THE EUGENE CITY GUARD KUUKNKClTr.OUKUUN. IIA'IURUAY.JAN. it. I MHO. Ctmocratie Slate ConTcnliou. A Democratic Stats Convention In lieretijr called to meet at Albany, on Wednesday, April 7, at 1 o'clock P. M., for the pui-pose of nominating a cantlidiita for Congress, three oandi.latee far Supreme Juices, Judges for eah of the several judicial district and Prose outing Attorney, and the election of six delo (tee to attend the National Democratic Con vention, and to trannact nuch other business in may properly oomo before the Convention. The Convention will consist, of Wi delegates, portioned among the vurioui counties aa fol low! i faker Kenton... . Linn 15 Marion 13 Multnomah IK 1'olk 8 Olackamaa. . Olateoii Columbia., i 2 Tillamook Coon... 6 it ,:il. in luiutma Curry Douglas... Grant Jackson. . Jowphlne. Lake , Ixie .. 2 ..11 .. ft .. 8 .. 3 .. 3 ..10 I'uion 8 wS;:::::::: Vuinhill e Total Wi Tt I. 1-1 tL.t . M.4 Mm nwiuiuiuuflu mat uu ivu umu u"w tftaa two rotee. either hr nroir or otherwise. a said Convention, and a full representation most earnestly reueuL The Committee uroeete that the 1'rin.arirw -e ordered by the proier local committees, be held on Saturday, March 20tb,and the County Convention on Saturday, March 27th. By order of the Democratic Statu "'t' - ttL T.... V . .... ! VviuiuiLVCGe tunn r. i u.i.r.u, nmirlimn Noltnkh, Btcrotary. the hmim. The promised address to tho ! aocraey Irom tho commiltco p. Dointod by tho Stato Central Coin- mittoo, baa been proparad, and proaont it in full, on another pago, to our readora. Wo bcKjtcak for it u care ful consideration on thuir part, kapocial attention is called to that portion of tho addrosa in which th relation of Slate and National powar la diBCuaaaJ. Iho tendauoy in nil latter legislation has boon to weaken State authority, nnd ttiipplant it by the atrong arm of tho contral powor. Tbo dangora that mennctfd, and linal- 1 aubrortad former republics, are possible with us. Lot it onct bu ax tablishad that a Mate must be sub- orriout to National policy in control- ling hoi domestic alf.iirs, exihiing and toleratud by the siillerucue ol a cn tralixed head, the great principles of tboUuionare daatroyo.1, and over r.u... aUu....i.,7 mo ioai . - L4 - -I.I IIM. - l eausa had succeed d. Tho Demo- orano pany uas oyer pia.igeu itsaii (A tha main! iiiiiiiiiu ni ilia riirliiu rtiitir. I . .a t i i i , ..... - anteoa the Mates by our coustitution. Jtreoognim the National (.ovora. aueni, oui wouui souk 10 coimi.e 11 s xerciae within tho constitutional liin.l nations proscribed by tho great char tor of our rights; il ruuxt remain the eerrant, uot the master of the States, Tho appeal for unity in party councils should bo heeded. Upon the eve of an iinnorlaBt rresidcntiiil election Democrats should lorget the petty jealousies begotten by cliniU'H and rings, and strivo for tho success of piiuoiph s dear lo orery lover of ur Jtepublican institutions. IiJ not ihosu divisions eiiL'trndurcd liv personal preferences und lad ion, which the ceinuion enemy would tun iato a Hume for our own destruction: Attend your cen volitions, especially primaries, ami select men fir your representatives, who have tho inter sts of kite psity l heart. ' The acbeines ot ambitious politicians for their own profit and aggra.di.enmnt ooacern not tho solid inahsol Democrat- io rotors, and should bo suvtTely i buked. Let ibe rank and tile labor ,!.! - 1 ,, fcanuoiiiously fer the principles held 11...," 1 1 ... party and shocsm is assured. Wilh a untied Iron, vicloiy is rei u'm Cbiirie Kmijralisa. Tut llouaaoommiltwaon ducatioa and labor liaa agreed to rejiorl a bill the Sonata Chamber, a friend coin far the prohibition ofChiuese tmi;,'ri pliuieutsd him upen tlio ioecii-1 of Hon, auustantiiilly tha same us that (isssed by Congress but winter, but vetoed If "resident Ilsyes. U ra triola the o.imW tlul can ba landed br an one vessel to fifteen, and omits the asetions ra-iutrin-' notice to be civauot tba abrosraiion of section fifth snd sixth of the llurlin-aiue traatT--thase beinmha Kactkms ut.ou I wbicb tba lWideut mainly baud jlU vet. .bijo DKtrr Stitsmknt. Code ram ism t bad condition finauciallv. I Kroiu tba Tublic lVbt Suieuunl I)t0. 31sL Is"!), wa Ivarn that lie iniarast D -..-w. I'lv, bearing no interest, lo7,V3,GU3.0i. Interest unpaid, l-''.a'a. Total debt, 2,2I9,782,H)S.7B. Tatal tub io Treasury, 207,Ds3,!)dU Debt leas cash au ban I. $2,01 1,7'J,j0 I t:. ' Tuk Deroaciatio platform if (haul ia noniioaU-J : "NoTbiid Tmu." J i Tiltlcn'i Dillon. Tlio New York correspondent el tlx I'hiladelphiu L&l'jer writes ns follow: Mr. Kelly, it il understood it willing at any moment lor the alct of peace to resign Lit position an Tainman j loader, in order to brinn; tliat organization into nceord with th rest of tho party, provitlml Gov ernor Tilden will giro some aulhorita tivs assurance that bo ii not again canJiilato for tlio Presidency. It may bo emphatically reported here what ha already been stated, that Mr. Tilden will not, under any cir euraetanoes, eornply with that candi tion. Hit response to all such orcr tumi is substantially this: "I Lav 1 nothing to do with John Kelly or n. ir.ll T . iainniany nail, aim i uiuet p.iuuiu loriy d,oIi,, 10 eDUr iuto an nt tiatinne on thf-ir behalf. Mr eaune is tin cause of tho people of the United States, and. a that causa ouL'ht in I ' 1 . 1 , 1 J"B'',,;- "1U"J UD again at tho polls, tt II not for any lo 0tt notit.ician or lor any local faction mealw)n t0,und t,(t w of I U'O 1-H-lllocracy Ot tlio nation carrying their appeal Irotll the findings of the Electoral Commission to tho ballot I t tf 1' r L I UW w.i-i un.ui.iu w w nan aimrvnclied Mr. 1 iltlort otl the su 1 I jut l will toftiiy to tho correutnefe ol this representation of his position n'1 ilK i'ortauc aa allowing iLnt lh- rc u,,ion of 1,18 Van Now Vork Pl'tij liowltw, at thing preatiiil, in uot to bo ovor catimatoii 3! nsl lliive Nrw York. Tho recant drill ol tho tido in Naw JiBey and Connecticut baa bcon to ward tho KopublicariK, but it will be percaived that New York and In dianu cast f0 vola, and if tho Dmo crau can add thoi.e to tho 138 South ern veto.-, he will have 188, which i throo moro than a majority. I!ut it will bo cocn also that ludiana. New Jeicy and Connecticut east only 28 voles, which ia 10 abort ! tho mini her which the Demociatio candidate must hat from the North in order to succeed. Therefore it is that ibe l)t,n0frata cannot gal along without tL. rote of New York. The case is jull , cC8r wilh lh0 Republicans ' Tba whole number ol Electoral rotas iu ,ho N,rlb lt Taka away the r.i . . . .... ()U V0lei 0 ,xew lornuini tniliana, ftml t1B r,IBttlnj8r j, i8i 1,1,, ,our ,,or, o- nijori(v. Ling May II Prusjicr. 'J'1'0 J)iul! I'Mmintr, that reliable vxpoucnt uf Dcinocratio principles, h entered upon the lilteenth yaar "s exiatoneo asvltbirtiath volume. lN I'oniocralm journal on tins Coast c" t'omparo with it for ability in ed trlul insiuuoinout. Hold and War 'I'"H ' it staumeuts, it challenges admiration ol its opponents, f.on may il bvo and prospwr iu the g..ud work Tiih grand total 01 Auiwiean ex ports for tho year ending Juno ilDth, IS"!), was seven hundred and seven teen millioa (f717.(l!);),777); ol i sit potts, (our hundred mid sixty-six million (Sltlil,073,77.r),) showing a balanoo in our lavor id experts over "'M'"" -'t "! hTty ono uilliou (J'il 1 ,020,001). Only twenty three per win. of this vast trade was carried iu American bottoms. In 1 Wl!A . I ""', wuiiiuuiiig 1 prr cell, m , . , 11 nm.11 our " foreign uaao was carnal iu American bottoms SisiTou Tut uNA.N,ihe Wasltingtan atates, doss ual seam ta to tsU his sul'occs l relirsmoul Irora nalilics inueh to liaart. Tl.a other day, in a bau.Isome liquet thst orunments his desk. "Oh, yes," replied the Senator, "soino kind friends have seat tlie - ta to daoorate my political cotlin." 'w 1,,,K "..pes it W1" no1 1,0 "I pessimism M-fi":' Administration's ,srl u" :New ',k fvsss de e aa.e ... 1TS nil bop, of any further Kaiu Irom It to tha cause af civil ssrvici rtlorm." the Uapiiblicau party, a eetampo rrT allejss, has net emly autlivsd its usef iluaa. but il lias outlived its manliness. ' Its whole capital ia in tomhttones." Lit ihe potato-crop its bsst par', ia under ground. Ai-carding ( the aliuaaae there : alii b. si, .clip... next yesr. Tba ; I 1 )o) lest ow n Mirror on one! nior the eclipse of tha l.api-blican j p I'rei leulial caudidstes. Kut Uraut! I I Btmnrknble Declaration. In a recent leading articlo the New York Tribune uisda tin etatemanl aa lo itsull: "The aion M ti e Louieiaua Returning JJasrd has itlway bean denounced by ibis paper as one of the greatest crimes of tho country." This declaration augments rather than palliates tiio gross misconduct of the Trihiine, in view cf tho w that, iittwilhslanding il pretends to set its faco against corruption and the resort to force ami fraud iu elec tion nutters, il unqualifiedly sustains Hayes usurpation of executivu su thoril, and vindicate the appoint ment of the rillaius f in Florida aud Louisiana re'iiruintt boards lo high and rich ofliees. Tba Tribune cannot be blind to its poeition. To denounce tho action of tho Louisiana returning board as a crime is virtually to admit thai Tildeo was elected. To admit this aud still support tho till of Hayes to ibe office is a discreditable dilemna in which no benest lourual or honor able will beeorue involred. The Chicago Times says: The I'residenl in greatly dialresssd about tlio lion enforcement in the Territory of Utah of the law p lr;amy. And ;et none is to blamo, but bimselt. It, is the rrwideul'e duiv to caiu that thu laws shall be failhlully executed. It seems to bo univai sally conceded remarks the .Mancliest.r Union, Ibut with Iloralio S. riuour as tho 1'resi tial candi.huo, a Democratic victory next Tear i- ubsolmelv certain. We liuvo yet to Irani thai any man, Dcni ocrat or njiiilihuan, bus seriously, 0Xprc.MJ a dtU'erenl opinion. .In 1i. a ink liasn't been "countod out" yi'l and will not ba except lit- mi; uninmenees. t alhor Is .o UloK ell. My da.iKlit.-rs wy. "How mucVw.tJ!- , isKiiu'i-iiu seii Ho,, iiuti-i's. Lo is; " well after b-n ' -nil S :i li'oiii a disia inf 1 le ew l.uv I im-' 1 1 .il '1 an I w.t an. so K ad i iim-.I jD.ii- IWti.-iH. - lady of llo h stei NtW A.'iVKItriSKMKN'T.S Administrator's Notice. XTn't'in-'. I a nn.'i.-uv r.ivrv t-ifat y tho im(I.Ti,riicd has appointed admiiiistrutoref tho estate of Martha Mill .. . ........ a n . i hi.llnnil, il.i-eascd , by the Comity Court of i.aue i-o.iniy, uri'h'oii, aiiil tl.ut all persons l.av i I. :. . i - . i . ii; i-iinois n:-:.tnisb M.u.. rsrau. uri, iiii-iriiy re-".l to pH M.i.t the sain.-, wilh tho n.oiwr vouchers to thu uiidi.rit;iu-ii at the oltii'ft of I lioitiiH.n &, ui K.iK'-'iio l ily, llrcoii, within si in, -lit h-t fi-om the .late of this notice. li. m. Ml I. Ii. II, I, AND. A,lonistml,- 1IIU.M,M.N V l!i;.N, Attorneys. j'ait-.i, .iuii. ..i, iNiii. Tha Stomaoh Is Stronetheund. The liver rei; the bowels nut in nroner olh'r oiiler the blood emi. In.) and p.iritie.l, and the rvoiis system reiuleiv,! tran.iuil ami iLnr- oils by this iiieolim.ili'o fa.nilv inu and ale ;u.uu aj,'.iiost Jie.iv., uliu h is, moivovdr, n: i-rmoiu a.M emviite ai-netier. n. n wmlial peeoliaily iidapted to the wants of tho Ah'evl auu inliiui. Forsalo by all Driic.-Uls and lValcr.. KeiieraTly. F. M. WILKINS, 8ueceas.r to FaiuToa tt Wilbinsl Practical Druggists & Chemists, UNDERWOODS mU.DING. .eitdoor to the Grange 8tre, Willainotte ireet, l-.npiie I U.v Ort-on. II.e (ut i-ened a full line of fr.l, Drugs, Medicines & Cliemicals. ANo a fine avsortmeut of -t ,-',?v v.v-''. f II. Fancy anil Toiloi ArlltIesJTSSd,lticra AI L (11 OP Mixed Pnint. Tsnil n;i ' ' ttmish, jirushes, WINDOW GLASS and PUTTY W hich tliry will !w.i H-U en nasoiuble terms, firtful illrfllioa Riirn lo riijkitian'i Pre pilltlABl. - T77 : ' t, ihi. ui.ik.t, t the U.e.t j.r, T-L- MKNII;' KS' ta S; It S L .!..(( II lDa.u O'. HENDRICKS, WHEAT! WHEAT! GKNTLEM EX HAVE YOU auld your Wheat ! If not, do o at emw aud tlien i-U avi- PHEJSTOisr'S, And iurthae yuur IIAKNESS. He La aa hand an ininime itock on which be iefie competition, either iu Quality, Vininh,. Work niansliip or l'rice. Also a lar-e ttocd of Will i'S dire t from New York. CAUDH, CUKKY COMUS and tRUfll EA in aliundance. AUo CULLA1W that will lit any and all Bonea. Svmt Pads, Bridles, Haltera, Aid la fa-t evcrytbiuj a Farmer re-iuiiva. SADDLES of all Kinds on Hand and Made to Order. Call and Examine Before Buying tisewnerc. A UKICUXTURAI, IMPLEMENTS f V. all kimls at inaid flkrur bv T. O. UENDRICtS. QoSnZB<t & Co DIALS as IB SE1EEAL MECCUA.TDISE, At the old etand, Southwest corner of Eighth and W lllamette etreeut, EUGKNK CITY, OIUSOOX. Have the most eonipletu stick of General Merchandise In the city, including DviJ G00ilst Groceries, Hardware, Crocker:, And iu fact everything tfi in ir':t dciuaiids, which v,e are belling at BED-ROCK PRICES. O A. tea In ' j r 1 1 i , . r r i ipt an sinus or larm prouuee delivered at our Store. S. Rjsenblatt & Cc. o. o. csosswuon. i. n. i-nkkrwuiu.. UHCERWOGO BROS. GENERAL JVliOKERS L.nI t4 I -,'-,1-JS -BIT A30 alkLb SILVER, CUKREXCY AND IXCHAJiGK. 00 And the Sale cf UEAL ESTATE Particular Attention Given to Collections. -AtiKXTH I ml Now Zi-aliinl Iiis.iranra CoikibIj ALSO AUKMTH WELLS FARGO & Co. Kagrna) Clti-. - - - Ores DOOIN AMI SHOKS'lIK I nia band and m icliins nm,le B U mid Shoes. A new lot direct from factory. s. li. i liJEM I V 3E SSTZJPJIr, AT THU I 1 AVINti ASSOC 'I A l'Kl WITH MR IS 111 business Mr. IIOltACK V. STHATt'ON we liave just reccivetl a now, hu-ge and WKI.I. SKI.KlTKD STOCK Ok' GOODS, Making a kcialty of t..nH....K . I nAKUWAnti IRON AND SI EEL AGKICULTUXAL IUPI.KMENTS T .V. s.1. u.i j. I ay that farmers can come nearer cettinc . I "111XO TH ET MAT WANT at .u, .tere than at any other MtaUUiMl la Uw. a.S the, bu the. aa Ur-, we nave a full line cl I IXtRRUiN AND DOMESTIC nRTtWOW, FANCY C(K)l)S, l.ADIKS' AND GKNTS' FCRNISUISO GOODS. ir..i ai YS CLOTHING, A.i I'Al'S, at a -wirm . mv . . - i ROOTS AND SHOE? Anu are rontinua t In mr .i.v i. uie.i me uemanus ol tlie pnl'I.e. r. n P1NN, i;hSS GOt i OS N KW STYI.KS u -B ' lowprnvs. Just n-cr ve,l iv S. 11. KRIkXDI.Y T.O. HESr-RICKS. . oomeimnc ew ! h U,'K" x '.: t-M,s-hi th. uusinrsa Ol ol air. A. I . I.ri I Saddlery and Harness, Etc., Invite Ibe Public . i i i " . . - "w I hs'k unien ciiMsts ol tbe lest nuU-rul and nne. wora in me Ute. mm Terms Most Reasonable, Next dour north ..f F. R Ihina e Money Deposit j WiUametta Street. Eugene City. Orogo ovl yf New Departure ! .f TWO PRICES I OS3B AM) TjATIl'iXlZK THE MEN WHO HELP I SI HOOL H(I :f KS. wbiwe interentx lM Uieir jiroiiu at Jimne. Take noiitu tutu a . . ..... ' ... . . .1 A. V. Will sell goode for CVSH at ifrcariy reduced Beet TrinU 16 and 18 yards ?1 00 Bent Brown and Bleached Muslins, 7, 8, 9,. aud 10 eta. Clarke and Brooks iool cotton 75 cte pur Doz. Plain and Milled FlruueU, 25, 35; 45 and 50 cU Watr Troof, 75 cents. Fine White Shirts, 75 cts and SI. And all Other Coods at Proportionate Rates. Also the Celebrated AVHITJb SEWING MACEINEt (Xone better for Btreugth, nice, and durability), At gTtatly reduced rates. fci" Po WJf old Ciistomors, who hare stood terms as brr.'tuforo uu tuuo. but if at any tune I .1 i ll .1 r 11 ... I " I " vuwa, uw .UU UUkt It. J Order yo-r vrovlz done Tith. C. T. jajTiolds & Go's Standard V and Superfto Coach. Colors. Thes3 Varnishes and Coloij are in. .use in all the principal Coach and Clr Shops. tho United States, and as every where recognised as tho best for all Fiie Work. w G. T. RavsaWs I Go's Varnishes m no manufac- tiirca saprsssly for this marliel. to suit the p gi climate. .ft AAA HAS ON' HANI) hacks m I am Prepared to Mate tc crdcr Biggies suiWagonSs As My Facilities ara equal to any Establishment In th State, can Premise My Patrcns First-Gjass VciS in very Respect. MY tJHCKi AUU THE LOWEST 1 ri I i UTATB FACTORY NEAR THE EUGENECITY FLOURINti fllLLS. i S NOT gg MEAT MA'RTCET (In the n est si le of Willamette Strt-ot, ln-tween hi'litb and Ninth. Hitviiur iust ni'nieii h I'.rw flint ii.'sit. Afiiit m-Ket, w are prtparnl to furmsb he best Beef, Veal, Moltou, PorU, eto., To our customers, at tlie lowt-nt market rates. The custom of the public is respect- luny solicited. Meats dclivere l t.i anv pert ef tl-o il v five of charco. MIl.f.KK't Mcroil.N A( 'k. Administrator's Safe. rV-OTICK IS IlKilKTiY (IIVDN" THAT 1.1 under and iu pumiiaiico of an order ef .... . . . ....... ; i uiu mini, vourivoi l.nne Ci'linr.-. (Ire 'on. I I . I r i . . , Y.IZZ estate ol .Mary .lane HeulUHv, u,rea-.-l. the iiuclersij,nied aduiinUtrator of said esta v. win sen ai piinue auction, to tlie lii-liest. hi, '."'r- at tlie 1 l-e '! "". iu Ku-nc fit v .iinc i oniuj, iiieu'on, on miuriiay, tlio pith lt:b- of .1 :tlin:lrl- ISS.l li..tiLA..ii fl.. . t li ocKK k- A. .M. Hint 4 n cluck I'. M. of said day tha followin.r di-scrilH-d real i.ronertr. beli.n "J t' estate situate iu Lane coi iitv. On- g!'"' ' V; i,of,the donation Und drum of Jamsa Fi.iiiiftw I M .... r Hherlr. hi, wifa Net. So. 410, "claim S,l t J" 11 ,B l- " s- 5 fam orsii Z TZ " JA M KS HCDLKSTOX. Aduiiuistratnr. '". "ec- , i". iliitA SHOTOCRAPKJ HiUCIl UUCrxSOH, A Til SI. ' lakes I liotivraim. Guns. Carl. I'.l.;.,.., nn'' l i,V Sl;'t'- style and tinMi eipial to ,u,v i Work d.nie iu th State. IVhrs reawnal.l.. G.VI.I.KliY - Will.unetre slrert. Kn -.n-i Citv, O.ii-u, mer Mrs. Jackson Miliinorv ' dec l.'ltlilu Lane County MERCANTILE ASSOCIATION rniUS ASSOCIATION HAS ON I. ND 1 a larve and rarieil a.irlmnt tt fuu G Nil IS, and are ivoririnu every mouib uw supplies suited to this market IkshIs are told low and AT ONE TRICE TO ALL 1 Ann. FROprCE TVKKN AT THE HIGH tmarkktratks. . Give . . ,w!l Mnr. r",nhs,in, . it i. ... tmuUe usbwssi. and k-iiepri.fs. 'api i Si AS JVAXUMI f.r T. G. KKNbXICKS. TO IiUII.D YOl'It BUI DUE?, ROAUS AXD are yonr intarcbts t Are iiennaientlj located audi a T . I i, PETERS, pricen, aa low as any other CifiH STORE. Fine Cheviot Shirts. 50, I cts aud' 91. Xew AnHortiuent Dresa (oode.IKo Traek) 1V ij auu -J C18. lid Mr qs' Underwear, Sbirta nd Drawer, 50 etau Mens' Ovenbirtii, 75 cts. aJ (I. Mens' Overalls, 50, G5, 75 le and $1. Embroideries, and Edyiu at FabuUat 1'ricts. by uio no lunjf, I will coutiUe to eell1 oa ther "wish to make CASH UrubaNi. I will rir. 1.1 . r , v. tuTvia 11UWNVI. AMI MAXUFACTL'ltKS PRING ICONS M and slatarfSta, POST Ol'VrcE liUILHXO, EUUKXK City. I bavo on handand ain coastantlw p-cciviii,' an assortment of tie Ucst Sclioal an Miscelhiituous Honks, Stntina-ry, blank He oka. I'o.-tfolioM, Cards, Wallets, Itlanks, Portineii line, etc.. etc. A S. i'AVl'EHSON. urn iicsh, THK BLACKSMITH. still at tbe old rtuml and is prepared te 4 ki.'i is of'eio i-al jobbing, lorxe ihoeiaj, re iriii, etc.. H.ivir.K sriired 'Jie strviuei trxin-rif nerd hand 1 will make the rtnairiaa AUM MACHlMiKY aieiJity. m KUSH. TEW Dlil G STOKE' ON WULLAM, l.1 etee Street, near Ninth, DSM.KaB- la DRUGS. CHKMK'ALS, OILS. PAINTS. GLASS, VAliNliJBH PATE3T arsLicmrs, 4c Brandies. Wines and Uqit OP ALL KINDS. In fai t, we have the best aseortmeal el found in FIRST CLASS PRUt. .STORK. " r"nt all our .bni.for they are sew aadl r ruii ' i. r i . nin. ! Stm-lc of Perfumery ariu Toilet Articles. As we have be.ight OUR GOOI'S FOR CASH We can roTniete with any establishment la la gene City in price and acrommodatioa. Ruy ynr liskIs where you can get the licst and cheapest PRESCRIPTIONS CAREITI.LY HLLIU. At all hours of the day or Bifht flub Kates. We will !?tui the Gcari to a tlul) of five nev7 subscribers, to any one jiost ofi-e, for on year, for $10. Or to any per- "? " new" names with $10, we will jcnil the Guard free for co ven r. RS