The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 03, 1880, Image 7

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    lit Odd Centenarian.
In the voir 1816 there diod at No
Colclbath square, Cerkenwell,' au eccen
tric lady of the old school Mrs. Jane
Luson at the reputed age of 110 years,
having been a widow for three-score
years and ten. Her husband, whose
death happened as far back as 17C6, when
i . r v ,1.1 11.
Ireorge Hi. naa neen who niwre muu
five years on the throne, leu nor in po
uHHifin nf n. vorv fair fortune: and as. it
spite of living in a very eccentric style,
aue was mosi caariiauie anu iiuurui, one
had the reputation ot Deing very ncn t.lmn mUg was in reality
trli nf a kind and ceneroua disposi
tion. however, she was very self-willed
and imperious, and she lived a very
isolated and independent existence Ex
cept one or two friends of many years'
. stuniliner, who were aumuwu at muiou
times, she saw no company, but spent
her time partly in walking about her
, .1 . J i: 1 n4lf ,'n
garden, paruy iu rewung, uu pvy
ministering to the wants of a number
cuts anil other animals mai wire
pets. She seldom stirred out.tito the
? Htrpnt- nnil it was remarked (hat. al
though nominally a member of tho
rilinrflli was her practice
never to' attend a place of worslu). Her
fiinrrln iwrvant. Morv. who had trown ol
in her service, always sat in iho same
mm with her. thuush at a separate
table, and under the strictest inunctions
. ... i ii- - r
to treat her with as niucu euqieu us u
she were the dame of a ridi country
squire at tho least, and to address her,
not as ''madam," but as "ny lady" or
"your ladyship." Her louse was
furnished in an antique styb from top
to bottom, and it was full f curious
pieces of old china and other articles of
vertu. i
On fivpninrrs this nnaint BDffiimen of
former age was always drecsed in the
most elegant attire, though noi in uio
newest fashion; for bIio wou'd say that
nnmimnv were cotninc. or taat sho ex
acted friends: though, as t matter of
fact, it w as only with great re
luctanae that she admittel tho most
intimate of friends within iho door
her aimrtnient. The fact is that sho
went through all this ceremony in order
to assist her memory in reddling those
timnu uliir'Ii sho cliietlv loed to culti
vate, when she was in realitt in the habit
. .... . ! i-.i
of attcucling orunani assemoiies m wuui
was then tho West End, surrounded by
the votaries ot ranx ana iasiion. acuou
was net wanting to complete the illusion,
and to suit the scenery ol the drama
wlnVli h!i rims rflnresentoc on her pri
vate stage. For a time she would sit
down in her chair, musing and meditat
ing ami t.lipn lutein a. conversation with
absent persons, answering herself in a
feigned voice. Her questions were often
addressed, and her forniivl salutations
nuLilp to no r sons once of tlie first emi
iwnin in tlin world nf fashion or poli
tics, but who had long since passed
away. Ana it was strange lor tnose wno
lived in the nineteenth century to hear
her address as if they were present in the
flesh the contemporaries of Lord Chester
field and the elder Pitt. All the famous
toasts and beauties of tho early days of
Goorgo III. wore thus gathered around
her, most of them known only by tradi
tion, of course, to those who were privi-
legeu to hear her talK to tnem. ine
fact is that in her early youth she and
her sister had been stars in the fashiona
blo firmament, and acknowledged lead
ers of society among persons of "the
quality." These imaginary conversa
tions, "it is said, often lasted a long time;
sho would keep up the discussion for an
hour or two, and sometimes for an entire
The writer of an account of her which
appeared somo years since in the Literary
Gazette, thus describes her from personal
"Mrs. Luson was fond of dress, and
possessed a large collection of old ap
parel. One of her favorite dresses had
belonged to Cromwell's wife; another to
his daughter, Lady Falconberg, being
. the dress in which that lady had walked
at the coronation of James II. Mrs.
Luson had also thoso which Cromwell's
daughters wore on a day of par
ticular rejoicing, when tho arti
cles of peaco were signed between
tho States of England and Holland
in 1655-'5t5. One of these dresses was
valued at nearly 500 guineas. Added to
all these wero other costly and splendid
specimens that comprised her own par
ticular wardrobe; these she often review
ed with particular pleasure, and has been
known to boast that they once exceeded
in nnmbor the days of the year. Many
of the most expensive she had not worn
for years, but they were regularly once a
month or oftener taken out of the large
mahogany coffers in which she kept them,
. ired and carefully inclosed again in flan
nel wrapjiers. In the middle of the night
she would sometimes call up her servant
to give directions about the alteration in
a gown or the padding of a pair of stays;
her favorite pair had been altered, quilt
ed and padded so often that they were
nearly three inches thick, and actually
weighed more than a dozen pounds.
Over these, in the afternoon
put on a single gown; but in the morn
ing she sometimes wore three or four
gowns at once. When indisposed (which
indeed was not often), she would give
orders respecting alterations in some
particular dress; and, sitting up in her
bed, she would put it on, dress her hair,
and ordering the glass to be brought, ail
mire herself for hours in that situation.
Her head-gear was in the same style of
antiquity as her other habiliments; it was
a tete (snch as had once been fashiona
ble, and which she never laid aside)
formed of dark hair, and nearly sixteen
inches high; she wore it regularly pow
dered, and her friends have affirmed that
it became her admirably. She had the
greatest; antipathy to soap and water,
never washing herself, but using a cos
metic, the composition of her mother,
from whom she learned to prepare it,
and which was composed of the finest
mutton suet clarified, with the addition
of some emollient and perfumes, the
particulars of which were her own secret.
As the color of her cheek decayed, she
ought to supply its faded bloom with a
more injurious composition, using an
immoderate quantity of paint, which, de
troving her complexion entirely, left
her" at length a singular spectacle,
erasing from the placid dignity of age
every line of its venerable beauty.
Mrs. Luson was always an early riser,
and during the h t few years of her life
she got up regularly at - o'clock in the
morning. If b chance, she happened to
lie in bed later than that hour, she would
oold herself in the hearing of her maid,
saying, "Ah! you've been a very idle
girl to-day, that you have!" She kept
very large fires burning in her apart
ments both winter and summer, and
some of hor fire places were so largo that
they would consume a bushel and a half
of coals a day. Soon after she rose she
had her breakfast of tea and between it
and dinner time she would have four or
five other breakfasts served, partaking
moderately at each, and drinking nothing
but tea; for during the courso of her long
life, she partook of coffee only once, and
frequently afterward declared that had
she drank it for ono week together, it
would have occasioned her death. As
regarded more substantial food, sho had
a most extraordinary choice of dishes,
one of which was sausages and boiled
and stewed turnips. On January 30th she
always adhered to Mr. Luson's politica
custom of having a calf's head in ridicule
of the royal decapitation; in hor case,
however, it was nothing more than a
cherished memorial of the habits of her
deceased husband. Sho was undoubted
ly the last who practiced this long popu
lar custom. She had also other particu
lar dishes on certain days; and in tho
course of her diurnal repasts she used
each room in the house alternately. The
entrance doors of her residence were
plated with iron and further secured by
nearly twenty bars and bolts, so fearful
was sho of being attacked by thieves an
occurrence which her numerous precau
tions rendered almost impossible. Mrs.
Luron had no family. Whether it was
really the cause or effect of her sound
health, she never took a dose of medicine
or employed a doctor; and when sho died
she passed away painlessly and gently,
apparently suffering from no disease, but
simply by the decay of her bodily pow
ers. What became of her property and
curious collection of dresses I have never
been ablo to learn. N. Y. Tribune.
A Midnight Battle.
We have a rat story, which, as told l"
Mr. It. E. Pettingill, clerk of the Mu
nicipal Court, is good ; and as it is per
fectly true, is interesting. It was on
last Sunday, very early, that Mr. P. and
his amiable wife were aroused from
balmy sleep by strange noises. They
listened, and over and anon, thump,
thump, would go something. Mr. P.
thought of burglars. He proposod to
get ui), arm himself and go forth. He
didn't spend any time dressing himself
lie only put on a seven-shooter and a
pair of slippers. He went through the
parlor, dining room, kitchen, and found
nobody, nothing, lhe noise continued.
It could not be a ghost, thought Mr. P.
He was not afraid of ghosts, anyway.
He went into a store room. The noise.
which still coitinued, seemed to come
from an empty flour barrel. The cover
was raised. All was still. At the bot
torn of the barrel there appeared some'
thing of a darkish color (the room was
dark) and Mr. P. reached down, think
ing what he saw was a piece of carpet or
a piece of cloth, it was a heap of rats!
And when his hand touched them they
tore about at a frightful rate. They
could not jump high enough to escape.
The cover was slapped on and Mr. P.
hud away his revolver and put on a pair
of thick leather gloves. There he was
with gloves and slippers just in tho
right trim for rat killing. The bloody
tragedy begun by Mr. P. reaching into
the barrel, grasping a rat and dashing
him to the floor or against tho wall.
This work continued until four or five of
the rodent rebels wero dispatched, when
those in the barrel, appearing to rcalizo
what was going on, mado such desperate
efforts at leaping and scrambling that
Beven or eight of them got out, and were
on the floor. The door had been closed.
There was no chance for escape. A
lighted lamp on the shelf proved of great
service. Mr. P. had full view of the
premises. Unfortunately there was noth
ing at hand that he could use as a
weapon, and he dared not open tho door
to go forth in search of something. He
got down on his knees and went for the
ratship, belting them this way and that
way with his gloved hands. By and by
the rats in great terror sought their
hiding places. tp went three or four
and hung to his flannel irarment. They
could not bo shook off. The conflict was
deepening. Such a tearing about, Mr.
P. informs us, cannot bo imagined, He
was fearful that the entire batch would
infest his body. Ho pounded the door,
to give alarm to Mrs. P. Sho heard tho
same and appeared on the scene in a mo
ment. What a spectacle was presented
to her! But Mrs. P. did not do what
most women would do, scream and run
away. No; sho rallied on the rascals
with fire shovel and poker. Mr. P. went
to work, and in a short time all the rats
lay dead. Mr. Tettingill tells us there
were eighteen in all. Mwliison, (117.)
Railroads in Iowa. Iowa has met
with the same complete success in giving
its railroad commissioners general power
to hear and adjust railroad disputes as
Massachusetts. In their last annual re
port the Iowa railroad commissioners say
that not one suit at law arising from un
just or discriminating charges has leen
brought since the commissioner system
was adopted, and "the commissioners
are not aware of an instance where any
railroad company has persisted in charges
held to be unjust or discriminative by
the board." Nor is the railroad system
of Iowa a small one; it has a capital stock
of 8!tO,G12,451, a bonded debt of 70,-SU-3,795,
and the rear ending June 30 last
gross earnings of ?21,340,70y. The net
earning were 83,310,000, of which 11 per
cent was paid in taxes to the State, leav
ing less than 2 per cent, profit on the
total capital and debt, or if the debt
charge is met outside of net earnings
about 5 per cent, on the capital. The
commissioners pronounce in favor of
pooling combination among the Lastern
trunk lines, as insuring stability, gieed
and certainty. They are led to this con
clusion probably by the exceptional suc
cess of the "Iowa pool," which has regu
lated the rates for nine years to the gen
eral satisfaction of all concerned, but has
just been broken up by the withdrawal
of the Chicago and Northwestern, one of
the results apparently of the appearance
of the great Wabash combination in
Chicago trade with a claim for a share of
the business across Iowa.
'He tank two drona nf thnncht. and
beat them into a bushel of bubbles."
was the dpvrintion civen of a sneaker
whose rhetoric ran ahead of his logic.
The At twist as a Witness.
In a recent trial in Tennesse the Court
refused to receive a certain man's tosti
inony, on the ground that he was an
athoist. Some of tho religions papers
speak approvingly of this decision. Now,
we are willing to assent to almost any
thing that may be said or done against
atheists, but we think two opinions may
bo held regarding the wisdom of the
Tennessee judge s ruling.
Tho object of tho Court in calling wit
nesses is to arrive at a knowledge of
facts. Now, is tho word of an atheist
good for anything as a guide in our
search after acts? Is there not more
than ono atheist who may bo believed
when he tells us that ho has or has not
seen Jones this morning? That it did
or did not rain yesterday in his region'
or even on such a matter as that he will
pay his store bill on demand? No, if tho
word of an atheist may be taken by his
neigh 1 or or even a loan of monoy may
sometimes be safely made on it may not
tho Court receive it? Tho man may not
tear JJivino judgment lor perjury, hut,
nevertheless, thero are certain consider
ations which havo some influence on hi in
to lead to speak the truth. As to a be
lief in tho punishment of perjury after
death, thero are many witnesses in court
whose fears aro less regarding that than
of the penitentiary, in caso they testify
Grant that a man's credibility is im
paired by a lack of belief it a God ; his
testimony may still be taken for what it
is worth. If a witness is vory young, if
ho is underwitted, if ho is a man of had
character, if ho is strongly prejudiced
one way of tho other, tho jury may not
give the weight to his evidence they
would othorwise; but sua it is listened
to. So the testimony of an athoist may
be worth something.
As to tho suggestion that if ho doos not
behove m God ho cannot take an oath,
tho answer is that, like the Quaker, who
refuses to take an oath, he canalhrm.
In urging the rejoction of an atheist's
testimony we may be cutting off our own
noses. It may bo society and not tho
atheist that is injured. Indeed, others
than atheists are generally glad to escape
being put in the witness box, but so
ciety may suffer if they are excused from
testifying'. Tho atheist may bo the only
person who saw with his own eyes the
transactions in question. To reject his
testimony may be to lot tho criminal go
froe, to send the innocent man to prison,
to let the widow bo defrauded, to injure
not him, but those who believed in a
How Stanton Got into Lincoln's
Cabinet. Ward Lamon gives a Wash
ington correspondent this account of the
manner in which Lincoln niado Stanton
Secretary of War: In December, 18(51,
only a few months after the date of tho
Stanton letter, recently published in tho
North American Jleriew, Mr. Lincoln
was talking with Secretary Chase about
tho action of our Government in tho
'front affair. Tho President was asking
if tho Secretary had heard of any opin
ions as to tho Government's course by
prominent Democrats, when Mr. Chase
said he understood Mr. Stanton, who
was then in Washington, shared the
opinion of the President and upheld the
Government's course. The President
then asked Mr. Chase if ho had ever
heard how Mr. Stanton had abused him
(tho President) in the McCormick caso
at Cincinnati. Mr. Chaso replied that
lie had not, and the President told how
Mr. Stanton, being retained on tho same
side as Mr. Lincoln, declined to consult
with him, saying he would have nothing
to do with the "long-legged and long
armed ape." "But," said tho President,
as ho concluded the story, "tell Mr.
Stanton I would like to see him."
Within a few evenings Mr. Stanton
called at the White House. The Presi
dent told him ho had heard that his visi
tor was upholding the legality and policy
of tho Government's course. Mr. Stan
ton replied at some length, giving his
reasons for tho opinions he held. Tho
President asked him if ho would commit
it to writing. Stanton promised he
would, and this interview ended without
any other subject than the Trent affair
buing alluded to during the whole of tho
evening. It was within one or two
evenings afterwards that Mr. Stanton
called with the MS. of his opinion as re
quested. As he handed it to the Presi
dent, the latter said: "Mr. Suuiton,
there is about to be a change in my
cabinet. Will you take the place of
Secretary of War?" Mr. Stanton was
much surprised, but before ho left that
evening he bad accepted the position,
and during the next month, January,
1802, went into the office.
The Late Abyssinian Prince. The
death of the young Abyssinian Alamayu,
at Leeds, is a melancholy termination to
a career which even before it came to a
close did not lack pathetic interest. Tho
son of the late King Theodore was not a
possible successor for his father, and he
thus became, as it were, a ward of his
father's conquerors. This involved the
same difficulty which has so often pre
sented itself in similar case. Almayu
could not be left in his native country,
where he would not only have been
without the advantages of education,
which could only be given to him in
England. He was accordingly brought
to England, and there he has Buffered
the same fate as that which has been un
dergone by so many strangers to our
climate before him. The change from
the happy valleys of Abyssinia, even
though these happy valleys may lack
some of the delights once attributed to
them, to the chill and bleak air of Eng
land, has once more been too mnch for a
native of innimer lands. Prince
Alamayu was only 19 when he died, and
he was well spoken of for moral and in
terlectual qualities. Had he lived, it is
doubtful what career might have opened
itself to him. But the ill-luck of his
house pursued him, and he has fallen a
victim to it. London News, November
15 th.
There is still living in Fulton county,
Ga.. an old man named Gregg, who en
joys the distinction of having guarded
the Great apoleon daring Lis captivity
on board the Bellerophon previous to
his departure for St. Helena. Mr.Gregg,
who is now eighty-five years of age, waa
ene of the British marines on the Beller
ophon, and it was his duty to guard the
eabin door of the illustrious prisoner and
prevent intrusion.
Monday Kvinino, Dee. 2D.
New York. Tee. J9.-8llver bullion n ; U. 8,
Bonds As, ' 6'; U, 4 Cloned it Mine.
London. Pec W -Coul OT HWf
U. O. Bund-,1, e , ; i.,it, 9: i; 6) i.
8iH FbaMCIbgo, Dec. 29.
Whel-Klrm-hipplng l.'5jti 05.
Flour -Weak.
drain ng strong.
Wool r'lrin.
IilVKHTOOU Dec 29.
Wheat spot, Arm,
Berrbohnt Bncllali Wheal llaport.
London. Dec 27.
Floating caiyoM of wheat atrotiR.
(iiMxl carttoea nt red winter wheat Off const per
4M IM leM iiMial t'oiumlwloii, bin M.
Wheat arrival oil' cohhI for orders miUl.
LlverKiol pot wheat ateady.
No. 1 atancUrd :j: No. '. al&ndarJ, Hi 7d ; tei
winter, 11a 7d : while Michigan, lis 7d; red Ameri
can. prlDg, No. 3 to 2, 9s 7dvUi lid.
Wolil sitd 8toek Company's Ileporu.
Pan Francisco. Deo. 27.
Receipt! during the Daat 21 bourn SUCH) ur alti
flour; looOCc.ila wheat;; 14,MXI dox eKK; 4ou0
poiHtoca ; cim oata
Charters Br h Cape Clear, for Havre, at X.i "
M: Br th KavlUh, tor Havre, at ion ; Br tn For
farshire, pievioutly reported, KeU X.I. to Cork, U. K,
KoKlttored tonnage iu port unpaired for cargoex,
3,'i.HAI; nmcfllaneoua, &.7.W ; UlwnnaKed, 1.uiii;
oil way. Iiti,uu0. Lot year, rwipeeiively, '1,000,
KKXl, 7ii (100, to.OOO.
Wheat Quiet, but firm.
Barley Lull and Weak.
Corn Nominal
Flour Dull and weak.
Kkks KaMer.
Buiter Firmer.
Hidea Dry, over 16 It, and kip and calf, 21o
Wet halted, litht to mediuui, 9c: heavy, loc; kip,
9c : calf, KW."..:. all active aud firmer.
PelW-LotiK to thort wool. II 2Wi 64 ; Heady.
Tallow Kany at tL$oo,
Apple lioicc Orecou luexlrome
for extra high color ; Lady, choice to extra choice,
ttm't coininou mixed lou, 5oo aa to quality;
Baldwiu, V"c(al for extra choice Ori'KOU.
.Lennus Cal , KiiiaSO.
Ltmet Cal II Hkiiil.
Chicauo, Deo. 27.
Phort rllw $6 83.
Fork 111) Hj;, paid for January.
Lard 17 76 paid for February.
Wheat Suuu.
New Yohk. Dec, 27.
Wheat MroiiK.
Flour and Wool Steady.
Grain Baga Finn,
a ii t one with nervous ilelillily.
exliHualed vitality, or fioni the ell'ecla of
youthful follira or exceaaea Iu malurer yeara,
cun be tlinrouithly and Quickly cured by uitluz
lhe Kreut KukIIkIi remedy, "HlrAt ley Coupei's
vital KKa'roKATi vk ii in not an rxouuni,
but au honeat cure. 1'rlce, S3 a bottle, or four
tlmea thftiiUHiitliy. tlO.and can he obtained
of Hoikik, Davih A Co., WuoleHHle Anent", or
dlreci of A. K. Minlle.M. D 11 Kearney Mlreet,
Nun Francisco, cm.
Pllla of Sol lit uolil are not wor Ii aa much
to the victim of DypiHtu or llllliouaiiHM us
Dr. Mlntle'a KukMsIi Dundelloti Liver mid Dya
pepsin fill. It clears the I.lver of bile, tonea
up the HtotiiHch, cure foul breath, coaled
tongue, pain In the aide or back, waler-braah,
Klddlnem, rucu of blood til the Head, plmiilea,
Mtllow complexion : la auitar-coiled, aud no
mercury or other mineral Iu It. For aale by all
drutiKlxl". Hodge, Davis A Co., wholesale
While's Prairie Flower.
Tuking before retiring will insure a good
night's rest, with an awnkening in the rosy mom
to health, courage and vigor. For coated tongue,
bad breath, sick hendache, or any disturbance
arising trom dyCMia or torpid liver, it is with
out a peer. Its action on dibeane in entirely dif-
lercnt I ami any medicine over introduced, nil ml
ing pains almost instantly. The hue and cry
rinsed aguiiist it by patent medicine men, who
luivo foreseen in its advent the destruction of
their nefarious business, and tho thousands of un
solicited testimonials flowing in from all parts of
the New World, is a sure indication of its great
merits. Trial oizo at all drug stores. Half
mund bottles, 75 cents. For salo by all respec.
table druggists.
Vln ninkliiK any piirehnae or In writ
iUKlnrcapoiiNe loatuy nilvertlaeiiient In
tliia paper yon will please mention lhe
nnnie of lhe paper.
and Collector. HuHlneas at a distance
promptly attended to. Cor.4'h and Halmon.
1TH Produce Hold Accounts Collected. T.
A. WOOD A CO., Principal Heal KsUto Agent
Til PlilNTKKN.
We nve 300 nnnnru of Brvler In excellent
order which we will sell for .IS cunts per pound.
W. jl. PALM hit. I'ortlund.
Portland Business Directory
CA RPWF.LL, W. H.-H. K. cor. First and Mor-
rlsou, over Morse's palace ot Art.
HMIT1I, DIl. E. 0.-187 First atreet,
la now piepared to furnish
Insldra, Oaoddea and Hup
P'emetita on tl shortest no
tice. Address W . lilmrr
Dox 8. Portland, Ur.
Urand, Mqnarn and Upright Piano, and
Katy and Htaudard Org ana.
107 rir Elreel. Portland Vrtfm
The undersigned having been appointed agenti
for the celebrated
Would resrwrtfuilr call the attention of dealer
and contrtiirt to that brand before purchasing
elwwbere. We shall endeavor to keep a full sup
ply on hand at all time and at the lowest rnark-l
WIDHtn ri.l.lOTT
And Manafaolnreri of
Tooli for riautr.f;, Holding and TirnlBf.
lalll Brantfa, Iron Honae Work. Iroa
" ol'lSrewery Work axa4e
a orOrr.
Also Farm Machinery repaired on abort doUoi
Mill Pick made aad repaired.
t smk M rmt aurora. Portion. r
Manufacture and keep on hand Steam Engines and Boilers, Turbine 'Water Wheels, Or
and Haw Mills, HIiafluK, I'll I leys and llanirera. Pattern Making
Blacksraltbingaiid repalrlug done at short notice
Ppsclal attention Rtveu to Wood Working machinery. Corner front and Nnlasln.t
lo llatnil. Orrsron.
ONLY $90!
Famous Standard Organ.
Of which have been sold on the Pacific toast,
KW'K""t Hlh-Top Case Five Stops,
Willi Octave Coupler A 8ub-liaae,
Possessing all the power and aweelnesa of the
hid her coat Instruments. Kvery Urnan fully
guaranteed for live years. Address
Morrison St., between Neroud anil Third,
Sole A Kent for tho Northwest Coast.
Great Auction Sale,
Every Friday a id SnturdrtT at 10 A. 31.,
During the Month of December at the Auetlon
House ot
I). 3IoA.rlliiir,
163 .first Mrret. Portland, Oregoo.
Now York and Philadelphia consignments ol
lnruea, linga;? Itobva, llorae Ulan
keta, llaltera, Niirrloglee.
Also largo eonslgnmenlt of
Voota aud Hboea, Umbrella, Clothing;,
Mlrrora, Jewelry, Eln.
I Me4llllll'R. Anetloneer.
With free use. as adjunct of PHOSPHORUS
and CARBON compounds.
A now treatment for tho euro of Consumption,
Bronchitis, Catarrh, Neuralgia, Scrofula and tho
worst cases of Pysjiesia and Nervous Debility, by
a natural process of Vitulizntion.
Tho following roses troiitcd within the Inst few
months aro selected as showing its range ol np
plicatinn :
1, 4. Four cases of consumption two of them
having cavities iu tho lungs aro all entirely
5. Mr. T. R. 0., of Bay Cenlro, W. T Chronic
Bronchia! difficulty of years' standing, also gen
eral and nervous debility, threatening complete
wrecking of hoalth. Cured iu October.
6,7. Two cases of marked blood poisoning.
Cured in few days.
8. 9. Two cases of nervous debility of women
'doctored to death." Ono cured in seven and
tho othor iu sixteen days.
10 to M. Fivo cases of chronio dysiieiwia,
cutnrrh or scrofulus ailment. All cured or
greatly relieved in a few weeks' treatment.
A small pamphlot on tho OtWL'on Treatment
and all enquiries answered, bknt ran, on ap
plication. Also, references to patients who have
taken, or aro now using tho treatment.
Adtlreaa Dr. IilkliiKlon, Cor. First and
WiuliliiKton Mm-. Portland, I Oku.
Jewelrv, Watches, Diamonds,
Silver and Plated Ware,
At Greatly Reduced Prices.
No Failure, No Forced Sale, No Deception.
lr ninin f,,r a now stock nf cnods which
I am about to select personally iu tho East and in
Europe, 1 oiler all articles in my line
At Coat During September
Customers are invited to call and ins)ect, and
be convinced of the good faith of my statement.
Wholesale and Itetall Dealers In
Doors, Windows and Blinds, Paints, Oils.
Brushes, etc., etc.
10.1 Front Street, Portland, Or.
(Formerly occupied by T. A. Davis Co.)
vt'nntrantnra and Dealer! are requested
aend for our list of price.
Cook, Parlor and Box Stoves
Manufacturers of all kinds of
Roofing- and all kinds or Job Work
Tromptly attended to
o. 1S Flrait atr t. Fori land. Oregon
For Booting both on Tin and Shingles
1 ablua-le roofs la the world. Will stop leaks
nn any roof. We refer by permiaalon In J. P.
Lvnovan, J a lea Koapp, Aiiaay a tieceie, ue a Oalmao.and other elusena ol
Portland. The paint will be supplied by
Uodf. iMirla A Co., Portland . al l U per (al
loo. Kaeb gallon will enver V, aquaria til
and I square ahlnfle roof bat out eoat la nee
eeaary. Fall dlreetlona accompany each pack
age. All Information wlta regard to the paint
can be ba4 by addressing
Portland. Ur.
Manufacturers and Dealers in
102 Front Street, Portland. Or
NEWS PRINT, Wliito nrnl Colo .
liOOK PAPERS, White and TinU.l.
FLAT PAPERS, of nil descriptions.
ENVELOPES, of all sizes und quulitiu '
CARDROAR1) of all kinds.
TWINES, Etc, Etc.
Carda Cut to Order.
Agents for Shattuck & Fletcher
well-known Black and
Colored Inks.
Wo liavo Bovoml fonts of Job Typ
(nearly new), which wo will soli low.
Casus, Galleys, Leads, Rales anil
Printers' necessaries generally kept on
Newsjiapors outfitted at list price
freight added.
Adjustable Strainer a
-AND- 3
Either or Both Fitted to any SU...
It price of Ihemselvca in two week In an
family. They ran be usol with equal advantage
in bulling, as it ia itntioasililo to mini meat or
vegetables to tlio bottom of your kettlo. When
tlier aro iu steaming, whatever you are
cooking is inside of the kettlo, thereby getting
the full benefit of the heat. They are just what
ia wanted in canning fruit. Either the Strainer
or Steamer ran be removed with a knifo or fork
when hot, aud are easily aclju't d. No corner
or Joints about either that aro hard to keep clean.
Mold by Ageuta for 75 Oata Cae
County Right for Sal , Addreaa
East I'nrtland, Ot.
New Music Store,
143 First St. Portland.
OUtt FtUmi't' Hulldina.)
Mr. A. Burtsch, the General Agent of the
Has opened new Music Rooms at the
abovo )lace,whero ho keeps the celebrated
Stclnway. Krnnich & Uach
Ernst CablerXew Scale Pianos
As well ns a full supply of Hiieet Mcsic,
Music Books and Musical Mekchandidb.
Country ordorg promptly attendod to.
ORANGE S. WARREN, Business Manager.
,T. IC. GILL & CO.,
Have moved into their Splendid Establishment
in Union Illock, on Stark and Kirat street. An
inexhaustible stock of well-selected
And an unlimited supply of books are alwayl
on hand. Tins nouas naa a oumin!ii. mw
.trfiKitntnr .vent una- known 10 ma iruue, au
its prices are always rcasonaum.
Drop in snd see the premises.
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law
Portland, lit Oregon.
Office, 8 and 9, over First National Bank
Particular aiientlna paid to bualneaa In lb
Colled 8 la lea oourU.
PaUnt Fir., Water and Froat Proof
Hill valuable patent on the Fact fle Coaat,
I now prepar'U 10 vaccine an oru
-. . fn- ..ih. rfriwu mIImf.. floor.
aud all' baailUlBaT porpoaea. Tbl aton i
laid la all abapeaaod In aor eolor r variety ol
color. Orders mar bo al 81 Front treat.
nppoaiie i na rioiioo rmn, ruruura.
Iiv.Q and eatlmat made by Ball.
CH AH. H. 1UHRKKP. PropH.tor.
The riet Houp Madu
Aak you Greoer for it.
133 Front Ht Portland, or.
Axenl tor Oregon and Waahlnjloo Terrilor