The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 03, 1880, Image 5

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    have' left
There will
Hcock- CluV
. ..i Encluh Club will be organ
Hrf J? 10TH, at the ; Court
feed 5AF fl p Vf All persona who will snp
Ji.tio nominee, are cordially m
til attenJ. .
Cherries ripe-
Where are yon Roi3 cule,,rte
gt4h. of the St Ch.rlea
Hm1 mn.V P'"Pl9 fro,n hera hT W'Dt
to the fir-
Perkins' snrveying crowd
V their field of labor.
i fe blackberries are ripe.
u Urge crop thi. year.
The Synod of the Cumberland Presbytcr
u Church has adjourned.
V. G. Hutson, formerly employed on the
journal is 6 "'tbUcity.
There will be . ball at Baber's Hall, June
in, Monday evening. July 5th.
The railroad company will charge S4.75
to the State Fair and return from thi. point.
y0 understand that Mr. 11. K. Kincaid
i, expected back from Washington in a few
toy" . ,. ,
The thermometer on Sunday last indicated
degree. iu the "bade. Pretty good for
Oregon ' j
The highest price paid in CASH fur Hide
fur. Deer Skin, and Chicken, at the storeof
S, Rosenblatt Co.
Hon. John Whiteaker .poke last night at
the ratification of Hancock and English1,
nomination at Halsey.
The new officers-state and enmity-will
tke their positions on the first Monday in
July, which will be the 5th.
We understand that Mr. Horace Knox
leave, for a trip of two months duration to
Eastern Oregon, next Tuesday.
The (jCAED .hould bo reid by every citi
lea of Lane county during the President,
catniiaign. Now is a good time to subscribe.
Dr. Wm. Foley, of Foley Springs, has
tenin town thi. week. The Dr. is over
ninety years eld, and is still in good health,
but somewhat feeble.
Geo. Noland started with a drove nf 100
fcead of cattte last week, for Eastern Oregon.
Win. Scott, of CressweN, and Ceo. Smith,
Ed. Bailey and J. C Gray, of thU place, ac
companied him as drovers.
The census returns, thus far obtained,
show the population li the State to be 138.
000. 'When the full returns slnll have been
received it Uiafe to estimate the total pop
ulation of the State at over 150,000.
Ucv. S. Monroe Hubbard wilt preach next
Lwd'a day in the Christian Church, morn
ing and evening. Snbj-ctfor morning, "The
possibilities of T"aith:" evening lubicct,
"Joy versus Happiness." All made welcome.
The St. Charles Restauraut is a coRy place
Veptby Mrs. A. Renfrew in tho brick 'mild
ing adjoining the old St. Chcrles hoUd. A
number of neat lodging rooms also belong to
the house. Meali ji 1 lodging, 25 cents cadi
n 1 l,l,.;,i.liv the tik n ria6naLlc
terms. Give her a C . L
A haudso.ue paiutinz by Ed. Espcy is ex
liihited in Shannahan'. window. Eipey s
. idcnll lvinir on a standi
near it is an hour-g'.ass, a boat and the whole
shaded by ivy leave.. It is named "A Study
of Still Tife." It is unique iu design, and
xtremely clever in design.- -Portland Welcome.
Hon, John Whiteaker Serenaded on
His Return Home--Hon, C. W.
Fitch Delivers the Wel
come Speech,
On Tuesday evening, June 29.h, the many
friends of our Congressman, Johu Whitea
ker, headed by tho Eugene City Baud,
inarched to his resideuce to show him that
respect, which is justly eutitled him. The
mass of people assembled there, is an evi
dence of Oregon', appreciation of her Repre'
Upon the assembling of the people, the
band struck up its liveliest strain, and ns
usual, discoursed its sweet music to the sat
isfaction of the crowd.
Hon. C. W. Fitch, iu hi. peculiar and
happy manner, on behalf of the city, then
called for the Governor, and stepping for
ward, taking him by the hand, welcomed
him back to his Oregon home. Mr. Fitch
said that in welcoming him, he was only
carryiug out tho earnest heartfelt feelings of
Orcgouians. That the appropriations upon
appropriations, that ho had secured, would
make the children of Oregon revere the name
of Whiteaker. That with an honest pride,
might he look at his actions, and his constit
uents, would manfully defend them, and
wherever his neighbor met him, would ho
take him by the Land and sny, "Well done
thou good and faithful servant,"
While we cannot give Mr. Fitch a welcome
in full, suffice it to say, the appropriateness
of Iiih remarks fitted the occasion.
The Governor, upon being introduced by
Mr. Fitch, in a very feelii.g manner thanked
them for their appreciation, and ' fur Jieir
kindness shown him, and assured them that
the occasion was by him, never to be for
gotten. His remarks on the occasion, was
of a character to have a good and lasting
effect. He spoke to them, as hi. neighbors
aud friends, and the loud hurrahs! following
his remarks allowed he was not mistaken.
We only wish wo could do him justice, by
giving an exact report of hi. ntiswertoMr.
Fitch, as it was iu every manner appropriate.
After the speaking, all were invited to
partake of the hospitality of his house.
Ma'iy a-ailed themselves of this opportunity,
and us tiit V departed, tl.o warm liana ol
friendship giveu him, deeply impressed on
our minds, the respect in which his friend,
hold him.
Sportsmans Picnic.
The picnic giveu u.idcr the auspices of the
Sportsman club, was acknowledge by all to
be a grand success. A large crowd was in
attendance, and all seemed to he well pleased.
The programme was carried out as intended,
except the oration by Hon. C. W. Fitch,
which was necessarily postponed on accouut
of a lack of time. T e speee-i will be found
in another column, and we ask all to read
The followiug is the score of the ride
.natch between the Cre.swcll and Eugene
clubs, Eugene proviug to be c'.iainpiou's by 8
.4 4555544 5.4-45
.4 4 5 ." 3 5 4 4 4 1-42
....550 4 4 4 3 5 4 o-J.4
..3 33544444 i-M
. .4 4445 5 445 5-44
Tan Inundation. Wo have doleful ac
counts from the lower Columbia as to the
destruction caused by the great flood in the
Columbia river. Houses are filled with
water, and their occupants driven out, the
low bottom lands are submerged, and ruin
waits the owner. At Portland th. water
has already crossed First street, and still
raitiug. The water on the ground floor of
the Clarendon Hotel is over a foot deep,
aad that portion of the city is reached only
j .mall boats, aud a desolate appearance i.
presented. The damage to the business in
terest, of Portland is very great.
Greek Meets Greek. Governor Whit
eaker and M. C. George met at Ladd 4 Til
ton', bank yesterday and .hook bauds with
sennine cordiality. The honest old Gover
nor congratulated hi. successor very heartily,
and assured him that he had spoken many
kind words in his behalf at Washington,
and could faithfully assure him of a pleas
ant reception at the Capitol. This is a it
ught to be. Devotion to the best interest
of Oregon shouldever crowd out of sight
any bitterness of feeling that an excitiug
Mmn.;. n,. Iiva enm-nilereil. utanaaru.
"'l'6" ' "
T. E. Stevens .
Uooney Scott.
S. Aleck
K. Campbell..
J. Anderson. ..
The following i. the valedictory delivered
by Mr. T. C. Powell, at th doting exercises
of the graduating class:
To-day, friends, respected instructors,
schoolmates, wo have arrived at avhweof thi
Uppy period of our lives. The pleasant as
sociations must now be broken. The strug
gles, discouragements, and final triumph of
student life are now past.
People of Eugene City, whose kindncssaud
hospitality have contributed so much to
make our sojourn among you a ploasant
epoch iu our lives, to you we owe a debt of
gratitude. We are now about to bid you
adieu and pass out into the busy life work.
Not to forget you, but to cherish your mem
ory throughout the coming years of life.
Regent, of the Uuiversity, whose wisdom
benevoleuce and far seeing policy have con
tribuUd to largely to the success of this in
stitution; aud hope that you may long con
tinue in your noble work, and that when
you pass from duty to reward, you may rel
egate tie honors and responsibilities you
havo so well to others who shall iu all re
spects be worthy to discharge the duties and
to carry forward the work beguu under such
a multiplicity of difficulties, and thus far
managed with so great wisdom and foresight.
To you, honored instructors, whoso kind
ness, patience ami pureutal -oversight have
guided us along the path, of college lifo, we
are truly grateful, The name and fame of
the couuueror will perish with thslissolving
earth, but 'he monuments which mark the
work of the earnest and faithful teacher will
rise untarnished from the ashes of a burnt up
world and brightens with the lapse of end
less ages. As you have led our class along
the pleasant paths of learning so may you
lead tho many that Bhull press upon our
footsteps. Those endearing relatious which
have existed throughout so mauy years, in
which you have proven yourselves our
truest friends, must now be severed. Again
thanking you wo must bid gooi bye.
Schoolmates, who yet have some of the
duties to perform which for us are just closing
we would encourage you to press on. Let no
discouragement swerve you from your pur
pose. The student's crown awaits those who
are worthy of the laurels.
Classmates, a few years ago, from all por
tions of this young aud diversified state we
came to these halls seeking knowledge, all
strangets. To-d.iy we no forth a band of
brothers and sisters. Together we struggled
and triumphed. We have shared joy and
ssrrow, bitter and sweet. We have an inter
est in each other. Wo have formed attach
ments as endearing as lifo. Howpleasantso
ever it might bo to dwell upon these scenes
that to-day come rushing upon our memories
and however much wo might wish to lin
ger around these sacred lulls, ami gaze up
on the kind faces that have met us hero so
olten, inexorable fate urges on to the last sad
words. To day crowned with the honors
and followed by the benediction of our be
loved Alma Ai liter, we go forth to life's bat
tlo field, to be "heroes in the strife" or
cringing cowards. Which, as your represen
tative at this exciting moment, may I not, iu
your behalf, assure this large company of
deeply interested friend of this university
that we will bo true to her interests, true to
humanity, true to ourselves.
To-day wo shall p'W the parting liamt and
leave these sacred halls, those hallowed
scenes, a id return Jo onruld homes aud the
loving hearts that nwaits us there.
A ,1.1 ilnur.' for t!iu last timo upon
the narrow strait that separates college life
from the great world beyond, to tho good
people of Eugene and the Board of Regents,
1 say good bye. To you latlierj. instruc
tors, adieu. To you, esteemed companions,
u.lw. v,.t remain til ciillll) the Uohleil slaT
w.iv ot' kuowledL'i. farewell. To one and all,
in behalf of our class, I ng.iin say farewell.
Ki'tiEsn Citt, June 20, 1880.
Hon. C. IK. FUtkH i Our club regret ex
ceedingly that, owing to the length of time con
sumed oy the shooting match and picnic mo I
attendant excitement last Saturday, tint im
opportunity was on -red for y.i i to deliver the
address waieh our club had reo,iiv-i:d you to do.
Hence, I hive the Imiii.-, in bch..!l of the con
testing chilis, to aslc you for a copy of your
proposed address for publication.
Acting Pres. Lane Co. Sportsmen's Club.
Hon. J B. UNDwrvo in: In accordance with
your ropiest, I ha the honor to hand yon my
manuscript for such purjuwi... a-s you de.-tn projvr,
Very Keipectfully. O. V r'livil.
Overstocked at the
1. 1 L. STOEE;
we must and are K.und to lie told at the VKUV LOWEST price. KjWM iv' 'J
York Auctions. Hood received bv every steamship in large lots. 1 KH ha J.O JlOM.-n.
COMPETITION is the life of trade and there i so much competition that that UxxU must l
sold low to (tain trade, and owing to the facilities we will again state tliat our prices cannoi oi
...5 55444 5 54 4-4.)
.4 4444404a w
Thk Locust at Larub Great fears are
entertained that the ltgions of grasshoppers
ravaging the Walla Walla country will de
Tastate the wheat of that aectiou as soon as
hatched. Iu-
telligence of the ravages of these locusts was
communicated to members of the board f
trade last Saturday.
Publishing his Poems. Sam Simpson,
the poet, who has been rusticating upon the
rugged banks of Klamath river, was in Ash
land Ut So jdav. aocordini to the Times.
Sam it e. his way to Portland to attend the
publication of a book of poems by himself,
aad we will Touch for iU centaiuing many a
brilliant verie.
Thi Grais. The crop, in Lane county
look, splendid. An fear, of rust baa diaap
vpeared,and our farmers are now preparing
for a full barrest. A few field, of early
wheat will be cut with aelf b-.nderi next
week. The hay crop is tbe largest ever
Rot ait TAr.The Sportaman. club ha.
Average, 4" 3-5.
C. Stevenson 3 4 4 3 4 5 5 4 4 5-41
' v i 4 5 4444544 3-41
u iiii.. " 5 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 3 4-Mi
V. (olden...
L. Gay
Total J05
Average, 41.
In the glass ball shooting the following
the number of balls broken by each contest
ants. John Belshaw 10, S Reed 10, S Meek.
9, J Heddleston 9, F Bolshaw 9, E Harring
ton 8, W. Huff 8, Jap. Stevens 7, L Bclshaw
7, A Bogart 7, F Golden 7, C Hodes 7,
Boggs b M tielshaw 6, John Smith (!, Robt.
Blair 5, J O Campbell 3, John Hanson 4,
W F Jones 4, McFaland 3, H Huddleston 3.
II C Humphrey 2, Geo Kinney 2, K Howe
1, Geo Croncr 0.
The following prizes were given after
several ties were shot off, and in some cases
the toss of a half dollar was called into use
te decide:
1st prize S Reed, fine bat.
2d John Belshaw, cigar holder and case.
3F Belshaw, pocket knife.
4S Mceks, 1 sack of flour.
5 J Huddleston, bottle wine.
6 W Huff, pocket knife.
7 E Harrington, silk handkerchief.
8 F Golden, album.
9 C Hodes, can peaches.
10 J Stevens, 3 pair socks.
11 A Bogart, wah board,
l-i L Belshaw. sardines.
E Howe was awarded the milk pan for
the lowest score
Geo Croner, won the rope missing every
ball he shot at.
Tub McKknzik Road. We are informed
that during the past week that sever d wag
uns and hacks, and a number of horses, cat
tle and sheep have crossed the mouutaius
I via the McKenzie road. J he snow is melt
ing fast, and .ooii the road will be clear.
Stbawbekkim -Mr Sol Steinheiser in.
Nearly a Fire.
Saturday evening last the residence of Mr.
Joseidi G. Gray narrowly escaped being
burned. It appears that Mr. Gray's da'Jgh
ter after Hunting a lamp iu a room up stairs,
threw the match on the floor, thinking that
it was out, and went down stairs. .About
nu hour later Mrs. Gray smelling something
bnruingraii hastily to tne room and found
the bed, window curtains and lining over
lwiiit nil firiv She irave tlie alarm, when Mr,
Jas. Holt and Mr day came to the rescue
aud put the fire out. The fire bell was rung
aud the lkok and Ladder Co. turned out
quickly but after running a couple of blocks,
were informed that their service, were not
The Common Council .hould make .oine
... . . i - l.A fi-..m till
eitort to ueuer provcuv u.t vum. -
destroying element. No town iu Oregon of
its size is so unprotected, and if we wait we
will surely be caught napping, when, we will
be taxed for an engine after our town is
burned down. Three member, of the pres
ent council were elected partly on the issue
of better protection againet fire, aud we hope
that at the next meeting of the council they
will make some move toward accomplishing
that much sought tor object.
News having come directly from Foley's
Springs that 1 had but one bath tub, and
that all the cabins were crushed in, and un
inhabitable, I thought best to let the people
know, through your columns, that it is a
base falsehood, and he who laid it knows it
to be such. I did not come nere wun trie
intention of running opposition, and hereto
fore have never aaidauy thing against those
Siirins. I have seven bath rooms and tubs
I all in gd order, and the cabins are very
comfortable. 1 o oe sure me piace w ,
dilapidated when I came here, aonie two
mouths ago, but the work of five men a
greater part of the six weeks, has made
t,me change. S' -me persons ho bare been
at both plet say, "Why, your cabin, are
m,.h letter thau thoe at rolr-v t. All
1 aree iu saying thi. i much the p; asanUst
' . . I ...uni.rv anil Imwl
. . i - . ia M 1 1 UI1D tl'. , -- -
iiio-c - - - f . -
Jjr. Prctidtnt, Mcminn of the Club, Ltuiitt and
O'entttmrH : It has been my fortune, by an
order of your club, to be permitted the pleasure
of delivering your address on this occasion.
The extreme length of your programme for
the pleasures of the day necessarily reiutres
that I be cautious in tro: passing on your time
or detaining you from the exhilarating exercises
of au exciting trial of your respective skill,
which give all pleasure in witnessing, and th
victorious contestants more pride in achieving j
but well we know in this as In other trials
in life, some must lose, yet all can try a;,
The objects for which your club was formed
on the 3d day of December, 187'J, wore, and are,
in every resjiect, ciiiiuieudable. The manner
iu which it has been conducted, since then, gives
honor to its originators; and the list of is
members, composed as they nre, of our most
honorable and respousiblo citizens, makes as
surance doubly sure that it, and its sister clubs
withiu our State, have already formed a nucleus
around, and by which, its grand object will be
attained. But what is that object ! Is it simply
for sKrt? Simply for the passing of a pleasant
hour! lo simply ai range for shooting matches
and prizes? No! It is for a far higher ohject,
one among the highest, a philanthropical one,
one that Interests you, an 1 1, and every one,
and our posterity. It has interested the most
brilliant minds from the time so far into the
long distant past, that the mind of man run
neth not to the contrary. Legislation upon leg
islation on this subject is rejMirted in our law
books, that are to bo found on the shelves among
the first English law libraries. In Blackstone,
the law student's text b iok, theso questions are
thoroughly digested. In those books wo find
the wisdom of the English Parliament on this
subject Their courts carry out to its fullest
extent and most stricet letter of tho law those
statutes under the heaviest penalty; and to day,
with a rigorous hand, do they execute that law,
to attain this object. It has been under con
sideration for years by nearly every State in our
Union, and is apparent to overy sportsman that
h is given it any consideration whatever. Some
States have seen the object in its true light and
wisely enacted laws tnpiMrtiiur it j but it is al
most with a feeling of shame that we look iqion
the statute books of our own beautiful and raj).
idly-growing State, and Bee there, that for want
of proper legislation, the sportsmen are com
pelled to f ;rm clubs, scttiug forth to our law
makers in their constitution and by laws, among
many others, the following :
Art. 2. The oblects of this club are for tne
propogation and protection of fish and game, to
secure the enactment of proper gams laws, and
to enforce the same in the State of Oregon.
This club now numbers 34 and the Creswell
20 members, all representative nun, and who,
each and every one, by his sigm.ture to toat
article in thoir coustitutii n, has individually
pledged himself to use his influence to secure
the enactment of bucIi luws, uiid after their en
actment to see that they are executed. The
first law ever passed iu Oregon in relation to
this subject was in October, 18i 2, and, wuile
that was in many roipects olijectioiiaole, yet,
in October, 1874, even that was so amended as
to nraclieallv annul the whole. Is it not then a
laudable ohject in which your clubs are engaged!
Will it not have been a blessing to coming gen
erations when they shall have accomplished this Look at tho outrages pen
trated by the wanton destruction of fish and
game for want of proper laws I Think of but a
few vcars since, when the noble deer, the sport-
inif fawn, were lazily feeding on yonder hillside
or gamboling in the morning sun. Where are
thuv now! Comparative! gone. And unless
th erinbiaz hand of le' i ik tion cornea to thcii
rescue to shield them from the merciless bun
tars, who imruue them rileutle -sly, at all times
and in all seasons, regardless of sex or age, tLe
place that now knows them will know th 'in no
more, and the beautiful race will be extinct
Stoi). sportsman, and consider he slaughter,
consider the thousands upon thousands of those
creatures that are murdered annually for their
hides, which are sold for the paltry sum of W) w
70 cents, while their delicious flesh is left by th
cruel hunter to furnUh food for the wild beasts
of nrev and the vultures cf the air. At the
same time some of Oregon's fair children are
fervently praying for this suns food, th .t God
had created for them.
Siiortsmen. never cease in well doing, let in.
one effort escape you that tends to accomplisl
tliis great, phiUitbropical puriKise. 1 he same
condition of affairs exists in relation to all other
The unrighteous and wholesale slaughter
'ilesslv Eoinir on at all times, both in an
out of season, regardless of age or sex, Is render
in " our fie'ds deflate, our wools hi eo: ain
drearv. and wherj nature had provided beauty
in the eve and music to the ear these cruel am:
unnatural practices are pr, sentin? scenes of des
nlation, dearth and loneliness, like ore visiting
the city of the deal Our fish, fo- w n'. .; lad
ders and projier protection, are alsj leaving our
lieautiful streams tenantless. This, your club
has seen, and, thank to a few enterprising
meml, the Carp, the fiit in Oregon, have
len introduced into the waters of Lane County,
which, in a few years in come, under proiier
, will not oniy iiimisii ihcwhic,
Light Calicos, very beit, 10 yards for 81.
Heavy Shirting, war. to wash, 7 yds. for 31.
Heavy Oimrhai' , yd, for i'..
inch, wide i st icking, 7 yds. for 81. st stvles 1 oh ir cloth, 7 yards for 81.
Best English Si it an. 15 cents ier yard.
Late.t stvles of brocaded cloth, 22 cents ler
yard.' Sells iu Portland at 25o yard.
White corded Pique, 8 yds for 81.
Fienth Calico, 8 yds. for SI.
Heavy White Flunii'd, 20cts per yard.
I .urge sue Napkins, 75 eta per dozen.
Very Heavy Table Linen, 35 cts jier yard.
Mrne Size lowls, a lor ou cut.
,nrge size lied hpreads, M each.
Real French Corsets, for;i0i t each, worth 81.
'ery best (.'orsets, 75 cm. to S 1 '.'. each.
adies Heavy Merino rinleiVoirts, oil cts.
.11111.41 lle:ivv White Hi-, cts per pur.
adies Heavy Colored 11 ', '.' . cN per pair.
lesttl In Black Cashmere nJ cW per yard, N
price, 1.
Genuine French French CaMimeies war. all
wool, double width, 05 cts (wr yard.
Latest colors in cashmeres, and all abide in
silks, brocaded silks and satins at tlie very
lowest figure.
I Childrens (Vhred Hove, all sizes, 12J eta. ft
. pair.
I Large size Handkerchiefs, 5, 8, 10. 12J eta.
'Silk Handkerchiefs, from 25 cts. upward.
I Nice Tidies, 25 cts apiece, worth 50 eta.
Heavy Mens .Merino Undershirts, iu ci
Verv 'lwst, 50 cts.
Woolen Oveishirts, large size, 81.
1 Chiciot Shirts 40 to 50 ct.
I W hite Dress, Dress Shirts, 75 cts to 81.
I .Mens Socks from 10 cts upwards.
.'fens Heavy Kip Boots, 83 per pain
Mens Heivy Plow Buckle Shoes, 82. .
Ladies ( 'alf'Shoes, very best, SI 50.
Ladies Kid foxed scol. shoes, 81 50.
I.idi-s Ki I foxed Button, very best, 82 25;
Misses Calf, very Wt, 81 25.
Misses Kid foxed scol., very liest, 81 25;
Misses Morocco lace, 81 60.
Misses Morocco Button, 82. .
Udies white silk clinked hose, 25 cts per pal
Ladies Sumn-er Skirts, 50 cts each.
Two boxes p:ier collars for 25 cts.
Large size pii.ture frames. 20 cts upwards.
Cni'lieta and mattings at low price.
l.nvo r. iiW ..issoitiii.-nt of Clotliinir. Huts mid Ladies Lin-
n Suits, and are oIYrinr them lower than they can be bought
Profits or on Profits, Goods MUST be Mi,
M.We invite everybody, because you will do better by surely trading with us than elsewhere
et Street, near Ninth,
0R(l.KilS IN
Brandies Wines and Llquoir
In fact, wa havs the best assortment of artiole
found in
We warrant all our drugs, for they are new
Kreh. Particular attention ia culled to en?
Stock of
r- i . s
i. m
cog! IS
Ki Pm s K x
a: eta:,
Tin writ.
House Furnishing Goods Generally
Wells Driven Promptly
Satisfaction (.uarantccd.
tVIllHHH'Ue Mrort,
Eugene City, Oregon.
Perfumery aiiu Toilet Articles-
As we have bought
OUR (1001:8 FOR CASH
We can compote with any establishment In Eu
gene ('ity In pnoe ami accoiumwmwuii.
liny your (roods where you can got
the best and cheapest.
a 11 1 t el. 1.itf nf tillhi.
j. B. csiiMwoeo
Money Received oo Deposit
And ths Ss's of
Particular Attention Given to
Connreticut and New ZoaUril Insurance Companlse
Eugene Oly, " Owroll.
... n. tint he has purchased the entire
rrcr, of strawberries owned by James Hud- i assy gniund on which to pitch yoortent.
crop ot straw wmo. . j Th. er best of horse pis to re free of
dlestoo, which be will U at reuul and Th. very oes q g BkoW!.so5.
. , i . ,!.. .f i'..rt .mil com-
wlioieaaie, v yiivc "j
Eusenc City Brewery.
Is now prepared to fill all orders fo
Give him a call.
The WcEttr Oufcusias-Caii be obtain
ed for 6ve mouths for t je lost price of II
Theagit, Grant Osbara, my be foaodat
S4. Steiuheiier's sUr at any time.
Metal We have a lot of o.d
1 ... I. . .1.. mratttnrt .nil WllOlf-
Hale ,letruction of nature's ifts, that has bi-'n,
and still is, carried on l.y rwklcss and iiismleis
hunters, call for an immediate expression of
every true siortsman, to carry on the war, yea .
m n unto Afrit i, until pMI"T lw sre enactl.'
I hear your vtt. Guard well your o'.jtct. nurture
.:.k il.i'nn hn lirive Soldier '1 ;s his noWe
horse that bears him through the racing combat
to victory. ....
Manv, and other, the objects of your associa
tion to control the temper, to practioe the eye,
to increase the muscle, to steailv tae nerve to
cultivate socirtv, to dispel the gloom from the
ail faces of friends, to lie intermingled with
them, surrounded by them, see the pleasant
.mile, uiin their faces, snd in .11 r,cts so
., it. r.hiM. that all mar look back with
pride on the pleMantand joyful oens bice this, , interest
and. in the far future wnen woin . . ..
thi. wi'h an honest heart aay, God blew the
day! and like it, may w mm another.
C' and see for yourself. A i'lNjd article
needs bo recommendation.
Ladles Attention.
Itcrliu Fashion Patterns at Dunn A Ktrat
Underwood Bros, are reprtwrtiiiR four of
the mnut Donnlar and relube Insurance
Companies oa this Coast to-wit Conoeticnt j
Of Hartlorfl; Arw .eaiaua, w
Editor all unite in anling Edison
to invent style of newspaper column
that will enal.le each f parats advertiv
mercial Union, of London; Hamberg t Bre-1 Mxt the roatling
just received a oew rotary trap, and new same uses as , 0Ter w.WO.OW gold coin. "Den t wait , matter, at the top of thn column. Thero
n'kvH J?fhli U d"P of i U,t",eu Wory" ismillionainiC
coree will not be s high a. w the past, i - oric w door.
S. Itcsciiblait : St
At the old stand, Southwest corner of Eight
and Willamette streets,
Have the most complete stock of
General Merchandise
In the city, Including
Dry Goods,
, . r..e.l ! And ia fact everything the maiaet drmnKil.
Var h2S commenced in Europe! !Ana,""c wuJ.wt:r.KUiBgat
Ion W illamette Street and hav.nj bought the
uTterert of W. T. O, born in the nrm of Call..
Lon k Oshum. is pr-jared to furnish a who
v. him a call with the best quality of
am the ad
rated wnnn.
a m ill
airent for this jelcbrated wnon
.very thin? mnially kej.t in a lirst cm grcery
t reasonable rate. fT CASH or nfU tt
i ... . l v what I can Ho for you
Paid fof alt kind of farm product
delivered at our Store.
S. Rosenblatt & Co.
Thankful f- part patronag. I inviU you to
call a ;alD.
-f rh.rje.
AN JUAN UMI f'ale by
r. (;. h r.y pricks
tiase to come.