The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 03, 1880, Image 1

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    . ' -
.O. 635.
$2,50 per year IN ADVAKCL
J. K. bAMPB i-U
PttbliHliers and Proprlwn.
In Underwood's Bricl Building,
n i .TV
Aks -tlemenU Inserted Mfollok:
Oat .-mar. 11) lines or low, one Isertion 3;
ukiiiiuet insertion U Caifrequired in
. ....
Hsu. advertisers will b chair
at the fol-
SG 00
.... 800
' it9 three month. . . .
" . liz month
12 00
' 1 Client notice in local columPO cents per
.IS. r ..Clt UWi nw... L . ,
AdrertUini bill, will be wndei quarterly.
ft II J.D Vfflft "- " - -J
r -v
. PdSTurFicu.
ni,m W.iira-Frosl I a. aa. to 7
. a l:M t. I. J" . . ..I
f Mail arrises tntm the south an1 lae ""o
ISS-ia. mrairaa " nn
tk at i:n . at. r ""'"i r T I r.Ii
' fill.,' Creek nd Bruwu.Yill.j I
i (.attars will U ready f.rneliYiirT I Jan
ar. jl, rlM. at Bli-i7l
ft it th. uftV
i.....1tni W II. Ar. anil A. M.
V-tM Int aal third WeMftjr" lech
rath. ...
OHricMrM BoTTit ti No. I. O.
O. F. Meets .ery Tlidy eaug.
Wiiiiwhala EminT Ko. 6,
M tht Mraa 4ta Weinman tu nKumvu"".
idnwdej in
Q DEN lo I,
Eugene City, Or ;on.
door U the right, up r, Formerly
-f C. W.FiUh. .
5itrui Oxldo for patul i xtrction of
fMh. '
W. Sito. M. T. Hhis, L D.
Drs. Shelton 8 Harris,
rnisicius & irgeois,
Kniiene Cltr. C Kiion.
flee n Ninth Street, f jwwlte the St.
Cbarle Hotel, and m Uewldenc),
Or J. .0. S
Vl Tien U th citizom offcvjene Gityil
tmtroudinr country. P"'Ltef,t,,on,rjn
4 all OBSTttl KlUAv vnin ww
IX UISK.VSKS entruxu 1
hit cai.
One at the St Charlef If eL
Uy enjaged.
"Vidmee when not proti
Onot at th.
DRli 8T0RE.
1Uidror n Eighth itreej
opponite Preby-
riaa Church.
OfiM em Willam.tU iti t, EuKcne City.
icks, Watches, G'iins, Jewelry, tt.
Uepairing ProiAtly Ex;ute(.
. M-AII Wrk f arranted. JP
; iS. LOCiCKY,
SUivu rth 4 Co.'i bf k, WillametU itrect
Real state Aak
Collcctim Agent,
aid Notary Public.
Jntice of the Peace, Coaveyan
cer and Collector;
aUellected, Record, aearehed and ab
tncU.f title ntade. All lmine premnUT
atUaded U. Uff-o at Court Uoum.
Administrator Sale.
WM 18 HEREBY - f TH , T
- i
d - ematr, vreeon. iu ,
. tM. A- D. 1W9. Uh ir-tter M
-' , t,.: a TVranurL deceased. I
lulKti City, n 5at,rdi y.9
Mhar X 179. botweea the been '
't7lClXiK-m and Mr e'ekxk in the atter-
.aid dar the foTlowiM bemnbed ftal
ZZLbwSb Na tw. Blk No. six-
tad placa, will eell the Northweet
artjr f 8eetioa tea U tiip atUn
V '2taW raafe eae t, eoataiciaf ItiO acres of
, iTjaTaawkralUy.UMcoaatr. Orera.
"jto Ca-n in rM "i of the
O. B. Attorney.
ALEXANDER, J. B. Ju.tice of tlx Pcaco
South Kutrene l'rcinct: ollice at Court If ou.e.
ASTOR HOUSK-t'haa. Baker, prop. The
only fimt-cluss iiutel in the city Willamvtte
trevt, one door north of the post office,
ABRAMS, W. H. ,BRO.-rLwW mill,
rvsh, door, blind utd moulilins ioanuh.utory,
Eighth street, eait of mill rao, Kverythipi
in our line furnished on thort nwtio aau
reaminable terms.
BENTLEY, J. W.-rrivhU boardinr how.
touthweat corner of Eleventh and Prl ita.
BOOK STORE One dour .outh of the Aator
House. A full stock of assorted box papiro
filain anil fnnnv.
plain and fancy.
BOYD k MILLER Meat Market-bwf. veal,
mutton, pork and lard Willamette strett,
between Eighth and Ninth.
CHRISM AN, SCOTT Truck, hack and ex-
ressman. All ordvra promptly attcmied
Office at express office.
CRAIN BROS.-IValer in Jewelry, Watch
es, Clocks and Musical Instniment Wil
lamrtte street, between Seventh and Eighth.
C ALLISON, R. Q.-Daler in eroceries, pro
visions, coHutry produce, canned goodn, books,
stationery, etc., southwest eomer Willamette
and Dth Jsts,
DORRIS, B. T. Dealrr i Stoves and Tin
ware Willamette street, between Seventh
and Eighth.
DURA NT, WM.-Meat Market beef, pork,,
veal and mutton constantly on hand Ninth
street, between Pearl and High.
ELLSWORTH k CO. -Druggists and dealers
in paints, oils, eta Willamette street, be
tween Eighth and Ninth.
FRIKNDLY, S. H. -Dealer in dry goods,
clothing and general merchandise Willam
ette street, between Eighth and Ninth.
GUARD OFFICE-Newspaper, book and job
printing office, corner Willamette and Eighth
streets, up stairs.
GRANGE STORE-Dealers in general mer
chandise and produce, comer Eighth and
Willamette streets.
GILL, .T. P. Physician, Surgeon and Drug
gist, Pbstoffice. Willamette a et, between
Seventh and Eighth.
HAYS, ROBT. -Wines, Liquors, and &
gars of the best quality kept constantly on
Hand. The best billiard table in town.
HENDRICKS, T. G.-Dealei in general mer
chandiM northwest corner Willamette and
Ninth atreuta.
HODES, C. -Lager beer, liquors, eigars and a
fine pigeon-hole tal! Willamette street, Je
tween Eighth and Ninth.
HORN, CHAS. RL Gunsmith. Rifles and
shot-guns, breech and mutide loaders, for saie.
Repairing done in the neatest style and war-
, rauted. Shop on 9th street.
KINSEY, S. f) -SasH, blinds and .door fac
tory, window and door frames, mouldings,
etc., ;titzing ami glasa cutting done to order.
LYNCH, A "Groceries, provisions, fruits, veg-!
etables, etc., Willamette street, first door
south of Postoffice.
LUCKBY, J. S. Watchmaker and Jeweler:
keeps a fine stock uf goodain his line, Willam
ette street, in Ellsworth, drug store.
McPLAREN, J A MES-Clwioe. wines, liquors,
and cigars Wllkwctte street, between Eighth
and Ninth. j
MELLBR M- Brewery Lfjer benr n tap
and ivy the keg or barrel, comer of Ninth and'
i (live street.
OSBURN k CO. Dealers in druses, medicines,
chemicals, oils, paints, etc. Willamette st.,
opposite S. (!harles Hotel
PATTERSON, A. S.-A fine stock ef plain
and fancy visiting csrds.
PERKINS, H. C. -County Surveyor and Civil
Engineer. Residence on Fifth s rcet.
PRESTON, WM. Dealer in daudlery, Har
ness, Carriage Trimmings, etc. Willamette
. street, between Seventh and Eighth.
POST- OFFICE A new stock of standard
school book, just received at the post office.
RUSH. BEN. Horseshoeing and general fob
bing blacksmith. Eighth street, betw.en Wil-j
lamette and Olive. '
REAM, J. 1C Undertaker and building con
tractor, corner Willamette and Seventh
ROSENBLATT ft CO.-Dry goods, clothing,
groceries nd general merrhandiM, southwest
corner Willamette and Eighth streets.
frew, Proprietress. The best Hotel in the
city. Corner Wil'amette and Ninth streets.
SHIELDS. .1. tt Physician and Surgeon -
north side Ninth street, funt door east of St.
Charles Hotel.
STEVENS, MARK--Dew1er in tobacco, cl
gars, nuts, candies, -shot, .powder, notions,
etc Willamette street
SCHOOL SLTPLIES-A large and vari.d
assortment of slates of all ri7es, and quantities
of slates and slate-books. Three doors oo th
of the e press office,.
THOMPSON ft BEAX-Attorneva-at T-
Willamette street, tetween Seventh and
WALTON, S. J. Attomev-at-Law. Offiee
Wmamette street, between Seventh and
WITTER, J. T. finekskln rtrewin-. The
Inchest price paid for deer skins, "Eighth St.,
at Bridtre.
UNDERWOOD, J. -B. General bmkeraee
business and acrent for the ConnTicut In
surance flotnpanr of Hartford Willamette
street, between Seventh and Eighth.
all its branches at the old stand, offering
increased inducement to customers, eld and
new. As heretofore, h moat
Careful attention given Jo Prescripions.
General Pi otic t.
JVL placed his busineas in-the han"l of the
undersigned for collection and settlement.
all persona owing him who have not invie ar
ramrement for extension of time, are hereby
notified to make payment or other aatiafactory
arrangement anthoutdeuy
1 u
T ABELI1 -naOOJI-J a tb.aole
Li sstforUiisebntedwo.
i ft. HENXKJCaS.
The Scttor thai Pdl ia liwi.
EaTiiERViixe, Eriimt Co., Iowa.
On I hi- H)th t Mhv a invit-or It'll in
place. Tiif nun hhinine, !
ta I ucuMfion- lly h flercy vloutl wa
vixiblu, w hen lar n in mit ir there
utisa Imcl rejmrl rremblin; I lie
dj clinnt canon, only, lol
iowcI liy one or inure report that
miglil liHve I'ffn (lie1 echo from the
firm; lhn lor a miiiulu or , then
there win n riiinhlinix hoiiihI, srem
ingly lat-iiij; litun inrili eat t'j
sum li wol. twn mk north Mr. Charles
Ka w.-i! at wiH'k iil.uiiini; cmn whin
1 f viiloi-imi f'iit1
I .
luiikni in the
I ilii'.-t'ii'in t iliw i tjjoi t lie i'miiM not
1 see iiiivthin on iircniiiit of I lie sun,
Inn, lolliiwiiiir., iili his e e, theilirtu
linn ol I lie rimi in aniuxl Hull to:iv
eil. ha . i Hiih thrown nil to some
hi-i''ht in ih lel'a ruvim-a hun
dr,-i roili or mi to lln nort!) e ist, of
m here he, was at work.
Mr John Uurlier report 8 a eitnilur
pp' rmce a hiimli'el rol or ho fur
uier in the eamu dir.ction. S. V.
IJiown wi o lives thr. quart era of a
mile north l here, Was in the cljje ol
tie timl er looking in the nouihweHt
erly .direutinn into the top of eoine
oa , tin- ilireiiiion lieit't! qqarierlnir
to the nun; he xaw a led ttreuk, ami
wa lookini; attentively at it when
the eatplokjoii mviiirred. lie suyn timl
w! en it ImiikI there wa a vtond )
Hinnke at (he lieiul ol the red Mreiik
which inshed foi th like the smoke the cunor'a month, and tl.en
pread in every direction.'
On the ec!".e ol the ivine a hole
waa found twelve (eel in diameter
anil about nix feet deep, whi. h win
full of water, l'artiea have cinee, ly
uiitirinir labor ami search, found nu
memo pieces varying in size from
ne lo eight oiiuuea, also Uur pieees
amut Imir pound , and one wfijfhiiiu'
thirty two pound two ouncea; but
the largest was loiind bedded eilit
leet in bine clay and lu)ly fourteen
eel from the surface. It waa two
leel lonjj by one and one half wide,
and one tool er so t hick, with rugged,
uneven surtace. It is composed ap
parently nl nearly pure metal ofaonie
kind, reseinbliut! silver somewhat,
but of a li ifl" d n ker eolor.
How Many I'coj le titive Fitly Holloa
Someone said, the other day ih'i'
in Ihe entire wwld the number who
had $50 or lie equivalent in cash, at
their riMiimaud was eiireniely small
so Mitall, indeed, that altogether
they wonlil not number the niluiii
tauis of the linle kiiu'dotn ol lle'K'
uiii, which has a population ol G.OU0
000 souk Hut this eiiinai appears
to be far below the mark in the lihi
of the fact ihai in the saving banks
of France, in 1877, there were de
posited no less limn fclo3,800,O00 b
2,S(53,283 depositors, the average sum
01 each depositor hem;; about 860
The number of these depositor con
tinually iiiereases, a d they are.
lo a very lar v extent, members
of (he working classes. So in
England, and the niimher of deposi
tors in the postal Miviu.'N bank is v ry
lsr:e no less, on the wh e, than
two millions and their depasits, on
.he aterage, amnurl nearer t 50,
the limit allowed, than to 850. In
Scotland and Irel nd (ho saviiij: of
the people are lar ire and censlant'y
increaaiiiir In Oeimany the people
do not . neral'y pls e I Weir savings
in bunks, but llley havo comfortable
little sums laid swav m Jea p t ami
old stockings. Thisi. iiUi.the ease
in France. In t lit country the Clim
ber of peoi le ho have $;0 at their
coinnii in. must amoijmi to quite as
many as in either France, German)
or (in at Hriia n. Tli world of work
injf people ia not wurafiy so poor as
many m tiiine it to lie.
The Bo.e Iriein Irtiie RrgioBt.
New York SUr.
Cpt. Allen Yoiiml', ol the Piind .
r, baa nu board his yacht a curiosity
in the rhspe vf a rose ires, grown in
England lor the Artie region. When
in the polar cold the I tee drooped
and to all appearaus .died; but as
the vessel reached a warmer clinrte
th roe tree revived, and is now lull
I loom and in api-ileo'ly henlifev con
ii ion. Theliiuction of hie bad been
suspended while the tree remained
in the col l latitude, but they were
not destroyed. This act is iorioti
aa tending lo preve that a tree which
will stand frost at all wjlf bear most
any amountof cold; anf that if its
natural growth and deyiaUF merit be
retarded at ihe proper aor, the
plant cannot defi r the revival of its
development till the lie; l iorniid pe
riil, but will t-iint 'nine its develop
ment at th first opportunity, which,
in this eae, after the intense cdd of
Ihe Arelic region, ccurred in the
more moderate c.ld me crnpar
lie warmth of an English Ncvem
I ElfTht yar, pother were 95 pn -
loner confined in tie pjiuf.ei4.arj.
Now there are 202.
N barber knowelh whom h may
haue, and the man wno ruslielli into
a shop and drep into a barber chair
without seeing who oerupii the next
chair to In right or left, as a esse
proved ve'terdsy. A solid old citi
ten, in the wholes! trade, was tak
jug it easy, hi lace covered with
a.l er, when in came a young roan,
who flung off his ooat, bounoed into
a oh ii" r, a ii 1 1 yelleil out:
''Hurry up, now, for I iDtist get
back to the store before old Blank
docs or he will rats thunder. Hang
him, he won't even give a man lime
Tlij! solid citizen turned Id fuo to
glance at ihe oi her, and the 'birber
noticed a reddeuini! of his luce.
''(voiug on a vacation this Sum
niei'i1" asked the barber who wa. pre
paring to shave the young iniin.
'SVaealioii! How in Tophei can I
get iway from old And it I
could, lie pays smili a stingy, con
temptible salary that I could not al
lord a ride on a terry-boat."
''Why don't you as', him for a
raise?" queried the barber.
''Why dou'l I uk him for th hand
rf his treckle nosellaiighler? IleV
discharge me in s minute, tl ough he's
making money and can afford it. Ii
the idd liyei.a wnul-l have a stroke ol
aopley the junior partner miglil do
SMiuetiiing, but such chaps always
live to be a hundred years old.''
Conversation cea ed here, the solid
man got out of his chair, took a
brushing and sat djwn.and when the
clerk aiose from his chair and turned
around, snow balls would have look
ed black beside his lace. He tried 1 1
bow mid speak, but something
wouldn't 11 him, and when he atari
ed to put on his ooat he held it tail
up and collar down. II wa dill
striiifg ing with it when the aolid
V i , . , ... I
mau rose up, ioKei around, ami
walked out, tayuig never a word.
Tn barber tret the young man's
head and he i uologue to lus no,
but he walked sideways when he'
went out, and there was an uneitaiu,
wabble to his k.iee. Iu applyini.'
lor the vacant situation to day, stale
what) shop you shave at.
.. m s ii
"Put on fcilicuaU."
..The Indian custom i to butcher
prisoners ta en in battle. Suuh, how
ever, was not th practice ol 'lecum
sell, the great chief who, as an ally
ol the British, .fought against is in
1812. He natd the Americans, but
he fought aa a warrior, not as a
In lSlJ, (Jol. Dudley, while at
tempting to reliav Fort Meigs,
where Gen Harrison wa besieged by
British and Indians, wa tlaled
wiih gieai slaughter. As usual th
Indian began killing th American
prisoners. General l'rootor, the
British commander, looked coolr on
and made no ffot to restrain them.
Suddenly a voic sounded lik a
clap ot thuiidet, and Tecuruieh mmta
led n a foaming horse, dashed
among the butcher. Two Indians
ware in th act ol killing a prisoner.
Spii ging from his horse, Tecuinseh
seized one Indian by the throat
and the other by the braasl and
threw them lo the ground.
Drawing tomahawk aud scalping
knife, he dar -d any Indian to touch
another prisoner. A cbiel disobeyed
aifd Tecuniseh brained him with his
tomahawk. The Indians sullenly de
'What will become ol my Jndisns?"
he txclaitpcij. Then turning to
Proctor, w ho stood near, he sternly
demanded why h had not put a slop
to ihe massacre.
''Your ludiaq cnnnol b cQjtsan
led," replied the Gvneral.
"tio a y! You are unfit to com-
in uid. I'm on petticoats," wa the
scorn ul reply. t a
HIIJg llimaflf,
iJr. Geo S. Downing under de of
December i3 l, sends the h It-Ill
Statesman the lol!oiug in regard to
he munterer of Sam, the bos China
man. While Mr. M. W Hunt and
Chailes Fray were out huuiinif to
dajon'th- I'aiin f .Mr. A. Drip',
I hey discoveied a Mrauge obj -el
hanging up to a tree, an 4 on exami
nation it proved Lo be ihe dead body
of Chung Lien, the murderer ul Sam.
He wa found about one mil Irom
where the inuj-der was committed. Ii
ia supposed lbs he hnn himself the
next day al er commuting the deed,
well knowing the lait that was his
aboulJ he taU into the bards of bis
4.nntrvmen A small cord was used
lor ihe purpose, which was Isatened . your boaiding houw ?" said Cha.r
to a liijjb about ten leet frnj Ch.illendt-r to William Creamer
the gourd. To accomplish bis pur Vienna. Ohio, as they, met in
pose U oetessaiy lor him lajibe street. Crmer had just .beer
climb !he tree, lastm the cord, slide released from prison, and, regarding
Amn ib. trunk and strangle himself1 the nueslion a insiillin. he dreW a
to4stb. Death in this way moat!
1 hvleeo very .low inemtnrrtr hi:
j relief. Thn the eonnty i iayd a
big bill olfoat in trying a m-jrdrr I
Gen. Lnoe celebrated hi 78th
birthday al liostburg on th 14th
in si.
A. C. Cox, City marshal of I,oe
burg, wa married Wednesday, to
Mis Fanny Hall, of Wilbur.
Nelson Thorp' eldest nn, who re'
sides on Soap Creek, had hi leg
broke last week by boing thrown
Irom his horse.
Peter Cornelius and Liga Smith,
ol Myrtle creek, in a luir day's hunt,
recently, k.ll.-d one cuug:r, foui ber,
fjv wildcats aud lour deer.
A Dallas correspondent of the
24Vb, say: Snow ten niche deep.
Stock are beginning lo suffer Low
est trinpeiatnre 7 below zero.
M. M. Dillon' youngest child,
about 15 months eld, living at Jack
sonville, was seriously poisoned re
cently while playing with matches.
The boy, Arthur Nelson, who wa
taken from a bilk showman at Coos
Bay sometime since, has arrived
home at New Z aland tn In ptrents
from whom hewssstolm.
Itoseburg 8tr: Notwithstanding
ihe miserable condition of the ran 'a.
several team Irom Jackson and Jo
epliimi counties have been log I'd
luring the pasl week With fi'Hghl lor
the merchant of thai section.
Last Tuesday, says the Lafayette
Courier Johu Clark, proprietor ol the
Vox I opuli saloon, was arresta-l for
allowing minor in his plane of hind
ness, and hiied JJO amleosi, .Ihe
next day lis was arrested and nued
(100 tor runniug a billiard table
A land slide on Iltibbird creek,
Douglas ooitnly, changed (ho course
ot (he creek and did considerable
lamac. J. H. Hoover had his
ranch submerged oonsid rably and
his house was only savd by a rock
splitting the slid and d. reeling it to
either tide
A Gardiner correspondent says;
I'lie Simpson mills ran a few day Ihsi
wek, but closed doa u again. It is
rumored that the lumber combination
in San Francisco pay Sim son A Co
a stipulated sum per inontr to keep
their mil) (die, Hinsdale Jo Co., it
is a d, will saw all the logs SUnpaon
k Cc hvre on hand.
R isshurg Star: Last Saturday ev
ening Adam D.iv died very suddenly
at the residence of his son, G. W
Day, of this eiy. Father Day wa
an old pioneer Having setiieii in
Camas ya'ley, this count v, over twen
ty-su years ago. lie was a native
of New York Slate, and was aim st
eighty four years of age. Mr. D.iy
sn'i vrd iu th aar of 1812. lac to
his ashee.
Savs the Star sneaking of the re
cent loss on the Lower Umpqua. The
logger and null men of Gardiner aut
lerred considerably by the recent
freshet. John Cow-u' boom on
Smith River gave way about 4 I .
M.: on the od, letting a number
ol loir adrift. The whole number of
logs lost is estimated at Irom three lo
four million teei. Win. Iteid lost
about 1,000,000 feel, and Murphy a
minv or more, hmerson Ofc Keid are
heavy losers, Simpson's loss is great-
er than mat u t;niiusio v..
though both fjnq suffer heavily, A
cor pinidaut iitonn thit the loss
will reguh between (10,000 and tJ2,-
Bctchcr's Latest
Jf Rev. Hnry Ward KBeehri
correctly reported by t c New York
..T if :. o i. v
world, in ins sermon on ouuoa, is
vember 30ih, he is surely yerging on
insanity. J'he lauiruage be is report
ed to have used oa that occasion, in
speaking ol Jeau, is hardly equalled
iu scandalous) imputation by anything
in the age of reason. The luib'ast
construction that can be placed gpon
the matter i that his remark have
been ouirsireously mis reported. At
least this i the Urveiii hop ot
Beecher's christian admirers.
Tbt Ciiorctl P ople qf Ijtargia.
The colored people, of Georgia are
iirosoeiin; to a urreater .rtree than
in anr otfier of the Southeru tJiates,
They are assessed on a properly of
$5.1 82,398, which ta an increase over
lal year. Their lauded estate
amount lo 341.000 acres. Ther is
no ''exodus" levr among lha ndor
ed t.ovU of GeorL'ia. Their con It-
lion is so satisfactory that but very
j few of tlnsr numoer care l emigrate
'Iledo Bill, a hen did you changi
big knife and staboed the nff.-ndsr,
bul Cbdlendr wa quick .mmirh
nb g revolver ta v bis owt l;fe
nd kill Creamer.
. . .
Orril Gratis.
Ciiicaoo, Notr 19 A w days b.
for the arrival ot.Gen Grant ia thia
oily hia brother Orvil appeared, aail
announced hi tiittntion ol joining ia
the welcom lb b extended ta bia
distingniahed relative. Year af
troubiti had wrought o many chang
es in Orvil that few of hi old trin.d
hare, where he had oace hn in busi
ness, lecognixed him. Hi cl ithiog
wa shabby, and his hair and barJ,
th chief points of resemblance to th
General, were long and bushy. Ha
passed Monday and luday t lad .
week at various hotel, attracting o
attention oxnept by hi uncouth ap
Dsrance. A tew army officer, waa
saw in" this eedy individual tha
brother ol the coming guest, too It
upon themselves to run him out of
town, bellevin that th Ganeral
should not bo embarrassed by hia
presence during th approaching (
li.uiss. By dint of pruasin, a
liberal supply ol liquor and soma
lorce, the grat man' brthr waa
put on board a train bound for St.
Louis, and i now in thai city. Vh
Gen. Grant arrived h Itarned that
Orvil had been there, he express
regret that h had not teen hun, Jittl
Ihieking thai im ot tnos moat
busily enggd in paying court to
htm 'isd deprived him ot that plaa
nr. II returned t Galena tod?
ignorant of th true stale of affair,
but th story leaked out Una attar
noon, and, ot tout, will reaub hia
iu due time.
Poor Grammar Bttrtjcd hia.
Evening Aaburnisa.
Prof. Thomas, recently conactdl
with Btitl r Untverily, waa notad
chirtly tor his exactness in th as al
vernacular. One bight ha waa
awakened at an unsmly hoar br
disoordant tatind of midnight reyl-
ry from the direolioa af a taJ.
etil's bedroom. Dressing himself b
hurriad down the lull, and, altar ft
few knock oa the bolted door to
fore silence, he called out "Hi f on
lellowi in there can't you make 1,
"Who' out ther?" waa th re.
'lie me.
'Who ar yotj?"
Y.tuVa a liar. You Cin't foa
-n, i i i . : i tr 1
ii. 1 noma wouki navo sai i, is ie
Come on, boys, just one mora.
And th strains ot "Landlord till tha
flowing bowl," resottndad through
th lion till daylighl. The affair
was neytr alluded to by the Prof-
Wast Liobtmijio An alectriolati
of bids city asserts that the engine of
the Comstock, in the mera act of
running, generate sufficient electitoity
lo not only lieiil all tn miuri, out
also th whole town, provided that
said engines wr initiated that
the electricty could ba slorid up ami
utilized. We do not know how thia
be but. w o kn w. and do
hundred ! others whi hv tried
the experiment, that ther i a great
deal of elcctriuity distnrbtnoc about
the machinery f the muU Vhre
there ar large rubla-r belt running.
when the hand ta held near one i
thetrj, tady an, beautilul trjainof
Im-tricitv aro to ba aeen. The d
not pas from the belt to the hand,
but frm the hand to the b. lu It U
riithiT a grange thing Iciee 1ream
of flre darting from lh end at an'
finger on one'g hhi without leeling
the sKgl'Jest sensatjon; yet it U real
fire, and woul bloy np powder
intgazlneas relily a would a spark
truck by flint and tel. Virginia
Nev. Enterprise.
Fatal AcctDExr. rue VCooa By
New" o: th 10th ys "Last Sat
urday, L. Herlocker, J. JJ.-Umh nt
a man named Boovliauser, (the lat
having lat ly grrive I on th Coquilla
wiih g view of locating) were gotn g
up the river, n-ir C Mimlle City ft
mall boat, kepi"(J u'"18 1 tn ,no,
jn itrder t avoid the heavy onrrent, .
when a large myrtH tree fell, t"ik
ing the bottamidihip, instantly kill,
mg th last naed gentleman, ihe
iher two ang thamselvo by
promptly jutping tinto the river,
i Hereby escaping with few flesh
wound tf ' a close call for the
whole piy, Herloeker and Lsmb
are smog our best citizen and their,
escape a cause for rejoicing.
jc Iiid-'peiideiioe burirlsry caa .
in the lasl court with other minor
siit brouglu cost uin Polk eonnty
f over 17,000, whiidj ll to other
indeMe ices oi in couuit -fin w
quiro an advance ol tax Vale to kp
thing moving.
Ira Errucri Almtting women
to the bar, the loon keep-r y. ia
crse(he demand I r fancy diiuk.
Th Guar la th Uwreit, sqd tnnst t-
temivsly eirculatel of any paper ia Laao
uty. The Ucako is tlse the official par
f Carene City. Advertisers hetil isak a
ri ? this
'' i'