luoriiTic ruTFuti roi oregm. Ths Democratic party of tlx Stat l Or(fon is eooveutlon assembled, profoundly sensible W the important consequence depending upon th immediate remit of their deliberation, do declare Mid reassert th principle of popular liberty and rik'hU Uid down by Washin-tnn, Jefferson nl the other founders of the repub lic. We brliero the tendency i4 the Republi cm party to otntnduation and consolidation art contrary to the principle of our institutions-, we insist on unity, fraternity ud con coid, ud that the issues formed by the war shall not be revived. We demand h'inest elee tioni Mid mi honest count of the vote. Never aain by fraud or force ehall the popular will b set aside by tinecnipuloui partisans. That we an unqualifiedly opposed to any on hold ing the office of president of the United State for three term. Resolved, 1. That ws favor honeaty effi ciency Mid economy in every department of the government, atat and federal 1 That all proiierty ihould bear ita jtut proportion of taxation, and we favor the en actment of such lawi a will accomplish thil and, 1 That we favor the equal protection of the right of labor and car ital under jurt law, thereby lessening tb bi rden snd increasing tb advantage of the working people. 4. That we claim ae smengst th power re served to th states, th right to pa at any time by their legislat ire, laws designed to pre vent eummoa carrier from making unjust dis criminations against persons and places, &, That we favor th maintenance of th public schools, th hup and pride of a fre state. 8. That th democracy demand free and fair (lectione, and to that end denounce all in terference with election by tb military pow- en that th eiix-rimce of thil and other conn trie ha abundantly proved that ta presence i ha root. of troou at th polli i destructive of tb tree- dots of election and U incmitible with the xistenne of free institution. 7. That th effort of th republican party to open and keep alive th war feeling between the north and the south ar to be condemned by svenr lover of his country. A That w favor continued lawful agitation ob th subject of mongolian emigration to this country, until th federal government is moved to modifv our treaties with th I'hiue em pire so M to prohibit it, and thus save thoae of fellow citizens who deprnd upon labor for sup port from unjust and degrading competition. We condemn and denounce ia th severest term the veto of 11 U. Hayes of the bill lim iting Chinese immigration to this country, and this experience shows that th people have no hep fur rslief from th scourge except from a Democratic President. 9. That we regard with alarm the recent decisions of th supreme court of the United States as having been mi de in the interest uf th republican party, and intended to blot out th last vestige of sutes rights, centralize and consolidate the federal union, and change it to aa empire. 10. That w bold to th constitution with all it amendmrtiU, but w insist on an inter pretation of th amendment in consunanc with th spirit of the original instrument.. 11. That we jdetlg our earnest endeavors to upholding a system of untrerutueled suf frar absolutely free from federal fore and su pervision. IX That tb democracy oppose all favorit ism and class leinoUtion. No single interest r class of persons should It protected at the Cipro ol other.. 11 That wa are o;i to any and all pro tective tariffs, and ar in favor of a tariff for revenue only, and we ledg th democratic party to abolish all restrictions upon commerce as soon as p.-a-ticable. KmoLVM),. That whils w remyniie gold and silver a the outitutioos currency mh! regard It a Ui only real money, i deem auy further contraction of the r issue of the govern ment unwin in the lireaent financial oouditicn. KsauLVru That believing the fees of. clerk aad slisnO to be exorbitant aud onerous to till ganU. we favor the passa' ef a law by th Bext legislature materially reducing their com pensation so that the amount Iaid them shall aotticeed the value if their services. A prominent jdiysioian of rittstiurg aa'ul jokingly to a lady patient who waa complaining of her continued ill health, and of bin inability to cure her, try IIopBitU'm" Tlie lady tx.k it in eanieht and used the IiitU-rs, from whk'h she obtained permanent healtk She now laughs at the doctor for li's joke, hut he ia not so well pleased with it, as it cost him a good patient Teh to Ost When a man telU you ho doen't U-lieve the Itihle, quote something from ArUtotle or fcliakes , peair, and ak in which portion of the Scriptures is the NHage, and ten to one he will awiure you tliat he has of ten read it in the sacred Uxik, hut he cannot recall the chapter and verwv Hahnemann, the homeoiahtio doc tor, ouco cured one his jiatienta by merely putting a flunk under his nose and telling him to smell it A month afterwards l.e sent in his account, and tlie next day the patient a Parisian cJIeon him. As Hahnamann was rather hard up, being very mly paid Ly his clients, he received his visitor with the greati-st pleasure, exjiecting to receive his fee. "My dear doctor," Mid the patient, "I'll pay you with the same readiness as you have cured me. Here is a hundred franc note; smell it We are quits," AlUny Democrat: AUmt 6,000, 000 feet of liign have Iki-u put in the vaiaisKiia near tw iiemi in tlie moun tains aUve Hriiwiutvillp, but on arcount a bad su-e of water iu the ntrmm, aliout I,.1il0,0()0 f.i-t were left alsiv llrowwsville, and the remainder liave been brought U this city. - Tbe Crtitfii Blntin,. A simple, pure, harmless remely, that cures every time, and prevent dis ease by keeping the blocs! pure.stouiach , regular, kidneys and liver active, ia the the greatest blessing ever conferml tuan. Hop Bittern is that remedy, and its proprietors ere U'ing blessed by thousands w ho have been saved and ured by it Will you try it? See another column. Chas. M. Horn, PRACTICXiL G UXSM1TH. - DRALZR IN' GUNS, PJFI.E !a Fishing Tackle si 4 maUnals. Keparini dm in the neatest style evr"sndwarTantrt bVwiag aiaahiaee, rWea, Locks, etc, r paired. Guns loaned and amra jnitiou furnished. hop ob VTillaBietto si orposit Astor lLoosa I A GRICULTURAL IMPLEME.TS JY. all kinds at iastd tj-urea hy T. 6. HEXmiCXS. ' eivI2 ' - r lit i- Fortify taa Systsjaa. And yon are armed against disease. Tbe finest tonic for this purpose is Hostetter ' Stomach Bitters, which renders digestion easy and conv plete, counteract biliousness, and keep th bowels in order, and so genial and beneficent are iu effect that not only is tb body invigorated and regulated by ita use, but despondency ban ished from th mind. For sale by all Druggist and Dealers generally. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. "J Is sever failing Cur i for 'ervon Debility, Kxhausted Viulity, .1 rvminai vveasness Spennstorrhoea I.OBt 1 MAMIIIOODlm potency, Faralysis.and all the terrible effect of Keif-Abuse, youth ful follies, and excesses in maturer year such as Losaof Memory, Lawi tufle, Aocturnal Kmis sioa. Aversion to Kocietr. LHinnes of Vision, Noises in tb Head; th vital fluid passing un observed in th urine, and many other disease tbst lead to insanity and deatn. , DR. JIIXT1K will agre to forfeit Fivi HcxiiKen Dollars f a rase of this kind the VITAL RE8TOKATIVK (under bi pecial advice and treatment) will not cure, or for any thing impure or injurious found in it DK. M I.N TIE treaU all Private Disease (uccesa fullv without mercury. Cosscltatios lrt Thorough examination and advice, including anklrsi of unne. tX 1'rice of VfTAL Kwtos ativi, $3 a bottle, or four time tbe quaatity, $10; sent to auy address upon receipt of price, or C. O. D.. secure from observation, and in private name if desired, by A, E. JI1.V11K, n. i. 11 Koaraey Streot, Saa TVaisoUce, C al ii R. MIXTIK-3 KIDXEY REMEDY, XEPHKETK'UM, cures all kinds of Kidney and ISladder (Vmplainta, Uoiorrhoea, Gleet, Leucorrlioea. ror sale by all drugvlsU; 11 a bottle, six bc.ttlrs for tt. DK. SUXTIfS DAXDEMOSPILUIarc the best and cheapest DYSPEPSIA and lilL IOU8 cure in th market. For sale by all druggist. Hod, Iavi A Co., Portland, wbolesal at.'enU for abnv remedira TJSly HAVING Just Received a LARGE Assortment OF BILL IIKADS. LETTER HEADS STATEJLENTS, 1A kind- of CAKD aud COOK Papers; Etc., w re prepared to do Job Work at very LOWIUtoj." aV -J . Bi-w - a. r- '; Eugene Guard, Bwkud Job Offitr. jsjt VlTlamotU St, Summons. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Stat of Oregon, for ths county of Lane. Elixa D. Parker, Plaintiff, vs. Wm. M. Par ker, defendant Suit in equity for Divorce. To th above named defendant, We M. Parker. In th Bam of th State of Orezon, you are hereby required to appear in the above entitled suit brought against you by the above named plaintiff in tbe Circuit Couit of the Stat of Orevon for Lane county, and answer the com plaint of said plaintiff, on file "herein, by tbe brat day of the next regular 'vttm of said Court, to-wit: Monday, the l'Jth day of April, 1S80. The defendant will take notice that if he fail te appear and answer said complaint a above required, tbe plaintiff will apidr to tbe Court for the relief therein demanded, to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant be dissolved, I nd that plaintiff have jndtpnent against the defendant for the cost aud dubursements of this suit. Service of this summons is made by publi cation in Th Erorsi Citt Gcam, bv order of the Hon. J. F. Watson, Judge of said Court, dated th Hth day of February, 1S0. THOMPSON i BEAN, Attorney for Plaintiff. Feb. 18, W8 fe21t6 THE BEST OF ALL FC2 KA!7 03 BEAST. When a medicine hss Infallibly don Its work In million of eases for more p inan a third of a century; when it has ri, r'siHi rvcry pun ut iiw witroii wiwh i iiumiierle ramllle everywri. ro con- f .iler l l-mnly safe reliance in rasn of ! ) i .r n ti.kmii, hi preuy sitie tocaii j ;c.: a i.i-mi uio IE BEST OF ITS Dl. ThU is l'" nw vrllli the Mexlean UnaUiis; I.lulnient. Evi-ry mail i lirlncililelllK'n-eol n valwable hnrse rru, inengony r mi atviui eicr ura auMueil, I no li'ir ' rlirn mrtlm overcoino, end of n llimisnnil--) Olio olhT b eihif "nn I omn-li s VrMO.-w (I hy till olil t'llulllO .HI li,- n Moli-l l.lnhnewt. ?H fr..iis i-f u r..iu isonso are pt di... i .iH-1 1 y Jit) llnilsM I.lnlmont. II ne!mt mus-1e, membrane and V-i-ir, o ilio vry I on-, banishing pnln i i-uiiii (Hm-hm wlili a power llml iirif-l lit. It l h mullein needed by i- rjl.y,f.i iu llioraitdiere.wlio rides in 1 rrl ca-'lllry l!nln. 1- l"n-"nrrhmit Rfl 'J hi- 0 I a .r SSP-H B end i Ins MMit-ulit r who h,.iI2 hi in mis'1. r s ll!i.-iiiumlm when ail oiliur Ions lull. In hoiKlunul iMM-dlly en re audi aliments of the lit MAM H.KMI ss Kliewms t Ism. ttn-elllnas, Sllff Joints, niiuarti 1 lnrl, llnrtts slid H.-alds, fills, Ilrnlae and lMpialns, I'iIiouoik lilies and v mlHus. Btlfriirsi, l.nmeiiras, Old Snee, tleers. frostbites, t'hllblalns. Sore Nipples, i aksd Itrsast, and iudeod vry foriu of etlsrnal die ts, e. It is the grent'-st remedy for the dls n'lleni a nl ncrliluiits 10 which the lluum Cssatioi spi subject tuut has 1 vi rlieen known. It cures jhprslus, hivlnii-, SJIIrT Joints, t'osimler, ITarues Mores, Hoof lls e taes, Foot Itol, tM-reve tVorsn, Scab, JClls, Spavin, lurry, Itlnfbone, Ctlld Hires. I'ull tvll. I llin noon iCtlie Maht and every uilirr ailment Sin wliich the oeeupaul t Ibe LthlibU and Slock Yard are liable. J A Iwrntv-nva cent bottle of Mexican jj'imK Muiinciit hss oflen suved a Wuilnsiiie homo, a life on crutches, or ' )i'tu (if torture. r J 11 heals wllbont a Bear. It arte to tlio very root ol tlio mutter, penetrating uv-n 1I1O bone. It cuie everybody, and disappoints 1 o nno. It has been in steady use for more than twenty-five years, and is positively THE BEST OF ALL UTS F02 m OS BUST. EDITX02;. WEBSTER'S IMCP.1DGED. 1928reres. COOO 2i:,rrriTiccs. Four l'aps ColoroU l iaics. Kow added, a SUPPLEMENT fw 4600 XIHT V GZDS KlZeaclnz, loeluilinf sn-h as bsT eone Irto ne dnrltw in Mrt f f.renyrars-r;isry of whlchhsvo never toiure Ioud i a j .sco in 007 totlai i;M.Loca.-. ALSO APPED, A Biograpliical Dicticarj of OTcr f70D XAES of Xnted Prsnas,anr ieo: and moii era. lne'ntin many bow Iivi-ik, firing I'rnninciaiioa. AstMaality, l'rufoi"n tnd Ut-f eaci Jin: LATZTT. T TITT Kill riOM roeum s f i riVvnnt ef X over 4800 uns and nWamncs. "J.rh new word In f-nrrV neM 1 len se XJ lecuolssj io'tafi with rrvttrsrr. With BKwnSlcsl T'letlnnarv. noww ed,ef vw V100 names o! l-erxiaa CET TZST Elltl,ii rl th bs-t I it-lrr. yrf lvel- li.ft La:uarr erer .u iuhx J DsSnluont hsie rlwtv. Ik-ci r rertri to be U.ur Uua la to. ciur l ii iioix-. "rr.ursilcBt, P0CO, sSflt t.l hkj JL as many a la auy auy oilier mho PWy rrrcmmenr'ed Y-r Ct.i's 6:-Ti Males, aad C'J I rc tn. I a 8.-hools. - sVxit 3"2.P0O I 'tv beea rJa,d ia tu&io bebouli ia 1S0 I" C. Oolyrnellh PU-tlonary evtU'rir-r r tC KTtnskal DK-uooanrhii giv.-s i! e Name with rtonunrUtkin, N"cv r ' rkw and Date cf over fj.i " rvr u PttbUabed by C. C PTra,;rtajS!J. AL80 wtssran Bit3s;l fsTcnia Dn::ni'i W40 PajM Octave. 6S0 Cevrsv irs. milK BEST SHOES EVER BROUGHT X to this market, at the lowest price' T. li. Hr.MKlt K9 BOOT! ASD NIIO1.H-CAUF0K nia kaad and turbine made B Ms sad Shrea, A Bew lot direct from fartnrv. S. H. FRIENFLY UHIRlEflT$ MEXGAN vs'eiw. rra x . Has beea la constant f ns try the publle for aver twenty years. 4r and Is tbe beat preparation ever Invented for RESTOR ING CRAT HAIR TO ITS Yorrnnx color axd The State Aimer and Chemist of Hats. and leading eodcrss and it as a rjre&t triumph in medi cine. LIFE. f it 1 supplies the natural food and color to the bair glands without atalnlng the skin. It will Increase and thlekea the growta of the hair, prevent Ita blanching and tailing off, and thus ATERT BALDNESS. car Itching, Erup tions and Dandruff. As a BAIR DRESSING It I very desirable, giving th hair silken softness which all admire. It keeps the head clean, tweet and healthy. -ms. vr-viii 1 mis -m;wx CKINGHAM-S DyE WHISKERS will .change the beard to a BROWN or BLACK at discretion. Being In on preparation It Is easily applied, and prodoce a permanent color that will not wash off. PREPARED Bi B. P. HULL t CO., NASHUA, N.H. Sold bt til Daa'tn In MsdiclaSi GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDIC IXE. TRADE MK.The Great F.u(f-t '"-fcOE MIC. lish Kemedv.An unfailingcti efor Seminal Weak ness, Spermator rhea, Irnpntency and all diseases X. that follow as a '!.I57V r'...,ii.i.;. . sequence oi&eii-, . -X ; . w"J-: oAbuse: ss Lossif-flr Takin. Memory, Universal Lnssitude. Pain in the JJuck, Dimness 01 V laion, rremature old a'-e and many other diseases that lead to Insanity or mniiimpuon and a premature grave. Ss r ull particulars iu our pamphlet, which w dtwire to send tre by mail to every one, The Specific Melicine is sold br all druir- ipst at $1 x!r package, or six packages for t'l, or will b sent free by mail on receipt of the money by addressing 111KUKAK JlfcUlIMi CO., No. 10 Mechanics' Ulock, Detroit, Mich. "Sold in Euirene City and everywhere in the United States and Canada, by all whole trie and retail druggists. Ia rarest aid Best Itdldae ever Bads a. combination cf IIobs, Bseha, Vaadrake. ail UasdcMon. . h r If lbs U.t aiidlucil eaiZ urpiirt.i.-cf slU IVlasil I'artaer, ret i Itlosd I l'artser, I.Itcv Uecnl star, and LUc I ilcalla Liljuh ujt jutl c a earth. No dlM or ill b-il-.h m nowlhlv Lm. mU whers H.p r:ttrj u LMxi, w varuxl and perUct irtticiro;if ru.: jiui. TW7 lra see U.'i til itrt.ti. teHss4 IsSra. To s!l wh. enlrt:. i rr.!i i-m-i-.!. theboirrU or i.-c ycrv'U"mrwho miuiro sn A:inet!srr,T nlj n- 4 i-, hwr.:-: r.t, UoB JSMen are iavaluaJIs wULimiI 1 jUik-kUuj. pomttt-rwhst jocr ftl.-- or rr-nntomn srs. Uoytwalt03;;l3rrai"in..Utl; you oalT fral taul or mii-rau.c, u 9 t r., : n st uoos. ltmar r your Ufa. It U nte.1 LuiuiwIj. SiOO will he r;. fn,-ar.w thev w'JI ii rare or m-!p. Con-it iJerc ri t jrni-l li !iwuiir,but Bemiw1r.lI-i::Irl-rit-n-T(i..ari-r.(lrliii. no..n:-.o, . ! is-lvw V" 'IkVever maiie, itn fitn:i:- v.r-a ,4 ii.-w'ana let I'-wti llu Jax. S'-vipej Hoe Cooos Crailr'v. ps'tist, safKt sod best Ths Ho-rsi, forSor.v -.V l"i-k-jl rHiwvtoesst. nartoaJutw Cui i byiWi-i bar afc iuimwisL a t C h en p Vrh;t.",-7 i ;m Nrnrefiritnnk B 4J, ansntera. etvvc-iai NOTICE! To Whom it May Concern. IHEREHY GIVE NOTICE THAT I AM the sole owner of the I'nlent Itizht fer Sinking and lrivinz Wells in 1-ane county, Mute 01 tirem, ami that said liulit is pn tected ny letter rateut issued by tlio v. s. (iovernmnt to Nelson V. (ireen, of Court land County, State of New York. All persons who have l'lriven Wells, or had theia driven, without my permission, since the 21st day of February. 1x73. are liable to urosecution for ininnt.'eiueut ol said Uilit and are hereby no- UBed to come forward aud adjust the same. All infringements in the future will bcTuroa- ecutea. I am prepared to driv Wells or will erant penniauon to omert on application. B. F- DORRIS EUGENE CITY MILLS. TE ARE XOYf I REPARED TO DO If Cnslom Work; Grind foi Toll; Grind par Cnric; Exchange Flour and Mill Feed for Whea, and Do n General Mill lUisIness. The HIGHEST MARKET Cash Price Paid for Wheat rATTERSOX, tDRIS A GRAY EuSn City, October 16, 18TJ Land for Hale C krnp. W bar several gtvxl stock raacbes which will be sold oa very reasonable terms. Also one good grain and stock farm, containing 2 acres, with largo hoot and bars; sicel lent orchard, oat houses, etc., all nnder feaoe. Pnco fur farm, 12,500, one-third dowa and balance in yearly installments. For particular call so or addrera E. A. Jrp l!s or K. P. JrMis Engene City. Ors- aSml ml li 001x13' Eric Building. DEALKBS 19 Groceries anJ Provisions Will keep on hand s general assortment of Groceries, Provisions, Cured Meats, Tobacco, Cigars, Candies, Candles, Soaii, ?iouons, Ureen and Dried Fruits, Wood and Willow Ware. Crockery, Etc. Business will be conducted on s CASK BASIS. Which means that Low Prices are Established Goodi dclirtrtd wilhont har; ti Bdjci ALL KINDS OF PROT'JCt WAfJE F"r wh irb 1 will psy the u;heet priccmsrket A. LYNCH GLENN'S a SULPHUR SOAP. eradicates All Local Skix Diseases; PeANE.NTLY BEAUTiriES THE CoMruxiQN, Prevents and Rsme dies Khxumatism and Gout, Heals Sores and Injuries or THr Cuticle, and is a Reliable Disinfectant. This popular and inexpensive remedy accomplishes tlie same results as costly Sulphur Baths, since it per manently removes Eruptions and Irritations of the Skin. Couplexional Blemishes are sk ways obviated br its use, and it renders tlie cuticle wondrously fair and smooth. Sores, Sprains, Bruises, Scalds, Burns, and Cuts are speedily healed by it, snd it prevents and remedies Gout snd Rheumatism. It removes Dandruff, strengthens the roots of the Hair, and preserves its youthful color. As s Disinfectant of Clothing and Linen used in the sick room, and as a Protection against Co.NTAiiious Diseases it is unequaled. rhysicians emphatically endorse it. Price s25 and 50 Cents per Coke; per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. andSUO. N.B. Sent by Mail, Prernid, oa receipt of price, snd 5 cents eiira lur csch Cake. "WTT.T.'E HilS AUD WHISKEU BYE," Black sr Ororra, 39 Cents, p CS.Crittcnton. Pron'r, T Sixth It. 1. 1. EUOENE GUARD ONLY ONLY f 2 50 fER YEAR Io?i "Work to Order fainst Lots hy Five IX THE Liverpool h 6 Gloiie INSURANCE COMPANY. Chas. Lauer, Ag't. NOT FAIL te sen i fur our 1'rlre List for ISS0. Fans to snv siiorew upon sp T'lloatlnn. i TontAlns ' ilesrrlptlons of evsrjr IIiiiik required foe i.v . . iwrsooal or family Bsc with over 1.200 Illimtraitoiin. We sell sll tootl st whnleis's prlres In ensnlltles to null the puirbsiei Tlie only liutltutlun Id America wi?.nl5iT ,M" 'h"'r l'"'l:1 hiKlness. AUdrosiL S4J A ttt WabU Av.,Uklsco, IU. nsBcsreisnr 4mMi) JOJ pix-g ..inaop aiintat M '-iji U H..?Joj iis-xiiu'J K '4 s(X nt IU1U BAM Itg rtOfl 9991 irtp puv oq.ivpvirsj vortoanm l'tU.ltM li. ((ojrmi.irliUeXKi ni Tvv'i J!'ri ptr uj It:! S-TPITT !!(. U J 'ajl flit vsm) sVfVfcviS 9q2rt wss ffnn on fwnT, S ll 'Mi-Mlu.l.T'JiUp 4H in 3"ini.jj pua ,u,jrui.sUTiI yT vyUo j Ai I I M -..., 1,1 4ZU4'f ! v.r .---, i i -r; 'yyrn .;j .TJ cou mii in.i,it,airiviMi)fT I I ." t.', I l J . -J-J JQ4 -'.on 1 ..Mr.- m I 1 l- W.Jl!, 4iSJ0a4 1 MS . 1 - : I I - w ' i.:.i. f. k.ytr u- p.-nr sj U .IV.t-.iKI-g Eugene City Foundry AKD MACHINE SHOP, Crouch Brown. Prnrfa "YrE ARE NOW PREPARED TO EX- v V ecut all kinds nf mar-kin. l . . k...u..j . :- -ii . -" -...v. hw n u & i in is or BiaciiinerT Castinira of aC kinds furnished sa oacet aotic of imn, brass, bell metal, etc We also manufacture to order, steass tnrineo, water wheels, saw nulls, floor mills, etc. Bits gives to rrti waatiiiC rich wnrk. Cft L CH A FOR BUENA VISTA STOXE WRli T. G. HEXCRK-KS Xtv Y U: . lit w.. yn-.y vaxssosij D HUM COLD'S COMPOUND Fluid En act PHARMAEUTl A Specillc Reemy I DISEASES OF Thai BladdER M ' U Fur Debility. Less of Memory, IsdisBpoita to Exertion oJ muinns, Shortness of reath.a Troubled with Thoughts of Disease, TJuDaest Vision, Pain in th bsck, Chest, sod Hsst Rush of Wood to th Head. Pal Custnaa ' and Dry Skin. If thee svruiitoms ar allowed to sen, very frequently Epitetic Fits snd Consumptisa ff. low. When th constitution becomes fctt4 it requires the a d of an invigorstia tnedicin to strengthen and tons up th syttess -wliicS Helmboldl's Bno&n DOES IN EVERY CASE IS UNEQUALED Byany remedy known. It Is presnlM the nieut eminent iihysicians all ever U we in Rbnemitism, Spermatorrhoea Neuralgia, Mervonsnes8, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Achfl 9Bd Pam General Debility. ' ' VTJ J il. J ' iivtr Complaint, Korvoua DebUity, piepcy, Head Troubles, Paralysis. General TlU.WaclrV Spinal Diseases. a"1 - J- - 1 . ' cciatica, . deafness, Decline, Lumbago, Catfrrh, Itfervnus CimplaJi Until Complaints, ko. headache, Tain in the Shoulders, Cesrh. ram in th reiHnn nf . , HlmboldBuchu Invigorates the stemieb. And stimulate the torpid Liver, Bowels, ml Kidneys to healthy action, is leaniaf blood of all impuritie. and impartial sew 1st snd vifjor to the whole system. A single trial wiU he quit sufflcisst to ass Vine the mmt kMi(.tinn n ... i li dial qualities. RICE $1 PER B0TTL1 Or Six Bottles fir S. Delivered to ny address free fresa eh tion. " Patients" may consult br recsivisf th same attention as by tag, by aaiwerisf th following questions: L Give vi.i.r nsme and rxiet-sflics sddreas. count and ttate, and your aeareet iprss ottioe I Your si; ssd set? A Oocnpatioa ' 4. Married or sirgl ? 5. Height, weight, new sad ia health t 6. How long have yon bees sick ! 7. Your complexk n, color of hair ssd eye A Have you a it pins ur erect rait J 9, R -lnte without leaemtina all Tea kaoW abont toot case. Enclose one dollar as ess- sultatioa fee. Your letter will thss rocetv our attention, and w will giv yes the na ture of your diseae and stir candid osisies concerning s cure. Competent phy icians stttead to cuiiespew dents. All letter shenld be sddrrnea to Disrernatorv. 1217 Filbnrt 8treet. Pailaiel phia,I'a. BUGHU I. T. IIEMB0U), Drofgihi tod Cbtit, riiilidtlf Vim, Ps. SOLD EVERTWBhRB