The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 10, 1880, Image 1

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    J7i nn
WHOLE NO. 636.
$2.50 per year IN ADVANCE.
tic gugrat (City uard.
t. . CAafPBILL.
riblt&sri and rnprieton.
FTICK-Ia Underwoods Brilk Building,
aver Grange Store..
Advertisements inserted m folbws:
Ou spwe, 10 lines or 1am, out inaertion IS
act subsequent insertion $L CMh required u
Tim sdrertUer. will U chawed at th. fo
Oil aquar, thre months W
" six month. t
.... .... 12
T rami eat notices in local column, 20 cents per
.MM If eaca unman.
Advertising bill will be renlered quarterly.
All Wert. BUit M TklV FI UP liSLl.rni
jMc Hour.-Fr.ra ! l . wl,.. 8ub4.v.
Kail arrive. fr.i tha Mttth n1 save, going north
l . aa. arrive tnm vim uni '
itfc t MS a. m. Far Siuial.w. ftaaklia ud taeg
T a. els t .M. welaena.. rur vrswiotvis
.. .W ... ..) k I . M
- LtUra will to nwlr for aeliveryhatf an hoar alter
. ... ' I II I ..Wn.
Hli .1 imas. union .noma m
m . , V. 1 1 1 uit A. If
MhU Srrt n4 third WeJneadsf. In each
ttrriK-rn Butts Uoam He. I. O
O. F. MeUTerT Ttaaaer i Teniae-.
w . . . v ... w.. O
. ... u . i J : l. i .
Eugene City, Oregon.
IV door to tho right, up stilrs. Formerly
a ( C. W. Fitch. 1
Nitrous Oxido Gas for paiuleu extraction of
rT. Smltoh, M. T. W. Hiimm. M. D.
Drs. Shelton &. Harris,
NiYsiems 4 SURGEOXS,
Kuicn Citr, Orwiion.
Ninth trt, ppanlt tho Ml.
Cbarloo HotH, mm at Ite.ldeaco,
Dr J. C. Shields
ice. to the citizen, of Eugrn. City nd
iroitndlnf eoiintrr. Baecinl attention given
INE DISE ASES entrusted to hi. care.
Offee at the St Charles Hotel
id.nee when not profetwionaUy engaged.
Ofiea at the
ItaMowa on Eighth atreet, oppoiiU Freehy
ri.n Church.
Ofiee oa Willamette .troet. Eugene City.
Clicks, Watches, Chains, Jewelry, tt.
Repairing Promptly Executed.
Cn-AMWrk Warraatea!. ji
EU.-rvrth tt Co.'e brick, WillametU etreet
Real Eitati Agsnt
Collection Agent,
and Notary Public.
Justice if the Peace, Conveyan
cer and Collector.
Bill, ec-neeted. Recordt aearched and ab
tract, of title nade. All huriaeM prraptlv
tuadod U. Off-, at the Cart Haute,
1 BcBBIBS-IahaU a oa a fmlLf
1 ml larita th. t"tim of houkerra,
AdmlnUtrator'i Sale.
by Tirtae of aa order o( the County Court
W Laae eonaty, Oreroa. Bade at the No.em
W Urm thereof. A- D. 187. fa the eratter of
(he mUU M Heary G. Daeaport, deccaiwd, I
vttl efat f or eale at pahlie auction at the Umrt
B mm door at Eufrae City, mm Satordi y, De
coaber JO, 187 J. bet the hour of a dork
ia the fareaooa and four o'clock ta tho after
aoa of taid day ha following deoenbrd real
raperty t-wit: Lot No. two ia Block Xo. ail
tan of Mullifaa donatio to Lane eouaty, ia
Sanaa City. Lane cauaty, Oregna. Alao atthe
aaato tim aad plaee, will aell the orthwet
quarter of Sectioa tea in toTuhip "teea
aaath of raare mo vent, cooUinin? 160 acre of
aad la Mohawk raller, Laao emanty, Orerna.
Term, ef Salei Cwh ta mid eoia of the
Taitod State, STERLING HILL. Admr.
O. B Dim, 2!v4
ALEXANDER, J. a-Juatice of the Peace
South Eugene Precinct: othc at Court Houae.
ASTOR HOUSE-CW Baker, pmp. The
vuir unt'cutH iiuvei ia nv city tt inameiie
treet, one Uor north of the poat oftice.
ABRAMS. W. H. k BRO.-PUnin mill
eauh, door, blind and mouliling manufactorr,
Eighth etreet, eaat of mill race. Ererythinr
in our line furniahed oa short notice and
reaamame term.
BENTLEY. S. W.-Private boardinr bou.
eouthwert corner of Eleventh and Pearl ite.
BOOK STORE One dnnr emith of the A.tor
Houas. A full etock of anorted box paper.
plain ana lancy.
BOYD 4 MILLER Meat Mrketbeef, real,
mutton, pork and lard Willamette etreet.
1. . TV I .1. 1 '
ueiwcen feigutn anu .iiuin.
CHRISM AN. SCOTT Truck, hack and ex
preaaman. All order, promptly attended
to. unice at expreu ottice.
CRAIN BROS. Dealer in Jewelry, Watch
es, Clock, and Musical Instrument. Wil
lamette street, between Seventh and Eighth.
CALLISON. R. G. -Dealer in rrocerie.. ore
viinons, country pronuce.canneu srood.. books.
stationery, etc., southwest corner Willamette
and Uth hu.
DORRIS. B. F. -Dealer In Stoves and Tin
ware Willamette street, between Seventh
and Litrlitn.
DURANT, WM.-Meat Market beef, pork,
.... ) ...I . .1 J v- . .
street, between Pearl and High.
ELM WORTH k CO.-DnnnrinU and dealer.
inpamw, oils, etc. v illametU street, be
tween Eighth and Ninth.
FRIENDLY, S. H.-Dealer in drr rood..
clothing and general merchandise Willam
ette etreet, between Eighth and Ninth.
GUARD OFFICE-Newxpaper, book snd joh
printing omce, corner W illainette and Eighth
streets, up stairs.
GRANGE STORE-Dealers in peneral mer
chandise and produce, corner tighth and
Willamette streets.
GILL, J. P. -Phynician, Surgeon and Drug
nn, I'otiomee, uiamette s tet, between
Seventh and Eighth.
HAYS, ROBT. -Wines, Liquors, and CI
frars of the beat qua'ity k?pt con.tan' ly on
hand. The best billiar '. table in town.
HENDRICKS, T. G.-Deale. in reneral mer-
chandiae northwest corner Willamette and
Ninth streets.
HODES, C Lager beer, liquors, cigars and a
nne pigeon-hole tahie, Willamette street, be
tween Eighth and Ninth.
HORN, CHAS. M.-Gunmith. Rifles and
shot-guns, breech and muxle losders, fur sale.
Repa;riug done in the neatest style and war
ranted. Shop nn 9th street.
KINSEY, .T. D -Sah, blinds and door fac
tory, window and door frames, mouldings,
etc, giazing and glaas cutting done to order.
LYNCH, A -Gmeeriee, proviainns, fruits, veg-
vwwib, r.., inaiuc.M .iirceb, iirat iioor
south of Postoflice.
LTTCKEY, J. S. -Watchmaker and Jeweler;
xeeps a nne wck oi good, in hu line, Willam
ette street, in Ellaworth's drug .tore.
McCLAREN, J A M KS-Choice, wines, liquors,
ano cmars uiam.tte .treet, between Eighth
and Ninth.
MELLER, M. Brewery Lager beer on tap
ana oy me Keg or narrel, corner of Winth and
Olive streets.
OSBirRN k CO.-Dealers in druga, medicines.
.K.M;..i. .:i. .a. i i ' i i
lur.un,,.,, .ui, iini, no. it uiameiie si. ,
opposite S. Charles HoteL
PATTERSON, A. S.-A fine stock af plain
and fancy vuiting cards.
PERKINS, H. C. -County Surveyorand Civil
Kntriner. ltiiirinn ,.n Iif,K ...
-i .. . .... .... . . .. , i v v.
PRESTON, WM. Dealer in oad.tlerr, Har-
neaa, carriage inmnnnga. etc. Willumette
street betweei Seventh and Eighth.
POST OFFICE-A new stock of ,Unl.,H
school book, just received at the tost office.
RUSH, BEN. Hnraeahneing and general fob-
uing oiacKamiin, .ignu street, between Wil
lamette and Olive.
REAM, J. K Undertaker and building eon-
tractor, corner Willamette and Seventh
ROSENBLATT ft OO.-Drr goods, clothing,
groceries ana general merrnandiHe, southwest
comer Willamette and Eighth streeU.
frew, Proprieire.. Tlie beat Hotel in the
city. Corner Willamette and Ninth etreeta.
SHIELDS, .1. C-Phyaician and Rurreon-
north side ?inth street, first door east of St.
Charles HoteL
STEVENS, MARK Dealer in tobacco, ci
gars, nni. c-tnniee, shot, powder, notions,
ete. Willamette street
SCHOOL SUPPLIES A large and varied
aortment of alatea of all sirea.and quantities
of Mates and slar books. Three doors noith
of the expreas office.
THOfPSON ft BEAN-Attnrners-at-Law-WUlametU
street, between Seventh and
WALTON, J. J.-Attorner at-Iw. Office
WillametU street, between Seventh and
WITTER, J. T.-Buckakin drea-inr. Th.
hiehoat price paid for deer .kin., Eighth st,
at Bridge.
UNDERWOOD. J. B. Cren-rl bmkerar.
mmnese.nd arent for the Conn-irnt la
snrance Cnrnpanr of H.rtfoH WilUmette
street, between Seventh and Eighth.
all its branches at the old stand, offering
increased inducement, to customers, ,M and
new. As heretofore, the moat
Careful attention given to Prescripions.
General Notice.
placed his boaineaa ia the hand, of the
anleraigaed for collection and settlement,
all peraens owing him wh, have not Bade ar
rangement fnr extension of time, are hereby
notified to saake payment or other satisfactory
arrangement without delay.
LA BELII UOV-I am th, aoU
tfaat fur this xlebrated waron.
Tkrci Ojittn.
N. Y. Sun.
"Art yau ia a hurry f Braaklyn
oyt'.ar deal -r inquired of a man fur
whom lia rii np.iin; Ilia third y
lr. Ilia limn lintl ordarrnl a dozan,
and wis plainly tu tintir, but atainf
that a lady had ntrd th, nalaou
lia taid that ht had plenty id lima
ad brgau to luiinth brokia ortckeri
until thi arxur naa waa n-ady to
wait upan Mm.
"What can 1 do for you, tna'am ?"
thedtaltr laquiivd, turning l lh
'Arp your rodfib fraali ? the aaw
ointtomvr dfiiiRiidvil, Ivoiibk auspi
ciotialy at aoina larger onca ou lha
' Only twa hours out of th watrr."
the dmlvr an.wen-d. "Hardly dtad
yrt. Only nil vrnia a paiind."
" n i i;!i that ana for in " the lady
aaid. Ill, huh wrightd hva paumj;
(but witK laa lare; anol'iar wriglifd
two; hut thai waa loa Miiall. A third
w lulled thrt and a halt; that waa
.,nl ricnt; but th lady had vhaajad
liar ajiiid ami urflerrad halilwi'k
Tliia alao, wan nix cents, and a fish of
Mutable weight was aooti loiiud; but
lour ci-nta a pmind wva all '.hat tha
ctihli niar waa willinif to give. More
over, ili bad aaw net her heart on
at l in, ami a there were none in the
iuIood, aha turned lar allealian t
oyNtai i.
"I want them for frying, arm
aaiil. "How much are they a hun
dred ?"
"A dollar and a quarter, waa the
reply; "and cheaper at that than you
exu gt them anywhere else in the
''Then open fifty far m, if yeu
pliane,",the lady taiJ.
Will you allow me to attend to
(bin geiillemau firm? the dealer asked
paintim; to the nun who had ben
obliged te tuke a races alter eating
Ihrt-o ovHler.
'tVrlaiulT net." the lair taid
enappialily. ' I'm in a hurry," and
a the man had by thia lime finished
nearly ull the crackera ut,l tit great
measure, lost hi appetite for oynier,
he aaid, politely, that be waa willing
to wit.
The titty oyster were opened, and
alter enuiiiiiiij; ibeui, she
''Now, I deu'l mind civinir you
til'tv ceulK tor thoe, it you will past
llu in over with flour and eg, nd til
liiein up for trying just a they do in
tultan .Mm kt."
The dealer breathed rery hard at
he looked at b.a unpreininni; cmia
mer. "Perhapn," be aid, "jou
would like a la go to your house
and cook ibcm tor y hi."
Without another word lie lady
gathered up her gloveo, handkerchief
and reiicule, restored her uume to ita
pla?e in the later receplacU, and be
lowing Mpen the dealer a look af
com In iud acorn and indignation,
swept eul of of the laloon.
"Well, women ia queer creature,"
the dei b-r rami.rred, aa he leoked at
tha reading fo1 ni. ".Skinflints, all t
'am. I wouldn't trust uiy own wife
where a barg tin wan lo be bad."
And be turned around ta d the
man who had enten the three ayiM.
Hut thai prtD bad lorgotteii to pay
tor the oysters, emptied the bowl ot
brekeii erauk t and trone- out.
Cn;rcuioiil Hambo.gsry.
N. Y. Sun.
Whenever the death af a Senator
or 1 ir pi ecent alive i aanouncid in
Congrev, both Ileus, promptly tive
th. inslve a day' holiday, the pre
text being a deire la allow proper
r aproi to the 'le parted Uw niaki-r. !u
moat esse ill it is nothing hut a
pietext, and a very thiu m e at that.
Even if the grie were sincere, what
rght have thev to indulge it at the
public expense? The people pay
them tat alaric not to air Iheir eiua
tica axiittni a possible but to get
on with the public busi.ies. Ueaib
istemuion to all te ditor and law
yer and merchant and irwn mould
era, a well a to Congressmen. But
when an editor die, the at her editors
do nut auepend publication. When
an iron moulder diet, hi arriving
comrade do nut strike work for the
slay; it they did, their employ el
would very qui. My put other men in
thrir place. Tha Congressmen are
mpljd by the American pople
for Htifio duties, ami every tm e
they adjourn over "a a further mark
ot respect ta the memory ot the de
ceaaea," they chat their employer.
Covimg isto Kiiuio.f. Drees
thtt liutloo in traat instetd of the
l ack arc aomiug into fashion ai'O
'Jh reader' earliest reiudleotioaa
n.ust canviuee him that it ia an aid
style revive!.
loa county rink of Ja ksn conn
ty, ieud during 1879. sixty rev n
marriage ho , and in the save
prri. l reenrdee three hundred and
thin viae deed aoJ uiortytwo
There are o hau for rent ailher
ia Foreit Qrova or HilUbero.
Settler on railroad lands in Neha-
lm are anxieu about their title.
Settlers rn nilroad lands in Neha
lent are anxious about their titles.
Pi-rrydale has taken slaps toward
the tnauguratten of literary so
A protracted meeting in progress
at BilVna Vista i awakening great
Scarlet fever prevails at Ann ra,
three children of F. Keil haviog died
irom it within a month.
The pottery work at Buena Vista
have been closed for a time: cause,
odd wealber and au iraineuse slock
on hand.
Ab ut 100 new buildinc were
erected at Independence tha past
year, the result at the txlcuMion of
the West Side Uailroad.
A county temperance convention
will be held at Dallas on the 20th ot
January, to which everybody and hi
wile are invited.
D. M. C. Gault, wiih two lady as
iHiant. will teach a subscription
scbaol at Hillabero in the ialeriui at
the public school sessions.
A 11,400 horse owned by Mr. Saw.
yer, of Monmouth, died a few days
since of flmueiit oolio. He waa ot
Clydeodale stock, imported.
Pallas is thirty-two years old and
is said lo ahow stxns of age. Its dan
znia still hold on to the county seat
of Polk with determined grasp.
Washington county in the neigh
borhood ot Beaverton has improved
remarkably in the lent year. Among
lhee iniprevcmeiits i a large aaw
II G. Guild retires from the edi
torship and ownership at tho Hills
bora Independent and is succeeded in
the asm by II. B. Luce, the termer
A shingle mill is wanted in the
Wallowa valley. This valley con-
sins about 1.500 inhabitants and
raised 25,000 bushels of grain last
sea on.
A Ctiiiftrain walked barefoot a dis-
ance ot ten miles into Albany during
the cold snap, and had his feet badly
Irozen, barely escaping amputation ot
us toes.
Timothy hay is selling at 5 net
ton; rough lumber at fl'2 SO per
thousand; beef delicious beet at
two and on half to fear ceuls per
Jerome Porter, of Forest Grove,
has gone to Missouri, where he will
buy a band of muli-s, send lhm by
cars to Ogdeii and drive them thence
to this Stale.
The Grant County New estimates
that should the cold weather in that
region continue not less than 20,000
hsad of cattle will die of starvation
in that county alone.
The track on the West Side rail
road is now completed ta within
eight miles of Corvslli. and the cars
will probably be running to that
town within three weeks.
'1 he largest area of land held by
one p. ron in Polk county is 6.200
acrss. A number laid oyer 1,000
serve and many do fction land clulin,
610 aores, still remain undivided.
Mis Carrie Christenaon, of Lsfay
ette, atttnded a ball at that place on
Christmas eve, and taking cald was
sltacked with he-mnrrhage af the
lunz, which caused her death on
Chriiiraas dy.
The Corvallis fire department was
recently called out in force by the
burning of a can of tar which an tin
sopbialicaied citizen attempted to
boil an h s cook stove. The bottom
milled off the can making a lively
blaze and cau-'tng a big scare.
Within fifteen miles af the Colum
bia, npoti the esat side of the Uma
tilla river, during tha pst aea on
there have been located npon, mostly
by homestead and pre emptian, some
50,000 acres, most of which is now
being plowed, and in the Spriag will
be planted with wheat.
Lake county offers a reward ef250
eacn far tha capture an I surrender
af the notorious John Purdy, who
a few months ago escaped from the
county jail at that place, and for the
apprehension and surrender af the
mordeter ot Ed war I Day!.-, near
Tula lake, in October last.
On the last night of lha late storm
Mr. Marks, ot Ashland, wha ha a
large number of Angara goal n
Little A pp!rgate, lost l not the (lark
by fret-sing and on the next day in
cnttiag dawn a tree tor them ta
browae cn he kill, d thirieen more.
It ia learea his whole land will par
Tat SlirT if I FiTC-PlDld Htt.
London Telegraph
Not lang ago wsll knewn collec
tor of curiosities in Paris, who had
devoted eenxidersble mms of tnenjy
lo the gathering tegcther of bank
note of all eouulries and all value
became tho pas or of Bank of
Englmd five pound not to which an
unusually strange slary was attach
ed. Thia not was paid into a Liver
pool merchant's office in tha ordinary
way of business sixty one years ago,
and it recipient, the cashier f the
firm, while holding it tip t the light
la test ita genuine, noticed some
taint red mtrka upon it, which an
clossr examination proved la be semi
laced wards, si-raw led in blond be
tween tha printed lines and upon the
blank inarirn af the note.
Extraordinary pnin were take ta
decipher tliese partly obliterated
characters, and eventually the follow
ing sentence wss made eut : "It this
note should fall tit la the hand
ot Job a Dean, -Laa., of Lang
Hill, near Carlisle, he will learn
hereby that hit brother is languishing
prisoner in Algiers." Air. Dean
waa promptly communicated with by
lha holder of the note, and he ap
pealed to the Government af the day
for aesistance in bis endeavor ta b
tain his brother's release from capliv
The prisoner, who, as it subse
qucntly appeared, had traced the
shave sentence upon the nolo with a
t linter of wood dipped in his own
blood, had been slave to the Dev
af Algiers for eleven years, when his
strange missivt first attracted atten
tion in a Liverpool counting house.
Ilia turn ly and friends had ling be-
leved hun dead. Eventually his
bi other, with the aid af tho British
aulhoritie in the Mediterranean, sue-
ce ded in ranseming hiiu from the
Dey and brought htm home to Eng-
and, where, he ever, he did not long
survive his release, bis constitnlioti
hseinsr been irreuarablv iniured bv
exposure, privation and forced labor
in the Dry galleys.
;l tcpubliiii View if Sharti.
Carsoa Appeal, Dee, 16.
Tht spectacle of a Uuited HHes
Senator talking about his ability ta
corrupt the voters of a Slate where
he does not oven have a residence,
make very refreshing reading. Th
Republican party owes it to ilsoll ta
see that this mini doe not again dis
grace it in the Halls of Congress
He did not serve the Republican
party of Nevada during the last term.
He siiuplv served himself and his
California interest. A wooden sign
af a cigar atore would have done as
well, so far as Ins constituents were
concerned. Most ot the time ho was
absent, except when a close ballet
was threatened, and then no was ou
band t cast his voto for some cor
poratioii to whoso interests he was
lodged. 11 is bad enougii to ouy
up a majority of State' representa
live with coin, but it seem some
what insulting to brag that it caa be
one again. When Senntor oliaron,
the Califomian, agaiu cnvs belore
the people ot Nevada, and asks them
bow much it will be necessary tor him
lo pay to go to Washington, a re-
... a a a
buko should be administered ta mm
that will silence his pretensions tor
over. The Republicans cannot afford
to have such a drag on its chariot
TboringblY Itformed.
A young woman erved a term of
nve year in wie .nam, primmim, j.
She seemed to be thoroughly re
formed, snd lelt li e prison in anp' tr
ance a lady. She wa employed by a
rv stood firm lo rorllaud. and gavo
perfect satisfsclion to her etn iloyers
for some tim till one day a weall y
lady ontero j tht- store and recognized
her. Calling the proprietor aside
she asked him if bo knew who he had
in his store, telling that she waa a
graduate from the State Prison. U
replied that he kr.ew it, but that the
had done her duly Uilhtullv, and
that th. v were well satisfied with
her. "Well," said tha lady, "it you
keep her in your stare, I will neither
trade with you mys-lf ner riflVr any
of my frten a to. if I oan help it" Sk
tho proprietor, rather than lose his
customer, called in tho poor girl aad
... a JWa-B. 1
discharged lief, lie naa nearu sinoe
that sho still maintained a course ot
con luct above reproach, being em
ployed in one at the mill in Low
I, Alas.
Jaiksonvill tho possession
ot three opium dena that arc nightly
frequent d by a number ai tho young
ma of the city.
Tho coper establishment at th
mouth ol the CAqnillo river ia manu
fartnring a large numlser of salruoa
bar.ela for tho Spring ma.
Theoirgo of the Duncan, taken
from EllmWir aorao two weka
nce. waa valued at over $30,000
. . . . .
H ooBaieted mainly of laimoD.
Harriot Tbomhson, a female datoo
tive in the employ of tho Canadian
custom department at Windsor hat
been tolling a Detroit reporter some
ot her official experience. Some of
tho female smugglers are very nice.
The youngest ones will ory and some
time tuint, but all arc compelled to
tfll what they paid for the goods.
"They can then keep the gnoda by
paying what they originally eosl.
Wo appraise them ourselves if they
Eivo false prices. Semi-times the
eiro;t firms make out bills of lower
value, or furnish the parlies wiih bill
heads which they fill up to suit them
selves. These we estimate at our
own figures, and release the partita
an payment." "What class of goods
do the emugglers give the laigett
preference to?" "White and gray
cottons, heavy colored drilling-i.t'ancy
knitted goods and that class. Tho
duty oa such ia about 25 per cent.
Tha goods are oulky and hard to han
dle; that it why they are to easily de
tected. The women pin whole
pieces of cotton about them, tome-
times folded in their shawls or dis
posed about Iheir skirts, and it raakea
their 'movements very awkard. I
brought one young lady in hero tho
ther day who woie a very large bat
tle composed entirely of Anisrio m
Tiraiibiai fampkln.
There was a discussion some time
ago in the Lime Kiln Club, Detroit,
on tho question of preserving Fall
vegetables, trustee rullliaelt au
nounced that pumpkins, alter being
ircalod lo twa costs of vami-h, could
be kept lor several years. Tho chair
man of the Committee on Agriculture
was instructed to treat several pump
kins in this manner and report pro
great to tho Club. At this meeting
he announced his readinets to report,
and said: "Do next litn- dis Club
wants to waste any varnish it had
better pour it down a rat hole. It
took jist a quart to a pumpkin, 'cep
tin' what do cbild'n drank up. Do
fust week dar war no grett change
la de pumpkins, hut doorin' tho too
ond wee' two af 'em showed tigns of
de measols, one turned wrong side
out an' do odder two kind o' keeled
obor to tho norf. At de eand of de
third week de tuuitary purleeoo
knocked on do doah an tola my wife
dat if we didn't got dat smell outer
de home d-y'd tend me to the work
house Icr ghtsan hundred ytirs. Do
varnish biztes am a fraud an' it
takes a heap o' soap to wash it off do
Washington and Idaho.
The money order business at tho
Cnllitx pott office amounts lo about
The Owyhee mine baa been tolJ
In parties in Silver City, representing
Eastern capitalist!. The price to bo
paid for tbo property ia about tCO,-
Thinga begin to atsumo an air of
business about Ainsworth. Tbo
track it graded for thirty tour milet
above that point and ready toroceivo
ins iron.
There aro 29 Indian taxpsyeri in
Yakima county, 33 in Clarke county,
50 in Thurston and 155 in othtr por
tions of tho Territory. These taxes
aro mainly paid on land.
The people along Pataba crte't re
fused to give, without a l.eavy con
sideration, tbo right of way for tho
construction of the O. R. fc N. Co.'a
line along that tlreain, and therefore
thev won't have a railroad just at
present. Tbo people of l'staha
City, mora generously inclined,
granted it.
A young lady who tenches Sunday
school (in tbo summer) at Swamp
scott is in the habit, alter the regular
lesson is coded, of asking questions
in natural history. Tbo oilier Sun
day she asked: "What bird is largo
enough lo carry a mau?" A little
girl held up her band a ! answered,
"I know; a laik." "Oh, no!" laid
the teache", "larkt are not large
enough lo carry, men." "Yet they
are," said the youngster. My pa
gaes away for two or three day and
mamma says he's gone off on a lark.
without license, and it waa under
stood Ihst ho was 10 bo arretted tbo
following dj for a mo violation, but
taking time by the lorslock he left
town and haa not sine, returasd.
Jacksonville ia to have a atearo.
r-ist mill in readiness for the noxl
Summer's crop.
Lost of oat lie, consequent apon tho
tevero weather, near Jacksonville it
Many eatllo perished along Klam
ath by brraking through tha ice ia
their rffi.ri to procure water.
The lnea from log being carried
away during the freshet ou the Uw
i ; . . . .4 ei ) ruin
iv wsim wuu.