The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 15, 1880, Image 7

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One of tLose dark,
JnBmr Per8. when tn J m'
.InnniV pe4v . . - i .,,.
ffi Uie solitary .thinker and causes
IS to conjure up siguw ui w uur-
STh. Awful muruers.ieanu.KBu
sceuo of my sketch is
Jfliwest of Waynwbnrg (now Mcey.
I""" o oinall Hittlement on the
a small HCttloillcnt on the
r. . liinn Juniata, a
S for the rapidness of its waters and
f -. 1 an,1 sublime scenery of the
,J!ov tbrough which it winds ite sinuous
' rri.u tlma of the occur-
r',i,iti.8 back almost a
U and time, with its ciiangeH, nas 1 ai-
,7nsi effaced tho old lanu. maiKs, uui
snougb yet remain to mate me site re-
tared to familiar to all readers convers-
Jnt with that portion of the Juniata val-
In the woods which run dowu to tho
river stands a heavy log house, cmbow-
aed in deep foliage, soon to bo the scene
jVmnst exoitinir adventure. The little
j-nM hard by ripples over the moss-
1 vAnna n L-1 m t a vtnnti liarlv nlpna.
noise as it hurries on to join the
7wiA river bolow just at this time,
Lrevor, subsiding from the autumnal
flooj9. Inside the heavy building all is
a death: no lkht can be6een what-
rer and as the hours pass on tho dark
nnss'seeins to become impenetrable and
;..i - .1
j stillness more liueuse, uum mo mis-
; almost unbearable, when hark I
L defying, challenging war-whoop of
m Indian rends the air and echoes
throa-'liout the distant mountains, chil-
linir tho blood of all who hear it.
iLin nil is bustle and excitement with-
; n,i rmitiouslv tho barrel of a cun is
thrust through tho loop-hole, followed
hi a flash, a report, and as the sound ro-
rerberates through the neighboring hills
Moody assassinations ana 3 m fistcr ana both ran toward tliecanoos. of one of interest she had, and yesterday roam."
Spaat hif mental , vision Auth snch The Indians came ruling on, yelling Mr. Cox, who was also one of the party, wriU of enor-i ove-h-for to uno'Lor
l3ttIPuit7STrfnTS hk flcn'1" ,"". vet fmppilv they presented tin- to the Jmlgo Advocate! nianWe tauno.hcr
iSSonrV"! ""vcral hundred yards in the rear. General, it having been sent him by Mi.s 7fln ,; , .
r,'- With its choenng, horror Hlis- The race of 1 fe ami ,Wti, M,.if..i.,i. ;n. n,7. f-ti i ... .i A flnistiM lie nmv be called nn nccom-1
nl Utt""! ' I i . . . " " ""'Mt nnn lull- I a. m win. ivuw w iUi, i; a l 'lit imtA'i J l .M' .,, i r, ,4
n.'-i.lifrht- tinuod in tins mnnnor for
jnd glens, the deatU-shnok ol a savage is mey couia naruiy pass tue point auove not actually made, to poison Mr. Lin
heard, and once nioro tho portals open mentioned alive and were almost ready coin, August 13, 1804, and supposed that
unlsnotuer dUSKy spini euiers uie uap-
nr lmutinit grounds
Not many minutes elapse until tho
hnnsa is surrounded by a scoro of dusky
savaces, anxious to avenge the aeatn ot
their brother.
At this stajjo a short description of the
ocennants of this besieged place is nea
issary to a proper understanding of the
foregoing remarks, and will enable the
reader to form an idea of tho perilous
life and adventures of tho primitive set'
tiers of the Juniata region,
Alexander DePugh for such we shall
call bim was an old and experienced
hnnh.r who with his family, consisting
t Mi n-ifo son iicfiil twenty, anil dimffli- I
ter, the latter a beautiful girl of eighteen
summers, nad sottieu nero oocause 01 11s
, ... ,
seclusion and its boing tho center of a
good bunting section.
On the day npon which our story
owns, voting iserutm was oui on a
funting and fishing expedition and be'
ing of a fearless and venturesome nature
had wandered several miles from home.
About noon, being very much fatigued,
he extended his tired limbs on tho leaf-
itrewn ground beneath the spreading
branches of a large tree, while he par
toot of a refreshing lunch. He had not
remained in this position long, however,
until his trained ears were greeted with
the gruff voice of a man near by in close
conversation with another. Derugh
raised himself upon his elbow and, with
in mtentness bom of experience, lis
tened to their conference. But a few
moments satisfied him that tho speakers
vere Indian scouts and that, too, from a
hostile party who were devising plans for
the capture of his father s family.
With stealthy steps the young hunter
stole away from the dangerous spot and
not having been discov
rered, inado his
way rapidly home, reaching
jhing there just
in time to inform his unsuspecting fain'
ily of tho impending peril. He had
been in tho house but a short time when
peering into the durkness through a
loop-hole ho espied a savago with a
bghted fagot skulking through the trees
toward the dwelling. This latter move
ment on the pin t of an Indian, as well as
toe signal shout before spoken of, were
nnnsunl for such wily rascals, but they
were so confident of victory that they
forgot their cunning treachery. The
jouug man grasped his rille, and run
ning it through the aperture fared the
hot which killed the rascally scout and
urougut tue Indians around the building.
Anxious to wreak vengeance on tho
devoted family for the death of thoir
eonipaniou, tho savages commenced to
light fire brands and throw them about
uie house, but these oulv served to re
veal their foes.
"Robert," said the father, "aim low
nd be sure of your mark."
With this advice from his parent, the
uu ran out His gun and hred again with
fatal effect, as was announced by the
jaddened yells of the red devils which
aoted away on tho stilly nicht air.
Occasional firing was kept up for a
nniuber of hours when suddenly all be-
ue quiet.
The old settler knew that this omin
ous stillness boded him and his family
"o good and that the Indians wero only
siting for tho light of day to aid tliem
ui the destruction of his family and home.
Arriving at this conclusion ho ordered
Preparations to be made for an imme
diate flight, if such a thins was possible.
ne saw that unless they buried daylight
-uum oe upon them and their escape
would be impossible ; indeed, the gray
hgbt of dawn was already appearing.
This last resort was decided upon after
ouch mental torture to tho anxious
To flee to the river was thought the
best plan, bnt, ah! what dangers attended
The red fiends were watching every
Pint of exit, but when the hunter built
house he had run a kind of subter
ranean passage from the cellar several
nundred feet toward the river (in antici
pation of such an exigency as this one),
wd it was thought by following this to
-- ran tney could reach the river and
weir canoes and from thence get to the
Element below.
Hating secured their most precious
relics the whole family commenced their
ngerous retreat The end of the pas
?e was gained in safety and they were
ing their way through the nnder
nih to the river, silently congranlat
of themaelrea npon their escape, when
a savage jell at no great distance warned
nicui moy were uiacovered.
nw vmi. " " . i
nut. ilia duiiikii n NinillMTir In "
i .1 -r-- . .w.w 1U 1
thirstv dnmn,ie wi.i i, n.. "
. r,e poor man knew now tbat unless he
, ----- uwn u uuiuss lie
retiched the river all would be lost. Sum.
momng hwgreat strength he caught his
out tho father saw that unless thev made
an extra dash they would fall victims to
Hmi f,,
tlinir fna
-.1 ..lit, ilia UUUIB
would be reached. Could Uioy hold out
wry iiNhon tuemseives
father and son did nobly and as they
I rl. nn ..: : 4, . ,
tion rollod from their heated brows in
great drops.
iue Indians were gaining upon tliem
perceptibly, but the tired hunter makes
a Herculean effort, while his son follows
closely after with his charge and with a
desperate strain tho canoes are reachod.
The women are laid in tho bottom of
the boats to shield them from the arrows
of the savages and with the father in one
and the son in the other the canoes are
lmtlillpfl rrmiillv nnf intrt tlia oirnam
just m time to escape a shower of ar
rows wnicn go
rows which
whistling harmlessly
The battled Indians stand aloncr the
shoro venting their rage iu fearful,
uiood-curdling yells that echo and re
echo along tho distant hills.
All danger was not yet ovor. for an In
dian, followed by several of his com-
rades, was seen running along the shore,
with the intention evidently of getting
-. w w......, . . l.l.Q I
on a projecting point of land below,
where they could reach tho fugitives
with their arrows when they passed in
their boats.
ortunately the river was higher than
usual, but though the escaping family
kept along the eastern shore they felt
m uuwi wnou mi-jr uio
euuourugeu uy a loua, ringing cueer. 1
Looking up the river they doscnod a
large party of hunters approaching in
their boats and the imperilled family
Knew they were saved.
Tho red skins quickly disappeared in
the woods and were subsequently nearly
au Killed or captured.
Tho lrave hunter and his family, to
gether with the other boats one of
which contained tho handsome porsou of
Frank Murlust, the favored suitor of
Rose, tho settler's beautiful daughter
pulled for the Waynesburg settlement,
where they arrived a few hours later in
As the Indians had become somewhat
irouiiiesouie 1a uu reuiuu iuu luiiuiv
remained in town for some months.
In tho war with tho redskins which
followed soon after the events narrated
above, Robert, who was a fine looking
young man, enlisted and being a brave
soldier soon rose from the ranks to be an
officer of distinction. Rose, who was the
loveliest girl in all that region, acqui
esced in the oft repeated request of Lor
brave and gallant lover, Col. iranK
Murlust, and on Christmas day, just
four months after her perilous escape
from the Indians, was married and lived
many years after, ever tho joy and light
of her husband s home,
Her father and mother, pleased with
their daughter's choice, lived near her
on the site of their old homo which was
dostroyed by the murdering savages.
A man who as an overseer before the
war had drivon the darkeys with a whoop
came to the city yesterday. After taking
two or three drinks, and feeling tbat
peculiar muscular growth so wen Known
to men who stand aiound in "spiritual
seance, the overseer went ou tue street
with the swagger of a man noted for vot-
lncr wholo neighborhoods. An old blind
colored man came walking along. Tho
overseer looked haughtily to one sido
and stopped. The old man ran against
"You old villain, exclaimed the over
seer, hooking a hand in the old man's
collar, "haven t you got moro senso than
to run over a white man
"Marster, fore do Lord, I hopes yon
will skuse me.
"Ah. ves. von old rattlesnake: vou
thought that I would be afraid to tackle
you, eh.'
"Jlarster, lore tue ijora, you mns
'skuse me fur de old man hain't seed a
wink since long afore freedom.
"Aro vou blind old man.'
"Yes, sah, blinder den ole Jacob at de
time ob his death.
"Give me your hand, old man. Hore,
take this tobacco."
Much obleced. thankee, sail.
"Here, take this pipe. Here s a red
handerchief. Any man that would choke
a blind man ought to be stripped. Here's
fifty cents and some more tobacco.
" . . .. . mi . II
Here s a lot of llax thread, lane 11 an,
old man. Here's more tobacco. Is there
anvbodv in town that you want
".No. sah. not a one.
"If there is, I'll beat him till he feels
J,H? iha ikn. Imien't von?"
" v" "
IPS, sau.'
Well, I'll whale
him till ho has tho
thumps. Do you know anybody that can
whip me?"
"Why, marster.'
"Because any man that would choke a
blind darkey ought to be whipped. Hold
on, don't go here's some more tobacco.
Put this pint bottle in your pocket. I
thought at first that I'd make my will in
your favor, but to save lawyer's fees, I'll
give up everything now. Now, old man,
just step back a few yards and butt me
into the middle 01 toe street.
"Marster, I doan wanter hurt ye. I se
got a powerful bard head."
"Vo just as 1 say old man. Diep oaca
and let drive."
The old man stepped bacK, bowed his
neck, and with a bound struck the over
seer so hard that lie staggered out into
the street and fell. "That's all right,
sir." he said to himself, getting up and
walking away. "He served you right.
The next time yon collar a blind nigger
111 use my influence to have yon killed."
Little Itock Oazeit.
If a man has lov in his heart, he may
talk in broken language, bnt it will be
eloqaence to those who listen.
Cnrloui Relics or Wilkes Booth,
When the dolegation from rhikdel
phia was here recently to ask for oofr
doomed cannon to make a statue to Gen.
mouuo, uio iiuriT yiniicu uen, jjunn. at
his ofllce. and saw the nC hi tL tlnm
Meade, the party viaited Gen. Dnnn, at
connected wtth the assassination of Mr.
Lincoin. Miss McHenrr told Gen. Dunn
114 22u St., I'hiladklphia,
Decombor 1(5, 187'.).
Win. McKae Dunn, Judge Advocate-
General, Washington, V. ('.Dear
Sib : Herewith I send you a relio which
may prove an acceptable addition to
your collection, relative to the assassina
tion of l'resident Lincoln.
In August. 1804. J. Wilkes Booth rest.
istered as a guest at tho McHenrr Houso.
Meadevillo, Pennsylvania. He was there
on the 13th of that month. After his de
parture it was found that ho had, with a
diamond, inscribed npon a pane of a
window in his room, the following words:
Abo Lincoln,
Departed this
Life Aug. 13, 18(54,
liy the eflocts of
The glass remainod in the window un-
disturbed until the country was shocked
II il 1 f T ' . 1
uy uiu uiuruer 01 iur. ijinuuin on ine
14th of April, 1805. A fow days after
that event, R. M. N. Taylor, proprietor
of the merienry House, framed it over a
packing of black velvet, framed it with
the autograph of Mr. liooth, which Mr.
Taylor cut from the hotel register, and
sent the wholo to mo just as it now is. I
recmvAil it. tnwnril thn nil rtf Anvil lNdri
----- --- . . j
and l have had it in my possession ever
since. I bolieve the inscription is gonu-
ine and the history as above given is
true. I am respectfully yours,
Mary McHenrv.
It is believed that Booth must have
known of some attempt premeditated, if
it mm ueon sucecssnu. nustinglon
Portland, May 10, 1S80.
Legal touilcrs in Portland, buying, par, and
tiling at pnr.
hilver cuin in 1 oruaml banks nuoto at 1 ixir
com. mscount to pnr.
Com exchange 011 Acnr York, 1 per cent, pre
Coin exchanec on San Francisco, par to ) per
cent, premium.
Telegraphic translcreon cw loru, 1 percent.
Home Produce Market.
The following quotations represent tho whole
sale rntea Iroin producers or 11 ret hands:
FliOUIt Ouotable in jobbine lots at: Standard
brutds, $0 oU; best country brands, f 5 ir)((j
So oo.suiierline, S4 2f(cuS4
WOOL 30(11,321 for choice.
WHEAT (iood to choice, fl SOotl hi; Wulla
Walla Irora 2l(io vis. less.
HAY Timothy baled, buying at $l"(o.f 14 per
rOTATOES-Quotable tit 2540c per 100 lbs,as
to description ana quality.
MIDDLINGS Jobbing at feed,$20fe$25: fine,
S.'ufiiSSiii IS ton.
BRAN Jobbing per ton, $15(S,$10.
OATS Feed, per bushel 42j(V4 cts.
BACON Sides, Ho; hams, urcgon SC 121
131c: 1 astern, lOMilee; shoulders, ,61. 7je.
LARD In kees. lui(afllc i in tins, luto)llo.
BUTTtK We quote choice duiry at Zoa.iue;
good ti-esh roll, Z7j(g,.i-'icj ordinary, lsy)
25c, whether brine or roll.
GREEX FRUITS Apple, S0(SJ5 cts per box;
Limes, w wui per 1UU; Urangcs, $4ii au
per box :
DRIED ERU1TS Apples, sua driod, 7o7Jc:
niacuino dried, lie. rears, machine dried
lOallc. Plums, machine dried, 15Vil8c;
pitted, 13oHo.
EGGS 1 So per doz
POULTRY Hens and roosters. $33 59. Tur
keys 18n20c per pound. Geese, $S9 poruoz.
CHEESE Oregon, 12JuUc; California, 16c.
n()G8 Dressed, 61c; on fool, 3a4c.
BEEF Livo weight, 11 to
1 Jc for good to choice.
KHLEr iiive weight, ljnSc.
T LLOW Quotable at .Vijfc.
UIDES Quotable at K'alTJc f ir all over 10 ns,
one-thiid oll'lor under.lhat, also one-third oil'
for culls; green bJaSe.
General Meseliniidlii.
RICE Market quoted at ChiHa, 5Ja5J ; Sand
wich island, 71n7J.
COFFEE Costa Rica, 17nl8c; Java, 25a2(io;
Rio, H!Jal7c
TEAS We quote Japan in laquered boxes 50a
7oc ! paper, 371Hii.
SUGARS Sandwich Inland, Rl9Jc; Golden C,
in bbls.Ojc ; bfbbls.llit; Crushed bbls. lljc,
lif bbls, 11 jc; rnlvcriHMl bbls, 11 jc, hf bbls,
l.'ijc; Grouulutcd bb's, lljc, hi bbls II jo.
SARDINES tjr boxes, $1 75 ; hf boxes, $2 75.
YEAST l'OWDKK Donnelly, Si8 grabs;
Dooley, $2022 W gross; Preston 1 Merrill,
f 'H W itnws.
WIXES White, per doz in case, 3 50a4 ; per
gal, 70c to $ 1 uu; Sonoma, pcraoz in eases,
7-1 f i ic . ..I mi.. . n i
OU w IK.T cm, uui- W ?i uu
Claret California per gal, $1 tu $1 25; im
ported per gal, $1 50 to f 2.
3!ierry Cnla per gal, $1 50 to $2 50 ; Spnn-
iih,.?.S toii; assorted brand, fu to
imimrted per eal, $1 50 to $7.
Port Various brands in qr csks, $2 50 to $5;
31 50 to 82: imiwrted, $3 to $7.
SPIRITS Kino old Kennedy Brandy in qr cks
ana oc'mveH, imui , uu iki km , i'nir
, r ci i &r Kit .n1 . II...,
ville'i Irish Whisky in cases pur doz, fl2;
Jainea Stewart A Co.'s Scotch Whisky in qr
cks and octaves, 1 ; Henuessy Brandy in
ciise. iicr doz, very line I star $10, 2 star
$17 50, 3 star $19; Holland Gin, large caws,
$18 to $20; OldTornGin incoses,?12; Rye
Whisky, per gal, 2 50 to $5 ; Ikurbon, per
cal. $2 50 to a ; A Cutter, ii
M to S ; A cutter, t J za to su ;
O K Cutter, $4 50 to $5
OILS - Ordiimry brands of coal, 30c, high grades, Co.
Downer 4 Co., 37JnlOc; boiled linxeed, $1 ;
raw Iin.'d, 9c; pureliinl.f lal 10; castor,
l 50fl-l 60; turpentine, C0aft5c.
TrtK IllKatfS.
Saw Fainripco, May, 10.
WHEAT Nothing doing, quoted nominal at
from If 1 45nl Cj extremes.
EGGS Caia 10al7c, Eastern good 1 ic, Oregon
16c. market overstocked with all varieties and
very little demand.
BACON, HAMS, LARD Market active at
about a cent higher all round.
BUTTER Firm at lSa:'ijc.
APPLES Mixed lots, good, 30c.
LE HONS Scarce at $20.
CABBAGE Firm at $.1.
SALMON Columbia river brands unchanged.
Receipts H,0il qr sks flour, 30,000 rtla wheat,
1,700 sks potatoes, 000 doz eggs, !, ctls oau.
Charters Ur bit Middlesex loau wneai, torn,
owner's aecuunU
New Yoas,Mayl0.
WHEAT Unsettled at $1 20ol 25.
chiiaoo uum
Cbicabo, May 10.
wnEAT-41 Ill.J'ine.
PORK $10 UZolO 05, Jud.
I Yew dittien Boat songs.
Latent things in boots Holes.
The groat American dessert Fio.
Tho popular tie 'em table The altar-rail.
A man remembered One with
wocnlcn leg.
l loso contest One woman trying to
outdrcss another.
Are the scissors with which you cut
coupons cashiers?
It is in the base drum that two head;
aro better than one
Shijiowners, strange to say, generally,
preier a wrecKiess captain
When a girl is twenty she generally
il-oib uneasy on that score.
Tho "best boy in school" occasionally
nanaeru 10 mrow a paper wad.
Aiiviee to dressmakers lie suro von
bi-o right and then gore ahead.
As this is sleep year Rip Vau Winkle
companies ought to nourish.
Tho Cznr mistrusts all his servants
Even the Dinah might, jou know.
Denis Kearney's langungo is "rot."
Even his fatal initials are D. K.
A man down East killed his physician
tho other day. It is generally the other
Tho man who was kicked out of the
houso by au irato parent didn't lauah in
his leave.
The wiRe and active connuor diffi
culties by daring to attempt them.
i' Rom now. AMutew comawam.,
t.a-Mmber N. T. LcglnlnMirtt.
Ai.rnNimiA. Bay, Jun.s, isso
H. If. Waknkk A LV: (lonla: I have bepn
troubled with kidney difficult jr fur the hikt
three yenrs, and in October last had u vcrv
never.' Httaok. I then commenced taklnc vour
ftiio K'Hiiey nn i.iverl'ure anj otilalueU re
lief at once. 1 buve used two bottles Hint feel
as well nn ever, anil 1 shall always keen a sou.
ply of Waiuer'a Hufe Kidney n ml Liver Curs (n
tlio bouse. lours truly,
Wurnci's Rafe Kidney and Liver Cure will
posl'lvely cure Bright' UlseatH end Diabetes;
aua ii win a iso cure h;i per cent 01 an liver uia-
eases, and will heln la ever? case without In
Jury to the system, when taken aceordlug to
airwll'iiik. ami tne turn 01 I 000 will be paid to
any person who can prove that It has In I led to
un mis. u, u. waknkk a uo
orliimniklnx itny purrnaae or lit writ
ing- In rooiiN to nay ad vcrf iaeuie ut In
ihi paper you will pleaiiv mention the
same of the piper.
1m now piepared to hirnlsh
inniuea, utiiMues ana up
u'emeut nn tbehortest no
ilco. Adilrc W. n. Iilnur,
Box W. Portland, Or.
B3 i a laTrrrryrrra
A. C.
Gin us.
k. w. niNcmAV
Attorneys and Counsellors at L?w
rorlland, : : 2 Oregon.
OlTlce, 8 and 9, over First National Hank
Particular attention Ph'.i to business In the
United Htjties courts.
Sure 'nre for Fever and
Anne, Dyapepsia. Neurlfia
and KheumHlism. No Med
cine nonlred. For sale by
ill dnniKlatk. Price 12. sent
v mall. WAToON A CO.,
24 Market t. Han Kranelseo,
Aifenta for tho Pacific Coast,
Sent postpaid to any address for 10 ccnte.
tor, Alder and front Htn., Porllnnil. Vr.
. u. M IK OKI.
47 Stark St., Portland, Or.
Wash Klabii, Table Top, etc, done In Ital
ian and American Marble. Also Deal
ers In Heoicb and American Granite
Monuments. Parties Kt a distance will
be ItirnlHli'd with dealgnito select from
by wrltlnr for the same.
A ve retble preparation ai)4 the nly awt
rrnei, in wiv mirni iur pnfDi ,
Illii brink and AM, ILiOmtj, Ufir u.
trlamry bl.wr..
aTVTestlmnnlals of tbeblf best order la proof
Of tbeae siatemenia,
BlrTnr the rare of Matotca, call for Wan
awr'a ftaia Ulakctea Car.
mrrat tb cere nf Rria-kp sn4 trie other
dlk-anes, rail for Waxmer'a aaf. KUaay
mm Uvea- Cava.
i a
tin f e Heme
dies are sold
by DrujcgiKta
and I)aloni
In Medicine
KarkeaSM-. M.T.
-S'tt.l lor Psmpbltt
ad Tasbmooiala.
iiOIWt, UATI.1 4 ttf.. Are"'
f orusod. ur.
tramp s motto "God bless our
Easily Managed and kept in order. Least Complication
in working parts. Engines made Specially for Agricult
ural Purposes.
These Machines have every Available Advantage
E. J. NORTKRUP & CO. Cor. Firstand Main Streets, Portland, Or.
J. A. (iII.MOl'K, Albany, Traveling Agent
Millinery and Trimmed Hat
Would rewpuctfiilly call tho attention of buyers in tlio above line to the fact that
thpv havA opened out a Htock of Millinery and Straw (IooiIh In l'ortland at No. 106
FIRST STREET, where buyors will find it min li to their interest to tall anil examino
their prices before purchasing elsowhere. All gooda Hold Htrletly at ,Siin Fraucisco
priees. aoF.t.0 BROS. & CO.,
IOH KIRVr NTnr.IT, P"M I,M. OK (Uvar Ulr-teli Co.'..)
The Great English Remedy
Is a nover-lhllliift l ure
for Nervous Debility,
KxliatistttJ Vllnihy,
Hemlnal WMkn,
HiH'riimiorrhea, t
malll, Iinpo.
tenoy, I'arslysls. hiuI
all thB terrible efl'eot
of Helf Alius, yimtU
fill follies, niiil exocs
e. In maimer ye rs
such as lns of Mem
ory.I.ossltu.le, Nootur-
inn KiulKsiou, jvvtifioii t isoolety, Dlmnesi of
Vision, Nol"' In the lioml, the vnul fluid
Dnssluir unobserved In the urine, suil iiuiiiy
niheril'"ea Unit IhhiJ to luniulty HiuI ilenl h.
UK. MIKTIK will Htiree lo rorfelt five
Iliinilrrd Dollnrs for Hi'Ksoof tills kind the
IIKI.HKMOHAiltK (under his siieolitl
advleeand treatment; will not euro, or for
anvtblnit Impure or Injnr nus found In It.
ItU. m iN I'l h tren's Nil I'rlvute DIseHses sun.
reasfully without loeremy. t'oullitiloii
Free Thornuuh eXHiiilnmlDii mill advlnx, In
eluding anulysls of urine, fh (Nl. I'rleeof Vital
Uent .lle. 3 W per bottle, or tour limes
the oiiMntltr for 810 IK): sent U eny ailddress
ou rrrelul of price, or I). t. 1)., seeure from ob-
servAtlou, una in privnie nsme ii nesireu, oy
a. fi. ni i i ll., .ii. i,
11 hfiarny Btreei, Nnss rrourlsco, rl.
MI'ltKIKIf.dires all kinds of Kidney
end Bitdder Coinplnlnts, Oonorrhteu, .Uleet,
Leuenrrlxns. Kursale bv all Urumilsl.; II 00 a
bo'lle: six tmtlles lor tS 00.
rv the best and ehenpest UVMPKPSIA and
UILiDlouiel. the ma'ket. forsale by all
IIOIIUK, D4VI1 to. fortlnurt. r.
. holeanle Auei.tN. nisrlllf
The Boss Puzzle,
WliolcHiilo mid llotnil,
So Htt Flrat Street, Ivrtlnol, Oretron
The game will be sent to any adlrea for Ml
cents. When II. Is not eoi veninil to seuu
money, pmlune t-lamps can be sen I, Mr. I Hri
ton bus abided the (Inure 18 to thepurile.whlnh
Hives It Hddillnt nl Interest, 'i be 10 pilule la
made by arrunKliiK the blocks so as Ui have
them count op ,'H In every direction. m'Mw
Strictly Pure Atlantic
wisnow nfiASH, iruhhp:h, varnishes,
Window aiMl IllIntlM.
General Agency AVEItILL Mixed I'aint. Oldisit
and best feh2flinl
Made on ConslgnmenU of
Oliriwty Ac Wise,
Wool Commission Merchants,
COT Front flL, Han Francisco,
H4, Front Hf ., Portland.
113 First Mrrrl, Portland,
New Scale Upright Planoi L Burdett Orgaai.
Instnimi-oia aold on lb lo.Ullment p n
Pbert, bKks and Ma.lral Merenaodi..
Ca'alof oas laroUbtd oo ppllcatlon. Country
orders fined on application. aptlf
Han Francisco, Cal,
Treats all Chronic and Special Ulaeaeea.
the e He els nf youthful follies or Indis
cretion, will do well loavail themselves of tbli
the greatest boon ever I ld at the aliar ofsufler
loir huitiHiil'y. DR. HPINNEY will tuarantee
In forlt-li fSOO for every case of Hemlnul Weak
nessnr private dlanaseof any kind or charac
ter which he undertakes ami falls to oar.
There ere many men at the sirs nt thirty (o
alxly wbo are troubled with too fr quant evac
uations uf the bladder, often aeoompanled oy
aaltvbl srnartlnKor burning aeiisxtlnn and a
weakening of the system Id a manner the pa
tient einnot aooount frr. On exirplulng Che
urinary deposlta a ropj aedlmenl will often be
found, and sometimes small pattlnlea of albu
men will appear, or the color will heofathln
tnllkl-li hue, again changlnv to a dark and
torpid sppearsnne, There re many men wbo
die of tins difficulty, Ignorant of the cause,
which W the second atagje of seminal weakness.
Ilr H. will guarantee a perfect care lo all such
cxae, an I a healthy restoration of Ibef-iDlto
nrlnsry orgnne.
(ifllre Hours-10 to 4 and to I. Aondaya
from 10 to II A M. C'nnsultatlou free. Thorough,
examlnailon and a J vice, i.
Call or address,
DK. aPIl.EY at CO.
No. II Keiruy street, nan Kranoisoo.
P. H.-Kor private diseases of abort atandlng
a lull course of medicines anfflcienl to cure,
with neceaaarr lualrnctloua, will be lent lo
any adileas on receipt of ten dollars.
, 0. VBBBCtt
John Epperly & Co.
Have Jaat opened a sew
Feed and Commission House,
No IK Front street, corner of Taylor, where
will be luund a complete stock of htaple Uro
eeilea tie '
Csil'orola and Oregon Fruit and Produce
Also leave of No. 1 "table. Corner Front and
M'u The only large corral 1 In U elor for
Importers and dealers In
Guns, Bides and Kevolrcrs
Of Every D!crii.tion.
Cutlery, Vishing Tackle, Bird Cages, Beads,
Velocipedes, Croquet Games, Base
Balls. Etc., Etc
Car. Prwat aaa AI4r .. Pwrtlaad, Or
. K'f 5-SB f
l in t
km 1 M w
I f I rp :
! ? Z , N ?s.5 H Li
i - n r ? u
I t r 5 a
0 a. S B
It H o y
i i : .s5
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f O I-1" M
3 M
I E Ir Q
f.f I! s
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