The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 22, 1880, Image 2

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I know llttlacrrt
I dam Dnlu-ll,
I Imoab ihnrt'aoi
Full woll loo wt.
Wbatalmll I do;
Tall you t
ThT' lad I'd Ilk to marry
Whom I love well,
And 1 tlilok he lovaa m Iruly
But daraa not to tl I ;
What ahnll I do,
Know you T
TVIllilmf 'Twould not I proper;
UueN "Pill Kiieai well!
And If you nuea oorrectly
Don 'I try to Ml;
. What almll I do,
Think your
By yoarypi you'v ueised the secret,
Ah walll lla well!
Aa I love you, love me truly;
Now you Dium tell.
Whatahall Ido
Wed your
'If you try, sir. you will find Low it
can bo done, said she, loftily.
"And if I don't want to try?"
"Then the other puppy must make
Jou. Here ne is, just in time. Here,
tolla. pood dog! Hi. at him, girl"
And Kittv claimed her white hands to
gether, and tried to whistle, as site bad
seen hor papa do. to the great amusement
of the gentleman.
But instead of gallantly rushing to the feeding the inn!"
il l- -Ail- 1 - t l . I . et .
And this was the spectacle which
greeted the horrified gaze of Mrs. Car
rington as she stepped ou the piazza
where her husband was reading and
lookod across the lawn to the orchard.
The tea-table was ready and she was ex
pocting Kitty,
"Morcy on me," she gasped. "Why,
Mr. Carrington, only look! There is ac
tually Kitty, with Judge Bolton's son,
rl Dunraven't Ghost Story.
A imitde.nt rurrv.
"Where is Kitty?" inquired Mrs.
Carrington, entering the room where her
two elder daughters wero employed, the
one in reading, and the other with & bit
of fancy-work.
"I really don't know, mamma," an
swered Dora, looking up from her work.
"I hod scarcely a glimpse of Kitty since
wo came to the country. Sho appears
to have tuken an al retro life, and is
never in the houso except at night."
"I saw her about two hours ago on hor
way to the orchard," remarked Cornelia.
"Bhe said she was going to fcod the pigs
and would afterward toko a lesson in
. milking."
"I wish I could find hor," remarked
Mrs. Carrington. "I am certain that
eithor Judgo Bolton or his son will call
this afternoon, and it is proper that Kit
ty should be present. She did not ap
pear on tlioir former visits."
"She will shock the Judgo by her hoy
denish manners, and as to his son, I
do not think he will particularly admiro
her. lie doesn't fancy female society,
( I've hoard, and profers his dogs and hor
ses. And wasn t he a littlo wild at col
logo, mamma?"
"A littlo too fond of what is culled fun
nothing more than that I ever hoard.
Ho is a clever young man, will bo wealthy
and is, next to his father, tho best mutch
in tho neighborhood though, as you
say, be don't apt)car to euro particularly
for ladies society. 1 fancy lio looked
attack, at the command of his mistress,
Holla frisked up to the stranger with ex
travagant demonstrations of dolight.
"Oh, he knows youP'soid Kitty, con
temptuously, "and so you didn't run."
"Vcs, Holla knows his friends. In
fact, he's my namesake an honor con
ferred npon me by the admiring partial
ity of Farmer Hawes."
"He belongs to me now, and I mean
to change his name," said Kitty, positively.
"Bray don t! ion nave no idea of how
musically it sounded across the fiold. I
fancied some wood-nymph or dryad
was calling to me. Belongs to you now,
docs ho? Happy dog!" And he stooped
and patted Holla's head.
Kitty turned sharply.
"Are you going awoy, sir, or sholj I?"
he demandod.
"Oh, I would not for the world incom
mode you! And I beg yon to remember
that I camo only because I fancied you
were calling me, having probably seen
mo passing. I saw you from the bank
above Bray excuso tho mistake, and al
low mo to wish you a good evening."
And with a courteous bow, ho disap
peared among the bushes.
Kitty stood looking indignantly after
him until ho had disappeared.
"The impudent puppy!" she mur
mured. "I never heard of such as
surance." And then a slow smilo rippled over
hor face, which sho remorselessly ekeckod
by biting tho corner of her undsr red
"Come, Holla, she called, in a sub
Mr. Carnngton chuckled.
"Well, my door, I don't see the harm
of it, if they liko it. Though whore she
could have picked him up I can't im
agine" ,
Meantime Kitty and her companion
leisurely crossed the orchard and the
"Now I'll introduce you to papa," she
said. "Only I don't know your last
"Oh, perhaps ho knows it and will in
troduce mo to yon. Meantime, call me
anything you like. ,
Ho Kitty walkod straight up to her
fathor, und putting her hand on his
shoulder, said:
'Tana, I have had an awful fright. I
was chased by a raging mad bull, and
my puppy, Holla, ran away from me,
and another, with the very same name,
saved me, so I've brought him homo with
me," nodding in an introducing manner
toward the guest.
"Eli ? " said papa, looking up ; and
catching tho expression of the two faces
before him, he fell into the humor, and
so he aroso and said, with a wave of his
hand toward tho waiting tea-table, "Very
well, my dear, we'll food him."
So Mr. Hohind Bolton sat down to the
tablo with the family, and with an utter
absenco of that unpleasant constraint
which Mrs. Carrington had remarked in
his intercourse with Miss Abbott, and,
despito her vexation at Kitty, the meal
passed off most agrocably.
Of course this was not Mr. Bolton's
last visit to tho Carringtons. Of course
there wero frequent subsequent calls,
"My soul and body, sir," says John,
the guide, "never see such luck in all
my life; most as bad as we had two5 years
ago whon we was camped away down
East by the head of Martin's river. You
remembor, sir, the night we saw tho lit
tle fire in the woods close by, whon there
was no one there to make it. 'Very curi
ous that was; can't make that out at all.
What was it, do you think?
"Perhaps ghosts making a fire, John,"
said I. .
"Yes, sir, mebbe; some of our people
believes in ghosts, sir; very foolish peo
ple, some Indians."
"Don't you, John?"
"Oh no, sir, I never seed no ghosts. I
have seen and heard some curious things,
though. I was hunting once with two
gontlemen near Hocky river you know
the place well, sir. We were all sitting
in camp; winter time, sir; protty lute,
about bed-time. The gentlemen were
drinking their grog, and we was smoking
and talking, when we heard some one
walking, ooming up to the camp. 'Hollo!'
said one of the gentlemen, 'who can this
be at this time of night?' Well, sir, we
stopped talking, and we all heard tho
man walk up to the door; My soul, sir,
we could hear his moccasins crunching
on the hard, dry snow quite plain. Ho
walkod up to the door, but did not opon
it, did not speak, did not knock. So, af
ter a littlo, one of us lookod out nobody
there; nobody there at all, sir. Next
morning there was not a track on the
snow not a track and no snow fell in
the night. Well, sir, we stayed there a
fortnight, and most every night we would
hear a man in moccasins walk up to the
door and stop; and if wo looked, there
was no one thore, and he left no tracks
m the snow. What was it, do you think,
"Don't know, John, I am sure," I said,
"unless it was some strange effect of the
wind in the trees.''
"Well, sir, I seed a curious thing once.
Arkansas William.
gave a short, sharp bark, and at tho
same moment anothor and stranger
unnnil sinnta minn Kiliv'a r Tf wnti a
rather bored whilo talking to his statoly I low, hoarse, sobbing murmur, which
duod voice, "Come, sir, and go home;
and see how you got mo into scrapes wjth ig ami rjjeH( in an 0l w,jcu he I was hunting with a gentleman from
aa' .. fulttllodhis promise of taking the very the old country, I think he was my
bho climbed tho bank into the meadow, UCHt cnre 0f Kitty; and whon, at longth, word, sir, a long time ago, mebbo thirty
the dog following witli a dejected and he asked the privilege of taking care of years or more. My soul and body,
culprit-liko mien. But suddenly he nor through life, sho did not say him sir, what a sight of moose there
Miss Abbott, clover and handsome as she
is. And thon ho must know that all tho
girls are trying to secure him, which
naturally makes him a littlo shy of
TIicho romorks were (dearly Intended
as hints to hor daughters, for Mrs. Cur
ringtou was a geuuino match-mnkor, and
had already married off two daughters
advantageously . finning tiiat the re
maining elder duughtors had failed to hor. tearimr un tho earth with hoofs and
u- i r. ..i.i v. ----
ijiuko mo uosireu impression on oiiuor
Judgo Bolton or his son, sho hml be
thought hersolf of producing Kitty, hith
erto, as the youngest and prettiest, care
fully kept in the background.
But meautimo where was Kitty?
Kitty, having filled a basket with ap
ples for tho pigs, strolled arouud tho or
chard, admiring tho trees and fruit, and
climbed a low peach troo in order to
gathor one especially fine poach for hor
father. In this position hor eye was
caught by a low line of green willows,
bordering tho. sloping meadows boyoud
tho orchard.
"It looks as though a stream was
there," she thought ; " und I do so love
water. I dare say it is lovely under those
willows. Como, Holla," calling to a
littlo half-grown terrier, "you und I will
go an exploring expedition together."
Holla, after somo coaxing, rather sul
kily obeyed. Ho was an ugly, littlo,
erookod-feg, hairy-muzzled pup, which
Kitty hod, on her arrival at tho farm,
begged the farmer for a pet. Vet, Holla.
desito all the puttings, did not take to
Lately, when Mr. Bolton was boasting
that his wife hail accepted him on their
very first intorvicw, by referring him to
papa, Kitty looked around and said:
"You wero an impudent puppy that
day, Holla, as you are still."
A True Story About Blulne.
As tho Presidential aspirants loom
up or rccedo, as tho tlrno for nomina
tions draws near, stories of cither a
and horns. complimentary or derogatory cbarac-
Holla, after a burst of obstreperous tor nuiltiul v reirnrdinir eneh of them.
t..i.:. . i ...i ; .... : . . . " . :
naming, luruuii ami igiiomiuioiiHiy
Kitty strove
scorned to swell into an angry roar.
"If I wore in Africa I should fancy
that a lion's roar!" thought Kitty curi
ously lookingaround.
In an instuut bercheek became deathly
pale, slid sho stood broathlcRs aud trans
fixed, as a hugo unimal, witli lowered
hood and eyes gleaming through shaggy
forolocks, emerged from a thicket at
somo distance and camo slowly towards
in vain to follow his ex
ample, her lips felt paralyzed and she
turned faint and sick.
Tho bull came slowly onward, now
lowering his head, uplifting it and star
ing fiercely and threateningly at the
llguro in tho center of tho Hold.
Suddenly a voico shouted:
"Don't bo afraid! Throw away your
rod shawl! Now run run to tho nearest
fonco while I keep him off!"
Tho assurance of help at hand inspired
her. Sho toro off tho light, scarlet
zephyr shawl which had attracted tho at
tention of tlio hull, and ran as fast as her
trembling limbs would oarry her.
How sho got over tho high fonco sho
novor knew. Indeed, sho know nothing
distinctly until the gentleman whom she
had characterized as an "impudont
puppy," lightly leaping tho fonco, threw
himself breathlessly aud heated, on the alwuvs alone.
i. ..1 i i i .i .i . ..
Tho muiority of theso uro mado of
whole cloth, and bear tho impress of had no gun, nor ax, nor nothing in his
' . . 1. 1 X...L. 1 1 A 1 J I. ...Ml 1
was in the woods in those days!
and tho caribou run in great
herds then; all fuiling, now, sir, all fail
ing. We wore following caribou, right
fresh tracks in the snow; we were keep
ing a sharp lookout, expecting to view
them every minute, whon I looked up
and saw a man standing right between
us and where the caribou had gone. He
was not more than two hundred yards off
I could soe him quite plain. Ho had
on a cloth cap and a green blanket coat,
with a belt around the middle not a
leather belt like wo use, sir, but a
woolen one like what the Frenchmen use
in Canada. There was braid down the
seams of his cout and round his outfits.
I could seo the braid quite plain. Ho
crass where she mink tlin niniiimif.
his pretty yonng mistress, but persisted sho had found horself in safety
in evincing a dooidod preference fortho "Oh," said Kitty, half sobbii
barn and kitchen, and in fact, low life in
Kitty was not disappointed in her ex
pectations. Sho found ft clear, shallow
stream which ran rippling and murmur
ing pleasantly beneath the willows be
tween thickets of wild roses and blos
soming older. Sho seated herself on the
groHny bank, and took off first her hat,
and then her shoes and stockings, and al
lowod tho cool ripples to dance about her
white feet. Then sho became interested
in watching some inscct-lifo on tho sur
face of tho water, aud when satisfied with
this resumed her shoes and stockings
and lay buck on tho turf, dreamily re
routing snatches of poetry. A stray sun
beam glinted on hor rippling brow u hair,
and the eyes that looked up through tho
waving foliage were as deeply blue and
clear as the sunny sky overheard, Pity
that there was no stray artist to gaze
upon the picture
Suddenly Kitty awoke to tho fact that
Holla had disappeared. He hud been
smelling about the bushes and hud now
stolen off on tho track of somo scent, per
ceptible only to bis own keen olfactories.
Kitty lifted up her voico, and called in
her sweet, clear, girlish tones:
"Holla! Holla!"
In answer, there was presently a
rustling amid tho elder bushes, and forth
stepped, not the culprit Holla, but a very
handsome young man, equipped with a
gun and bird-bag.
Kitty sprung up. F-ach stared for an
instant at the other, then the gentleman,
gracefully lifting his cup, said:
"May I inquire, Miss, what you wuut
with nier
"Waut with you?" repeated she, in
"Yes; I was crossing the field yonder,
when I heard you cull me," be replied,
w ith a slightly domuro expression about
his mouth and eves.
"1 called you?' said Kitty, indignantly.
"Yes, you called Holla very distinctly
and earnestly," replied be, luting the
corner or his mustache; "and I, of
course, obeyed the summons, and am at
your service. My name is Bolaud, or
Holla, aa I am familiarly called."
Kitty surveyed him from bead to foot.
"Oh," said she very coolly, "It was a
mistake n your parti It was not yon,
but the other puppy I was calling. "His
name is also Holla.
"Indeed! Where is be?" inquired the
gentleman, looking around with a great
expression of interest
"He's run away from me."
"I wonder at kim. In foot, I really
don't see bow be could have done it,'
said be looking at Kitty, and slowly
stroking bis mustache.
She drew hen If up, with a great as
amption of dignity.
iibing, "I am
so glad you came! That awful crcuturo
would huvo killed mo."
"I fortunately heurd his bellowing,
and, rcmomboring you, camo just in
time to Keep him oil.
"Worou't you afraid?"
"Oh, no! I used when a boy, to bait
those animals for my own amusement.
But yon see I can lie of moro uso to yon
than 'the other puppy.' Whero is he?"
"(lone. Deserted me in my hour of
need," sho replied, smiling faintly, as
sho dried her tears. "But I've had
enough of him. I'll give him away, and
get a better aud bigger dog to accom
pany me on my wulks, if they are to bo
as dangerous as this one."
"Am I big enough?" inquired the
gentleman. "I'll take tho best euro of
"Oh, I don't know, von seel I will
ask papa," sho answered demurely.
'Certainly by all means ask papa!"
said he, eagerly.
Kitty blushed, with a Btrong inclina
tion to smile, which sl.o repressed, as be
ucutli her dignity.
"I'm going now," sho said, rising.
"Won't you permit uio to see yon safe?
Thero may mo moro cuttle about, to say
nothing of snakes aud owls!"
"well, I tlunk you may como, though
we are near homo now-
sitting nu the piazza
in the orchard
which I gatherer
wont mind, I'll feed them now, nnd
carry the basket back to Mrs. Hawes."
"I shall enjoy it of all tilings," ho as
serted. Lifting the bosket, he carried it for her
to tho sty, where sho amused herself
with tossing the fruit, one by one, to the
eager, pushing crowd w ithin.
"So you take an interest in these poet
ic animals?'' remarked her companion, as
he stood curiously looking on.
"I feel sorry for them they are so
ugly and dirty. Nature seems to have
treated them unjustly, Hor things, in
miking them so inferior to other ani
mals. But then, the little ones, witli
their pink noses and funny eyes, do look
ao aUubby and so innocent."
She tossed somo apples to the little
one and looked thoughtful.
"They remind me of a picture which I
saw lately Circe, surrounded by a herd
of swine, iuto which the bad transformed
her admirers. And you would never
have imagined bow mnch expression
there was in the way that they wriggled
ana grovelled at iter feet.
"I see that picture now, at least some
thing like it," the gentleman remarked,
looking from Kitty to the pig.
And again Kitty reUd to herself,
"What an impudent puppy!", as she
dropped more apples iuto the sty.
unreliability upon their faces. As a
contrast to these manufactured
articles, wo take plcasuro in relating
an muidont concerning Mr. Elaine,
which has the merit of being not
only true, but heretofore unpub
lished, like most of tho good deods
of tho "great political magnet," us
Judgo Chuso used to call him.
It was tho custom of Mr. Illaino
during tho two Congresses of which
bo was .Speaker to walk from his
houso on Fifteenth street, near I, in
Washington, to tho capitol, a morn
ing constitutional of, Bay, a mile and
a half. Ho always took tho sarno
route, which was along tho most un
frcquontod streets, and was almost
One morning, in tho
winter of 75, tho writer was plod
ding along through a heavy fall of
snow in one of tho most descrtod
thoroughfares of the town, whon ho
observed the tall form of tho Speaker
a short distance ahead. Tho feathery
snow proventod tho footsteps of
cither from being heard. As the
writer reached u cornor, around
which tbo Speaker had turned, ho
hands, but just stood there with his
hand on his hip, that way, right in the
patu, doiug nothing.
' 'Our hunting all over, sir,' I said
to the gentlemun, 'we may as well go
homo. "Why, what is the matter,
John ?' says he. 'Why, look at the man
there, right in the track; he's scured our
curibou, I guess.' Well, sir, ho was
very mad, the gentlemun was, and was
for turning right round and going home;
but I wanted to go up to speak to the
man. Ho stood there all the time
never moved. I kind of bowed, noddjl
my head to him and he kind of nodded
his head, bowed just the same way to me.
Well, I started to go up to him, whon up
rose a great, fat cow-mooso between him
and me. 'Look at the moose, Captain,'
said I. 'Shoot her!' 'Good heavens,
John!' he says, 'if I do I shall shoot the
man too!' 'No, no, sir, never mind,' I
cried, 'tiro at the mooso.' Well, sir, he
up with the gun, fired, and downed the
moose. She just ran a few yards, pitched
forward, and fell dead. When the smoko
cleared off tho man was gone; could not
seo him nowheros. 'My soul and body!
what's become of tho man, Captain ?' I
says. 'Dunno, John; perhaps he is down,
too,' says ho. 'Well, sir,' says I, 'you
stop hero, and I will go and look; lnobbe
ho is dead, mebbo not quite dead yet.
bsw thut tho latter had stopped sud- Wdl-1 ont "P to tho wlaco and there
11 .1 U'nu rwitninrr fluiia ntlntirv hut n littln
dcnly, and was standing transfixed
by a scene on tho other sido of tho
way. Around tho closed door ot a
plum littlo ono story framo house,
stood a sorrowful group indood. A
woman of about forty, and attired
in tho weeds of a widow, wus sob
bing on tho shoulder of a littlo child,
who strovo in vain to comfort her.
Three other small children, with wet
eyes and terror Btrickon faces, stared
wistfully at their Into homo, whilo a
meager array of boxes, clothes and
utensils piled ou tho pavement, com
pleted a story that told itself unmis
takably at a glance, I ho poor fam
ily had iust been turned out into tho
street by somo pitiless landlord.
Pausingjust long enough to take in
tho picture, liluino strode rapidly
was nothing there nothing but a little
pino tree, no man at nil. I went all
round, sir no tracks, no sign of a man
auywhere ou tho snow. What was it,
do you think, sir, wo saw ?"
"Well, John," I replied, "I think that
was a curious instanco of rofraction."
"Oh, mebby," says John.
io now. I can see i.apa, Bcrow( t10 8tm,t sllj H.itUout acak. 0a!
!rtf.SK i". word to the woman, bega , ex- $
d for tho pigs. If you """ "d fumbling around the
lock of tho door.
"Xou can't open it, sir," said tho
oldest child, a boy of ten, whoso lit
tlo breast swelled with manly indig.
nation, child ns be was; "the man
locked us out, and went away."
Without opening his lips the
statesman seized tho loy's band, and
drew him along, the astonished child
running to keep up with tho big
man 8 strides. At the corner he wus
released, und trotting tack, said:
"Mamma, that gentleman says the
door ain't locked at all. Ho saw the
key in the keyhole;" and then, as ho
ran up tho steps, ho culled out,
" hy, it isn t a key: its a piece of
paper;" and the poor woman un
t isled and straightened out a bun.
drcd dollar greenback.
And now for the essence of the
story for every good story ha one,
as a roso is known ty its perfume.
Tbo poor woman never knew who
her helper was, and (be writer bos
himself more tban oncosecn Speaker
Blaine turn out of bis way and go round the same block, rather
than pas that little house again.
What a Tahis Doo Can Do. A Faris
correspondent of the New Orleans
Picayune, tells the following story;
1 here is a terrier in the cafo, Hue St.
llouore, that no sooner sees a habitual
customer outer than ho runs up to the
new comer, opens his mouth and looks
imploringly at the customer. The latter
so well understands the pantomime that
he puts a son in the open mouth. The
terrier bounds to the door in, an instant
is at tho nearest pastry cook s. The lat
ter gives the dog a cake, which tho hitter
brings to his benefactor, who breaks the
ako into three pioces. One is forthwith
given tho terrier; the dog, having eaten
stands on his hiud legs, lets the cus
tomcr put tho second piece of cake on
his the dog s nose, lets it stay there
untouched until the gentleman raps ten
times on the table, at the tenth rap the
dog tosses the cake into the air and
catches it before it falls to the floor. The
gentleman then takes the third piece of
coko m his hand and savs: limy, yon
have eateu two of the three pieces of
cake. Thero are thousands of dogs in
Faris who have never tasted a piece of
case. .ow, uuiy, if you lie a gentle
man and l ticlieveyon are a genticmun,
Billy you will take ibis third piece of
cake and lay it on the street for dogs that
are not as well off in this world as vou
are." The terrier takes the third piece
of cake in his mouth, carries it to the
street, leaves it there, returns to the cus
tomer, looks inquiringly at him, as much
as to ask: "Have I done the genteel
tiling?" and lies down to doze untd an
other customer enters.
Mere freaks of activity never accom
plish much because they do not loct. A
man can do almot-t anything for a little
while; a bad man can be good; a buy man
can be aetive; a stingy man may be gen
ciotis. But every msu's character has a
level to which it alwsys gravitates. It may
be thrown up like a wave of the sea, but
like a wave of the sea, it will come down
There are dozens of men in Michigan
who will remember meeting Arkunsos
William.the Great Gulch terror in Jules-
burg, Col., Denver, Laramie anu oiuer
places in that Territory a dozen years
ago. He was a shooter, a slasher, an
Indian killer, a Government scout, a
a cleanor-out of mining-camps, a tornado
when he struck town, and a double
jointed son of a dynamite generally. All
this he told us and sought to impress it
on our minds, and it came to pass by and
by that whenever he crowed we all
cackled. We'd have bet all the horses
in the First Cavalry acrainst an Indian
dog that Arkansas William was a match
for onv four Indian trikes on the plains,
and we'd have backed him against all the
other terrors, tarantulas, wild cats.
Hocky Mountain lions and howling
bears between Omaha and 'Frisco. True,
we never seen him cut, nor shoot, nor
slosh, nor knock down, nor drag
out. but it must be him, be
cause he said it was. It was an impres
sive sight to see him stalking round with
a rule, two revolvers and a uowie
strapped to him, and heavens! how he
cou Id yell! It was enough to make every
mule at the post tremble to hear Arkansas
William utter his war-whoop the same
one be uttered, he told us, when he rode
down BOO Pawnees and scattered them to
the four winds. How many of us bought
his tin-typos at i apiece will never be
known, but he was more eagor to soli
them than to take the war-path. When
the Michigandcrs left Colorado, William
was hankering to lay in a supply of 250
scalps, several barrels of gore and a
barnful of ears and noses, and his wild
war-whoops followed the regiment for
more than two miles.
The other day something was heard to
drop in tho Black Hills, and Arkansas
William, the Groat Gulch terror, walked
in upon a mining camp, and in thunder
tones asked what kind of a graveyard
they had there. When they trem
blingly answered that they hod none at
all, and that all the men were in the
best of health, the terrorr mounted a bar'
rcl, flapped his arms and cried out:
"No graveyard here ! No place in which
to lay my victims! Whoop! I'm the
Great Gulch terror! I'm the gigantic
graveyard starter of the Big West! 1 11
tio both bands behind me and fight your
wholo town!"
They tried to coax him not to. They
even offered him fifteen cents to go softly
away and leave them alone. Indeed,
they offered to write him a variety play,
in which he, as the hero, should kill 155
men inside of an hour and a half, but he
would not go. Arkansas William could
not bo bought with gold, and had fame
Well, when they realized that ho
wanted blood, and must have it, a
weazen-faced, flat-chested, thin-waisted
man from Cass county, Mich., who
weighed 120 pounds, offered himself as a
sacrifice. He had never fought any
thing or anybody, and he was so tame
and humble that tho men used to wine
the greese off their knives on his brick-
colored hair after the close of a meal. He
crawled out of bis tent and said he'd as
soon fight as not. He had just received
a letter from home to the effect that
his wife had run off with a blondo tin
peddler, and now he didn't care to live
"Him! He! That man! That tooth
pick! Why, I'll make hash of him in a
second! roared Arkansas William, as
he caught sight of his victim.
Yes, he would do that very thing, nnd
that he would start a graveyard. Ho
threw down his ritlo. put off his revolvers
and crowed for blood. The little man
didnt crow any, but he lugged out a
wicked big knife, drew a hair across the
edge of it, and said he'd do tho best be
could. lhe terror crowed again, and
told how many men be had killed, but
the weazen-faced man cut another hair
with his knife. The terror filially offered
to let him off on account of his con
sumptive look, and he wouldn't be let
off. He wanted to die then and there
Then the torror wanted a fair show. He
wanted to go up tho trail and come down
to tho attack on tho run. This was his
best hold, and the way he had always
fought. The little man was perfectly
willing. All ho wanted was a fight to
the death, and he didn't care how lie got
it. Arkansas William started up the
trail, but halted and returned and said:
"Boy, I'm the Great Gulch terror, and
I've put 198 white men nnd over 200
Indians under the sod. But I'm no
monster. Something in your face
touches my heart. I'll give you one
more chance to draw out and live on."
The Cass county man wouldn't take it.
He didnt want to live since his wife
went back on him, and, moreover, he
was mad for the first time in his lifo.
and he wanted to seo how ho would act
a fight.
"Very well get ready to die!" yelled
the terror, as he backed up the trail. He
was backing and spitting on his bowie
knife, and getting an awful look on his
face when last seen. The miners waited
for the rush, and expected every minute
to hear his yells, but they came not.
Three five ten minutes slipped away,
and then they investigated. Arkansas
William was no where to bo found, but
they saw a man a mile away heading for
Deadwood, and making tho earth ache as
he passed over it. Ik'troit Free Press,
Holy Meek in Tern.
Curiosity carried a foreigner into sev
eral churches at Lima, Peru, during
Holy eek. As for any sort of re-
gligious feeling," ho reports, "I felt
more like being in a large puppet show
man in a nouse oi uou, ana to judge by
the way in which the fair Limenas cast
their eyes around them while sitting on
their carpets on the pavement of the
church, in search of beaux, and looking,
generally, for admiration, and evidently
thinking of anything rather thou pray
ing, to judge by them and the gentlemen
who were exchanging 'nods and becks
and wreathed smiles' with them, thev
had quite ss little feeling on the subject
as myself. I allude now to the higher
classes. There were very many who ap
peared thoroughly sincere and earnest in
their prayers, and who evidently be
lieved in the importance of all they saw
around them."
One of the occupations of Texas voun?
meu is to breed ceese. One of these bat
3u00 geese whows feathers are plucked
every two months; each bird will average
a pound and a half a year, worth 50 cents
per pound.
The Yellow Domino.
Among tbe adventures recorded nf
the brigade, one of tho most amusin,'
was au occurrence in the time of th
liogent Orleans, in honor of whose
birthday a grand masquerade waa
auun, umvuj mere a doable Inn
ji e L. .11 .i
u or lur cucuj uu me rank
t . n n..
ooauiy oi raris wero assembled
around the Regent, and a costly and
uAtiiiuun oujijiur crowned the at
tractions of the night. While the
entertainmont was proceeding, one of
the Prince's suito approached and
whispered to him: "It is worth rnn.
Royal Highness' while to step into
the Bupper rooms; there is a yellow
domino there who is tho most extra
ordinary cormorant ever witnessed
he ia a prodigy, your Highness; he'
never stops eating and drinking, and
the attendants say, moreover, that he
has not done bo for somo Ln.,n
His Royal Highness went accord.
ingly, ana sure enough there was the
yellow domino laying about him as
described, and swallowing every,
thing as ravenously as if be had only
just begun. Raisod pies fell before
hira like garden palings before a
fiold-pioce pheasants and quail
soemed to fly down bis throat in a
little covey the wine he drank
threatened a scarcity, whatever
might be the next vintage.
After watching him for some time
the Duke acknowledged be was a
vonder, and laughingly loft the
room, but shortly afterward, on pass
ing through another, he saw the yel
low domino again, and as actively at
work as ever, devastating the dishes
everywhere and emptying the cham
fagno bottles as rapidly as tbey were
brought to him. Perfoctly amazed;
tho Duko at last could not restrain
his curiosity. "Who," bo asked, "is
that insatiato ogre that threatens
such annihilation to all tbe labor of
our cooks?" Accordingly one of the
suite was dispatched to him. "Hit
Royal Highness, the Duke of Or
loans, requires the yellow domino to
unmask." But tho domino bogged
to bo excused, pleading tho privilege
of masquerade. "Thero is a higher
law," roplied the officer; "the royal
ordor must be obeyed." "Well, then,"
answered the incognito, "if it must
bo so, it must, and unmasking, ex
hibited the ruddy visage of an Irish
"Why, in tho name of Polypho-
mus!" exclaimed the Regent as he
advancod to him, "who and what are
you? I have seen you eut and drink
enough for a dozen men, and yet you
seem as empty as over."
"Well, then," said tbo trooper,
"since the saycret must come out,
plase your Royal Highness, I am ono
of Clare's Horse that's the guard of
honor to-night and whon our men
were ordered out we clubbed our
money to buy a ticket and agreed to
take our turn at tho supper tablo,
turn and turn about."
"What!" exclaimed tbe Duke, "the
whole troop coming to supper."
"Oh, its asy, plase your Highness.
Sure, one domino would do for all of
us, is acho tuk it in turn. I'm only
the eighteenth man, and there's
twelve moro of us to como." .
The loud laughter of the jovial
Duke, probably tho heartiest be had
bad for a long time, was tho response
to this exclamation, followed by a
louis d'or to tho dragoon, and a
promise to keep bis "saycret" till the
entire troop had supped.
Girls Brought up to do Nothing.
Before the French Eovolution the
members of the royal family and the
grand lords and ladies never thought of
doing anything for themselves that oth
efs could do for them. Taine, in his
"Ancient Kogime," gives a curious illus
tration of the effect of this enforced help
lessness. In the course of a conversa
tion with Mine. Louise, the daughter of
Louis XV., who was a Carmelite nun,
Mme. do Genlis said: "I should like to
know what troubled you most in getting
accustomed to your new profession."
"You conld never imagine," she replied.
"It was the descent of a small flight of
steps alone by myself. At first it seemed
to me a dreadful precipice, and I was
obliged to sit down upon the steps and
descend in that attitude." The Princess
had never descended any staircase save
tho grand one at Versailles, and only
that while leaning on the arm of a noble
cavalier. The steep and winding step
of the convent, therefore, seemed appall
ing when she had to descend them aloue.
A story is told of the Duchess of Llm-
burg, the daughter of the Czar of Hus
sia, which exhibits a similar training.
Shortly after her marriage with Victo
ria's son, the Duchess was entertained at
a nobleman's house. A party was made
up to visit the extensive greenhouses,
the Duchess leading, as was her right,
the w ay. In passing un the narrow aisle
of one of the houses, the roya1 lady came
to a closed door. The passage was too
narrow for anv of her snit to boss her
and open the door, and she stood motion
less as a statue. "Oblige me," 6aid the
Duke in a whisper, "by sending some
one around to open the door from the
other side, for she'll not open it if she
stands there for a month."
It may excite a smile to read such il
lustrations as these of the physical help
lessness involved in the etiqnette of roy
al households; and we fear that a train
ing similar in kind, if not in degree,
murks many American families.
In a recent sermon, the Rev. Washing
ton Gladden, of Springfield, Massachu
setts, spoke of the fact that some Ameri
can girls are brought up to learn noth
ing and do nothing. He referred to one
woman who was proud that her daugh
ter never did any sweeping, arid to an
other who never let daughter do any
kitchen work. Such training must foster
selfishness and indolence, and a los both
of respect and of true regard for others.