in ESTABLISHED FOB THE DISSEIMTIOS OP lEJOCRiTIC PRINCIPLES. AXD TO EAM n nnjIKST UTINO BT THE SWEAT OP OUR BROW. ffflOLE NO. 655- KUGENE CITY, OR. SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1880. $2.50 per year IN ADVANCE m (BE (PIT Y f 1 1 1 A P TTh till lilUMw. LtiJJjj A in City uarfl, . L. OASTBKLL. i. R. OAMPBKU. CAMPBELL BROS., Pablisliers and Proprietors. vvir.K-la the building formerly occupied " l, j W. Cleaver, as a store, corner WU- QUE ONL? ATJCS OF ADVERTISING. i Jvertueiients Inserted as follows i u in lii. 1mm. nna insertion 3; y.Vhieauent insertion $L Cash required in TirJertieni will be charged t the W- iftSStti-- woo " riz montlu w - ou yor . . . . . . . . Transient notices in local column, 20 oenta per ler ecn iuici . Advertisiag bUl will be rendered quarterly Xil job werlc must be fAtD 108 OS npuTEKV. POSTOFFICI5. Hour. -Fro ? a. m. to 7 p.m. Sundays 4'St to p. nia '"iuil arrive, from theeouth and leave, gome- north . H Arrives irora iu ion" " "J"'" ..kt Ml P. . 'or 8iuilw, Franklin and Long .I h on Wednesday For Crawford.- r.7liur. U1 be ready for delivery half an hour after iraina. Letter. should be left at the office e " a. B. PATTERSON. P. M . mail, dam&rt. SOCIETIES. i XT- II 1 V .nA A U rMeU r ni1 uirf 'neaiy eaeti manui. &tL. Season Burra Tdo No. I. 0 ST F. Meet, every Tuesday tvening. qi-yyr VlHAwBAIA jMnJAHra una nu. va mwi- , . ufjut.a.u.lf.trei in ttuith tnrvnt.h. rVVf.W v.. a teU 1WU " p,"v"tJ- " Ecocsi! Loots, No, 15, A. 0. U. W.T Umu it Masonic Hall the first and third Jri " each month, F. W. Ospunw, M. W. DR. L. M. DAVIS DENTIST, Eugene City, Oregon. ROOMS OVER GRANGE STORE, first deor te the right, up stains Formally ,ti ef C. W. Fitch. Nitrous Oxide Gm for paiulees extraction ef teeth. " A. W.PATTERSOX, PHYSICIAN AND SUIIGEON. (Bee on NlntU Street, oppoalta tfc St. Ckarlea lintel, mid at Ueiuldence, KljaffiNK CITY OKKliON. Dr J. O. Shields OFFKRS HIS PROFESSIONAL 'sail viw.1 to the citizi-nu of Huberts ("ity and lurrountlin? country. 8cial ntteiition siven teall OBSTETRICAL OASES and UTi',R IXK DISEASES entrnsied to hie care. Office at the St Charles Hotel. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL C AN EE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res idence when not professionally engaged. Office at the POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Keridence on Eighth street, opposite Piesby crian Church. J E WELTI Y ESTACLISMKNT. J. S. LUCKEY, for DEVLERIM Clocks, Watcnes, Chains, Jewelry, tt. Kepairing Promtly Executed. 0AU Work Warranted. J.S LUC KEY, F.UiT..rth k Co.'s brick, Willamette street. Real Estate Ajsnt Collection Agent, and Notary Public. EUGENE CITY. : OREGON. J. B. ALEXANDER, Justice of the Peace, Conveyan cer and Collector. Bills collected, Records searched and nb tracts of title made. All business promptly attealed to. Otf- at th Court Houe. QBOCERIES-Ishal! kep on a fnllof GROCERIF.S & PROVISIONS Aad btviU the twitinn of houekr?per. T. G. HENDRICSK LUMBER! I HAVE ESTABLISHED A LUMBER YARD Oa the corner of Eleventh and Willamette treeta,and keeps constantly on hand lumber f all kinds. Seasoned flooring and mtic, fenc faw and fence poets F. B. DUNN. FARM FOB SALE. A WELL IMPROVED FARM OF three hundred and sixty acas, 100 acres nnder eolti ration; aU nnder feoot and the improve awnti b good ordr, which we wi'l sell at a bargain, and on the Diet reasonable terms, nitaated St mflet sooth of town, and has a 1 4 ock. - Apply at this office. D RESS GOODS MS W STYLES and low pneea. Jnt receired tT S. H. FRIENDLY. TEW ITftrK (IP II ITH Th beat largest aver brwirfit to Eocene, at I rWENDLVS BOOT AHD SHOE STORE, HUNT, Proprietor. Shop on Willamette street, 2nd door north oi Hardware store, Eugene City, Or. I will hereafter keep a complete stock of LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES Uaiters, Cloth and Kid, Duttoa Ltoot, Slipper, white and black, SaneUlu, Fren kkldShoea. MEN'S & BOYS FINK AND HXATT BOOTS & SHOES And in fact evnrvtliim. n thm TIOOT mnA SHOE line, to which I intf n,l tn ilavnU m eepeciai attention. w MY GOODS Vere manufactured to order, ABE FIRST CLASS And guaranteed at represented, and will be sold for the lowest nrices that a mml urtlMo -an rs acuraeil. a fi;-7M A. lit VI'. CRAIN BROS. DEALERS IN j tin as, (M..1-. ffalchei and Jewelry, Musical instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired and warranted. Northwest corn?r of Willamette and Eighth struts. If you wUb to lay your goods cheap, you must go to the store of LURCH BROS, OOTT-A QIC GROVE. They keep sue ef the largest stocks of General Merchandise Outside of Portland, and they sell goods cheap er than it van be bought anywhere in the Wil lamette vallev. NEW IDRIAN II'' I . .in OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, OGN. ncorpvrate'l, June, 1878. Capital Stock, $100,000 OFFICERS: Prkshifxt A. L. Todd. Secrktary Au- relius Todd. PiUEtTons J. P. Gill, J. W. Jackson, T. S. Rmlabaugh, A. L. Todd and A Todd. Principal office for sale of stock at J. P. Gill k Son s drug store, Poetofiice buildirpr, Eugen BEN RUSH, THE- BLACKSMITH, still at the old stand and is prepared to ee kinds id general jobbing, horse-shoeing, re iring, etc. Having secured the services e riexperk'nced hand I will make the repairing of ARM JlACHINEhY a speciality. liEN RUSH. 3PHOTOCRAPHS3- Albert Jackson, Artist, Takes rhntom-aohs. Gems. Carls. Cabinet and Life-Size, style and finish equal to any work done in the State. Pricee reasonable. GALLERY Willamette street, Eugene City, Oregon, over Mrs. Jackson's Millinery Store. dec l.i:tini F. IV1. WILKINS, Successor to Shklton k Wii.kivs. Pracical Cfugpls & Chemists, UNDERWOODS BUILDING. Next door to the Grange Store, Wfllamette street, Eugene City Oregon. Hare just opened a full line of fresh Drugs, Medicines & Chemicals. Also a fine' assortment of Fancy and Toilet Articles. AJ.L KIND Of Mixed Paints, Lead, Oil, Varnish, Brushes, WINDOW GLASS and PUTT? Which they will always sell on reasonable term. Careful itleolioo girti to Pbjtieiag'i Pre icriptioBi. General IVotice. MR, GEORGE HUMPHREY HAVING placed his baines in the hands of the nndersijned for enllectiun and settlement, all persons owing him who hae not mvle ar ranment for extensioa of time, are hereby notified to make payment or other satisfactory arrB?TnTt without delay. A. (i. HOVEY. H C HUMPHREY EUGKNK CITY EBUSINESS 2DIRECT0RY. ALEXANDER, J. B.-Justlc of the Peace South Eugene Precinct; olHce at Court House. ASTOR HOUSE-Chas. Baker, prop. The only first-class hotel in the city Willamette street, one uoor nortn ol the poet office. ABRAMS, W. H. k BRO. Planing mill, sash, door, blind and moulding manufactory, Eighth street, east of mill race. Everything in our line furnished on short uotioe and reasonable terms. BOOK STORE One door south of the Astor House. A full stock of assorted box papers plain ana lancy. BOYD k MILLER Meat Market-beef, veal, mutton, pork and lard Willamette street, between fagntn and .Mnto. CRAIN BROS. -Dealer In Jewelry, Watch es, blocks and Musical Instruments Wil lamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. CALLISON, R. G. Dealer In groceries, pro visions, country produce, canned goons, books. stationery, etc., southwest corner Willamette and (Hh Sts. DORRIS, GEO. R-Attomey and Counsellor at Law. Umce on Willamette street. .u gene City. DORRIS, B. F.-Dealer in Stoves and Tin ware Willamette street, between beventn and Eighth. DURANT, WM.-Meat Market beef, pork, i i . i- i i veal auu milium vuimiaiii.iv uu uaiiu iiiibu street, between Pearl and High. ELLSWORTH k CO. -Druggists and dealers in paints, oils, etc. Willamette street, be tween Eighth aud Ninth. FRIENDLY, S. H. -Dealer in dry goods, clothing and general merchandise Willam ette street, between Eighth and Ninth. GUARD OFFICE-Newspaper, book and job printing office, corner W ulamette anuaevenlb streets. GRANGE STORE-Dealers in general mer chandise and produce, corner Eighth and Willamette streets. GILL, J. P. Physician, Surgeon and Drug gist, rostoltice. Y Ulamette 'eet, between Seventh and Eighth. HAYS, ROBT.-Wines, Liquors, and Ci- f;ara of the best quality kept conntantly on land. The best billiard table in town. HENDRICKS, T. G.-Dealei in general mer chandise northwest corner W Ulamette and Ninth atreets. HODES, C Keeps on hand fine wines, lin: urs, cigars ana a pool and biliianl table Willamette street, between Eighth and Ninth. HORN, CHAS. M. Gunsmith. Rifles and shut-'uns, breech and muzzle loeders, tor sale. Kepa-riug done in the neatest style and war ranteil Shop on 9th street. KINSEY, J. D Sash, blinds and door fac tory, window and door frames, tnnuluings, etc., glazing and glass cutting done to order. LYNCH, A -Groceries, provisions, fniibi, veg etables, etc., Willamette stroet, nrst door south cf Pustoffice. LUCKEY, J. S. Watchmaker and Jeweler; keeps a tine stock of goods m his line, W illau ctte street, in Ellsworth's drug store. McCl iAREN, J A M ES Choire, wines, Hiniors, and ei'ars W Ulamette street, between Liglith and Ninth. M.ELLER, M. Brewery Lager beer on tap and by tne Keg or oarrei, corner oi i inin anu Olive streets. OSHURN A CO. Dealers in drutrs. medicines. chemicals, oils, paints, etc. Willamette st, opposite S. Charles Hotel PATTERSON, A. S.-A fine stock of plain and fancy visiting csnls. PERKINS, H. C. -County Surveyor aud Civil Engineer, ltesidence on f lttli sireet. PRESTON, WM. -Dealer in aaddlery, Har ness, Carriage Irimnnngs, etc. n ulamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. POST OFFICE A new stock of standard school books just received at the post office. RUSH, BEN. Horceshoeing and general job bing blacksmith, Eighth Btrect., between Wil lamette and Olive. REAM, J. 11. Undertaker and building con tractor, corner Willamette and Seventh streets. ROSENBLATT 4. CO.-Dry goods, clothing, groceries and general merchandise, southwest corner Willamette and Eighth streets. ST. CHARLES IIOTEL-Mrs. A. Ren frew, Proprietress. The best Hotel in the city. Corner Willamette and Ninth streets. SHIELDS, J. C. -Physician and Surgeon -north side Ninth street, first door east of St Charles Hotel STEVENS, MARK Dealer in tobacco, ci gars, nuts, canities, shot, powder, notions, etc. Willamette street SCHOOL SUPPLIES-A large and varied assortment of slates of all sizes, and quantities of slates and slate-books, lhree doors noitn of the express office. THOMPSON ft Willnmette street, between Seventh and Eighth. WALTON, J. J.-Attnrney-at-Law. Office Willamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. WITTER, J. T.-Buckskin dressing. The highest price paid for deer skins, Eighth st.) at Bridge. UNDERWOOD, J. B.-Genpral brokerage business and agent for the Connecticut In surance Company of Hartford Willamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. ELLSWORTH CO., DRUGGIST, WILL CONTINUE THE BUSINESS in all its branches at the old stand, offering increased inducements to customers, old and new. As heretofore, the most Careful attention given to Prescripions. JSTEW MEAT MARKET On the west side of Willamette Street, between Eighth and Ninth. Having just opened a pew and neat Meat Mrket, w. are prepared to furnish he best Beef, Tal. .tlvtfoa Pork, ete.. To our customers, at the lowest market rates. Tha custom f the public is respect fully solicited. Meats VlirTd to any part ef the eitT fre charge, MILLER MeCOKNACK. Bore Retarni "Honest Mo'1 ViidieattJ. Charges which are certainly well fouiided have been made against Mr. Whiteaker on aocount of his relations some years ago with the Willamette falls lock company. 'While the whole facts are not generally known. enough is known to make it certain that the case would not bear examina tion that could redound to Mr. Whit eaker credit He was a member of the legislature when the bill was passed; no urcame the owner of stock m the company, and that stock stood on the books in his name, Orcgoiiian, May 10. No one, we fancy, will dispute' a a statement made by Mr. R Goldsmith formerly o!tho firm of L Golnsraith & Co., of this city, for his reputation for truth and veracity is so well established that even the most hardened villi fier or defamer will hardly dare question it Mr. Goldsmith says that he was President of the Willametto Falls, and Canal Co., and he informed us that Mr Whiteaker did not own any stock in the company. As President of company Mr. Goldsmith says that he had to sign all the stock and that ho never signed any for Mr. Yhiteaker. We hardly think the editor of tho Ore- gonian would make such a statement as the above w ithout having some reas onable impression of its truthfulness, and now that the gentleman who, more than any other, should know whereof he speaks, denies that Mr. Whiteaker owned any stock in the Willamette Falls, Locks and Canal Co., the Ore- gonian should make tho denial equally as plain and prominent as it mado its charge, Sunday Welcome. Shall (he tliiutse Be Naturalized? E. 15. Watson, as an attorney in a mining suit in which the rights of Chi nese and Americans were at stake a few years ago, not only expressed the opinion that Chinese could be natural ized, but urged tho then Clerk of this county to take the preliminary steps to naturalizo them. Workingnien of Ore gon, w e ask you if you want a man on tho Supreme Bench who holds such an opinion upon a question so important to your interests? By such a decisiou your only hope to get rid of Chinese competition would be gone, and you would be outcasts in your own land, while an alien race, degraded, unpro gressive and uncivilized, would have an opportunity to become inheiritors of your glorious country. Let no parti san of the Chinese assume the ermine or all is lout. Ponder well on this mat ter and act accordingly. -Jacksonville Times. Better than Speeches. Several of our Republican friends have asked us why Whiteaker does not come Wk and canvass tho State with M. C. George. We answer that he was elected to represent Oregon in Con gress, and as that body is in session it is his duty to remain there. The news we get of his work back there is a greater recommendation to him than all the speeches he could make. The following appropriations for Oregon re cently reported to the House for their approval shows that he is attending to his duty: Cascades canal, $100,000. Uppor Columbia and Suake rivers, $15,000. Upper Willamette, $12,000. Lower Willamette and Columbia. $45,000. Yaquina Bay, $10,000. Coquille river, $10,000. Albany Democrat. Effused by Grant. The Mexicans are telling all sorts of stories about the meanness of Oca Grant When the party arrived at the charming mountain town of Orizalia, a coaleadero, or twisting of bull tails was given in honor of the ex-President Among the performers was a woman, who mounted upon a fine mustang, performing many surprising feats of horsemanship. Gen, Grant expressed his admiration of her prowesss and praised the horse. In the usual Span ish style, the latter was at once offered the General, who accepted it It was, however pointed out to him that he must make some present in return, and rather than do 0 h sent the horse back. Honest John. The Walla Walla Statesman says: Great Scott ci the Oregoiiian, is la boring in the greatest agony to fulfill his contract with his party in order to defeat Honest John Whiteaker for Con gress. All that the On gon ian can say against John Whiteaker will havo no effect upon the pooplo at largo. They know that bo is honest and ablo, and will prefer hint before any other man who is placed before them. There is hardly a possibility that George will obtain a small majority of votes even in his own district but Honest John will sweep Eastern Oregon like a whirlwind and be triumphantly elected. We have discovered that trickery is already , be ing used in Umatilla county by the Re publicans to causu a division in the Democratic ranks. This will most la inontably fail, for tho pooplo have already discovered that they have been made cat's paws of and are justly in dignant The boast of thoso wire workers in our sister county that they can drive the Democrats into tho Re publican camp was premature and will fail most lamentably. Tho Democrats of Umatilla will stick to their colors, as of old, ond show by their votes their re pugnance of trickery, fraud and corrup tion no matter in whatever guise it may apptar. , Pmomtl Opposition. The more tho radicals fight Judge Kelly the more votes they will make for him. They first started out to beat both Judgo Kelly niul Prim, but finding that job a little more than they could get away with, have concentrated all their energies against Judgo Kelly. It would be an act of ingratitude on the part of the pcoplo of Oregon, after a man had served them in protecting their homes against tho savages, in the Legislature, in the Senato of tho Uni ted States, and upon tho bench of the State courts, in every position faithfully and honestly, to now, by thoir votes.en dorso the foul slanders brought against him by a Net who expected, becauso they professed to bo Democrats, spec ial favors at the hands of the Judges. Tho opposition against Judge Kelly and Prim is purely personal, and brought about becauso there were two sides to tho questions presented for their decisions, and they decided accor ding to the law and against tho shys ters who are now trying to elect a court they hope can lie more easily controlled, Standard. Addition, Division nnd Sllture. The New York Sun reprints the pretty letter written by Kcmble, the Pennsylvania bribery felon, now await ing sentence, who is tho right lmwer of Grant and the confidential friend of Senator Cameron. lie was, until he was indicted, the Chairman of the Re publican National Committee. The letter was written while State Treas urer of Pennsylvania, in behalf of a notorious lobbyist and corruptionist: "Treasury Dkp't op Pkxnbyvaxia, HARiusni rm, Pa., March 20, 18C7, My Dear Titian-: Allow me to in troduce to you my particular friend, Mr. George O. Evuns. He has a claim that he wuhes you to help him in. Put him through as you would me. He understands addition, division and si lence. Yours, W. H. Kr.MBi.E. "To Titian J. Coffey, Esq., Washing ington, D. C. Hr. Tildrn'i fhysleal condition. The Omaha Herald, whose editor is a familiar acquaintance of Tilden's, and a delegate to the Cincinnati Conven tion, makes this reply to the falsehoods that are sent abroad for political effect in regard to Mr. Tilden's physical con dition: Mr. Tilden is, notwithstan ding his infirm health, one of the most laborious of men. He can out wot k and outwalk lialf of the well men of middle age in the country, and when it comes to brains, or brain work, there is not a public man in either party who can match him. For further informa tion please refer to Horatio Seymour, William M. Evart, Mr. Justice Field (or Cyrus) Jeremiah Black, and others of like character. . a . In addition to the six attorneys who reside at Dallas, 22 were in attendance from abroad during the aes.sion of the cirtiit oirt n tht p'fr V pt wwk. la Infernal Ktehlne. K. Phillips, purser of the rivar steamer, Orient, running from this city to Dayton aud intermediate points, was made a victim of the "loaded cigar joke, which came very near resulting iu a serious manner, and as it is, hat inflicted serious injuries which will in capacitate Mr. Phillips from perform ing his duties for some days. Purser Phillips, after the steamer left Dayton, proceeded to smoke a cigar which had been given him by some party in this city. He had enjoyed the fragrance of the weed but a few minutes and had just removed the cigar from his mouth when to his astonishment the cigar ra vealed itaclf an infernal machine, and as he was, entering his office it exploded the concussion breaking the glass of his office window. The cigar had beet plugged with a dymanite cartridge. A portion of the charge struck him in tha face which with his forehead was badly powder bumed and the left ev-e wag also injured but not to au extent to ira pair tho vision. A piece of the cart', ridge also struck one of the fingers of his left hand, badly lacerating the flesh, and the thumb and another finger was also injured. The wounds oi Mr, Phil-, lips were dressed as speedily as possible and on tho arrival of the Orient at her wharf in this city yesterday afternoon he was taken to his residence on Fifth street Another cigar given to Mr, Phillips by the same party was found to be similarly loaded. The practice of presenting parties with cigars loaded with powder cartridges has prevailed for some timo in the city and the atton ding results of the trick played upon Mr. Phillips should be a sufficient les son to put a stop to such business. Had the cigar been in his mouth the charge of powder was sufficient to have killed. Mr. Phillips, and it was providential that he had occasion to remove it from, his mouth when he did. The party guilty of the trick played upon Mr Phillips should lie, if within the power of the law, severely dealt with thai others may know that this dangerous, amusement and practical joking wit) not be tolerated. ---Standard. STATE NEWS. It is quite the fashion this year for country newspapers to sell their col-, umns to political parties, It is easier and more remunerative than to rutv politics on their own aocount A man named 'Burlison, living on. Gray's Creek, a tributary of Applegate, in Josephine county, was thrown from, his wagon last Friday and instantly killed, his neck being broken by tho full He was about CO years of age. Albany will bo supplied with water by tho new works from the canal above the city limits and conducted through a pipe down the canal through prob, ably three filters, and will lie forced directly into the mains by the use of large turbine water wheel The commencement exercises pf the Agricultural College will be held at Corvallis from the 23d to the 26th of May. The public generally and the farmers of Oregon in particular are in vited to bo present at public examina tion of the students on the 21st inst The Sentinel mentions the death on, the 7fh inst of Mrs, Benedict, a phv neer of the Rogue River Valley and a heroine of the Indian war of 1835. She was at one time in company with her huslnnd overtaken in an attempted flight on Slate Creek and narrowly es caped with her life, four bullets piere ing her clothing. One by one these ao. tors in Oregon's early history depart Freights have been reduced on the Western Oregon Railroad, from Mo Minnville to Portland and vica versa, as follows: First class, per ton, $3; for. mer rates, $5 20. Second class, per ton, $2 50; former rates, $4 20. Third class, $2; formerly $3 20. Grain and mill stuffs are held at the former price. This reduction begnn with May 12th and will hold good until further orders, A curious story is told the Buffalo Courier asserts, at the expense of th Sherman literary bureau. It had printed a list of 10,000 names of pert sons in Ohio who were doubtful, or who at least were to be converted the use of brilliant Sherman literature, These lists were written out in uani fold copies for some purpose, and wheft the inventory of these copies was taken it was discovered that one of the lists was missing. Subseqent inquiry U said to prove the fact that the missing list hud fallen in some way into the hands of Blaine's friends, and that the 10,000 doubtful persons in Ohio were not compelled to wait long before they received their full share of Blaine liter ature. . s SF..VTE5CED FOB LlFt George Col lins, who was found guilty in the cir cuit court of Clackamas county of the murder of Clarke Hamilton, was sentenced at Oregon City by Judge, Bellinger to imprisonment for life in the penitentiary. A stay of f xecuUad was granted far ten days.