THE EUGENE CUT GL A ED KUKNE CIIT.OUKtiOX SATURDAY". JAN. li. lHwO. Btmirralle Stale Cintral rimmllltt. A meetiuj of the Democratic 8 at Cen tral Committee! i hereby called to meet iu the city of Salem on the 8tli day of January, 1880. A full attendance ii repeated. Jouif F. Mnxr.R, Chairman. 8 ALU, Dro-mUr. 3, 1879. li ii flii;h oi a Hurry. The ImUimiiHilia Mail, 1, thinki th Itii-licals liidiiwa lioiil.l uot I'f in ( miicli ot m Inn ry to nr.'! tlx SihIi with Soiitlivni (frees, tint Mail: It in fair t" aiiin that m-gro I li' r of South aiv an wH 'il a the awragi Merer of tlte North. Tl.ty reivirr fewl, clutliinir n I ulitliti. Doi K lli' averaj, Northern laborer rwiv more? lit llioiioN ol inaluiirra it it aliown that lh Southern farm liaml ia ahle to me iiMimv Mini mr usase laid. ImliiatriKoliliaNnitli vrn larm laborer? It will lie hwm by olo examination oil ho ii'jci that the neyro in ilie South family lnntr, Mil I Inn e otnaitieitvd. quite h wi I;, if not hotter, lliati tin- l.niu borer nl Imliai a, and linn the iIhhi mil of itiiin flmiilil be inilncL'd io com ! to lliia tlnte to wiiburr n h l iiuwoveiiali th" who earn n livt Jioocl a !aim lunula vaminl be deli ii v)i upon Miiy irinciilt nl just icet to either party or either Hiviio:i, It it not iliilniiilir.iiii' lor neither mity U bem-fite I. It in mil in eninuiisiift iritlt politiuHl economy, lor it in not Oftluiilitt'il lo a-Uauee the ei'iK rul wllrc; mi I cinoi' tin- cximIiih move menl iii iml iliiliiiiiliro)iu nor rem o ii io, llin i-nHv'l in currying it lor war! almuM hi icihuiiiIim to ik'-iit." Tht UciMibliuuii Ifinlrr in liiilim.n are, however, th I."iiinvill Courier Junrnal 8iert, ileieimineil lo im port, el a k mi c.H hHi', rimtili m- groee lo rany th Nni next y ar, Thi programme will iini(lio popular, ml the n mill til'siuli ii'iioiiHiion will noi he coo l for i ho , hlii un pari j, iimn whom th iisiiointibiliiy will ni. Tliclijiitii.iioo I'uriy. Hiila lpliiu Cironiilv. The lolhiwini are tlif iiiiim-a wh'rh the ami Dmim matin nn t v Ihin ii-humi d hIiIhiiiIi i ik 1 r iliHVivnl innuta il ia the I ho nnno old okunk. 1773. N'nva Sooti i lnv l!oy 178D Ft-.U-i .tiHlii. li:,. k(Vka.l. a. 18i)8-Foi!oralil, Anii-J, tlVramr lan, Iiiiprn(Min ul men. 1811 Umi-li 11 ink mon. 1S'J I'l iloo 0'l Sillilllixxinii Mi'l. IsM Ithie liihli. 1811 II irilor.l t.'oiiveiitiiiiiu, lOlfl WaaliinioH Sot ioiy Men, 1818 X. I'arly M l8'J0 Fo.lrral U 18-5 Niuloiial IJopulilii Hiia. ISifs Ai-i Ma- im, 1834 Ami Mo mi A'hi r. 1 3a t'l'ttaor ailre . 1837 - In Dcniooritic Whip. 180-Lj CJiin, lhr.1 fidor Whin.. 1813 Native American Whig. 184 1 Conn party. 1843 Whin pirty. 184V Mekioau Whin parly. 1817 iiti War jmriy. 1848 (Uityh ami IC a ly party. 18."J -Fiia ami Kea'ler pail v. 1 S.r3 AmoiioMii party. lHSI-Aio-noait UUok IJ piihlicau parly. 18.5 Knnw Nothing part. 1 8fC Naii..nal' parly. 1858 Ami in(iii.ii, IVp!e'a party lSdU-N'at!.,.,,.! I'..i l;.. ..1.1 ..... ' uui a nn : party. Kinee 4tdioi 1. Tbe il.. I.J J;rjittr pm: Tli Gutrriim til i. t,r Vnii tl Stan, will U 1 1 a I iiivwhu mm. 1 1, -, ...s. in lU UnJi .' tlm IVm.K-raiia nii) foraevtial fesi to tune. Thai parly will t.nitn.l lb.. Sniate. iimil 18S3, b aiitil any JoviLt, and will proliably louliol it .,r nianv )rar thereat' rr. I b k eouu..ll,-.l ILlllft r.,eMlr..1 ....1 ..:il .... . . , . . ... H,., W I 1,1, If... .... ' ; , im to come. , The IV. AV,., aaj: how il that fjniaiiii Uiatm John blu riuaii ami tnx I'tuk'tuii iu 1876 lia l rt-aultvi iii imuiiiii.1,, toil Klinliaiiniur.liis.ldrr lu-k ., aa be did lb .iiiH-r iisv. wiiii wuuhI th. ( rt-w-litiairkwrai 1. . ,ki I i.. i .... . ' w mwW at 'm,w,m: . Hub Hales. We will mm! tl;e Guaid to a cluf) of live new subscriUrs, to any one post office, for one year, for 10. Or to any per won seniliii'' us a club of tour new name with 10, we will send the Guard free for one yur. Tab a Nom'tv Settlers tan have their nti( fur final ) roof and other Ikud uolirei published in the Gcami by requesting the nlliccr nf the Itoieburg Laud Oltiue through the Comity Clerk or other agents, to send theio to this eatiiblinluneut, where the aer vice will be ierfiir..ud at the very lowest rate. Sptiftiblc Al I !. Ynu are akfil evervilav thronuh the col- nniiM of your rWhMieii, nd by ymir ilny Kin! a, to um- for our kiilnev tlmt yon know notl iiiK aljout, and vuii K('t iliwrour Kl ftvtilii:j( iiioiii Hut thin aurt of buinK in at au i nd tin-e the intriHluction of the tlelirutcl Ori-uoii Kldiiry Tea. lieu- oiumeudrd by iii. Vnilty of'.VroiiK' Home people have a fanliion of confurinz e Cillunc reinxliMi with l.ii'e in uw of "lat ent lueiiiniut H," and iutiiU they are guilty of a wronf. llierejiro aouw ailvirtwcil r ii fH" fully nrth 'I that i asked for thtiii, and m at U t w.) know i f -Hup I'.ittfrs. The w b-rhu hud o niiiiii tu um the liittin in ju ii ch "lituatr iu we lmvn inoht nf the ye r Ita 'ity, ami hiiKHlwyn fniind Dh di to t hr t I ism an 1 - " ' 1 , lin all that la claim ed .' t tliLin. Trih ne. We have juat received from the Eautprn factory, direct, a larie stuck of window linden and wall pnjier ; among the latter are nauy very pretty atyics embracing drained ranuuln, KiuhiMHed, l.ilta and Lnce Patterns, Matin and Omnium llluuka, all of which we aell cheap, and uo charge fur trimming paper. r. li. UU.VN. DX MINTIE'S " PEJIAL" MEDI re inndi frooi the beat ' riiilni.llttiin' !c. l'hey i re not ctire-ulla. 'f re favurite . r leriptloii that have been d an I tci'. fi yearn in hi extensive prwt . ' n'il now ' are absolutely peifect in the trouhlea for which they are recoinim nded. The Nephreticum worka wonderH In KlLey and lllaihler coinplaiiita. Tluwe mifferinu with I'nipny, liriglit'a diaeane, IKabeteii, (travel, lietention of urine, I'uiii in the back, Incon tinence, or any dineaaeof the Kidney and lilad iler, will be untouched at the relief oue bottle will utTord. For Female wenkncmi it '. ilMditi'. out au equal. For a'l derangement of the Liver, I'h lr. Mintie'a ijiylih llandelion Liver l'ilk For Ilillio'iHiiem and liHiepHia, l?ne Dr. Mintie'a JOniflish llaudelion Liver l'ilk For Fever and Affile, lTw Dr. .Mintie'a Knglihii Dandelion Liver Pill-. Kvory fam'ly Nhould keep t!.e D.iu h'.ioi: Pill on hand. See w'luit the dni&iata aay about Dr. Min tie'a inedit-ineat "Kverybody niieakn highly if them." C II. WiHidird ft Co., druixta. Portland. "All who take them recommend them." John A. Child, drug'int, Portland. Menu!. Abrun a & Carroll, wholeKaleilnimintn, an Frimeinco, wiy: "W e re'anl Dr. MintieV Neplireticum an the bet Kidney and Illadder r.-uiedy liefmv the public." All'dru'hita keep I'm Uledie'l. . SIR ASTLEY COOPER'S VITAL IUS TOll ATI Vi The (ireat Kajjliih n-medy low mails nmre emeu of N'eivo.w Debility," Seminal Weaknnw, Lout MauliiHid. Iioet'irnal euiiKxioliH, husitude, inability for ini'iital labor, deHpoudcnrv, and ueh ilisensea uh me induced by yuuthfull fol lie and execute, that all other liiediiiue coin hilled. It Ik not a Ktini'ilant nor excitant, in ncrfci t ly mifu to lake, i nut a ipiack im.lium, and I induee result that are wondeiful Price, s:i a lKittle. Four times the cUantity, :10 Huv a buttle. It will nut disappoint you. llnde. Davis & Co., wholesale druy ,'ii.ta, Portl iml, (r. i.F.M!MHK4 I' 4V IN Tllat ft iKM.NI Col'NrKXAN rs, if of a ou.nul xti m il natuiv, siwedilvvan -li when (i i.cnm'm Si i i-iii h Su.w is used to ob literate them. Pimples, blotches moth, red ner, itche, nu Khi,es. tan and freckles an invariably bani-died liy the incoinparuble clari yiiiit agents. Eruptive ailments, sores, cuts, bruises, scalds an I oilier a'Fections snd tiij vrioi if the cuticle are likewise removed by it. Sul phur baths have Ion,- been renow ned as the 'est reme ly 'or skin diseases, Rheumatism and oitt. til.KNN'a Sn.i'iirit Sua I' is in everv r- 4Hict as elhcacions, mid far cheaper, lly iian vc the pore and proniotiiii' a vigorous imperii- i.i . -iri-mniiiMi, una exeeneu article eontriti ites to the health of the entir- system as Well is to that uf the e iticle. Sine its lntn.,1.,.. '" to imblio notice it ha. rcneatedU- lu... coimiiended by the medical pn fessionan preesd rs ejienuu MNH'llles nave won such V"ldeii opinions" aiiiung all cbuses. It pre vents obnoxiniis dlseSfes ss well them, an I disinfects clothin and linen im pre'uatisl with disi ersdio.ite.1 by it, and its use is. mi that account freatly ili-sldeiuted by persons whose hair is thinning out in ontucipieiiee of drvneta of the s-di 1'h.ise who hae used ointments and liquids without fail avail fur the cure f rru,,. tiulK of an olnlinale i'llr.4..r ill if they try it. that Ci.knn'n Sri.pHra Sine re move ecu Initio complaints irrvmediabh. by less elfic.u'iocs means, mii.I prevents the recur rent of B id, .li.rders Fur 'ilea bin- Hue ar ticles of ncedlewurk and all kinds of white r... I-..,,. in Miicn lanrics tins neiip is so lTiur in any article that can lie ud f, r th. iurMM, Sihl bv dnii.'i!its IVi.KV, t l i v-. . "".--.. i-i ,-..s. j lm (. cake.), ,k. snt bv mail, nrs-i .i.l . ceipt ..( iiiiw. C. .N. ( -rittent. u. Priui r. Si.ih . . i u ir, w rk. Il lls hsir ud wI.lJ,..,, b a- Ulij tiili Vuu old tu advance in 1 ...7 7 " " r"",I Jour .vsten, i ii .ii. . eim in " """K" m re seri. us uwiUdn suin aa i ueuiiioii , Hemorrliaaia and Lunu i iieuuiii ies whe au iniunie whe au imiiie. isi .. ...( i. - . readily attended. IdiSiMie s li na gamesl the large,t sale in the wsidd fr ... cure ..I i .mglis, t ,, and the Everest l.uug D.aes. It i, Dr. IWi .'. famous eniuu prescri.:i..n, , j, prrrwl with tbe greU-st care, and nu fear need U enter- lained III adu erin it to the y..uuget chiM. M ,wr Tkt aalv o( this me. bcine n BnprK,lei,tel Si ijt i tnslul there hu Ikvii s ing ilemaud ami with-nt a amgle rejs.rt .d a ....... , , in w,irK u, ,y case. Ak yur .lriny.,,1 u t.. th truth ..f the re maikt. Urgi 73 cent. Try it aii I be vuuvi..ceil. ""r " w.w oj rwsj seles-tmi stock W wall ll"r, whick they iiurcbaw dim-t from tli. '"T;Tni sjij wi i hU a cheap aa th ' ""1-1" vnmmea Irre of clar.e. rnrmais ' . xiuius uianre vnur Wheat when Stared. In-1:. " ! surance for one day or'Tame o . . one year on the best Terms Most Reasonable. frrti 1 Ku Vllll.V Underwood Oro3. ! juaufiiiice. Uu!erwood J'J- .e reurtaeutinx four of me iuu-.t p.yUi una ikiMUie iu.urau.e CUUIJJUUIO UU (HIS CtUjt lU-Bll t,uU.lHilVUl 01 ixm noiaj icmucI, ul AukutuU; tOiii luviuM iiiio.i, ui LrtjuUui,; iiAUiucigiH uiou ul iia.uucr; i,;iooouu.n( u.iiui ol uVur g..a cum. "Dun wau mi ... iiuti. . a.oicu uuiure you luuli m Ladle' ttuutlan. Berlin l'wuiou 1'atturua ut Dunn & Ulrtt ton'. NEW ADVERTISFMENTS. Tlio St vrnth L troa s .rd The liver reflated, the la.wils ; -t 'n jimj c oi-lcr, the blood eniio...d an I purilicd, nn ' ' in-v' m s; stem itii !erc 1 trmqiiil and v'.. iui''y tliis inestimable family medicine r saf ar I a,' iinst disease, which is, niorco' a mus a.-ri'i'ibl" an '' -,- cmdiul p' H 'rly adapted to the wants of the aged and iiilirra. Fur . .. -J' n "iL",-i its and Pjider generally. F. mimi till. S:iucr.4nr to, Shkuos i Wll.KlNS. Practical Druggists 6 Chemis-s, building, di).r t.i t'le (!rand Store, Wilkmette u.i eet , Kugeiit City Oregon. Nev I'.v in -t o;ined a full line of fiwh Orijs, ;!j?;ic;ni;3 t i;;iLi;:icals. Also a film assortment of Fancy ami Toilei Arllrlcs. ALL KiNim or Mixed Taints, Lead, Oil, Varnish, 11 rushes, IH031V GLASS and PUTTY Which they will always Bell on reasonable terms. Careful attention given io Physician's Pre nrripliniia. 21- SB. AT THE J I AVINO ASS()CA I'l.D WITH MEI i I business Mr. HOliACE F. SThA'lTON .ve have just received a new, large and .VELL SELECTED 8'1'OCK OF GOODS, Making a specialty of HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. We desire to make no grand flourish, but ii say that fanners can com nearer getting ANYTHING THEY MAY WANT at our store than at any other establishment it wn. ai 11 iney can Ouy tlieui on as good terns. We have a full line of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC PliYGOODS, FANCY GOODS, LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, MEN AND BOY'S CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BiOTS AND SHOE!" And are continually adiline to our 'ock to meet the demands of the public, F. Tl DUVN. Administrator's Sale. -OTICK IS HEREIIY GIVEN THAT the (nunt (ourtyof county. Oregon. u.-...i.i riiiere,i oireivnl at the November term. I V'. of said court, Iii the matter of the estate of M,rv .), Heatherlr, deo-s-W. I he undersigned idmiuistratop of said estate, will sell at Ijuhlic auction, to tbe hiKhest bid iter, at the t ourt House door, in Eugene City l.snet.iunty Onvoi,, on Satunlay. the 10th day f January, 18v), between th hours of 9 the following .Wrilied h-al pMpertv, belong ing to said estate situate in Un county. g-ii. H wit: Ih. N. Jof the ilunHtici, land e aim ..f Jsme. Heatherly and .Ury Jsn W. in .sei-tionsS. , 10 and 11 in T. 19 Sv, IL i .,. -'' aiTea more or Kwa. 1 (','.,,",r,.Su'-r'11 in "d I cin. l'te.l. Dec 5, lsr-j. ,;t;iS Something New! 1? P. ! t ll bough, tb. J busmeofof Mr. A.C. KrLi, i. SarldlRrv ani Harriot ft- " ,,iiivwjf lut inviw. th. M,ui, tti ... ... .. 'et .1.. . ..L r r n wusaj Sisfiil Hi f , n, INlQQf ; us ii ... ' tuten. City. Oregon .-r. . . ti 'i n WHEAT! WHEAT! TV yffk. gExtlemexhaveyoui, -a GSkHS" AB ...A v....r Wheat? If not. do J3USSSX3L 3.VV. 'A -M. ".V..V.-Jft. w " urr nmiiorPAV-a iv ii. i iv I'.r i v r l- i i n,i ..orebuii voor HARNESS. He haj on hand an immenae atock on which h defie competition, either in Ouality, FinMi, Work- munshi) or i'nee. Also a large moc W H I PS dire t from New York. CARDS, CUUKY COMIIS and BUI U ES in ahiindanoe. , Also COLLAlliS that will fit any and ill llorncs. Sweat Pads, Bridles, Halters, And iu fact everytliing a Farmer requires. SADDLES of all Kinds on Hand and Made to Order. Call and Examine Before Buying Elsewhere.. Another Triasmpii for 37HE "WEBFCOT STATZ3. No &o:e Kidney Troubles ! Ho Horo BacKasas J Oregon has long Vennoted for the wop-'erful varie'y of her natural resources. Her hills and valhys are stored with the choices of Nature' lavish gifts On by "ne theje elements of btr irreatness are beinir sou 'ht ott. unders ootl and adanted to the use of her people. The Iutest of these discoveries is The Oregon Kidney Tea. A plant which grown in mountain fastnesses which are seldom trodden by the toot of man. This remedy presents the leaf iu its natural state, and ianut one of tl'ose iihu eons liquids, put up to sell, and whicli too often cover nox ious and df.leterious drugs, but is kind nature' "last best gift to man. The Tea made by keeping this leaf is a cehtai:; and hi-kkdt L'UltK full ALL DISKAStSOKTIIt KIIINKVH AND L'KINAhY OltiaNS. The leaf ia put up in air th'ht tin caddies which preserve intiu;t its peculiur mciieal prop ertiet j. ii. 1 the decoction is made by the person using it, thus securing its absolute purity. The-e ara thousands afflicted with diseases of the kidney or urinary organs who sulTer in si lence rather than to make known theirtroubles. Other seek relief by the use of various patent medicines, which, if they do not B'fgravate the disease, at least do not lessen it. Even those who secure the advice of physicians often fail to get relief, owing to the very complicated and deli cate nature of the organs affected. The ORE G'W KIDNEY TEA is i. strictly vegetable production, and will not injure the 'iiisllest child or the most delicate woman, but will cure Pain in the Back and Kidneys, No.v-hetk.n- TION OK UniNE, DlABiiTES, INFLAMMATION or thk Bladder ok Kidnkyh. Burnt Dikt De posit in Ukine, Leituhkhoea, Painful or Si'Ppkfm.sed Mp.HTHrATiuN,and all cnmplamts ariiine fnnn a diseased or debilitated state of tlie kidneys or urinary orgai.s of either sex. Many mistake the pains arising from defec tive action of the Kidneys for RHEUMA TISM, and in attempting to cure the latter by outward applications, fail entirely to reach the seat of the disease. We do not oiTer the OREGON KIDNEY TEA as a specific for liheunitism, but are satisfied that manv cases of so called RHEUMATISM would yield to its remedial virtues. Full directions in English and German accompany Each Package. Hundred (' TrxtiiHoiiinls have beeu received rum resjtK-tud citizens. Sold by all Druggists & Gen- Dealers. PKICK. ONI-: DOLLAR HODi.K. mvi & CO. Prapi L tois tlantl, Or. ' VGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS all kinds at inside figures by T. . HENDRICKS. S. ISoeiiIl::U j & Cc, DIALERS !M GEXER.U MERC1IAXDLSE, At th old stand, Southwest corner of Ei'-hth ami ii iiiaiueiu surels, KUOENK CI'PV, OltlCOO.V. llave th most complete stock of General Merchandise 1 n th city, including Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Eti, tU. And ia fact everything th market demands. wincli we ar selling at BED-ROCK PRICES. CASH Paid for all kinds of farm produce ueovereo at our store. S. Cosenblatt & Co. u. c i Tiinmwouii. j. t. canaawoon. D Y03: B GENERAL IJROKERS GOLD. mt SILVER. t'URKENCT AND FXCHANGE. Money ReceiifEd on 0 eposit XMsQTI ATE LOAXS, iai ii. fk). of RKAL ESTATE Particular Attention Givan to Collections. -AGEXTa . arf Wa,o.,a.i- v " ALSO ACrMTS WELLS FARGO 4 Co. Orrtia, niiOTx viTru - la.;. i."i" . -.. lifoi ZZL I ''B m'1' B M and ' ktdl.vct factory If I? New jDepartu i '... PATRONIZE THE MEN WHO HKL,r U.-.H. ii ii.iiwv , "" "lutl I iixnu lueir uruuw ujuio. .. . A. V. PETERS, Will aell good for CASH at icreatly reduce! l Beetrrinta 16 and 18yardi tl Beet Brown and Bleached Muslina, 7, 8, 9, d 10 cte. t Clarka and Brooka apool cotton 75 eta per i)ox. Plain and Milled Flrnnels, 25, 35; 45 and 50 eta. Water r-roof, 75 celita. Fine White Shirts, 75 cla and $1. And all Other Co:ds Also the Celebrated ! I WHITE SKWING KlACHIXE! (None better for rtrength, size, and durably), li2"To:By oil .'.cups. v stooiloy term as heretofore on tim, but if at any tune tliey wwli them, as to all others, the full credit of my reduction. Order your work done "wit C. T. Raynolda & Co's Standard Varnishes andSnperflne Coaclii Colors. These Varnishes ail Colors are. in? rise in all the principal throughout the United 7here recognized as the C. T. Raynolds & Co's tured expressly for this market, to i ot climates HAS ON HAND AND MAXUFI HACKS AND SPBII WAGONS, I ani r.e;:a:eil to IVgaks As My Facilities are equal to cen FrciTissKy Pstrcrs FACTORY NEAR THE EUGENE CITY "5H NEW MEAT Mi.RKKT On th west side of Will.imetto Rtrwt. litu-en Eighth and Ninth. T,-... i . w Beef, VeI, .Mattou, Park, etc., To our customers, at th lowest market rates. The custom of the public is rescL - cl fully solicited Meats delivered to any p.-.rtef the city free of charge. MILLEit & AJcCuKN Al'K. NEW IDRIAN V! .iiiolil OF DOUGLAS (OUNTY, OCX. Inrorpeiated, June, 1878. ('ai-i nl fitot-k. $100,000. OFFICERS: PRRSIDINT A. 1 Tn,M . rclius Todd. Dihectoiih .1. P iiiil .1 odd""0' T S" K,",U"Kh' A- L- 'i'd'd ind A Principal office for s.i1 nf .i-.L. I d . Son a rum sti ie,I etlnfi:te luilciiti . 1, . . . 2?H0T0CRAPHS." Albert Jackson, Artist, i i?l hoUsgraphs, Gems, Carls, CbWt .l l.ife-.SiM, style and finish eoual to ejiv rk done in the State. Iri.v i.i. ' GALLERY - Willamette atreet, E,i",ne ( ity, Oregon, over Mrs. Jackson's Millinery htore. Lane County MERCANTILE ASS3CUT53I rnHis ASSOCIATION Hi .A.''" varied aeanrtmi uu, lfe. "d are receiving en HAS ON K XD assnrtmeat nf FhlvSH . i . ,ui. Biun.n asw Il nnliM M.i.J .t; i . ' w are rsomi-m . . i f -- - -..iru mi uiis uiarket. lod ar sold low and AT ONE PRICE TO ALL f Al?ir.R0Drci: TAKEN AT THE HICB-t-ST MARKET RATES. Give na a call before purchasing, as it ii ao tmubls to show fixsis aad girt irycrx. SAN JITAN LIM f. t. hr ' T. O. HKNPPTrV DRtews GOODS - NEW STYLES aj prioea. Just recsiTe br S. H. FRIF.NTit.Y 'Vkv ir t-r'iKtja hkalkksl- il (IMIIP. fataalsiwlrb i.TTi t, vntrn 1 v4ur interests! A. Ilicei, at low aa any ether Fine Clieviot Shirts. 60, 75 ck New Aaiortment Dees Good (Ni I zuaoazact.. . Mens' Uiderwear, Shirt, and Drawer, Mcta. ' Mens' Ojershtrta, 73 cts. and 11. Mens' O eralls, 50, 05, 75- ct and 11. Erubmiiiries and Edgia at Fabuloa Lav 1'ricL. at Prcbortlonate Rates. At greatllreduced rate. me o ion T !,l i, . i win connnue i- tai oa. make CASH purchases. I anU tit a. v. r&ifjtqi. Coac! State and Car Shops, and are every best fit all Fine Worlft Varnishs are now manufac it the peculiarMes ITUUES to ctciEr Lfeies end VVagpns any EstabliJment in the Stale, 1 3r Firsttla:s Vcrk in every Respect. YS THK STATE LOURING MILLS. rt U OST OFICE BUILDING,. EUGENI City. have on hand and am coastaatly I receiviiu' arassurtment of the-Best School aa j M iscellaneol Bks, Stationary, Bhak B oka 1 lo.-tfolios, anH, Wallet. Iti'i-H,' rortiMl IriicJi With Rust ! S I 111 VE TO PAY CASHI TO ci v CO duvs, I have resolved th Oct 1, 18711, to sell a 30 da uks must be balanced one - ! ?'V final and afti time. My month with (tdi only. All who purchase go of ute nun-teovern themselves acoardingl Hoping to re tin all my customers and gain a ones, I rental Respectfully your. J. M. KlTCHEX. BEX RUSH, I THE LACKSMITH, still at thejld stand and ia prepared te da kind of genral jobbing, hftrss shoeing, re iring, etc laving secured th service r exui rienced li.rd I will make th rtpeirini f ARM MACHNEhY apeciality. jit an. OISLBiH eV CO'S V"EW DRUC1 STORE ON WlULAJf, i.1 ete Street near Ninth,. U.Kiil J miurw. CIIKMICALS, OILS, I PUNTS, I GLAS., j VARNISHES' PATZJVT MEDICINES, c Brandiei. Wines and Lkjuorr OF AIL KINDS. Ia fans, w lu the best "aorta eat ef artiala. louna la FIRST CLASS DRUG slTORE. We warrant aB our drug, for they are sew asxt Freh. Particnlar atteatwa ia cSl ta ana. Stkf Perfumerj aiu Toilet Articles. As ws hare bought OCR tiOOTS TOR CASH aliooeri Store W ran enmpete wjta any eetabliskamt la X-g-" City in price and aaeosnnudatio. Buy your roo.f when jm caa get the best and cheapest . PRESCRIPTIONS CARIPTLLT nLLn At all koun ef tee day or airkt ' OSBl'R M. Li. M. FklESDLT