c.-CITY' AND COUNTY. 8luslaw Fair. Sicslaw, Dec 5, 1379. . - I Under tha ausnicM of the ainalaw umin ABt Bk r(nuIIa . - . . . . . . , the Fair flourished, (or all It rained bard Mr. VY. L. Epptnger la r authorised .. .. . . , ,, ., m" . .. .11 d.v and hmil h... raluiav for th. thrrc J at Fertlaai. , I r.r HCJITIOBI. Y Happy K Yr ta all Sew Year's Day next Thursday. Chaw Jaeksoa's beat sweet aavy tobacco Mr J W Braoif eld waa in town- one day this week. B. Dau will pay the bigbeat market rice for wheat ' ; Just received at Bteinbeitera a nice lot of I latera eedfiah. Mr. S. . Friendly will pay the highest aurkst price (or wheat Raf Robineoa bu maaufactured a fine lot (Caadiea (or his holiday trade. 4 W. T. Campbell and I. T. Cherry went en bu.iaees to Perfiaud, this week. The FiramsuaBall wu very weU at tended and all enjoyed themselves. Go to Raf HoiPmaon'a (or your holiday joods, a be aella cheaper than ever. We iaviU eorreipendence (re every port f the eenaty to aend along the news. Fatroaue John Longer i( you want good aiilk. He (urniabea a first rate quality at a reasonable price. Frank Ci lemau extendi hia thauka to the persoa whe favored him with the popcorn wreath oabiadoerinob.' , .. Concert at the M E Chur.h, Sunday ev uing Dee 28th. Excellent Programme. Ad. mission, 10 cents, (or benefit of School We teeder our aincer thaaka to the kind friends, who remembered na on Christmas with a fine cake, and asaura them that the jift wu duly appreciated. We netice the Jullpwinj in the Circuit Court preoeedingi (' D.uglas county : ."State ot Oregon ti Pat O'Snea aud W O Hudson, The OoJatbe largest, aud. mtex ienairely cireAftitef af any paper iu Lane teuaty. The crlko it also the official paper ( Eegeae Cttw. . Vdertire should make a eUofthia..;.-7 . A nuaber'sti4ents and othera took ad vantage of tfie half ' (are fates givsn during holidays. The delegation, (rom the Dalles, Attending the University, were badly disap pointed by ttoyCipbia. river (reeling up. 8 Steiaheiser haa'juat received a let of as aorted eandiee, anoh aa ' Taffy, Pinafore, ,rte. Alee a lot ( fancy' groceries (or the holidays. He has a large lot of cigars, which lie iiteads to sell at the lowest., cash priae. fall and see (or Yourself. The St. Charles Restaurant is aeoey place, kept by Mrs. A. iettfrew iu the Brick build fug adjeining the old St Chtrles hotel A amber o( neat leJging rooms ahw belong to the house. Meal and lodging, 25 eei.ts eadi Board aud lmlgieg fry the week oit reasonable terms. Give her call Our Satanic employee, or iu other words, nr Vlea'' wiydelt V amuse himlf at the Metropolis' during the olidayi. (,B Tuesday, with valise in hand, he trsite d fciinselfea board the cars aud was soon boras (rom our gaxe. We bespeak (or hiia the (risadsbipo( the craft iu Portland and hope they will wit "shew him arouud" lou der thaa hia lucre lasts. Meteor ie Display, Prof Tice is out with a s circular ia regard to the meteoric display that he advertised to eome off on the 13th of last month, lie says that the shower waa local thia year, bat that itdidoomea8;audhegive.ae aa evidence the experience of a huntiug partv iu Wash ington, Missouri, whe saw the whole thing. This is not conclusive to a skeptical mind. Heating patfcee are proverbially free livers, Md those ia Missouri are popularly believed Ube nati prehibition of the most radical Syne. It if probable, therefore, that what they took to be meteora were either light aiag bags er sparks (roes theia own fire. The professor mast adduce other aud strouger testimony beore he can be believed. We jreenrry for him, for the meteor failure has ftbekea popular faith iu hia weather predic ieu and hurt the aale of his almanacs. JaitUu Ciljlttmt. Mr J F kariyas has left (or ti.e East. J.actie. rerela in having a 700B. hog' JaaeUoa. City ia going to have a bakery. Joh. Calvert baa retaraed to Junction from tha Palonse connfy. Mr i F Blew has sold hia interest in the sing at-reU bis partnsr, Mr Bass Mulbel- dave Dreviona and the ereeks were overflow ing their banks and washingaway the bndgos keepiug quite a number (mm attemlioj beoause they were water bound Aeverthe lesa, those that could attend speak ia the highest terms of the various artiolee on exhi bition. The opening address waa dxlivered by Judge J F McCoy. As I wu water- bonnd I did aot get to bear it Sinslaw Grauce bak held their animal elec tion with the fullowiux result: Win Rus sell t 0 W J ColimoDj L, Jason Oweus' Chap, Geo Laiidrithi S, T F. Davis: Aist S, V L Simpson; T, Martin W'ingard; See, F M Kighswander; G K, P M Doak; Ceres, Jane fiimnimit ramnna. Abba J Niihwan. r o der; Flora, Helen Crow; Lady Asst Stew ard, Emma Russell The second Saturday in January ia the time set for public installa- ion. F. M. Kichhwaxdkb. New Year Receivers. The following names of ladies, who will keen ouen house (or the receution of fricudi during Sew Year's Day, have been wul ui: Mrs. J. B. Underwood, aasulod by Mise Auuie and Mae Underwood. '' Mrs. F. B. Dunn, assisted by tlio Miasei Dunn. Mrs, J. D. Kinsey, assiikd by Mrs. Mill YaaHoutcu. Mrs. J. F. Rubiiwou, assisted by Miu Hughea. Mrs. S. H. Frieudly, auisteil by Miss A. Adler. Mrs. 0. A. Lockwood, assisted by the Misses Lockwood and Miss Maud Atwater, Mrs. S. J. Swift assisted by Mis M. F. Swift Mrs. S.J Saxon. Tha club dance tWedneaday night Dee 1 Jth, waa a pleaaaat affair. LeaU n. .i,ht of the Christmas Ball a aojid ..Id ..tod Breastpin engraved, with a quart . - Htaminf Uie awt in tha oeater. mm will be liberally rewarded. MM. & J AZ' A.O. U. yr. Ei.tcnoK.-At a regnUr mmxiu, 4 Eng... Lod ,8! J J"; . ... io ie? ike following oScera . ...j tk. n.aiae' rear: t wore etocum i ' . , w nr. n r IWris.0 F; Jona xr'w R.rderi F BDuaa, Ma, v, n. m . . n lasinr; Cha. A j . Irigp, CiU; Chae T W'Vr raamaaway, 0 Wt B F Porna, Traetee. U. I. oaa.u -A the P -msiuof Ue IM Satnr4y i- Jaaaary. TrwUlbeaadmadse- tabU Ut those ieoriog U ooj aaa thap-tti.grooniWU.r-H' Ut social ad religioM c1 iaviUd. -J UABJUM-At the Astoc r . iu H IKS. bf HeraeeJt, Mr Seasael Hew. of Joaetio. t EC CWerUi, ef OslUe. Cottage Gnvc lltmt. A correspondent at Cottage Grove asnda the following items under date of Dec. 26, 1879: Mr. II. C. Chance, of this lilaco, was mar ried to Miss Matlock, of Gosheu, this week. The brasa band gave au entertainmeut at the public school house Chrutmas uight, which was splendid. A large audience waa in attendance. Miss Burns' pupils in the public school gave an eutertaiument one day this week to a Urge aud appreciative audience, ia the school house. The entertainmeut wa one of the beat we ever witnessed. Locomotive Disabled. Tuesday moraine, as the freight train wa li-aviu" Junctiou Citv. the connecting roil pin of the driving wheel broke;' but as the train was moving very slow at tlio time, no damage was done. Had the engine beeu un der a full head of stettn, serious conseiincn- ces would have resulted. As it was, the en ffiue oreoeeded to the machine shops wi.rk Da ing but oue aide, atd leaving tile train at Junction. Orkoox Wool A circular from theheav it wool dealers in New York; iuforim u tliat Oregou weid ratei higher in that market than any on this c.iait or iu Texas. L-alilur nia, Texas and territury wools run in price frm 17 to 35 cents, while our wool is quot ed ilong with the Southern States at from 34 in,iit. This sueaks well lor our siaie, ..! m. hone our alieew raisers will pay much - ... . .i.ntiaii to the DreDiratmn of tUeir wool ior market that we may excel other parts of tha coast and soon equal the Eastern States. Imfruwned House TmevM.-The trial of .Im MJrmack. J W Shafer and A Wc Cobb at the special term of the circuit court for Doualas comity, on a cUarge ol norse sUaling, resulting in treir conviction and . wnnrnmff lilfV WCIC Ufcii'vr ed to Warden Miller at the the pcuiten tiary by Sheriff Hogan. The two former . ..i ir .mi me latter mm were .Dm uwu years at hard labor. ..pTrn It. Ou the 13th of Novem ber Heury Coleman, a brother of Euoch and Fr.uU fJeman. left tins city lor raster,. n,. ui. Vilitarv road. Up to this time ""a"- - - . . : . . .... h. has not bten heard of, and a party .ci- in .r h of him. Mr. Coleman is an old aud experieoced mountaineer, and it ia hoped that no disaster baa sieieuen mm. Wi.tiiee. The cold snap expe ZVA.V " - - rienced during the past few days has had ... .ual for several years past, un ...... ..n day moming last tne wermoioer -ui i:j u fortiied and the Mm ni icuuui - - .Wtr. have enioved themselves theronglily 8everal alfighs were out, but tne snow w hardly deep euongh to make sleighing good. tv.nni. Exhibitioh. The scholars of the Eugene public school gave an entertainment . i Hll Friday eveninc, Dec. 19th. A large audience was present and all . seemed well pleased. The receipts of the evening amounted to $34. which will be paid on the piano Irtely bought by the school. nn....T Some niereaut who was short o( Christmas money for the purchase t mmA 1mm. broke tbroorh the back doers into the store room of Mr, Lyach's abstracted from tha till iU entire coo teatstwo dollars-oB Christ mas Eve. public Oregon's Delegation, . The Standard's lively correspondent Mr T A Sutherland, writes (rom Washington as (ullowsr concerning Oregon's delegation ia Congress: It ia pleasant to be able to say that the Orrgouian delegation ia working ia satire harmony and unison, and en all tneqneetioas vital are of one opinion. Senator dlater ia nersonaltv lotikini alter the Portland Board of Trade's request for a rebate on the duty on tin, and iuforma me that hs anticipates but little trouble ia accomplishing it The Northern Pacific Railroad enmiraa a treat deal of Senator Graver's time aad atteatiea and he will do what be can to have the road built down the south bank of the Columbia river to Portland. Notwithstanding the res olution passed by the executive committee of the board of directors of the N. P. R. R. oa the 7th of December, 1877, that the com pany was "willing to construct its road on ths south side of the Columbia river to Port land" there hai been a disposition on ths part of the managers to fercet this a princi pal reason fur which is that they get more lind by running theirlias thrus'g'.l a territory than a state. II i iaornt ins that he had quite a long talk with some of the A r K 11 ilirectiirs and iucceeded in convincing them that their only true terminus is at , IVtland, the inctrtip'jlis of the Northwestern Coast and there, as, lawyers say, we will ever pray it may be located. Governor Whiteaker ia buiy with a report rn a I ill itft ntd to Mm aa a sub committee in which he takes the very sensible around that the Indian reservations ahould be lesa it number, making the cost leas to the govern ment and their surveillance simple, on in theory that the fewer the agents and em. Dloveei the easier it is to watch them and 47 ( the more concentrated the Indians the easiw to keep them in control Thia naturally would throw several rich agencies open to settlement and it is a thing earnestly horml for. I believe, by many people in Oregon. To prevent land speculators from appropriatiig these new land the Governor haa made son very wise provisions in favor of bona fide set tlers, and ahould the bill be adopted by the committee and approved by the House it will result in much gn.1 to the entire coun try west of the Missisippi and to ths gov ernment itself. Flattering myself that I know aometliing about Indian affairs, I lok upon this report of Congreisman Whiteakei s . i . . t r w t nuw niniijfn-.v.l - w coBCTaimait int viaroii.uuie.upoa nm . a !..an: .-,.W.ei war I m .Hi ... Li. llf. In eU OQ6 01 01 U10 HlU llll'Vtllgvav eivi waaww j nftrTOW tOeat eTUlB gall . tempt uu mis tit. m made iu the direction of the Indian prob. Mw.ba ..nUn aolution. First catch your hare, as tue cost Momow safely, while the bantam was .j ... n. vvi.itV.r ut. I blown no. A tunnel was found runaiair t books any. and so Uoveraor w uueaaer s; mu. a ....-- .... . - - oosks sajr, .u ... house on hundred and fifty (set from tb point first gut your siwaakes together before ysu WBrt the explosion oomirred. It Is supposed beiri u to talk about civilizing them, ao tosg THE NEW YEAR, Rbtf out wild bells, to the wUd aky. fMi a . ... ins flying cloud, the frosty litfbtj Th (VI U Avlmm 1. tk. Biag out wild bell, and let hia die. Ring out th eld, ring la the aw; Riag, happy bells, acrosa th snow; 1 a yar is going, t him so; Ring out th falM, Ring ia th tru. Kiar out ths trl.f iKt tK. - - r- - For shoes that here we us no tuore: mt mug out tne leud of rich and poor. niag m redress to all maakiad. Rise out a slowly drW mum. Aad aacisat forms of party strifai sing in in nouer modes of 111 With. vmIh m.htl.M hnM law. RitW out Uisoar.. th. nnl tK. (.. v - I f Th. Uklilu. onl.lnx. nf Ik. .... Ring out Ring out, my snournful chimss, T). .1. . m it .... uutnnjr sue luuar minstrel in. Riag out false pride, la peace aad bleed, s. cms stanuer ana we spltei Rinu in th lov of truth and rl'ht; King ia th common love of good. i.iiy out oia snapes ol loul dlieass; Rini out the narrowine lust t mid; Ring out the the thousand wars ot old; Ring In ths thousand years of peace. Rllf in the valllant man .ml tm. Th larger heart, th kindlier hand; King out tb darkness of the land, Rlnt in th Christ that Is to be. 1 n SI S. H. FRIEKBLY. HAS JUT Ol'ENKU FOK Tilt SI'KI.NU AND SUMMER TRADE THE LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS KVKR BROIT.HT TOEL'QEVK. OUR BTtK'K OF CLOTHING Has been largely Increased and ws can show as aaadsome a line ol reaoy mau goous in MEN'S AND HOYS' BUSINESS AND DRESS SUITS ' Aa eaa be found la the country, aad at priooej .1... - .. ... OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT is well filled with a splendid assortment of all! leading styles and lasliionanis suaoes oi goous. EMPRESS CLOTHS, MOHAIR, ana AMERICAN DKKSS GOODS. Pl.I.l PliJn .ml (hiera Flann.b) of all oolera. Hlenvhetl t Utililt'uclii'd Cotton Flan ru'l. Ladies' And Gjn's' Underwear, SHAWLS and SCAliFS. WOOL BLANKETS, ALL COLORS. Trunks and Trevellug Satch.li, HATS and CAPS In the Uadlng Stylos. OILCLOTHS for floor and Ubl ww. BOOTS AND SHOES. Ws world eel special attention to our sseek af Mens' si.d Hoys' en Kraoelseo Hunts, Wklrk w. h.va Mild lor a eumbor of tiui wttb 'great satisfaction. Every pair warraatod. A eompUte stock of 'HARDWARE, PLOWS AND FA UMIN UTENSILS. CHOICE TEAS. CANNED GOODi I And all ehoice FAMILY GROCERIES al jantonishingly low rates. (LIVERPOOL A CARMEN ISLAND SALT Highest price f r all kinds of produce aad WOOT, S II. I llll M) II. a $ ill I Mm No. enrolled. e is ii 5S iS! Whole No. days attendance. Whole d'ye aU $ pWAf. dally atUnd . . r. . . -4 k W Av. 4'y absence. IAv. No. belong Ing. f $$$$ f Per cent attend wet etMM o,e.M sea.' anoe. No. eases of tar ninma, Robinson L Churchf DKAt.ERS IK SHELmiE.UYlURDW.lKK HAVE TUK Best Selected Stock lit Oregon 0 : 4 m r t w m m r HAVE FOR eaU at ths LOWEST HatM. IKON. 8TEEL. AXES. ANVII5, NAILS, Kuril. Cable Chains, Table and Pncksl CUTLKKY. GUNS, PISTOW. AMMUNITION, AGRICULTURAL, IMPLEMENTS, Blasting Powder, Fishing 'lack Is, Etc., Etc. We invite aa eiasa laatioa of our goods, onufideat that our stock will suit tha times. ( tar sf Masai as they are scattered aud nomtlio, all tha laws and ail the peace policy rubbish iu forty nrl.U will sua au is!i nothing. As a does- montitisably prepared, and strong with the characteristic Auglo-sixon ot ita autnof. OnKllONIAKH i Wasmnotos. Tliere are three Oreiwtiian office holders ia the Senate-Henry Gilfry, reading clerk in the Seunte; a nephew of Lloyd Brooke's as pugs, ami tho wet-k in spirit subscriber, who will act as Senator pro tem during Mr Gro. rer's stayat Dansville until after the mm. days. Geo Cole, wife and daughter are here for the Winter, I hear, and also the pretty Mr. fiilfrv. C M Carter. Senator Urovera brother in law, informs me that he is doing very well here as claim agent, and that bis business is increasing very rapidly. Judge Upton looks as handsome as ever, ana as a other in the viueyard of John fclierman, has plenty of girls to aiinire him. Entertainment. This evening. Dec 27th, the Presbyterian Sunday School will give a concert at the Prcsbytorian Church, for the benefit of the Sabbath School and Choir. All arecoruiany invited to come. Admission. 10 ceuts. The following is the programme ejected: Anthem. -Shepherds ot Win isiaoi Lead Us." Prayer. Anthera. "How Beautiful." Exercise. Anthem. How Beautiful npoa ths Moun tains. Exercise. Christmas Tide.-Mrs. J. A. (itowell's class. Committee wait upon the audience. Sociable. Notice to pay Up. rersrm indebted to J. P. Gill C Son are requested, in the most delicate meaner in tho world, to call and aettle np their small accounts, for we know that they can pay small accounts when, perhaps, they eonm not pay larger ones. J- P- GlLL k Sow. Notice To Our Defctorsw We must have money. All those iadebt yd to ns are hereby notified that their ac counts must be settled, with cash or note, by the first of January, 18S0. Suam Bros. the author of this hellish plot waa suffering lM . AimA mtnil .unMlnilluwd bv SSVSte nai. in th. hack and kidneys. To prevent a . . " i.i.il .l-n iwiMtltion ol line occurrences, itiswi " vw t... uni tit H,mIl.. Duii k. Co.. Portland. Or eeon, for a lanre ahipmsnt of the Orgoa Kiduey Tav Club Bates. SOOT AND SHOE STORE. JLIIUNT. Prosriotor. Shop on Willamette street, 2nd door north ol hardware store, r.ugene vuy, ur. I will hereafter keep a oomplete stock of LAOlF.N't HllitSEN' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES Usvitrra, Cloth and Kid, Buttoa Uoata, Rtlpprra, white and black, Randala, Froa a kid Shore. MEN? & BOYS VI AND NIAVT BOOTS & SHOES And ia fact everything in the BOOT and SHOE line, to which I intend to devote my e pedal attention. MY GOODS ava a w ' ' War nMisufswtumi to order. ARE FIRST CLASS ... .11 1 .1 . . I.J.,..I.J r.lr.ntj.,l .nil ulll DS vvw iii pru nic vv-n ,,,-.., iow,tnrcs that a iv4 article ft club of five DeW Subscribers, eaa be afforded. ajrt7-78tf A. HINT. to any one post office, for one . . nnAr year, for $10. Or to any per- CRAIN BROS. sou sending us a club of tour ST D2ALKKS r i'S "Jt- ' A-K ir.i.t.. ..A ."1 liairnti ni.u Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Toys, Notions, etc 1 J.w.lrv renaired and .rr.ntH.' Northwest eonur of Willamstte and Eighth streets. B. F. DORRIS, DEALER IN stoves. Knntjea, JMpes, MctuI, Tinware. AND House Furnishing Goods Generally Wells Dj-iven Promptly AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. WlllauieUe MtMct, Eugene City, Oregon. tifv .namei vwith 410. we will send the Guard free for one year. Laaleo AllesUlea. Berlin Fashion Tattorns at Dunn k Strst ten's. v.. Twn mam. .IlitaM. for .f Auee. nnstaini in Uaderweods brick. Apply at Kxpress emoe. Old Trn roa SatsWe have a M i of JUST RECEIVED A Large let of DUY GOODS. CLOTH I NO, HATS, J100TS ANU SHOES, . GHOCEKIliS, VANKEK NOTIONS, ETC., ETC -v AT T tTTtTTPT'TTlfPPTrT'r. Jii;wTiK.iaji"- mstal, which w. will sell chiap LURCH BROS, . . - eiMfsrl T,s Irawtn Ansa .f th. Unrest stocks of TMm- General Merchandise ..... . f U ..lpn h lira. I . ... ,1 I 1 mcrcisl union, oi wnui - QuUlde of Portland, ami tnsy sen ran H.mliertf! reuresentinK a capital ol i. ..... l. Iimwlit anywhere in the Mil- ... ooniio.uuo Bold coin, "Don l wait i.m.tu .ju- - - . . . i . .. i . i. . i - till too norso U svoien 7" stable door." Ittoraaee. Underwooil Bros. ar. reprt sentinr four of il. . K.miw nrf nh.ble insurance Csmpanies on this Coast U-wit-Cneneticnt . . ... n i 1 f ...t.l I. i1..... Illk'hest market pries :pald' for al) kiadsa PHODUCK, HIDES and KVVJi. A. GOLDSMITC- LUiviDEit! LLiini:ni I HAVE ESTABLISHED A LUMBER YARD n. v. .1 Vl.v.ntk .ml WUlamett. streets.and kseiis constantly on hand lumber e( i.i i , . : 1 i I.... all kiikis, nuHswi ouoriua fu..iv, v InK andYenoe posti F. B. DUNN. SLOAN BROTHERS WILL DO WORK CHEAFEK than any ether shop in town. waaara sboo FJa 11 on. With .w maUrial. all round. Eesettlng old Mhoes 75 CENTS. . , . , mm 111 w.rruit.0 IO (IV. sail.IM.'Wi'u- filt.n nn thfl CorUBr Of 8tll Alld WM . I . . . 4 . U117B Pt.ftBtB. rmrni as I'iis. Th. aly arisUias tree ia Engeoe, this year, was gottoa ap by the ladjea of tha Episcopal Chare. Aa istersstinf feaUrs was th. drawiai of presents (rum a preteadsd weU ' Lacrrass. Prof Coadoa yesterday went to 8 beads station, wher. be will deliver a coarse ef lectin Tb. people of Shedds ay expect a fine treat. OPPOSITION Ws havs lust received from the Eastern .g tMJ life OP TRADk many very pretty ety,es embracing (irained ULLlJ J L?, I'annela, Kmbosse.1, uuw anu o..: ...I V.nmn Rl.nks. all of WHICH M.U v,......" . - . ws sell cheap, and no charge for tnmm.ng I r Hby UIII m. .1.1 iJn.Mli ennr system aad thus enconrage m'-rs serius maladies, u t-.n.nn.. . Il.inorrli.cr.s and LutlK troublee when au immediate relief can l so readily attended. Boschee s t.erman nvruii l.. .;l th. l.roMt ula in the world for the cure of Conghs, Colds and ths severest Lung Diseasee. it is it. onocn . . ....--. . .....;ni.n ..it i. nraoared with .i.. ... rm .ni na Uar neetl be enter- fcllV ltiw.i ' "I , . tainea in namii".'rii --u.M ,iir. tuiD. Tbe sale of this L 1 1 1 1. mm vv ... . . - - .n,.nul..tML Kince first in IliCllt-llln I I... j " V"-- - - - . trodoced there has neen a wmiwt .- j i . H.i ..thnnt . .inula raDors vi III. UCIU.nu .u. . , A., iu work iii any oaae. Asa IAI1UIW " - -" 7 . . . . , your druggist as to th. trutn oi meso n maiks. Largs sis. 75 eenU. Try it an 1 be convinced. .. .i l n...k . tK. Hutlware Store keen the lanreet aad best selected stock el wall paper ana Doroer V' 7' v" LLT pan, crown, - . id paper, which they pnrhse direct from the ffiKUm- and will mil a. eheap - the cheapest. All paper tnremeo ir- " -' Lately Wlaa. it. y.m I do wish sty shia was as dear and soft "Yoa eaa Ta XoTira Settlers can hav. their notices for final proof and other land notices published in the OcaRD by requesting tb. officers of the Eoeebnrg Land Office through th. County Clerk or other agents, to send them to this establishment, wher. th. ser eicewillbe performed at the very lowest rates. K.w Yeabs CAJtus -Ths Gcaan office has received a stock of fancy Xew Years crd. ia eolora, and a number of varieties. Call and see them before ordering elsewhere. Hop Blltef tk,t kee pore There ia no necessity of sendmg sway foc wd U.mi.g heJth It dul it i. -k, eon eaa procure then) pees am . Qf see. as yoa VS vmm " d ' F. M. WILKIHS, Buocessor to 6naXTr C Wii.iiks. Practical Druggists & Chemists UNDERWOOD'S BUILDING. X.st door to the Orange Store, Willamette street, Rugeue lhj vtw. full line of fresh Dr.;:, Uedicines & Cbemicalt Also a fine aiunrtment of Eugene City Brewery, MATUI AH EVAAMIl, Pro'p. Is now prepared to fill all orders foe LAGER BEER flF A SUPERIOR QUALITY. r..i.Jui fn. vnurs.lt. A (ood article needs no recommendation. bow I do wieh sty asm was w t nn. awnmnii ?&L&JZI& rtney and Tollei Articles. 'Howf laquirod ths first lady, "W Hon Bitters, thst snakes pore SUMADE. W. war. th. recipienU of a .erud, by toe SUU University Bwd last Tsesday .veniag. Taaaks. A LAJtoi Pajthib.-On. day lee W she, U.M U Ur Isaac irT UndCfWOOd BfOS, ! vk rn-so e Uie MaKerwe. 1 ALL SIM'S Of leVwZ Paints. Lead Oil, rWV w a T 1. .a I If mmrwm 4 WI I V I isT X . mrmen nnre your ra.,- Wheat when Stored. In-1 VIHDOV 6LASS and PUTTf iurance for one a by or nn ear on ine oc mwww Whieh they will always sell oa reasonable V9I toss. Iinfol HUitlM jiTti U Pajtitia'i rti j ttriylisit, AT THE OLD &1jCkmTJJ. TTAVINO ASHOCt A ffcD WITH MI IS H .Ii2jM. 1KIHA1K F.8TKAT10N I sa msaissaei - - . - we have just received a new, large and WELL SELECTED STOC K OF liUUiW, Making a specialty of HARDWARE, IRON AND ITEEL AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. sr. J-Im .a mlr. .a imiid flourish, bwt 00 say that fanners eaa eome nearer getting ANYTHING THKx MAI tiaisi al our atore than at any other esUbUshssent ia town, ar.a tney ean ouj u.w vm .- - W. kara a full Use of rOBEIO.V AND DOMESTIC DSTUOOM. FANCY GOODS, LADIES' AND CENTS' JURNISHtSW MEN AND BOY'S CLOTHING. HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES Aad are ceetinaalVy adduia? to our reek sa jt the demands of the publ puyy. Booth ahu mior.it -cAijrtu. via hand aad maehtne ma.ie B its and Sh.Ma. A new lot diieit ttin !