The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 03, 1880, Image 5

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    4 :
Fatreil at tie Giabd will take notice
' tht the office hubeto moved U the build-
a store, by J. W.
I -a .
Clearer, a few doors north of the foe; office
At-eat at PertUd. ;
Ur. L. Eppinger is er authorized
feel at Portland.
Leap year.
Swear off.
"Who rings de bells ?"
Tae snow bas disappeared.
E R k L meets Moaday evesiog.
Chew Jacksei'e asst sweet tT tekaeca
Two inches of snow fell at lUrrUburg yes.
h. 1
ierday morning
t. B. Dana will pay th
rice for wheat
igkest market
Ur. S. 1. Friendly will pflr the highest
Market price for wheat. j
Now is the time to srear that you
will uever swear ef aaie.
There was a dance and Nw Year's tree at
Coburg, Thursday evening. (
' Mr. A. Goldsmith and tife started for
Sea Francisco on Monday. J
CU1 and see us in our nr quarters and
ttbscribe, or pay up old due.
the entertainment by the M. E. Sunday
.School, Sunday evening, neted f 17.
Y Dr. L M. Davit and wif hare been to
Portland and Salem on a holday trip.
We invite cerrespendencefrem every part
of the county to send alonj the news.
1 Leap Year party w "given by the
. young. ladies, at Dunn's Hall, yesterday
Patronise John Lenjer.i you want good
esiilk. i He furnishes a first rate oaelity at a
' reasonable price.
Lurch Bros will sell at public suction in
Cottage Grove, Saturday Jan 10th, the
foods saved from the ire'
The programme of the Blue Ribbon Club
will consist of an addressby Rev Wooley;es-
I Mr. J St ell : declamation It Ceo
0 Sundav evening
Lext, the Rev Dr
" 'weTkUald will answer a jew of tho more im
portent strictures upon tie Bible by Col U
O Ingersoll. .
J H Turner, of the Eart Oregonian, killed
sheep herder named Dtvid ti Stmbe, at
Pendleton, on the 231. under eircumstsnces
'which are not much in his favor.
A communication from Irving in regard to
Taxpayers Club will receive our atteutioa
next week. The holidays and rush of mov
ing, having made us behind-hand.
The old year was rung out arid the new
joar rang ay the different bslls in the 'city.
Those disturbed by their clanging rang out
invectives on the heads of the ringers.
: A snouble will be held at the residence of
Mr, K Chichester, for the benefit of the
Christian Church, Saturday evening, Jan
wry 17th. Everybody is cordially invited
to attead.
The St. Charles Restaurant is a cony place
kept by Mrs. A, Renfrew in the krick build,
log adjoining the old St. Chirles hotel. A
her of neat lodging rooms also belong to
ike fceese. Meals and lodging, 25 cents ea h.
Beard end lodging by the week on reasonable
terms. Give ber a call.
Messrs S W Miser, W H Abram and J
BIthinehart of this city, have tiled articles in
the office of the Secretary of State, incorpor
ating the Eugene City Hall Co, with a capi--tal
of 16,000, for the purpose of purchasing,
leasing or renting personal property in the city
of Eugene, and to erect and maintain a buil
ding for the use of public r private assem
Iblages. The stock is $30 per share. We
ttrust that this enterprise ill be carried for
ward, successfully. Our people have felt the
stimulus administered by our excellent iu
atitutiens of learning, and on even ordinary
.occasion the present hall is filled to overflow-
tag. A hall with double iU capacity is
Gone to Mis Rest.
The sad news has reached this city of the
death of Wiathrop A HilL "Wiut," as he
was familiarly known, after a lingering ill
Bess succumbed to the dread destroyer, con-
Gumption, and died at the residence of Hou
t L Bruitow, iu Salem, last Monday. The
remains were conveyed to Albany on Tues
day and consigned to their last earthly rest
ing place by Albany Lodge No 4, I O O F,
' ml which he was an honored and worthy
' anember. Deceased was about 26 years of
Age. Peace to his ashes.
Thi Losff Fouhd. Henry Coleman, whe
vae reported lost, wss found at Big Mead
ows safe and sound. Mr. Colemasi bad cat
tle ia that section, and stopped to attend to
them before going home.
Huvr Bi. Up to the time of goieg
Dress. Friday noon, it has rained hard
.1 .r iiHAneJff IDT 40 DOVrV. A I1C
.a .A I TL
river is up and booming, and fears are enter
ttiaed another flood.
Com HoKX. George Fletcher, who bad
boea epeadinf the holidaye with friends re -
tamed to his post of duty, as H ' u
penitentiary, Monday
LotT.A ritual of the A. O. U.W, some
where betweea the lodge roon and my reei.
11 ,
confer a- fsrror
deuce; anybody fiadiag will
by reUraiagtoJMSloaa.
Cos VAXES xxt. Mr J B Uederwond is so
far recovered from hie recent illness so as to
ho esi the street occasionally.
siTarrtr Tpply'
II j men's Harvest!
107 Combination! Mad In 1879-30
Mora than in 1878.
We have gathered from the records
in the Clerk's office, the amount of
business that has been done iu the matrimo
nial Hue in Lane county, during 1S79. The
marrikces surpass those f the ureviou 5 car
by thirty. Lane county may lose her wheat
crop by rust, but we may rest assured that
her increase ia population tliis year is cer
tain. The following are the victims:
Wm. 11. Pitney and Xettie Bnstmell.
T. F. Jones and Jeunia L Hanson.
John V. Miller and Susan E. Lesttr.
Frank A. Houbricl and Maggie Cethcart.
J. P. White and Susan A. Lurpio.
R. B. Hausnker aud Cecelia Parker.
Chas. L Williams and J. 0. Addington.
J. M. Keeney and Mary S. Handiaker.
Douglas Hiuton and Philpina Rauch.
Thos Lucky and Mary E. Alexauder.
A. F. Johnson and Angelina VauShouack,
Henry Sieweld and Laura Dirrow.
J. S. Bently and Emma Gordon.
James Wyckoffand Emma B. Flina.
J. A. Oibsou and Mary B. Cautrell.
Chas Holt and Georgia Baker.
H. F. McCornaik and Nellie A Condon.
Jackson Eaton anil Phoebe Vinson.
T. A. Tozie' and Emma Hulin.
Jeff Howard and Sarah J. Cartwright.
Hugh McKenzie and Agnes Farriugloii.
C. K. Powers and Celin Prpiot.
E D Neeley and Mary A Miller.
T S Smith and B F Barclay.
A G McDavid to Martha B McCulloch.
James Bradford and Hattie E Stone.
John Bailey and Caroline Ware,
H H Clemeuce and A Matlock.
W H Rector aud S Strange.
Jaa E Holt and N E Rickell.
Jas Rhea aud Emma Settleir.
J F Powers aud Maggie Ebbert
Benjamin Vaughn and Lizzie Stevens,
John G roner and Emma E McCracken
J M Hendricks and M B Hollo way.
GeoUolce and Annie Butler.
C W Woody aud M J Kerby.
Samuel Bates and M L Lander.
J W Neat and Mary A Powell.
Jasper Johnson and Charlotte Harkins.
S O Neil and James Mcl'herson.
John Griffin and 8 A Weedon.
Wm Laird and E Stoops.
W A McCoy and Anna Funk.
John Smith and Fanny Moore.
W G Hutson aud Mary E Hanson.
James Goodchild and Joabana Behrens.
Geo H Small and Mary Underwood.
Lane and Martha S Small.
James Moore and EA Hull.
Wm Tiffany and T Walker.
Wm Christian a id E E McCain.
Leopold Saus and Eliza Adams.
P E Noland and Melissa Davidson.
Thomas liauua aud Ella Norman.
W R (iilfry and Caroline J Winzcnrnde.
David Baker and Julia E Wallace.
A Cassier and Anna Watson.
Thomas Bildurbuck and Mary Boren.
Thomas Bower a. id M E Montgomery.
Edward Jones and S M Craighead.
Sylvester Cochran and M J Otter.
J P Shields arid Keziah Lewis.
E LGueriu and L E Carman.
W Voglie and M F Barbtr.
A M Fruit and Hattie M Moldridge.
S Cain and A E Brides.
A W Durrow and Mary E Dunneil.
B W Ha -nilton aud A T Hembrie.
M Masterson and Alice Beal.
H Campbell aud Amanda Parsons.
T F Bryan and A Fattersot.
S A Say lor aud Mollis Kelsey.
W M Vanduyn and Mary Withers.
Riley Gilbert aud Emma Cummins.
Jesses Soverns and E C Bcherus.
C M Hayes and M F Hiuton.
A Simmons and M A Vani(hn.
Frank Bailey and Mary Walker.
G B Evans and S E Beatty. ,
J 11 .Martin and Julia Kirk.
C W Moore and F J Moon.
Bird Waltrip ami Mary E Eaton.
E Nicholson aud Annie Johnson;
W F McKinney and M E Lo. my
R C Boseermau and Rosette Tliuiman.
A H Lajeirre and Kile n Johnson.
Milt Fitzgerald and Emma Vanduyn.
B B Woodbridye aud Ecclerson.
L A Coryell and B E Morford.
W B Heusley aud P Newman.
J C Beatty and M L Poindexter.
T 0 Thompson and A nan U Reuirew,
J E Ebbert and K J Bond.
W H Kanoff ai.d Lowell.
David Wilson aud Nancy E Carson.
J S Greenwood and S M Clark.
N J Taylor nnd S C White.
M Allen and M Furguson.
Wm Preston and Emma Hunsaker.
Eli Perkins and E Neeley.
W R Overholse: aud S J ilanna.
J E Lee and M E Swearengin.
A A Bently and K J Wilkins.
E W Micbard and E E Blakely.
O M Reed and Elsie Otis.
W B Goodman aud Hattie Ebert.
Samuel Hooter anil Ellen Chamberlain.
R Ban com and Meliuda Thomas.
Nrw YE4B'8 ( aiixm. The rain rather
dampened the ardor of the numerous gentle
men who purposed making New Year
and but few of them ventured
tortn iu
the storm: some, however, fortified with
umbrellas and gum coats sasde the round.
T..o worthy editor of our ootemporary wae
the worst disappointed man. ilia ecneme oi
galb and sich eoouglit f but
1 u fr0Jltrated by tbe continuous
deluge of water. Fate is never kind U an
the worst disappointed man. Iks scheme of
1st the Mabket. Tbe Salem Statesman
publishee a list U uamee of old baubeluri of
that pUce, who are ready io lutea to pro
posals from the fair sex. Among the list ia
the name of our friend Root. Day.
SloarMA!i's Clcs Tbe regular meeting
of tbe Lane Cunuty Spnrtamaa Llab, tbist
- rd.y.v.mngateP.VL A fuli,attes
J ass SssSnBsssrl
Leap Tear.
Blue Bachelors Bid for Bliss.
The bachelors of this city, yeung and old,
concluded to meet the queetion squarely,
and face trie musie like men. We give the
list placed upou the market, alt ages and
conditions being represented. Ladies, take
yeur choice.
(Chen Stewart,
H Ellsworth,
Thos Swift,
Bob Patterson,
R S Wilbur,
Samuel Clifford,
II Knox,
H 0 Humphrey,
M S Wellis,
Zach Moore,
Bob Hayes,
A L Jackson,
K K Burke,
Jos Perkins,
Jos Niehoff,
L N Rouey,
m Irving,
I W Oj'mrn,
0 H Davis,
J L Bright,
(ien Noland,
tie B.-uckdoff,
Orrin Moore,
John Christian,
O A Dorris,
J It Campbell,
11 U HudJIeHnn,
Norria Humphrey,
rrauit Coleman,
John Haiisouy
Chss Whiteaker,
Sam Rosenblatt,
A Goldsmith,
Phil Lewis,
Dave luce,
K S Bean.
U W Gray,
John (tray.
W T Campbell,
Joel MuCoruack,
J W Cherry,
Jas Sloan,
il.'hris Kaeegle,
Hi (t Day,
!Vm M Hire,
loin Gill,
Geo Miller,-
Inn Moore,
0 L Martin,
Chas William',
A G Ci-iilieM.
Fnm Ion; Tein.
Losti Tom, Den. 30, 1879.
Editors Gcarp- The entertainment giv.
en by the I. (). G. T. at the Central Schoa)
House, C'iiriitm.ts Eve, was a grand success.
An address was delivered by the G. W. C.
T., which was brief, nnteworhty and replete
wi h inauy commendable suggestions. The
vocal music on the occasion was excelleut,
aud the young ladies who participated de
serve special notice. The "gags," comedies,
and declamations were well received by the
large and euthusiastio audience. The enter
tainment throughout would have done credit
to a metropolitan city.
A uumber of our young people that trip
tho light fantastic toe, congregated at N.
Felderwerd's Fri lay evening, the 26th ult.,
and had a social hop.
Notwithstanding the cold weather aud bad
state of the roads, our mail arrives 'promptly.
A. J. Foil is contractor, and G. W, Taylor
A Card of Thanks.
On the evening of the 29th of December,
1879, the occaaiou of the twentieth anniver
sary of our married life, a g-mdly nu nber of
frieuds and acquaintances assembled at our
house, aud with kiud werJi, pleaiant faces,
and beauiful and substantial pres
ents, assured us of their kind regardi and
well wishes. After a few hours spent in so
cial and pleasant conversation, the gather
ing, quietly, and with nniiy kind word) dis
persed leaving us in the undisputed posses
sion of our own little fireside, and with the
happy reflection that we were the gainers in
the transaction.
To tlm few lady friends who pHn:iil this
pleasant affair, aud to idl both present and
absent, who remembered us on thisoccasiou,
we beg leave to tender our hearty thanks.
V. A. Woolky and E. A. Woolev.
We noticed at the store of Mr T O Hen
dricks a large lot of men's hats of the latest
styles. If you wish something iu that line
give him a cull and examine his stock.
Notice to pay Up.
Persons indebted to J. P. Gill 4 Son are
requested, in the niuet delicate manner in
the world, to call and settle np their small
account, for we know that they can pay
small accounts when, perhaps, they could
not pay larger ones. J. P. (ILL & Son.
Exposition or 1870 Wandering through the
United States section of this truly wonderful
Exhibition, hyperornamrnted and over-displayed
as the most of it Is, I came uiion an ele
gant K'ass cose, whose modetty was the more
.onnpicuous from iU neighbor's finery, sur
mounted by the motto lnls Praemia and dis
playing, in neat packages, the medical prepar
ations of of the house of Dn. J. C. Aver k Co,,
Lowell, Mass.
I was aware of the world wide reputation of
tli is eminent firm, for the chsracter and xual-
ity of their goods, and remembering well their
avents in London, Mehsim. Newberry, in St.
Paul's ChurchyanL Having a leisure hour I
determined to examine the eoutents of the eve
myself, and I was surprised to see the delicate
perfection towhich they have brought their
household remedies. I was chagrined at the
rrflection that, while we have at home the
most skilful and, preeminently, the best
physicians in the world, these Yankee doctors
distance us so far in the line of popular medi
cines for family use. They have the sharpness
to take advantaeof the high scientific discov
er'e among n and mike pills as palatable as
they are sahitary. I was told by a leading
droits in Iliiladelphia, that Dr. Arias
manufactory was the largest in Amerii-a, giv
in- employment to hundreds. I must go to
Lowell and sre it on my way home.-Ci.rres-pon.ii.nce
of the Louden (En.) Telegraph.
To -Jl who are suffering from the errors and
indi cretiouj- of youth, nervous w akueae, ear'y
uVcay, loss of manhood, At, I will send a re-cip-
and will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE.
1 his KTcat ieme:y was discovered bv a miisiosi
ary in South America. Send a self adilreaaed
envelope to Rev. Joatra T. ImmaX, SUtion V,
New York Chy.
Jfe Msre llsrd Times.
If you will stop spending so much ra fine
clothes, rich fond and style, buy jood. ,ealihy
ood, cbraner and better clothing; Kt moc
real and nltantil tbinirs thinirs of life every
: . 1 1 . t k 1. l.k I.. Kit ml
(way, an i wmycauj mwy wi. -.
. employinK espenrive, q'lack dortore or tviug
to much ot the vile humbug aaedicinethat does
I yon only lam. but put ymir trnt ia tbar sim
ple, per remedy. Hop BitUrs; that eures al-
ways at a triiiuu "' 7" wlU " S00
i tim'o and have goo4 health. See another eol-
Old Trri roa Sale. We have a l"t of
eld type at tbie etiicc, saitable for hsvbbitt
1 wtrUS, waieh sr will sell ekeep.
A eolumn ilvntl to the Interests of the
Laurean and Kutaxiaa Literary Societies, and
the State University.
0u Friday, December 19th, the Laurean
Society, by invitation, had the pleasure of
visitiug tbe Eutaxiao society iu their ball,
Promptly at 3 o'clock the meeting was call
ed to order by the president, Miss Eva
Rice of the seuior class. Miss Ioue Cranlill
gracefu lly presided at the secretary's desk,
and the prompt manner in which the dis
charged the duties of the office, reflected
credit on the society which had chosen her
to that pi wit ion. The programme consisted
ot recitations, readings, essays, aud mus
ic concluding by a discussion of the Life and
writing of Chas. Dickens. All those hav-
'ug been placed on duty acquitted them
selves with honor. The essays of Miss Em
ma McMurrny and Miss Aggie McCornack
are, owever, worthy ot special notice.
Miss Mc Murray plead for the freedom of
that much abused aud down-trodden annual,
man. Sue urged his right "to life, liberty,
and the pursuit of happiness," e pecially the
the latter; showing, by all precepts, human
aud divine, that these should not be denied
him.' No matter how disagreeable to others,
or nauseous to himself he should aud must
use "the filthy weed." If this natural right
(?) but be granted him all else will follow
iu good time. Drunkenness, debiucher,
o hue, ruin, a f clou's grave. Miss Aggie iu
her usual happy manner gave au account
of things in and about the University. Show
iug the peculiarities of the different college
classes and their views of life.
The young ladies who gave recitations
showed that the trust reposed ia them by
the society was well founded. Miss
Maude Atwater and the Misses Nettie and
Mary McCoruack reudered the mu uo in a
manner well in keepiug with their reputation
as vocalists,
The reading of a'selection from the "Wid
ow Bedott." papers by Miss Ma Dunn was
inimitable, and met with deserved applause.
The discussiou of the "Life and Writings
of Charles Die-Una" art brief, and yet nut
to brief but that some iuteitsi iug and im
portant thoughts were,broUijht out. During
the discussiou "Dickens ia Lamp'' was recit
ed by teveral of the members iu a manner at
once very pleasant and unique. These fea
tures of the society are to be much ad
mired. The young ladies evidently feel
there it something else iu life for which to
prepare in addition to manipulating politic il
primaries or legislatures, aud have therefore
wisely decided to scan the field of literature ttiey may not be strangers thereiu.
They next discuss "George Elliot aud her
At the close of the exercises the president
of the Eutaxians called upon the president
of the Liurean society, and iu bit absence
the vice, Mr C K Hale, responded iu a few
brief aud well chosen words.
Thus closed another of these enjoyable oc
casions, always to be remembered with pleas
May the Eutaxians ever move on iu their
well ordered way uutil well merited success
crown their efforts.
With this issueit affords us great pleasure
to announce that, at their last meeting, the
Eutaxian Society appointed t regular corres
pondent to represent theta in this depart
ment. Hitherto each society lias had its
work wholly separate from that of the other,
so that to measure the literary talent, or
mental capacity of the two by a common
standard was an impossibility. But finally,
the dividing barrier hat been torn down, and
upon the perennial plain of journalism both
societies can meet and, tide by tide, can
. tn've in friendly contest for the "famaeco
rona" of the literary victors.
And vou Laureans, cousider your past
achievements and thea look well to your
future glory. Bcrajie the rust from your
pens and the rubbish from your brains,
make Laurean. the "Laurel Bearer," a name
ever to be honored and worthy of the admir
ation of coming generations, or ere you
are aware, your fair sister, "Eutax
ian " will have robbed of you your
glory, and hers will be the victory and yeurt
tho defeat.
Trof. Siraub aid family spent holidays
in Port'aid.
Charlie Gray say " thsre's Nothing like
it," i. e , his muttache.
Mr i-eorge A. Brock, of the State Agricul
tural College paid the Uuiversity a visit ou
the 9th ult.
The Metsrs Slaters and the Goltrie broth
ers speutholidays visiting relatives iuCorval-
lis and vicinity.
Boy, have$ou heard the news? Miss
Alice Dorris kr.t a wisdom tooth aud Mit
Ruble Soiller has Symplons of one.
We are sorry to learn that Miss Madge
Dunn received ablack eye from a misdirected
now bU, aud) was unable to visit her
in Beutou Coouty.
Ed Geary pent Chrietmai with soma o ie
iu Albany. Wt don't know who it was,
out tuere s a peculiar twiukle iu his eye
whenever we spoke of bis visit to that plate.
A "Busted" Bubble.
It happened thus: As teveral of onr Uni
scrsiiy students were proaiouading U'illam
etie street a the evening of Dev. 23d, it s
bappeued that a young lady wae tripping
aloes over tbe icy walk ia I rout ol tnem,
with her eboa curls falling gracefully about
her shuelders. when otto of ur Leys win
uig fur better company; tore himself away
from bis comrades and with a manly air aud
gallant step, wae just approaching her side,
-k.. .).. nuriii nf naasio events.
saddeuly turned late a millinery shop. And
be wae -kit ah ae in hie gly." and aa hie
i cououiiauce wae depicieo io "p-
i boy wlw wae sos ior sw a-
aad was aad wasal waated.
I. I. L. Store.
Has the lend a-1 over the country because they are selling their
Goods, for CASH, at the very
The first thing is, they Luy all thrir stock in Eastern market,
30 per cent, lower than anv other House iu Oregon ; why. be
cause they buy for Cash.
It is a verv simnle thin-': if vou have a few dollars of your own
nnd you want to buy goods, no
almost buy goods at
lolfvou have CASH, come to the I. X. L. STORE, as we intend to sell ll our our Keodt
wtr than we ever sold tl em before, because we
JL. ,aC3h.e JUMm
r- wfw," -r
Willamette lieet, Opposite the
it is .iiKT ni'k'VKO Viiit THK SPkIXG AND fsUAljIKR TRADE
Has been larce'y Increased and ws can show as
liamlsouie a Hue ol reaiiy mane goons iu
As can be found in the country, and at prices
that cannot lau to sauniy.
is wsll rilled with a splendid assortment of all
leading styles ami faslnonalile ensiles ol goods.
I'lald, Plain and 0tra Flannels of all colors.
IJIi-Hchi'i! it I'mIiI.-.icIikI ('lm Man
iV.(Uok Ail Gak-i Uadfnvoar,
Robinson St Church,
BestSclftlcd Stock In Oregon
A. HUNT, Proprietor.
Shop on Willamette street, 2nd door north
it i .. i. nu., n
01 naruware more, r.ngene vuy, ui.
I will herjafter keep a eomplete atKk of
liaitcra, Cloth and Kid,
Button Hoata,
Slipper, white and black,
Frea hkldNhea.
Anrl In lurt cvrrthin7 In the BOOT and
SHOE line, to which I intend to devote my
erpecial attention.
Mr G330S
Were manufactured to order,
And uuaranteed as represented, and will be
wihl for the lowest priees that a K'od article
an lie arToriert. vi-".7-7t( A. IU .VI .
imWjtoUMm i jf i uit lit iILU
Musical intt.-umenti, Toys, Notions, etc
Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry repnired and
arranteiL Northwest cornsr of Willamette
and Eighth strwts.
If you wish to I ;y your goods cheap, you must
go vo (lie iwn ui
(JO'JTis -5 HOVK.
They keep one of the largest stocks of
General Marchandise
. . . I ..... ... I .n,l lli.-v i. '! itmrU eheKD-
,.f than it can 1 bright any where m tlie V U-
iamette valley.
other shop in town.
uoasEs s03 F a i so.
With nw material, all roiiU'L ltesettiog old
Sh.s 75 CEN I rf. . , .
tAll wrraud to give satu! action.
.-ha? on ta Coaer cf 8th tad
Dil7t vtr-ft.
aae Urvset ever brought to
matter where you go, you can
must'sell our stook at COS 1'. Remember the
ansa n n, , rr av.w
aZ3 JL, WsVW
Post Office I.UGKNE CITY.
Trunks and Treveliug Satchels,
HATS and CAPS in the fcadlnj Styles.
OILCLOTHS for floor and table uee.
We world eall special atteutiou to our stock of
Mens S'll Ihivs' t-'llll I'rHlli ifCO Hoots,
Which ws have sold for a number of years with
j;reat satisfaction. Every pair warranted.
A complete stock of
And all choice FAMILY GROCERIES at
iatonishinily low rate.
lli.'lieut price fer all kinds of produce and
S II. 1 'III KARL!'.
at the LOWEST
Cable Chains,
Tal'e mid Pocket
uu;n. PLVl'OLS,
Blast!) ? Powder,
riol.iii; 'luc!le.
Etc., Etc.
We invite an exam
taation ef our (oedt,
oontdout that, our
(took will suit tbe
Tinware. .
House Furnishing Goods Generally
Wells Driven Promptly
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
WlllaiueUe Ntreet,
Eucrene Citv. Oregon.
U e-
A Largs let of
Highest market price paid for all kiasW
riiUUVCK, HIDES and i'UKS.
On the corner of Eleventh and Willamette
streets.and keeps constantly on hand lumber ef
all kinds. Seasoned AWing and rustic, fene
inn and fenos posts ' F. B. DUNN.
Eugene City Brewery.
math! as k:l;.ku, iwp
Is bow prepared to. fill all ordero Je
Come and see for yourself. A food artielo
needs no recommendation.
So: to trcditJtvs
J3l the un tenis-ncd bas lieen appointed ad-
. ..f tl, .rial nf I)nil MftrktnM.
deceaMd All persons bavin claims against
crtaie thll pb-ase )r-ut the same to tl.s na
lrn.uneil, at his otfior, withia sii meatha from
Ue. GbO. U MU-LttL. Admr.
1 Dee, 10. 1875k
at Express oawet - -1