ki mm cm guard EffPHNE CITTiORKGON. XTCRUAY. MAR. UO. IeO Democratic County Convention. At a meeting of th. Demooratlo County Committee, bld at Eugene City, Feb. 20, 1880, tt wm ordered that tt Democratic County Conention b. held at Eugene City, on Saturday, the 27th day of March, 1880, for the purpose of selecting 10 delegates to the State Convention, to be held at Albany, Aril f!0 W of nominating a candidate for State Sena tor,.! oandldates for Representatives, 2 candi dates for County Commissioners, a candidate for County Judge, Sheriff, Clerk, Treasurer, Assessor, School Superintendent, Surveyor and Coroner, It was also recommended that the preeinct conventions be held at the respective i of Toting oa Saturday, March 20th, -Joerit Jsba ffhliciker." The Wall Walla Statesman, of March Clh, payi ur Representative in Congress, the following wall mer ited compliment : Oregon may well eel proud of her Representative to Congress, John Whiteaker, familiarly and favorably known aa "Honest John." Il wai thought by hia friends, end even tome . of the meet intimate, that Got. Whiteaker, aa a Congressman, would be little elae than a painitak ing, conicientieui member, keeping atrictly within tbe linei ol duty, and leldom rising above what is known aa the average M. C. There were never any feart that he would be dor mant, or mere aeat warmer, but pi m a-t n -if 4 II UM.(uft KA .legates, apportioned on. for h precinct " "PCted lie would be the active and on for every 25 rote or fraction thereof CongreiRBan that he ia. We are in- of 15 or over, cast for 8ut Senator at I foriiiuJ through Washington eorrea June election, 1878, M South Kujeue 7 North Eugene.... 4 Camp Creek 1 Springfield 4 Willamette 3 Cottage Grove.... 4 Coait Fork 3 Mohawk 2 Spencer 2 ' Kichardsen 4 followsi Pleaiant Hill..., Simla , Lancaster , Loit Valley l)Ug Tom. Haxel Dell Fall Creek Middle Fork McKeazi Irving , , Total. J. M. Thompson:, Chairman Tildtn. . a era r I I .AtxianiA Ihflf l.iV W I 1 1 & If II r 3 if Uoked upon aa the encyclopedia of 2 the Heiire CoramiKee on Indian af 2 fnira, and ia invariably it leader in all delilientiona. Hi familiarity 1 with parliamentary law, Acquired 1 k.nAinlilu ia.vinrv hia Ktflta Ml WI1IIV IIVI.VIRUII IVIIWIf M- ........ - ' President of the Senate, makes him SoIiIia .wi.r i,f an lai.liniiin nn tha flttOI! and Sunset Cex, whe aita by hia aide, aad who ia one of the oldest and beet I minted members of the House, does Jfour years oi ceaseless persecution . d ra nadvisabl to oeeasional- and slander, from his enemies, has Uy C06it on lhv K0V,rinj, Tue, not wea.enea tne aircngtn oi mt. wiu, lho Laili oountT fttrmcr 0re Hideo witn me ueaiocratio pnaianx. cn ,lg( nf?er before haj t Con ma record wnen uovernur nww Uressiii in who has been more on the a . t f I m rorK, pnniyiog tne puono aervioo or ftert t9f k jntm.,.( wh, has in bia Slate, and by the aid of his meis- lrojua.d and carefully carried to a ages and vetoea redeeming it from a .,u.C(.,ltul clone more bills. In tbe peculating ring, mid securing the con- departments, our correspondent says tlotion and puiiiHliment of tne often D, j , perfect power; and nevir d.rsiHa matter of history. JNo man ,Te 0I10 0f constituents yet sent could boast a fairer reputation, both him work in such quarters that has nth political adherent and optios. not beu pushed to the uttermost, era, than Air TiMon at the, time of Again we say , wo congratulate Ore liia nomination lor tint President. Ltfn Oo her Cong reasmau, and regret liut this was the signal tor the open ,,Ht B has out ofiener been so ably log of the floodgates of calumny and reprens nted. misrepresentation from opponents, who but a ahort i..-rio,l 1,-fore had LiYIJJO OUT A WARM bUMMEK. lauded and heralded him forth as a Suppose the Hepublicana aoininate patriotiu and holiest citizen. General Grant for President; sup The day for the final contest came P l Independent Kepubl cans sod. he was a-uurod ot'tli.. confidence nominate a cmulidate ol tneir own; f tko people, nc iringu plmulity ,,f wpposo Tildeo captures the Demo Over quarter ol a million vot.s, and "r110 "oninauon; suppose tne ami a analoritv .r the . U ior-I u.ies l...d TiMenites run John Kelly; then aup ficht and liutiud i.ruvmUd. lUi rcb Vm JUV1 UMm lni n8"' M a Workinorman'a candidate wouldn't there be politico enough abroad iu this glorious and to make things lively this Summer f asks the New York Tribune. bars who had thtived mid lutteued ut the public ciio tor preceding year were not reudy to relinquish their hold on the spoiN, when by colliu ion and chiumiery the will of the mn . tii. i i ii. joriiy cou. oe mwaneu. miurning T!l0 Fulton, Pa., Democrat, sayi: Boards in and Florida, and Nev,r M w , iu )(J ,,u. political electoral tomm.sMon at lQrJ o tU coumry h ft Utin the cap.tol, robbed .Mr. Tilden ol his ,,arly l0 ,uocj,a io .mUifying it ,a.r.y e.n.e.. nonora. . true has the ltepublioan party. In man..., uiu. we imie most wpern we 1875.7fl U Mmn , lhirJ erB n(J have wronged; this would account o expressed itself iu very certain J -II .1.- 1 I.I! tvepuuueau nuareprescuia i tarnie. I 1RS0 it d.liUrutl ,1a .! I ! .1... I. I '!... " i V. r. i : dares for a third term, and easts its ted piejudiolal to fildon. nad with alllllBM ,,,. .,,;., , .1.. u L!. nn r " 'J u, UUp., uc. rU,.. ... ... -y lh,four wimU Comment on such tear ami ..ale the man whom tb.y i r0h ,n0OIulllBncy u hsrJly m.bI,a nail aw uaacij niuugau. onuum 111... fL- !...! ..-.L!.. II ... I ' ue reuomiiiaie.i iioiii.iid; couiti pre vent aa honest count ol (he vote, and I If the Democratic party ever et he would certainly bo installed in the pects to cot power again, remarks the position from which he was kept be Woonisburc, Pa., Columbian, it must fore, by cousoienceleea and corrupt Ileum a lew things (rem the opposi tools of the Itepublican part y. tion. Republicans have their leaders A BtiTT leiteice. A San Francisco dispatch of March lClh, gives us the information that the Police Judge, that morning, sentenced Dennis Kearney to aix month's imprisonment, and $1,000 fine. Kearney appealed to tbe perior eourt. - The language used by Kearney upou which tliie outrageous sentence is based is as follows: "There is i'laus Sprsckles the big. gest thiei that ever went unhung an . , I am man enough -to tel 1 tf. la. sr. IB nun so i ins nice, ami 'i tell you right here, if I hear of any man plot ting to kill nn, by , I eball kil him ao help me God;" and il.e modern Jeffreys in passing sentence, atated that he acted without prejudice, feel ing or vindictiveiiess. An absolute despot could hardly use severer measures to repress an exercise' o free speech. Dennis Kearney may deserve punishment on gcueral prin eiples, but such au arbitrary, unjust arntence ns the above will create i sympathy for him iu the mind of ev ery lover of our free institutions. ' A rrrliotol Rcaoluiiun. ' V At the National Demooialie Con vent ion, held at St. Louis, July 1876, the following resolution was adop.ed Resoloed, That the States be re quested to instruct their Delegates to the Natl u.hI Democratic Lvnven tion, to be in 1880, whether it bo to continue the two thirds rulo longer iu force in the Ns tional Con win ionuid that the Na lional con vent ion insert such a re quest in tbe call fjr thejjuext Couven tion. Il will be in order for tbe State Demucralio Convention ol Oregon, when ileleg'itcs to the National Con vention nt Cincinnati, June 2'2d, are chosen, to dechire the sense ol the Convention on the above resolution. The pitli list t hi t General Grunt wvuM only ! a caudidate lor Pni dent in ropHin-u to a enll frun his party, and iu o'lt .lieucu to h it he believed to be 4ht deuiii.iis ol pub lic exigency, hits bieli fttnppvd from bis shoulders by the actions of his friends, and to-day, it is a recognized faot that not only is he a candidate of tho Conkliuga and Cameron. lunnite. Underwood Bros, are representing four of the moe t popular and rcliab e losnrano. Companies un thJs Caaet to-wit of Hartford; New Zealand, of; Com- inerviid Uuion, of Lendnn; Hambergt lire- men of Ifamlerf ; rrprenentin a capital of over J'.'!), 000, 000 gold coin. "I.n't wait till the hers, it stole Wore yon lock the ...... mum uoor. We hare just received from the Eastern factory, direct, a Janre stock of window shades and wall paper ; among the latter are many very preiiy styles embracing (i rained Pannels, Fjnbossed, (Jilts and Lace Patterns, Satin and Common Blanks, all of which we sell cheap, and no charge for trimm'ug paper. r. a. vvx. A Good Thing. German firnip is the special preacriiition of Dr. A. Boechee. a celebrated German I hvsl- cian, and is acknowledged to be one of the Steal fortunate disooveries in Medicine. It on Uy cures Coughs, Colds and all Lung troubles o. tbe severest nature, removing, ae it does, the cause oi bo aueviion ana learing tne psns in a strong and healthy condition. It is not au experimental medicine, but has stood the test of yean, giving satisfaction in every cane, which Hs rapidly hicreaeing sale every seanou confirm.. Two million bottles seld annuallv. Beware oi medicines of similar names, latelv introduced Boschee's German Syrup was intro duced in the United .State in lfttf, and U now sold in every town and village in the civilized world. Three closes will relieve any ordinarv cough. Price lb cents. Sample bottle, 10 cents. A CAUL. To .1! who are wtTer.nj? from the errors nl lriUsrtlnm m,lli mi eau bnaua luoievmiaviio i vusMiiviruue n rnstucnei vsuij decay, loss of manhood, Ac, I will send a re cipe and will cure you, KKEK OF C1IAKGE. This Kivat remedy was discovered by amission ary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to lilt v. Joseph T. Ixman. Station I), v V I. iicw i ura vitj. .lee' aitentlau. ' Berlin Fashion Patterns at Dunn ft Strst ton's. BmilHHM CroN Till! VFUKMNK COUNTENAM cr.A, if of a coiuplextionnl nature, Beedily van ish when (iu:NN's Sl.'Lr-HUK SAP is used to oh literate tliem. Pimples, blotches, moth, red ness. iKitches, Muilibe.ui. tan and freckles are invnnably banihed by the incomparable clari- tylnanpt. Eruptive Ailments, sores, cuts, bruises, scalds auil other affeutiom ami inivries of the fl-iticle are likewie removed by it. Sul phur liaths nave lout; leen renowneil ns the bent rvmeily for nkiu iluciim-s, ItheumntiMii and gout Glknn's Sulphi k Soap is in every re spect as emcacious, ana lar cheaper, ay oen ing the pores and promoting a vigorous super fi ctal circulation, this ecellent article contrib utes to the heal til of the entire system ns well as to that of the cuticle. Since its intrmluc tion to public notice it has repeatedly been commended by the modioli profession an pressd and few external snecifics have won such "golden opinions" among all classes. It pre vents obnoxious diseases as well as remedies them, and disinfect clothing and linen iro preinated with disease. Dandruff is entirely eradicated by it, and its use is. on that account greatly desiderated by persons whose hair is thinning out in consequence of dryness of the sculp. Those who have used ointments and limiids without fail avail for the cure of emu tions of an obstinate character, will find, if they try it, that Ui.ek.n'h Sulphur .Soap re moves scorbutic complaints irremediablu by less efficacious means, and prevents the recur rence of such disorders For bleaching tine ar ticles of needlework and all kiuds uf white woolen, cotton and linen fabrics this seup is su perior to any article that can be used for the purxse. Sold liy druggists. Trice 2.KJ. per cake. 1 oa re- $.tth hisker New Departure ! I TWO JEXC.X03BS I AM) PATRONIZE THE MIX WHO HELP TO BUILD YOUR BRIDGES, ROADS AND SCHOOL HOUSES, whose interests are your interests! Ace permaneatly located arte) spend their profits at home. Take notice that I, A. V. PETERS, Will sell goods for CASH at irreatly reduced prices, as low as any other CASH STORK. Best Prints Id and 18 yards $1 00 Best Brown and Bleached Muslins, 7, 8, 9, and 10 eta. 'Isrks nd B ooks spool cotton 75 cts per Dox. ?U!aaa4 MI led Flrnnels, 25, 35: it and 50 e Water Proof, cents. . Fin. Whit. Shirts, 75 eta and f 1. Fin. Cheviot Shirts. 50, 75 eta and $L. New Assortment Dees. Goods Pve-Trvih) 20 aud 25 cts. Mens' Underwear, Shirts and Drawers, 50 eta. Mens' Overshirts, 75 cts. aad II. Mens' Overalls, 50, Ki, 75 cts and SI. Embroideries and Edgins at Fabulous Lea Prices. And all Other Coods at Proportionate Ratea. lis. tbe Celebrated "VVHITK 812 .VING MACHINE ! (None better far strength, size. rability), At greatly reduced rate. io my oiu iustonie, who terras as heretofore on time, but them, as to all others, the full tood by me so lew, I will continue ti sell oa sans any time they wish to make CASH ptrrchasee, I will aTer my reduction. A. V. PETERS S. H. FMEMBEX HAS JUST OPENED FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER i'RADE THE LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS EVER BROUGHT TO EUGENE. How quickly organs III favor ol box(3cakcs)75c.,sentby mail, prepakl, oa, . ' . ' P . ceint of mice, ti N. ( ?rittentnn. rn,V. Si protection change the tune when the avenue, New York. Hill, hair and wliis shoe pinches their foot. They feel "lack or b.m. 50c the injustice of the legalized robber V , "ol'noa fc Church at the Hardwar. Store . . ... " keep the largest and beet selected stack of wall . arm, pawr and boMer In Eugene City, comprising in when paper is the commodity ihulSi has pruleclion Sutiiuienl loeualle the Eastern factories and will sell as eheap as tho ma..nfiurer to adyance prices fifty AU P.rtrin.nMIfJe.rf.haCC.. OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING Has been largely Increased and we cau show as nanusome a line of ready ruu.le giKxls iu MEN'S AND BOYS' BUSINESS AJfU DRKS8 SUITS As can be found in the country, and st prices! mat cannot Jail to satisfy. OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT is well filled with a seJendid assortment of all leading styles and bohioiiable shades of goods. EMPRESS. CLOTHS, M0HA3i, and AMERICAN DRESS GOODS, Plaid, Plaia and 0fera Flaanels of all colors. Bleached A TJrArvael'd Cotton Flan nel. Ladies And Gers Underwear, IhiWLS and SCARF.S Robinson $ Church, HK.i.Ei: i.i SHEIivv HIvlV V UAUI) WARS HAVE TUB BestSe Ipctc'l Stock in Oregon WOOL BLANKETS, ALL COLORS. TrunJcs and Treveliug Satchels IlATS and CAPS in the leading Styles. OIL CLOTHS for floor and table use. BOOTS AND SHOES. We world eall sjieciul attention to our stock of Menu' mid Hoy-' t-'sn Frsiicipeo Roots, WBifi we have sold for a number of years with great satisisustioot Every imir warranted. A complete stock of HARDWARE, TLfiWS AND FARM IX UTENSILS. CHOICE TEAS. CANNED GOODS And all choice FAMILY GROCERIES at astonishingly low uteti. LIVEKPIHJL A CARMEN ISLAND SALT Highest price for all kinds of produce aad WOOT,. KAVE FOR sale at the LOWEST lilites. IUoN, STEEL, AXES ANVILS, NA n.S, ROPE CalJe Chains and Pocket UTLERY, ns, pistols, am kunition. jijipultuhal" IMPLEMENTSI Planting Powder, I'ishing Tackle. Etc., Etc. Wo invite an exam nation of our goods, confident that . ir xtock will suit the-times. WjH HAS ON HAND AND MANUFACTURES pur cent. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Taxpayers TO ALL DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS. This is my last notice to you to pay i:n. Mr. IIiNKr Ward Dkkciirk a1 oiihl keep out of politic , is the opinion of the Cincinnati, Commercial, and con tine himself to iireachlnir the "onl i ti i , ., 1 1 will bsgia to rids and collect nulW'e on and ot love. He always was a failure !u.r April 1. lttft So lK,k out and d-n't I lilsUW 1 if you hav 82 50, or U extra raueage l pay, lor tnw is due lovlco to pay without rnileai; "A stitch m time saves nine." S. B. EAKIN, JR., Sheriff. i . wnen ne attempted to muko a sensa lion in a political way. An KM) the primary meetings to day. Every Democrat interested in I the welfaie of the country should add strength to the party ky lekin. part in the primsry contention. HACKS kM Kkditm Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT there will be au election of the citv of Eugene held at the Court House iu said city SPRING WAGONS. Xii We Fud il Thrre Ttt Crnl. t .. U .1... -II .1 - I "-pY ;...".." , ikiwk ii ... i.n, mmjm sua i i eo Monday, the nth day of April, 1880, at Presideatial candidatea are in the which time there will bo elected, three; I -,... .1... t,... ...1 1 -.).,.! . 't,..l .1.-:. ,....A. Il.r... i weuncumen lor iwe years, a tiecorder. Mar- avtsusiguiu ar invsiua. unuio shal and Treasurer te serte one year each, such, aud follow theta. This leads however, the great number will be in Thoreoan bono doubt, the New to perfect oryanir-atien, and, victory York World alleges, ihut with proper l,lu rsull. There is loo much fight legislation all the national in lebtvd- DK """"'g our Captains; and hence ness maturing iu 1881 could be loo little contldence in them by the funded at three p.-r cent, to the grunt rank and file. anJ linim-dUte advantage of the tax payer , an I, therulori, of the re sou rot a of tho caiintry. Measures really looking to this end have Already been introduced into the legislature ol New York, and of other Stales, and nothing can be more certain that thia end is ia the thought and purpose of intelligent and far-seeing men all over the coun U7' . Thb State of Virginia is to day, the Richmond Commonwealth declares, ft repudiating Stale by the vote of ber negroes, by the vote ol the Ue publics parly, while the "rebel ele ment" which lhat party has been ma Jioiopsly slandenug tod vilifying as tbe embodiment o! lawlessness and disorder, is insisting end demanding that it shall bsve an opportunity to pay back ike money which its State borrowed and spent. LtKK coiutt ia Democratic, and with eood men oo tbe ticket will eo prove beraelf io Juae. Men whe have occupied ao equivocal political position are sot ranted; nominate no man who baa wandered away after strange gods, and only return or itk a view to seat-ring ftSee. The only safe course, the (Jliea Observer thinks, is to incorporate the ouo-tfnu principle in the Constitu tion and make the I'reaideut directly ineligible to rs-electiou, leaving the terra at four years. Tho Demooralie parly must enter the eanvasa as the advocates ol this doctrine. We must defeat not only lho threatened revival oi Grantism, but all pessibil ity of third terms and second terms hercsfter Tbe Kadical party cannot stand the quieting aud prosperous e fleets of peace; Iberelore the premeditated a:id ceaseless at tempts to encourage and breed em-tiunal discord. Giant ia needed to at ir up and foster die oords between the sections, to again involve the oounlry io discordant brawls, that tho party may have a plea for another lease ol power. - the hands of their enemies. The pells will will be opened at 0 .'clock day. A. M. aud create o'clock 1. M. of that f'RlMK Lrsl.ll'8 Sl'NDAT Mioaiixa. The March number Is promptly on eur table, tak ing precedence of all its contemporaries. It i in .very reepect a most admirable oue; a relig ious, pure and moral tone prevadra its pages, and still they abound with articles which sp- tieal to all tastes and classes, and from th. pe rusal of which the reader cannot fail to derive I SfOVfS, both entertainment and edification. There are so many good think, that it is difficult to select th. meat notable I stures. 1 be niening arti cle. by Heart l.vtton, entitled "Esther Hran don's Alission ('lass.' is a verv vleeaina aam tive of the ladv's experience in the miaslon. "Th. Iuritan Revolution," by Rev. Lyman H. KNOX. Recorder of Eugene C.ty. B. F. DORRIS, I am Prepared to Make to order Buggies and Wagons. As My Facilities are equal to-an- Establishment in the State, can Promise Ky Patrons First-cia:s Work in every Respect. MY IKKi:.S ARE THK LOWEST 1NTIIE STATB FACTORY NEAR THE EUGENECITY FLOURING MIILS. AT THE DEALER IX Abbott, is replete with th. stirriae incidents reeultiuf in th. oiyauiiation of th. Puritan party under Cromwell. Those admirable arti- ticlea on ' the I erseoutlons ol the llunnots in France us Jrr Louis XI , Etc. etc Aa elaborate article on the late Prank Leslie, by am wiui iiiuauaMt.nvr, laa ueauiliui in but. to the artistic aad personal merit of the deceased. There are pnems of great excellence LaIiJiM - - - - :)... Ill A I V . humlred and Iwenty-eiKhtqiiarte page, and 100 W6IIS UriVeil PrOmDlV Uliistratioasi the price oi a single copy 2 ota., I ' or J r annum, postpaid. AiMreaa, r rank Kniigr, Pipes, Mffafs. Tluwftre. AXD House Furnishing Goods Generally Post! iMlie's rublishiaK House. 5X &5 and 57 Park flaoe, Iw j or. A Qood Housewife. Tbe good housewife, whea ah. ia fivint I bee its siwinc reoaerating. should bear I ia mind that the dear inmate of her boas. AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. Willamette' turret. Isdunia Kepublioana are jrewinu lire J ef tbe negro invasion. Io the 1 - l. ... 1. . L . . : I 2. L . . v'.... iaai uaion inai sirr.v.u id inai otai j,,!!,,. aJuaia six were voters and forty women and children. Tbe gentlemen who look to the eiodus ae a meana ol jo!itical y revolotionixinj the Slate are prav are mare precious thaa many beasea, and EllgClie City. OregORe iBff tb bliWaL raruUtinwT thai awiavrK ruti kowW, to prevt ad cur. th, duaM ar- LU3IDKII! LOIHER. uia irwoi e wiui sisuns aou esiaeniav m ha mall k tk.t tk.p. k.L.. 4k.. - www aMw.w urn VIII1III . . . v wiU oa it Ml narfaMl .n.l arlv R.t. I AliUStllB A Ura, tbe purestaod best madicJM. ae I 1 1 W p f Lumotii Morse Tkrwwsi aiwegr. YARD Oa the corner of Ekverrta aad WOlasaetrai Bavic. SAedicirM to cure Ferer aad Am. frta-d keep, asasti.tiy oa kaad lumber -f - U1 .in, . - - - - - fasuu nw aww w..a ..II! I-:-. B .1. -Ml . . . ' " . T"rl "- -wp-n-f, g iacw oa in p as i iu. sad fraee posts t. M. DISS. year itorasck a Tartars Stoeaach Tad a ad it HAVLVG ASSOC, A ftD WITH Mil? biwams Mr.HOKuVCK F.STRATTUN we have just received a new, lare ,n J WELL SELECTED STUCK OF GOODS, Making a specialty of HARDWARE, fPON AND STfEL We denire to make an cran.1 S,...x j ,1... I " ' l" UUI Qf ..... nurrs can come nearer cvtting ANYTHIXO THEY MAY WAXT at our st, than at any other establishment ii te-ra, ai d they can buy them oa aa .ood terms. We hav. a fuO lino-of FOREIGN ANT) DOMESTIC DRYUOODS, i-AAL'r GOODS, LADIES AXD GF..VTS' FURXISHIXC Ml-rv AXD BOVS CLOTHING. HATS AXD CATS, BOOTS AXD SRArs Aad as eaaalry addmr to onr v a. la ri.Mlh4l mM . I. ... t 5 Miv pUDjlC, b Dryy. V Co, vett rrocK or niTs-n. u 1.1 aad largrat erer brwurht to Enj-n, aa ' "ir,..i, y -S for more -luck." of an .J vanced ; Wl it T)1 fL" - Sire. .-( DirJStKaria .1 n u rmtvmv Meat Diphtheria. & H. FRIENDLY. Irkr BrEX BTA STONE WARE n S. 1fiocnbIatt DCALIM GEXERAL MERCHANDISE, At the old stand, Southwest corner of Eighth and Willamette streets, EUGEN CIXY, OREGO.V. Have th. most complete stock of General Merchandise la the city, including Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Aad ia fact everrthiiuj the market demands, which we are selling at BED-ROCK PRICES. Paid for all kind mf fam delivered at our Store. SJosenblatt & Co. M and fceiy Store, A tyt I h, m hand and aa wmntaaUy T Bk- iT7. Blank h eke torttolioa, taarU. Walleta. RUalr. IWta " . etc A. 5. PATTtRSON.