IX A BOARDIJIU HOUSE. When I was approaching the end of my penultimate term at Oxford my tutor one day aHKeu me w uivw, v-- -;-had something he wished especially to talk to me about. He was always rather a nervous man, and lie hesitated a good deal before ho cumo to tho point on his occasion. However, when when we had finished onr eggs and toast and were ngaged on our cigarettes, ho suddenly began : "Massinger.you ought not to come up next term." , , .. I make a rule of never interrupting a man till he hus said all ho can on the .!!. n.1 ho I simidy continued smoking my cigarette. "You aro getting nervous, ho said. i.v,, ova fnilinir off. vou know, and I Ann't think it is votir fuult. I know what thoun ..hinirs are. My dear fellow, tho lust terms are horrible things always to a rending man. Every ouo is saying to you, 'Are yon going to got a Aral? and yon boar nothing but books, bonks, books. Go away and don't come back till just before 1110 eiuiuiimuuu. master will give vou permission to stay down-in fact, lie will quite toko my view of tho situation." Longpause. Hhiilt I iro to? I said. "I grant'you it's bad enough being asked all day long if one has read this or if , " 11 i. 1...4 I...!!..- tl.uti 1mm. one Knows uiiu ; uuiwu - liness." 'Oo homo." "1 daren't. My people are m town, and I should not bo ublo to resist ball going and all the rest of it." "Tho devil!" says Suunderson. An other pause. "Look hero," ho begins again; "wuit a minute. Charles, Charles, Charles!" (fortmimo.) "Yes sir." "Charles, go to Mr. Denderleys rooms, and ask him if he'll bo good enough to come in here for a minute." Dondorly appeared in that amazing bomospun suit of his which was tho admiration of all tho Freshmen. Don derley was n delightful person, whom no ono had over soun out of temper or out of spirits. "Good day, sir," says Dondorly. "How do. Massinger? Will you go in a four to Illley this afternoon?" "Donderloy, savs Niumierson, wnui was that place called you wont to last, Long?" "What, at Havre'" ' says Donderloy "Oh. tho Hotel et Tension ltichelieu. (Jorgeous lurk it was! Ohl fellow who used to swear liko a trooper if tho eggs wero too hard; straw widow who thought herself liandsomo, and would Hut nor bead off with you after you'd known her ten liiiuntes: snlondid brunette who nsod to teach mo to sketch animals from nature. What was that girl's name? Annette, Juliette something otto, I know." Huitudmsoti interrupted: "The very plaoo for you, Massinger. No balls, and uoouo to talk to you about examinations. Two weeks later I found myself at the Hotel et Tension Kioholion. Iiei: I arrived tho company was just to com mence breakfast (you leavo Southampton at Vi and roach Havre about 0) and 1 was exceedingly inquisitive to contem plate the table d'hote. It was imulo npof about equal numbers of French and English only one brilliant face among tho number. This was the fuco of a livuly French schoolgirl. The waiter asigned mo a place and I ate and gazed till I was aroused from my reverie by tho voice of my neighbor, a fat, rod-faced woman looking about forty, who asked whether 1 had mado a good pusnugo. Our conversation was not interesting, and 1 was relieved when breakfast wac over. In tho union de lecture et de con vernation my fat friend was happily not to be found, and the schoolgirl and I be gan to talk. "Monsieur has come to live hero for a while Oh, mon Dieu! monsieur will find it droll! There is the old Mr. Hob inson, the English gentleman, savs 'which way is tho wind ah, north-northeast' aud thinks wo all care. There is tho fat lady, who says she is a marquise, ami who, I think, is a cook, w ho says, 'Ah, grand lHeu, irtte det muMr rcpub-line-"' "And tho fat English lady," I inter rupted, whom I sat next to?" " 'Hood morning,' says M'lle. Jeanne, as I found out my school-girl was culled, mimicking my breakfast neighbor most admirably 'good morning. Have yon slept well, dear!' '(iracious me, 1 never closed au eye.'" t burst out laughing. "Does she often say that?" "Every morning." "It must get dull in time." "Je U xn.r bUm." "Has she been here long?" "Oil, she is always hero. They put strangers next to her when they come, because wo all hate sitting by her except tho tall Etmlish girl." "A relation of hers?" "Oh, no. Monsieur will see her aud father to-morrow. They have gouo for to-day. Monsieur will perhaps admire his country woman; but 1 do not. She is so till and so trinte. Ah, bull, its Antitmie!" 1'he youag lady, though only sixteen, had all the air t( a Tai isieune of six and twenty. The nnw.ni of to-day is to be, how ever, not M'lle. Jeanne, nor tho "tall English girl." My heroine is to bo my breakfast neighbor, red-faced Mr. Man dors. Still, perhaps, the real heroine is the tail English girl. For it was to her that I ow my acquaintance w ith Mrs. Man dors; it was on her accouut that Mrs. Marnier first interested me; it is because of the tall English girl, whom I always called Amino but of this latter, 'as newspapers say that I want yon to be interested in' Mrs. Manders. How I hated and shunned the hoary-eyed, thick-lipped old fright the first weVk I was at the Pension llichclicu! How diligently I avoided her! But a week after I had been there I came bv chance into the mton at five in the afternoon, when, as a rule, every one was out walk ing. When I was outeide the door I heard a sonnd of crying, and I came in. I found Mrs. Manders sobbing, and Amina clasping her and saying: "I am so sorry. I wish I could help you. Dear Mrs. Manders, always moke me sit with you when yon are lonely." Mrs. Mauders tied when I entered. Amina remained. I began to apologize and said I had come to find yesterday's tiazlnani. Amina was looking out of the window and made no remark. I was just going out when Amina turned round, and ono could see in her face that she wished to say something and was Witatintr how to put it. I tried to save ner iroin me uni:uii.j. . . i ' I .,An in thn 1 1 "Can I uo anyimng ior juu town?" "No, thank yon." I was again going. Arnina stopped mo. "Mr. Massinger, I wish to speak to yI was so taken aback that I could really mako ne answer at all. I merely looked in wonder. "Mr. Massinger, you must do me a favor. Do kind to that poor woman who has just left the room." "To Mrs. Manders? I don't know if she would care at all for my speaking to her even." "Oh, yes, alio would. 8ho is very sad, sho wants sympathy; sho is very silly, but she has suffered terribly. Do try to listen to her gently; ono makes her a littlo happier by doing it. Hers has been a hard lot. It makes it easier for her when sho tells it, I think; she is so grateful to a kind listener. I think sho knows how people shrink from me. Do try to, Mr. Massinger; try to liko ber." . ., "I will, certainly ;" I was going to add, "for your sake," or somo such phrase; but a look in Amina's eyes stopped mo. "Tromiscl" "I promjse." I found Amina was perfectly right all that Mrs. Manders desired was that one should "listen to her gently." To any ono who did this she was only too ready to pour forth her whole history. Old Mr. Robinson had occasionally forgotten his study of the direction in which tho wind was blowing, or meant to blow, to listen to Mrs. Manders, and he had heard all tho story. Tho father of my school girl friend, Jeanne, had heard it all too; so hud a grim, gray-headed Hcotehman, who was kinder thun ono thought. . Mrs. Manders usually began by talk ing about her health and her continual suffering; then sho would explain the cause and dilato on her cruel hardships. Sho was tho older of two daughters, and the uglier, or, in her words, "I was not pretty us Caroline was." Tho father was a well-to-do solicitor ana gave eucu oi his daughters i'aiOO when they married. Tho younger had married first, and her husband disliked Ms siHtor-m-iaw ana would not allow the sisters to visit ono another no great loss to cither, as they had never been very good friends. A year after the pretty sister had mar ried, a suitor appeared for tho other. Her homo was not happy, for her father was a gumblor (there was no mother), and ho was not very fond of the plain daughter, tho mistake of tho family, as he called her. So tho suitor had an easy wooing. llo was an oldish man that is to say ubout fifty. He died ono year after the marriage. Four years ufter tho second husband, Mr. Manders, appeared on tho scene. Ho must bo a very handsome fellow, we thought, when Mrs. Manders showed us his photograph, and wo all admired his great brown moustache, his deep-sot eyes, and his splendid broad chest. Hut we all remarked to ono an other afterward how much younger ho was than Mrs. Manders. "We wero so happy," Mrs. Manders used to say, "so happy for two years, and then he hud brain fever." Sho nursed him through tho fever, and at the end of the nursing, when he was convalescent, sho was very ill from fatigue. Her dcx-tor recommended change of uir and scene, and she went alono to the seaside. She had a letter from her husband tho day after she ar rived, then another letter a week later. Then none came for a fortnight. She wrote, imploring him to write again. Then the answer at length arrived. 1 think I shall never forget Mrs. Mundcr's face w hen sho described her receipt of that answer. "I am well," the convales cent wrote: "I am much obliged to vou for your inquiries; but stop where you are. J)o not come buck 1 cannot bear the sight of you." "that was his letter, said Airs. Man ders, "and as 1 read it a shot of pain went through mo, and mv left leg grew stiff, und I nave never boon able to walk well since." Curious details these. Ono could scarcely help laughing;und yet the story was sad enough. The husband hud in timo come down to SoutliHoa to soo her. But he had said very little. He suggested that she should go to Havre, where un aunt of hers w as then staying, and sho weak idiot that sho was, consented. Having once settled her there, Mr. Manders thought he did his duty sufficiently by sending her ill! a week. I pointed out to Mrs. Manders that tho law might mend mutters for her. "es, yes, Mr. Mackenzie had told her the sumo, she said, ltut she dared not ko to law: sho feared the publicity. though she had nothing to bo ashamed of and this wo could not help believing; she had been hated and despised. A great and uohlo thing is the public na ture of our hnglisli law; but it hits its disadvantages, and they are very grave ones. So Mrs. Munders seemed to bo a per manent resident of the Tension Riche lieu. Time after time we listened to her story, suggested the only possiblo way out of her dittieulties, was not met by "I can't, I can't," and a flood of tears. "What fools women are!" said old Mac Kenzio, who was very, very sorry for Mrs. MundenCdl tho same. ""Whv did this femule jackass not have a settlement? 1 1 lenient , settlement! said old Mac kenzie, shaking his fist in my face, as though I hint prevented Mrs." Manders from having one. That is the moral of her storv why has she no settlement? Too r Mrs. Man ders did not know; (die was vague as to what a settlement Dtvciselr meant. Sim had married for the second time as she did for the first, thiuking that her hus- lnd would "look after her money" which the scamp no doubt hail douo and that she would alwavs have the nso of her own capital and possibly of his too (sue nad believed lie was nearly a mil lionaire). One bstened to her and condoled with ber iartly. I speaa for myself because Amina bad wished it, partly out of sorrow for her. Yet once I could hare stranded her for auger. That once was when Mile. Marcere of the Anatole Theatre came down to the Tension for a day or two. Mile. Marcere was dressed very quietly in a tight fitting black dress and bad a beautiful fan of gray feathers. She locked bright and intelligent; and were we not all glad to see a new face and hear a fresh bright chatter that said everyday ! '.i.,-nff ss thouch they were holiday methlngs. We knew no Paris Randal and wanted to know none; and though Mllo. Marcere was an cui - - play burlesque parts, and had created a furore last year by her performance o Phaeton, in "La Familfe d'Apollon, why should she not be a very good crea ture notwithstanding? So we all lionized ber, begged her to play on the arrange- ment in wooa anu ivorj m " - .i.:..i. -nu null! hv courtesy a piano, V. 1111,11 " . , . " , . and applauded her songs and laughed at her jokes. ny in mo uumo " gods, must that wretch, Mrs. Manders suddenly sweep out of the room, and say to Amina in a tone that was sour enough to gall us all, and make poor miu Afnrenrfl blnsh crimson. "I am go ing to my room, there is too much com' ........ . mn tinrA tn-tliffllt!" I never could quite forgive Mrs. Man ders this, and I was not sorry when she went. Her departure came about most strangely. She had a a favorite cat, and ono day her pet fell ill. She declared the landlord of the pension had poisoned it to spite her. Sho had no proof wnui ever of it, but "I know it" she said, with the same look of supernatural wisdom that my cousin T. assumes when he wants mo to believe that he is in the confidence of Hor Majesty's government. The cat, shortly boforo its decease, vomited se verely, and by so doing spoiled a carpet. This carpet Mrs. Manders was nstced to pay for; and she had to do so, despite her protest that as she knew the cat had been poisoned, it was doubly wicked to muke her pay for the results of the crime. Sho wrote a letter to hor hus band, saying sho was miserable hero and begging for n home. He replied that she could return to England, and "ar rangements will be made for giving you a homo as yon so ardently desire." So Mrs. Manders packed up her goods and departed. "I wish I knew what has happened to hor," Amina said a week after she had gone. Hut no news ever reached us. "Sho was ugly and nneducated," Amina said; "and yet bow sad it all was! how sorry one wus for herl" And whatever mav later bavo befallen Mrs. Manders, she must surely have thought often of that compassion Amina showed ber with such continual gentleness. Coming as it did from 110 feeling of duty, but sim ply from Amina's own good will, it touched us all in the Tension ltichelieu. It mode us feel that Amina was wiser than tho rest of us, for every ono caii seo comedy, but only tho chosen few can distinguish tragedy when tho surround ings are ungainly. Conccrulng the African Desert. Although tho namo of this vast desert is familiar as a household world, a few of those who speak of it aro uwaro how much of North Africa it covers. Its area is ubout three millions of square miles, and it extends east and west, from tho valley of tho Nile to the Atlantic,and north und south, from tho Atlas moun tains to tho river Niger. On tho edge of this sandy sea is situated the city tf Tiinbuctoo, founded by the Itcrbers in A. D. 117o, on tho Niger. It is well built and possesses several magnificent mosques. The largest hus nine nuves, a lofty tower and measures '285 foot by 212"feet. Its population is about 20.(100, but in former times was much larger. It is tho capital of Central Africa tho religion known by tho namo of Soudan, whoso people number about forty mil lions. At present tho foreign trade of this greut city is about four millions sterling per annum, carried on by curuvuns which have to cross two thou sund miles of the great desert, to the ports of Morocco, Algeria, Tunis and Tripoli. It is evident that conimorco carried on by such mndiicvul arrange ments will not snit tho genius of modern times; and Mr. Donald Mackenzie, a liritish engineer, has proposed to Hood the .Sahara from tho Atlantic, and thus bring Liverpool within ten or twelve days' steam of Tiinbuctoo, and im mensely develop tho trade of tho country. He rinds that there is a grout depression in the land, called El Juf, which ap proaches within 100 miles of Timbuctoo. This depression is ubout 500 miles long and 1211 miles wide, und its surface 200 feet below tho level of tho Atlantic, from which it is separated only by an enor mous sand bank. From the salt, the shells und other indications, it is clear that ono timo this district was covered by the sea. The great mouth of this old inland sea, culled lloccu Urande, lies between per pendicular rocks, which rise about 200 foot above the sea, aud it is about 2!J miles wide. It will only require a ship canal of !100 yards long through the sand bank, to let in tho Atlaul, and reform this grout tract of water;r.id a small cut ting once cut across the bur, the rush of the sea-water would itself do the rest of tho work. When tho greut inland basin has uguin boon tilled, there will, no doubt, be difficulties to overcome in preventing a fresh formation of tho bar. lint with the example of the Suez canal there can le no reason to think but that it way be kept open. It is believed that this tract of country has been unfertiliz ed bv the cutting awav of forests. In A. i. tWl.the Arabs found it well wooded, and with extensive lakes and streams of water. The inhabitants, sheltered by the woods, kept tho in vaders at bay for a century. The Arabs then destroyed the timber, and by A. D 12(H) the lakes have becomo salt marshes, the streams only occasionally appeared and were swallowed up by the sterile sandy soil. Even in our tune the same process and result have lrn taking place in some purts of the United States and Australia. fniturtlai Mayazinr. Mr. Sola, the English journalist, whom Senator Burn.ird entertained at dinner in Washington a few days ago, has leen offered a scat in Tarliament.bnt like his friend Charles Dickens, he does not care for politics. Archibald Forln-s, the war correspon dent, was hooted and pelted on bis way to the railway station at Newport, Eng land, having refused to lecture as advertised, on account of a quarrel with the manager. Mr. Thomas Hughes "Tom Brown" is quoted as saying to Mr. James Red ruth: "Do you know there is nothing that astonishes us Englixh so much as to tee you Americans come over here for lecture. Why, Sir, I can name all the orators of England on the finger of one hand; while you are a nation of orators." Ah American Deer Park. From the Philadelphia Record. About two miles from New Hope, on the old York road, is situated what is known as the Salisbury Deer Park, 0 large inclosure of ground used for rais ing deer. The park, consisting of over eighty acres, is a part of what was at one time the old Logan farm. The park u the only one of the kind in this country , and at present contains forty-ono full crown deer, of which thirty-two are of tho English fallow breed. This institu tion has been in existence for seven During tho war a gentleman in the South owned about 100 of these beauties, but with the advance of the Union army they were scattered in all directions, and but few were recovered. Those which wero returned were sold to the Salisbury Association, and the park was then formed. There was but one buck among the few received, and even he soon died. The American deer are slow to breed un der any circumstances, and they will not mir uitli the Kuelisu aeer. iu wu" perpetuate tho English deer in thisccmn-ti-ou iioonHwirv to cro to England and there procure a fallow buck. Lord Dunraven readily dispatched one to the park, and from that time tne associuuuu ,, i.nnn in a nroHiiorous condition. l.l.ii . ' v . 1 . i" 1 1 . The park is in charge of a keeper, who resides on the grounds. The American deer are the neatest in form, and a few of them aro so tame as to follow the keeper from place to place. A reporter uieu 10 get within reach of the English stock, but they hid in the low undergrowth with which tho park is almost completely covered. The keeper, George Hill, said that there was no difficulty in raising the deer. They were fed once a day on corn, and in the winter, corn and buy. Somo few of the English breed will not appear upon the w histle of the keeper at feeding time, and he snid that those fed upon the walnuts, which were upon the ground in abundance. Two deer are killed each week for the market. Yesterday was the timo for tho weekly bunt, the reporter concluded to witness tho chase. There might just as well have been but one beust in the park, so far as it facilitated the killincr. as there was one particular deer to be sluin und no other. There were three men with double barreled shoturuns ami three without guns, who, about 2 o'clock in tho after noon, moved to the assault. After a half hour's skirmishing through thick undor frrowth the Enclish llock was spied. They had heard the approach of tho bun- tors, and tliev were lunuuea ciow, wuu their bonds erect. Suddenly there was a scattering, and the quick-footed animals were flying in all directions. Another search followed und in time u few deer were sighted. Among this number was the one desired. Dr. Johnson, of New Hone, stole in their direction, while the rest of the party watched the fretful crea ture's anxious movements. When the Doctor bad reached a point ubout 100 yards distant tho beasts again bounded away. Tho Doctor shot, however, break ing tho animal's foro leg. This wound seoniod to havo no other effect upon the deer than to entirely separate it from the flock. Its running.eapacity seemed to be in no way impaired. A long while elapsed before they again camo upon tho unhappy animal, und only then to lose him again in tho shrubbery. Of course, dogs wero not used in the chase, as the doer was for the market; and w hen dogs are used the carcass is more or less mutilated. Also, in shoot ing the deer the throat is aimed at, and, unless u good shot is presented ut this part of tho body, they are not killed. All tho afternoon the six men chased the boast from plaoo to place, until nature, in the fall of night, came to its rescue, and the hunt cousod. Close by the park and on a part of the old farm there is located a brook-trout fishery which is springing into huge pro portions. Tho fishery is now operated by the Thompson Brothers. The process of hatching the trout is interesting, and, al though the work is not now under full headway, an idea of its extent can be gained. Un an elevation of ubout ten feet above a rude one-story brick build ing there is a hugo spring, the water of which is as clear as a crystal, und in rainy weather will not mix with the muddy water that runs down from the hills. From this spring comes tho water which is used in the fishery. In tho brick building tho operation of hutching is begun. Three hatching boxes, each containing fifteen apartments, are filled with tho eggs of the trout. The three boxes w ill hold in all three hundred thousand eggs. Tho apartments of the boxes are separated by light wire, and each contains a certain number of eggs. For forty -five days the spring water is run constantly through these boxes, and at the end of this time the fish appear, and are removed and equally divided into twenty troughs fourteen feet in length by fifteen inches wide and nine deep. Here, in the constantly running water, the lit tle germs remain forty-five more days. During this timo they are not fed, but they subsist upon a littlo ball of mutter, about the size of a pin head, w hich is at tached to tuch one. From these troughs they are removed to large inclosed square boxes built iu the ground, through w hich tho water is also constantly running. Here they are fed upon beef liver chop ped as tine us possiblo. As they grow they are passed from box to box until af ter about eighteen months, when they are ready for market. Mrs. Cornelia Nntter, of Waterloo Iowa, has given $.'W,000 to en low a chair of Practical Theology in t'.ie Garrett Biblical Institute of Albany. Mr. Pentecost, the Evangelist, has re cently lost two sons by pneumonia, and now he is compelled to abandon work on account of symptoms of typhoid fever. Some ladies make a great bustle wheu they enter a theater. And it's gotting, so we are told by a married compositor, to be a femine fashion to put one of that same kind of thing on before they start. The "Nip and Tuck" theatrical com pany is traveling in the West, it has been nip and tuck with a great many other companies to get through without walking home. Sam Ward has fairly captured London society. His time is completely taken np in attending dinners, sappers and other festivities in Belirravia. It is un derstood over there that Sam has recently 1 come into possession of a large property ! uirougn successiui speculation. llostf sse and Their Yi y. A low of the salient points which dis tinguish the yerfect or charming hostess ore, perhaps, foremost, certain facility of putting each individual guest at bis ease, conveying that the welcome she ac cords to him is a personal, if not an especial ono. Simultaneously with these ngreeable expressions is conveyed a sense of the bostessess genial qualities; her charm of manner, her smiling serenity, her unruffled demeanor, her grociousness, and her courteous bearing, evincing so plainly that she is entirely mistress of the situation, which qualities insensibly react upon the guests, and evoke a corresponding desire on their part. Her tact, aplomb, and readiness of resource are such that she is equal to any emergency; while the most awkward of contretemps, which not infrequently occur in society such as the wrong people arriving at the wrong moment or the same moment is carried off by her in so skillful and successful a manner thut the awkwardness of the meeting is scarcely so much as perceived. Tho per fect hostess has another advantage, on which rests in a measure the groundr work of the foregoing charms a readi ness of speech, a faculty of saying the right thing at the right momentand to the right person, and of identifying her self, so to speak, with susceptibilities of each of her guests; nover attempting w nlefisa one truest over the head of an other, making the one feel small and neglected while she is nover at a loss lor a judicious remark to be addressed to even the most insignificant of hor guests, but is a queen in the art of society small Tho good hostess is essentially what is known as a considerate nostess; sue makes np in consideration for her guests for the brighter qualities of the "charm ing hostess," in which she, the "good hostess" is lacking. In tho charming hostess this consideration is eclipsed by her more brilliant powers of pleasing; it permeates all she does; while in the good hostess it is ner strongest point, anu up on which is founded her claim to tho name. The lady who bears the undesir ablo reputation of being "not a good hostess'' is not "good," in a variety of wuvs: she means well, und doe3 her utmost to succeed, but, by some contra' rietv of the laws which regulate domestic and social affairs, the results of hor efforts are always the reverso of what she would have them be. The "not good hostesses" sometimes sutler from shy ness and reserve, which renders them stiff in manner when they would be most cordial, silent when they would bo most loquacious, and awkward when tliey would be most graceful. Others, again, have no method in their arrangements, and consequently everything that they superintend or attempt to manage, turns out a tort, a traverse. Fussiness and an over-anxiety to please is with many their greut drawback and serious defect. These ladies bore gents far more than they are aware of ; they hunt them about with mistaken zeal, teazing them with inquiries ns to whether they are too warm or too cold, whether will do this or do that, go there or stay here, eat this or drink that, and are so desirous of seeing them enjoy themselves and be amused, thut they destroy tho element they would foster. ' Their friends do not speak un kindly of this type of hostess on the contrary, they give them full credit for all their good iutentions; but they say pitingly of one theso ladies, "Mrs. A. is not a good hostess, certainly, but sho is a good-natured woman, very." As there aro ninny reasons why ladies prove to be good hostesses, so there aro many reasons why they prove bad hostesses; selfishness and want of consideration for others contribute to these, as do procras tination and tho having no idea of time. Ladies with such weaknesses as theso produce very much the same impression upon their guests, although perhaps ono is a little less capable than the other. lhc selfish hostess is a hud hostess, be cause, provided she is herself amused, she is utterly indifferent as to how her guests may be faring, her own pleasure and gratification being of paramount importance with her. If she descends Into to tho drawing room to welcome her guests, instead of being in readiness to roceivo them, it is because she is indiffer ent as to whether there is any one to greet them or not in the empty drawing room; to arrange tho lust curl of her coiffure in a coquettish manner, and studs the set of ber train, is w ith her a matter of much more importance. This selfishness obtrudes itself at every turn of her self-imposed duties; she is incorrigible, and there is nothing to be saiil for her. For the procrastinnting hostess, although she is equally in fault, yet, as she hastens to excuse hereelf when lacking in politeness to, or consid eration for her guests, her excuses are sometimes admitted; but tho selfish hostess, if she deigns to excuse herself, does so with snch a palpable show of in difference as to her guests' opinion of her actions, that the excuse is oftener than not an aggravution of tiie offense. Coming out of a war penniless and on one leg inclines a man to think that one man may get too much glory and too little money ia exchange for patriotisn .J Col. Long, the first American officer to enter tho service of the Khedive, is studying law in New York, expecting to return to Egypt to practice before inter national tribunals. Adelina Patti is about to bring the pitch of instruments at the Italian Opera, London, down to the diapason normal. The change will cost S500U for new wood instruments. The Empress of Russia, who is at Cannes, France, for the winter is suffer ing from anamia, a malady often caused by the hothouse atmosphere of Russian dwellings. Mrs. Scott-Siddons paid $50 for th release of her baggage at the Troy station last week, it having been attached on a claim for a broken engagement in Albany last winter. The good Earl of Roseberry has taken 20 per cent, off the rents his tennants had to pay. The tenants will undoubtedly oe aoie 10 cent. throw off the other 80 per Among the converts made to temper ance by a "blue ribbon" movement in Atlanta. Ga., is Maj. S. W. Small ("Old Si") one of the funny writers of the At lanta COHStitUtillH, . "j Helaxatlon of Oar mm a... t I .mea,i "H. J. B., the Washing . Cfc rvnndant. nf tlioPhi'laUl.:- n ,.. i'ul M - -w HMWUD1U111I -).. ' :.. I believe the cabinet are all in to. ft Untoirnfct f'v' niIU en?., alui called on Postmaster-General V in a hot game of cards with-v;' I J ,1 " riuv uo ui me most ie c ate solituiro players Nopoleo rs m the em,,u a tin; the 0 nia jbci P" At Well, didn't opoleon I'lay gujj.U tanip . i.ey buvH ne nites ino camo " likes tho cause ho likes a skillful man f,..'f ponent. After leaving the JUlh-e l i in the Ebbitt House rotunda a c I sharp (that is, one who knows all! cabinet officers) and I asked u 'l several gentlemen pass their ev,, $2,0 m UD, jou nave aU dio soen how Key passes a weary hotlr y t du will find him that way even- eve--l tw" . .. rvu.uK iu8 eve He never misses an invitation to dj and he is very sociable Ho fewest airs of any man in the cai Ho will go and play seven un n-;n aU jmen bo?n 1 not 1 pa rat; body who is respoctablo, and wiJL ,rge iiis snaro 01 me wnisity mid snio Biiaro 01 uie cigars, a very goo, llalii Dons, pass their time? "a "Oh, well, Schurz generally readbfeoi when his eyes troublo him from worn ne goes to tne piano, mm, l eyes, the room being somewhat dat f X ed, and improvises. He is the only 2 .xj in the cabinet who .knows anvtlm,t.X.i music. His style is somewhut weird ' mournful. And sometimes it is the JP tlie est. He and Henry Watterson wit "t" together and sing and play a whole et.tor t ing. The piano is Schurz's diversion?. , horses are Grant's. "How abnnt Khnrninn? Hni- ' spend biseveninfirs?" ";!!!!?, j "Well, Sherman is a great newsiw0' reader, and just now he is making Ltou sen aminDie wuu mo noutnern pfmer ticians. He frequently hus them P"- liouse of evenings. Sherman is niortf iwu social man than you would think. Resid1 3 11111 ot anecdotes, and his rem !-fcii ences are very entertaining. He is f PUH' nly in official life. At home he is rn'00. ',' bleasant. He is also foud of a iinnor and a glass of wine. The Sijcalu ians all are. The Secretary very c'l prod gets his shorthand writer at his hc:h mi! find spends the whole evening writM "u letters. His correspondence is vj"" Urge." S,n8 J "How about Undo Dick Thoinpslj Poos he work evenings?" 1 I "No. He is very domestic and pv c u sionately fond of young people, and! f"! lias always a trooJ of children aboif Ja liim. Besides, tho Secretary of tliejiakjqi has reached that age when ho likes to fit s to bed early. He is an early riser, to"' C1 and then he pitches into tho oilrfl work. There is not a man in the cabin?' J who devotes more hours to his office tk.;, , ho. He doesn't trust everything fe d subordinates, and you will never findligKl table piled a foot thick with papers of art important character, as Robeson's ml to be." 1 - How about Attorney-General Dc vens?" "Well, be is another hard worker. 1 studies a good deal at night. He is: particnlur so he gets to bed at 12, 1 or o'clock at night. Ho is a jollier folk than he genorally gets credit for. E also likes pleasant fellows about k and he can tell a good story. He lib wiuiai. tne study ot literature, ana ,u this regard, a man of lino und corm testes. He is not a man of strong ck acter, for, like many Boston men, ii cares too much for appearances. I he is honest, and is a conscientic officer." Is Secretary McCavv a exeat sw dent?" ""J "I am afraid McCrary is a little fimi and lazy. He is a great lover i t the laj nnd likes to read cases. Ho is a slow lv heavy man, who does not liko ts go oji of evenings, but he is good-natured, ani always treats people politely, though r?,, servedly. He is better fitted for a juJfJp' than jumping political fences, l" War Department he is little better tht $ a clerk, but in tho cabinet, whenever T big law question comes up, I had rau.-i' have his opinion than all the rest pJ togother. He is old common sense. B'jr, he is not Secretary of War. Gener Sherman runs the Wa Department, a:, in this respect the military power above the civil. Uelknap is the oniy aw wno ever broucht Sherman to tent- Bel knap made Sherman subordinate, a drove him to St. Louis." "Well, bow does Evarts spend 1- "Oh, Evarts is so rarely here uw 1 ""O" . . . ...II can hardly tell. You had better a" somo New York client of his. Evart however, is very fond of company, and;l the best story teller of the cabinet. B is also a big eater, although is one 01 v- thinnest men I over saw. I really dot InAv limv lift tmufuui liia pvpninS. 1 ....... . 0- . chances are that if he has company, ctg will talk to them as Ions as they stay. He gives fine dinner parties, ' has the best bouse for entertainment Wnuliinr-tnn TTadnnfi not 1V flllV met disgrace the standard established by M'Kf i lsh in shis respect. How does the President spena i- evenincrs.' "Now. look liere, said my intu,t "you are going too fast and are gur'W me." I assured him I was not. must surely know, then.'.aid be, "tli'W the President is the jollied man in ti" world in bis home circle. He is in tin private rooms of the White House everfT evening, where Mrs. Hayes receives f who call. He says pleasant things everybody, and makes himself JerX' agreeable. When it rains, or when iroij other causes nobody calls during tt evening, he plays 'pussy wants a cornK with the young ladies, for there t-- always oung ladies visiting at the Whi "Now. honestly, does the Preside- play 'pussy want a corner?' " t "Upon my word be does, for InT seen him do it, and he seemed to i ioyiV. "Well, it is human nature to uni-'. amau men are careiui not w ic world see them. It is only the p. men who can afford to play 'pussy m amma .1. n TVkUi Un'nail " The Spanish Minister at Wasbingtot nnk in the rear of his residence. Ex -Collector Simmons, of Boston, msiectinff mines in Arizona, ' President of the Unpin JMoniEg pany. 111