The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 28, 1880, Image 7

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Often borepar-A bald head.
Poeut come .mta-A baby boy
"Many are called bat few" have full
widows and widowers ought to be repaired.-
Acids and pickles are usually the con
tents of a family jr.
Did a donkey ever die of softening of
the braying.
"Out West" they read it "Loathe the
poor Indian."
Color blind The man who marries a
dusky woman. .
0 Donovan Bossa rather sneers at the
parnoll movement.
Every man haa his prejudices and
every woman her bias.
"When is sugar like a pig's tooth? When
it's in a liogsiieau.
Speaking of nautical tormB, was Noah s
Tife his first mate?
Children's dresses should be made
Switzerland is little better than a
mountain of snow this winter.
TJseno reproachful language against
ny one, noithor curse nor revile.
It is a fact in natural history that pig
headed men are always bores.
Girls should remoniber, "Where igno
gance is bliss, 'tis folly to bo wives."
"I am engaged for this set," said the
hentotho roostoras Bhewent clucking
When a man calls his wife's maid an
angel it is time for the wife to make her
The boy who was kept after school
for bad orthography said he was spell
bound. An Elko woman sneezed her jaw out
of place, and the price of snuff has
gone up.
A woman beats a man in economizing
honsehold expenses, but lie beats her
economizing on cigars.
There is one consolation in being
broke. You have nothing to lone, and
everything to gain.
Shakspearo was never a success as a
star actor. He never got beyond hii
"Twelfth Night."
Young America, going to bed, handed
over his new trumpet, saying, "Gan'ma,
you blow while I pray."
It was Bhakspeare who spelled the
word "Ute" backwards and thon utilized
it as follows: "Et u Brute!"
A Torsian Proverb says "Ten
measures of talk were set down upon the
earth, and the women took nine."
A Mr. Tagan was recently married to a
Miss Christian. In this particular case
"what will tho harvest be? '
Miss Calker and Mr. Waterman, of
Cheshire were married recently. They
intend to go into tho milk business.
"Doos your wife play euchre?" asked
one. . "No," replied the other, rubbing
his head, "But she's death on poker."
The reason why a man Bteals an um
brella is because he does not like to go
out in the rain and borrow one.
Mrs. Brown says her husband is such
a blundorer that lie can t even wy oa
I 1. !iLnl nntii'nf Vifl 4ett
la it.
A mau having fallen Gown in a fit in a
tailor's shop, an envious rival said:
"What's the only lit ever seen in that
The undertakers of this country taka
no interest in Edison's electric light.
They would rather see people using coal
Of a gentleman who declined an invi
tation to a public dinner, but sent a bas
ket of champagne, it was properly
said that his rum was better than his
A girl who can shed tears at a critical
moment, and follow them up with a
quiver oigh, can marry all round a
blonde who does nothing to trios to
The worst case of selfishness on record
is that of a youth who complained that
his mother put a larger muotord plaster
on his younger brother than she did on
A poetess sings: "Tho I were dead,
my hoart still beats far thee." This
would certainly be a "dead beat;" and it
strikes us the poetess assumes too much
poetio license.
A bad little boy, upon being promised
Be by his mother if hfl would take a dose
of castor oil, obtaining the money, and
then told his parent that she might castor
oil in the street. .
A baby came to a family in Maine last
week, and a bright five-year-old brother,
patting jt playfully under the chin in
quired: "bay, how was God when you
WiimiE Does Tub Day a
matter of f.ut. the div begins all arouml
the world, not at t lie same instiint of
time, lint just us I lie nun vinits siircesnive
portions of the earth in his jonrwy from
ea?t to west. But the traveler who
iT isses the IViuYOemi nin vive another
auswer c.tliu!ovcqiietioii J that on the
one hundred and eightieth depree ol
longitud. one liwlf of the cirrun.terence
of the nhil.e.htartiiiirfrom Greenwich caul
or wet-t there is mi arbitrary ilmnj-e or of a luy mid at thin point,
if anywhere, t'ie dav may be eaid to he
gin. It wax aiih st'ransie feeling that the
writer, rro-iiitf I lie Pari tie, bavin? j.'""'
to bed on Saturday niulu, leaving every
thing pertaining t tliealinnnc in a mtia
factory nmli'in. awoke on Mon-lav
mornine. Sunday bad completely
dropped from our cdendur. f r toat week
at least. Everyone know that in Rav
eling around the world Ir-nn etut to west
a dny ia lost, ai..t. in order to adjest In
reckoning b. the place he ban I'f'. ne
tniwt drop .tuv a if he had not lived n,
when in reality the time lias pated by fri tiny during thejoumev
For a long lime it wa the tuatom for kh'
ors to afleit th'H i-hanife pretty much
where th-v plewl; 'ait it has become
sett'ed rule with American and E'urlMj
navigator that at ti e one hundred and
eightieth degree a day nmrt be pawed if
going weat, ami one added if going ea-i,
in which UiwpVks- the traveler etj
two Sund i.r t o Thnr-diiVK, h the caie
mav lw. It ia nni hkely that in nr
ticalar deitrw a defied on from l lie
fact that, f ifit a few w-.iliered inlands f
Polynrai.i. there are no lage coiMnmiiwe.
With their va-l nimim-r.ial ud aoi-lal
tranoacUuin, to lie aflWud by the change.
The Empress of Buggla,
From the memories of the Count da
Reiset I translate the following, as he is
the last of au old school of diplomats
who leave thoir mark at every Court iu
Europe, carrying hence in return recol
lections and regrots which they are one
day sure to publish. Thirty-nine years
ago in January the Oraml Duke Alexan
der of Russia set out, accompanied by
Count Orloff, and a numorous suite, to
visit, the various Courts of Germany,
whoro Princesses, marriageable and suit
able, were otiieiully reported to exiat.
He went to Berlin, of course, and to sev
eral other of tho North German capitals.
He arrived shortly afterward at Frauk
fort, and put up at the Hotel de Russio.
But no marriageable Princesses woro to
be found at Frankfort, at that timo a free
It was only to be tho halting place for
the night, and Carlsruhe their goal,
wnero tne princess Alexandnna, w ho af
terward became Duchess of Saxe-Coburg
Gotha, and the Princess Marie of Baden,
afterward Duchess of Hamilton, and the
mother of the Princess of Monaco, whoso
divorce suit at Roino is a cause cekbre,
formod a pair of the greatest attractions
in Germany. Tho imporinl travelers
were leaving Frankfort, tborefore, when
tho Duke of Hesse-Darmstadt sent an in
vitation to the Grand Duke, bogging his
company at tho neighboring eastlo of
Darmstadt. The young Prince some
what unwillingly accepted the invitation.
The dinner was a family one, and the
young Princess Marie did not appear.
Alexander was even ignorant of her ex
istence, for her nauio had not appeared
on tho official list of German princesses
aspiring to tho hand of the first of conti
nental princes. In the evening, how
ever, the Grand Duko, while passing the
dining-room of tho castle, met a young
lady accompanied by Mile, de Grancy,
her gouvernante. They wore going to
the drawing-room for tea, and the young
lady modestly stepped aside to allow the
Prince to pass. Seeing this young girl,
so naire and so gentle, the Grand Duke
askod of the Hessian nobleman who she
" Tis her Highness, tho Princess Ma
rie oi Hesse. .
"Indeed," said tho Grand Duke; "how
old is she?"
Immediately on reaching tho dining
room he begged to be presented to her.
The Princess Marie was an admirable
young girl modest, simplo and charm
ing. Bhe had been brought up some
what in the Cinderella fashion in the
family of Hesso. The Grand Duke was
struck still more by her retiring good
uess and modest beauty, and during the
evening conversed with her frequently.
On his return to Frankfort the Grand
Duke scarcely spoke a word to tho gen
tlemen of his suite, and retired at once
to his apartments. The following morn
ing Count Orloff (now Russian Ambassa
dor elect to London) waited on the
prince to receive his orders and to learn
the hour he had fixed for his departure
for Baden.
"My dear Count," said the Grand
Duke, "we need go no further, I have
made my choice; my journey is at an
"What?" replied Count Orlig, aston
ished, "what choice has your Imperial
Highness made?"
"I shall marry the Princess Marie of
Hesse if she will do me the honor of
granting me her hand."
"But," said the Count, "from every
point of view snch a thing is impossible.
The Princess Marie has not even been
placod on the list of German princesses
now marriageable. She is in weak health,
and, moreover, too young. Your high
ness has not yet seen tho Baden prin
cesses, and the Grand Duko would be
offended if you did not go to Carlsruho!"
"If necessarry, for politeness' sake, I
shall go to Carlsruhe; but I spent all
nighjt reflecting, and I shall only marry
Princess Marie, who belongs to a family
that has already given Russia one em
press, and which is one of the most illus
trious and ancient in Germany."
Count Orloff was in despair at this
definite speech, and wrote off at once to
the Emperor Nicholas. Indeed, this
news was received with astonishment in
tho Imperial Family. The Princess
Marie was known scarcely at all, having,
since the death of her mother, been
brought up privately by Mile, de
Granoy. The most intimate friends of
the Imporial family did their utmost to
thwart such au alliance.
But the Emperor Nicholas, whose
affection for his son was unbounded,
would not oppose his inclination, and
said almost publicly, in order to put an
end to the various rumors afloat: "Prin
cess Marie of Hesse, like all otuer uer
man princesses, is to be found in the
Gotha Almanack. She is, moreover, a
charming young lady, who will make the
happiness of our son. Both the Empress
and myself think that Alexander ought
to marry according to his liking."
It mav bo easily imagined wLat joy
this news caused to tne nesmuu uuu.ij.
From that moment the gaze of tho whole
of Europe was directed to that young
girl, bo modest and so accomplished,
who was soon to ascend one of the great
est thrones in tho world.
From the Count de Reiset I cease to
quote, but must add, by the light of my
own brief exiierimee in touring to and
from St. retersburfi', that I have never
heard but one voice of love and admira
tion for this Empress, who never forgot
her maiden simplicity, modesty and vir
tuous bearing. She was born on tne Bth
of August, 1824, and married the Mil ol
April, 1811, just about four months after
tho accidental meeting at Darmstadt I
have described from Count de Relets
memoirs. London Curr. llalUnw
After familv prayer, a few evenings
since, a little Quincv boy asied:
"Mamma, how can God hear folks pray
when h's so far away?" Before the lady
could frame a suitable reply a sunny
faced little miss of five summers vehe
mently said: "I jes'. bet hea K tele
phones a rnnnin1 to every place I
Finding a basket on her stoop, a
coutions woman in Newark. B. I., took,
it to a police station, and was surprised
o lean- afterwards that it contained a
twenty-pound turkey, and not a found
ling. An old gentleman in the interior
write, to know what of sort of Umber the
President's cabinet is made. The present
one was manufactured out of a returning
Not Tall Esoroii. A mxxl storv Is
told of Prince Alexander, of Holland.
The Prince, a youug man of rather staid
and literary tastes, uiid a visit to Berliu
'art Summer, and a review was given in
hi honor by the Imperial Court. Mili
tary pageants form an integral part of
every grand procession in tne Prussian
capital; but Prince Alexander, with little
inclination for soldiery, sat in hilent con
templation while the troops were defiling
before him. All at once the Crown
Prince drew the guest's attention to a
L'hlun regiment, with the remark that
they were tine body of men." "Yes,"
replied Prince Alexander, "but they are
not tall enough." This reply, delivered
with the original Dutch phlegm, a little
surprised his interlocutor, who, however,
tperely observed: "Very well, then you
must see my cuirasMera." The cuirass
iers, erect iu their saddles, like men-at-arms
of the Middle Ages, went by in
breast-plates and plumes. "Well, what
do you think of them?" asked Prince
Fritz. "Splendid men, but not tall
enough." Still more piqued than aston
ished at this unexpected response, the
heir to the crown of Germany exclaimed :
"indeed ! then wait till you see the regi
ments of the guard." In duo Jiino these
magnificent six-footers made their ap
pearance, and the same query fell from
tho lips of the Crown Prince. "They are
not tall enough," very quietly returned
Prince Alexander, adding gently but
meaningly, "We can flood our country,
when we choose, twelve feet deep."
H osteal last Ad vane aT.
We are not musical ourselves, but
have lots of friends who are, and for
that reason take much more of an inter
eat in the fino art than wo otherwise
would. Our attention is so often at
tracted to the beautifully arranged show
window of Bartsch's musio store, that
we are induced to drop in and have a
social chat with Mr. Warren, tho genial
manager. Ho has long ago proved him
self a gentleman of experience in his lib
eral but judicious way of advertising.
Ho is a believer in printer's ink, but
don't liko to daub it on too thick. It is
gratifying to see the steady increaso of
stock in this establishment, and we are
informed that the end is not yet. Each
steamer brings something now. A largo
lot of piano covers, books aud stools are
on the way from tho East, and expected
soon, The demand for tho world-renowned
Steinway piano has boon such
that Mr. Bartsch'was unablo to get from
the factory enough to supply the wants
of the trade. Mr. Warren notes a vory
decided improvement in the musical
taste of Portland during tho past two
years. A much better class of music and
books are in domand. Tho call for the
different operas and classic musio is ten
fold greater. This is gratifying indeed,
for why should we not cultivate a taste
for tho best? We cheerfully recom
mend this establishment to the lovors of
musio, and the disposition to please is
plainly manifested. No inquiry or letter
goes unanswered, and everything is done
in a business-like way, which cannot fail
to give satisfaction, and build lip an eu
viablo trade.
I take pleasure Iu ita'tng tbat I have secured a
Urge and finely (elected mock ofSbeet Mualcfmm
well known Kantern publishing tooufef. pom pric
ing all grade and kind, turn u gongi Vocal and
iDhtrumxnwl Dueu, Uuartuue and I'riot, piano
forte 8olo5. Violin and Violin and Flano Mualr,
Vocal md Iimrmnental Rtudlei. Organ and Chun a
Munlo, Aaltm, Polka.8choiticnei,eta,clc.. mak
It, together with the Urge utock al'eadyon baud,
he m. H perfect awonmunt ever kept In Portland.
I Intend to bring to tbl market the best and mott
popular raulogueii of Musio and Booka both here
aud in Europe, making tho (election a perfect a
you could powitily expect lor tbli place. Teaubera
will find it to their advantage to tend direct to me
for catalogues of muMo In alock, and allow me hi
make aelet'tions of aucb gooda aa they desire. My
atock of Hano, Oigana. Hooka and Small MulcaJ
Uimdi la being conaiantly added to, and arrange
ments being made to carry aucn an aftnrtmrnt ai
will or mimind your trade and aaveyou the trouble
of tending to Han frxnclaco or New York.
1 am off; ing my goods at tasiern pricr wnM
thing which hii never oeen done heretofore. If
nu will call and examine my goods and get prices
lou will see that what I lay ia correct.
ALBKK T BARriTt'H, MuIo Dealer,
fubllibur aud Importer, 143 Virst Pt,
Any Ane tilt rlgr wilb uervnus debility,
exhanu'ed vitality, nr fiorn I ho effects of
wnitliful follies or exceaaea In raaturer yeara,
cxn be thoroughly and quickly cured by using
he grei RugUKh remedy, "Mir Aatley Cooper's
Vital Rkktokative," It l not an ixoltant,
nut an bonvat cure Price, J'J a bo'tle, nr four
tlinea the qatntny, fit), and ean be obtained
if Hodok, UavIh Co., W boleoale Aaenta, nr
direr-i of a. K. Mmtle.M. 1)., 11 Kearney Htreet,
Han Francisco, CM.
Plla or ftollii (.old are not wor.b as much
lo ihe victim nf l)ypewla nr Hllllouaneta as
Hr. Mi. tli-'a hng'tati Dandelion Liver and Uy
p. pla l'lll. It clear the Liver of bile, tone
up tun Mtomuch, cure foul breath, coaled
inniiue, p iln In the side or back, wairr-brali,
aldoim an, rush of blood t ) the head, plinule,
aiiilow uompiexlon: is augar-eouled, and no
mercury or other mineral in it. For tale by all
dniagisU. Uodge, luvia A Co., wholesale
igmi a.
ar turn .Mug; Mil aturelixae or la writ.
I ua-In response tortajr aulverllacineiitlsi
IiIn paper you will pleavsr ntenllan Ihe
name) -f ! ppe.
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law
rortland, t t : Oregon.
Office, 8 and 9, over First National Bank
Particular aifninn paid to business In the
(TnH' -imI" poiir'a
New Music Store,
143 Tirst St. Portland.
(OoVI Frllowt' Building.)
Mr. A. Bartscli, the General Agent of the
ll-ia opfneil new Music Rooms at the
.iliove phi- e.wliere he keeps tbe celebrated
Steinway, Rranich & Bach
Ernst GablrrXew Scale Pianos
Ah well as full supply of Shekt Mrsic,
Mcsic IkH.Kil Mimical 5Uwiianois
Country or.Iers promptly attended to.
ORANGE S. WARREN. Biisinei Uanajer.
AtV WKl.U W. B E. . First and Mor-ri-oD.
er M.-rr's Paif of AH-
WITH, ltL IE. Q. 117 first street,
Portias J.
I " 0 - ssi
m v
I ! Bs'b r i
) n 5 SUM 3
fif 3 1 M o U
If . m 1 3
, 7 S o - o
ft O 5" 3 n U
w - z, r
ft ?i CD
is o fa y
Good HeaHh to All.
Open qiiotioiiUralllii'tcdaud sufR-ring humanity.
Kusy as it is to bo sick, just onsy
it it to lie well by availing yourself of the oppor
tunity that is now ofl'ercd to the sict by
Dr. Hull MoLenniin
l'rofi'sor of diix-ain'sof tlm niiml and nen'otiMsys
tain formerly of Hallook's Medical In
stitute, Boston Massachusetts, now iiermanently
lnontcd at the corner of Second and Ash Streets,
Portland, Oregon, two blocks from the 0. 8. N.
Oo's landing attire foot of AU street.
Dr. McLennan has by his unwearied attention
and extraordinary success, gained a reputation
which calls pnticiiU from all parta of tho country
to obtain advice. And without bonstiug, ho can
sny that probably no other physioiun on tho Pa
cific On.t is treating at tho present time so many
cases of chronic diseases. The development of
important and suerior remedial agenta and
modes of euro havo enabled him to succeed in
thousands of cases where others havo fail.-d. The
unparalleled success with winch Or McLennan
has treated difficult and the so-called "incurable
cases," goes to show that no ono should give up
In despair, simply on the assertion of one, two or
three physicians, who had failed to effect a euro.
It is willi tho hope of reaching many of this class
that I advertise, and not alone from tho profit it
mav deservedly yield me, but for the real satis
faction of doing good, and relieving the pains of
humanity and sending hops to the hearts of
thniiKaiuls of afflicted fellow creatures who are
enduring gtvot suffering under the erroneous im
pression that they are beyond human skill,
'riiaan I nm rsi il vwl . ahnll hear of mn. and real
ize the truth of tho saying, that "while there is
life there is hope."
Startling Weakness of Men and Women !
From whatsoever cnuso produced permanently
and radically cured in three to six weeks, a rad
ical chunge for tho K'ttcr noticed in three days,
Old men 'made young, and young men restored
to the vigor of manhood. To those who are suf
fering I advise them to try me, iu doing so they
will call that day blessed. Tho greatest secresy
observed. Names of such patients are not pub
lisher!, and otilv referred to by permission and by
calling at my office. If you are suffering from
any chronic discoso and your doctor or doctors
have failed to cure you I respectfully invito you
to consult me. It will coat you nothing, and re
member I do not confino myself to specialties,
but treat all manner of diseases Hy modern sys
tem of cure I am constantly relieving cases in
which other methods utterly fail. Physicians
having in charge cases that bufflo their skill, or
resist thoordinary treatment, will confer a bless
ing on such, by sending them to my Medical In
stitution occupying the two story building on the
the northeast corner of Second and Ash streets.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded.
Letters plainly written, with full particulars, con
taining a self-nddresscd envelope, will be
prompt v answered.
X. B. Dr. McLennan may bo consulted on all
chronic diseases, such as catarrh, asthma, incip
ient consumption, disease of the heart, liver,
stomach and kidneys. Cancerous tumors re
moved without causing pain or using a knife.
An immediate rum guaranteed In all cnes of
nervous diseases. Exhausted vitality, premature
decline in man, imiotency, etc etc. Cures rapid
ly and permanently. Treatment Invigorating,
soothing and harmless. Charges moderate. Con
sultation free.
The following Medicines are prepared ut Dr.
MoLeniiun's Laboratory, and are warranted to
give satisfaction. They will be sent to any ad
dress on receipt of price:
lYI(aATI.U WAI.M A fit T0.MC
Kai-h package of Ihe Kulm contains a box of the
Pills. A sure cure for all weakness of men and
women, from whatsoever cause arising. Trice $5.
lrl 4 ' II K HT OKHK TOR.
A sale, effectual and speedy cure for all diseases
arising from irregiilnrities of tho Heart's action.
I'lircs I'alpitation, Nervous Irritability, etc , etc
Pri-c i2 00.
Net i:iaVII anrnCII BITTK"
A powerful Bio si Purifier. Cures all Skin
Diseases, l leers, etc., etc. Price Jl 00.
I.I Win PIT!.. (I'or reinalealinl".)
A iitire cure for all Obstructions and Irregu
larities jeculiar to females. Price $1 UO.
i ih on TifnT:.
A fosilive cure for Drunkenness in i( worst
sbije. A curs guaranteed in 15 dajs. Sent
with full instructions for fc "(.
IAft,t'M (A Slnesielle Patt.)
Cures by le.orption, without the use of dmes.
lvial!v il;ijted to the wants of patients who
are tired of tiding medicine. Price $1 00.
Send all tif'.-n to
as MAM. Meir..
. E. Cor. " I I Ash Sis., PobtlaSO, Ga
il, c HEBCES.
tLraan voepasu
47 Stark St, Portland, Or.
Mmorwol". OraTestonea. Manjela,
Waab hii. Tabla Tops. te. done Id Ita
iD and 4tnerlean Marblsi. Also Deal
ers In Heoub and Amerleao Granlia
Honoineota Partlwa at a di.un- will
he forrlah H with de-l!) to imm
Tw 3Iost Wonderful redicil Discovery
Challenges the World as a Remedy for
Pains in tne Back and Kidneys, Non-Retention of Urine, Diabetes, Uucorrhaa.
Inflammation of the Bladder or Kidneys, Brick Dust Deposit In UriM,
Nervousness, Painful or Suppressed Menstruation.
And all Ihe rnuiplainta arMnic from a deceased or debilitated state of Ihe Kidneys or Urinary
Orgnna of either sex. It la Hl'KKI.Y VrUKTAHLK aed KNTIKKLV H.iKMLKrt., ud ea
pedal ly adaplej lo I lie needauf Woroeu at d ChlMren. II preaenta tbt.
Leaf of the Plant in its Natural State.
Kor those who wish to make their own Tea: and for thoae whoae nod of Ufa randen It dl
cult to do this, we have prepared a
Which contains the virtues of the Plant In a form convenient for travelers and other
PoRTtiii, Oregon, July 29, lh"9.
My Kidneys were in a very bad condition
The urino was liko brick dust, and 1 aullered a
great deal with irv back. All remedies were
unavailing until f OKKUOX K1PXKY
TK A, which cave me almost immediate relief.
Portland, Oregon, Angmt 2, 1S70.
Having a severe back ache Inst winter, I was
induced to try the OREGON K1DNKY TKA. I
found it very beneficial in its result. It was not
more unpleasant to take than other tea. I would
recommend it to those afflicted as I '.
Portland, Oregon, July 31, 1H70.
Tho 0KK00N KIDNEY TKAhascure.1 my
liack and kidneys, and 1 am at a loss to express
mv gratitude. ' I shall always reuipinlior the
OUKUON KIDSKY TKA with pleasure aud
esteem, and highly recommend il to all my
friends and acquaintances.
J. II. P. DOWNING (Rt P. Boiling's).
ToBTLAMn, Oregon, July 31, INTO.
While I waa at Tillamook last winter I was
affected in my back and kidneys so that it was
almost impoesible for mo to reach Portland.
When I got hero I was induced to try the OUK
GON KIDNEY TEA. I drank, at my meals,
the tea mado from it, and it has etlcctod a radical
cure, I can highly recommend it to all who
were Rill ictcd as 1 was. K. 001 IN.
EuuMl Citt, Oregon, Oct. 20, 1879.
t l,nlv nnrtifv that I was aull'erinir from an
attack of back ache so severe that I went about
doubled up, and could not straight -n up. I used
a, ,,.W at thn OR KG ON KIDNEY TKA.
ami I am fully persuaded tlint I waa restored hy
US Help. UUIIJi vv uriuon,
11 ARiusni ro, Oregon, Dee. 31, 1870.
Tli nn KC.n KIDS'KY TKA has dona mv
nil'., a iiineli if not mora cood than anv of the
many remedies alio has used for pains in the
back, and I believe It to be a good remedy for the
diseases which it is recommended for.
A. M. COA.
HODGE, DAVIS & Co , Proprietors,
Portland, Oreprpn
la now piepared to furnish
Inaldea, Uutaldes and Hup
o amenta on the shortest no-
iloe. Adilreas If. l. lilnur.
ttox bV. fiiruuna.ur
j. a ROM.
Detective & Collection Agency,
CofteWiotu mnrf Promptly and Prttctlve Buti
mu Attcmlrd lo with Htertcy ami Dbpatch.
Offloe, Room 10, Peknm's building. Northwest
cor. First and Washington it., Portland.
Treats sail Chronic and Apaelal Diaeases,
tbeerTicta of jnuiliful follies or Ipdia
crelloD.wlildowell loavail ihf welvesof ili'a
Hie irealral. boon ever lld al.lbe al'arof an Her
lax hurnaolty. DR. KPIN.NEY will guaranteo
lo fortblt IXK) for every ce of Hemlnal Weak
oeaa r private Hlaaas of any kin ' or eharao
ter which he nndert kea and falU to cure.
There are many men at the fn of thirty to
alstf who are Ironbled with loo fr qnenl evao
uatlonaof the bladder, often accompMiiled y
aallitbt amartln(ir burnlna ei niion nrt a
weakeiilnaoftlie avatn In a manner the pa
Henl cannot account ft-r. On eatrelnli'k tbe
urinary depoalta a rof; aeilmei t wIM ofiD he
found, and aomeilmea ainall partlnlea of al n
men will appear, or tr o lor wl 1 beola Ibln
mllkl-h hue, eaaln ehanglnc Ui a dirk and
loriiid apoearsree. There re many man h
die of ii. ia rtifflu'ty. Ian i-rit ol Ihe rau
wlilch lilieee..inl fini'.al wenkneia
lr. . will atiaranK-e a perVel cur lo ail aoeo
ciaon. aii.t a healthy rea'.orhtion of the kouiW
urlimiy orK. . .
Offlca Hiinrn- fl i 4 an.) lo 8. Snnoaya
from iu t Han ri.oaiiliatlon ire. Tborr-uab
eaamlnailoli i.d aJvlce, Ji.
Cm! I or adiJrraa, ' .
No II K"m aireei. -an yranenm.
ONLY $90!
Famous Standard OrgaL
Of wblcb bavo oeeo aoid on tua fsoDe toast.
OSIY 00-A riVK-rTAVI5 siBO,
Klecaut lllft-te-Top t a--FI ip,
wills Oclav Campler ab-Baat,
Poaaeaalnf all tho power and awe naa m Hit
bl.ber l lnriirnota. Kvery nra;an full)
loaranleed f..r five yera. Addrra
Marrtaoa IU, ketwacai ftra4 ad Third
pour LAND, OB.
ol Afco for the Itortbwsjal Coawt.
Ahtorii, Oregon. D.irl, 1H7.
I take pleaauro in testifying to the merits o
the OKKGO.V KIDNEY TKA. For the past
threo yours I have been sullering f oru kidney
troubles, and during that time havo tried nearly
every kind of kidney medicine in tha market,
almict without anv relief. Having heard that
the OKKUON KIONEY TEA pwrteised wonder
fill procrtics, I purchased a juick.igc, and from
the first dneo ohlained relief, and by Ilia use of
the oua iiackogn feel completely cured.
Hakrisbi rr, Oregon, Deo. 11,1879.
I have used the OREGON KIDNEY TKA for
ins in tlm back, aud I ana aatinfied with it
rllivta and do not hesituto to reeommond it as a
mild and sate remedy. Z. T, HCOTT.
JIarrirbdro, Oregon, Deo. 31, 1879.
Some llinnr niontlis ago 1 was attacked with
severe pnin in my back. I bought a package
the OREGON KIDNEY TlJA.and by tho time
I had used one-half of it I was entirely relievod
and have not boeu troubled siuce. I oheerfully
recommend it to all who may be suffering from a
lame or weak back as a pleasant, safe and good
remedy. B. J. GRIG3UY.
Portland, Oregon, Jan, 11, 1880
Having a severe back ache last summer, I tried
the OREGON KIDNEY I EA. 1 used one can,
which eil'ncted a radical cure. I would recom
mend it lo all who are alluded as an unfailing
remedy. JULIUS ACU.
iNtiKrENMDici, Oregon, Dee, 13, 18"0.
Roth myself and wife have lieen for soma yeiiti
alllietrvl with disease of the kidneys, and had
tried many remedied without obtaining any per
manent relief. About three months ago we were
induced lo try a package of tho OREGON KID
NEY TKA, which has apparently cured both of
us, as since taking it two weeks we have felt no
symptoms of the disease. Wo can hae-tily rec
ommend it to others similarly atllictod, as ro be
liove it will do all that is claimed for it
M. L WllITK.
With free um as adjunct of PIIOSPHORUfl
and CARBON compounds.
A now treatment for the euro of Coaaumption,
Bronchitis, Caturrh, Neuralgia, Scrofula ad tho
worst cases of Pyspesia "d Nervous Dobility, by
a natural process of Vitalization.
Tbe following cases treated within tho laat few
months ara solocted as showing Its range ol ap
plication :
1, 4. Four cases of consumption two of them
having cavities in tbe lungs are all entirely
5. Mr. T. R. O.,of Bay Centre, W.T.,Chronio
Bronchial difficulty of years standing, also gen
eral and nervous debility, threatening complete
wrecking of health. Cured in October.
0, 7. Two cases of marked blood poisoning.
Cured In few days.
8, 1. Two cases of nervous debility of women
'doctored to death." Ono cured in seven and
tho other in sixteen days.
10 to 14. Five caeca of ehronio dyspepsia,
catarrh or acrofulus ailment. All furad or
greatly relleted In a few weeks' treatment
A small pamphlet on tha Oxygen Treatment
and all enquiries answered, iht war, on ap
plication. Also, references to patients who Lava
takon, or are now using the treatment.
Adrireaa Dr. Vllkla: .. or Fir,t
as hiasattun t riil. aa.
Adjustable Strainer
Ilther or lloth Flttrd to mtit MU, .
' price of thcmiwlvea lis two wii-ks in any
family They can t used wito erpial advauUgo
in boiling, as it is impossible to burn tneat or
vencbiblea to the bottom of your kettle. When
they are used in steaming, whau-ver you are
KHikinx is inide of the keitle, thereby getting
the full benefit of the heat They are just what
is wanted in canning fruit Either the Btrainer
orSteainer ran be removed with a knife or fork
when ht, and are easily adju td No earners
or j"inU about either that aro hard M keep clean.
old by AgtnU for It Cenhs IkM
County RighU for Sol . Addreaa
East I nrtland.
joh BprtBLT.
j r. raaacsL
John Epperly & Co.
H ave lost open d a raw
Feed and Commission House,
No IK Kront atret, ooroeT of Taylor wharo
win be ii.uod aoump)M atock of tttapl Orv
eerlea, etc.
fa'l o nta and Ori' frolta and Prodioa
AlMileaaeesof 1 lahi.Onnierrrot and
Market. Tbaoniy ISHocsrraai la Uaoifor