
-' "r Mrs. 'Irene Chester, and I.
f -main Althea was not young pisi
Tcon9in aii , u..stha lu08t
T n act; but she was the most
iful woman I ever saw, ana as bub
i,n larce crimson damask chair by
tlD-. dreamily looking out at the
jpasWby. I thought
lurnc" r eliarnnnf.
I had
A mm so eliarnnnp'ly ana
i," Her lustrous black
r ear olivo complexion and glossy
'Il'ih of purple-black hair were so per
uana "M i . . nn i- i know
fectlT P . . .i -.i nnrl linr voice
pcnwi iu - ---
! 1, muf anil linr vniflft
j .mile were as sweet and winning as
S'Sm was graceful and her face
matchlessly beautiful.
Howard Tremaiue loved her as fow
a ...... ti.nir wivos: and Althea. as
rtbody knew, idolized her handsome
ha S "inrrow. the nature of which I
Snot for my life divine. I had seen
As shadow more umu um-o, uu. wlc
7 " i wnll kei)t out of view, and
w for the sad, anxious, restless look
.kt often of luto crept into Althea's
1st, lonlfnl eyes, I'd not have thought
Snow could exist in her luxurious
home, much less fix itself permanently
ffe wero going to the opera in the
evening Mr. Chester was to attend ns
in the absence of Howard, who had gone
WV two or three hours before with
tluM or four friends, who had, very
much to his wife's regret, called for him
toKcompanythemona little half-hour
or so sleigh-ride out on tho Blooming
dale road.
Agthe short winter afternoon wore on,
Althea grow every moment more and
nore uneasy; hor faith in that "littlo
halMiour or so," never having boon very
strong, died utterly, before the sun's last
eokl, golden rays faded in the west; and
then Mrs. Chester rang for lights, and
cuelesslv remarked that it was time to
dress, she was noticeably ill at ease and
would do nothing but walk to and fro
between the window and the warm, rosy
,wu in tli at nervous. liHtenincr. ex-
Ipeetant 'way which is so painfully sug
gestive of secret dread and anxiety too
deep and wretcued ior woras.
Whatever Howard Tremaino touchod
turned to gold and all that money could
bnj his wife possessed. Her wardrobe,
jewels, house and carriage were among
the most superb in New York, yet her
closet evidently had its skeloton, and to
night, more than ever before, it seemed
to rattle its dry bones in our very ears,
and make itself folt and sooni in every
nook and corner of the millionaire's
inmptuous homo, in spite of all Althea
could do to keep tho unpleasant thing
ont of sight.
For the twelfth timo she walked to the
window, and, with a half -suppressed
niffh on lmr lins. stood watchincr the
sleighs Ay past so long that Mrs. Chester
lost patience, ana exclaimed, ratucr
"XnnsmisA. Altlinn.! Whv is it that
you always will bo worrying about How
ard.' lie is not a oaoy ana no aouui is
quite cnimblo of finding his way home
alone, as most men are. Mr. Tremaiue
knows that wo aro going to tho opera
this evening and will be sure to drop in
before tho end of tho first act, you may
depend. And wo must dress, if we wish
to near the opening air in laust, wuicu
I certainly do, however it may bo with
Mrs. Chester w as one of thoso positive
ckaracters who immediately act upon
that they say, and in less than an hour
te were on our way to the opera.
The house when wn entered was liter
ally packed with a most brilliant and
to move like ono in a dream and took
not tho slightest notice of anybody or
anything around her.
1 0011 1 1 1 tint mnlrn it nnt nt nil ftnd
hardly dared to look at her for very
lynipathy. Her magnificent dress of
fiolet velvet and creamy old lace became
her perfectly, and never did a queen
carry herself more royally, or seem
more unconscious of her beauty and
Diumouds a fortune's worth of thera
-flashed on her arms, neck and bosom,
nd gleamed liko drops of liquid light
aid the rich abundance of her dusky
, uut sue was noi nappy.
There was much too heavy a sorrow
lying nnrestfully at her heart for that
Jw much of nameless dread and anxiety
, "allow of enjoyment of any sort.
At the end of the second act a gentle
, !"n made his way to our box, and asked,
! the usual conventional way, after tho
, nstomary greetings were gone through
ith, hew we liked the music.
Mr. Chester, who had been comforta
bly dozing in his chair the wholo time,
declared he was never more charmed an
innocent fabrication which none cared to
"And where did you leave Mr. Tre
fcaine?" inquired Mrs. Chester, in some
rprise. -He was with you, I think,
"Yes, and I left him with the others at
wmonico'g. I don't care for that sort
of thing, you know," lowering his voice,
glancing furtively at Mrs. Trecaine.
It makes one feel so confoundedly
retched the next day."
Althea was a well schooled woman of
" world, and full and unflinchingly she
&et his meaning glance.
I can't say just how the evening pasa
d. I only know I was intensely glad
hen it was all over with, and we were
tome again.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester went at once to
ir apartment, but lingered a moment
a tie parlor with Althea, who seemed in
whnrryto go to her room, though it
w Uta and the house as still as death.
Ulv ' 3e not PPear inclined to
I kisied her, said good night, and
eit up to my chamber, leaving her
alone there, like another Ariadne, sad,
broken-hearted, in the midst oi princely
spltmdorand nntold wealth.
I had barely left tho room before the
iinglo of bells and the clatter of tlying
hoofs in tho almost silent street arrested
my footsteps.
A sleigh dashed passed and stopped at
tho door, as if driven by a whirlwind.
The night was intensely cold, bnt the
tirod horses wero ainoking, and tlu ir
quivering flanks whito with foam and
J.ut caring to see more, I dropped tho
curtain and turned to look at Althea.
She stood like a statue in the middle of
tho room, ono hand pressed hard against
her breast, and the other holding close
about her the rich white opera cloak she
still wore, with its soft, snowy fringes
and swan's down trimmings shimmering
in the faint, uncertain firelight like a
silken cloud, for ono dim gas jet was
burning in the doserted parlor when we
entered it, and even this Althea hail turn
ed down so low that it was no more than
a glimpse of light.
Unsteady stops sounded on the stairs,
thon came the sound of a muillod fall,
and something like a half-muttered oath,
mingled with the low cry of uncontrolla
blo anguish that burst involuntarily from
Althea's pale lips.
"I knew how it would be," she moan
ed. "I know how those nnfceling crea
tures he calls his friends would bring
him home."
And swiftly and noiselessly as a spirit,
unmindful of her elegant toilet, and the
strangely beautiful picture she made,
Althea hurried to the assistauce of her
helplessly intoxicated husband.
It was not the first time she had waitod
his coming in a pale agony of fear and
dread, not tho first timo she had heard
that dull, soul sickening fall, not tho
first timo she had glided down the great
oaken staircase to find her husband
hnndsouie Harry Tremaino lying prone
on the floor, a sight to stir tho pity of
the boldest heart, and cause the very an
gels in heaven to weep.
I could have cried aloud in my unut
terable surprise and grief, and on my
knees have begged him for God's sake to
desist from further breaking the heart of
the wifo who loved him so dearly oyo,
so dearly 1
I saw her through a rush of blinding
tears help him somehow to regain his
feet, and even in his pitiable weakness
ho looked like a fallen god; the noble
head, clear-cut features, tho something
indescribable, that Btatnped him a man of
wealth and intellectual force, was still
apparent, though so completely had the
man been gotten the bettor of by the de
mon that lurks in the wine-cup.
And she Althea tho look in her eyes
I'll never forsrot to my dying day. She
did not say a word ; a kind of dumb de
spair seemed to settle upon ner counio
tennnce a despair that paled her cheek
to the hue of ashos, and chilled the very
life blood in her veins.
I had seen enough, heaven knows, of
Althea's hidden sorrow, and stole away
to my room, wishing I could bcliove the
whole miserable scene but a troubled
dream, that would vanish with the com
ing of the morrow's sun,
Howard did not make his appearanco
at breakfast the next morning.
Althea explaiuod, in a tone of apology,
that Mr. Tremaino came in lato, and
"was tired."
Mrs. Chester did not guess that any
thing was wrong, and really thought
that Howard was ill taken cold the day
previous, perhaps and advised Althea
to send for the family physician.
Althea, however, did not follow her
sister's advice, but sat all day beside the
sofa where her husband lay, Buffering
miserably from the combined tortures of
headache and remorse.
Toward evening ho began to "feci
better," and good resolutions began to
shape themselves in his mind, as is often
tho case when one's head and conscience
have been for some little tiuro on the
"Althea," he said, drawing her lovely
face down to his and kissing the sweet
mouth, that trembled beneath his lips in
a way that betokened the near approach
of tears "Althea, I saw a look in your
eyes last night that I cannot quite for
get, and which I hopo never to see
in them again; nnd I promise you, here
and now, that I will never, so long as I
live, touch a drop of wine again. It's
the devil's own and never-failirlg well
spring of sin and misery, and my wife
(iod bless herl is not to have her happi
ness clouded and her heart broken by
the folly and madness that lie in a bottle
of green seal. There! do you believe
me, darling? or do you think mo incapa
pable of successfully resisting tho spark
ling temptation that has proved the
ruiu the utter and absolute ruin of
unnumbered millions, nnd blighted and
embittered tho lives of more women than
I dare to think of."
"I believe you. Howard," she sobbed;
"I must believe yon; for to do otherwise
would kill me. If there was to bo no
end nothing to look forward to but
this how could I endure to live? Oh,
if you will but keep your promise I shall
be so happy so happy, Howard."
Sho fell, sobbing, into his arms, and
through the fast-falling tears that filled
her eyes the glad smiles were coming
and going, like Biinshine through nn
April shower.
Three years have passed since that
day but Howard has never broken his
vow, and I feel quite certain now that he
never will.
A Denominational Kitten. Xot for
relation's sake can we afford to suppress
a story told by the Clinton CouranU "A
few days since this is a fact a little
fellow, anxious to find a home for a pet
kitten, w here it would stand a right good
chance of being well brought up, car
ried it to the residence of one of our
clergymen, asking bim, as he responded
to the knock, if he would like a kitten.
"Oh, I don't know," said he ; "what
kind of a kitten have you got ?' "A
Unitarian kitten, sir." "Xo, I guess not
of that sort." "A few mornings after,
the little fellow appeared at the same
door, rang the door bell, and again
found himself face to face with the rcan
of the house. The boy repeated his
offer of the juvenile feline. "But,
aren't yon the same boy that called the
other day, and isn t this the same little
Unitarian kitten yon had then?" "I
know it." the little man responded : "It's
the same kitten, bnt he's got his eyes
open now, and he's an Episcopal kitten."
It is fair to surmise that the 'opening of
it's eye'i proved the aalvation of pnaey,
and found for it an agreeable and con
genial home."
- - The Ideal and Real.
The idoul husband id a kind beurl
ed, noblo man, with tho figure of an
Apollo and the bouuty of an Adoiu,
who pays tho eatno delicate atton
tions to his wifo that ho did before
thoir troth was plighted; the real
husband is a round shouldered,
grizzly looking fellow, who buys the
second quuliiy ot" butler lor tliolablo,
.(U lim meals at u down town
icsUtUi'Mii, iiiiJ only liiiiiiiil oi s it,. a
he is married when he is obliged to
pay tho household expenses.
Tho ideal housewife is a woman
who keeps her home in tho most de
lightful order, who cooks tho most
delicious dinners and presides at tho
tea table with tho grace of a queen;
the real housowiib is a woman whose
face is red and blazed with cooking
over a hot stove, whoso voice is
sharp and earnest and who just
"sluts" things around anywhere, no
matter whero, in order to get her
work done in season for a buzz over
the back yard fence with the neigh
bors. Tho ideal newspaper man is a man
whose brain is crammed solid full of
all things classical, social und politi
cal, whose pen can reol off poetry,
scatiment and sense ' to order, and
into whoso presence we should come
with feelings of awe inspired by
overpowering genius; tho real news
paper man is a worn out fragment of
Immunity, who carries a sickly smilo
significant of hopo deferred and
financial depression, und wears a
soventy-fivo cent alpaca coat.
Tho ideal politician is a man whoso
breast is heaving full of patriotism
and whoso interest in the welfaro of
tho country is second only to his
allegiance to Divine power; tho real
politician is a man with his hands
full of wires, pulling in all directions,
from tho dram shop to the pulpit, to
worm himself into an official position
with big pay and lots of nothing
to do.
The idoal baby is a littlo fellow
with tho daintiest tinted checks, cur
liest hair, sweetest littlo "coo," und
with angel's wings just sprouting
from his shoulders ; the real baby is
a young wad of humanity with open
valves, screaming all tho time, fuzz
on his bald head like thistle down,
und as for angel's wings well, they
don't fuston them on with safety
Tho ideal clergyman is a man born
too good tor this world, with tho vir
tues of Christianity bristling all oyer
his character and shining forth liko
tho rays of tho noontide sun; tho
real . clergyman is a man who
preaches his best sermons "on an ex
change," in the hope of getting a call
with a bigger salary. New Haven
A Prosperous Firm.
It has been frequently remarked that
the leading business nion of Portland are
all young, and people from tho East are
surprised at the energy displayed. One
firm in particular, which is composed of
young men, has been attended by pros
perity until to-day they have a mammoth
establishment that would reflect great
credit upon any of tho old New England
cities, and that firm is Thompson, De
Hart & Co., dealers in Hardware, timber,
etc. Their store runs through tho block
from Front to First street and fronts on
Salmon the cntiro length. For years
their patronage has steadily increased
until it now rolls up into tho hundreds
of thousands of dollars annually and they
find themselves even with their immeuso
store crowded to unpleasantness. In or
der to give more room for the transaction
of business they have just completed a
new dock and a l'X foot square ware
house back of the National Hotel. All
tho heavy articles of machinery, iron and
timbers will bo stored therein, thereby
giving spaco for tho additional stock just
received. Farmers, will find it to their
interest to deal with this firm us they
make it a point to give completo satisfac
tion to their patrons.
KiiiRsford's Oswego Com Starch, on ac
count of its delicious purity, is the best
for children und invalids.
When ucb men wU'.e Hv. Or. Knnkln.Rcv
Ir. H rvcy. Hnif Orten, Ir. Burtlne, t'nl. John
K. MrChcanfy, K. W. N (T, Hilda uotof otliirii
fqimliy trunworlby. pfrlily over their own
uualurci to the miirTPlnun cfilcacy of War
ner'i Hiit Khlnny tud lver Cure, In thella
ennm lor which it. In recommended, It U time
to dlsml lnhla r.n '.ho mnlecl.
From lhe"OldSBliiiiiiler" Itruir Hoiinc
I'HIOAno, III., Jan. 1, I8S0.
. Warner Co., Rochrtli r, N. Y. :
Qi'Dtleniun: We lru-t onr or.ler will reach
you In Mi'n to be promptly filled. The de.
tumid tor yourHie Remedies, enperlRlly the
Hiile Kidney nd Liver Cure. Is conllouous
mid lncre;nlrK, ind our ciMomeis upeak In
the bliliet lermsotlheir value, rtevera I cen
of cures which have come under our observa
tion sre cinuleinU most remarkable.
Very truly vours,
Van bcu aalk. stevenon a co.
aria lunklDK may parrnitae orm writ
InKlarenpouwetitftaiy advertisement; In
this paper yna will please mention the
aainn of Ibe paper.
Strictly Pure Atlantic
t. T. kAYuUW a CO.' CoLOKX. 4.TC.
Wlodovf anil UHnd.
Genera) Apaej AVfcRJLL Uiied Taint- Oldeat
and beat. fcbMml
noMAM rvnu:
"I'KVII, IlOMnp."
''Ai'i'l! I. NIKON'S,
Of every description
ami quality,
Wholesale anil
t oe. r KONT AI.HEB t. I'nrllssil.
Eastern Oak, Ash and
Hickory Lumber,
Iver Received In I'ortlnuil, lor n!e by
Dealera I i Hardware. Iron aud Meel
New Warehouse and Dock.
root or Yamhill Street,
which has been built tonccnnimodalethelrln
creased business In the W. kou aud L'urrlKgo
Material hue.
Wriiu fur prices before sending to Sun Frnn
oifco or elbewbere.
milrttKt. 173 anil 175 front St.
Mi t ie I Drs.
Ntarkey A Pilen.of
Ilia, nave uciiuk
me supplies nt tluir
- sj . . -
m vvanaa- ir mat iia mm
II For Invalids. A valuable
y Remedy. Hem for free pam
phlet. AU I I I-UI ONES
Enable the deaf to hear. Mend for circulars hik!
aud terms ot trial before purchase, U they tall
you need not try any ntbi r 'plnine. Address
iffl Montgomery street, Han Krnnnltcn, Cal.
OKFim nr Mm, us linos. 4 Co,
Co,. 1
1, ltno J
lit) r IKT HT,I f KONT
Portland, ok., May
To Country Kciknt:
Ir. addition to our iininenso
We aro now doing tho lurgcst
Of unv in Oreuon. Kvt'ry mail
brill),' us orders from cvury diattict of
the Ureat Is ort Invest, nnd we receive
huiulredrt of lettem exjirfttKiiig satisfac
tion with the goodn we euml.
Write to us for Anything you Want.
We will fill your orders at the samo
price as if you" were purchuhing nt our
We will Guarantee Satisfaction.
If goods do not suit, you may return
You will find onr prices astoniahlnKlv
tinder any others you have had quoted,
and our goods
We waul your trade; we will try to de serve
it. Send for wimples aud catalogue
Grand Mammoth Dry Goods Bazaar,
Raa Ihrmiuh 300 Vert, from fit llrst
at. io 1-4 Front at.. Huriiaml. r.
Birth Marks and Wens removed without the
u.eofllie kill fx or loss of blood. Hper.lmeti
of Cancers In bottles Uishow. Foreopy of cer
tificate from leadline cllliens of cures made
years ago in Oregon, and lull particulars, ad
dress W. CiKKhN. Hslein, Oreidin,
Until Hepleinber. 1N, aud after that time at
Oaklar.d, California.
He will iwat the Oregon Htate Fair In Julr.
In()iil e or Mr. John Brooks, opposite west gste
of f air Orounus; ordrop a letter lu the Hulem
PosUifllee He expet to visit Halem event
year during Hie Hlaie Fair; also Portland lust
before or aliertbe Fair, and ran be found at
the leadlur hotels, all of which timely notice
will be given In this snd other leadlnr papers.
No pay required anlll en re Is rUerlrd. His
rnuy certiilcal s are from some of the best
men In the Hlale. and we can voucb for their
veracity. Hl certificates would fill an entire
column In fine print.
Made on Consignment ot
Chriwty Ac Wie,
Wool Commission Merchants,
(07 Front Bl, Baa Francisco,
1- Front Nt., Portland.
F. A. FRANK, Ban Franc'sci. 0, Pi FRANK, Portland.
142 and 144 Front Street, Portland, Or.
FARMN6' AND kviiLa-
Is inlli'd In Dunk IlMlier.' full mid iiunl 1 I"
Willkii.'H 11 Wader A. Mini'-:-, ,...;;.. lit . .I'll ,vli iiwliii:! Halves its, I'itla'iloWll
aud mounted Horse Powers, Out. Sulkey Wheel Itnkes, Victor Sulltoy W'li.-el lUkia, Titliu Wood
IlitvolviiiK Hake. Kagle Hay 1'riVMM. i'oor' I ami Engine, Cnor'i Ml'-PniilliiiK Knxinaa,
llmwne Sulkey l'luwi, Urowuo. Hatiir i'lows, Itluck Hawk anil Oliinwr Rock Ialutul Walking 1'lows,
Ik-fiance Wulkitiir nud llidin? Cultivator, Hufonl ltoad Scrap.-rs, ltandall's luinrovcd Holling Har
niwji, (Mli'H mid Sipuitv lliiiTows, and SUvl tloodn. Saw and Flour Mill Machinery, l'ortable
and Stntioimry Kngines, etc , etc Full and ''oiiiplote Line ' such pioda as are h'()uired by Karmera
aril Mid men, nnd at thr Market J'riit. No nwiid-liund good sold by us. Send forsjiecial
Citvulura, Catalogue and Price Lift. Addivss
Or IVIr A Jen Is. so.t' as. Ur sadksa I'rtiriara, I al.
KKanufacturcrs of Furniture
La a ssa im -
assjjs-ialstr-t sslfcyij Mmttf Jfat J J3
J INT tt 1.4 H I
I'll eel fitini last
Aid llvlB,
Front and First Sts. bet. Morrison and Yamhill.
FOR I'l-IK HARVEST OF" 18 80 ?
Knapp, Buri?21 S Co.
33 and 34 Front, and 32 and 34 First Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON.
mcaIji. in a; in t ti.rt'Kii. inri.E.nENTa. ktc.
Si ll llio Hitiii Wiignn, Hoilctw' lli'iuk-r with InijirovtMiionts for 1880, Marsh Ifnrvrster
with Si'ir-liimUT!', MiCnrtiiiek llnrvi'stcrH with SiilMiimlom, Ti-ior Sulky Kiike,
riiniiiaa Sulky Kake, Hiiil.tlo 1'iim Seinirutors mill Powers, Sirlnf Wutrons, Oliver
t'liiPoil Mi'tal flows, MdIiud I'lows, (1 tnli'u Ca I'lows. FriiHlmim Putont HurrowH,
I, I)ow Wilful llnrruwh, llromlcisi. Sei'il.'is iiii.l Culllvntorrt, (iardi'n Sootl DrillH,
MorH Hay Imh ks, (.:iuiniiioii (train Iti:iMrn, I'.ifilii! Fanniii-; Mills, Froarli llurrli
Old (Quarry Mill Sioue. Miil I'irks, I'roni' Sialln, Simitlem, llokiiii Cloth, Li'atlu'r and
KuIiImt r.elliti, S.'iil 'x, Hoes, Clutrus, Ciili-r Mills, r-Ved t'uttere, Srytlit's, Snatlis,
Craill.-s, Turks. Kind S, rafi8, (.'.mill i'.arioHH, Oriud Slouos nnd Fixtnren. TtirosliiiiK
KiiKine", l'ofitilil.' and SiaMnnaiy lMiinos, Saw Milis, Saws, Rmich Wire, Ilarbed anil
I'lain, i'tf. IJeilnn-.l I'n.'.-s on Jtnltinjj Cloth and (inst Mill Machinory, of which we
keep only the lu-t 'ti.iiy. Xo Ht'i-oud-lmnil or t'ondiminud kuihIh in stock.
II ' y.'ii "tin lludr Oilaloijue lor 1ST!), m'tid lor Supplement and Vice J.inl fur 1880.
Ask lor llie (':itultfiiH if v'.iu do not Imvo it. jiw4ml
w,mwiosww.ii;sii mmmmmwmtaMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmu
J.L J.i.Jff'WmJjatl.-Jj!Trll
I stimulus fur aTiirpIrt U ver, anil rum I'imtl vw'B ar Ilia are an ImmodlMe
n.'HS, iysii'Bla,liiiluiineas, iiuioui iran n iu,
klainrl'. Vnitif i.nri Affim. anil Sffl nf'fUl at
itlmi's in nearly all Dlsi ascs to cause a rn-e anrl
rPKiilnr artlnn of the liuweli. 1 lie iM'Ht anil
dote fur all Malarial 1'oiaou. Trice, ltc. a box.
wimm afwaif.plntntilrt(lrr1vrs TUt
ami islwp lotliesuniTlna.ciirrs llwlai-lieaiid
N.'uriilRia, I'revnits Kplli'l'llo Kits, and Is II111
bint rciiiwiy fur Norvuiis triMlrsllon brouirtit
on lr miwhsIvb drlnkliif. over-worlc. mi'niin
shui'ks ami dtliercHino. It rellsvvs the I'm us
nf nil Iii'i ascs, and Is never Injurious to tli
syMom. Tlio best of all Niirvlnrs. llnttlss nf
ami i.isj.
Warner's) Rnro
Remedies tire
nntl Iienlera In
Medicine every
Borlifater, N. V.
sHrNcnd fur Pauiiblct
and 'Jeslliuouiaia.
IIOIIWI, IAVIH k tO. Airenta.
I'ortlstid. Or
The Great English Remedy
Is a nrver-'Nllltif lire
for Nervous lability,
F.xliausleil Vltail ,
HciiiIiihI Weakusi.,
Hierii'aiirrha, I. ON I
SI A ll l. Jin,.
tonry, rantlysls. and
all It e terrible ellni-ts
of He If Abuse, youth
ful failles, ami execs
es tu maimer ya r
such as lv of Mem.
ory .lassitude, Nociur-
Kiniiui. AvHi.Miu tiHMilelr. Dimness o
Vision, Noix's in the hi-ad. Hie vital fluid
passlhK unobserved in tbe urlnft, and many
oilier di"e t hat le . to tn-anlty and death.
Ull. MITIK al l axree to forleit Five
llunilrrd Uollarsfor i-aseof ttna kind the
ltl. tu I si. (under his upecinl
advice and iretlmtnij will nut euro, or fur
anytniiiK Impure or Injur'mis found la It
lH. " . ti 1 1. Irea's l f'rlvaln Inst-asrs sun
ressfiillr with'iut n.m'.iry. .,aullnllou
Krre 'I liornnun vsni.iiiiuiloti and ndvlrv. In
rludlnK anulysls i.f urlue. t& Ui. J'rlceof Vital
Itealarntitr, :i uu pi-r Lottie, or lour times
the UntitP for Sionii; sent lo any adddresa
n rr-lptof prU'r, ur(! ti. I., secure fn.m oU
tervallou, and in private name If uesired, by
A. K. ,MI. TIK, .11. I).
II Hrsirny atceei, Naa rranelsru. al.
sl.PKK'l It I' . cures all kinds nf Kidney
and H adder ConiflNlnis, Cioiiorrbaet, Uleet,
IeuRorriiea. Kr sale by all UniKifitU; IlllUi
bonle; six bottles for I Oft.
IK. HIMTIta IU.tnril1 PILI.B
re ibe best and cheapest DYNPKPMIA aud
HlblolH cuie In tbe ma-ket. for sale by all
flulMsC. DAVIa A t o. Portlaatl. Or.
a balessls Anats. marlllf
, CSrS.SbMl.riP4lr.l'illlMMS.e srM.SkrftMS
SS. CMsKfMsU Ilium mil, ,s.sla.
ILt IrsxU tf ftct kwt, C10:Ut IV, la rrucsoa,
t s a)
Wholesale and Retal Dealers
II A N t.W I.U r UV
u 1 10 II H
'ru Manuf.i furors.
Four Miles from East Portland.
us Unit a healtliv Liver and good
hi io it are necoseary tocomplote life's
oini'ss. Do you want to enjoy life?
IVo Win. rfunder'u Orojion IUood Puri
fier. Your drngsiat keeps it.
They Purify the Blood.
They Cure Dyspepsia.
W'onoerful virtues of the Oregon Wild Or ape
hoot, the principal eomponeul of tbe IXL
Blttera. A tablrspoonfal of tbe IX L Bitter
taken immediately after (Very ateal ia a cer
laun core for Dyspepsia. .'-nlmj
mi ft I
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