The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 03, 1880, Image 2

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H i
Eugene City Guard
aiTi-nniv TAXITAUY 3. 1880
Fatal U"arrrl.
. l..1v.u.n.l)cc. 20.-K. V.. Little,
litician H!Ml ex
. .rnl.r of tlio legislature, Wild shot by
his brother-in-law, James llurrold. Little
received four shot ond died in rour :
utcs. The men quarreled over land lieu
by them jointly.
The lUwanl of Crime
Xrw Yon. Dec. 20.-Win. Kt'lly, oneo
the .Munhutlan bank burglar, wan eon
vi.'iml lust niidit ofbiircliiry in the sec
ond degree and sentenced to the mate
prison ut hum labor lor ten yearn.
An luillKUallmi MrclluK.
A iLKTA. I)o',10 Tli indign lion nice
m last nk-ht was attended by an mi
menso crowd. Delegations from various
parts of tha "latu were an imposing
(..I urn nt Dm rleinoiiKtration. Granite
Hall, where the meeting was held, eonh
not accomodate the multitude. Kx-Gov
4Vnnnr nriiuiilild. Itcso billons were
adonted denouncing the action of till
Governor and council, and Scimtor
Blaine then nuido an address reviewing
the situation in detail which wat reccnco
with great enthusiasm.
Failure In l'rorla.
Ciik aoo, Dec. 20. Tim Trilur' I'eoria
Hpccial savs the liabilities of Thomas
. NaiII oiitll.i dciili'r. are now believed to
he f 100,000. Nothing Inw yet been heard
'from him. Detoctives are on lilt trail.
All creditor aro very reticent. Homo
have, not a scran of naner to show for
thousands of dollars oflndcbtcdiioss.
Mlro lilyirilnc iiloaltm.
Sr. Pai;l. Dec. 20. An explosion of
nitro glycerine on the Canada Pacific,
near I'urtiiL'H. killed four men and
wounded three. The killed are J. C
.ogim, foreman, John Fiuxer (I ml Patrick
Page. One of the men who was handling
the can of nitro glycerine slipped, thus
musing tho explosion.
Klin Nlrikit.
(!im aoo. Dec, 11). -Trouble at the Ntock
yards remain in Mnln iwi. Five thousand
iiifin are idle, but UMM aro at work in va
riout packiiiK house where none but
.member of the union are employed.
Omul nprrvlaura hir California.
WAHiiiMiTiis, Dee. 21. The question of
llio practicability of allowing a fourth
census district for l.'alifoi nia at the ex
pense of curtailing the n n ml ut allotted
for MassachusetlH, bat not yet been de
termined by Superintendent Walker, but
meanwhile the California delegation
have agreed that the three districts, at
already mnppeil out, should be provided
with supervisors, at follows: Henry (i.
l.iingley, for the district comprising San
Francisco and the coast counties; J. K.
llardenburgli, for tho district compriKed
of the southeastern counties mid most of
ligu's congressional district, and some
one to be named by Representatives Ker
ry and Senator l'lirloy for the remaining
district. Senator llooth concur in tlii.t
airaugtiiiicnt, and it will doubtless be rat
Jfloil by Superintendent Walker and the
president, so rur at it utilit conform
to tho stale's final dixtrluliiiK.
Paiarlla llrrritliHiNew York'a Kffiut.
Nkw Yoiik, Dec. 21. The following ca
ble dixpatih hat been received by Dr.
l'hilip K. Donlen, one of the secrctuiiusof
the Parncll reception committee:
(Jukicnktown, Dec. 21. Parnoll and
Dillon have nailed. The land league com
missions them to rtccivo assistance for
the relief of diHtrew, which the league will
-distribute. Tho distress it very pressing.
Alt ArUoua Nraailnl,
New Yoiik, Dec. 22. Tho Tritium'
learnt from A ricmia p.irticM arrived here,
that the r'-'ceht transactions of Inspector
.Hammond and Commissioner llayt, ol
the Indian bureau, implicate them in tht
wheum of Agent Hart, of San Carlot ret
.irvation, ArUona, w ho was charged with
4-rooked practicet in c.iuiiection with a
silver ledce ditinvere l on the reservation.
It la arxerlcd that the cbai')'ct n-.ii list
Hurt have been withdrawn, and be al
lowed to resign, id nee whiib a new Mirvey
of the retervation linea hat been made to
throw the mine out, mid llayt and llaiu
tnoml are interehtcd in the aamo mine
through fnendt, Tho Trihimt tayt I lie-'O
truntactiont may be capable of explana
tion, which will relieve lutpoctor
liioud from the odium ol comprominim;
irrave chartiet of ollii ial ditliouesty with
Anent Hart, for t'ie purpose of KOttinj;
porwewlon of bit nilver mine
Tho iunpicion cant upon Commissioner
llayt of approving uch comiiromiso and
of placinu bit pcrwnal fricinit in the way
of a proQutb'e mining spend itKm may be
wholly unjust- Ai tin- mailer Htands,
Inwever, the ulliiir certainly demand in
tuitiKatioii. Anii'iia nciitleiiieii reMuleiiis
awert that the icamlal is not a rerent one,
nl Hayt'i conned ion with it it be
lievvd by them.
tin ih Krllml Lial.
Nxw Yokk, Dec. 21 William llnrko
alms "SIbii.IisIi ltdl," aliat "Slary," mur
dered Alice Strickland in a alouou Krv
imrtsu atreet, June U, 1S77, by s!ahlm
iier it the abdomen with a knife. Alice
lid tl murderer bad In-eu living to
ruber, vid aftei the murtler Hurke li lt
lot Califcmia. He was captured there a
"hort turn ago and brought on here. To
day, in theiourt of ci-nrral session, lie
plead guilty of manslHUKhter in the tirat
dejiree, and Jule tiildersleeve aeuteuiod
dun to the ataU prison for teu yetni.
! aw.
Poar JmvAit. N. Y, IVc.-Snow bat
fallen here to the iv of nearly aeven
fret. The ttorni f xvnd abut the I'.rie
railway to the SuwuHanna, and north for
distance of 24 luilea.
Oaaaa OAcUI't f aiiai(.
Omaha, ISh. Ci-Profor D.ivid S
Jordan of llioorainifton, 111, one of the U.
K fish comniiirinnera in cUrn of invr
tiiratioua on the Paciflo Conn for the I'.
8. rvnsua of IKSii, and (.'. II. liiiberl, of
Indianopolis, hit aerrelarj, iawd
through the city to-day for Calornia, to
bcin their work at once. Kvery acparate
public iniiitution or department bat ita
wa eentu aifcnU. Then sentlenvn will
pnd nine month on the Pari tic Cotst
ia pursuit of autiftin Information roa
eerninf fiah, fiati culture, liahertuen and
reryibinirelaein thia particular depart,
tneot. Tbey will bin at San Diro and
i'ort Yntna, and then follow op tlie roast
aa far aa lfrt Sound. I'rofanor Jordan
ran tb next crtiaiu will t tha moet
complex one that hu titr teen taken.
Collrae Burnett,
St Paul, Minn., Dec. 24.-A fire at Car
reston ColU-e, NortlilleM, yetterdav. do
Btroyed Walfia Hall, the main building
'3 nearly all Ita contanta, in. u; ing f-
logs in estimated at $.50,000, inturance $17,.
I'.iin'i rat UlKnvry.
Chicaoo, Dec. 24.-Tho 7o.irn Nev
York correspondent, who wm present at
the private exhibition of Kdtoonr. newly
nven7ed electric liht at Mcnlo Park laa
and lamp in the residence of .Mr. r.u
lui,, ... . 1 ,, r.on e
wcro compieieiy m .... .
will be both BHtonithod r"I, ratilied at
the result of the public exhibition soon to
i . . iri. unm.iuirn oneration ol
DO KlVeil. 1"D -r ,,.. I,
the liuhtat Kdisou'a rctidoiico makea it
appear that will be t hw ie
nattin citiea when the light becomet
fairly ettaM'shed, wnilo tnote ,." " ';
. ..unn iii (be use Of (.'at,
IflOOUn IIOW llincnn..., 1 . .
fitlmr industries, unci uie
owners of iraa ntock, from appearances,
will bo the poorest of people niarnvrry anil Oa Ktoi Ua.
New Yoiik, Dec. 24.-A considerable
.., liwt,ira nml HnCCIllatorii L'Utb-
i ..i !,. uHintn exchaneo tnia
Cltu Ul. mo v..
-i. ,.n t oiiniul t lwi first auction of imm
niiuiiiw.'n iw .......... - ,
gtocka aince Kdison's Biinouncoinent that
be bad perfected and wat about 10 pro
dure hit electric liit. Their interest
c.interediipon tho olleringt of mis Htocks
for unction aule of these gecnriliea, asiuey
nfl'orded the general public their only no-
!..., nrtl..,ir murtnt VnlllO. Ollt of B0VUI1
items on the auclteneer's nilvertisemeiit
four were Ks Htccks, but only one sale
wat ellocted. viz: fitisnarrs in '".""";
I. ....... i'.u I rmntianv lit Al
II. HU 111 n ...ft... " -J 1,1 I'll
,i,., ,.ui Mt i lot Hume stock liroiclit M4.i
No bids were received for other t!M shares
nil'.., ...I Than, a nu n mi ll t 10 (lav liner
HHUII..I. .. ...
i.'.iiur.i.'u ii miiiii foil iiii t Oi some .
Yn,ir 1.1.1., tin nt S771 2.1 ner cent, lower
than tho last auction.
Nkw Yoiik, Dec. 24. There arrived in
I'.rooklvn. this afternoon
the Italian bark Fmwwo Ihmmum. Dur-
iitfthe voyKO from .Navarro a icrnuiu
miitinv occurred. Tim capiaiu iiiu:oi.mi
lu y r.'.llniva: Mv bark it from S.ivona,
and is owned bv Italians. On board I had
acoupleofbad'fellowt at aailort, named
(iretioria Pedro Irene, of Ilolo, and Anto
nio Arediind, of Manila. On the "th inst
ii.iiii ilinHii Hpaiiien mutinied while
chantriiiK watch at inidniitht, intending to
kill all lunula and take possession. They
killed the boatswain, Antonio Marclnsia,
and wounded the mate and one man.
With my crew I quelled J he mutiny ami
killed the mutineers. Their bodies were
thrown overboard.
Tim t'lilmRO Slrlkr.
C'nn aiio, Dec. 22. -The SHOO Htiikinn
. . , . . i i . i... .... i i..
work men at tlie siock yarns ohvw miRnj
resumed operations, the packers having
. . .1 I . 1 !... ....
acceiteil to ineir (loinaim nun nu inuu
outside the union should be employed.
The only linns which will stand are Ar
mour A Co., Fowler liros., tuitsiiy iV
hapiuuml the AiiKlo-Anieiican Tacking
ompauv. P. D. Armour said to-day that
lis firm won hi stand out till doomsday
rather than allow employe to dictate to
them. There has been no trouble what-
ver at the stock yards and no talk ol vio-
Jim Krrnc'a Hprratlona.
Nkw Yoiik, Dec. 22. A report hat
trained credence in Wall street to-day
r. . ... ... i f,fin,i
that Jut. Kccno will hooii uraw .i,ooo,ooo
from the banks hero so be 8iiUttoChiciio
ml Milwaukee "to inamiu" wlieat con-
tractt beijinninir to fall duo Jan. -U next
Nkw Yokk. Doc. 2(1 Professor Henry
Morton, president of Stevens Institute of
Technoloirv. writes to the SunUanj A'i-
yimrr that tho latest published statements
reiiiirdina the success of Kdison's electric
ht have the ell'ect of placiii I.disou and
use aunt in me same cniet-ory won rven-
ev mid bis motor. Piivne and his electrio
eiiKine, and (iarey and bis magnetic mo
The Kliaalnll Nlaaloil.
tiovernor Vaniant. beiiitf asked, "Is it
rue (inventor, you have received the up
loiiitmeut as minister to Iiiisnu t re
died, "It is not proper for mo to nnswer
liat itiestiou. I decline to say iiiivUiiiik'
liout it."
Til Mnuln.
Xkw Yokk. Dec. 2(1. In the six day
t'destrian contest Hart was ahead at
noon, having 417 miles to his credit.
HrtMirl llriilnl.
Hoston, Dec. 2". President Nickerson,
of the Atchison, Topekn and Santa re
road, tloiiict that the road bat passed into
the bands of Jay (iould.
Hal I'ailiiry Burnnl,
NKWiu iivroiir, Dec. 2).-The Uailey hat
factory and contents were burned to-day.
Loss, fllO.lKKi: insurance, mii.ihhi. The
factory lmvo einplovmcut to 2(H) bands,
and was run night and day to till orders.
Xi.miara Fai.i.h. Dec. 25. A gentleman,
about (ill years old, supposed to bo S. A.
Siket of Rcnnodyville, X. Y., this after
noon jumped from tho new suspension
bridge into the river below.
Itobbrrjr ami Murtlrr.
DKi.ruot, Ohio, Doc. 20. Ilernani
Picker, an old Ccnnnn reaident of this
place, was called to tho. door by loud
knockiiii: at 2 o'clock this A. M.,and upon
on-niiii the dtior bo was confronted by
tliree men armed with revolver, who
demanded bit money. He resitted and
wat shot and instautiy killed. Hit wife
bciirinij the disturbance came to bis as
sistance and she wat bound with ropes
and tortured with tire until the disclose, 1
where the money was and Jl.tKl were
taken. No clue to the criminals have
been discovered.
Ilajra an Pol) gamy.
Xkw Yokk, Dec. 2.V The 7Vi7wnc auys
the president baa written very little in
regard to bia views about the way to
crush out polygamy in l ull, but he con
venes about the matter a great deal. His
ideas on the subject are einpba'ic. lie
believes that the Mormons should be do
prived of political power and that no
time is to be losL
XawOisixs IVo. 23. R. C. Vviulea,
Issikkii ht for It. li. Houston A Co who
left Iter a week ko under 'suspicious
circumstanret, one of which was givni( a
check of fV) on a bank where be never
bad an account, was traced to New Or
leans, where be wss arrested last night
about midnight. He immediately saal
lowed poison and died in ten minutes.
lntrOtaaMal Rallra1 Prart
Nxw Yoac, Iec. Si. The llmxld rays
Captain Kada narrates to day the details
of a scheme for an inter-oreanie ship rail
road with eight or ten parallel rails and
w it b a lock at each end of tba route. It
appears to be salwtantially the plan
w hw-b. bas lon( been aJvocaieJ by Doctor
William J. Cbanning, of Providence, son
ortbeeelebrated I'uiUrian divine. Just
I fore tti meeting of tba Paris congress
last summer Cbanning wroto m iwPjJJ
., iLi. ,io;..m ur l.ifli had cxtensivi
lion Ol lll UoniB.. ,.,
. " i . .!.... i ,i,u nruM The cbiel difs
S,rc: " ii'.n I Fads consisted in
ierence ticmvc,. .- t.A;ui
it- of stationary enn to hmt
tracks laden wiw emye uF D"r," T t
X,, ...t.i n.o inniv nt Kdwaru J.
Koid, formerly chief constructor of be
British navy and designers.nee ' of
clad ships ot r ",r r, ri"
and some other governments, it cited uy
Fids in fuvorof his railroad projects,
iihnt htf a Denuly ilarahal.
NAS..V11.I.E. Dec. 25.-EdwHrd ljanlov
was fatally shot by Deputy Marshal Mul-
lins in hdgebeld
a KiihiirD OI Hiioi",
The ball entered Hun-
ley's leftside, penetrating the lungs,
!-.-...... il.n tl.dii iiniirinpd. ICH
ley was mi hid - ,
tin ho bad nroviously taken charge ol
Hanley's pistol, was shot in the log. A
short time before the shooting Mull ns
had attempted to arrest Hanley. and a
scuflio ensued, in wutcii naniey w
Mullins, when they wero sepeiaieo
Jual Tltlult and Shiver.
St. Paul. Dec. 23 The severest weather
for vears nrevails to-aay
x.FAiiirhfiui. the state. St. incent near
the British line, reports the spirit ther
mometer standings degrees ooiow
At CoutiHton, Minn, it stands oO degrees
below zoro; At grand fonts, ou uei;ree3,
and at Hreekenbridgu, 30 degrees. Iheso
luces are ill the Ked river vaney, iiuu
i in fin i,i tvitve seems to navw tuum
ii.a Itfiiiuli tinHspssions. In tho eastern
and southern part of tlie state the weather
is milder. In St. Paul the thermometer
did not fall over fifteen below. The tin
nun ii I ii mount oi'snow delayed the trains
on all the roads, some trains on the South
Minnesota and .Northern X'acitic ueing
abandoned last night. All trains from
the west are lute to-night.
A lirutal Crowd.
Bai.timokk, Dec. 2o.-Eight roughs
hourib.,1 tho Baltimore & Ohio tram at
Camden station nt 11:15 last Wednesday
niL'ht iust as tho train started, iney
drove it colored man from the cars mid
soon afterwards niiidoan attack upon an
other colored passenger. He lied to the
ladies' car for safety, but was pursued
thither bv the roughs, who made indis
criminate assault with pistols and sticks
noon the passengeis. A colored man was
sliot in the nock and a man was badly
ut. Tho other passengers were badly
bruised. It was with dilhcul'y that many
persons wore prevented from leaping from
the car while it was in motion.
Fatal Itallroml Acclilnit.
St. Lofts, Dec. 20. Tho passenger train
on the Chicago A Alton Uailroad which
eft here last night for Kansas City rau
oil' the track between Kami and Berdan
stations some time last night. Two pas
sengers were killed and several badly in
ured. Two coaches were burued and the
rain was eeiierallv wrecked. Iho acci-
lent was caused by a broken rail.
Dks Moisks, Dec. 24. A lire at Xewtou,
Jasper county, this morning, destroyed
orooertv to tho extent of S(3,000. It is
supposed to have been set on tiro by bur
..l.ira ( Jiilllliin's block. toV Bllll ioWolrV
store, (tiilespio's drugh house and Brill's
dry goods establishment were entirely
consumed. The insurance is about $10,
000. Notorlou Criminal Arretted.
Kansas City, Doc. o4. Douy Fox, at
one time a member ot the notorious
Jesse James gang, was arrested in Sum
ner county, Kansas, and is now in jail in
thi.tcitv. lie is under an indictment for
assisting in tho murder of J. W. Which
ers, one of Pinkertou's detectives, near
ndepeudence. Missouri, on tlie tilth ol
March, IS74, and also for engaging in the
robbery of tho Band of Independence
hiring the latter part of IHiti. fox was
with Qunntrell during the war. An old
comrade, who states that fox told hltn
tlie wholestorv of his participation in tho
Uvrrlanil Route.
San Fhancisix), Dec. 10. The tinio lor
opening tlie new route irom tins city
east via Benicia is definitely fixed for
the 2Sth inst. Tho overland train will
leave this citv at 11 A. M., making the
nissago of the Sierra Nevada mountains
n day time instead of night, as has been
lone ever since the construction of the
road. The new route shortens the dis.
ance no miles, and it the most direct and
practicable, and will remain tlie estab
lished line of overland travel.
The BavaK I'limpa,
A meeting of Savage and Hale it Nor
cross trustees took place yesterday after
noon to rati I v the agreement come to by
their respective presidents. It bat been
tlually arranged that pumping shall go
on, and that Savage and Hale it Xorcross
shall bear the expense cqunlly until the
completion of tho 2400-foot drift from the
combination shaft. When the connection
with that shall have been made, each
company will have to pay for tho puiiip
iag of water that itself may make.
Klllril by the Miirm.
During (he height of the storm to-day
Joseph X. Fritz, commander of the Oat
ling nattery, X.O.C., went to the recrea
tion grounds for the purpose of securing
the high fence against the force of the
gale. While at work upon it a heavy gust
blew a section of tho fence upon him,
crushing biiu in such a manner at to
cause his death in a few hours. He was a
native of France, aged 47.
And Rllll II Contlnnra.
San Fiiam'isto, Dec. 20. At the hear
ing to-day on the opHsition of J. H.
liiirko to the allowance of the account
tiled by the executors of the estate of
O'Brien, deceased, Hall McAllister, coun
sel lor the executors, stated that Mr. (ia
eer, bookkeeper for Flood it O'Brien,
bad not yet completed the additional
statement asked for, but would by Mon
day. The hearing was adjourned till Mon
day morning, at which time Mr. McAllis
ter promised that Flood and Mr. (iager
should both be present. The defendants
have been granted by Judge Thornton, 20
days further time to tile an answer to the
complaint of John II. Burke against the
executors of the O'Brien ettate, to recover
$20,000,000, '.he defendant's demurrer
having been overruled three weeks ago
and the answer having been due yester
day. Blka.
Sax FRANatt-o. Iec. 22. It is believed
that the game to condemn lake Merced is
blinked by the resignation to-day of P.
Crowley, chief of police, and one of the
commissioners appointed by the old
board of water commissioners as it is
thought the new board will not appoint to
the vacancy.
Mono and Lady Washington levy as
sessments of 50 and 20 cenu respectively.
Frank Fagan, a;id 15 year, was
drowned yesterday afternxa while duck
,t,.r House naint. He
rcommrnd of his boat and attempted
to swim ashore.
ainrk Reduced.
The Grangers' bank of California has
filed a certificate in the county court dim
inishing its stock from ?-',wu,uw to
Amicably Settled.
o... Tt. nn Telecrram9 ex-
changed o$ Friday and Saturday, between
r.D! i.., ..lohnriibia wnd President Scot,
of the Texas racilic It. R. Co., have re-...t.-.i
,.n aminiiUn Adjustment ofpenii-
7U".1Z" Th Tfl8 Pacific will
Zd onT-half of the railroad lands to the
Atchison, Topeka and Santa re it.
r..L:.. .!... L.llur mltlMIH & BtllellUld
deep-water frontage on the bay and oOOO
ii innu,i IuiiiIh. with ample
acres in nun iw,..v. ..
facilities and privileges for first-class
j....t on.i -iiarf unnoinmodations. mo
UC 'VI uuu " i. " - .
.i.ituiia ii.mIi Iir settled as rapidly as possi
ble between representatives of the com
panies and of tho city.
Insurance Suit.
Sas Francisco, Dec. 22. In tho case of
(i. W. T. Carter against me v,uhiuihi
Farmers Mutual Insurance Company, to
fendunt from collecting as
sessment, Judge Daingerlield to-day de
cided the assessment illegal, also that the
company could not uuder the laws tran
sact a mutual insurance business aim nan
no right to levy an assessment except on
oiin in Htopir i nn aeciHiou uci,it nu
assessment of 50,000.
San Fiiascisco. Dec. 23. A meeting of
the trustees of Crown Point, lielcher,
Aloha. Bullion. Exchequer, Continence,
Tmoerial and Challencre Mining Compan
ies will bo held next Friday afternoon at
2 o'clock, in room No. 11, 203 liusli streot;
to take Into consideration the proposi
tion made by tho Yellow Jacket Company
to work the above named mines inrougu
the Yellow Jacket's shaft.
IJechtel levies an assessment of 25 cts.
Interrupted by the Colli.
The overland lines are interrupted by
coldeaBtof the Sierras, the thermometer
ranging to 30 below zero. Advices from
various points in California also report an
unusual degree of cold. Ice is forming as
far south as San Denito county.
San Fkaxcisco, Dec. 24. The cold snap
continues. Ice termed in the western au
dition this morning strong enough to bear
a person's weight and some instances aro
reported of water pipes freezing up.
P. .1. White, appointed by David Maho-
ney, representing the Lake Merced inter
est, as commissioner to condemn the
property, has declined.
Dispatches received to-day from all
narts of the state show almost unprece
dented cold weather for the last two days.
Sonio damage to fruit and vegetables is
reported from a few localities, but on the
whole the injury is hut slight and crop
prospects are generally excellent.
The Hoard of Water CominUnloucra.
Mavor Kalloch and Auditor Dunn and
a majority of the board of water commis
sioners mot to-day and reorganized the
board by choosing the mayor, president.
and his son I. M. Kalloch, secretary.
Thoy denounced tbo job to condemn Lake
Merced; denounced the action orDistnct
Attorney Smoot in appointing a commis
sioner to condemn without consulting tho
other members of the board, and revoked
all previous action of tho board with ref
erence to tho condemnation of Lake Mer
ced. Han Francisco, Dec. 23. The stock
board will adjourn to-morrow afternoon
until .Monday.
To-dav it is clear and cold with a brisk
northerly wind. Thermometer atsuurise
was 31.
Bplrlteil Away.
The principal witness against Lucky
Baldwin in his distillery fraud case has
disappeared, and the U. S. district attor
ney savs one ol lialdwiu s clerks put up
$1000 to bail witness out of confinement
awaiting trial.
Cai.citta, Dec. 21. A dispatch from
(ieiieral Rubers dated the IStli urges
General (iough's immediate advance in
light order, without tents, and only ta
king ammunition nni supplies for live or
six days. General Huberts states that
there is no enemy between here and Ja;
dallak and Cabul to oppose Gen. (iough's
a lvance, and adds that be shall be able
to settle afiairs in C ibul when General
Gough joins him. Genera! Gough will
leave Jagdallak on the 21st(to-day) with
1400 men and 4 guns, picking up 700 men
and 2 gnus at Satabond.
Mrna from the Front.
Lonixwn, Dec. 22. The viceroy of India
telegraphs to-day that General Bright re
ports the of reinforcement all
along the line. General Gough marched
yesterday for Cabul. Azinatullah Khan
(ihulzai, chief of Tughmnn, who led the
tribes in the desultory attacks upon Gen.
(tough's command, is reported wounded.
Hit followers appear to be deserting him.
Keinforcements have been sent to Dakka
in consequence of the report thai the
Mohmounds are assembling in that vicin-
The Brill. h in Aft Ira.
Cape Town, Dec. 22. Seccocoene't
town was captured by the British forces
on the 2Stb of Xovember. Two of Secoc
ene's captains were killed, and two cap
tain and two lieutenants killed. Secoe
oene lost very heavily. The total British
lost is 25.
nialrraa of Working Claeae.
IioMK, Dec. 21. In the chamber of dep
uties bills have been introduced authori
sing the government to take steps for the
immediate prosecution of public works in
order to relieve the distress of the work
ing classes.
Panarlr VialU
Lonpon, Dec. 22. Parnell will visit and
deliver addresses in New York, Boston,
Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Chicago, St.
Louis, and probably several other cities.
His purpose is not only arouse an inter
est in the political condition of Ireland,
but to securo financial aid for the relief of
the thousands of poor peasantry who
otherwise must suffer terribly during the
winter. Parnell has received pressing
invitations to extend his journey to the
Pacific Coast, but will be unable to do so
owinito the pressing nattue of his en
gagements at home.
En(aa;emrnt Xereaaary.
Cauttta, Dec 22 General Gough re
poits that in consequence of desultory
acta by Ghilzais, it became necesaarv to
engage them all along the line and that
the Ghilxals have been driven off, and he
hopes the v are dispersing.
Cnrran Evans aingw: "Mj wife weai
her hair by day on her head and by night
on a chair."
The fact is yet fresh in the mind of
Post readors that on tlie morning of April
2, 1878, William Sidney Clements, larl
of Leitrim, was found, shot to death, ly
ing in a ditch on the road from Milford
t ) Londonderry, Ireland. The motves
prompting the murder were allegod to bo
the old man's lustful propensities, in the
first place, which hail brought shanu to
many a fireside on his wide estates, tnd,
in the second place, his lovo of povcr,
which had caused tlie arbitrary e vio ion
from their holdings of all opposed in
anything to his imperious will. The
afl'air caused the utmost commotion
throughout the kingdom. On its nia-its
publio opinion was divided, the aristoc
racy and governing elusses looking upon
it rs an agrarian outrage of the worst
type, while the multitude particularly
the multitude in Ireland regarded it as
a retribution too long delayed.
To trace the murderers, tho Irish und
Scotland Yard detectives, assisted by the
lioyal Irish constabulary, used their best
endeavors. Large rewards were oflered
by the Lord Lieutenant and by the pres
ent Lord Leitrim, but without a sem-
blunce of success. Many suspicious
characters were arrested, but they wero
genorally discharged after tho prelimin
ary investigation before the sitting mag-iVti-iitd
no evidence being adduced to
counect them with the crime. Of the
last arrests made that of the JIcGran
nigham brothers tho court, after de
taining them over a year in Liflbrd jail,
finally grauted them conditional relcaso,
thev civinz small bonds not to leave Ire
land. Up to the present tho matter is as
much a mystery us ever, and in its un-
ravelment the government lias found it
self imnoteut. bribes, cajolery and par
don proving alike unavailing.
A few evenings since a reporter
received information calculated to throw
some light upon the murder and add a
now chapter to its history. For obvious
reasons names are omitted. Suflice it to
siiv that tho trcntlenian who vouchsafed
the information is an old citizen of this
State, has boon in the Senate and Assem
bly of California, and has always been
looked upon by his fellow-citizons as a
man of integrity and honor. At this point
the following review of the murder will
not prove uninteresting: William Syd
ney Clemens. Earl of Leitrim, and llaron
Le'itrim, of Manor llamiltou, in the peer
age of Ireland, Baron Clements, of Kil-
macronan, county Donegal, in that of tho
United Kingdom, Lieutenant Colonel in
iu the armv. was born in 1800, and suc
ceeded hi i father as third Earl, December
ai, 1H,"4. His property in county Donegal
embraced about 00,000 acres. While his
father was universally beloved by all his
tenantry, his personal friends, and all,
iu fact, who came in contact with him, it
is said of tho late Earl that from an early
age he had made himself as universally
disliked. In the army he was looked
upon as a tyrant, and on his estates as a
man who w ould spare neither ago nor sex
in the accomplishment of his designs.
The young girls of his tenantry dreaded
his presence, una lavors irom nun were
received with fear and trembling.
Eviction was the rule where his desires
were thwarted, and, for aught ho cured,
the poor people might go to "Hull or
America," which expression is said to
have found frequent utterance from his
lips. ' That he was a brave man is, how
ever, not denied, ills lite was a series
of fights, in all of which he triumphed
but the last, und in that tho struggle was
manfully if impotently made. Many
times was his lite threatened, and ofteu
has a bullet, aimed ut him, tlown in dan
gerous proximity, but until his hair had
whitened with age, and ho was trembling
on the verge of the grave, ho escaped un
harmed. The place where the murder
was committed is on a turn of lho road, a
few miles from Milford and skirting Mul-
roy buy. I'erhaps a better ploeo could
not have been selected for tho purpose of
the murderers. The ground is rising, so
that a conveyance, in ascending, would
have to go at a necessarily slow pace. On
either sido thick blackthorn hedges are
admirubly adapted for concealment. Be
hind the hedge, next the bay, laid the
murderers iu waiting for the victim, and,
as the ear slowly ascended the hill, bour
ing Lord Leitrim, his valet and the
driver, tho triple murder was completed.
Lord Leitrim's head was considerably
battered and his arm broken, but the
fatal injury was from a shot which pene
trated the heart. After the deed the
murderers hastily sped over the 200
yards that lay between them and the bay,
entered a bout in waiting, crossed over
and have sinco disappeared from the
eyes of the law. About a hundred yards
behind Lord Leitrim s car was driven an
other, also in his employ, but, strange to
say, this car stopped at rthe distance
named from the spot whero the murder
was committed, and did not drive up till
the men wero rowing for the opposite
side. It is also said that the horse in this
second car was a foster animal than the
other, but on that morning he was going
almost dead Lilue.
Iu tho interview with the gentleman
above referred to, tho following facts
concerning the murder were elicited,
and are given to the public for the first
time: About a year prior to the affair, a
person arrived iu San Francisco from
New York, bearing credentials from cer
hiin people there to friends in this city.
Through their influence a sum of about
SloOO was collected, for a purpose not
specified at the time, but of which the
persons donating it were assured that
they would be informed at the proper
period. It is well enough to state here
that the persons contributing did lot, for
a moment, suppose that their money was
going w supply a mnraer mna. Tuey
gave it because they relied upoa their
New York oorrespondents. that it wonld
be put to" some purpose for the benefit of
the Irish national cause, which it was
not proper at the time to make public.
Some months after the murder a letter
was received, however, vaguely hinting
that the object towards vrhich Saa Fran
cisco had contributed had been accom
plished in the murder of Lord Leitrim.
Further information was repeatedly
asked for, but none of importance was
vouchsafed. The main facts, lowever,
came to light about three mon'.ha ago.
One of the prime movers in the affair
having arrived in the city, told is much
of the affair aa was safe, under the cir
cumstances. With the $13oo contributed
in thia city and the additional sum of
$33 JO contributed in New York and
Brooklyn, the fund was made tp. Two
men were found whose grievance
ogamst Lord LeHin were notorious in
; the county Donal about five years age.
With 8500 each thoir possession, thev
left New York by the Anchor line
steamer about th becinninir of March.
Landing at GreeV'k, thoy crossed over
to Derry, where icy took up their resi
dence in a small , ' tol on Foyle street,
near the depot ol .Tji,,, Northwestern
Kail way. From this ilace they entered
into communication w)h a tenant of the
estate, who, by the waj, has since died
in prison, haying been wrested on sus
picion of having commitsd tlie munli.i.
Tho night (April 1st) that tho mi sw. ;
was left at Logue's hotel in Milfoil Vv a
cur to be sent over to Lord Leitrim'h j i
idpneo next morning, to convey bin. to
Dpry, this man was lounging urcii
tlip place and heard it. Here be nuWd
injo conversation with the servant. kv
wis informed that Loguo had prom :, I
litnself to drive Lord Loitrim, as )
1 vi et was to go forward with tho ti i
c; Her, Lord Leitrim intending to tafe
a inning train for Dublin, from whffe
hi intended to cross to London via Hiij
j h .d. Starting at once for Derry, the
m n were placed in possession r' the
iis, and the opportunity w" consul-'
eitl too good a ono to be lo& Accord
ingly that night, armed witlL pistols, and
a tun lent by the individual above
siMien of, and whiclu gun, was after
wls found in the bout, he afc oneo pro-co-ed
to prepare for their scupe, and
th jinen went to the place rf ambush.
It Jits not their intention to till Logue,
us!! was thought intimidation would be
suSoient to prevent him from) oven iden-
tif ng them in the event of .-their arrost.
Tli y intonded to stun him for the time
be; g only. Surprised and I'xcited as ,
the were at the time, they sliw no al
ter utive but to kill all, when jn place of
L' ue, whose car they said since the
cot d hear in the distance, 'they found
tv strangers seated with the Earl. They
caa lot account for Logue's not driving
up. but think he stopped through fear
ujm l healing the shooting. They say
the eftsou for leaving the gun, hat and
boiles in the boat was the excitement
unhr which they labored, assisted by
con iderable liquor, which they had
takii to keep up their courage. Why
the MeGranaghans wore arrested, they
say s owing to an accident. On going
to i e scene of tho murder one of them
picl ud up a piece of paper lying on the
roui . This was nsod as wadding, and
fotn d afterwards by the police. On it
was written in . a school girl's hand:
"MijGran ," the completing piece being
fouad to belong to a sister of the Mc
Gniiughaiis, in a copybook in the school
liouie adjacent. They say the McGrana-
ghi is had nothing whatever to do with
the nnrder. The gun which was found
brn en, and which was proven to have
bel nged to a man named Ilerughty, was
broten in their hurry to push oil' the
Tiiat they wero not captured prior te
thei - arrival in New York, is a matter
of wonder. They traveled together,
ant! frequently got under tho influence
of i quor with the money in their pos
sesi on. While often near the police,
the say, however, that they never
we: ( thoroughly startled but oneo, and
tui wan when they got into conversa
tioi with a police sergeant, an old
Fei iianagh man, at present stationed
at i .i.stlerin, county Donegal, and who
par iallv conducted the search after the
nni derers He had a way of looking
sti licinusly askance at them, and
dialing out long winded ayes that
was anything but comforting. After
cm sing Milroy bay they left tko boat
ami started for Derry, putting up at
the same place. They read the account
in he Derry Journal and other local
pa ers with avidity, but were afraid to
nuivo a -move lest the polico should
coifie down on them. To account for
thir present idleness, they told the
liojel people they were sailors, waiting
foil a berth iu some outgoing vessel,
ch they, in reality hoped to got.
vessel offering, however, they do-
uined on going over to Glasgow,
ch they did on tho Bear, a small
nnel steamer. One took a cabin,
th other a steerage passage. Lauding
atpreenock, tho train was taken for
Gl sgow, the steerage man having to
piq his fare, cabin passengers, it seems
be lg allowed to go either by bout or
cu: from Greenock to Glasgow nt their
op; on. Taking different compartments
an inxious watch was kept for the po
lic, but none appeared. Landing iu
Glasgow, a small notel was selected in
a il de sac, running off the Candle
rig s, a narrow stroet opening on Ar
gy s street, called Whyte's Temperance
He el. Casting lots as to which should
dui! the walk along Argyle street,
whtU is the principal thoroughfare of
GlaV'ow, one was chosen who proceed
ed flown that that street about four
blocis to a wide street running paral
lel vtith the Candleriggs, where is lo
catei tlie office of the Anchor boats.
Here a steerage and a second cabin
ticke were procured for the Ethiopia
whicl sailed on the following day.
Here another backset was encountered!
Instcid of embarking directly, a tug
passive had to be taken to Greenock
whert tho steamer was lying. Tin,
evenig, however, they sailed away interference, although they sy
they fcay they were considerably alarm
ed a( seeing a couple of the Greenock
polict board the boat, coming, it seems,
after a man who was trying to desert his
wife. Again. whenMie steamer stopped
at Mavillo, for the Irish passengers, they
were afraid of seizure, and not until they
passed Tory Island, and were on the
rude Atlantic, did they feel secure. On
a Monday night Fort Hamilton, New
York, was sighted. Here the vessel an
chored all night.' Again were they afraid
that a telegram would secure their
rest, but again they were mistaken, pass
ing off the steadier unmolested about
midday. Tlie next week 12000 apiece
was handed them, with which sum one
is said to be conducting a saloon oo At
lantic avenue, Brooklyn, and the other
has gone west. Their real identity is
said, however, to be known to but a few,
and those in that ring within the ring of
which the circle was composed. S.
"Keroaine oil will fuddle as well aa
whisky anv how it makes a locomotive's
head light. Item which appeared as
original in the Guzzle. Now that bit
of brilliancy originated with the writer
of thia here article, Mr. Bonrbon, 1
: it..
some monws since, ana in guiug uic
rounds of tlie press lost ita credit, to
b cabbaged by a sizzorj paragrapher.
Well, ita all right.
1 1
1 i
1 .
v U